Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 22 Jul 1915, p. 8

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ihethicn the sald ratepayers Ste tqtator. of supply of electric power from the Hydro Hleetric Power Comaission of WHEREAS: the Municipal Council the Ci Mi ued of electric power from ‘dro Electric Power Commission of | Ontario, THEREFORE the council of Corporation of the Village of ‘Milver. ton, enacts as tollows:— 1. That the following question be capaiteen to t. ratepayers of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Milverton entitled t te on money by-laws;—"‘Are you in favor of ( r nyo Electric Pow hat the Totes of tie said rate- payers, peal be taken on this ques- tion following time and place Y Return i Officer and his k om Friday, the 30th day . from 9 a.m. un- asement of — the Milverton. W. -D, ing Officer. J.C, Grosch opy of this by-law shall "published Ter The Miflverton Sum posted in four conspicuous places in fhe village. On the 28th ity of July. 4 1815 in the Clerl mission to Ontario a sup- os BY-LAW No. 166 — oF THE — VILLAGE OF MILVERTON A BY-LAW to raise the sum of Nine the purpose of ing a system for the distribution of electric en- ery for power and lightning pur- # inthe Village of Milverton, su t and the debentures to om saved thereto r shall be ve and one-half per cent, per an- “AND WHEREAS it 2 apstea bie to the principal of aid ‘debt rey, by yearly eee eit the 's from the is- ¢ aggregate principal and int respect of erest in’ any Thousand a pre Dollars for a LINWOOD TOPICS Pl oa! Bella oan of Newton, spent ‘ir. L, and ‘onto vacation ind Mrs. E. Rennie left for their home in Tor nda © spending a with his moiter bere, intends giving anothes ber ae hand Someone iri (Master Harry Lantz had the mis WHEREAS the Corporation of the| fortune to fall and break bis arm on Village of Milverton proposes to en- | reed hie ee ROE Tee rin ver ac ith the ne ane Bette Pow ee a, Conrad Heinky bana son and io for the supply of Electric Energy | daughter sp-nt basa rite ara ly lestrie Enerny (Miss Clara roma of Hanover. is ° Corporation, : OMS AND WHEREAS it is nece ee ee *|provide a system for the dist Mir, Roy Schourr, of Guelph. spent of electric light and py: Sanday Skit his brother eres the limits of the said © Mrs. W. Pearson and d for that purpose it is ceatimated that So areca ce the sum of $9,500, a Se AND WHEREAS it wi 2 Presbyterian ehurch sary for the Corporation of the Vil-|on Sunday afternoon ‘The lage f Milverton to issue debentures {thome wel bec Tho wecursectiny of the for debt the !dry bones.” Rey. Mr. MelIntyre, pas- amount of $9,500, the _ purpose ti a foresaid bad. ar hegecuae ntioned, Mrs. H. C. Barlett spent Wednesiay of last week in Berli (Mr. Henry Pommer is spending days with his brother in Listo- Mrs. Louis Voll and fam- ily peitieny Saunaey with Mr. Eckert a’ — nstein. e Women's ge ate will hold a aa on 3 H. Us lawn on Saturday evening. 24th a:rved from 6 to 8 Av mission 10 {ce ceybody ‘welcome. ite a number from here. attend-| d the suey is held in Mil’ | ight. } faaarte alilventon, at iowetae th ths mearly as may be to yeaa ene ne onan forenoon the Reeve will i g| for principal and Eat 2 during each jattendance, iss Jean Rennie gaye signed a, appoint 5. of a er years of such period. hich ehly a : ND SREAS the purpose Si e In- ot: Sie ote ee ay he ee of paying the principal and interest of aS tines. te gave ” oe 3 end | the ye es the polling place on behalf of the|pu,Stt debentures i Gawigns bene persons interested in and desirous of | Period of twenty Wane oa yrs er dor oni auestion in| curreney: 0 Boe and Mrs. D. Harron tS Be ameuaesinterepnea ke Mo coington. ep spent a few days with and py nt ppantering ot Ene D Selmiirr, of Guelph, visit- ion in the negative respect- hole over Sunday. % Se Sie | eal i i Schnurr is the week- : aes ee af tas in sment Ro!l, of the|end with Miss A. Wray. Millbank, Oe “ said M icipal . being for the yea pin the forenoon is hereby WIR GHEE Bee $8400, |THE DUTY OF BEING PLEASANT ‘or the summing up by B b the Clerk of this Corporation of the ga Baer etek Htials in. the everyday number of votes given in the affirm-| saiq ‘Municipality. ipal and in- re good b and ative and in the negative respective- | 816. : terest. 