Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 17 Jun 1915, p. 2

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I ee SPEED, UePUIRNEs AM Birds Are Spri More than half a ing ines me ae The Lady of Lancaster ; Century of Quality | ene Bee | horseman | is behind every 3 ie flyers; some varieties fy we! undred feet a secon: ing to ; package of the ‘best, estimate, Or, Leonora West’s Love. ; Waterfowl, too, have enéus ers of flight,” The canvasback duck 1 covers from 130 to 160 feet a second The blue«wii era green-winged teal, the bluebill-and CHAPTER XXX.—(Cont’d.) accomplishments of a high ores Corn the redheads are only a little slow- i sae fe an she reflected that her nephe sees) ady Lancaster was purple Dad’ exiaaitsiee odes tetas dateier er. Mallards, pintails, wood ducks, ; Fe Cae SRR Saale re society hor ate frightened, tht Starch black ducks, and others can easily truder fore hee er ie eng sit [her plans concerning him. 2 fly faster than a mile a minute Lady Lancaster, the great rich lady, | ‘hey should “gang aglee?” Tiven much Maree. binds aa oe 4 had been vanquished by the sharp| “Did you have any selfish motives BS -—wh CR Always order swans, pelicans, and geese can fly ff] THE STANDARD ARTICLE * little tongue of a low-born girl who|in, keeping the fact to yourself so by the fee ees oe more than a hundred 5 had so innocent and candid an air that long?” she inguired, sneeringly. reovut ome Hall PY gene Fame feet a s SOLD EVERYWHERE 4 she did not at this moment’ quite| I do not understand you,” he re- 31/5] BENSON'S cod ot watesfow! bas often | REFUSE SUBSTITUTES realize that the girl herself knew the | plied, coldly, in'orderto get been neared h great accuracy. 3 enormity of the offense she hai “You do not? “Yet you must have whatyouwant Two men take spits on @ due! 3 committed. known that I would be surprised. You Tea @ measured distance apart. ¥ Elise, full of silent, demure laughter, } knew expected. a ehi ‘ou mus ae The ina man carries & stop wateh a { ere for her mistress to speak, have supposed that I would not care dei niece a see and a the second un only. DOWN BY THE SOUNDING SEA was several ities before she| to ha au pay emeuresss | Ei keri Canada: ethers her fit of tage enough |Derhaps-ror, may be, a low eoncert ae BENSON'S, no the fowl Bes the frst blind the ae 2 4 to speak slearly. When she ald, she] oF saloon singerwho ean tell?—here timer shoots in order to frighten the| aaiefebaiplsad 2k "Lancaster Park.” EE hirds into full speed, and starts his! pips or NEWS FROM HH . + Gea ae wateh. As the ducks pass a sec- ° bring ‘ae ate pein Ye pales ane Hef heen gaze.” She hind spoken ond blind ‘the man there fires a| | MARITINE PROVINCES. 4 “Hadn't 1 Detter take you back to|with-a deliberate purpose. the way of Lieutenant De Vere'’s de- shot, and pS teh. beck S Your room first? Perhaps somo one| “ady Lancaster, 1 do, not think | signs?” ‘The usual length of the course is - may come in Ee And you have|any one but yourself would dare say He bowed silently. A swift, sharp, quarter, a a mile, although a mile] Items of Interest From Places pushed your wig awry, and the powder! such Sieg Gh Mine, Wept, M: ealdy| Crust Dans. Ay dealbiiy “ein. pironge psa a imes used Taped By Waves of the is all off your face, my lady,” said | hotly. ; as rt, square wings, line.» ‘emturly; aiid hee: mistpees | «;\"Daret. Why not? (What do, you|#netier sb, tt would, be harder like’ the kingbird, vet, and ruffed Atlantic. groan know to me Bini alee sneered the Eitere wal ah ms 2 im, ‘Why grouse, are sprinte 3 those with a “hee me back to my room, then,|evil old w oul 7g Hight? wide stretch of wing are ‘distance ae W. 8. Brown, of \ ff s) id he stand