. should therefore be from hens having fresh, for not only ter, ago ere MOST OF THE S$ LAID AT THIS By A. P. Marshall. As the price of eggs drops. during e warm summer weather, and it becomes a question whether aCe up the price for what he sells, or pre- «as it accumulates, in hat he will obtain a ei Vasuer: pelts sha” conical more than pay him for the trouble to which he has to bring about this re- sult. In the first place any eggs required for sale as food products, and not for breeding purposes, shou! inter- tile. Fertile eggs become unfit human food almost as aalekly as mill i when subjected to the si ture, and when we carefully our health departments safeguard the sale of this product, it some wonder e method i: not devised to absolutely prevent the marketing during the hot months of eggs less likely to sp 5 a mistaken idea mder a hen to start hatch. The fact is that the same begin to grow just as soon as it i: fubjected to a temperature of 90 o1 eb er this be behind the oil than is now | be temperature may be kept fairly con- stant. A dry clean tiie a anitalie lace. here are several very good ways soi Preserving eggs, and one of them can be selected that will suit the ability of ike wae Ye chat the ingre- lients in his own eality. Of the many methods for ae scale none has. proved more success- ful than aie Glo (sodium silicate). [usually ‘be secured at not to ty cents a gallon, Fit ao g | will make enough-solution to preserve | Ont, fifty dozen eggs, so that the cost of material would not exceed more t 's been pailed water-glass should be used. The solu- tion should be alates placed in the Poco ater vessel, and the fresh eggs injures the keeping quality, probably s| by dissolving the mucilaginous coat- S- ows: of water, 10 pounds bushel of tay slacked lime. After mixing thoroughly allow dee: solution to stand two or three days and tl remove the clear Yiguiad he atepine the li- Wheth Be sive ac oak ar ry store waiting for the| usual twenty or thirty cases before| il the case is have a chance to go to town, or in the hase under oody hens, sees they al gathered frequent ies i : perishable arti- cle at Pat when the remedy is so sim- ple, just by “iSwatting. the Rooster,” or removing him from the pens from which the eggs to sell come. An in- fertile egg will keep so better than S soelle one that there i is hardly ison between them. mty-one hatching time,—and used for cooking arposes, and it is doubtful if they|@ would be found in the leakibitéetiat able. But what of the infertile egg that has not matured ‘a chick? The stench from it is terrible! This is| the relative condition of the fertile ves some idea of the value of recautions t i itt cuits produced ‘at this time Uf 3 Pagers that all eggs are infertile, that tl low, it will pay anyone who wi 80 to use one of the ways that ean be used for pres OE us o until later in the are scarce and good feria erat ee rt ef ttored, in the first place running with them, because an infertile egg keeps longer, even without the use of, the,preservative, than a fert =. < ‘ile egg; second, perfect will they keep bet- , but if an egg, that has begun to decay is. placed in the.same vessel with fresh ones,,it is ljkely to affect all the eat eggs; and, third, country oe le ,|first and the aera placed wu roughness of heya .- | these reumstances | bec t | od. therein, or e eggs may be placed in the vess them. Have at least two inches o: liquid sadeces 3 the top of the See Limed eggs can be discerned by tl shel Before holl- | ing eggs that have been preserved in the foregoing ay they should be punctured with a needle, otherwise they will be apt to cee placed in hot water, owing to tl pores being closed and fm outlet al- lowed for the air in the fe n be preserved oar aaraee months in dr; ran can also be used with fair ne, but neither of methods is as satisfact the first two mentioned. There always be at least two inches cover- ing the eggs with these two methods als $0. Cold storage is undoubtedly the best and most practical method of preserv- Takéaet Waine riantities in a com mercial way. As the processes by which a low epee can be mi tained for en intefirlie “period have more improved the eo tee Mae eat tha outer ar eggs stored, until the cold storage business has reached such proportions that it s a considerable influence on the price of eggs, tending to lower it in winter aad raise it in sw ienk Pes season in Buffal: some ic lo will give they were selling for table