Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 17 Jun 1915, p. 4

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THE ONTARIO PRESS ON LOCAL OPTION AND PROHIBITION Editorial from ‘Toronto “Saturday | Night.” October 25th. 1913, = Once Lee the suinie is abroad that there a general, revival Of the “Soot Act in ovince—in other word:. for the cal or municipal view of the fact that) er Scott’ ae a ry ld Keer cook eae by the Domin- towm-of considerable dimensions ‘dry’ Yet to-da; municipality more a hibulous person Shits Tiquor than here were before h ent into ‘oree. Am ere last ri so stimulating Pekiore: that they aiterhily sirank the and had to let up for a pre. wereb.oud t in from another muniipality-alsa it may dances: very “The net ‘result of Maal option in loc: towms many reputable citizens, do no! m~ ply ‘because — the’ like ae which interfere with bey! they deem their pers liberties, tacitly. “ae courage the busine: ‘hi: c in t where a majority of the citizens have voted i tion. what woul: if, ander the operation o: Act, the sale of liquor should mad: illegal in places where a major- ds head ‘ae the electors favor its contin- the aboye editorial) i atements correct is (Cormeen spon $a are ¢ Ontario Liquor u, Province of Ontari the 920 p rons cn ited of crunk nes were committed to jail im Ontario. Since 1906 drui committ to i (up to January 1912) 36,335. m as been more than double it of the previous five years. Yet the wat: rease of the population| ' of the Province of Ontario from 1901 to 1911 only 15.58 per cen In the year 1912 alone there were piggers ocke: fiers sold hard. batoxicants of the ki i:licit | ¢ onl: so seoretly is the business carried on. + Bditorial from the Toronto “Mail and Empire. September 11 1913, a fact that ment on foot for | | development,” the attempt to make _any| ine ke | imports of whisk-y a’ ing fac’ prites addit y .| more whisk+y is being con-umed in Canada. view of _ the: facts jt cam be authoritat ivi as a settled pi ple that local op- tion and ‘prohibi have no othe suit than to asimulate the consuny, tion 0° hard it 3 surr pti jou - both in Canada| q. Icohol grows with the bench of amd lik jut temperal to overlook or ignore the trend of (Remarks upon sorreving “cet m enormous increase in the ficial returns in the 1913 m Gov Since 1908. she yearly imports se mada of soar y poche -d liquors ae f in The ie aay imereas rt aie 2a 490 ens in 19(8 to allons. il The im- if his key ae aia ea. ee 716,777 gallons in 1 ju “298, a3 palin ‘in 1912. ional ly nok by the “blind pig and pocket a‘ i) ++ | (Editorial from the “Toronto Worl. October 29, 1913.) “The Globe Bod Whe that men drin! are ar takints meee ordimary man, we are de~" liquor because it is ca le, s all desire when it is diffi- impossible to obtaini it We therefore. imfer pro- a thing is to make it undesir- able, although human expxirnce cot eres of. Eden to _ this in a contr ion. ‘ink- hour Poss! uly, The Globe ing \ \that saloons were first establish- Wabed to meet the demand for bread. mo desire te isons the “tmp ranice question’ orn: and made no-taslor to ‘acts disclosed in ‘the | ™ v cerely desirous of ‘mitiga ating or do- e| ing away with the intlagut Or evils | raffie, do not attempt to go pepe into e| question ‘than, does the stereotypa | temperance advocate of whom Th lots tis typical, Gan it s that mil-| in all countries of the | anton themselv sty aad era merely because panes hang ae Gags and open places of business.? Are e to be old dusk a: préat torah preform is ee | Wi 40 be accomplished by permitting ake ‘or- “Rowe lt poe, | edt than the consump-| The Rowell gt Ne i the ; au r beer, and, to a large; rage the gale 7] all} malt liquor, while great'y increasing , the sal key. jini there are sands of men who drink more | Jess moderately int public. but who mover Jone or keep th'ng pe t 1 wines and liq from 4.08] man. uubt, a gallons in 1850. to. 32.79 gallons ial eh hiaire autos ene tane gto da. 1911, Ia Canada the sumption temperance people tn “this oauntry at por head, of lating “of eptritar beer ast. have done little to 9 provize care reased fr gallo are not| im 1870 to 7.243 gallons in the year| attempting to discuss ihe. ‘temperan 4 March 81. 1913, It is true| question. inet it that fhe development in consumption] pressing. just at this moment, upon hs been predominantly in beers, or| the daily mewspapers, for s verages with light a lic con-| The Globe's article, we think. tet, but the increases afford little} trifle acaddmic, amd is, perhaps. fill- réason to expe ce r nation: ‘space which might otherwise be | Pp ue . mor: advantageously devoted to Sat wor in the| discussioa 6 wheat ami lowe United States oa ine ea Prof. G. W.