fe MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE Our Clearing Sale A Great Success— Our three day’s sale proved itself far ahead of any previous sale we ever had. Our many customefs appreciate the bargains they re- ceived, and we wish to thank them for their liberal patronage. In order to still further reduce the stock and make room for the New Spring Goods now coming in We are Still Selling the Dry Goods and Ready-to-wear Stuff as Advertised — and ENDS and REMNANTS MARKED STILL LOWER. Come early while the assortment is good. All 1914 accounts must be settled either by cash or note. WEBER & BETTGER ! . tion 10.05 a.m.* leave Ingersoll Jets ‘gid 7.25 a.m, MoConkey 7 1.09 a. | Train No, 37 leaving Trenton. 3.10] T : 7 weed 6.05 a.m. ari In Memoriam 10:20 a.m. