Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 24 Jun 1915, p. 3

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Poe han despatch from Rome says: A ‘correspondent of the Idea Nationale, telegraphing from Dedeagatch, gives _‘h terrible picture of prevailing condi- “tions in Turkey, which he evidently obtained from refugees from stan. oats arriving on the Bulgarian fronti The ae he Seater are sees of food ai a ‘ortage of coal, too, and the Pte of fuel Seperate for the immobilizing of et, whic ger ate He a the offensive, is now anchored in the Sea of Marmora, - | in. the is| tempting to fles trom the » is\the Tu There is a Shortage of Food, and Government Re- sources Are at a Low Ebb: Talaant Bey, he Cae oars each day for the edific: of the population Rosine: spate of vic- sea obtained un capital tells other tales. houses of Christians, especially Greeks e Phanar quarter, have been sacked by mobs, often with the con- niyance of the police. Christians at- capital are set upon, robbed and maltreated by rkish officials i rages tion Ba sie to keep alive the flame of hatred of the Moslems against the Christian allies. BOARDS T0 REPORT ON PENSION CLAIMS Medical Men Will Be Appointed In Every Military Division of Canada. despatch from Ottawa says: Boards of medical men are soldiers. ii the si of $2,000,000 set aside for pensions this year will be quite in. sufficient for the purpose. If more is liament it may be o d. by Gov- ernor-General’s warr: The — establishment materially assist in: the ing pensions, which is reach large proportions. pas to Reports will man is. temporarily inca- Vi saat the practice so far een ea: bin. reales actives service pay Until he rescvers, "Whe is evident, however, that the injury wil outlast the théspenaion list 'at 0 i roblem of caring for conva- aceite eepectadsin Grove: sak ot Q the heaviest burdens of the war, and ction will shortly be taken to deal specially wi ——__t____—. To Plan for Future n the Food Sy yee i ee, Milner is chairman to investigate and n the assumption that the war may be prolonged beyond the harvest of 1916. 30,000 WAR CON CONTRACTS LET FROM OTTAWA Purchasing Cota mission Will Assume ‘harge. A de: siderably over 30,000 different pee tracts have been let a, the b ig of the war. Up to Ppp 1 _ of last session 11,000 had been let by ie number has eet ey in- creased since. rehasing Commission is fate almost _ night and day clearing. up the rush of contracts. purchasing branch of the will in future institute a which not only the calling and -accepting ae oe for war Hecenaasies: but every step lead- g up to it, will be dirotied under its jurisdiction ana all information eit able on uch subjects on file own of - ENQUIRIES AB ‘ABOUT PENSIONS. Should be Addressed to President of the Board at Ottawa. patch d| Arco and Riva before th al . | the objective , the man is put on once. ii ape hich Lord t fore food 1 on spatch from Ottawa says: Con- Militia De-| j NEAR THE HEAD OF LAKE GARDA Italians Occupy Mori on the Western Side of the Trentino. A despatch from Rome says: Arco and Riva, important towns at the head o Lake Garda.. As there is only one railroad in this section the fall of Italians in- Italia movement, but the road ‘e eae piace is fortified to such an if will be a hard task foes the Teale of Tolming, on the Isonzo front, is reported in an ‘official eF en. Cadorna, the chief o! staff, issued by the War Dafartnent e Alpine troops are giving a good|® oat of themselves in this region, using ing the enemy’s intense fire the dirig- ible returned see Ce livazza is on ilway fro Laibach, the Austrian. Saar rieste. from the from Verona, the Ital- ian headquarters for the Trentino op- rations, says that among thé prison- ers recently taken “i the ago Misurima district was a Bavarian, which is taken to indicate that Ger- man troops are aiding the Austrian eS, a Se WIT AND WISDOM. “Have you it been up in an aero- plane?” “No, but I ence acted as sates! =f a baby ter: us : “There are so very few really ae the world.” Hubby: Wess ent Wore etighty Ince es et doing my best to get ahead,” asserted