Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 24 Jun 1915, p. 4

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The Milverton Sun a ee ae ~ EVERY THU The Sun Printing 0 ne” Main Street, - ton, Ont monte 28 eats aan Tae) sa} 4 2 er line for first Insertion ts Shur cents per lac for cach sabbequent ioeee tion will be charged for all transient adver- Advertisements without specific directions swill be inserted untilforbid and charged ac- cordingly. Changes for contract dilvectloam eats. wins bein the office by noon Monday baby vole el? frie Mrs. 4 8 Mes ; Mos Spent 40" g| part of this ee with her sister. § | Miss sere MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor BusinessCards'* DR.M.C.TINDALE, L.D.S. |& (Successor to Dr, Leder: man) HoNoR GranvaTs Toronto UNiversrry Crow: e Work Office: Over Me "Phone No. 31 F. PARKER, M.D. .L. TYE, M.D, DRS, PARKER &-TYE (FRC + PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILYERTOW Houre—-10 to 12 o'clock a: m- o'clock p. m., and 7 to 8 0 Knox Chureh, Streak ford. “Pho e 267. Sa Lew: a H. B. MORPHY, Ke Barrister, - Notary Public, - Conveyancer Solicitor jon Bank of Hamilton LIstow Ne FR R. BLEWETT, Ke Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto ffice : Gordon Block o' STRATFORD, ONTARIO _Veterina J, W. BARR, Mil Nerton, ary C Toronto. Metanesttain ee phone or other Veterinary balli We eir’ Smith, W ery 7,80 p.m. in their hall over Bank of Ham Uto.” Visiving | brethren vel N. © come, N, McGuire, H, Brown, k ‘See: Notary Public rue IK, Notar Jounty Ww. I tioneer i Waterloo, invepan der De es drawa and Affi Office in the Weir Sank, “CHALMERS papentoy ut, No Issuer of Mar lazy Pab io, Convey riage License Perth, and sold, fentioice: fartiasbe iprediae sale, Hoteis. by TRAL Li, serton accommodation First-class gommercial t tavelorsand others, Three large sainple roo iood stabling nds | trands of liquors and cigars, jest br , Propri he it ac as pata ation Weavellere and o Two fies fi 8 dnors and Clytrs'at the bar, Good warm abl es. George F. Pauli, Proprietor CAN “HOUS 8. Ber attentun to. Commercial Bes mites and served at the bar rt, Prop Rites $1, coper dey Wa. Wirt politan Bank, Milverton 10 Sti; opposite ~ | surround us, tel No. 478, verton, ay ito Bee evening on or before tai moon every mouth tn. their ’isiting broth seta aighi block he; Canals of N’S HOTEL, ai lves tai, Ont for in CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Ontario's Rest Practical Training no0l, We have thorough cour- exper.enced instructors in ies and cach of our three departments-—Co: i Miss's Schmi M®§: FCe aime Cement aid the unexpected death of Mrs. Dun- ail kinds rors tatcrinl sl as MeTayiah, of /Nithbntg: who was las tc. Cide ries 7 e : ui r f years es ‘qualt ‘y The ‘it thy le ob V. Meyer, Manager | (),, fapath Ll toot tale epi with Moo.e i 11 fri FS E Pes. i ° Mr. and®Mrs. Nonnian Ruby and ithe epent'.Gunday. with New Milton Inman, Mr. ae Lowrie and Mr. Clarence Innit _cisited at Mr. Jas. Lowiies Takis af Ubi wek dayaigst rdyee has Brturned J q ei riends in Georgetown. Miss Morrison. of St. Marys, A> B. (Miss Agn s eCity, 0” Li towel visited her sister. Mrs. Pratt “this friends at Moorefield, Listowel and rston, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton — at- tended the funeral. of the former's sister. the late Mrs. Duncan McTay- ish at Wellesley on Tuesday. Mr. and Mra, Eben MoConkey, af Tralee, called on friends here "last eek. s Bhima Tanner was the guest a shies Darremt. of Stratford over “Mie: D. B, Grieve returned home on Saturday after visiting a week with her brother. Mrs, Jas, Magwood at a. (Mrs. D. B, Gri Bey) ; Shee home on Saturday a week ays ghee Tabea epee io: Magwood Tea am Crawford, of Toronto. call ed ne friends here on Monday. lege a Nancy Adams, of Glenalian. Thos. reagan - oe wna on Mrs. Geo. Sey, rs. H. Stewart on Saturday. Fae a voller Geo. Helm accompan- irs, Norman Ruby ored 9. Bieatiaed god Himba urg Inst Rots anual meeting of Millbank tag of Cana ble Soc- iety will ie held in Knox chureh oF a nd ne 28th 8 pm. wher da odsena weal give an ites trat 4 address on a visit to the war zone, Miss Oli ston. of Listowel. aoe: the sesh at the home of ev. F, K. Hughes’ ef- and spent a few days in that pre day: wo. too mi chi with hit th i the unseen com. vi pan‘onships and. unseeh bies sings