Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 22 Jul 1915, p. 1

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«“* Promenade Social— NOTICE! ‘There are a cou i of junk dealers, go- ‘ing around stati they. are working for me; oh na war ees a4 me and would 9 that ef one ve old rags, iron, ete., and I will ca! Aiand cetit S. Gleeckman, ?*°"ifvirton el = C “Ht Shines Bur AL” Nee) + Lawn M owers Sharpened and Repaired SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! P. NEUMEISTER Painter and Decorator MILVERTON Vol. XXIII—No 3 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, July 22, 1915 - Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher — BEFORE GOING ON YOUR VACATION, COME IN AND SEE OUR BIG STOCK OF Trunks, Suit Cases, Club Bags SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SUIT CASES AT $1 TO $1.50 Boy's Dongola Shoes at. Boy's Heavy Shoes a Men's Harvest Shoes (Buckskin) e Empress Preent Leather Shoes, éloth Trench heels, Pat. Leather Shoes, grey top, Brench heels t. Leather Shoes, cloth top French heels 2.50 to OF. «+= 1 dies’ Tan Shoes, button or lace, reg. 4.00 for . Ladies’ Everyday Shces from 1.00 to. .--.. Get Catspaw Rubber Heels put on your shoes—easy om your feet and wear like i R. MILLER, ;.::... Milverton THURSDAY, JULY 29th A FIRST-CLASS PROGRAMME WILL J. WHITE ‘and d JULES BRAZIL REFRESHMENTS AT THE BOOTH. ats p.m. ASSISTED BY LOCAL TALENT. ADMISSION: Adults 25 Cents; Children 10c. ‘Gidlatis in nee PI AN OED HEE oT il ES MOHR’S GROCERY Solon anusGy (Berlin) Head Che Weiners Ham aay | ESS LEAMA | wen G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for . L. @ W. PORTLAND SCRANTON CEMENT STANDARD Oa ST MARYS ANTHRICITE LU Use The Bank —There is always a temptation to spend the money in your pocket. et the habit of depositing the small surplus amounts, instead of carrying them about. Our Savings Department will help you save. MILVERTON BRANCH N. G. SCHAFER, Manager Bank oF melaalinnela STABLISHED 1872 s Ella Roca is away on a month’ 3| vist iwi friends te Jerseyville. Mr. James Tor: M.P.Pis — Torrance est ¢ Monday in Strat-| we. Wm, Gibson, of Chicago Ml., | present visiting her sister, Mrs. G. ‘Miss Dolly Taggart, of Toronto. is at present visiting ber friend, Miss! Gertie Kerr, | Mrs. Stratford, spent sans Pate ‘Mr, sea (Misses Mary ‘Schmidt and Mart! Neumeister pes Rud at the iat | er’s home im | Miss Jean Hrnico'sa. of excrement fal or two wit! | ugh. immermann left pn uple of weeks | Dell. of Rostock, spent a fate days’ s this week with Mrs. P. B dorff, Mr. and Mrs, G, A. Barth and son| Harold sclacaed “on “Monday spending two weeks with friends at Forest. (Mirs, Fred, Zimmermann and family + on Sunday Will appear in these columns next! wee! M tle liam d and Miss Margaret! | Gut : re sa? parehased | | the as of t raovel James Kerr, of| Dewar’ 's, mear Poole. ‘rom a beam in bi barn on Friday as Bel — Milverton hockey Xa. “W. i Smith is at Hamilton this} ye eee ies enti ing rae verton Lodge.| F,& A.M. at the meeting of) was ‘accompanied | was accompanied Be Milverton: by her son Mr. J. P. Griffin ed spen' te j of La im the vill stecni fre Milverton tie ov eieas service is Mr. Daniel Bellar who enlisted at Stratford perfonmed by ted by Drs. * Glaiste r, of pleted, A month’s steady work will complete the imterior finishing after which the floor will be ri sis bagel the i The| onWalte wail be laid off work for so fe will receive trom th Mr, .