16,783.69, and; t blessing Timtade pasded and enacted th's sth |f,the. /Said. principal © and interest easing leat tag A ig 4 City Sathine in arre day of Jnly, 1915, im open counsil. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by FRED, ZIMMERMANN the ahatse tant Corporation Reeve] Village of Milverton aa ri W. D, WEIR, That it shall a vonscien nee. Tt Clerk. tul'tor the Reeve of the sad. Village with of Milvertom to cause any number of NOTICE. debentures to be made for such sum a of money as may be required for the ‘h CE the at ' ee iS bpsiae iB Sacer ne HE anne | Said purpose of mot less th: One n the narrowest and yal ihe of the Village of Mil-| Mundred Dollars each and not ex-| worst place on which to stand, that venion er the Rib dag at hes ceeding in the whole the sum of |gne can find ; ine Thousand Five Hundred Dollars} Altho pleasantness is often classed which said debentures shall, be sealed ‘ i tice th See with good nature there is a dis tinet AND Re ane Kye | with “the seal of the said Municipal-| 4; f.rence, How seantnes fined Yor-teking-the-yotes of — the| #¥ apd be signed by the R and | used as a mask h to. shield Resta ain Pinata couiitersianed by. the Treasurer there. dae 'estial wrnie, acne eal aie 7 Bhat alksof the eaid debentur seem pleasant to meet are not in : tat sa a e lebentures| reality such, Go to their offi : ie publieation 8th day of July. | tit pe madeepayable: withio twenty |Temuy such: Go to their offices, or t W. D. WEIR rears from te Village Cierk.| debentures Council Chamber. &th July, 1915. - FOR SALE pattie Two sows with a litter of Pine 9} each. Apply WM. TAY ew-| upon each debenture during the con- ton, RRL muance the: tures shall able at such times FOUND fall due in each’ year of the said per- iod of ert years, On Friday between Milverton _and| Of. principal Millbenie a finen ‘duster, Apply JAC.| seit period OB KELTERBORN, FOUND — On Sunday between Milverton and G,T.R. station a rug. Apply JACOB KELTERBORN. . WANTED 00 one-inch. fe ealectaa white or bases eye maple. H,E, FURNITURE STRAYED 2 Yearling Heiters, one a and the other red and white. brindl ormation as to their whereabout day of 1915. a oe ; be thankfully received by RE F, Zimm rman. Reeve perth TA joy, by” their MERMANN, Milverton W. D. Weir. Clerk. Just as, a little oil will take the — ~- squeak out of creaking hinges so will FOR SALE NOTICE a genial righten a TAKE NOTICE that the scalore is fe Fated ire one neni .. a true copy r=] ol 1c Bgoy and out for sale. 19 hands] Corporation of the Village ot f Milver | Siig B Hi nd which if the assent o edt HE ede 3 gear ig ig electors is obtained to it, rill ‘be take | Fpl condition Apply ats 2/en into consideration by’ the Conneil Here write {0 S81 Cumbria strect,| after the expiration of one mo m the first publication thereof in y patel eco tae Laoesen The Milverton Sun. ‘being the news-| day and resolve in the morning to, be anata = | paper fixed upon by resolution of the | PICASA. 1? CoeTy ee ey ae av WANTED Rear ea tae te anee ov mush Detter ‘You will feel —am- ¢he -—-—— <- | ply repaid, I can assure you. an | of the. first publication fis : 8 A. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED) Thursday, the Bighth, day of July | (Bere is not a shadow of a doubt but FOR THEOLD RELIABLEFONT- | 1915, ana the ,poll’ will: beheld |tBSt those swsen whamayou have come HILL NURSURIES riiihaa Cee "i oat ithe, duly! smaile and kind word. While you may To sell in Monkton and District. | Triaay, the 30th day of July, 1915, say anly. ote’ pleasant thing in’ a day i cc @ Y i ,|it may live green in someone’s mem~ A chance of a lifetime to do a big | between the hours, ‘oro clolock in the! ory for years, tho’ you may be all trade among the farmers in frait/ forenoon and 5 o'clock. eer fees unconstious of this fact. ‘This, brings stock, as well as ornamental business ‘oes ma place hereinafter cae IS NL ae. Pia territory, Hamdonc tree von at Gvrion at | porn QF another, Eres mes Sate He at sociation the “Public Library; web D. Weir, re) jeteaian a Bepsssels Becta 7 vanine cere foer; J. C. Grosch, poll! gy conscious influence, It is our duty 870) WELLINGTON 1a see that this influence Done ORONTE Aptecae tho Bventz-cighits day. of Suly- |i cunt Scloutinta tell ta Aba it 60 60 50 55 00 1% 50 3 50 60 3 60 , 80 380 ran per to: 8 00 28 00 “6 30 00 30 00 2 00 14 00) Vi 50 8 50 50 6 50 50 50 2 2: 15 20 1 15 12 1E 10 10 18 13 6 6; > E 22 22 20. 