in another's lig) e Ss i he both 70. ne and tell West to come at once—at| “I know ries West herself; no one ee Beet: Buea Ohtacead the mhanee Tuptiers,.: Tinie ee first class | St. Jo! aN B., ‘over 70 yea onee, do you hear?” who knows her would belleve her to] 5." hig and. she interpreted it attain their sudden butets ot es of hott itiea within a few hours of | nd when she had regained the|be an adventures. She is a pure, |Ou,i/* ciace, and she. interne through their ver; each 0 privacy of her own room she sunk| simple, be truciearted maiden,” he Fs . y é own exhausted her bed to await Bobet en Vea stroke; birds of the secoi xe clase] A term of 100 apres at Back Dur. Me thishepeor tear te answered, | known and unsuspected all this while. have sustained powers of Bight, but} ham, York County, N-B, was sold a a Metal ha 7h 4 “Ah! so you res > interested in her?| “{ must remove the temptation from get under way more slow! t public auction state mortgage. West's room and. site ne MtS-|1 thought as muh,” declared Lady| iim as soon as I can,” she. thought Skull Cap with Horse Hair Brushes—Latest from Paris. as bid in for #92 ‘est’s room and related her ad-|ancaster, violently. “This, then, is anxiously; All the gallinaceous jee 1 are} aot 9 Ge the secret of your indifference to Lady ite. pa comin ied § A very chic-looking toque is this skull cap. of straw by Cora Marsan| sprinters. They take wing like a| Oliver T. ee of St. John, haa ‘And oh! Aunt West, she was so| Adela. You have concelved a prefer- Rae ee : of Paris, Shadow checked taffeta runs through vertical bands of| bullet; their wings make a loud| bee icted of working as a Proud and scornful and overbearing! nce tor this low-born, impertinent pee Sob ts! Manic es straw, and surmounting the brim are two hofse hair brushes set in| whirring sound. The quail or the| tective in Halifax without ¢ Hogase, that I was vexed at her; and I’m! gin) But beware, sir, how you trifle omate cups. ruffed grouse can gain full momen-|and remanded on charges of false Phi anh i. ase pote wi with me. Remember my conditions.” HE CAN SEE THROUGH WALLS —_—— |tum within sixty feet of rising; the| pretences. of os a ee ee eS , zon ‘think? Will she ‘send me hay arinehios oveceie,, SoGEs AE ha hair, ii wings ae mes five to seven times! D, J. Maclean, of Halifax, nes on nicaster Park? Laneaster neither affirmed nor denied eens quail covers from | presented with a gold pin by gf met 4 . “She will have to send. mie (pp sie} her senuantions: He sat gazing at her NEE UEVICH Ait PREROEnE forty- See fifty Stet the Bret sec-| and men of the sth Battal 4 she dees!" erled Mrs. West. v Aaaiee wae toe thing?” ekg stormed’ |e, UEVICE AT PRESE Be About the Household ond away from the gun; his wings| appreciation of the Rearealih ox ¢ “Oh, Aunt West, Male. you “att “Do you intend to marty Lady Adela?” SEMBLES A CAMERA. flash like a rapidly revolving| tended by him to them. _ Bor Would you give up the “home UD Bi tind. et," wheel. The wings of the ruffed) The largest cargo ever en see gan eee es he answered, coldly. reas a seer ua the sound can be| from Yarmouth, Ni «to Soy ‘ TP she [awe yy . eard two hundred yards away. a #¥és/dear, 1 would gol’ You have “Do you ever’ expect to do so?’ shel The Wizard Marconi Inveits Ma- iced ie Y. | went out on the Ho one but'me, and 1 mean:to do the | Sheered. |" You have been acquainted | chine Which Makes Solid Sub- Useful Recipes. Stretching Curtain, — Not alll Mpa hI Can*| cently. It was valued at $51,561, Dest I can for your happiness, if, With Lady 4 4 ‘i ; housewives haye curtain stretchers eee 6 ings and) 59, and consisted principally of fish. Lady Lai er is unreasonable about | t© tell whether youare pleased with stances Penetrable by Eye. For Old Potatoes.