Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 15 Jul 1915, p. 4

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MORNINGTON COUN a H. Cooper. of London. call. a os a ee of old friends bere last week. Sam. ir. and Mi: Mngwood, visited part with Mr. oe Mrs, Ceci 1 Montgome ery, visited friends here last week. Nuba visited er Bipesay with his family at itanle: Mrs. The Council met in Newton. on Monday. July 5th, Leggatt, of Col- of last week . Reid. of For general esti rate Provincial Ta. For expendit inte eet, Roads... For Patriotic Fund Monday with hee erand- ithe. sate, Jas, Crookshank: B. Hamilton was < business ‘ptt ¥ Gunton on Friday. y and Miss Marie bene ek-end ‘Total . t aes Stewart di tember 30th, 1915. The eng ary for ae Hunter drain non, Eng.. Mir, and “his! sister. | MeFaddin and family at-) fora mer's | also pte oie eepare a by-law Tuesday aie ae oe ie. jive! font left machi is and child~| Monds mM ised Mr. and Mrs, i the | vito Hfert. $4: ©) Geo. Lines £6.65, wanking * bridge, lots 6 and 7, Miss Hattie] Hymer. 3.00 putting in oe: ry. lis: rag ad ois sper case: this Summ School at St. Mrs. H. Stewart and Gor visited with M. Hunter of a a Seat Ceatitract price | Geen post office taff, Stratford, on Tues: |w.3. Zorger. 2, 9. Rev. ©. H. Byers. of Chicago, oc- | Gilbert Do Lost Fict septal: Fi unlott of Knox church onl Sitios i Maria Berringer left for her Wan, 1 fy tee Le ¢ in Toronto o sday after! Win ow spepaing a week with'her sunt’ Mrs R, Mulcahy, prone brated the wd. numbe. _ oe Make et | 12th ca in ceeoaan lot 15; feces cot ‘alt Di ph Ripe pt segted under Miss A; accom pan’ mings, . puta puting in culverts a 2. of Chapeau, , Mrs, Cum- guests of the heme of Ma ss Pthel eee members of. the eel dixpo e4, te efresbate ents not y_ ladies men tute b: Tns' . or niter the the ntibanke AWwoties's In- ie held 8 Ee vo § Society and other patriot-| =e LINWOOD r a numb sae trom here celebrat-. pit muel contract Ta i 8; Bere a Hecke, Atta tang’ paymont D ending a Vacation ; Wm her home on the 13th lin aster: Mis rfore ak. ox the, week “end. wih friends ‘here, Miss Mary MoCardle le tt here she sp for St = will spend | a api Nordian 5, bi at Coune’ the first jam il adjourn Monday me i ton Ay ani Wiliem Wadi ll, ¢ ee conto. rain was extended till Sep- s re- was read . the clerk being instruct- CIL Donley’s hal’. at 10 ounty rate for the” current year as follows; elem ose10424,00 ing ai increase ee vege erie meet oul _ ied it ne “200 eet again on at Terk. WOMAN SUFFERED TEN YEARS | From Female Ills — Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compoun Belleville, N.S.,Canada.—“‘I doctored r You stl capers my letter as a testimonial.”” Suvkine Basing, Belleville, Nova § Scotia, Canada. Another romps Recovers. —“T suffered from such metimes I would lie in Bed four days ae time, could not eat to tal et thou- e- only two oj MONKTON cneere on Methodist Circuit, Sun ta: ly 18th.—Services, Monkton lia Bitte eee D.m.. a Man. You have an invitation, to. attend our services, The service for mgemen ai nt Sunday in = ‘ethane chureh wa: = attend ‘ch fae waded and. Se me hole ae shoul —not 01 ae Shes ou a piration of 'd bring much good y to Orangemen but to the whole communi Fis son Mrs, Reitzel and fam olanetiin ire ae present. visiting| at. the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bet ee mild seneation was ereated Fe last week when Tram Srey —_ street, On’ ir. utchier, Stratford, spent Sunday with daughter, Mrs, Joh Mr. Wilson ao to spem Port Cart ine oe kok: Several members on Elden Lodge attem’e1 the ion services at fee Be last. Dr. R. E, and. Mrs, Jas, Rule at= Eas ‘lahaffey who has been called to. the charge of the Milverton sands of grateful letters which are con- Pi | which fe souks ‘to Lyola 00. jae and son Earl Albert Al are visiting rela’ s Black y CS i ee Ita, visiting tie ns at ‘alot, Walter, Berlin. t his home: oe ere, Thompson and He E n} deri and to Luft and New Hambu y at the home o nis Weber is on h for a sp aot Loyde K ie thei be after ae ding @ oreek swith: thelr ax at t Pre Tanner wa: us’ness eIph last Thats r st 2 e, 0G Fri- sa be tee to ° ill for 10 nan r of weeks ut always bo | FRUIT BULLETIN | topple oc Cuthnere tp nil Nlagnea a an if fast Mrs, Secord! PRI SRST KINGWOOD Haying is -the order 4 the «ind Mor en , wi Mas Clara :Schinidt with fri a in Basen. 