Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 22 Jul 1915, p. 2

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THE GOLDEN KEY Or “The Adventures of Ledgard.’’ By the Author of ‘““‘What He Cost Her.” passionate aepeel were like a revela~ it his cee is nm the CHAPTER L “Filth,” grunted Trent—“ugh! I tell tion. rou what it he said. “Didn't ‘You know easily. , then, and avo, old cockie!” imagine you got the grit. I’m not the chap to be let down et eae go through w with i tal 1 lon. ee which I cant think of even.now without feeling si T'm not a nah ticular chap, Pane brought up to i h either, but this Krupps, the h it out. Monty!” er man, gaunt lear: seved, ned on his side. again as "a. pauper. Sar wi concessions, they bury us, then!" It's’ go “T think, if you will allow me, Trent, I will just moisten my lips—no more That exealfut erandy.” Trent caught his arm and held it firmly. inter- “No, : head “They're coal his hea . sete ts and we've got the journey back. We'll keep that, ibe case 0: A struggle went on in the face of the man whose hot sabe fell’ on Trent’s cheek. It was the usual thing—the Slsappointiment of the baf- fled drunkard— “Dusky Sooipleeictt Trent don’t,” he said, shaki rupted scornfully. black!” ct nodded his head with solemn (0 so far as to admit that right,” he acknowledged. are black as sin! But, o you e people. Petuecant and ae “T’'m not feeling reli indeed er noti The odours here are so 1 is you were e appren- lo me all the ‘taod int in tha von “If that means cutting it short for: use whi it “Let us summarize ‘the situ- s sake di I mbled, i hal:|W the threshold cf fortune cand we nded oll our wits about us, “Of. ne—fortune!” — Monty’s ropped sapere chant, his nos- :|to any family,” shouted an orator. Ww coarse pleasures Trent ee pe ‘faintly, but. he| seem-swee said nothin; what? =A rie was ‘aitting srenetenyed with | display, a vulgar generosity, an. ig- back agains‘ nh ae purposeless _prodigality. al i ‘weal rt, a ri enius is great, but the the eee <e a bbe ne pleasure storehouse of the world ‘is 2 day J are 07 dt” ny ro) ff with a little. gasp. He ¢-wheri| held his throatvanddooked Jmsploring me ~ child .could ese pea towards the bottle. Trent she mn the conte have | ad stonil; There was some y the c constitution of an ox, the muscles | | thing pitiful inthe man’s talk, in that 0! fas a meNot a a drop,” he declared, ‘ool you are to wi © enjoy your coin if we get . ‘it- | it.’ , a8 black | Live" Monty straightened himself ‘shiny; he outs x went through all hi ative” he repeated, with fierce con- a t; “ you are making the com- any ent earth a ry hina and laughed 2 as he ode, mon gl “Well, go ahead, ae i tT bd he vi ear what le. young. com) Bhi matters,” that year, mn Ore ate aitey you ind discomfort in O- ™: irae Trent. inte outright, easily. and eee real mi sown ‘tia Sten abate Lae a long, breath and moved over nearer to ‘the stand His manner was suddenly for a cl as this ever since I nae foot in cursed land. It’s come late. too late ba, for me, but:T’m goi ‘ough with crea there's Breath -me now. th Do you heer, a this | to my. ‘ou will not feck out! 2. RD” parent curiously at his com- anion, vastly interested in this sud- ry utburst, in the. mares of his| nin, ie weak 1 thes, the’ old chap To Trent, wi ‘ears as a broken- come ‘on of the Rages fl iS ie Belgvan A alee hopeleialy e steamer trading along the Congo, the sng creature to ail ape ole and this almost gone under, this or ‘till t sa the last. bottle, firm it, Monty, s9 i's no Hs x Speal ie Se ines before the: war, life at Buckomarl and lastly tals bold enterprise in which me! Wealth would bring him, uneducated fhough he was, happiness enough a to EF AP foot step. fell softly upon | the turf outside. nee @ old man saw nothing, for he) elected leaves from slept, worn out with excitement exhaustion. (To be Continued.) ee First Krupp Was Blacksmith. The Charm of Eastern Fragrance is typified in every sealed packet of ALADA” the finest plantations, famous for teas of subtle deliciousness. SALADA is fresh and free from dust. BLACK, MIXED OR GREEN B77 From a little blacksmith’s shop at Essen in ue a mighty firm of of German guns, into ‘the lary gest armament About the Household Sandwiches and Sandi Rie Chicken and qual ee BS “tinced ch cided broiled e m and c Add. one teaspoon- ich | before putting on top and, if at hand, 4 ave. To-day ier 1,000. acres of. Peas ish arp laneh the eet Se ‘Add pap-| rika, salt, a little olive oil and onion juice. Mix wel Before using, ley or cress to give color and a ational flay iaibee of exeumber th bo ands of others in their cles, ship- buting yards, and’ private testing t is estiisated that over | ar 500, ‘000 Bete: depend on Krupps for their ive hoo heute works 40, 009 non are saree out every yea: or! ‘upps’ is conduc! icted great aeerey Each worker is foes | sli ‘@ wheat bread ae bidden to enter any office or workshop | With lettuce strips. Thin chi not cohnetted SHE his owe depart slices will combine excellently with He has 8 bassport for cucumbers. toes and cucu rl epetial job, Sandwich. —Lay slic can- y