—Pat a sae arid the*tollowitig- substitutes whith deliberate ‘stroke; they must in- bert Colpitts, an 8-year-old : ja her or no cup-of milk oF even a tablespoonful, ‘Sie variably rise against the wind. As » Shech Hee Wont dechtaty eve Bem” Bald | cits scarcely. a week,” Pie Fag gitglile Marconi, inventor. of it more cannot be spared into the | i# Reatly as good, may prove af inoveyt ise aseinee the wind. ie Rapti as eon He “B “Do you ‘want more e?” she) wireless, sailed recent! Liver-| potato kettle this ti T ves q| value, After washing your lace A if ot by. his 13- year-old brother ‘But, oh, aunt, you will be wag that | 'y potato kettle this time of year an * e 1 peel both paddling and flap. 1 game to you—sorry that poor papa | *8ked. pool, whence he will EaicE through| it will prevent. the boiled potatous Dich in i usual way, Cages a ia dibepe "that 2 ncane Vret, Sete the latter was showing étbae “on your ‘haride," adstousts. Rips eae rece nee he France to ltely, He'tetarha to'his| trom tiraon block Wott iho nico “sunny ‘Place, on the outside | twenty or thinty yarde before he|® fevolver to # companion cl Shalt. Weeret nothin, dear, if-1) tee iitmost limit your liberality | Dative country at. the outset of carefully that Bes do not boil over| Fen hos of small tinned tacks | fairly launches into the air; the| While swinging in a hammock on | can only a ity “by you,” = alow me Italy’s participation in the war at] if you put in milk pee ee att) unmed tacks | swan needs fifty yards to “get his| the roof of her home at St. John, q the reassuring reply that brought a ady Lancaster reflected for a mo-| the personal crequsd of King Vie-| Spice Pie.—One cup thick sour| (#8 they Negi nob ele sane teat wvingge: amie him.” Flamingos, | N-B., Miss Belle Tufts fell through 7] TIDE GE. PeHAL AntprMadnorers- beautiful | at Give er head on-otie-aiie hie tor Emmantiel. Just as he sailed} milk or eream, one cup sugar, ome cera cuide. Take cath |Ctames, and herons rise against the | @ alight, a distance of about 12 Aird Stick’ deta SHPn. rau ia some brooding bird of evil omen. | he told of tec almost perfected} cup raisins (seeded), yolks ) SVuieteh tell Be ae wind also, but their long legs en-| feet, sustaining bruises about the EON aidaaato: Whe: dobben. on “ well;” she Said. “You shall| an invention by which a’person may | eggs, cinnamon and cloves te" ee ’ =| aca md and si Be “ y pa “| able them to apring ten feet into the | head and body. at the calm, unruffled face of not say 1 was’ impatient with you.) see through a solid wall. inch of salt. Bake as you would | 778 bem up carly in the morning, air at one bound, At Digby, N.S., Miss Emma Me- p ys Lady Adela will stay with us-a month| "The device in ite present state ki When set add mor-| 49 Wo pairs at a time and take , Leonora. P pumpkin pie. When se’ mer : ee ese large birds make only | Guire, an attractive young woman “Oh, ailds ‘West, you nave seriously | Yet: that outwardly resembles a camera, Sig-|ingue of two whites and brown, |¢o¥R before sundown, No. groniis count ak ‘ving srokee!'s spepend lal $3) ahatted. out one, Aahiont ri offended my inlstress!” she exclatmed. | in fo make uP your mind, and then) yor Marconi said. When placed |'This is delicious. aneeessary and they look like neW.| when first taking to fight, but when |and did nob return. After ast alle “Have 1?” Leonora answered, dem-{¥' 8} A : aEeY bist or floor it makes the! Soft Yeast.—In morning soak under full momentum the strokes| night search she was found at a : Ba wood or metal meng fos two cakes, yeast. Scald one pint of For the Housekeeper. become more rapid. The principle | neighbor's house. 