President Wilson called official Washington as point of the 10 wise madiying the demand turances as submarin peeraticn 0! ie whether or not the cordial sestiahe) tween two Gor ments is continue. This demand is Raeae) ty cargoes into Gel the crux of the! population. note which President Wilson despatch- | the United in| and instead of acting upon ees jhe communication were intended to intimation that it es - ee oo be cri and incidental to this.| the President now lays ature note, mites in| ser ani his advisers the responsi - of making to. the future, hold the Britain loor open to Germany for a possible a merican and atiecee the reference in the German note to ships. He has asl eed in effect for a) effort: ady y Prompt response, and on the reply to| United States to bring al shi ‘a, modi- 3 ly will depend| fication of Gapatiy ’s submi pro- ough obtaining Great Bri importations of f¢ ermany for the civil gramme Sacha ae ae States came to nat any proposals to Gre: The kernel |ing to make to the other, ond | his in- n Gov- ‘This effort on the part of ght, of the President’s note pro-/to Germany ts found fn this conclud- of these is the, Presi ing senten il itish- Warship. dent's invitation to Germany to sub- sane Government of the United Particular for censorial reasons) as to the exact circumstances or loc in ny “convincing idence” in its: ms it reasonable to expect ch the: re taken, bub the photograph came from a certain Place: in the Medi- x Possession that the United States that cry Imperial Germa feeratiotens ae i captured during the naval operations in the Near East. Pg officials “aloe to perform their duties ment will bape the measures neces-| py, hotograph’ isinteresting the anepnuity of the British sailor: in Sieanchar an f examining the Lusitania before she ' sary to put these pea (those of |" improvise on A ‘Although ‘thers ain loss of personal dignity in being confined sailed, The other is. the ee teay mpeitee ronal aw) i actice in Fe-| behind netting, oe thie Be air ari on. is detdedly more humarie than would be some lark ae to convey to Great Britain or spect to the pares merican | below d e@ Su t the prisoners are treated with the customary humanity and Germany any intimation or sugges. | ships, and asks for assurances that) ¢sirtesy which "the men ae the Briteh tee invariably display towards their foe e: 55 tion either Government may be will- this will be done.” GERMAN AGENTS POMENT SITEKES) In the United States Who Are Supplying Arms to Allies. ae ed in reliable quarters, have plies for the allies. etal a gigantic A despatch from New York says: Agents of Germany, it has been teas Russion tak steps with the aim of starting strikes in the big factories that are supplying arms ,ammunition and other war sup- They have mocked out with minute, they’ RUSSIANS TAKE THE OFFENSIVE Aim Is to Render Idle Big Factories! Attack the Invader in Both Galicia and the Baltic Pro- vinces. | A despatch from London says: Teinforcements arrived is n| Baltic Brovinees and in G alte n to attack. Pheieed the region of Shavli and on the Nie. sare obliged to withara aes although in REPORTS raoM THE Leaoine TRADI CENTRES OF AMERIC. fo. 2 nominal, per car lot: an 30 o $1.60, accor: 4 test Happenin Condensed for Busy Readers, Thirteen bens in St. Louis show ep of $252,605,592. aggregate de Mews Wark sand ew, Hampshire ing to the Gebnan pay report, part | again re a grasshopper raid in of the German force on the Dubyssa | the fiel River, in the Baltic provinces threa-| New on police carnival will encirel ovement, hay ovn aviator showing by Patrolman Mury Ine shund tote pu ich mac te 0 be making pro-| Kan., high school said. ae oe ’ 4 otis prevent: sthrough strikes of ress, despite a stubborn Russian re-| ver seen a saloon bar. ‘ » pea Brey ae not | sistance. Wanamaker has bought a build- Af the oniers that are.variously esti Bevect (6 etch mainly the shipment military observers here, is the appar- hay important, in the belief of ing at-Atlantic City as a sanitarium for store em, ent change that is taking place i in the fter ew of te fleet at peed A500 000 008 the ara en0O.. and g