Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 24 Jun 1915, p. 1

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a NOTICE! ere are a 0) ing -around ata they are for one were md woud Mak Chat you ee Tags, 75. Gleeckibah, ste of junk dealers go- in your yote., and will eall and get it Phone 16 r 4 ‘Milverton working ing for me r old = cra It Shines For Al.” ARANTEED! P. NEUMEISTER Painter and Decorator MILVERTON Vol. XXII—No 51 Milverton, Ontario, Perth B0:, Thursday, June 24, 1915 Milverton | Council ‘Muverton, June 15th. Peper council met Ste m2, ve Zimmer. in Chief Justice Dohert y used to Short Stories Retold. GENUINE 1 HOSPITALITY x late am experience which befell him deen a@ visit to a country house ia Items of Local Interest. If you have a aoe at your home, are ki kindly let us hear fro) ‘We always app: uch favors, eh Henry Fin ik, Sr., Bs aay ith friends in Tistows iis animal had been Halt an hour. su! ynean. how fone since he t Aa 5 safe -he’d buy him. i mded by Geo. she prayer of the petition was grant: “it peenents of N. A, ars 3 ebb and paid. The advice of G, G, McPherson. village solicitor. read in reference to ordered to " Gallop. with an amieabl settlement in the matter. Counoil then. adjourned. met Thursday evening hey the carrying of foreign matter VY. D. Weir, Clerk. ply, of has! | waiter, ‘and Mr. Choate t + ONE (MARK TWAIN TOLD ON CHOATE port, } When Mr. Jos. H. brik wae Aas whats into a restaurant at hey Bad for. dinner. “Re rythinst 2 " roared the wa “Bring it in.” was Bir. iOiate’a re Gac_ order the | hf” yelled inted, “ids ER % BLATCHRORD—GRAY marriage of Miriam eae od nd Mrs. 28, Vie~ two pase a at es d_ Niagara before ‘aking up. their fearliaie. in Liston | t ONE WEEK ONLY REAT BARGAINS IN FOOTWEA ONE WEEK ONLY on nt Sunday snth tended to Rev oy ae osiah Aiken, at Messrs. Pore Neuert and at vithe Sere ae: Mr, eee aon ae after spending & week wil friends and relatives in Pennsylvania. 8. Mr, Bred, Hunter, we regret to re- at present confined s Ruby and Winnifred Gr been attending West Toronto. have returned and baby, ge. t on Friday last to spend] in Maer. last _w w a iends Sask.. |Sul on et week Aco 8. H, Pugh we in touch with * mark ec Base Lol ne Mr. ‘tha hr. tes = trice ami Geo, Josiah Aiken | ni it Ontario: epent a the home nd Mrs, C. 8. Gro: rr er jagh‘ets and Ranuey. a Ae _Alisses Conlter, of iss Ba y ot ral if 1 on Sund: aay, meeting ‘st erton. on Mow: | Perth rea ening 2 unanimous cal see ‘and beige af Wiar- Wine, Hove: au Mr, Rennie. of |, Mir. David Henry an Burns, tr ‘Hackett and Miss Men’s fine shoes for everyday or Sunday,. 2.00 Ladies patent leather pumps cloth backs at 2.00 Men’s gun Sates Ox- fords, reg. 4.5 ~ 2.80 os Men's tan oxfords: Teg. 4.00, 2.00 Ladies patent leather pumps at . Men’s patent leather oxfords, reg. 5.00 3,00 3.00 Slater’s tan ron reg. 4.50, for . Ladies’ fine ‘“Empress’’ patent leather shoes, lace or button, at. Boy’ s heavy veal shoes in sizes an 5, reg 2.25, Ladies everyday shoes at patitpnisde ’ EEE SA IR ir school shoes | 50 : Misses’ Boy’s patent ener fine shoes, reg. 3. 2.50 Misses’ patent leather pee at Soe joy’s fine shoes, gui metal or dongola, lace or but- ton, from 2.00 to, Misses’ dongola and gunmetal shoes, lace oF button Ee 25 R. MILLER, from 1.75 t “The Shoeman” we omhoihise Ont. D. L. @ W. SCRANTON STANDARD ANTHRICITE < J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for Coal PORTLAND CEMENT % ST MARYS LIME “MME everews If you k knew how to get $500 v would — - -you_not The Bank of Hamilton will help you by. secaere bia oe on which it compound Mien [BRANCH few ai Shee ety you Pp If ade = : you will set Ata allows — but a ely have in He county council a ‘The Christian Citizenship Caenpaizn 8 be conducted in Milyérton . Jas, | wil a faybroctentad:the tues ectings, ‘Saturday aa the agen Mr. . Be head offi a but formerly agent Mitchell o Roy Calvert orking. were visi e dependents oF iers fighting eecthe tune will friend a 500 people Miler rink to The cam- su eh. 11,000 to 12. 000" ‘auet bia lace cocvetinne spots under tres t boul ‘hardly be amegessary ‘he i i Timit Bt the village is fre- qa-m'ly by “motor car ae pace tf Sent Mon- Hugh | § Glenallan- spent, Sunday Ww. son. on rele different Chinese sidence with an attack of appen-| Were swindled in St. osch | Capt. GN. Goaree | and irs for J ‘Don Coxon |B B, | afternoon " 1 | Stan =| the poe onion eta has been oy ved, by thi and t ae the attention of th Fp of ‘Toronto, also deliver 1d & Sons. Pearl Eggs 2tc, trade, “Engel Pires soe for eggs at era Ee ‘Your order for strawberries at land's, Try a-hottle of Neumeiste pelea ea silver, brass, eto, vs. Poole: berate venens at ‘dipien Park, pielves erg metal ; L001 cues. examinations at Stratford this Geode muotang Mion ba paint- Set oireulas about the best roof- ini Mr. Mi Mr and Mre, Henry Baker returned on Tuesday from a trip to Penetang- uishene and other point: out for Mexican five- e-dollas bank notes, ‘They are again " | appearance in’ Western Ontarie aun . Catharines last Gordon, son of Ss. wens killed in action Lutheran pas- Walkerton who applied welcomed as # British ot, ording to Mr. Patterson, who et» pr es, were t me k place {a by a wife but sterling and it man and lived an unobtru-| i enty-three hundred r "amis are Bie: oxime patriotic fund. an in May was $37,786, an aver- ry The mumber and fifty dents has as nth Aatios Septer char ane alene Wee cate ree times | that siombor will-soan be on the: Hi The es meeting oe North tendance, Co, 8 was transacte mediately afterwars ¢ mi district ot meet ng was held.—Listowel A new ‘ehemy _ ts entered gome es Wabash 0 he i2 work a peculia e stalks are oat ae wrt ‘he he roots the Bails end it ithe opinion, that they are sh dest ghiiacatohietce’ tn tis cal Skandia lor their lac! The Luckno’ ing feature of, the eet Genel Road traffio it st rut Runes: gtd stoffice e Tural routes at oe aay Cer pitere gr abe Canada Temper ance Act held « mecting in the Mill |y i nday 6 “he as fairly well ve Gisenr occupied the chai ddress bali was listened to with ae ‘atte! Lord Kitehener rapa to ie Ger~ ue ymen | ii + | apply sto Beamtford. ‘Oxford. Middle- |) 1) bu fener shod last week a butcher in- hi 01 of f | mi iden’ <0 tae 28. is penis have al meee in the House of tates Eggs 20c. cash, 21c. land & Sons, All ladies suits and coats left re- Son: trade. Enge- promises to be reduced. val ke his verton during the last w« 5 Orders Jeft at the Sun office will be t leader of Burns was on Tuesday evea- ing presented by the choir with a Geil febeland as qaeneen cat appre- ety of her services, iquor to one of the adagd Revoace De: Addressing a Simcoe audience, Sir M.P., hon, secy. — 0} und, ‘stated the fund, 450,000 a iss ‘Winifred Oe returned” on Saturday evening from Detroit where and rdeaanier “wi ma, whi s before returning roit, caid that: automobiles ore sell- this seaso: ah an extravag: mainion Government fruit meoe Tnesday atin upon the closing of is the luxury of the rich.