GERMANS TAKE PEREMYSL Russians Evacuated the City After Noféhern Forts A despatch from London eer ee exactly ae thosé of ie . | the a lasting not qhite three Ant hope-| if r months’ selene, hoisted the mie beat ies German field sees lag. The G after t oe me of ihe forts on that many machine guns, and puede: south, Teaching the centre ak the What booty * the, Rastic: ‘Germans =| before: they ee, atta the ered in military Girdles here to ac: count for the eee Pees ne ee A British Cask-Pontoon Bridge Over the Yser, Constructed in One Night. The bridge across the Yser in the structed there ey during the e porary slackening in the incessant fightin floats utilized to me as supporting Res were pre spite of the darkness. . The operation, neighborhood ES ae showa in the above photograph, was com- tage of a ied out, continually sent up star sl man and. Austrian art sheeted Pevemyal is ice a safe salient’ in a| et that the town was sPrasially ess. ‘he reat of si new aia he aa aa E Sarre Was Operating in the Sea of Mar- A “Bri oa cbmarina ‘operating was given out ficial in London he is lites submar ine was one of several S ca earn ‘Hendrie, Lieutenant-Governor offi fC = reported. sunk by = British steamer General, of 4,500 tons, for- 4,900 toe which was owned By the eu Craig Eaton, merchant, To- "Chasle es Frederick Fraser, super- él tyeen ue Vatted States cand Tie Bisck fear wtion tte yak eraital I and took refuge in the Bosphorus, Queen! Eccles erat Kings ae ghens, chief of stat at the Canadian late euperintendent of the Royal North- Ge ring, a member of the tall r. Dernburg is or to leave the |b; A setpaleh from. London Says: ee is thio Otit a bait to ih the ‘kingdom of Palestine alter ied by 25 pines rabbis, and ba by Herr Ballin, of According toa despatch. to the Cen: Ney “Ny a at e, ,up two or three, dollars a imprisonment by a Saxon court on German plans to invade Taaland: CANADIAN SOLDIERS REWARDED The Distinguished Conduct Medal Bestowed on Members of Patricias andthe i4th Battalion A despatch ton London says: ° kon ferman trench with great ability lant at St. Blo, 25th Febru, [comrade under most “aitiente ad : NEWS ius THE BORDER WHAT IS GOING ON OVER IN THE STATES. fin Latest Happenings in Big Republic Condensed for Busy Readers, ix aia deficit of $6, 500,000 i postal revenues is foes Tae to the wa A mongrel dog, which bit ye people in New York was kicke ‘| United States blacksmiths are slated to go into the auto repair 2) business to save their trade. The Seg Re tail Jewell sociatior jeweller ha cessity atten iia @ luxu rs’ As- a ne- The Detroit: College of Medicine fae was told that punishment of chil- dren by blows caused epilepsy. The amount spent by Detroiters last year on recreation was 99 cents per ee for charity 38 cents. For ¢ stone and break- e|ing a phe Say Daal ene of Bangor, Pa., was fined $16.15. To boost so- called war stocks, New York brokers exhibited shrap- nel abel 0 nm the floor of the Stock Ex pinned anciet an a0 wagon in a foot of water at Egg Harbor, N. J., George Gibson, driver, ‘was Laine y e falling away of clams in the perdi Wuelpty caias scarcity pearl buttons in the garment insurance losses in the U.S. year totalled $200,720,000, an increase of $28,000,000 over tihe year be: tit Mrs. ete Was draped her bed with U.S. flags and crepe prior to dense. aitemping suicide by gas in New na D. Rockefeller is buying more land around Pocantico Hills to make the: finest private park im a merica. Norristown, Pa., lost with his wife on the Tausitania, inherits $70,000 | t) by the de. The eee men of New York are opposing the singing of ‘I Didn’ (7 ae My Boy to Be a Sol- ie in public s ee ice had to attend the funeral] oans i of Richard Hyde at Detroit, to re-| of a Canadia pte two women Leow! each claimed to be his ote teen per cent. a the mining eo population of Pittsburg have ning started, with Ttalians to follow. oliceman Robert O’Brien seized} \' a bomb from before Yamada’s Jap restaurant, at New York, and mo Uedt oe the burning fuse David Bracht would not kiss his feb y in court at Flint, Mich., when wes wife ‘deserte! r, and brompiy ent bs au $3,600 jamages for a cup of coffee spilled down ther back in a Kansas City restaurant. Ghouls opened the grave of Chief| {he Quanah Parker, of the Comanches, y d-stole the valu. Operating on Anna Curry, for tuberculosis of the spine, Baltimore docto: k bone from ee legs to jnlace ae disease A young Clevelander. W. C. Ste eres ole his $100 back, trom el promises ae ito. pre has on his bald head and Yatled nocently into a jeweller’s store at Detroit at night and was trapped | i by burglar alanms until the police et Aes she was a customer of the | das ee = Was Not a Deserte Is Chure! In French Hospital| a appening, Cae Leon all “ral b ound: at A despatch Siem Ottawa says: There is a certain Montreal soldier, | a member of the first Canadi division, who has been the object) lately of much undese: in not : fri jer at who Pope) were formed that he had: een Ses" PRICES OF FARM PRODUGTS |". aeronTs from THE. LEADING TRADE TRI RIC! padi com—No. 2 yellow, Te, on ee. bank Soe the) J "Pesiiaps ie ey ome ng feature at No. outside. Ianitoda fours itet spate; in Jo inte Mil Ii feed “Bron. mer ton, $26; shorts, ‘er $8,000. less than 37% of the’ abilities to ise beans the market la quiet a $3. tit e 5 18| private in the Fourth Battalion, ises together amount GA onl ly $203,. ae ‘No. 1 hay ie aoe rai 316. ei ea any posible Gevelapmnent of the se ° f" No. ” | white, 62 ries Barley, Aish, feed, 78-12 to 1 wheat liabilities grew chia ioalons to lie ie only son of Harry Keser, of S Eas ofits were “necessarily atected T ad $29; ic Bis tbs, joe wood sori Py abs net, 10 Roy , 20 20. propfiations ins patriotic Purposes, ecurit There is every probability that “the ea oe pw le Brasher, st. “Coke ‘teacher, ih 5' 2 OF wide! enable it ito look forward to zesty sperity as ny plonentay pt 8.—The gquotations ie a is Pe management that a bank could pos- The- camaaens tragedy was the = subject of spn aurning Cae in FROM MERRY OLD eAGLAD | NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. ‘ar Office order prohibits offi- cei jibes Ae from taking cameras ) It rhs stated that the L. N. ‘Railway are engaging girls in ae fi i. the irate fe a Cae sm with ithe R.A. The. ais is announced at Glon- cester of Pete McNally, who 1897 attempted to swim the English han ‘The Court Circular announces that the Prince of Wales has gone to resume his. Sule, with the Ex- peditionary Foi According to Sie latest White- book, the Post Office will cost $144,- 181,900 this year, a _inoreane of 86,604,020 over last ye The repaid ‘Coniniahiier ing oe RN., at Buckingham Pal- | ‘Chan and decorated him personally vitd the Victoria Cross. e appointment is pate of tele tea oe Burn, M.P., TaIMissio7 a commander f the 6. Royal Naval Wotunieen Reserve. Thinking that the motor car he was in was on fire, Samuel Nuttall, eee jumped out and frac: tured ‘his head and died shortly uejacket named Stanford was killed ik he fell from a height of 700 feet, after being caught by a Ont. a-|Tifle in an airship at the Naval vente, $5.60; sah or Toronto freighte ee near Rochester The Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk , has provided a convalescent home for wounded officers, giving a fur- a house on his estate at Holk- ham, near the sea. iS electric tramway car was. | descending ihe hill ae Willesden freon ation, the trolley wheel Ce An unfortunate accident. oceur- red at Harwich, Bedford Ree reny being acviden- -|tally shot by a comrade, another private, Kikne him instantly. at excitement was occasioned | by an outbreak of fire aitr the Alpha) Soinnen ng ke Denton, near. Man- ‘it was onily by the pees of se male operatives that all. the ene escaped. he Board of Trade thas appoint- ed a committee consider cases of ships who, have ee es ts. ee od the war, During the past fortnight the Manchester life assurance offices have paid $181,940 respect: of an 949 soldiers Soar nice killed in war. More than 1,700 referred 3 soldiens killed in action War Office has sent to Brigh- '}ton Guardians $25,000 on account of the expense to which the board was put by reason of