Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 22 Jul 1915, p. 5

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MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE A Clearing Rush Out of Summer Millinery. In order to clear out the balance of our Millinery Stock in a hurry, we have decided to sell All Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats at Half Price. The season closes Friday, July 9th. This is a great opportunity for ladies of Monkton and vicinity to get new and seasonable goods at far less than actual cost. No Goods Reserved--- Everything on Sale WEBER & BETTGER THE ss SEASON IS WITH US AGAIN We can keep you cool by buying one of our OIL OR GAS STOVES ‘We have them in all shapes-and-sizessand-will give you one on. a \DHIRIY DAYS FREE TAL Tho oll stoves we sell are the, best on earth. The Detroit Vapor Gas Stove requires just one lighting and burns a8. like g ‘The Detroit Vapor Oil Stove has no wicks to burn out or to make ‘extra expense. ‘The first cost is the only c ‘The New Perfection Oil Stove is considered the only wick oil stove ‘on the market to-day GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS of all kinds on hand, Mangel Seeds and Gorn--Only the Bést Seed to be had. M. E. BETTGER & CO. Hardware Merchants Monkton, Ont. FLOUR! WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE: “Three Stars” and “Purity” ‘Two of the best on the market ‘Wholesale and Retail Frade fe BREA gash or EGGS A. HAYES, Baker | : oasis Cakes a specialty - - MONKTON, ont ‘ It Pays to Dress Well - “Nothing gives a man more prestige than to be Well Attired” "THERE has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Summer’ ‘Suitings | and Pantings—all the new pat- terns and colors will be found here. We invite you to inspect our up-to-date stock. MONKTON BRIEFS Saenen Me! thoaist Circuit, Sunday ih at once either quarts pints. The Women's Patriotic Society wish on pe of Randkerchie August oh, sure a! Mr. and Mire, George Fisher tooka trip to Detroit last week on the Her- aut ea excursion. Biles Jey in. of Stratford. is spend- y days with frienda'in the Keanico’t vieinit Oliv: “na menren price 10 ets t, of Maitland is spending a few days'on the 16th con, this weel Mr. and Mrs. Thos attended the funeral ai the late Bre oe Shimer o° Listowe! last Mon “Mir. Frank Riach of Maitland, as ored to Listowel last Satay mace: ‘cursionists | ry, of Listowel. is renew c. sequaintances in the south of Elm: om 20m Sunday last D: hy is felt Ee family in their los: was wa ea by Re “te ° d P. Powell, - of Scott, Robt, ughter Evelyn took; “wm, k Bettger Fra. Rowland and Miss va Holmes sar Sunday at Aca Bend w $ Puschelberg is at resent on the ist. one purcha: ing $1.00 fron ‘be 1 give: large suitable mest basket for holding | clot! a angie man | and a Stratford his rit “shoulder iexsing | it his back and ailant, but the impri th: inugale ot te west whigh shat Fo: cans golden net, pinks Rev. leaving "this we the lakes to Sault ay e Mir. Bited. ae son of M ton, of To aye has ‘oronto seal id r the front: { t th: ne “bh ns enlisted from this section. 1 ee Plessie nha: for present. visiting at Mr. t ‘Misses Aaggie Stewart and Sadie from cordance with the lout by the Department or they are likely ‘not to prov: jersey value. e best detistaction f wil i joing business | with a local dealer ana if enything is a 5 of Newry, re-| ‘urn.d home on arsag a“ter spend: | months with POR jowilecs, at Bowm: ‘ton on Tuesday . He soe a ed, where he had gee tes with, frienis. Le Burnett was success ites out of 7 who w: the entrance examination Rist caper trom Bi ue ‘been spending Tks . Roy Coxon, Mr, ai ‘of Woodstock. are at presen’ ests of and SF: ‘Oxon. r, Clarence Ronnenberg returned home on ononday after a weg Berea ami Haze! Stewart Stratford, on visiting their _ frien? ss Mrs. Win. _Mereyfind Ya son Char; eat ee im the evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock - ON et clears D thee not heen’ well: for about three fr ms | Rennick. | | er, } a Lesley home who could mot make worth of} mn ‘i before | nd Mrs, Sr eraaibenn are| *! more pe 0! Saturday. to Tues- gain - sere ee SAILINGS | WEEKLY. PORT William, Steamship Express | = . "on, Tea Toronto 25 As beers es HANSO: e. > tf rug and | Tic or