9th line. | rs. Hy neider is eft Tuesday Bh Weeks vejeh Neca Golden ‘West, | yerton Spend frlegga: on tne cKa a trip inrouch the | Mr, and M. | and Mint Rob: Mary and Alice. week-end with friend A. Masten Aaron Yo Stratford | holida ith relatives in Lisb 8 at Crosshill, Mrs. of po Ma bo 01h j bun. and Er Abbarteant of taper “CROSSHILL it and Mrs, Jampbel! | 33 Pp pr (quilting, in the Jno And Visa epenk Sta! ie erat enn Lockhart to or tis a a Jong and Be led z GLENALLAN an old and ex. a blacksmith of Listowel, has Rie: over the blacksmith ‘business formerly’ run by Joe Close and. on peop! re. Dricsidder, : and M and Mi | Visited grith Mr. vrs. We to see Mr. Sanlon favored | with: iberal sano eee “TRALEE cata A number from here attended the! + cate funeral 2 the late Wm..Me whinney friend Mon ‘tes cs Teale and Iittle son of: B y Prank ing With jen airs James Coo | * Saas jpg aoe! chad” Alaa at Tegeraoll in fa 1e ae ee a number from here motor d! ite Misa Ban lay to stone! on the 12th. with me friend, Mie’ Myrtle ad The ae a2 of the G.M.S. ° bo Geo. Kitely 01 * Miny and Sybil’a Smith vis-! day ev t of Mr, Geo. ited Par Bell, | Bestety Be qui pr 1s tina tos Ea Nor tan sees WAR L'oyd- Wha firned | ment seat of after, as a people friends! terrors, with its tortu suffering bro ssn? “8 “again t days wilh’ - of Brantford, the home pmding a few h | no’ We. at not ose of. ering at the home em — or enna hs upon and sister. of Sebrin, * doubted ‘execu’: See week-end at eae ‘organized son ming, th is visiting with in M Rober ten nt t st is spending his (the: hy Phi lig her and in Phi daughter were the guests of Mrs, 5 | a Br ning in aid oF the ha Cres al Wanches' m we anpent ee ee great ses his ast F “an. $i =| Cana vat Moutent OF tie otic: is that owe did | Tak s Stea md hunwdays Dar rt the liber paLe a ‘the un- eo of fr, big ion. been the of the Col Herald whic! favorite outi People af Stratton ex= and Perth pleas- ie mor Va arily limited in year. and The open sa way a sho ble ‘this to it a rs he quarters. “this ek ings will weather Herald to. escape t period at for a ex-ursion hos be-n pated a 9 e people of Stratfo rth ‘ S Marys. will excursion at 5. turday July 17, touch'ng Siratiora at ob, and Teaving at O15: nd a.m. ill rr Rah as ie 1 be made for, passengers f St remember that the old re- ‘ | boy.” is a when it rene weil eieis j tention to ess. and. “tren understan: only ae needing reereat- ion, The * eee ed. To en n neighbors on The Hera! | | PIVE SAILINGS WEEKLY. PORT } a; McNICOLL TO SAULT STE. |t | MACIg ae FORT WILL [best | a dan Pacific Patatial Greet msh'ps i Port MeN: 1. Mondays Tu s say i and Saturdays Port Arthur an xpress | dircot ‘comnect'on leaves. “Toronto ate ifie write M, wee -Mu* ae ATeront aie obo White ni a ich 5 Alex Oubitbortann we regre hear is confined to his b 0. blood ‘nz brought a [through tak'ng a sliver trom hia ny with ee Webi st ha ving? Wie 4 House poison’ @ spent father, msiro’ of his Armstrong. Mr. James mn: me ed Hee tai r r, spent a Mr about a Bere Pu'l credit must b oe of ‘this section y have given to sae Already one ‘ef thi on Los a ns ia Fianders his bi in de: f given the young 0 G,. Mek present in training in G. and Bert. 8 ry an a PLAIN “LIVING AND PHINKING Toronto Weekly Sun Someone remarks that therc been no serious political elak for has P. cations w many o! D The mext gen t rs ly to be re) dares a 1 te cot o spoiia thi