Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 15 Jul 1915, p. 1

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E é “More ae eo le of junk dealers go- tind stating tiey ave working eas me} gen avenos Se working for me and would ask that you save your old rags, iron, etc., ‘and Twilleall and get it |S. Gleeckman, ?*°"i8i4on “SATISFACTION Gi 3UARANTEED | P. NEUMEISTER | Painter and Decorater | MILVERTON > Vol. XXIII—No 2 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, July 15, 1915 | GREAT BARGAINS IN Summer Footwear Men's Sunday Shoes, reg. $3.00, for....... ager Men's Heavy Elk Shoes at. Men's Tan Oxfords, reg. 4.50, for Men's Gunmetal Oxfords, reg. 4.50, for Men's White Canvas Shoes, reg. 1.75, for Men's Harvest Shoes (Buckskin) at.. Men's Light Canvas Shoes from 1.00 to Boy’s Patent Leather Shoes, reg. 3.00 for. . Boy’s Dongola Shoes at. Boy’s Running Slippers at. . Ladies’ Suede Pumps, reg. 2.25, for Items of Local Interest. |18 you have = gust at your home, are soing out, o! for 2 visit, or know of any interesting news, kindly let us hear frase. yee, We oe eclat uch fay Ore. Miss Jessle Selec of Strat er spent a ion s this week wit! fri (Miss Tea by Scott, of spent Monday with Mr, Fr: Engelant (Mrs. Wim. Lashmar and son walls of Toronto, spent a couple of day: al J ic} is | crus daug! ing eis bolldeyé With friends in 3G 4Gitrs. Preston Hubbell, of Detroit. is| at present visiting at the home of | Mr. and Mrs. + aan wer, Lom Coot of don. Wednesday and Thursday — of are Stratford. al Mrs. it poeors spent the akon with Mr. { Don't miss the ieee ames papain Engeland’s sale urday acet are sure of good photographs if i all . to-night Do Milverton. ‘on our sale bills an ee quotes nit En- “ saturaay night, Tact for hauliny rom 0 main “Street at 81 cents per i vat TS. Sonn Hardy eee and Mrs. Walker, heey: ie d Mrs. Robt. Ranne; i.& E, reek received an ing of fiv they will sproweed ‘t furn out ato Mr. We See y etriking it with his; whip. measured about 4 feet from tip ip. due Misses Ladies’ Tan Oxfords, reg. 2.50 to 3.00, for Ladies’ Patent Leather Oxfords, reg. 3.00 for Ladies’ White Canvas Shoes, pearl buttons........ 2 Ladies’ White Canvas Slippers, 2 strap.........045 Ladies’ All Patent Leather Pumps Ladies’ Tan Shoes Ladies’ White Tennis Slippers. Misses’ Patent Leather Pumps 1.25 to. “The Shoeman” 5 Milverton, - Ont. R. MILLER ‘HO! FOR DETROIT 5 on JULY 17th to 19th. ‘The Stratford Daily Herald's 3-Day Regen to Sarnia promi Popula to be the eae of the BIG SPECIAL TRAIN! in has been chartered both going and return- ing, which will ensure the comfortof the excursionists andeliminate any inconvenienc e Which might be case through overcrowding. Mime table and round trip fares to Sarn Listowel, leave 5.15 Gadshill, leave 5.59 Britton = 5.24 Stratford “6, Peffers A big Sse trait Newton 2 Milverton 50 a. Brunner Children from 8 to. 12 years Half Fare. By arrangement, the magnificent steamer “ CITY OF TOLEDO” pre il lav on a motor trip ee iy mails: jo services will be held in — the| ry next | and| D | | the Youfie man enlist!” Tt pit at efile Tied men have togo at l.aving behind them fam- ait obllarenr while — there mmarried men Hamilton, son of Mr, Friday last fell through:a feed hole in the barn floor to the floor his shoulder in the desce: however, getting along wi well, ‘ir, and Mrs. Herman Mank. Miss- loo, hehe up and spent Sunday at ae teat Jokn Schaefer. Mrs. would undoubtedly been much larger but for the rrangements: which were any! thing: bat gatintactory lic. The special ‘arrived a too Tate Before ‘returming, ers vote for, the Hydro-elve- stal- capable of accommodating over 1,000 persons will be at the dock at coed \d will convey the exeursionists to Detroit, arriving about ‘0 ex) ii make this excursion the best, ereihield cadee the sunplour ot “Stratford's Best Daily.” BOAT TICKETS ON TRAIN. Officials of The Hevald will pass through the train selling boat tickets for City of Toledo, STEAMER FARE, ROUND TRIP, 75 CENTS. 