use at 17 cents per dozen. This would make the total $102.00, These same eggs of $12.00 for stor age, is isto be added $6.20 ex: making a total 2 no question that storage in this way properly handled is very profitable, WHEN IN DOUBT Serve Ice OITY DAIRY this possible. We a method of shipping Ice Cream put up in attractive boxes — Enough in a box to serve five or six persons. We of these boxes to shop keepers everywhere. ‘You get it in ‘the original package just as it is. put up in our sanitary Dairy. Cream Service makes have developed ship thousands discriminating | ey x n | Weather than at any other time of the *-lue of the fertilizer that is available ing | Seems to be almost entirely lost sight in tl A good limewater ane may | y gi ce salt ee half te rt “sel |for the value of this very valuable by- over | product. | diate use. of twenty erect eggs | time BABY’S GREAT DANGER DURING HOT WEATHER More little ones die during the hot ear. Diarrhoea., dysentry, cholera infantum and stomach troubles come without warning, and cit pate in homes where ther<« e youl children. An occasional dose of the Tablets stomach and Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, ee HOW POULTRY HELPS TO IM- PROVE THE GARDEN. much is written me regard to that one nd which we see mentioned but very seldo he val- it of commexcial “fertlizers, it it can be when fruit and vegetables or fi rs. ‘he use this fertilizer in ts has shown phenomenal in somi ind been given On our own plant, where the drop- ping boards are cleaned every day, we save the fertilizer until such time as effect upon them. Fresh hen manure used without being treated in way would be too strong, and burn up the vegetation it comes in eontaet with. It is an excellent idea to kee] piles of this Tendy-mixed w soil so that when the bes wanted it will be available for imme- -vines can very often be set ‘y good ad- ae Maal get produce the ruit. Cultivation will be found eneficial of ugs and insects that hold back the plants. Rose beds, Can- na plots, and all kinds of vegetable produce can be helped very materially by the applieation of seasoned hen manure mixe (2 little “garden soil. mer season small aalicadbal Se ee dinates oC ti feet peat During seasons. when. it cannot be o a police sergeant at Chicago killed Wi e v as | jewellery ACROSS THE BORDER WHAT IS GOING ON OVER IN THE STATES. ¥} Latest Happenings in Big Republic Condensed for Busy Readers, U. S. seeks 4,000 aviators to be trained for military sexvice. Ott School Garden, Kansas City, has sees a oat 14 inches round and 13% inches long. Kansas floods this spring have caused $2,000,000 losses in bridges, has just retired after 75 years as shoemaker without a holiday. amy Steafen, barber at Akron, 0. was fined $5.10 stealing a kiss tiple prety: piel an the steset Detroi i injecting arms to stop eee in 1898, say official figures. y Fuchs, State street saloon- ine ae Chicaue: tas Galley ovingeee sluggishness of the liquor business. a wheat fields so as to Cestroy farmers’ machinery. Firing et a fleeing burglar suspect, alter Hendrichsen, an innocent by- stander. im blew out the window of a stor uskogee, Ok., and 200 diamond snae eralled Bw the street. For six hours Fred Stratman was locked in a fruit refrigerator at De- troit and almost froze to death before being rescue William Hh chemist, Wilmjng- ton, Del., 7 hours in a sealed DOE andes witer to side hin theta discovery could purify air. bottom fell out of a mine north of Tonopah, Nev., and revealed chasm of unknown depth, giving a steady cool draught @ oth, eae chick of im Cofariientsinberhal raveany anaes of Tennessee and Alabama, wa: aleted for-adperaiine “illegal Sane Sine retiring ‘peeclitantcat nes mae erican Medical Association said army rules applied to city sanitation would make the average life 65 years in- stead of 4 Rise Wesco THE ENGLISH MANOR HOUSE. Their ee Is to to be Sought in the listory of England Itself. Among the most interesting ee models ; a model young w cates: of rural England are ite’ manor |man’ How old is hot” “Suse aie me- | hou: necthectance nro snontha.? iMiginte ee many of their old- time rights by the eyolution of the DAINTY FOOD Turns Pale Cheeks to Pink. oF Dest physicians of the present to cure patients by the e use ae Mo sitid Hate living, sather Shan heavy drugs, and this is the tru shethid attr only: feu ctootl aan the body be rebuilt. Many people, after living on poorly selected or badly cooked food for a