8 cr ” a, with ab it iY is wepant it resémiblés the X-| flour. . Whe: oe is” sufficiently 4 s 4 bes std ooh that which applies to seal ‘d not care, ‘She delivered her mes- Tg gRe Yor We ore malztod to: ray. é cool and~ yeast cakes’ sufficiently cents rub wih taste) in starting ne bbats cites pipiens ering, oe *“L.do not Know. what to make of| thing,” sharply. “Ot course I know/ “It is ‘not finished,” exclaimed Gott sti ective! Set im 3 watm| 435 they die ‘new. the eine the eraft is moving, she ‘awhbde: ol-mhips, ebancaansto' Thess e. that Miss West; but she fs decidedly {You will have more sense than to re-|the inventor. ‘Persons can be! plaee till’noon.. At noon cook 12) pik pump- gis on pumps with| less resistance there is to the quarter of a million dollars im this too proud and too pretty for her po- fuse twenty thousand a year, unless,”| seen in the next room if they are| large potatoes in plenty of City snap’ fastenens—it is much easier| and the faster is ite table Aran year’s venture, ‘The total output t ae eee (West. creature.” close enough to the wall, but the|drain, save water, seh potatoes | th an sewing them n. cannot reach maximum speed in| js 46,796 seals, oe and young. The she was going slowly back upstairs | for the han ‘ image is blurred if they are a ‘little yery fine, Be add: pot water. |" Potatoes, will be -more mealy if a| less than’ 150 yards after springing note val en 03, 4.88) of ‘which ne Weel distance. away. | oueges 50 Da PEe a tiie -88l-| cloth te pub over the saucepan be-|from the water; a goose requires | one-third, $31,083 an rs. West went upstairs to. the éligible than myselt tn point of that| | Marvorii/sdw tests of sired pF geek nd wen coo 1 add sponge) tore putting on the lid. ness] pus upieted 7as0e: and a crews, leaving $62,008.80 for the t lady, and Leonora waited tn the filthy lucre’ you hold so dear.” porns aes Bok center anne wee ; en frying entrar fish-sprinkle | duck, about 50 yards, outfitters | She started and gave him a keen eabelraniae , Coinggaye parent by sepa iy eae a lee al over the el m of ibe ees seks as abi f pr ites Fred Baudet holds the record for ’ glance. Peise " n béfore putting in the fat. T) y Dead a pptiod . West Prince, P.E.I., in having a housekeeper was somewhat red in'the| © “Whom?” suit. There . Ve “telepl Saye cae ae Corn Mush.—Make a porridge of prevents any: spattering on the meslesase to travel across the wind |iitser of four healthy cau face, and her lps were curved rather 2 Hdewepant Ee Ue ‘ere, she! ne. wet ess Baie Pare eye the meal, cooking. it for gue pee val or ruston thé stove. t gets une, hi long, ces one sheep. The mother has for the 1 Wi er Was no! WOT AIDIE meal requires slow an 7 2 pail ae 3, unbalances him, and forces 4 aciwelt aunty have you promised to» “Yes.” he, an ne ee owes, angi othitig startling was accomplish- with legal say quit ita tone ae Cold ampibe Supthee she-patn a hi nt Mlk edit in sioner’ ek ws Jost heey! a Rha pees © pla send mer away?” ‘the young girl asked/| YOU look so puenasn: Petey our ed. ofthe enthusiasts about] salt. Beat up an-egg or two, ac- eye; hot water will help a.dulk pain ca ae bala ates. When the Ate ishe woul fea to have me do{ Mise West very much, and he counded| ‘"® witless telepione believed that owing a the amount you have and and a weak solution of boric acid |S ight upwind, or EG Go aaa rete ee ae ee eer eile to eanverse guts Bifinto the porridge.’ Push to the frie ean ome vs va sae the aa "is Tn Peer Pa oer Ke re ? ossible for his wi ack o a v < possible have a outside aa ‘foun Meelne be tte ange eee aUne: ene | Portis family (will not-allow him to|the tower at. Nauen, Germany.” not well greased pancake griddle.