Chollie. “Well, you certainly need one,” stented Dollie. “You are eto humanity, How could I ‘have married you? Van Twitter? eee ore more resourceful fit his shape, but a woman can get her - Fs shape made to fit her clothes.” ie 'y poor man!” said the fussy lady to a workman who a manicurist’s this morning to be done up.” “Now, madam,” said the judge, “do you swear that: you will speak, t the truth, the whole truth, a | say!” cried the: Ibe alowed to talk all the afternoon? That's Tove th aide ad untorturats remark fe Toiske! Weddihe yesterday) Wn ache the treasure he had won, and ever one but, Smith knows Jones: married | her for her money.” ok. Ice is not considered strong enough to bear the weight of a man unless it ficer is in a position to give prompt inform: ters, ation in Roca to such mat- i is at least two inches thick and sound is Ls inches thick will bear men ii horseback. } ere despatch a London says: Hilaire Belloc, the military expert, es- - es that the German and Austri- ree | one-fifth for ae See Mists of this talons ahow| total oe ana are | ritish casualties, ne fi the belated| cau: and. the Austrians lost watt more in nove in prisoners than the Britis] Prussian ean rather than the peat ae pire a fu ae Sy Austri 3 six, Mr. Belloc | arrives at 8, case enemy casualties before the great effor | according to nia etiniates annot eau for less than half a milion; niakes a abe total of thre millions cludes, thas prol ed oy nearly fair’ witness; “Sheii| 10 ay 2” _voneretnlated him on e ‘y- 'y in July is ani icipated te Stock con Hschan ed that it |; co Robert Lansing: = Signed the — Note to the Kaiser. The new aT of State ad in- im, and wh is expected will entually Rateive He pel era ap: it by Presid He State. ‘Depart. ment, prior to being commissioned to ucceed Mr. Bryan, and is an expert in international law. :|DARING AVIATOR Lieut. Warneford, Who Recently De- stroyed a Zeppelin, Killed in Paris. A despatch from Paris says: Lieut. Reginald Warneford, the young Cana- 01 ian aviator who recently won th Victoria Cross and the - Legion of Honor for destroying in - mid-aii > Paris and the machine tumbled from great height. Li Warneford was ae instantly. Needham, the American weitenas sears to get impressions from # Warneford. s | before leaving the Hotel Ritz for the - | testing groun that he felt sick and dizzy, and would not fly, although us had been bees tee experiment with some new mac! Hy io’ AniesMe eaeelint thease tion grounds, however, he had ayavatiohie uendl- byayency:int healh, Sia dustabdinialy aelrslioue te accent in one of the aeroplanes to be tested. He took the machine up alone, pu it through some of the customary Manoeuvres and slighted without FALLS 10 DEATH crs! fects sess ane Vital Portion A A despatch from London A notable success was. score including 202 o} chine guns, caissons according. to an ofl i rograd. Tipe altace report % Engin Thigh hurled back on the same front further and 8,544 mi ice- Chie f fads A, Bra 1,” Que. to the-south-eqst, while another force! guns, cxisone and other booty. lf. P. Ha Someren, High Seeretary, which crossed above) On the 15th the enemy crossed the | Brantfor pe Be es eet Nizniow was destroyed | Dniester sls and Below — Niziow. | reasurer, Brantfor oye roitest in the Shavli region and west of| The forces which crossed above were| Bora Brantford, Ont W. G. Stro the middle Niemen there has been no| destroyed, and those which crossed Superintendent tof? Ongdeication essential change. The engagements| below were checked. rantford, oberts; Fiket the capture of 8,746 men, | | of the 1 icers, 6 guns, of the Muscovite Line Holds Firm gainst Constant Assaults ays:| continue. On the Bzura above So- immense an and other booty | enemy was thrown back in disorder. cial statement is-| Our notable captures on the Dnies ‘Austro-German ter above Zurawna in course of orted to have been| the 14th and ih include 202 officers , 6 guns, 21 machin tae tines i its Over Five Hewuet Delegates In ‘9 a ity for the first The follo owing: ee of High Court were ipetent a Ona es fe erth, Ontis PRICES OF FARM PRORUCTS AePoRTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE EN’ CA. TRES OF ee pe Toronto, whe: North ~at—No, 31-26%; No. 2 Northert, $1.24%4; No, 8 Nor! 1 feeds 8 to 308, on America: Canadian on track, roe ok freletts out alde, eas—No. 2, nomi at a to 31. 