3 packages ‘ age iis ote Be Olive Oil, eink ee for... WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE MS canna ‘AS i sli un ic +3 — - J. G. HAMILTON _ Sole Agent for : PORTLAND O a CEMENT ST MARYS igs many an opportunity to make money. But to have ¢ fart with small savings. Our Savings ie Petemient “ill help you save. MILVERTON BRANCH N. G. SCHAFER, Manager Hamilto is} Ban vie k oF BLISHE noi users a farthing. Everything in con- @ cipal of t e year.) Mr, Wilson bas had six Ldeold hy experience and comes higlly recom- ‘mended, He left on Suticaay Gel at ete See ees rt B.., where he yas aa with the late “Billy” Harkin { Reminiscent, before the street under the supervision of Cou Ay fangitcer Ota -3 dager ot Mite) he IL} The road is being. graded by, ir. C..Yost. of Newton) The stone ce is at work at Mr. Dan. Bren-— engaged in placing the metal road, anee sy \e ednesday when the "aire ok Polling down the base wr begin. jarrison examined rimary piano. Mabel unior m Koch, Slice Lotta White ar mediate hnston. mie Ese Piano, Koch. eory. Gordon rs, é tion of Rev. FP, W. ‘Mi ates. late te Tabor. ‘Alberis, Gl: arge of Burns churel G. Marys. a of the Presytory of. Stratford. ee Haare Rev. J, A, MoLean, 5 reach, Rev. Findlay ve it Stratfoi will earess ve! ‘Detroit aad other es of the stable sale ee ions and q is | wi low 4 merman's and contractors are busily Aa: Jobnston ihe Carrie Roe on | fi | Lai sucecstuly passi, aa the junior exam- with honors, fro. a i dit inure Se aed last back ae wi for ‘The having the Read Mohs’s special grocery pil son fe aie ceaeetaae hbeland Cash. ue for eggs at the Pearl C. See price paid for woo! | ont shies ot “Kelas born. rand daughters Mar- re spending week family visited friends in. North pants ‘z and Hays lle. armies, together with other zy e to was found on person, gara Falls Fri Tt is eatimated. “that 175,000 people be Selanne The ‘Sable Class of Christ Church embers of ‘he em. it! bers were Ce and all report an enjoyable Big John ane Panes and more evi- mentioned by a New Yor “The curious fact is correspondent es oe that rage m force in Utah for eared yeara: before ie 0 Germany after | he Geri foo Diceene ee Souih African Union to be restored to its former owners. An enjoyable evening was spent by the: Bvangelieal ¥. was ess Ww: | origin a of the crane men.” es \handied by Mi Har ‘Messi The results attained by "the elas of wiallfications 0 mn, e DEW principal, bet- er results are hoped for mext yea) lice Gq of Strattora. r-owne t) at. the secuee whose plants manufactured, ganda? a pia police These constables will be paid by the will be uniformed and directed by the police. dians are asked to Sabet i in the morning and remain-| pare wi ded mald, B.A to inspire day evening. d ne J, Brazil, not. | the t -| in peacefu Territory fii admitted as a State of The still ae oe sare ¢ | prove! its_abolit zaaures for suppressing. that pyatenn, ‘The Elmira Women's al | League held another can fune- and G. decorated with Hydr: ss Hominati Ral | Par ‘Tiotic music punted to $150, which "wil enable the] league to purchase iderable more material Boe the eolatess. at the ‘s from nearly aee Ce manufacturers but | co-operal inary. Collen an md thus 'aa @ practical on my ma fit, them to shoe 28 sclont ical Twelfth of Tay celebration 0 at f} poimted out the fact that of the 22. 0 irst overseas conting gua soldiers on the bates OOF etree alto gether likely that this Ther in) general, the Boo! ays. Tn April, 1906, seven days after the plea ase jam ahly 49: 7 the 00 i win cena Gino, avStion Ht = Binttaville. o Juve ‘se i Mr, Scot rae ‘Mr. ator ee f tended by. ton and rapeainstor Geo. J. Coxon. 