cut, into a smail| | cheese an |S aplasia Saree licen of brown] 8 and white hie with different colored butters or illings «Place tour slices Peeasdwa and Jay “slice! ich. will give! ie and cae like a} a boar Sandwich Nouveau—Min ne or use very thin paperlike lias “| Lay on white bread and cover with thin slice of Swiss cheese. Cover, press firmly together and lay in oven wil til bread heats ese melts. evi sweet tekion, either hot is are a mass of electric ae which immediately signal the proach of any intruder. ——_—k_____ A Supporter. “There ougl be only one head “That's. true,” aenllea a married- looking man in the audi agree ‘with me?” shouted the| oF & Var Tongue or Ham—Run each ot RS ,” replied the married-looking man. “I've just paid for hats. for nine daughters.” a cups ve and 1 iespoontl of vinegar, 3 drops tabasco, spoonful of Hench mustard, Hotae? radish and tomato catsup. “Blend| & aataat mayonnaise as: to spread. Use on white bread on! Egg Sandw hee Vikas of 2 hard- boiled eggs, Frénch mustard, celery salt, Baprile, salted chopped almonds, | 8 mayon: Mash yolks and add pcsacatie wae ing_until smooth, then adding enough mayonnaise to spread smoothly. This amount can| Sign of Sapience. a iy do people all the owl Rl ace we of wi ac hethe gob asia sanich ait da. tone Sot adie Reon aaa ck | boys of your age are in bed.” British navy is the only navy tat had practised firing at submar- oamensee msec eames 2A ee New Millinery: “Model From Pale undyéd satin toque trimmed with rabbit car bows of. black velvet. Sire of Paris, considers this’ one of thé smartest creations of the season. a] Lhe lower hat i: with broad band of Bae taffeta trimmed with large silk poppy on cither side.—Designed by Elian te a slice of tomato over each before top SS am is can be made at) +t mat | bers both eae ‘well with cream | Yll be doubled oF trebled? tas Sb Spread either on white or brown bread, inte erehs, Telttios “of sakes salad plant, between. Two Rice Dishes. oil rice—Place wise Tice in a self at times than to run in debt for is pee ham and chicken, put eee the baking dish Wt lagers of. bolled macaroni, with the top layer of bread an stopped up with a piece of rag ae in water sat ge in cayenne ppper. WOMAN DOCTOR ORGANIZES AND MANAGES MILI- TARY HOSPITAL, Dr. Louisa Garrett Anderson Has Served Prison Term as Suffragette. Since September Mia ues Gar- rett Anderson, ah Eng! 5 ernment felt mutally other, and Pree ee French authority, Her next hos; was at Wimereux, eieite eo among her own peo- @| ple, and where the rations (most in- contestable Sih f | nition) sup; rops of lemon juice es, in it, the latter to preserve the white- n ess of the rice. es the rice from 1 but test ee tir occasionally. fire at er; return | j, mee | the rice to the pan and set it, on fe corner of the stove to dry, it occasionally, to butter in pan, and as this melts = grains will fall away. ice will take quite 10 minutes to dry, | and should never be served until the moisture has been got rid of at grains coat ay the rice is boiled too slowly or for long a time, tl ee rest on bea wtieky mass. ently cooked, and helps to separate the grains; if a Bie to the stove when the rice is first put into the pan, the cook will be able to throw in into the pan the it the rice i Peete If the rice is into he served wi a Dartly Spade and the water all drain- ed of en nar a ae to one pint ae SE put in his should be simmered until aed cook- gs ee and served. isotto—Chop half an onion very ae and fry it in half ounce of but- e 4 ounc eb Ce rice Aa St oa sauce pan with half a pint of 5 add the onion and cook until the Sul is absorbed. tir in 1 ounce of grat- and/ ed Make very hot and serve. If liked, serve the rice a border to a center of scrambled ¢ Rice Rissoles Make’ some risotto, as above, but omit the cheese, and add a little tomato sauce, Lay rice on a dish to cool. en into bal, mci peek gold-|\, Household Hints. bage Teaves contain a great deal of outa therefore, are very nourish- rugs made of cotton wash oat Fs inexpensive and are often just the thing for the ki : To sake pulled bread, pal dices of crumb of a freshly ed loaf, then bake these pieces in a ire oven| 5) till bro pe Take a filling of Bipot s nut whip cream very stiff, sweeten Ee flavor to taste and add cates cut rather fine. Olives and shrimps chopped gat er make-an ota rade d, with t] te of mayon: with ever f agers can make good Tittle shirtwaist bows out of her brother's cast-off ties, stub pen.can be usd in an emer- gency for perenne dis tiny screws in a pair of eyeglas: red brick ‘itchen ‘floor will keep beautifully clean and red if a drop of. paraffin oil be used in the wouter it te tage Nae throw away the skin of or- anges. e grated yellow ‘rind is a good flavoring for cakes, haa and is jfeser than extracts. ir wash boiler’ ines s a leak on eh dag stop the holes is not only delicious, but so nutritious one could almost. live on it alone. Add milk, salt, Greéns. should i be cooked: in their own moisture in the double boiler or ings is. entirely a To keep aocles tek the winter ina barrel, bore holes in bottom and sides of