Galician battle. Here again, accord-| New York, three U.S, submarines For a breakddwn in the inamense base |ing to the German account, the Rus-| went on the crippled lis aa victbeie dane tn this conte {ens bats advancing 45 the aout endls Joke Sperandeo, of Collinsville _ hot decided to tainper with | South-east of Lemberg, and also are| Ill. though without hands, labor ti eraty ot aaistaeieniad abn atta Linsingen’s foree| qualified as a school teacher Br exert svat tioplioe becinees which crossed the Dniester near Zur- : a6n eapolis ahah, fo : bee in Union wages, left $5 in his in this. Se LOLE (SNe utterly,» |? on. Eastern Galicia and Bukowina,| will to each of his pallbear - Mholeane be oe a + n owever, the Russians are falling back| . Pittsburg amngieer ates refused to IRAP IZELS OF. Siperits ed, | between "the Pruth and Dniester rivers| convict for g some Syrians Germany, either known or ‘og | With the intention, it is believed here, | playing sails for i at legislation; then a personal appeal by Germai Beribupnader “to ‘Becretary ot slate Bryan; next a big scheme of Germans buy e big plants; next an ef- fort to swamp these same factories “abe ven be shipped from »this ae failed, ont these oS aa re ent plants that have received the greatest “amount of orders. Tt is said now that “money is not lacking for the: spre: ead labor discontent and bring about strikes. The scheme has been ‘evolved by a iter mind, the aN Sees By working’ through various channels they are said to have succeeded chronay in infaaiding local’ fabor leaders in the different cities and* towns raiser a eS paar demands on the emplo, God Is On Our Side, Read id: German Orders A despatch The Ri mia He a lowin; from Petrograd says: have obtained copies of order est ra the River Bzura tn Genteal polar “God sites ee is on out side and s in? our conflict esnindt e Will is- the Almighty, have had put Sito our hands a new and mighty weapon— thos i ‘e passed our ‘foes will be beaten intor the dust.” RESON SS To Punish eee A despatch from El Paso, Texas, ‘says: ‘sul, telegraphed Gen. ae of Villa soldiers resporsi- for the recent ata ne of a wounding Bi ‘ect t ‘uxpam. The sock Me sent | ‘on instructions of Sir ton. siesta he. Talked Freely. pid she say anything when tue! trate officer diy her back up her ould say she did. She coulan’t| A Cae ‘more if she had-been mar- {st yles, Brice Vice-Con- men, Villa demanding il Spring- | | Rice, British 7 er eat at Wash- tot to stop the export of vast quantities)" ne of supplies from the United States for the soldiers of the allied countries.| defence from the Re uraanien fronticr Pirst there was attempted national have very they can anus bac! crossed the river neue Darketa: Lem: as the Austrians and Ger and southern campaigns. Se Seepihelonsehecnes in the British Army. mier Asquith announced in the House casualties from the hector of the war to May fey is 258,069 men killed, w arnt miaettie missing, officers an shows the folowing:— en, the pulled. Wounded. Mite 827 130 Ase 2) 617 Officers .... Other ranks, ao18 + 50,842 Total . 153,980 980 53,’ ee The Ios: the navel division: are not intued in n this uith’s iene of losses was ree Continental and Mediter- ranean nore of the Empire. He pro- mi! e the losses in ‘the naval division rate. Neither did the list in- elude the forces of Great. pee en- raged in the various small wi Strca ana the Near East. ni et ‘the Es Bee ape of of i a] Zeppelin Prisoners A despatch ‘Seom “Copenhag Tt has been established that two cer mans arrested on Sun Denmark ‘who ‘described | themselves is C. Gumprecht and T. Hau York, 9 are _ not Amerieans, aithough visited New Yoo < stlonbies to. the was waiting 5 ee Ny to ini ae aa oy ee Are you a pillar of the church? Second ure: No, ried to the Policeman.” ¢ 4 mn Tm a fying. ae support it from the outsid so report the arrival of large s of train: fin | B Boni oni strong positions along this line, and military et oy that if ‘mans who berg will ge Ste in their hands, and they will be in a position to deliver a vigorous offensive, at any sass as soon ns. begin| s" to withdraw troops for their western