| in your ‘kitghen ; it will make it so|of a ipe are very Jon | He eine: juatonty eet and fo ill. Dick's daughter Ie ae Droits and ae |turow bimselt away on that ginh*ahe|, "But the visible’ telephone —|From'a tablespoon, drop the corn| much cooler in summer, and if it sind “compared with the weight « of Ten anites Tater abe died inhi eomplished as the Youns laaes tw oe GONE 2a Jess tf where ei al meal porridge bnto the griddle jit has a. Tight in it you will have a hia body, and he simply lacks ‘“bal- higher rank ‘of “He is quite a oeen lent of/his‘fam~ ‘an See Eacl er spoonfuls, et brown nicely be-} glimpse a ibe le- wor) and | last. ‘ Lepr sinffed, afd: hér unt éon-{ ly, and he: wl deplow sto avail Fd coming successfully, although fore tuning over. From three to feel: pe ses a et wil iam Ramsey and Frank Me finu Ses oaaae aden 1d Uke to|L myself am not working om it,”|five minutes is required. Turn it| Suet and lard are best kept in tin dr Sprig Pokey, Reena No. 10 bpllieny, 7) nar eae aE hae ald Tea SADE enor Ee re te Gobeused! thes inv eho over and push the griddle ito the|yesselo, Salt. “pork, however New Wate sees er ina month, ‘Were not for 5 */’Twas in the gloomy Nhe Zann, wher tony killed by a, fall of coal, Tord: Cancaster, 1 would “go. to-day; she "enaore) England ‘to -seb°his family. It is| slowly. With butter and syrup, it| we bur ham; 3 aia See te: rea. ia Marconi will stop long enough in| back of the stove where it can fry should ‘He kept ta p giizedenniben: T eaikes Shoue delebinen tel etn “ could wish, certainly, that I were i: The creatures. had the blues, ¢x- " thail stay afew wooks longer tor his as fortunate as my rlend,” he re-[expected that he Will take charge| makes a’splendid supper dish. Milankbavies tai’ “be: “tthe red Soabar PRN gy scar pm nae os eoncey take. Can you endure it that much | piled, of the Htalian wireless service. He) Devil's Food With Whipped) with a smaller quantity of sugar! «poe Gad yon ae ao cea ae ie longer, my child?” She glared at him a moment, and}j; g° commissioned officer: of the Cream.—Into a double boiler or in| than: other fruit. hiater ahead: senmed oka aniedls: ae ib ehitatis ph Bi, Bink a o | “Oh, yes,” said Leonora, “I will try | then asked, curiously: Italian Baxy, st aay remain| a pail which fits into the top of a! To take all of the color out oF} cpg’ : “always Spring with ine, ‘my have to bo very good that long. And, Aunt] “Is the. girl in love with De Vere?! achore: most. of the wa teakettle, put one-half cup sweet], faded cotton garment, boil it in a th Pa Sercaeasiod: mit Auer ‘hat = ssriyiaals ‘est, when we leave here. we are|Pshaw! what-would love have ‘to do} ’ ya no, eer tha Sailing of| milk, one-half cup sugar, one well-| cream of tartar mae, and’ it will friewi it 8 P passenger Tying going back to New York. You need| with it? I mean, will’ she accept her] |). Telia liner Stampalia, which beaten egg, and two squares. cho- boats must be tennis with ole Rea Ren a ynuts Hele eoraDlernyly, <2 | WemNy caus ne worldly. wise leit for Naples. ‘The wait was to|colate broken into small pieces. “with, “aalb:. boalédtetateh\ emtvel ~3!*Bbok fee: you're | the fellow] rafts of sufficient capacity $6 oarry & <o aha x meena aiaeete hye |< MaKe carlll Ae angels wor do| enable -the: inventor’ to: ‘finish ar- Bir ond Jet sti sbele until it | parsnips; with boiled salt mackerel bia Ries Meds roost ve ie maximum num Passen- i 4 ngements for shipping wireless|thick and smooth, Stirring it all) com bread or fried cornmeal| clu e other day. ‘@ mis- Belen mat he Coat da foun AP tier suitaice ta ist Bee 8 Bieta ont ciao am Bae take, of course. Besides, I left .a|” The Government, of Nova. Scotia CHAPTER XXXI. : ” mpalia was closely guard-| remove from the fire, and let cool.