< Births, MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE Our Clearing Sale A Great Success— Our three day’s sale proved itself far ahead of any previous sale we ever had. Our many customers appreciate the bargains they re- ceived, and we wishwto thank them for their liberal patronage. In order to still further reduce the stock and make room for the New Spring Goods now coming in We are Still Selling the Dry Goods and Ready-to-wear Stuff as Advertised — and ENDS and REMNANTS MARKED STILL LOWER. Come early while. the assortment is good. All 1914 accounts must be settled either by cash or note. WEBER & BETTGER ‘LINWOOD TOPICS on the St, Marys Branch. | 3 will leave Ingersoll) ‘Train No. 664 a Jeave St. ae 11.40 am. will be wi cod 6.05 am. arrivi | Marys 7.55 p.m Train No. (ex, aaity except Sundoy ezriving Tren {9.55 p.m, and Train No, 601 te leaving Toronto North 955 tm, arrive Ingersoll, Tune 0 a.m... Unionda Train No. 87 leaving Trenton 3.10) 10.40 a.m. will be endrawn between lee Set. Ee 7:25 a atctonkey 159" _| Dan, arriving ‘Toronto 6.50 p.m, wi ill be| Havelock and Tw tpayen o uekeeiad te Lae nington 8,08 am. bro 815 «| withdrawn, | ‘Train 621 lea Wise’ Kingston 7.45 oe Verna Paral spent Saturday ee am o.50 aan. McCMnkov. 1058 | xsiving Ingersoll Junction 8.30] ‘Train No. 2. Jeaving Toronto 900| am. arriving Renfrew 3.30 pum. and “| ime Lakeside 11.03 _ am. Uniondale |@-m.- leave Ingersoll Sane tion 8.90 a.m.) em aily -.arriving eal 6.10| "Train No. 622 leaving Renfrew, 7 an Bertha Boegel spent the week: i120 am. arriving St. Marys 11. hae Aogereall North in No, 19 leaving Mon-|a‘m arrivine ‘Kingston 2.30 p.m. will { Mr. I Mrs, Fred. Stever » spent| | ree 66. will eee “st. MeryS trea Bi am daily arriving Toronto|be operated tri-weekly leaving [ing- Ye — a tit eth ie ain 665 will leave Us Ingersoll North! niondale 4.35. p.m. 40 p.m. will be regular stop at on Mondays Weine: esdays and Fri- nes | Lista 1 a few) 095 Dam. arrive Tent cesll Tnoatio iat Se aS pm. McConkey shawa, Bowmanville, Port days and leaving ew Taesdays, irs Walliams spent, a ew ah ngerectl induc. ‘Trenton. Belleville. and) Thursdays and ete BaP Nc woastle. Colborne andj | Train 765 leaving Toronto 11.10 . Sal ae ‘week with his b Thos. Foster _ and daughter \" “Mrs. the week-end in Gode- Ee spent witiss 1 Anderson. of Lucknow spent the week en} with Mes Rother- ford. Mrs. Rober son tel on Saturday to | eeks with her daughter spe in Toronto. | Mr. Wim. Bey ‘of the Nova Scoti: f here has been ea quietly f Lis- (Mis: married to | Don. u on Wednesday a ions quest sie A skating vant will be held under | the eos of the Women’s Institute \im did of the Ted Cross Fund on Fri Seb, 12th. Hot |day evening Fe hi Jed in marr: Mr. vier ve eon oftie' ated of Hawkesville. |The youn conplé trip to Toronto — other - nt | By al. Linwoo: a te ated Mit the - a te Tater t. the score oo ed by jioo seoouete fol- BES |lows* Goal. Koebel: Defence Cotins. | | Weber: Forwards. Meyer. Friedma: Sutmpf Ament Lightfoot, jof Stratford. mn da’ exeiting between | ohance to sce who will make good |fbockey layers whet grown ap, The jline-up was as f Buble sehioo! | |Goal. Melvin Ament Defer MILLBANK Mr. E. Milne and Master Billy of Toronto pats over Sunday at} irs. School Reports 1 xeport of 8.8. No. 1 Morn’n-- Beggs. Lloyd Ai ; Forunids Wit Wrav Beat: Melvin Koe- Separate school Goal. John, Bisch: efenc | Friedmann. | za Hayes. Ed. Harrv “Sohail Stumpf. referee. | mer. _ Shorty 75..