LOST 258,000 MEN IN 10 MONTHS pi ne Asquith Giv Gives List of Casu- A are § from London says: Pre- ‘of Commons that the total of British in Divided into eae ke of killed, wounded and list) cigar in| mas with the Canadian contingent. Sd to the tourist, the tr hav. includ | Can t Excitement “over the wedding ot son caused the deat Blias Lyman at Burlin a i Some tourists cancelled their pas- sages onthe ee as she car- ried, rauzitions to Englan rman glove firm sued by United States for rk 307 fraud in customs undervaluations. fter 20 years in Sing Sing the |i jail tailor, Soha Bowman, ‘has been} released; he was. a murderer. Jonathan Huber, of Jassamaville, Pa., has completed his. fort -Secon term as public eahogl teacl Ida aK Panshorny aoe while a iaiis was bitte: Fatlesnake, walked 50 yards, aad e ual the convicts of West Yirginia pen, at Monniealls, 1,227 it Ee re to have Saturday halt cle days in summe: zs. 8. Vande veer claims to po fee the with which Abraham She lives um- Mo. Almost every farm: in Mont- ae County, Alabama, has stop- to look for a hoard o! ea teers! buried gold. A dying message was sent: from Margate, Hae to his. sister at Hubbell, Mich., by Herbert Tho: A Pennsylvania man was freed of a white slavery charge because he conveyed his victim into the State by auto and not Suse ae MOST -VULNERABLE CITY, |Yenice Has Poorest Chance in War of Italy. With Italy in the war, a spot dea to- e are too:shallow for ae Talian. fleet, ors must come from dhe deere soe base oy Taranto to save her from’ the modern long-range aoa hips that could tack from po in 150 miles seross the Ac il the oo at ante eos ae ae Pec conti ing it a true sentime Aus Oss. THe BOED-8'4,500,000 CALLED 10 THE COLORS in Big Republic it the German block, it is certait th ench , in proportion to thei population, have thus far made e After nine months able than at any time age Th ar Kee altace banks of the ee and the Yser. ter the defeat of the war the Frencl army is more redoubt-| war machine th ft tl Af-| 000, about 180 000 have larne they oe cca ae van causil These seven months have allowed “Austro- | the French, and also the, British, to ‘its. ander-in- e | chief of the Franco- British ar armies has ww in hand the most formidable at has ever existed, ie) are yet heavy; Germans, y. t infirm! x for ieee Minas. | trench | trom 300 000 to 400,000 men cured of th lls and |-w wait for some vague favor e eee sieelomplavecdaatie tani. is or illness have returned Certainly the French have suffered pren-| losses, which, if smaller than those = | the been are “ait patents, firs sts, to intry Produce. utter—Choice dairy, 21 3 inferior, 20c; creamery prints, 2044 WHAT IS GOING ON OVER IN rEegs-the wharket ie AT SqING WNC OVER IN ; z (tog ay A Joffre Has now in Hand the fost Formidable War plied, with’ pi tees Aa ge a antes at E STATES. = - 3 cer don an, dn eae jots. Machine Ever Existed Beans—The' mar ket is “quiet At] — $3.10 to $3 x prime, and $3.20) eked, | Hi et ntario, 55 to G0c ¥ bag, out of store, snd 45" to 5c car Business in Montreal. and their morale is in general ex- {the start of the praten about te Mie inealp June. 15.—Corn—Ameri- | (or mete Tools, artillery, war past 300, a Poort pre been put hors de & Phe Eoyellow, me to 79. Oats | tro provisions have in| com here have been | tra Noo d took selec | unbelievable quantities. | etbouies ve on “led and 230,000 pri-| white, le; No. 8 local Germans’ great fault has been’ soners or malas ing. No. 4 local white, 69e their seven months’ stagnation on the| e total French loss of 1,300, 92 Ph ter pat r ge: $7, BRYAN ATTACKS cating the Already Critical Situation. A despatch from Washington say: While the President’s note to Ge WILSON’S NOTE ee at ue home a statement As MEN BURIED ALIVE The French Artillery Fire. A despatch from Paris 7p: French official “eye-witne: mai n -| article on the fighting in the vicinity paper correspondents at the State De-|east of ‘Tracy-le-Mont i yy | parcuionty Winid.ryan wen paamiue |tatlescf the cause toe eo rrenth | | UNDER SHELTERS Hands Out Long: Statement, Compli-|The Terrible Effect on the Enemy of | © Washington to mean that the bk | ae grenadi the ol Bub oat closing tion of Labor, while doing eve possible to maintain peace, will Sand firmly behind the President in his in- sistence that American lives shall not be unnecessarily and Bnwacrantally jeopardized on the high s First, Steamers Built on the Clyde. the establishment of steamboat communication between bier ae and Rothesay. The Dum Castle, builb in Lane bby arehibatd McLachlan & Co., Dumbarton, was | the first « epee: to take up this! t! agistrates d the occasion by punch bowl. The Dumbarton Cas- ale was a yessel of 108 tons and of 0 n. h. p.; the engine was built by D. McArthur & Co., of Glasgow. When aboard this steamer in 1816, James Watt, during a tonversation with the engineer, discovered and | x | [Pe sonally dempaubeaté d the prac- tieability of reversing the engine. ENCES Pa eee A Memory Aid That Isn't. © Within a little book a aus The dates that I mi ‘The way my memory “kes ian Would make an angel w: “Now: Tl aegis, aa Ennis says “On nte it’s to bet, For ss have elon down the day, m sure I won’t forget.’ ‘And panes pce) would be my) Without a turn: or erook, Did T not quite forget each a ae what's in the book. War Closes Night Clubs. ‘he war has ee as a P At fi 4 4 a ser i reference ea ers gh te 1 blow. of 03 to the officers’ head “The ‘clean sweep’ ordered os been rapid and complete. ‘Two hundredan the ole pets | The rein- vent ravine, All’ at once are patzoley which were ahead of tl in body , were seen to ade: pe yall although no shot“had been fired. The laced a low parade wire entanglement in pe high grain \fiel Id to stop them. men soon | severed the barbed wire ad sueceeded lin LODE: three German 77-cannon, hich had been effectively hidden be- Beathe ae eee a few. yards fer onimhe: whole position was captu and “quickly nae to withstand tions :— 1 ig | to serve as a temporary shelter in the Ky 55 $6.25 te rates mn aM 1 captured trench, cooas $d ito $6 ers; ehoice,| IY “When -the command to charge was ash oe “a is fay ogee ul given, the whole line, *as one ‘man, | Me n |Tushed across. Slight opposition was | $90 Te “eh owes, SPO sa Tt encountered. Only one ugick-firer was | $859 to $4.60; yearling inti S|! used by the Germans, which occasion- | ¢5 $ 0; spring lambs, ewt., $10.50 ed small losses. ‘The attack was be-| to $13.56; calves, $4. 0’ te $i; ances gun,at 10.15 o'clock, and half an hour | fed and watered, $9.60; do., off ne ae cakcauintenian eet ought | $9.85 to $9.90." Canadian oe For Firing Line lespatch from London says ee con daughter of Judge Cas: ; ault, and $5 other ‘French-Canadian nurses, have proceeded to Frarite ‘for service in-the British base _ psi. where their proficiency in the dual -| languages will make them extention Be ally useful. Re War Materials Burned. itch from London says: ring three acres, 100 york of Brian, Hughes and Strachan, it Park Royal, went up in ‘he damage is estimated at $500,000. tTr00 s had to be called in to Bseiet | the firemen. trenches ah he’ aati position. were prepared. Our aviators reported that fresh reinforcements had been rushed but ae repulse “At dawn the “enemy ag a ata aeapeiatly our two hand granule nis ‘pr effectively stop) Fea ry Ma We captured ob ick a Eteat, quantity « ne another the 1 he shutte ae | And Mi 30| the aa who is always seeking Grampian saves Wi With atch. fro ‘om. Ottawa si says 5s Depastnet was ad to the 33, Socvedi i x “Needless Labor. “What {s your reson for belleving in the nebular hypothesis?” asked’ format ee dont Irnow that I exactly pe eee. replied the sei ‘ding to freights | ed it 0 2003 ‘So hicken 50c; fowl, 18 t Cheese—The. iret is ‘easier, be- its—No. W., buagey extra, No, t feed, 51} | fe ey No. 2 Novas NW.C, $1) 162% 5 No.2 CW, U. S. Markets. flames. | dian: areope fi lon, Toth, and a party of Toronto, Jun Manitoba wheat 1 Northebs era oe to $1.32; No. 3 Northern, $1, 39% to $1.30%; 1 No. hi aa thera. $1.26 to $1.27, track known th he sollanitobs onts— No. 2 GW. 58 resto ts aon Cw., extra 1 Xo. id fed, 56K to Bribe, track tak Res iar ee gorn—No. 2 yell ct mite Soi lake by ae Segui Bates ae tl Canadian ‘corn=-Ne, sie} ap. ‘T6c, faarp ok children being: pot ntario oats—N. me ess inger to children Be; No, 8 white, of es Ps “ahooeler is Sa act freights outside, ntario eat Whiten ‘per alti December tssite of the car lot, $1.20 to $1.52, acontaitgP et ‘sdtscal pene aaa Ss, Garson Benlesoocd malting barley, 70 and. nore anit to Bee Weed barte ley, Coe. pete to ounbiny. freighis outs Moma wheat—-Nomiinal, car lots, 77 where there are children, or sae according to freights oit- e—No. 2, nominal, 1.10, ‘ac- LEF cinling to foeiehtasoutoigg, Ms ANG . Manitoba flour—First patents, in The Bastary Fr Desteper jate 28, $7.20; second patents, “in jute bags, $6.70; strong akers’, in Catches the Germ With the Fly ie Pape: $6.50,. Toronto; in cotton S ‘Made in Canada by Ss, ¢ more. . Ontario’ flour—Winiter, 90 per cali. (Bghionsagattad tence tents, $5;20, 4 about: Deter ve Dept.283 Walkerville, Ont. freights in. bag: *| Mill Heed Car ots, delivered Mont real freights. er ton, i shorts $28; middlings, $29; eal feed flour, per bag, $1.80. /WARNEEORD WINS LEGION OF HONOR | France .Bestows .Decoration .on tht | Airman Who Smashed the ot Zeppelin. A despatch from Paris says: A. baat a the young Canadian avia- in the service of ‘the Briti ‘who “destro ved a ommen- ‘| in-chief of the a ei forces. $7; ae pa 90 3 ae ‘Relat tives of Lieut. Warneford, V.C, $26. * Middlinge-$53 | who singlechanded destroyed « Zoppe to goa Moule $35. to $38. Hay: lin in Belgium, have been: discovereé =No. 2, per ton, ear lots; $10. to jin New Brunswick. Rey. Mr. Warne $20.50. ee |ford, of Johnston, N.B., is a, cousin, 7 3 ana Dr. Hi Warneford, of Ham) AV bapeg “Wheat. By unele, The latter says _ Winnipeg, June -15—Cash _«q th TAGRL. Waitieford daiehe ann, of a though despatches relating to the young aviator xeferr ‘ed to him as a Canadian, SCORNS WAR? An Anning. Story of Sir John ‘The Svenska Daghladet, of Stook- communication sent by Mr. | nevieres 5 Wilson on behalf of this Government “Throughout the day there was a it receiv In the statement Mr. - heavy -bombar: ‘dment or the entire No. rn, | 2 at the eae scribes the President of the United German position, wi ras: evontin- He oti to a ‘ates x oy AES hae n,} Marshal pe States as an exponent of the old sys-)ued during the night oy aerial torpe- is be iy nander t! tem in dealing ith disputes between ‘sand musketry, ‘Our fire was very ‘Live’ tock, vance, Sit not permit the war do Govarumehts<the eyeteu thay anal ORedtve™ Tha’ uae ttalne” a, 6 idiots ers re interfere with his p com- war as its cornerstone, Not only in held the ‘position suffering heavy loss-| 1¢ choi Bro to§8 365 a0 rs" cat; | forts. re , story was told to the corre: this assertion, but. es, many of the men. being “Siried $7.50 to 18 wih * Bryan showed that ee tee the. ci ea manip their bomb-proof. cel- | to $7.40; 0 A be nit ob, au youay pa pheukany s sibility of war between Germany and butchers! $6. 6 0 0 was ‘On, uta w a zi e United States as the result of Mr. Fe ie attacked with four battalions, | $7.3 lo, good bulls, $6. ene one night on the outs] Eft: ebitwntie nti ‘omposed of Zouaves, Tirailleurs, Mo. $650; 30 "roth bulls, $5. a 2 ai shana oe ae ie, Biel: Mar- Sacinel” Gorapert, president of chi! Feces ‘and "retone;=-aehoy « wither Suteher a CON 3, 4.00] ha janel his, stall had tdi head American Federation of Labor, issued | haversacks, ee days 8 io, a ii, coe mas 603] quarte | a orelonk oe a statement which was interpreted by| tions, 250 rounds of ammunition, hi on; $i y “a caer aig ies ti ri ene P re The eiienant was hurried: sent to inform the Fiel hat the Germans were in front pt the ‘town. At the door of the rae ‘the lieu ae was stopped an oun Dung. officer told the orderly 8 see Sir ve ‘ree ee “The Field Marshal ibd must not be aiaturbed: se ony calmly In the “strost jauutomel stan ke, ert chanfens ead tol take ‘sin fi 2 i aw said Horvenail was igen intibved ae, his is superior offi er to see Sina: | questa ne 9 ma co aitnagions velear to ae mmander. 3 a is absolutely necessa othe Viel Maw: i ae ic e most. di Srerice | market place of Compiegne. © “Mamma, I'm afraid pap nee when he was