2 D. “atl Newell, Mrs. Atkin Tas. oe wae being. aeained off thro The fish ane aie tea Iss yunds teacher | An ste Among iength—Milamay Gazett ‘The Court of Revision fii your tna of it; The aj ale aan Peat held a_wind. meeting in ie. ¥.M.C.. eo oe Brett fine Se ‘he | treasurer, itr R Hamilton. . (Millbank. showed Tanne to ¢ good of ee mg 000 which is consid: ered ar the executive. The matter ine ror cement and hote Sceommodation was discussed at some jeng'! as decided to no of hi -| action a ppche in the ee ee b ut if foes dt endeavor t to fave: “things ready to the Bsery accommodat: a ek hotel after wey ae ven the | Governme: C.7. into it mn | general ee this 200. of privilege ak rk Sun|} Patriotic i Woods ly © his: etimniration ve rein! Britain’ wor! deeply jappreciated by the recoints the Bibl What shout that fs a. & £0 | ‘Mar chmidt returned |Moniay ane visiting in Stratford for Mr. {ca age cutter is requested to return jSame at once, Miss aba L, Struthers, of Mon- crieff is spending a ts with her friend, Mise ‘Btta M. account, Enge- da; the part s having Mrs, Property owners only whose naiies appear on the last revised assessment roll are entitled to vote on Lhe byaro- Anec ic by-law on girls ae work- He is im his ninety-fourt! or nee the mail for many “years. Press.” a weekly pias been’ avtaced the mails in Canada, and ia prohibited fruke slraranion er Gens Chas. Talmage is the latest to enlist from Sillvertan for perrice wt the front. is to be hoped — tl his splendid example will ee followed of “Cutworms and The atomual meeting of the Upper Camada Bible Society will be held in o~ Sia ey ee fees ae ines br S ca sy place. mdon, et éeliv Lgrag by. views *satitio®, ave Tri 'o the War.” “Great Britain seem: 3 exe traordimary stren; stor, aoa can only with the the Pee) that. tiered Treland during e last conta. for ol- me evilly disposed person, Replying to an enquirer we have to eens but any perso S| plating piney of address should not awa office. rt, one time |falion, ‘Two weeks ag Sam Francisco today. to find a city, Simpietely rebuilt foe hin | for Sure passed by any of the ex eb ereey, hist ea this h 0 between Port Huron’ and - | owned by Germans or German sare eight to two year eMotarine Uhrou ih various Sante he nee side of the | ig year fe is Wincor es who ae Le se Dae mobiles kee eae Mic a license for a a low price had for $3," O2 Cai where nearly, indifferent or ae ht ent charges as ‘much as sosts in Atco ete worl great is all several pi PAS Griela Ppecutital ative 3 e F yonk roads are either) as bad. your a@ minimum price | we} of $6 for an ¢ pu Gene twice on a short furlough, o1 Stewart was a colonel ian mii'in at wl bie Sees and organize! the 18th Draj eastern] Ww ter! townships with semaine at Wat: a Quebec ‘an who visited a Toronto m: etroit River. Lake St. Clal e Thiver St, Clair. that is to ‘say Detroit are mer- an. oO been. verified but sth ae intersting about here. arm Tuesday and vruica a wichGeoge Brox py deducting t] tea he had tl ele off, and alr Mr. Hen: ie! Bee prety val stalked The Instinct To Save — Is in every weil-balanced man. = tory for your money is evidence of sound and conservative judgment. 87 The Bank of Nova Scotia EAID-UP CAPITAL - SERVE FUND TOTAL RESOURCES sii MILVERT MILLBANK SRANCHES Mildmay camp-me gating Seemed be the chief objective charitable not to question,—Harris- their | ton Review, ja Lamdreformers ‘sin Britain are point. that the aristocracy which ae rosie the lives of its sons for the enty of the “Paire still with- nation on imported food- circular letter issued ”1 washington Department ly by ni 'y, comes Sa Mitchell that | i Aiea remarked the were “ot horses fitted for cay- one gel on-| dis whos’ ‘yelriel ms on a Oring. veel siz~ it would ar | Go! lerich Sigank ete mg meee si pie ou Ne ig | MILVERTON ENTRANCE ust iat in order of eth p Partndge. Harpe Gladys Di | fat, Hy Stanley Lindsay. Winni Armstrong Kenneth bone os Bee ane My att Jv. cou Wilfrid H.. Schad». beret Anil Francis L. Peres Gabel. Chief in) consequence atliiee the i ange — Wak es-Heral

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