@, Mueller 70.| Rev. wel Moffat was a visitor at Lon} G. Zimmermann 69. M. Steckly 68.,D.| don last | BRUNNER Bbersol 45. D- Mank ore ‘Nellie “smith, of St. Marys. | od Br, I— F. Oesch 75, L. Mueller a ted her niece Miss Sadie Pender | eg McKay of Woodstock is K, Curtis 69. B, Riddell 55. A. Kroy over Sunday. nt tine with her aunt. Mrs, 47, ‘38° Mary Mulcahy returned nome! D. Clark, Jr, UI—L. rains ne A, Mank 59 paler after visiting some days with | Mfr. and Mcs| Duncan Dewar Yost 53. 53 E. Henham| friends i ae hildren of Kingwood Mr. ae wir 52. |. Wittic 51_G. G. Schaeferer 45. ee J, Thompson and Master Gor- | Sot: io Fleming and daughter UV qTM, Candler 89° W, Kropf-84 f- Calgary vote, Saturday for spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W | 71. ther 75 atta aus spending the past | Anderson. rartzentruber | 70 h the former’s parents, "ur. | ac Margaret Det spent a few Muelle G7. E, Yost| and ‘Ses. J . Ross. with her si Mrs. G. Sch 62. 0. Wake 62, 4 62. E.Hen-| Mrs. Jas. Lowrie and daughter | Weitzer. of Newtar ning 56. 8. es rackly so. i; *sehactor 54| Hattie returned home sMionay after} Mrs. J. Langfor of Grayelride. R. Bteokly 43. visiting w days with friends in spent a few days with: Mrs. T, ‘Sr, I— E. Oesch £6, R, Zimmermann ‘oronto. ney. fr. and Mrs. Geo. Cogk}in and Mi es Bile “andi deters hong Sunday Die! ir Listowel. Miss age 20, 78, Primer—F..._ Henning V. Zimmer- Vi Wittie Ta ender. Tae Honor list im spelling —E Qesch F.| Love and W Candler. Raddell, 1, Qesch. A.| bathe funeral of the late Tar ner at Hawkesville Mrouciey fast Sis Eliza McKee is visiting at her ks sistent an : W090 L x ore Teacher. The following is - yeport of S.S. No, 5. Mornington. for the month | ‘of| the v Fanaa the ro of... the. ies eat Maloahy, er Sunday | gr, IV—DM. ed vethrenne 72 3 Boxes oh th feiss: tn “ eras. vd | “Bexagesima" are ‘Feb: 7th. aiv-| ime service in Gré gan sony wu and i . Whaley 76. I. ran Eee Ries aot cer munion. 1 6. H, M ott T1-| Sermon subjects. “* egponsib ity DE yeete. purerae ss) Parenthood’ -p.m. ‘The Call of Abe) we Mee, "Goo 42 A, Herrfort 53 | sem." Bvery ” weloome: BF. I. Reid 52. 0. Petters: 1, Hughes, rector. H—Lidena- MeGregor race church A.Y.P.A. next Monday; Gregor 85. M. Harst 81. G. Hiatt 40| p.m: at 8 o'clock im Parish hall, Social Primer—H. Hawthorn ME E,| everting, Silver, collection at voor Seott. 8. Hawthorn EB. Lanch served after program. All i Kuepfer. Mabel Whaley Albrecht: | vited to come. Mildred Jewett. Teacher, |, Miss pistenoe.-V. 1, Freeborn A L. aoe. ¢.M. England. Graduate at Londo ace Bngland College of Music, Teacher of Piano. Theory TBte. Papils prepared | HESSON for all examinations. Terms on appli- : cation. Studio at her residence are M Haid. a prosperous young| bank. Music provided — for informal gentleman of oaF vicinity was united| parties, Charges moderate, *Phon in bonds of matrimony on : Annual Meeting ; Stranaway. them diary MORNINGTON + ABERAL-CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION teva Toes Mr. Jos. Kocher spent Mondav at Listowel. will be held in ‘Mr. Stranaway is busv. moving Donley's: Hall, Newton on his ee ae which he purchased trom Mr. hearington. west Glenallan. , inessrs, Kagene and Albert, Helm