60, according to freights ide. arléy—Good ma to Mies teed barley, freights outside. ut eat— to Te, according to jute bags, $6.50, bags, 10c more. 3 r bag, nape ae! eae Ege’ - straight 1 new-laid being acid” my A an. corn—No 80%c, on track, lake corn—No. 2 yellow, 78¢, No. to gli, ‘Nomi second patents, jute bags, $6.70; strong bakers’, ot flour—Wini ents, $5, oe —Car tee delivered Mont- fed and watered, $9.35; do., off cars, $9.60 ontreal, June 22——Sales of good ers were made at $8.25 to $8.60, AMERI — Manitoba | Th $1,25% to 1.23% to | t thern, $1.20% to 3. $5 CW, 59 9c; extra Ner| track, lake por ellow, aie eavy. mixed lots at. $8.50 0 as ‘weighed off cars, 0 $9 per Winter, per according to inal, per car lots, GREAT CHANGE HAS OVER THE NATION. COME Iting barley, 70 65c, according to inal, car lots, 75 freights outside. The People Think Nothing Else But the War. A cable from aoe to the New York Tribune say: In sign is inane at the present onto. avcatal ons? ee di no- mpared with June, is a new country. A year ago the season was at its height restaurants, theatres, aud dresbriabets were doing a $25; 3} $28: iting, “good feed flou! as ‘0 22c per dozen, in case lots, and estaurants wer Paes: 28 to 2de. al . end mainly. Beans—The peed quiet at! on the patronage of officers on lea’ for to $3. heh eda for hand- ai tr; ie mishap. chine, which was of the same type as| of the first, and taking Needham as a passenger soared into the air. There a few spectators on the grounds and some of the men connected with the aerial corps. ‘ine glid- ed from earth, but there was no hint. — of ‘anything wrong, and. the lieutenant and his American passen- x had soon Teens but a speck ii w exact height the aeroplane had attained when ths mishap, what- ever it was, occurred. But it was so high that nothing out of the ordin- ary could be detec eC iy the ares tors on the ground until the machine ard. | came plunging: downw | " LIGHT STEEL TEEL HELMETS A despatch from Paris says: French soldiers in the field soon are to begin ' wearing light steel helmets, suggest- ntique head- | In color they Ly harmonizing ith the service ches Frerich soldiers tere been wearing for Several months pas‘ Th try of nh Hide: ree a design for this helmet, after a nged examination of various difter. | ent types submit! will afford conserable Pe avection = the head from of shells t rifle bullets traveling ‘with teen velocity. mary cap will be | "Stupid Lawyer nee. wal, James; how are you featng id minister to one of Perakieneee an ie chronic rheumatism. “You t looking so brisk as usual.” sir ” replied the old fellow, . “Pye been Bey unfortin‘t the fai yan’, ate Maneee ‘une for YO, ye,” said the ol eneuch si an’ had a hale Senet to pay for extra postage.” Then he got into the second ma-| pag. young ext which jbs:, "ot Z, out of store, ai car lots. 55 to 6c per Business in Me pegs June 22. straight rol Hers, i bags, 5 28 inti $33 $ car ey FOR FRENCH SOLDIERS 2 Ceara ey ee Potatoos—Ber bag car lots, 42% t fo the. 875 Ibs. net, 10%c; es 12e; pure, wood “United States | Markets. Minneapolis, June 1 hard, $1.23%; 1.23; 0; July, ‘sit Live Stock $1. ‘oronto, June : 22.—1 suflering tle, choice, $8.10 to $8.40; do. 80; do., mediu $7.50 to ; “Spring cieee| to. 15ce, rket is” easier, ing, quoted at 18% to 19¢ for ieee? at 19 to 19%e¢ for twins. ew Brunswicks, car Takes Winter pat rue choice, i! 80; 2 Northern, $1. 