|freight rates. and reistoee <a Ww. hinations of the Canadia aleokolic spirits me form pr seared from / Sayehotor’eal standpoints, Prof. Pat- nickle theory of, why men ariok 9 whol satistie: ‘or deadening. of the wren: newer brain ce © pr ‘on this s the qaental n gevelopm son using it. SEwhatever athens may be con- ucted to for the craving. .| 5,000 year in the calle: ew e| ward ia and other provinces, And ; ini transportation tnist.” ce Be upon the above editoria ) t go into the domain at theory out what happe: — “the Ieealizea bar is abolished. ' is immediately taken by! ithe ‘as liquor trattic as ‘denoted | by the blind pigs. kitchen bars and} pocket peddiers. The Be avis censee to w jose interest it is e law dr: agebeo, Nova! Ed-! Ontario. srunswick, ‘Prince territory of Scotia. on ss and surrounted with y ‘be reasonably , prefer this fiagittous tattic to the | wi orderly, ami law-abiding licen ed bar. have the “tact that consumption of —AniT mp-tance Lea_u: Comm tt e | and st ONLY SIXTEEN, GIRL VERY SICK Tells How She Was Made Well by LydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. iting these ite ' ti- and feeling a ion times Le 5 'e- |AQUILLARD, houpitoulas St, New Orleans, La, | St. Clair, Pa.— ‘(My mother was ed because I was troubled with | gyno suppressioi id had deat in my back | side, and severe headach« Thad pimples on my face, my complexion was Hew Orleans, Teed take pleasure ion. sallow, my sleep was disturbed, I had, ase and has regulated me. and have recommend of them, EsTELLA Macute, 110 Thwing St., St. Clair, Pa. | |the two extremes." and permit CANADA TEMPERANCE ACT VOTE. At the present time a petition to the council of the City of Stratford e best interests of of Perth im regard to the handling There is nothing that ore of Jiquor, pes experience. Therefore, such let-| If the Scott Act is carried rs from girls who have suffered and Perth County ot unioigal jek. ows eee ae by Lydia B, |P2Y under license will profit the Pinkbam’s Vegetable Compound should | PY. #8 hundreds of thousands of ‘be n to othe! The s: | A ally wou: ent bea’ |the monetary grentasice of P pi tnapher, of all. ae aunty as a re: this measure ba TaN arial 'and the munici iat the oh Plain fave bcs con would lose the revenue now deriv. from 5 aBS licemse fund. This Your ered ‘will | fro: a ape mm strict col eke. | eration a ae Rev. W. ullock, rector of St. | | Albam’s (Anglican) Chur ‘sydney| HAWKESVILLE [declared im cent rmon, “It{ | seems ec.” He said “if t hib- te Cair’y Bu'mer, of Brantford: | ition law is “enforced here, we will is nga vacation at his home} need five~ thousand -inspeetors, with here—Mr, Louis Baechler motored to! all-of the powers the one -has . at Formosa on Sunday.—Mr. a Mrs. | te ‘or you can. see the dives 8. Hisey. of .Glenallan. spent jBlindas | svery where d_ you can not only at Mr, Bred. Donald’s.—Mr,-8. Snid-| see them but smell them. If the er and daughter Miss Addie spent/{dives are put sh fn one plage; Saturday at | Elmira—Mr. Loyd | they only spring up in another. a es | r the Ontario se Law, in nt | 0 spei iat iba y e excursion to the took farm at Guelph on Saturday.— Mr Les'ie Waunklan, of New. Hambu: | spent Saturday in the vill i) Dentinger.. of St. A, Anthony itu day with h’s broh rh r. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Dietrich a family spent Sunday at j ho: ome at St. Agatha.—) | den ac iea after weeks at Pan a alse BRUNNER IMr, and Mrs... Riley, of Wood- stock, are at present visiting Mr. and Sirs. R. Peters: Mrs. Berne iss Wingefelder. of | Rostock, So a few ‘Mr. d_Mrs, Zulauf.