| Tf you boil chooks and.” eyes. 0 | m I know. you| has appointed a commission to con- ; “Bb pigadier: peenyes a message f course she will accept him. She| ed at her pier at the foot of West|In a mixing bowl cream one-half] strong soda water before sewing | did—but it was too. small,’ = r this Bis Sede ‘ ie the rom d to see him privately for re |!8 sharp enough, and such a girl as|hirty- out street lest some newly |cup sugar with» one-quarter cup] them on. gar aeibe, cit, will cierent: : m for the regis ration j minutes, em Privately for ten she {s—tpdor and lowly born—would | made of Italy try to harm| butter, add two well beaten eggs,| their iron molding in the wash, Ocew jert, ¢ of houses in London ef ftitleatte ghd howd : ope “she fan’t going to tease me | 2° ie jump, a8 such 8] jor: There were more than ninety | one-half cup milk, one teaspoon] When making toriat bisque use| are liable fo a Beneilty of twenty | in eager at the gy of Helter ~ oa xbout Lady Adela again,” he said to | Shanes,’ Sad tne done eo coar¢;| Italian reservists in the first cabin, | soda dissolved in a very litble rHot} the water in which rice has, been shillings a day if they allow a chim-|and if so inswhat respect, or, what H TA abies eile caiie ate In the other-classes there were up-| water, and scant one and Dolled instead of Mnsilee Tar pnt] hey: be aton tire Sitar caysbetn ities Whang: 5 himself, and he looked rather sullen yorg was so silly, 1 should not have FOR INK EYE, EPIZOOTIC, __ DISTEMPER pr Seem, Ha = z et EH a g 3 When he went to her. He was .ex- ward of 100. reservists, many in| quarters cups flour. ae with curdle and is mich cheaper to use invited him here. 1 would. have had| Wal : 1 ‘ n : ceedingly. impatient of the rule she niform, yanilla, Lastly add the chocolate| than milk, besides being,fully as ver him, Cee te ee re ine hae acme eel ees tnichuter lute ell yall taeetice and | good. “Olive, why didn’t you tell me about |S, ies He’ waht ti bt bake for about three-quarters of an| °°" et that ‘eiri?” she began, dashing. Info| grossing room, ieee mre ansleg With Med Tape, [hour in a moderate oven, Bal a 3 ET a Gch oem ject without preamble. Z Eh Be : : , ; fe subj D ter sald, coolly. “I think he will ex- he} two layers and put together wit Weenie ot Tediers with cavalry whipped cream filling. y- e number-is from 1,000 to 2,0 try, Lt ve ° i i Cures La Grippe among human beings and ts a fine kidney think of connecting Leonora West with embarassing to him to have to ask|years at Kings Bridge, one of the ures La Grippe among ur i 4 1g York. It was his Helpful. Hints. More than--600,000 bushels of Who wit get it for you Wee Booklet, “Discemper, Cabses 8 B eeaermgetonee #5 7mHe laa love Lopes St Nook It wal i : , ; ; Vadpinot How wiat you ats talking |t the noddakaspar’s ‘rooms, yet, auoh'| whimtd Have ehelimorntie betore| “Leo ust: A diol “aiid--caey |pamreonion apples have been ship- and G : spout A rYaiar te answered. Vis his avowed intention. If1—" he| breakfast a drink of cold water| way to. remove iron nist from|'ped to Great Britain im one year. | ave Wine Keen glare 0: s0e | 5. aacd and Mit hia'Uib to kesh back freah fiom aspring deur the house. elowiies’m: to pill tansnoonr® 6 oe inpatient avowal. One very rainy morning the pit-| cream of tartar on the spot, tie up ir £ you—what? Go on, my cher was not in-its usual place, and|the cloth around it into a little Dec ae Le iee Mee tte ear pe wonderful «nou be asked the waitress why St was|bag and boil the garment. | niece,” she said. “Why didn’t you ie = St missing. Handkerchiet Dresser cant. — e about her when