21 sctiitent ‘aceon, ¢ over and above all rates upon al the rateable propenty im the said Municipality. 3. proceeds: aid deben- tures IL be ap) t and to the purposes icra recited and ‘idental thereto and for no iy other purpose, 4. This by- -law shall take effect amd into force on the final passing thereof and the said deben- tures shall be issued on the Ist day of January. 1 Provisionally passed this 5th day of Tuly. 1915, Binally passed the ni at the a al office at the Village of Milverton. the apres e prom of the sald By- posing the law will be mi The Clerk “OF the ‘Municipality shall im umber s votes Klee for amd against the sai by-law Saturday. the Thirt ae ch 1915 at the isang ote inthe 28 Tie tasesssatheesseTTattey eo aay fir o'eloek in ant fevthax* také police, that spy tenant who desires to vote on the said By. it deliver to the of Sect the ct, t Milverton this Highth day of tuly AD. WIS ction 265 of Ww. D. WEIR. F Village Clerk. me as ‘on pleasant. When asked. he m be thus cheerful he will oe zo ‘that ae is his busi- vhich he is a stone is dropped into mid-ocean that ae CORRESPONDENTS apandenita ts an forward- ing matter. re panlicetion do. CLEARING LINES | FOR THE BALANCE OF JULY Men's and Boy’s Straw Hats Reduced All the Men’s and Boy’s Straw Hats reduced UNTIL THE END OF JULY. Call in and see our splendid range of all the leading shades. Ladies’ House Dresses at Sale Prices ! 79¢ 99c $1.19 $1.29 $1.39 $1.49 Ladies’ and Black Serge and Colors $5.00 Suits Reduced---in Blue Ladies’ Coats Reduced $5.00 up Children’s Coats Reduced 2.50 Children’s Dresses Reduced 25%, Drawers—i All Ladies’ Whitewear Reduced Ladies’ Waists, Underskirts, Gowns, Corset Covers, n fact everything reduced. GENUINE REDUCTIONS 5 LINES LISTED ABOVE Fresh Eggs 21c Trade Extra Choice Montmorency Cherries 75c per 11 Quart Basket -ENGELAND & SONS “The Store With the Stock” MILVERTON, ONT. Hise moet diately et, up, pulsations dha all conte until the far-off re be fareiennore Boe ee renee antl the epot where it was has been. attained. think that our eae ae pl. s polit en. is eer ey never Hat ad Aa “pease fate and thus sets for Sate an ee ample which lasts a lifetime. e worries a the 0 rOnae former eee t for this. ie . be ay pris aioe keeping | birthdays or some rsary in some ple iy ttle se pene nee ae provide dey for the as milest y ten serve as an incentive : Z to better ores among the world’s varied: in later life, Bus e,| for us. S| day or incident given us by ourmoth- | ers and perhaps now. when we are in pensar) be be pleasant. one.to an- other, and thus receive one of ‘he shatip) Hieaaluiga’ Christ: hus inowtare ee Cereal Accounts are, now. due. Engeland & Sons, 4 Cream Wanted! We will pay the Highest Market Frits for Cream delivered at the fac GANS SUPPLIED FREE iy" Pearl Creamery, grote Notice to Creditors In the Matter at the Estate of Will liam Hollatz, late of the Viljage of CANADIAN PACIFIC| ‘Milverton. in the County of Perth apse Farme er. Devéased. Nelutore ott of the above named SUMMER TOURS TO PACIFIC COAST | ‘Tne! luding Bee “CALIFORNIA ee On é Great Lakes Service Five Sailings Weekly Steamers | aye Port MeNicoll sontiays Tuesdays, Wednesdays, ‘Thuredays and, Saturdaye for SAULT. SE ARIE, PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM. Satlente coat Bias te will parties entitled baving regard only to those claims of which motice has been received | above, This motice is given Abas nt Section 56 of ie Trustee Act.” Dated at Milverton. this ‘Dist day of July 1915, W. D, Weir, Milverton, cutor, to —Lake Be Bolntaes Bark. pear etal: Steamer “Manitoba” from Port Mc- Nicoll Wednesdays ¢: t Owen Sound 10.80 p,m . ‘Muskoka Lakes, French and a, Piekerel Rivers. Say Saint aM SUMMER TOURIST FARES NOW IN- 45 p.m, 3 making direct conni at Port McNicol! on sailing days “a —Rideau Lakes, steamers EFFRCT. —- Fast time, | Convenient Train Service, Modern ent treal, Ottawa, Toronto, Detroit and | CANADIAN PACIFIC StL rae wav to WINNIPEG and VANCOUVER Skagen Particulars from Canadian Pacific agents or write M, G, MURPHY, D,P.A., Toronto. Xe Rosina Hollatz, Milverton. 522-8 “<\ | Brecut

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