15_ to prime, and $8.20) trom ners and costumers have discharged over 70 per cent. of their employes and are doing practically nothing. Women are paying no attention to oe new fashions, and altering gowns Sy yeal Sy instead of buy’ xpen- » 55 to 60e ba sive private Saromobiles grow fewer nd 45 to 50e in| Gaily, Recruiting Stimulated. One sees thousands of khaki fig- Ameri] Wes marching along the public thor- Oats | oughfares. The entire country has ; awakened t to the gravity of the situa- ean and recruiting can men under ed their services is almost infinitesi- mal. y London regiments are recaitiie is i ace gr seca ing offi- cers, but all state that they are get- ti rativel 40 te in, $36. Shorts, to $34. Mouillie, on, recruits are most of hggee sasha men between thirty and fort “The slacker” 2) peared. Of apparently eligible young: oe to whom recruiters appeal no than one in twenty is deliber- ately refraining from joining. Making Munitions. This recruiting stimulus is charac- teristic of the ange which | nation. pure, tierces, a pails, 20 Ibs ne voting themselves in one way or anothers to making munitions. Retired men with i 22. a, eee 1 Northern, up their whole ti ese factories without erease the output. Women Doing Their Share. More than 100,000 women have registered themselves at the labor ares as willing to engage in war Women are going into every eee of life to fill men’s ,| places. new. station opened by the ae ae *Ralivay ee time to work ing. pay to i Northern, $1.20 ea Butchers’ ae Stloy patchers’ bulls eetel es 105 the Sleratong and acta as ticket rile "good hills, $6.98 to $0.00; Bou oso Wulls, $5.25 to $6; ttibutors and’ collec Nitchera® choice, miter Many women are gee as driv $7.25; do., good, $6.25 to $6.50; do. of OE Torrie, Se drive mal mediuin, $6; porns carts, postmen’s to $5.75; feeders, rape $6.50 to! work, and, severe i ndred are taking #8 253) ; Stookers, 700 a = 1p ts, +! the pace et commissionaires — old 3, cann a soldiers who rejoin my. ihe Ce ar eee es = ipfela-agcl cluteighevenrve altign st: Gach, $35 Pek | tirely acancies caused by 5; light ewes, $6. 70 to men Sane. All this goes to show eavy, $ 3 dow, Tucks § to| that every class of society is now .50;. yearling lambs, tt giving itself up to” the war and no- $7.50; spring lam! Ha $11 to! thing else. ae “Calves, $4.50 to $10.25; is ely a family which is | not Dereonaly "affected by the strug- i “Compulsory Levy Livy Suggested : But While This is Diecut: itis Believed Terms of New Issue Will be Tore Popular. ae EK A leapabill from London | says: That being that it will aopea to even the anal investors. The opposing obligatory discus: factc lanchester See a militi service, is rapidly Senin the point where every per- son, in some a wil be assist- ing in fighting th ns. z fier Oe as tae CONSTABLES s AT Re OES RLELE: FACTORY s A lespatch | om Quebee’ says: rani employes a sti Ross Rifle : = as special = BRITAIN 1S FULLY AROUSED Ii and Talk of lai ading milli- | ** ;W.L. igh Auditor, Hrentford, Ont, and A. Shultis, Second Hi a igh Auditor, Brant- A. K. Bae, Past Dist. H. C. R., land, tae, and DE. J ist. Hig! secret ae inipeg, Mi: froin the Distriet High Court for Manitoba, » were present. ‘The Anni of the various is Ord: tirely to the Dominion of C: In! all its departments, in spite of the ad- ditions which hav i b progress is demonstrated. Teste in the i sacenee funds amounted to $375,- claims, showed funds on hand of $4 740,368.01; ‘he amount at the present time being sipeiaat ls, The yearly revenue de- uri fi to $223,761, 44 per ae of the total death Hae on The rr er. In respect to the matter of invest- that. earns Funeral “Benet Funds (these invest- G/36TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE HIGH _ CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTS, P.| tubercular yecit lion ler confines its vee en- Calista, onitorm se, 1 | considerable sanount of, business ‘awaits ments being Be einen to ety pre a af 86th Ani ray Meeting of the | payment. of * 319 sick and fun ‘S Ca nadian Order of Foresters convened |}yenefit claims, amountii on Tuesday afternoon, the 15th of | 430.35, the: am June, in ang City of St. Catharines, at | credit’ of this fund was $ p.m, Delegates were in attendance! the same an at the present time ‘rom all parts of of ee Dominion, sek ena jing al ik $400 585.68. province nny 2 esented. The Hi eneral Fund is also in a Ri ee condition. pt charges, incident to the war, Sees Shans and ih carrying Rae on. overseas vaedales, ied