the appropria- tion of the workhouse as a ho»pital for wounded Indian soldiers. itchener, Jelligoe and) Fronch x | are the names given to triplets born to a soldier's wife nee Sunderland. The children en born premature- ly and are. now ainala in baby) ™ incubators at the Children’s Hospi- The a of Meath, the founder org anizer of t uty’ and i | and Disctine srpneltiss Tae ye 0 | put into practice his belief in its virile precepts by j joining the ©: nee: ley Volunteer’ Training Corps Bearers side by side with his eo tthe Board of Tr: aoe having called wW the Newcastle Corporation Tramways Committee to release as many men as possible for the manu- re of munitions, the employes hr “desided ee no 0 objection, ided the a be" guarantee ne Se er at the end of the war, ane Privileged Communication. Alice: When I tole you of my en- gagement I said it was @ seeret,} 4) and you told ity about it Ella: Why, no I didn’t. T merely asked her if she knew. about ite Ww Don’t nurse a are, Oh, foolish guy; ~ es Rrlad pat ‘mark ‘o let it die. sand Moselle, ropped great quanti- French, part fee: on charge of es field pe Behn England, says the Youth’s Companion. In @ let- our usual practice grounds. ordinary looking a =| about the battalion. He tol | our men struck him as being about their billets that 1 thought I should detain him as a sort of py: T ex- oes myself and rode to thie ° and. dndighife@lyabked me it T knew: me it was no less e person than of raw materials for the RRS ea out that the present dependence voive a serious problem if either of shes SeunETIes should become & the timber Peed hen ot the Ti Empire available f Twenty-nine aoe ‘Aicien Drop Bombs on His Soe! juarters. War sreeaaie th the raid did not men- % ion the locality of the oe Paince’ 8 headquarters, et Fighting continues in the die called the “‘Jabyrinth,’’ sou 31 e French have made 800 prison- ers at this locality. aviators: einevilia Deparment of] cea ties of seta printed in reproducing assertions of Dr. yon ‘Boehrhagin Hollwegg, ahs German cellor, in the ‘ichstag re- cently that war news ator French An- eye-witness, describi ing the -| Operations north of Arras, aaye this the ight ranks in the mii French military Sioaie = the ae greatest battle of the war in the western theatre of operations since ee Battle of the Marne. | at pee a) still Sa ceuliend al- | etal Seri in favor, of who are sonny. their sees with less and less jon, = se z pe CS 2 [ue ey S| zs $e. ceived no mame. he French of- ficial communiques laconically re » to it as “operations in the se0- Foe noriisat THOUGHT KIPLING | A SPY. His alas “Regarding Troops sed Suspicions. Hey ise igen bit m the Territorial peeing ter a sergeant in the Tenritorials anya Our battalion turned out is full iaissting order and. procesded &e came asked me a lot of particular a lot of Beet 4 an Ke time and said e must confess the smartest in marching he had er-seen, outside the regulars, me ¢o ina particu- Sho ahont Bleek also. aboub f the column mae informed one rai our majors of what had oo- a curred, and later I took the mam Si t “The officer stopped me lator whom I had tried to put under ar. rest. I said I did not, and he told Rudyard Kipling.’ Canada’s peat wndlani ae yy Mr. paerite Phillips i in@ paper ee before the colonial sec- at of the Royal Society of Fie SY nm London, England, on May 4. Si Gnones Perley presided. The speaker urged as a matter of extreme importance that Greab Britain should endeavor to supple- ment its foreign sources of supp! those awaiting develo} oe Lop: ire. He point- mn Norway and Sweden might in- — exhaustive survey a land led the way, both in and process of manufacture, but it Souued out Government portance of conservation, He Guessed It. Pg Tis true that Ihave bro! ment and that T % engage! " q Here your in but a you kn hn # wh hy I retai oan th rn prin an a: le \ Our Shee Anihem was, “et printed in hovtatoubet urder Bolten! office, bu ang. *|Canada Has Cc = iow 000 POUNDS OF GUNCOTTO Sie Explosive Known to goes : large one A despatch from to be ready. for fow |A plant for. ON Sean of Speretechey