— riecton Echo. Francis Frieburger, who yeturned to froi was see of bei a cee fo his name. but ‘final brought sin by the ty -laws mel legis? lative committee in the x port sub- lomas this year, rend listment 8 <a their red ts the e°uontional ol gies in the fees and the provincial auth: Peed will be easily eclipses ie yea mbe: we 25.308 ator qos so far juropean, conditions it is a dikely that acait tourist will fore in Ontario than Lata W. FP. A. = FOOTBALL == er. ‘confetti. are over 16,000 East rt | drawing from thd sociation ds _svending::at diacrats strawberries | to ot | Klein, on the Tharge “of takin mache sf y trot pane it tp i junk ee vi 71 ber diter! ee ne eat sit Lang—In een regarded | nos; ae your holiday apparel at Enge- a) Wee are ie & Sons, due July 1st. price paid for and hides at Kelterborn. mts not settled by uty wi “have etatement mal Sor “The Sun wool 5th C= Engi fice has a splendid line af wading ‘atntioncry oh. hand Fanmers who have cattle to sell will be pleased to here LS ion that good beef will nd liye weight oe the in St. Louis waiters in restaur: ts aay have to pass medical examinat- It would be quite nice to know tor Senta si tnt Cha th na E: submerged im your dish of soup is a healthy one. The man who enlists for the war as ‘Calta im ASV. sulered, there seems wisdom ing mow. (Mr. Cecil Morphy had the misfor- | tune 3 break one of the small bones ankle on re ‘after- ae nls. 8 ond it Ihappes ened rerretting the fact tha the fi is declaration ts ritialy int 8 jupnthy loyal ‘British subject, On failure his. notification wit be een that ee n. were committed by magenrate: Montgomery on Ts iiniey thei before Judge door factory eid We chai he sash the law should iron from unlest Sear written ‘onset ot thelr pare ‘he boys out on $30 bail Sf viet ehould bi a Teeson to light: eres Koen ‘wo | county council 1s {considering the: advisability f si tting a by-law to the authorise the ewe to fase $300,000 debentures to cover the structing a m of wne million. bushels capacity, rd h of th me oe ‘ntilities a are now control- sone yee In Memoriam. mory El liott Lang. who died, rane Pe “toa, pile he cm Range te for she hath cross- We “ “a Him meet her on the And jJead her. “through the gates, where never Sorrow te death poldeny can oe Wee quot her. she hath reached befor Lon igt gneiss of her long or Weep not. aa der she may be bend- | ing oe Tnchutnt “vondder when we too” ebail Weep sok or ia think how she may be Gazing her‘fili tipon the Master's Bt A loving. humble smile but half re- ‘The perfect peace she . feels “Mary's place. Hus sl and Children, Football. Notes my Listowel defeated Atwood om Wea-| a thi in| meets yy even= gs keen! contested fume at At- : sn Udi held jess a Wr be atocusaed’ in y by acter a This community was shocked — Sunday morning last to hear eat body cee Bake pes 5 eles a far- on ‘ae 1 ith, STi Loe fone. = a Sloman eof IStornin ‘ton 12) ack t the famil oat ined of we af- baer. lace ‘trim the ees he 'R.C. cemetery at tractor. living! M. 3 ioe ee under | ests of the influence ot Fae on rey ‘but went ae bed early. Dy house he arose stating that Piaat would. noi uw: ita Turkey ‘Ba'garin, ny oe, ee at ere rland, Lux China Notwithstanding t enn; i the rad i i, All the kere urged the mecessity of tak- : D ae et RIB IR SEs EXHIBITION PARK tenia antler a tg sedate rath Ha atepayeretel enter any pi Farmers’ Accounts Farmers’ Accounts are given special attention. to responsible farmers. Cheese eck ¢¢ , notes. sollecte ted chs MILVERTON AND MILLBANK BRANCHES ~ D.C. Brown, Manager \SHIPPING AS USUAL cane on recognized high quarters hat the ayliciitio “wkrosition of fhe ~| @érmans ‘are exclusively or panne due to constitutional ry ont joe ded murder of 0 pleas men and of a deliberately naling itian’ offence for a Hebrew or | ve at food bid taonby to che inremedtable bre militar “ made possible ‘ine aedumulated ‘human misery of the daily ‘shows the ‘main ibeing na gare on as cust ‘You ave aure of eH ports it you go to Lee, Listowel. “Brum:k, Mis Dacy yo young ks cceg ae ig to Mr a wn.

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