| ley, left a team joaid in Sad and E, Siegn abo one-half mill 01 - ae ‘ones pu Eggs 2ic doz. Engeland & Sons, el Get your fruit; jars at Engeland eb Yo ou are sure of ord peeioaca ihe, if you go to Lee. Listow: ‘The sale of stgek to implements of | Pm: trome Has been. postponed. | cowing | week to spend his holidays with Ber Tie fclew Boy ited—Gool steady boy 14 youu be re Apply H. EF, Furni‘ue (Son Limited, Leay ve your order for cattle salt, worn have acarvin a Ey gelal Sons, at few days. ould be pai jed. Get etreulag Peake the fest rook: Pg, paint grreme -ee RED out and all parties: ewing the New geriiral store: arg Feaur ated to <a Tand eA $20,000. Hyfire-Eicetric by-law was carried at Exeter Friday by majority, of 248) Bhly, seven | against ithe ont crop in woth ing Waterloo county | shows evidence pf smut, Root sev} pmerer. Jooked better than they this Howard Simtortoe: at oe Su i otfiee on Mon: ernoon a pe eure Thee $ iis Farlane, of S stated a great th in a mighty nc by Mar.) his nep-! eG ds follawed as tack of diphtheria, it Gikby. a Turk, is in the hosital at London with two broken s struck with a pi Sena whom he had an argu- he war. Fred, T, Deacon, formerly rec- Christ Church, Milverton, an a, mow. rector, of Ballgootton. Cardy nels is about t mefer his a'legia: ob the benedlatiaeh: 0.-the benediets. = fairs are he ‘outh of Ontario in the pe Tn 191d “there were 148 — fairs the e were {Jena vibe. worker ildres i308 entries and a total attendance | oq it of Ge County Council the other carried unanimo Is. the the Can; ange Patriot Fund at the rea kis jand cousing such a | arrive er ten unsuccessful attempts t enlist for s been finally aoented 5 BS HERTS of ‘oron| i conte | of defective inib Fletcher fad hi a the: ee He hi Workmen's Speed A sa to the | xtemt of 55 per cent. ev. F. W. M duction ceremony on Thursday eve! img last be by where ; ni Sarnia to nee his wife shove | cup in “at. James Tortanée. M.PP.. of Mile verton, has pu sed a fine new k residence on the corner of Shrewsbury and Daly (aa! we, Strat- Tr. Wm. The house ww in course of exes and iti ler instructions to it occupation by Oct. Ist. Rumor as-oc- jates Mr. Torrance’s name wi e ition Collector NEWTON (Mr. Isaao Mil lle. of Hamilton. is se ae me his sister, Mrs. W. J. Schell, of Listowel, isat present ‘visiting at Mr. W. J; Haw-| three wee Master Gordon Hawthorne who was is now wil ba tat ae of’ ‘the horsepower! of (Mr, Ry Jack will contin- ey! as ies salesman, Prof. Reithdorf has just closed in Bruce Coun- 3 the leary TS Re ei allies Sabbath, ji ae Ae ay itary system of Ger- ‘The elevator which for years has t the allies were in Pe ones Wi teriod. i salty aha toe ier. eet freed a o a s) Ties Weck Bas higw purchases being! their See Os een the eben ‘Malin Co,. of Stratford, Mr. is making preparations } - the pre for ite improvement us = ores rty jsemit y._ wi would be a freer by having it placed nt}amd a better Germany.—Bruce Herald foundation, A Ceentine. wietnd Swill be ‘Times, in the. interest Pethat poe ae the Public, ‘Library Assemb!y Seti Fri last wee! Be range fohaffey after the inst potioea by Lal of the 8 motor for Stratford | w =| thom othe aenders, this | m public is rates Sea atten 4 mens lon the firing line, This i: a harvesting in this section that perso! of Well sn vi per ae can Bi aay iots of jhe almost collapsed before a doctor at y you: are eva go out for rion Las 5. 7 ati is is 1 relatives | € Enge'anl & Sons, Eggs 2i0 doz ; ~Pearl Plime paid for eggs at the OtRaspbetsie will be their cheapest xt week, Leave your order at En- ‘peland's, The Mamitoba elections are to take next. July 80 will ion t 769 pupils ‘ho tried the High choo! Emtranes examinations in On- tarp 948 have been success he Wydre-Electrie by-law. 8 carried at Petrolea Friay by 400 maj on were recorded Genge Poczak, a wealthy. Sortrlen = Niagara Falls is est for Gis is phanged with: ‘pending eee to Austria, w. mers of Mornin; pas and We'lesley boun’ary, cut, wheat o1 Ts Tul: Elo and it is a “is at. did sai is the earliest ommado, followed by heavy: swept over the