Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 15 Jul 1915, p. 5

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CLE AN--No dust or flying ashes. Ash chutes guide all ashes i ace -McClary dealer or writ Sold by C. SCHNEUKER No ash_ shovelling necessary. nto convenient pan. See the e for booklet. 33 ‘BusinessCards DR. M. cS TINDALE, ie D.S. fown and Bridge Work Over Hea ten ‘Bank, Milverton *Phone No. 38. F. PARKER, P. L. TYE, AUD. DRS. PARKER & TVE (TCE: PUBLIC DRUG STORE, ALVERIOC Hotire=10 to 12 o'clock a, m.,and 2 o'clock p. th., and 7 to 8 o'clock’ p. m. Eng. Office Knox Chureb, Stratford. a oe tars a a H. B. eS EN, K.C. Barrister, - Xo = Goaveyancer Omtces: Brae ete Milverton Lo R. BLEWETT, K.C. Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto Omtce : Gordon Block STRATFORD, ONTARIO J, W. BARR, Veterinary Sur, iverton, Graduate o: me or otherwise promptly attended to Societies. 478, Milverton, meets every Monday evening on of in their isiting breth- Smith, WM, Silver Star verton Sr Friday. night at Er inthelensilecee tine v 0. bot,” Ww. Dz wi IR He Staieey Public, Auc | ws for the County ‘of Perth and| v rigages drawn Village Clerk. Of over the Metropolitan | Banke ‘A. CHALMERS, Monkton, Ont,, No- tary Pati, Goatayuace:, fonies erbie: riage Lice J, P,-for the County of Perth, Real Estate bought and sold A farms for immediate ‘salle, Hotels. GRAND CENTR OTEL, Mil- First-elaas necommodation, for jommercial travellers and o ree large sample Good stabil ing. Heat brands ‘brands of liquors and clas, Ritter, Propriet ton, . Ont, cominercial Two. large sample ceo igre guoreand Uigare at the ber tables eF. Pi ~ QUEEN'S HO Milve Lhe best accommodation for travellers and others, Good warm HICAD E, Be spe Sothinersial | Splendid, Aanle “ease: wines and liquors Rates $1,50 per wines Wat, Wirt, Prop. | STRATFORD, ONT. Ontario's Rest Practical Training eh horough co ot a a experienced | ore 1 i three departs ea nite mercial, “Shorthand aud ‘Tele Sia Our graduares succeed and you should read our Inege, free catalogue, D. A. McLACHLAN, = = Principal i Be Well | Dressed — 2 ur pp —The “well dressed” ‘man will secure more business than the slov enly man. Be in line and get one of our nifty suits. § Fit and workmanship ae guaranteed. supply of electric power from Hydro Elect: Ontario. sbi: WHEREAS the Municipal Council BY-LAW No. 165 Pity VILLAGE oF MILVERTON Wy take the stat the ratepayers | {72 of the Village of Diilverton, enti itled th ric Power Commission of HFORE the council the e Village of rt ver- that the following question be submitted fo the ratepayers. of faniefpal: Corporation. o ot “Tose bear entitle y by-laws; quhauiiog roe Bower, Commission of Gutnigee aie Ply of Electric Power. That stk votes of the payers ghall be taken on tion at the follow’ by ie Returning Officer m Friday, 1915. fro said rate- bi eir Re aA ‘Ott + ba C, Grove! poll ‘clerk. A true copy of this by-law shall hed in The vert S d in four conspienon: On the y at so e Clark's “Ottie M on fat 10 clock cin é final summing ‘otes by. the Clerk of 2 affirmative and one person behalf of the persons interesi {ana cos ous of: the anewering et th est'on in the nega De day of July, 1915 b: if the e affirm ative seepactin terloo, C Mee ie r, Dees, Wills and | ly. assed and enacted th's 1915, in opon counail. FRED, ZIMMERMANN Reeve Ma jany ot Ju’ W. D, WEIR. Clerk, NOTICE, is a tru mun+ Mil- ALD, A 1 the above ‘opy of a by-law passed icipal Sout “of. the aon the 5th day of 4 ND BURTHER take notice that ore Council Chamber, 5th July. 1915. A PARLIAM Tt OF EMPIRE By Bonar Law 0 A a true copy of a t world learned with surp rae ut with @ thrill | Bride, vbich spread’ from ony end 0 forthe ‘others that. tied ew \ nas $s. ago were ivan ad. ee the severest t: ried a ) oe ter a it war in hist Tt 1 ‘think, ¢ the bloodiest. Ant oa the part] uur enemies it is one of the most have nothing to do but, end of He anythii (Cheers) portion to its resources and its numbers, will share in aoe jauty and Roe of Se the for oud ehee es ea HE IDEAL VACATION ROUTE. ae Pacific. conven’ent y Poi ich ast uc’ “any nature ket t orinepa aa in ey | espe | sued under this by-law, BS <| of Milverton to cause any num =jof money as m » an pone rsigned by of. BY-LAW No. 166 VILLAGE OF | NILVERTON A BY-LAW to raise the sum of Nine soa ae pentet Dollars for the viding a system for the wdistribution of. electric en- ergy for power and lightning pur- poses im the Village of Milverton, WHEREAS the Corporation of the Village of Milverton proposes ter imto the supply of Electric Energy to the said Corporation, AND. WHEREAS it is necessary to provide a system for the distribution . we and beautiful designs, se that if you are likel either for a birthday or wedding present for fiends | interest y es spose | P. ed, Eyesight Specialist - - R.Y. FISH &CO. : LINWOOD vee Dealer in* Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Etc. Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture June Brides E_HAVE a very fine assortment of Silverware and Cut Glass on hand resent : all of the most unique Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand want anything of this ae ‘our own ust are sure a visit to our store would WE DO FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS H. BASTENDORFF cooare| WOOL = HIGHEST MARKET PRICES ed, with fue amd one-half per cent. per an- mum. AND W HEREAS it is sioar ge to clea yics, Buk Year uch amounts that — at the — LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLECE CASH or TRADE Te will pay you to bring your ‘ool to Is- ‘ive ENROL NOW Thorough Courses ta petent Teacher: For partictilars addre: EDWIN G.MATTHEWS, Principat HENRY C. WAGNER, Prop. Rate amount nace io erest in any tthe aed sual beea antes ar] t is payable | for pr: Gocipel and interest during al of the AND: the ened deb sary to ra‘ a period of twenty years, being currency of the debentures to be is-| . the sum of AND WHEREAS ithe the whole rateable prop said (Municipality is ee revised As: aid Municipa amount of Cream Wanted! We will pay the Highest Market Price for Cream delivered a CANS SUPPLIED FREE Yours for a sae”) «Pearl Greamery, Milverton Ontario 4915, the the amount A Clearing Rush Out of Summer Millinery In order to clear out the balance of our Millinery Stock in a hurry, we have decided to sell i All Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats at Half Price. The season closes Friday, July 9th. This is a great opportunity for ladies — of Monkton and vicinity to get new and seasonable goods at far less pie actual cost, No Goods Reserved--- Everything on Sale the existin enture debt o aid “BMunicfoality. tere: ot = thing is 1. That i ful for the debentures to said patpose Hu R nd the Tresaeren fast ~ Particular Choice! in Spring Suits | will find a good selec- | WEBER & BETTGER OF the verynewent pattems in Plain and ‘Raney, Worsted made up in the very, latest Pe at moderate “We Plesse Young Men and make Old Hen Feel Young.” J.M. FLEISCHHAUER Ladies’ and Men's Tailor, - MILVERTON, ONT THE HOT SEASON IS WITH US AGAIN We can keep you cool by buying one of our OIL OR GAS STOVES of the as ieee rerervesceos ie id | th day of Janay. in each |upon each debenture during the | ions nee t deben- able at fall due a1 of tw such in Buy a Victrola for the Home. The easiest way to make things pleasant for all the folks and to furnish entertainment they will thoroughly enjoy. Come in and we will play your favorite music for you and explain our easy terms, : Victrolas from $20 to $100 dE. ew said Asbentiis debe “ant the’ eon. the su 46 lee ed im each ys ai spec’al rand akov the “ia ce of the es them b; suit for ove Hathersee ‘ates upon all | prope ety The proceeds of t' tures shall be o and for no effect | in shall tak ally d the day of 1915. | Ziam rham, Reve | Wi Dg Clerk. NOTICE Weir, OTICE that the arene a proposed by-la tality yw of the Village of Milver- ton. and which if the assen electors 5 tained to it, will be tak. on: sideration se the Council expiration ‘month ion thereof in en into acterthe, the of the first. publication Eig! Euareday FURNITURE Rugs and Linoleum : : Lawn Seats and- Hammocks Baby Carriages ......$10 up Collapsible Go Carts $5 up Express Waggons $1.75 up Auto Wheel Coasters $4.25 WE SELL Gerhard Heintzman Pianos Robert McMane Furniture Dealer Milverton ont Funeral Director and Embalmer. Mt. E. BETTGER & CO. Ve have the 5, and will give you one on a THIRTY DAY'S The oil stoves we sell are the best on arth. The Detroit Vapor Ga like g: ove requires just one lighting aud burns The Detroit Napor ‘On Stove has no wicks to burn out or to make extra expense. ‘The Brat’ cost is'the on! nly cost. The New Perfection Oil Stove is considered the only wick oil stove on the market to-day. GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS of all kinds on hand, Mangel Seeds and Gorn--Only the Best Seed to bs had. Hardware Merchants Monkton, Ont, FLOUR WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE: “Three Stars” and “Purity” | Two of the best on the market : Gash or BREA ae ‘Trade for EGGS A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a specialty wicket MONKTON, ONT Wholesale : and Retail 1915. ot that the Aas ma tee ‘he ier Kei Friday, the 30th day | between the hours | forenoon and 5. 0’cloc noon aC the place hereinafter men | tien division of Milverton at tne Public Library; W.D. Weir, re- turning officer; J.’C. Grosch, poll rk. the Twenty-cighth ee of July. r of in interested in the basting Tok=the. ald Bye Wi ill be ihe Clerk Ot the Municipality shall up th of votes fo Saturday. ity. 19) Raa Forther: take netice that any tenant who desires to vote on the sai y-law ost deliver to the Clerk not later than the 10th day a fore the oy vote ae the Data | a 3MGlverton this Bighth Zay of July. ‘D. 1915. It Pays to Dress Well ‘Nothing gives a man more prestige than to be Well Attired” You can have _ this done at the minimum cost at This Shop. ..>. "THERE has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Summer Suitings and Pantings—all the new pat- terns and colors will be found here. We invite you to inspect our up-to-date stock. The Up-to-date Tailor, — Monkton, - Ontario 0. DUFFIEL eo <8 “ col mena cts an anit enjoyments ocean Faavelibn. tha Laigest sf ee met me mate able berths all included, jackinac, G : and the 30,000 aoe ‘The Big Nontbern Neviation Feet coer al the Dest vote agh We eating sly Lae the wonderful that interest you and send shied “Ew. Holton, Gen. Pass. Agent. ORTHERN NAVIGATION Sarnia, Ontartic ‘Cruise No. 42. onal Side rules,

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