the barrel and store sn a dry platform a foot or more high. Never feed a baby bef re you give ‘it the alan al ae on nointer should Feversed, n the youngster seat nea Ca ee of the clean aa “he 1 ee who does not pay as he goes seldom succeeds ii in accumulating anything. -It is better to deny your- d!has she come by the ne e is suffi This stops the boiling in the R. g torre the official. Retina of the. British sol- dier, © mutual shyness having bee! dispelled, the War Office asl Garrett Anderson to return home and Out of own resourcefulness, experience, and ny ea ce makes her hospital. hi ed basa th ie io to be aeons in reco it) A is to be any. self- sufient— that is to say, Miss Garratt And n_her- self is wl self-sufficient, How essary abil- ity? Not, certainly, by the fostering foresight of a patern: was take the things she is doing, and even af- ter the war was well in hand there was still no effort made to secure the services of the whole group of ex- ther relishes the humor of the situa- n she ti aie against its will, that she is not a ajor—that no woman can hold a commission in his Majesty’s Amy. Once in Jail, remembers that the only time batons the war when the authorities showed! say special. intecext, te get- ting and keeping hold of her was when a magistrate, not without com- ments, sentence to impettonspant mother edical_ students—of students beaten on their own ground on the younger generation; was bri e ened, caane-af tac ine entence. Miss Gar- ete ‘Anderson's Articles: on"Whie“cotldlc prison make, with Lady Constance Lytton’s papers on the an invaluable basis for refor amily als is an rextesbe! dinary one. mother, Dr. Eliza- beth Garrett Aoleboas was one the first women doctors, Shi in her medical studies in 1860; and though the College of Surgeons and the College of papers refused to admit her to their Se she tained a license to pract from the Society of -Avahatien in 1866. ; Paris had fewer prejudices don and, passing the medical aoe of its University, he re M.D, degree. Later on, when Englnd realized that she was not ig and her daughter's degree is London aS Unusual Family. After a long career in London, Dr. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson retire to her native town of Aldeburgh, and DOING FINE WORK sked Miss m possibility of a woman doing |2 tries to pissrpade the | Hand and management of women in of same Bye ni 1914 has just been in was elected Mayor. To Mrs. oat another of the remarkable rrett sisters, belongs the enterprise bs hay- a gun accid uring: his tiie career his wife played a pig part: Few closely aneiplated with practical pale for hers were, in 8 of the blind Post- sanatane Genacklf she a fellow- rae in the larger sense, she wrote, in conjunction wit! various es- says and lectures on political econ- Her daughter Philippa was Senior Wrangler of her year—or, better still, beat! the eae who, Lynd me of. ene: It is pi of if nai = leant history. CROWNS MAY PAY FOR WAR. The Austrian Crown 1 Has Been sets Lost and Pawned. European powers m: saa be pretty - war lord and the Ausrian emperor be sold or. pawned? It is interesting to Her that the crown donned rch Austria, which was made. originally for Stephen of Hungary, some eight centuries ago, has been’ stolen, lost and pawne mn one occasion it was pilfered by 0 fled across the frozen traced and recovered it was placed in a fortress in Hungary and guarded night and At the time of the revolution it was buried in a forest to prevent it being annexed by the Austrians, and it re- | mained nde the soil for nearly a hundred y There a oo “doubt that this . crown up 68 fine sippbires: 50 Sica -sises rubies, 1 emerald and 388 p: The gem: soacainben tia xa AE pure gold, and the crown weighs altogether about fourteen pounds, There were some very severe storms at Cracow, the Austrian fortress, which was eee Ae 1609) the Poland, e time before tl Terriftic sean aa several trees, one of was al encient elm. In the digtusbes earth at the foot of the fallen e the een lost sight of since the middle of the eighteenth century. ees Women’s Institutes of Ontario. Nearly 25,000 women, in 848 pee eb make up the membership the Women’s Tastitu ites of On- tario, the annual report of which for issued. Articles is report cover nearly every line of feminine endeavor. The efforts de- scribed or proposed relate to activi- Church, and ; other forms of patriotic helpfulness; and to agriculture, more especi fruit growing, poultry_ aii a beekeeping for women, gives very full consideration ie Lf jhome, nearly every range of domestic ce, and two ar “Children’s Rights” ai for tl wal is the title of a Se che talk by Sir Adam Beck. space is gs en to health edpion: ‘both of pnb- ic and an individual nature. The re- sot reflects much credit upon thi hosts of women who are helping along. Institute work in his Province. cranuateo SUGAR with the fruit a order for preserving. . Tell re too, that you want itin ‘a es originated for — 2 or 5 lb, Cartons or 10, 20, 50 or th Bags, \ 100 Ib, Cloth Then vu will be sure to get lon) rete 7

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