FRIDAY, FEB Sth, °15) qade a business trip to Linwoo t 2 o'clock p.m. Saturday. nual report will be read. Officers an rei for the ensuing four wiinbe siesta A large attendance is request Tr, Jos. Helm. made a business trip to SOM es Berlin. Galt and Hespel-, er last wi ‘Addresses will be delivered by Mr. HB. (Mr. 8. ‘Stemmler svent ‘Thursday at | Morphy, M.P., and Jas. Torrance, M.P.P Listowel. M, J. DOBSON, J. J. CARSON, Secretary. Kocher. of Walk | OPreeident, | Ma argaret “and visited last Wedne | Mo . Robertson. Lis number from here spent a very | esha ane at the homeof Mr. ond Yundt. ‘of Moser: oes Chas. Daly ‘of London. cailed on aur. and nd Mrs. Wa Lindsay on Wed- |mesday 1 | Don’t faite et the hockey match at {he Milverton rink Saturday night. \Brunner vs Semole’s Seven. Some Glassy hockey may - looked for. | = CARTHAGE 4 Mr, and Mrs. John Mayburrv spent «| Sunday with friends in Listowel. (Mr. and Mrs. John Deitrich. of Lin- wood. salted en friends there one day last w zi Mes. ‘James Robinson... of paeies - Bian.. i8 visiting her brothe L {Askin wiho is very ill. ! ‘ttre. John Martin has returned home after spending a few weeks wi er daughter Mrs. Wm. Murray of Wes: a § £ Fea Bs & £5 ae see B Ey Pigg ga 8 Se 55 é a Sky : So 82 ay ‘Mr. and Mrs. ee Barrett. of Pef- fers spent a day last week at the home of Mr. A. ere 544 held hose present from ret ‘r. amd, Mrs. ae hs he eae Lee Mr. L. Coghlin. Twants.. will be held at Mrs. Davi ‘at 2.30 | The cade routes for the Carthage | cheese factory va Beslet on Thurs- |day Feb. 4th. at 2.00 pm “PEFFERS Mr. Herb, Hymers has again taken e sae of hauling milk to Britton factor Ses. John MeKenzie. of Strassburg Sask. disited old friends here — thi ee and Mrs, James Holmes visited jdorin, the past week in Stratford and | viet -to Listowel on Wednesday. ev. Fr, Dantzer left on Monday to attend his uncle’s funeral. & baby, girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Vollmer. Improved Service TORONTO MONTREAL OTTAWA Via “‘Lake Ontario Shore Line” NL Deaths YantatAs ies on ke vie a Mr} Mrs. Chris. Yantzi, a son. | | oti i—At Morningto. Jan. 24. “ae eee ee et ‘ aah Fast time to Whithy, Cceewa Bowmanville, Ee ‘Mornivaton. on Jan. 25 bourg, a Mtrevite Trenton: Ete. “to Mr. and Mrs. Dave, Jacobs a Particulars from C.P.R. Agts. ~ gon. or welts M- G. Murphy, D.P.A., aS Mornington, on Jan. 28 Toro! Ellice FL. ined, Phone 13, Local Agent Mrs. Henry Greve. Mrs. ‘J. Keony af Kubryville. was visitor a sae week at the home of her son The aoe triode of Mr. David Mun ro will learn with regret of his con- tinued ba “Mr. chwe' steer has sold. {B0-acre farm for the sam of $4500 ami |parchased. the farm ‘of Mr. Robert Ki Ne Dan Loney of Fort William. Snes friends here. ©. E. Barrett and son \ ell visited over Sanday in Ce a pon CHANGES IN TRAIN | RVICE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILW AY ie ‘E JAN= UARY_ The particular ‘Gtient ion of the jello. public 3 respectfully ein to rain service effective changes Seauary Bist. 1915. Following service will be operated |, avil aily arriving “Familton ee. a0 os operated daily ee Train 602 crys Toronto 5.00 od) stead of daily daily except Sund arriving Twe FOR 22 DAYS RITTER'S ANNUAL === “Lui il The following merchandise will be offered at these Money Saving Prices to You. The assortment of Serviceable and Seasonable Goods is. LARGER and BETTER than ever. COME and SEE and BE CONVINCED that our statements are all we claim them to be. Sale Starts dan. 20th and Ends Feb. 13th Dress Goods 1 piece regular 18c. for., 6 pieces regular 25¢ for x piece regular 30¢ for. 8 pieces regular 50c for. 8 pieces regular 60c for. 12 pieces regular 85c for I piece regular $1.00 for.. 4 pieces regular $1.25 for. goc 6 pieces Tweed regular $1. 