k. problems which are nyent'onal politics of the general'y the problems Th the past stad: mal Ww at ia wen protuet on aid ling the ae met to cal posts of Gitictont! Tf as hare ite is pad be lowered. other sources 0! m income* an ty. must be considered. The | d_ Provincia! , iy ye defice’. “Mion il ae vex the mational ideals a msélves about nd cna iobiains will have fii ig! ‘thinkers condemned to plain icing. argc [Devine "Yes replied 8 the veteran the front, ‘and you, will ine sane | hell of = living: up tation’ we “made in France JT_PA PAYS es carats near Indianapol neingg an extra deep. 6 fel fred up a tin can Gene ae x ‘to plow deep. ezine ys, to displace ‘of a about retar: it fo. Th 18th. NOT DISMAYED BY BOMB EXPLOSION! PEABODY’S OVERALL FACTORY STILL ON THE JOB, DESPITE THE DYNAMITE OUTRAGE New Stock Just Arrived OF PEABODY’S OVERALLS, COATS, GLOVES, SHIRTS AND TROUSERS. “WEAR LIKE A PIG’S NOSE” We are Agents for Milverton SEE PICTURES OF THE EXPLOSION IN OUR WINDOW Cherry Week SPECIALS THIS WEEK ONLY WEAR LIKE A PIGS NOSE” Children’s Silk Lisle Hose in pink, sky | black and white, per pair ...,...25c Ladies’ Cashmere Hose....at old price Special line of Ladies’ Vests . 2 for 25c Boy’s Buster Wash Suits......all prices Men’s Straw Hats, new this week, reg. $2 for $1.39, reg. 2.50 for... $1.69 Ladies’ Raincoats, just a few left, reg. Price $4.00, at. icc ge dt $3.49 Boy’s Suits, reg. $6 and $6.50 for $4.98 reg. $4, $5 and 5.50 suits......$3.98 Men’s Suits, reg. $15 and $15, for. 13.68 reg. $10 and $12 for. - $7.98 Boy’s Khaki Bloomer Pants, for the hot weather, per pair easiest es SOO GROCERY DEPT. 6 cases Cookies, 2 Ibs, for .. Oranges per doz 2 tins Apples for Br 2 cakes Sea Foam Soap for. kik 3 cakes Glycerine Oatmeal Soap. 6 cakes Taylor’s Toilet Soap. 2 cakes Glycerine Toilet Soap Sc 20c CASH——-FRESH EGGS WANTED——21c TRADE W. K. LOTH, ND THE WAR “The Square Deal Store” Milverton, Ont. | ARIO IS ne u ‘ARMING PAR-' OM HIS HAPPENED IN WELLES r er ule h Si apologize for citing tor believe that the} United Kingdom and of world at lars Hae: o Map'e Leat {| Some excitement was caused in the ste here @ ie aS aoa no} Creelman give of his trip abro gated ° ag: Ha r athe Philippine China. in. ant fomnes a the he Domin‘ons | lands, ing first e at Ont ‘will 3 re sSiatad you of the tin. aid ehiotr tk taneously from daughter ‘§ a Emmox (ate war the p and of Dominions. va iments to the ed. These worm. weed ightning peers * "tie eld” de ioe img the the ‘sev-| eral departments will find it inca | im bulletin fi An anal: togeth Tr £6 sp 1 the tov ision mot on rambo cee pit = buildings, in at Haslar saad Chat | Canati m_ Gov 0 for the establ’sh sishirt inFrance to be managed by the French Government That was| the Domin‘on as a whoe, Summer Service to Highlands | | ms -Ontarig from Toro: eee taf the year. and the n ¥ ines won ae Sie Sees am; allot ers, Bek look at th. re ER W. T. White and e spent a few days in Harriston | ek 9 \¢ former's moth. wit h her daught agom. The oe Baye and Alwons quin Park, STEAMSHIP EXPRESS od Artec ae a Rae Bach Mo connecting Ith ships ford iiinin aud Duta Will am W points Nia yn. Dut it aul over. the Finan extra area of wheat in 1015, for pre- To een Rao Rav ee TT itation to His Majesty's | Govern- oe ci NYAL'S Mayflower TALCUM POWDER Graco ig ata THE WESTERN FAIR, LONDON. CANADA. Th: ff Londi On- tario, as ra Agresitrat Exhibi au minent tio} n Ontario. and throughout _ e “Doar cs This tual Exhitition oe ry MayflowerTalcum Powder Nyal's Mayflower Talcua ae is an | s Perience to every first time user. Its touch , is soft, soothing and refreshing. Its distinc- tive Mayflower Perfume, paar) individual, K elusive. Ideal for every u hy ae gee Gove can put a Talcum,’ a enabled to ad s . wl was, Rienay alee Stock Biseders mselves of Ss dates are Boptember eth to bigger

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