te Fu el Benefit erence: special pe rh is made, under the constitu- Bono ie Order, for assisi to thoke of its members | Pek ne roul of at cases, and thé m urged to take such treatment in the incipient stages of the mala Ie is grat usal_o} any ma in Canada, mae a mpectalty atifyin ing to note after a per- eports ie ‘All the officers tl fs enching be bens are be: , in, , ance concer: interest, as indicat- ak chapay ‘selection ‘ot lake. is the death rate, “This for 1914 wi intendent o1 been able strat a that the Order continues to tabi re [axene fee As new fields for tion 0! dourts ‘only ra reasonable pros- “ ‘pursued a very liberal pelts yin respeot to those of its member- p wi fe ‘dinary who were In inp at the date so ‘eelanation, of M4 “ngland, but thi nd Wuneral ‘Boneht aa for all such members are. bi High Court out of or BX. ew business cessity to pine Cnty eater sourNe for ene order: but the arrangement am made relieves’ the mei CaS Sih nd Bur neral Henett Fi der usual way, such gceas! the atcenter he ates, and It te eted that the sessions will probably thelr attention til the 18th in- a Look To The Future Ganeda\ can: beast: by beatkenbig to the recommendation recently mad atrbnglv: treed: thamcty rate ay anich stock as possible during the war, and | butcher simply because prices are attractive D spashets iiniiatiey nulcanle) it is wasteful of the country’s re- souces and is against your own inter- ests. ‘ Do not Kill calves—rear them; it is well worth it. Do not reduce your stoc _| you cannot buy stores, buy c: Maintain nee flocks and eth ae sows; it will pay you The board it that the above re- commendations are made not only in the national aetatee but becau believes them to be for tl pee the ultimate benefit of British agriculturists. Her Pride Touched. teachers’ meeting was in. pro- gress, and it was decided that the more difficult subjects should come in the sete and those that peaales less application later in the His- ory was last on the list, ah Miss Wheeler, the young teacher, protested. “But it certainly is than recta or mathematics,” the principal nas I teach it,” replied the young teacher, ‘ nO ‘subject epi be more difficult, Las confusing. The boat of a man an weighs about 201b. > Bay isthe iets While — the M: t is Low. Our heer ved thirty, by Toaking. 8 te yment and balance in monthly _ : as ments ag you can afford— aD 20 Lee ee and at present ‘yleld. @ most attractive in- (QUEST. it contains valuable. Sefer en whioh will appeal to Untifty peo: ‘ple desir eatment. ssourtties se it | hy maT PAYMENT ver copy d ies BOOKLET Maitep | RE FRENCH GAINS AT SIX POINTS Army of 200,000 Germans Hurled Attacks Against the Allied Lines. h from Paris says: ‘The heaviest fighting of many weeks is In. the north, between Souchez and ae, Neuville, the fighting has been furi- ‘3 ous. On this front the Germans ar- rayed an army of 200,000 men, with " heavy reserves in the rear, drove for- ay against the French in a desper-- ‘ort ti ain the ground lost fats ee the last few days. ted ‘3 were Kasten back Breit reths which, striking quiekly while the Germans were _in confusion, pressed forwar t gains on three sides of neal while the Germans used probably no leath toll in the face of such eves” work has of necessity been very large. e French War admits vias the pets losses hav. been seri that the Seuann posualtien even greater. In spite of this fa the ‘spirit and morale of. the Freni Seppe is said to be excell prisoners ) German are: hen made during the struggle nthe § ert Neuville tr —b bre 00 in the ib eee a subu nd oe Feel De voige, ot Meteo on ‘the River tat Rae Steinbeck, a of Metzer eral, has’ ‘fallen French Sn hands alter a furious ‘sca into ~ Francis unin: The. ‘new sositions Es about Souchez will give the clean sweep. * German eee in the town, and ee same is Behed respecting Motzeval. | The Doctor Was Satisfied. — When a well-known doctor, an en- thusiast gn phtenaloey: einai Paris, he was shown __ e of the im in Sakae the » establishment eee was quite tes, talk. his head,

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