The en 5 of the Suinsont How the places. of gaiets nstead ins How he i Anglic: ladies are cor jally y The best wish go Ww with the tila of Fiend 8 m ie proaeh Mons ,» Mrs. Joe Die a Dewar sp:nt ; pate b's i vel ie “Gordan ialeetitige: wien im Milverton for the let wa | | | “iM, Norman Gerth, of Bamberg her parents t . Mr. John Sunday. ont, 07 joe dala re Mis: iebtt spent Buitiay with the det, Mr. Jas, Forrest ae oe week- RY. FISH&CO, q LINWOOD as Dealer in ,, 4 Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Ete. poesia: Flour and Feed” Sand Furniture Z the excursioa to the "Mode! aon at Guelph. All report a geo es Peabo Allugham sp nt day aod ‘ne Gordon Hackett, of Miss M. L. McDonald attended the Jack os —Stemmon wed!ing 01 Wed- nes Mrs, hao Allingham and niece. Miss Edna Newtoa spent Sunday at Mir: the hows » ot ‘Mr. and Mrs. Robert MACTON, ~ Quite a number: frou diese nom at . the home of Me ae and Mrs. David Small’ and emty ‘Newton. Quite a number from here attend: he anniversary Sen VICE = Olivet Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand PF Ae ie NORA Fact 4.4 4p parclige Drinesialn d Mrs; Saim. Burnett, 0° Tra- Mr. an’ f Mu- esta Cults ot oe irene “a | verti 3G Moreen visiting Mrs, E Mr. and Mrs, Willi Denstedt, can Pinkham's =: Vevetable Com; ieee Pills, for there are no medicine: thi em, Seu ey Pe toall women, , roumay | SUFFERED. EVERYTHING For Years, Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- etable Compound. Canadian women are continually writ mene He us such letters as the two flowing, wi eartfelt iaruroselooa as are of grat tude ven restor oe Station, Ont.—‘‘T have ta- en Lydia E, Pinkham’: ua ‘egetable Com- ae | Licideece tae [fing of womb and ne HENRY Y CLARK, yi a sare Ont. Chesterville, Ont. — “I heard your medicines highly praised, anda year ago be; gan taking them for falling of womb no! and ovarian troubl “My left side pained me all the time and ae before my periods which were painful it would be worse To eased n eaused me pain and suffer tinea thkt T cdild not bene tases any one or hear any one speak, Little specks ould float before my eyes and I was always cons seemed tort ysie and I have taken them and publish this testimonial PHEN J, MARTIN, Chesterv: Canada. Sre- i Ontario; | th: {School conve Gr ae K, Ha ghia preached two! ih tested Rranuet seolidst boss au foot- tal on Satu day last. 's i irr sell to boys and adul tinction. These iplaces are open all hours. and handle the vilest in- stend at ‘the best brands of < cosis imultiply \as - result of ne is over. aba ‘Mires irred. Denatedt, were upday “allem n-in the: Renn clea! the seats of woe HAWKESVILLE a Thomas Walter, of nm J Hiss rise Weber and Mr. Clément cmabeke dian Pere stook co ‘ietenaea “tus aga ntion of Methodist Wi i ¢ wilt spent Sunday in| i j, Lackner and were visitors to visiting rela “FRUIT BULLET! in | BRUNNER with Mr. and d “Pot er, of Stratford. v difew daya with Mic and 4 ‘ Winge elds r. of Biratfor, ng his sist Mrs Will. ae ng anichid the latter’ Brohibitfon the traffic in liquor is! the home of their parents, Mr. en into secret places ani is hand-|Mrs. P. Schme! sponsible lawless dul owners, ime: ; state Would be enormous, Why ex-| is pending the holidays at her’ honie change profits for losses. or trate, har its f rdon ? —Anti-Temptrance Leagu> Committee ea aaa KUHRYVILLE Mr. and Mr Hea oak mie Brodhag-n on a business trip on Sat-| by Rev. Damm, P.E.. of Toronto. in icrh! ‘our mar? 0” our dup Ss tm n/| day. virited Go’erich on a fi Thursday int tee Fiat having had trip last aim the — pere! ota on to the Dfodel farm at | Cow i | m iM rf nd Mrs. John Manser.~ of |G nday t ye Wil the lettows ‘parents Merc end Mi ae He week with pichae in Donega!. aH ae of oun "asthe irs. (Mr. and children are ae pr er "strat ford, are spending ecea gt tab tact ocecuogiee CANADA | TEMPERANCE ACT VOTE. At the present time. a petition to the Council of the City of Stratford for the submission of a Local Option By-law mext rage is in cireulat- ion. ‘inci, thi Fullerton Romasias ets all under Local Option. g wise for the \voters of thet Sawasdee to ies = the eae da Aa of Perth in regard to the handling of Jiquo: | 2 Scott Act is carried — in| r imunsepaltis license will profit ther as hundreds of thousands of would be sent wate of nd t would derived |from the license fund. This whol mat worthy of profound consi?