sen Dist THE PERFECT PIE By Peter McArthur that ever appear ‘m The Brunner Store “PREMIER” GASOLINE © raight nar the good pie. the perfect pie thas be immemorial or 16e per gal. in 40 gal. lots. “ROYALITE" COAL OIL 17¢ per gal. man o°t did mot exactly say; man with soul so dead, wife hath said; t you, would leara to! bake s like my mother used to or 16 per gal. in 5 gal. lots. have Seo a mai PARIS GREEN 25c LB. baked her and t $ dohn Reis, dr. mever crest in the chanceleries of Eure rop>. But. the ie has been raised: “W. pie was that hat it” n@-Produce Taken in Exchange mo: om r used to make? What was her pie of any dispute on | | the MITCHELL. ENTRANTS PEPE e singing (o the grandchild on 2 knee Below is given the list of success idates who wrote on the En- Erenee examination et Maitonelh HONORS Edwin Thompson “Can she make a cherry pie!" Boy! ave her Wh-n the biggest cherry trees that are now Nese wil a ruddy fruit were t song! was as pop- ry is to-day, ani there MayfloweeTaloumPovder: The distinctive odor of Mayflower Taleum as Ue ° immediately A sce: to every waaact fin Samuel Petrie, - Druggist, - Milverton, Ont. HAVE a very fine ppp of Ws Slee. ont Cut Glass on hand for your own use, or, may be, for a birthday or wedding | present for friends ~ we are sure a visit to our store would interest you, b WE DO FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING ow” | a P. H, BASTENDORFF i Eyesight Specialist - - MILVERTON, ONT. eable grande toskopt Marguerite Dougherty er a per- of the cherry rry Torn boy oat see that the girl he a seg » more sotoyenes fk NRT MURDER OF A PACIFIST Be it Ae Ps irony in th: ‘ate (Mary Barr Bina Leversage ‘ole Evelyn Bawande Ema John Taveley Irene Burgess Frank Scherbarth Mab 1 Toke lekibestey 7 Yate: the army is need tection of the bela: "0" Thomas McKenzie es Braneis mb 2 against which | Franti ‘Coprin against which gentleness and oy were and could be of no avail. Gina ‘ion JUST WEEDS BOTHA'S ACHIEVEMENT = It should be scarcely necessary ° Ganman Soutlnsel Africa ig rather,cO™m.m. upon the loss which annually | than occurs through th weeds oppoet large quanti- ‘ ties of war material stored at Wind- auch seeds, yeu auaually. be! ce times by the — German or tg sre f campaigning has paralyzed the Germap resistance. The 3 have found themselves out- hy Santen aceount, “generatod and out-fought from , fir: sy What about that Enge- nd & Sons, The New Transcontinental } NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA ‘y-, Grand Trunk R; ‘ TENTS “WINNIPEG Soleodid Roadbed. He le Marvels. acing Tueeday, july 13. wv. Wi 6.00 p.m: dail ig Regine 8.05 asm: a s Particular Choice in ee, bs the very Pikes a age ‘We Plesse er and make OW Men Fel Young" J.M. FLEISCHHAUER Ladies’ and Men's Tailor, ~ MILVERTON, ONT? Buy a Victrola for the Home. : The easiest way to pias things pleasant for all ‘the folks and to furnish entertainment they will thoroughly enjoy, Come in and we will play your favorite music for you and explain our easy terms. Victrolas from $20 to $100 J. E, WEIR MILVERTON e_ operations, “General ago in a hej Mail ade t teayice a territory enone wae sein OPTIMISM — eae Guardian of the bie Sey is “re ara apt mists: The x ach- iy “arent me always to ay credit of the the sine Hfowibilities hee. others oily see din- see, para, sa ihe dete ncee re frightensd by bogies hogtly shadows. ‘Despondency =] fainth artedness and too great precursors of | #e- wis- r Headaches Cured in Most Cases. ‘Children’ 's Eyes Our Specialty. was upon him. the carly centuries J Sooke cot the n 2 te of eeatirs, but Coltwn- Se ly, to the many who him for the above dates in ee MeNICOLL «TO SAULT STE. ee Specialist eae no further pwodgerao; as the entire sa ania eee ie themselves of the SECT sae a recent visit. ~ NO :UESSWORK : NO DELAY : No OVERCHARGE consulted him, has made it necessary: fur me to engage - order to give an opportunity to. Many wie Sule hot, aa MART AND FORT WILL nadian Paoitio Palatial Greet | Bsticolare from Conadign, Paciti t Agen's or write M.G, Mu ph eS, AFTERNOON AND tga ARE. EQUALLY A ee =u con: luson, T oe to every Man, Wola or Child “You take no chance when yeu 4 : es this Specialist.” ‘JEWELER and fe} suet Toronto.

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