build them. This is not possible. The only. sis method is to run as quickly as can be, fiom poor food to good. A young lady St eu was variously treated for m:; a.year.ago when -my-appe- tite failed completely and I began to have any king spells similar to faint- ing, all: mann: rt stmlans pat the: ie) 3. & Pp a little better. menced on Grape-Ni breakfast, having Postum with it. I found the food so dainty, delicious, au peed pein that I einays dooked reakfast with ple: ee commencing “this later, it h pink, I have lost, and am thoroughly well in every fame given by: Ganiadia Postini Co., Windsor, Ont. Read, “The Road to Wellville,” in pkgs. “There's a Reason.” Ever read the above — one “appears from time pre genuine trud. and full interest: ive time, and-when. tice ailments be- ors are “copy-holders,” that is, e chronic, expect loctor, with they hold ne Jand for life from the aaa magic potency, re instantly re-| lord of the manor. When they die, “Someone suggested that if Ifound| comm« ants could aoe oe a year and a day. 01 bride at the marriage of one of tenants; and when a gained|-2: thane the twent unds I| 7! Another lord was bound to appear ponies the kind every Christmas Day, sovereign’s rights, and swords, spurs, d warlike accoutrements were fre- of poe majority of or transfer the land, a heriot must be paid. This consists of a fine, usually the “best quick beast”- Sometimes, however, it is. commuted oO a su of money BomenhiseslbeAlan 4 comlany age these copy-holders of land possessed ated all within hie ice The kept. the stocks in repair, and pro- vided the pillory and the ti ‘alata, a ducking. stool, by which the mis meanants were immersed. The Somme sre she ‘waste lands isde- for part of the year, but made on Broverty at other times. A ithin.a manor. redeem- I would ab be iret them whatever 2 na PoP ea, [bey MAE ne Pioand DE er » | ton’s Pills by their mild yet searching aving lost his job, faced a ‘mirror action ver: ‘itabl he delicate and shot himself in the he: chara hee of a woman’s nature, e. Daniel Haviland of Putram County, | never once griped me, yet they estab- horse or cow. }© the manors; s land was} you! formed of fields inden. a cultivat- How a Sick Woman Can Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. “For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches’ on ari remedies, ae tonies and ‘tablets tried withou emily iton’s Pills, Placed ie Bae q that they have lished regularity. My’ ap keen—my. straightforward letter .Y, Todd, wife of a well- of Rogersvi sufficient that Dr. Hamilton’s a wondel per ozone. Co., All dealers or The Kingston, Ontari ee ges ae rrh- Rest. Rest is not quitting busy. careers Rest is the fi Of self to ber sphere. "Tis the brook’s motion, Clear without strife, Fleeting to ovsan After this life. "Tis loving and serving, New Record in Tea Prices. Over eight million pounds of tea have been sunk in merchant ships has risen to a higher level than his- tory records for many yea: A Model Son. ‘ussy Old Gentleman (to chance travelling a cigarette.” “So much the Erdaonds sir; the use of tobacco is a poi habit Does he frequent clul bs? “He uae never put his foot in one.” “Allow to conaratnlee you. loes he never come e late?” “Never. He goes to ped pains het dinner.” “A INVESTMENT. in his presence to dance a jig I fell from a building and received | of icy brakes.” The Kaiser’s and Duff out his cheeks Yet another| what the doctor called a very bad to dachshund Wardl and Hexl, the king annually| SPrained ankle, and told me T must not | have their kennels on the train, and se ree Weel i with a les trom a = ue =e MN, ARD'S LINIMENT The erths oe generaly ae pany their mas: lays I was out to work again, | ter on his were very popular as token of the think it the pat Liniment mede, HIE E. LAUNDRY. Etdoniir: French cycling soldiers are provid- with machines so constructed that they can is taken to pieces in two or ree ee a car e sol- diene back, to some eo of “Fran over which he is un. ‘Minara’s Eintment © Cures Diphtheria. Language of Flowers. “Do you understand the language of flowers?” said the sentimental uth. “No,” replied Miss Cavenne, “I don’t know that I'hould care to have my Conversation roumlated Bby- the dnd of! foaetation thet happenci-t0 be in season. he cattle to stray he was also ileges of the lord of the manor Ss that of kissing he wife Tried -copyhold land, by reason of the d of her husband, she was obliged, ee circumstances, to a) t was Sone haoet by means o: thi In these days, however, Jords of the manor are a . it eee ae nleene aS form a manor, “serfs” have their land made. fr: hold by buying out the landlord. | teen tons of cereals, ici se no other Pills but Dr, Hamilton? 