- . he s is enforced are, ‘Gomi s mi y an estimate 2 the thi che where God has u> Committee PAY DAY All Accounts are Due July 1st. We have given you your fatniioe now give us ours. We-want $2000 from duly 1st to 10th’ WILL YOU HELP US TO GET IT? $6.00 and 6.50 Boy’s At $4.98 ‘0 Boy’ » 5:00, § At $3.98 At $13.68 At $11.98 Raincoat Specials 8 Ment S$ Black-Raincoats, direct from 6 78 England, regular 7.50, now f° 12 Ladies’ Raincoats, with belt, newest 3. 49 style cut, ‘regular 4.00, now Kitchen Aprons and Ki All the’new Checks and spots now selling 49 pees Ly Se. uit SNe ae Sink aaa The New Hat is a Fedora We have them in all the ees ae brown, grey and pearl. * 2.50 Men’s Negligee Shirts Shirt at 85 cents is a Men’s and Boy’s Belts Boy’s Buster Wash Suits Children’s School Umbrellas MEN and BOY’S SUIT SALE Buy a nice, light umbrella for your child- ren. Extra special this week 48 Men’s New Straw Hats Suits on sale Watch our north window, shapes in Straw Hats a he this spring. Suits going Grocery Specials toes; ‘per tin = . tin Pork and Beans $15.00 and 16.00 Men’s Suits on sale Vanilla and Lemon Bars, per Ib Try our black or green teas at 35c Ib. or 3 Ibs. for $1.00, Leave your order for Strawberries $14.00 aid 14.00 Men’s Suits on sale monas 25¢ to 75¢ each .78 te 85c¢ now 69 We have all the new “The Square Deal Store” Milverton, Ont. W. K. LOTH, Mrs, Al-xanler Robertson, of I days at the hom Mr. and Mrs, Robt, rs. Sanh Milverton. spent Sunday H. Zimmermann | ¥ tl iam and Raymond. | of in t on parents, in nd Sehmeh! pal I ath ARer siaters Mr el pacino Bmily Schmehl ome Si day after spend- Stratfor. Mrs. ‘ast- Quarterly services were conducted the Evangelica’ church here on Sun- Norman ee and ai the tne e of Mi eh. A program. is being prepar- s mmond, See’y. | ti wartzen-! we rind. Waterlos. on Mom of Milverton ret the home Ottmann left Poe! e wha she bes , Ottmann nt a week b student # home last summer holi ne Ind. arriv to spend. the wil b his paten mts, dast Friday night Which aa wetlcwtteniel.OHe chain the drawing contest was awarded o Wai. Dingwall nd Mrs... Bivour, Miss Syl- iat nd Hilda Gratin avn Roadey’ at tecnoon with “Mr, and 6 Eo Res URNITURE Lawn Seats and Hammocks WELLESLEY ella } wh J been attending col- at Phunde|phin for aevere) Gone arrived home on Friday and with 1 the summer holidays at thei here S38 yet McMillan and oe fen spent last Sun = with friends and re'atives moar from. here are r “Ente ance examinations. is week. Millar chage-a busine Baby Carriages ...... $10 up Collapsible Go Carts $5 up Express Waggons $1.75 up Auto Wheel Coaster$ $4.25 Gerhard Heintzman Pianos Robert McMane Milverton Rua eeabaten Funeral Director Here, Tacos Belt “nar Eh ke: pene: ae CROSSHILL as oes Mrs. Ro} Ege iere: of spent ith friends examinat- shill se ae of , Byer rank ©: ae and Mrs, Louis Schmidt and ea whiskey drinkers and the net resut of Milverton. spent | Sunday He “Listowel spent a day with frie m increase in the evils of intem- with Mrs. Schmi es ‘parents teas a dJast ae : srance, The mot. lovs f9 real est Mrs, Peter Selva Another sof Cross- rs, merchants, cities, county an Jean Chalmérs. of “Mitchel! | hill was raid tb rest last week be the person of Mir: Hugh Wratnes spent the greater part, of MY ditttic over -— is. til OCK years-ago when he lost his ROSTC jaa K partner im life and are Water- A ene: aaa Whar anid here. he. resided until a A rt rests ICI ago when took up residence fen aud Mr. and Hrs John Krug, of in. Stratford passing away at 2 red in ‘Rush's Senet: on Thars'ay. 7th. cae the tame, bi sae NO RIGHT TO WHIP HORSES ‘DC.H. in Breeder’s Sar e in hand. if I have purchased ae ee W. R. Nickel and baby Harry. Tabor with my money, and mal sacha Die: Hee Eea ahaa Hie OS oY: els Banaelige Particular Choice in Spring Suits Here you will find a good selec- tion al the veky newest patterns. in Plai ‘ancy Wo made up in the very latest style moderate price: a Plesse Young Men and make Old Men Feel Young.” J.M. FLEISCHHAUER ‘Ladies’ and Men’s Tailor, - MILVERTON, ONT? . ————— seeeceses 3 Buy a Victrola for the Home. } ; The easiest way to make: things pleasant for all the folks and to furnish entertainment they will thoroughly enjoy. d we will play your favorite music for you and ‘ms.

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