40 for.75¢ see 124 4 18c Shirtings and Ginghams 18 pieces regular 12% at. ...,....10€ Curtain Scrims All at Twenty-five per cent. off Underwear For Men, Women and Children (Pen- Knitted Goods Including Toques, Aviation Caps, Mufflers, Lad. Gloves, Mitts 25% off. 1 piece Fawn Flannel, reg. 5oc at 35¢ Wool Blankets White and Grey at 20 per cent. off. Wrapperettes Regular 1244¢ for ......s.serere cee IC Regular 15¢ for ... Regular 18c for . Kimona Cloth regular 20¢ at Chinchilla Cloth regular 35¢ at Scotch Crepes regular 20¢ at ...... Serpentine Crepe regular 25c at... 8c Men’s Shirts Men's Grey Flannel Shirts $1 at 75¢ Men’s Black Prince Shirts $1 at 75¢ Men’s Jersey Fleece Shirts 85c at 60c Men's Flannelette Shirts 75e at a 3 doz. Negligee Shirts at ..... Mitts and Gloves All Mitts and Gloves for Men and Boys at 20 per cent. off. Bear Skin Coats In White, Red and Brown at 25 per cent. off _ Sweater Coats All Sweater Coats for Men, Women and Children at 25 per cent. off Regular Price I I I 2 1 Grey Wool Shawl, reg. ee & A “ Honey Comb Shawls in Red, White Grey Regular 1.25 Ae ce Regular 1.00 at Regular 75c and 85c at Secchlied Shawl 3.50 at 2.50 Shawls Ladies’ Shoes 4.75 at 3.75 | 6 pr. Box Kip Bluchers $2.50 at $1.75 3.00 at 2.00 | 8 pr. Vici Kid Bluchers 3 00 at $2 10 ts “1,75 at 1.25 | 6 pr. Patent Button 3.75 at......$2.50 fr 4zpr. Vici Kid. Blucher 3 25 at... $2.25 8°pr. Patent Blucher 3.25 at..... $7.25 6 pr. Patent Colt Button 3.25 vee 2.25, 7 Pr Dongola Blucher 3.00 at.,,$2 00 g pr, Dongola Blucher 2.75 at $1.75 é pr. Gun Metal Button 3,25 at $2 25 1.35 at 1.00 1,35 at 1.00 and Black Felt Footwear man’s and Watson's at 20 percent off Clothing ‘Men’s and Boy’s Suits and Overcoats, Odd Pants, Knickers 30% off Regular Price. All Kinds at 1% Off Hand Bags 60c Handbags for .. .. =—_— 5c $2,000 STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. Winter Caps For Men and Boys at.,,..... 20 % off Hearth Rugs Hearth Rugs reg. 2: 28 for... 10 for, Color Fast Matting 3 patterns regular 50¢ at....... ++++33¢ Crockery and Chinaware One 97 piece eas Set Gold rae 00 orated reg. $10 TOL asanar One 10 piece Toilet Set reg. $3. One 10 P $4. ge eee ESE Con 5. wlot of Fancy China and Gcware Bt cesses seve Off Regular Price Groceries Granulated Sugar 15 Ibs for. ....$1.00 2 pkgs. Sunkist Raisins seeded and seedless for 25¢ 7 lbs, Epsom Salts... 4 tins Pork and Beans..... 2 tins our own Baking Powder, 4 pkgs. Corn Starch, é bars Conifort Soap . 2 cans Salmon .... 3 lbs. Fancy Cakes 6 lbs. Rice........+... 6 Ibs. Oatmeal ,.,.......+ 5c Heinz Chili Sauce, reg. 25¢ for were “India Relish reg. 25¢ ‘for...20 «- Evap. Horse Radish cue ae Bloomers etc. A Big Lot of Remnants at small prices. Heinz Sweet Pickles with jar qt ..30¢ Japan Tea regular 35¢ for . Sadoa Tea regular 4oc for .. Golden Rio Coffee sale price ... 3 bottles Vanilla . Terms of Sale: 50 Days—Cash or Trade | John Ritter, - Millban January 3 1915 . Ng Oe