6, Be . 0: Cat Go From France to Switzerland, Then Germ: Enormous quantities of foodstuffs witzerland, according to M. Jacques Dhur, a French expert in internation- eee a convention ratified between Fra: e and Swi itzerland on sols: 26th, 1914, provides that in case war, France shall supply the Fed. ay Government of Switzerland with 300,000 tons ot Nehaertg cording to M. Dhur, 100. trucks ask loaded with between twelve and re enormous quantities of potatoes, beans, oil, and other veg- table products are passing into Soitzriand via Pontarlier, event commerce in contra- band, ate merchandise is forwarded to Augst, close to the frontier point ra cin of various al leged methods of eu supplies through to German; vy Mi. hur adds that Germany has also been able to revictual es ‘plentifully through Italy. erchandise was sent from peu SNE Nal The Rolling Waves. ENEMY GETS FOODSTUFFS. ear For frodg +8 SP ND RECREATION FARM FOR RENT. F LOOKING FOR A PARM, CONSULE lan foostan Sa eon RE ‘4 by in TY G ti be tarlo.All elzon, Hf 'W Damion Weaoton, eee NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. ROPIT-MAKI Potine pa ae ae eeeecees ANCER, MORS, LUM) ETO, Internal anc external euted ot we betare Coerdnten or eelic boeoeet os Go,, ‘Limited, Collingwood, Ore ee FARMS FOR SALE, ~ the | berate FOR SALE IN tae County of Norfolk. cohol Prices ee from spa 00 me: $100. 100 per acre, R. W. SLyneanete ‘Ont. a n was crossing the Atlantic with an army officer who suffered greatly from. seasickness. One entering the tateroom one particularly rough day, he found the officer tossing in his berth, mutter- ing in what at first appeared to be a sort of delirium. tooping over to catch his words, the friend jheard him say; Sergeant oe ai ergeant ri raitige General . Lituionat General . . re} are iad ayn asked the arine Engi nes Kernat} M friend Sa some alarm, as the sufferer | looked piteously up at him after his last gasping “a-a-ah! i waves their rank,” | said the military man, rolling toward the wall again. - “There haye been eight Lieutenant Generals within the! last 20 minutes. Goan Pali on Drop_ = Out better in the morn- a Rares “corn for all time. No pain, | Cure guaranteed. Get a 260. bottle ot Putnam's” Extré Relief | Putnam's pai CR The Kaiser's Train. 0 has ee operates a complicated system LOW FARES TO THE E CALIFORNIA Leta di VIA CHIC, H. qoige, St, "Toro, ‘Ontario, suere is a AGBONOf females in Bul- garia, Japan, and Australia, but a large st surplus in England, awiget Switzerland, and pins Mihard's Ziniment Cures Distemper. It’s a ae “elevator that won’t work, bobhayr Se inst? | below ‘sl rat and connate for their badge extraordinary, howaras of all he erests worn by | soldiers fighting for the E [probably that worn by on Canadian regiments, bid 80th Le |nipeg Rifles. The badge little black devil with a pitchfork, and it is a motto means “Named jfield of battle.” \ The reason for this | curious badge and its motto is to com- |memorate se Amey the " Winnipeg Rifles fought when suppressing the Canadian North- ‘West Rebellion of the ed Indians, who called them “ little black devils from Winnipeg,” which has now become the nickname the seine iment, SUMBIER SKin SKiW TROUBLES, used almost as produced, it may be| English social system, but some of saved and an kept. for | their-£ gloty-atill remains; Only Whenever possible the Kaiser when é the next season’s use Fe greatly-in-|-4 dozen miles from Charing Cross OPPORTUNITY |tavelling between Berlin and the} sunburn, blistering, and irritation crease the results and avoid the>ne-| one of on Elin ae anit leet to fighting-line uses his luxurious State! aro the monest fori m- cessity for supplying hee fertiliza-| this very rt-leet is a Wane. capital to develop one of the |train, which is a veritable palace ‘on| mer skin troubles, and ZiamDuk ends tion that would be needed to bring gathering of the ae ne hen aaritee t valuable natural resources in the | wheel es, eacl these very quickly, “It wo tw cea ooh are paid and the business of the es- cd quantity of raw | over sixty tons, compose the special | Ways.’ Age soon as applied, Its antl. Naturally matey at least of ma-| tate is discus C01 r which there is an al- |‘alt, and one of thene four are re- igs srs Wl nibh Pay tured size and a garden do not work nturies ago country was di-|m 7 Tf you have |Served for the Emperor and his suite, | the Est edb haere ms prenoe ae ‘a for kitch. | 897¢. is generally ends. the smart: on the same ground, b is a si vided among & the leaders of the con-|one hundred to five hundred dollars or | #94 the other two are used for ing and thé pain, ‘Then Zam-Bul ple matter to fence the poultry and themselves here your investment | ens. The second conch in the train is gins the heal FOCeNe! AIG <cEetal ae the waste from the garden Pubdivided thete divisions among their ed, then write for |the one reserved by the Kaiser for his] joatthy tissue fe built up. For gore, an go to furnish some green for the] soldiers. ler this system the | Particulars and prospectus which will | personal quarters, and it contains a] pijstered feet, sore hands, heat rashes, Hinde, If it is convenient to move the sects followed petty lords, guaran- pe a pale sure | salon, “bedroom, dressing-room, bath- ’s heat spots, sore places due poultry yards and alternate between| teeing military service for the use of 102, Hamilton, Ont. orn Box | room, and sleeping apartments for his| perspiration, ete., you can’t equal Zam- poultry runs and garden it will be| the ead? the lords were responsible bodyguard, The salon is panelled in] Bu al cures cuts, ulcers, fai an especialliy fine arrangement | to the earls and the earls to the king. Agunt sae Gaga a the wood of-an ancient cedar abscess 8, and all inflamed and for the yards will not have a tenden-| The.petty chiefs were the lords of the f AB Good, from Mount Lebanon, the gift| diseased. conditions of skin and sub- So SACS A eteatly slg oF econ | anor Tourist—“You have an, unusually | of ex-Sultan Abdul Hemid of Turkey. | Jreentt Pan eee fo uuled and soured, and they will| Curious indeed were many of the| large acreage of corn under cultiya-|The floor is of black wood taken/from Ten Bo ah ded ese: ae the best of crops every other| terms under which lords of the ee tion. Don’t the crows annoy you a|the piles of a wooden bridge built|taniet Alb tones, vor Peamceink “Go, held their rights. one| great. deal?” across the Rhine by Julius Caesar in nto, “Te nder ened fresh eggs, fruit,| of them undertook that whenever the ‘armer—“Oh, not to any. extent.” | the 5 B.C., while the, ceiling is rogetables and roses are luxuries not king should cross a certain bridge he,|__ Tourist— ‘Thats Lciaod consider- | decorated with a design xepsoaenting Among books Bria teas had ‘en- njoy: all, but the very est of| the lord of the manor, a meet | ing you have no scarecro the six great rivers of Germany. ormous sales are “Webster's Spelling all of eee may b a care .| His Majesty there with two whit ‘armer—“Oh, | well, re " see, T'm| The windows of the salon are pro-| Book,” 655 million copies; “Uncle ercised in utilizing all the albmante capons, eee: Ls sovercign aia ane nee a good part of the time my- | tected ne thick bars, ant armed sen-| Tom's Cabin,” a million and a half procurabl a combination of | “Behold, lord, these two tries stand at the doors of the apart- soplen, “Pickwick Papers” 900,000 hens and a garden is carried out. cpr ons, ‘which you ‘aval have eee ment night and day. st coacl and Ogee 3 Poems, 520,- pea) e, bu 000 copies. ry Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. When marching on Timbuctoo, some years ago, General Joffre re- ceived a sting from a poisonous insect which led tothe permanent filming of his left eye. 1OuR ow} wagisr WILL TELL YOU ‘Try Murine Hod, Weaic Wat aprent N | Gaea ieee eee Four Nptendia daily trains from. tho | just ire Co ite. £0 f New ager Terminal, Chi to ease Muri So OY ge rea. San Angeles and San Diego. “Choles of Scenic and Direct} During the first five tees of the Ro war Sir Edward Grey did not leave don for a single Tien Minara’s Zintment Cures Garget in Cows Business Advice. “Every we wants a square yd “In other “wort, there is no place for the rounder.” Hampton Court Ceelsiaylas a “gee ae which is stated surpass an in a oe In a veh season rd produced over two thousand bunches of grapes, ‘weighing 1 18 Leng! poets and “Overstern” V Bcattom otor Boat Freight Px Spheres a a Raton Station Depth 1 Ft. *S hee Bron FITS. ‘Specification No. 2B fiving engine prices on request. Get our quotations oo—"T" topes sae Gemnaeriel ae Pleasure Launches, Row, ' THE GIDLEY BOAT €O, LIMITED, PENETS ANG, CAN. 55% 3 Ft 8 eo