Nanton of Calgary. wrecking farm i wn @ School house, vy hail. TODA, ceburg ended cam- paign on hehalt of the "Butite Fund paign was ended the ‘aise: y re oS of soo inhabit- ants, wag $28 fi. "Maleolin. ‘MacBeth. editor senier will ere long’ vote ‘on inst Lae a eae cicees ihe plant, —Ennira et, The Panama Canal during the first to 0 Day “interest on the am im tho eanal, but it will require sie times that amount before e paid, w. rown. an Suttielder with Gucion Canadian Le: Gas damn oena 30 upbenr ‘peters ‘cor: onel Shannon. head of | Military District. leged offence took place a Ta hovel St, Thomas Thursday night The hail did ex-|0m4 med | 0" a e Cen-| The ge ens acta eek never | in the Daiesets “they | by pee they shail runt like the eae te badly de Gaarlienin 8 ay of late fate of $1, ud t sermon was preached by Lieut.-Col 1a Hy Pabett.caf Hai eich eyo Gas eee Rev. J, A. MeLe ‘Avonton,, Rev, ton. home fhe front on leave.| thought to have been comected with | J: D. Fergusson, inierim moderator of told the or aullence which as ss°mb-/ the hotel, had probably arated: off to mn of cake hurch — during ursday night to welcome him sleep while resting is the just | the vacancy related the steps taken in, fin ‘a few get town goes and marry a “The imduetion of Rev. D, Donald. B.A.. of Warkororth a decent disease has recently been at Clini Chickens seem to be nine. They can about one and a half pounds, i fi nugege ie valued | id ineer rou at is) 18 eae wide and 2 be a ja ees to-allow a 0 fall) sno han rica ci be - eaetiniable valuc tar British Co'um ote fa toffice ga deen ay calls Ee ors fou the fact at leffers ad- 8 | dressed > solders rise the front srehoula d by writers in ‘ull, ‘Where saltete: signed by Christian names only cannot be delivered owing the eee nietee es ad. it is ‘ible for the Ganadiait postal service i return view ities addre: ind i of the greate: at convenience: e cS Saat best assets that a town could was, sho" the wa se pets light BE extant and cost non- aiiee ancable opinion becomes in th favor. It is safe to sa’ co ton like as other places wh laws are being submitted wail He Me Ree friend to the vours wasps. e paiees Jake ants. beetles. worms. spiders, snails buge rasshonperss crickets: Sed glia caters {oer In will devour ere t 10,000 =| fruit growe ially useful chicken fane-|f-0 reat ‘S| Mr. White! 1,000 to ao Tbs. its stoma +h four times. -A single toad} thoug! inse ie eclaration faa: va tausk deat = {ii n thes vege ene call to Mr. Me- ir. an of Avon- t while m addressed the |comar gat mony th» rials of the congregation served mch in the school room, “kt the the annual re- creo 8 lowing leffect on om: e Markdale, will rep"s ace Fat. es diate Ute b en transferred to Ac'on West. Thirteen hundred square feet af shop. tt is not lation | at ‘mushroom house as its Seat pre vents the close. muggy atmosphere mi in consequence it may be thre 5, months instead of the usual are a ue 28 loads rooms make a profitable crop. Goa: most unanimous in fhe ¥ garden and berry patch. rich Star, bea ee Presbytery took feoter,- mat. ay ge wg mysteriously ioocate a fe y loft at Brsbyiery yore are ot Presbytery, toa was jnvited to at St.|tor is engaged in’ practi i | party says single clerks should a! 1e | be We which is best for the growth of the duty LETTER FROM gia A. TORRANCE James qarvenss, M.P.P..