you came home?” | ,. Only this i ere faster i, my “Why, Mr. Claflin,” she-said, “it|'Take” three ladieg) hemstitched He reflected a moment and pre troll “be otherwise. My friend | was raining: so had and isso muddy | handkerchiefs, those with an em- eke i should not be insulted. that I was afraid if 1 went after| broidered design inside of the hem] pa ou want sugar that is Aso: “I did, Aunt Lydia. You asked te)” «you would bring uations into} the water.I should be too soiled to| are prettiest. Use the ¢ame' ‘size % Mf J had brought Leonora West to the! ine dra palate to receive his ad-|wait on the table. Iasked Michaél| and pattern. Make into a strip — et and as clean as houseKeeper, and 7 told you that hid dreises?” she hissed. - to get it for me, but he said it was| with a row of lace insertion be- left th fF Hemegublectsic, and 1 told vou teae| «sete, Metepueee cals business to look after the horses| tween each. Put a row of the in. — ‘ e refinery, you 2 pet| “Then you will rot do'so while Tam arriages, not to run errands,”” verti around Cyne ie oe aan Kemembert™ | te ; mistress of Lancatter. It he| "ight seid Mr. Olefin, thought-| then -a.lece to match the imertion can os on getting it in. Yes, but you should have told mie! chooses to have such low tastes, it is es . tore about her. It is very strange| not for me to indulge him in them. If| fully. fie i is ight, pee This Shae and ex Arras that you Kept it all to yourself,” she|ne must woo the housekeeper’s niece, Please, te I im wal je oben bat, iF aenesa said, ences, him suspiciously, and | yo may woo her in her proper place,” | tora. ne i Ee a P = i , Ro’ Sper ee saw the deep! omea Lady “Lancaster, indignant at tes later, with mui teen of any preferred color under- is defense of his friénd’s misplaced Reecivece hoofs and champi thal it dened his face. ey ping of | nea: “What wi aa it you shied me to tell) admiration, and secretly jealous of hits, ear drew up at the __ Gueiain Shade ely. your you?” he inquired coldly. the beautiful girl’s influence, door, with Michael on the box in ler curtains are foo wide for the 2. Ib. id 5-b. Sealed ee ‘Why, that she was grown up in-|” What if Lancaster, too, had been| his rubber coat and hat cover: window it is not Sree oS cut an andthe sho ‘was. pretiyectachor= |Powttehed hy that fair, ‘plavant ta0e] "Come, lla,” ald Mr. Claflin, | of the roller, bub you ean nail two ! 10, 20, 50 and 100-Ib. Cloth Bags. oe oo T—~|and luring smile? «6 bhis er | emis. f wood i i 2 ‘ Scere avond. i oe ‘A sudden thonees same to her. 4 byt me. yalbed ee i of hs ede, tnd str ites Me Canada’s s favorite Sugar . After all, perhaps, {¢ were best for ne in sbrackets: nad’ the canta 4 “I supposed you would find that out|ner plans that De Vere should have fromt steps helped her into the | curtain brackets, and the o trap int tn oue me he rene hs way. Who could tl What, folly Sekeere » mid, die Pl ee for three Generations” : er, for! might get into Lancaster's hea ‘hung, 4 oa she was decidedly te er a “a Iookea him thoughtfully. spring an so sh shade is le, Tf abso- oN CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO.,LIMITED, - MONTREAL. discovery she had Ae She was was hasty,” she said. ne me some ae Pas pee lutely necessary to at off roller, - = = no means blind to “the ighracting “But ethan hed 3 vies to-day ene T first | ing herself.”” out. oF ab ag be Fe ts This is for beauty of Leotiora, and had ae ia rl, cae asa very ay ver after Michael used to fill tHe | the bene = ae ot those ho pees Dee wis! it jwent re Lave aut \ t her mind was cultured and her Bilge, tac stolid pap we-abatatlent pi ee roti vats | pent ing

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