—Mrs. ildren, of — Milverton nt Jast Friday with Mr, and 8. Walk Preston Dioiared fo Better oleae Saturday an ris the week-end rie} a oe and Mrs, Mr. nd * | Welle. AH ‘Thursday with Mr, —Mr. Frank Roland the “Tounes of Monkton. spent Sanday ee Je e ih? ar J. Ola: r psig Mrs. John Basler and am pean Dorkine prevjously occupied by. Mr Ed. ‘Comatty Sea few around her? attended the arty held at Mr dams near Mae! es soon mae HESSON Was united in marriage to Mis Rom wnkop’, In the evening a reeep- tion was given at sth gee ae —Mr. M. Si r lost aluable horse Jast Snes ee deen of ‘Toronto, will nive is fem ris ze urs: vr. ee me Mie of Linwood, pila cis Sunday ae ae the ee rv for damage for sian- oy nse See of $50 and oo tock — - |T-mewing o' n time. a Ges toler Jefe. on (2! St. Marys chureh here | s BE coe dn whiel enforcement taxes of the people of the County. “Th yen whom men, condemn as il I find so much of goodness still I hesitat toe draw t dagautven ithe two hare God has Serie. rance Leagu> Committee a WARTBURG We had fs desvy ‘tun er storm ac- Seat ¥e ai d hail on Sat- uiet popctey. Lez of ii ldmay. are visi ing friends i her —The funeral of the late ol ir, may. pont, t few days of last w quaintan es here. in Lin from ers attended the Methodist church ‘Glenallan on Sunday evening. — nd Newton.—Quite a number from here attended the sur- prise party a e home of Mr. @ Mrs, Wm. Adam. All report a good Sep ee CROSSHILL . Geo. asa ie spent a day We still have a nice assortment of the new fabrics which are so OVELY for SUMMER DRESSES. ‘Ten pieces to choose from at the low price of NEW AND L Is the Time es No a quae} for Your Summer 2 ASE Per Yard At $4.98 At $3.98 At $13.68 At $11.98 MEN and BOY’S SUIT SALE $6.00 and 6.50 Boy’s Suits on sale $4.50, 5.00, 5.50 Boy’s Suits going $15.00 and 16.00 Men’s Suits on sale $14.00 and 14.00 Men’s Suits on sale Raincoat Specials 8 Men’s Black Raincoats, direct from England, regular 7.50, now " 6.78 12 Ladies’ Raincoats, with bat newest style cut, regular 4.00, now " Oe 49 Kitchen Aprons and Kimonas All the new checks and spots now selling at 49 The New Hat is a Fedora We have them in all the leading | shades rown, grey and pearl. Price... 2.50 5 _ Men’s Negligee Shirts Our special Men’s Shirt at 85 cents is a hummer < haste Sie = 85 Men’s and Boy’s Belts In the new styles ... .25¢ to 75¢ each Boy’s Buster Wash Suits Regular $1.00 Regular 8. Mle Le ASS ee Children’s School Umbrellas Buys a nice, light umbrella fos our child. 4 xtra special this 48 i " 69 Men’s New Straw Hats Watch our north window, We have all the new shapes in Straw Hats—new this spring. és Grocery Specials Pork and. Beans, large size, per tin... 8c Bell Fruit Farm Beans, per tin... Sa i b. eens “a 4; flakes per Try our Teas Beal kg offees at... OLD. PRIGKS Strawberry Time Next Week Leave aed order, es ers con- ected for 3 a Pe W. K. LOTH, “The Square Deal Store” Milverton, Ont. GLENALLAN Wedding sali ahs are ringing.— The meeting of the Women's ae will be held at the h Mrs, cKimnon on Saturda: ended June 19th, at 3 o'clock. Miss Me- lure. of Toront will _ speak o1 ‘Kimergencies in Every Day Lil Luneb will bi e Everybo. welcome.—Mr. nie. of iistawel Mr. and Mrs. A. B.S da: ne Wismer. of Linwood y, Visi ed frienis here on Sunday.—Mrs, Mc- K'nnon atten the meeting of the Women’s Institute which was held Saturday—Mr. a rs. m. he | Tyack of Hawkesville, visited with the ate parents on nday.—Mr, and (M Goode. of Waterloo. have returned Mee ty after Rv shiny er jon ders ‘Piocenes Slemmon, "OF ese: eg ee, at Wn, Seer ee) CARTHAGE Mr. Met visiting ‘at t D. Kerr.—A mum in the excursion to Guelph ali Askin is attending cs a Mei! pate _ nox, Millbank Beat the week-end at the tee o . Martin.—Mr, t Sunday with ees Millbank re Mise iEtta Kerr spent the k-end with friends in Guelph.—A friendly game’ of is was played on Saree evening wee! the ie i to Guelph Coote, of Elmira visited at; Barbour,—Mr. 4 ees er hom*s tin Bato We are sorry pe re that (Mr. Jas, Wreeman. ir. disposed: of his imess and property to Mr. ir daley, JO" ithe business (Mr. has jaade a complete success in the ears, We are infonmed by -| the firms represented that he an vheld the record for agency in ‘western Ontario for the rast ae years, The best wishes FURNITURE Rugs.and Linoleum : : Lawn Seats and Hammocks Baby Carriages ......$10 up Collapsible Go Carts $5 up Express Waggons $1.75 up Auto Wheel Coasters 4.25 “WE SELL Gerhard Heintzman Pianos Robert McMane Milverton gna Eoaieheeges FLOUR WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE; “Three Stars” and “Purity” Two of the best on the market Cash or BREA gash or EGGS __A. HAYES, Baker — Wedding Gakes a specialty - - MONKTON, ONT Dr. Gordon's Subjects weonespay: “AN INNOCENT FLIRTATION” or the Temptations of a Country Girl in City Life. - 5 THURSDAY: “CAUGHT FIBBING’”’ FRIDAY + ‘TS IT WRONG” 1000 Men Wanted for Sunday Afternoon—SEE PAGE ONE, for the | week or The Lies That Good Pesple Tell. TO DANCE? TO PLAY CARDS? f TO SMOKE? 3 zone TO sen THEATRE? POE Pests Fle ae: ae ee Spite oF Fon

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