-is_ in receipt iota letter from dig doneBtes . A. ‘Torrance. which is in part as ‘ve just pow received your let- I knew that lo T ha ter addressed to France, on worse. another time about hal alk buried the way I crawled o1 peta a Eee) en’ only one of sereen my Sid pela et lve i ee was in yet but nearly ams are certainly a won- etively ely fenders they: will take sone beat “Tk is too bad that Canada does Ie a lot more Canadians . I believe, would 8 2 & is Fa wipe the floor with Genmany if they were To Farmers You would not think of let id lie SS 5 The Bank of Nova Scotia Incorporated 1832 \ UP CAPITAL - $6,500,000 Fa ECT MILVERTON AND MILLBANK BRANCHES D.C. Brown, Manager tramsfer back to the old 17th or draft to the 48th Highlanders. nthe other Tl cable an ee ‘bye when Lagain go to the front naccaseighictnceteay INDUCTION OF REV, A eancngele Pas fatusincat Rew, F, W.M int evening of Jas ae ee if the very happy \since the declaration that the pu'pit Mr. Mah- a Tarde faith and -doctor- | congregaition ‘and pointed out the minister to ly inducted ‘pastor at Atwood, led — in fat ge ib prayer, t the close of the i chu was presi ga nal none phe Fe over a Junch:on j\ was bead by. the adie ta the eon- Lis gregation in the bi ‘actrees! HAMMOND—MANN x etal The marriage was solemnized at noon on Wednesday. June 30th, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. nd MS Thomas R. Mann, Lakeview arm, Smith, to Albert E. Hamm twood, Ont.. son of the late Mr, Edward Hammond. ‘The oifciatine clergyman was Rev. Web! of ‘Murray aaa "Babtist abrek Se ge x NICHOL—BALL A Hol. of Sebringville. and ‘Mies. Minnie. Ball, of Stratford, were united in Tiartiage ie Rev. J, Friday .evenin frip'to. Detroit the happy couple welll Fealde in Sobringville, where, Yhedoo- enaetee—eilar Much excitement prevails -among ci ‘The beimg dismissed as a are meeded in the army 'S be given to Tose: discharged if they | Ola! are capable of military duty. It is ‘ted that me ihe city ah i the United aie to nae lintoinnt and ‘alae ant Roy sort ocates shooting all-such ‘e are often told by phic writ~ is tl Id nt dies merely fighting for Britain or for Bm) i Britain goes re go ao her, "The Ki Raver ey, aside aniit -| he defeats AM vercomes Britain, he will attempt to dd the same to Can-| ada.—Hamilton Times, nl . J. G. Miller put the us-) ta Football Notes ee. | POOLE—LISTOWEL SERIES ENDS: IN A oe The final game in the Poole-Listo- clash on the players were forced to na a Berka, through an Sbekident orop an BE the crossbar. -In attempting to head the rebou mi tilted the ball through the stakes making a luc! lly for The game. was free from roug! 0} players in- terviewing t! time-keepers for in: ecorous activity, ford, Harron towel: The line-up was as '—Goal, Ament; Backs Kerr ‘iat Backs, Haron Bam~ re, Kelly; Right Wing v “Cavell; Lott Wing Yuile, Robb. Poole—Goal, Yost; Backs, Chalmers Halt Backs, Anderson, — P, Centre, 8. Spencer ; Chalders. Wanless; Left wing *5. Ore, H. Orr Pee PLAY-OFF GAMES weauall ; for Cecil Gavel At the meeting of the Match Com- pee of the W.F.A, played at Dialamy aoa July 23, D, MeLaughl'n. 0° ley. to referee. pri Tt has always required more | than average intelligence to fathom the wis dom of many rulings committees but theit latest action in ordering the SAR Eee sudden: Sp cepa a pu to. sce why At- woud oF Aioaiton gnnutad enone Hoe have been acceptable where the ” fi- nancial receipts would undoubtedly be much larger than in a district where little interest will be felt® for either team: excessive, eree’s fees charged the clubs will be lucky to mee! mses. a! salah ea eee Births, Marriages and Deaths, DARTS, Monnington, on Friday, aus Tee to Mr, and Mrs, W. T, Chalmers, & Gilfillan—To . and Mrs. W, G, iifillan, Sterling Bank 5 Stevensville. a son. Calder Goetz, Mars! on. Tuesday. Ti ‘Mr. amd Mrs, James Wal- lace, a Son,, McCourt—At Elma on Wednesda; June 30th. to Mr. and Mrs. Robt, (McCourt. a som, McClory—. 18th, za, Daa aged 18 y% ‘The- party ing tr: Nola bee wiler N “aves A — Fo ME IRS > ant SEO ee EE ge es Cea ee —At Monktcn, on Wednesiav . Mr, and Mrs, 0 months and ka a, ep he g gr e Se e E

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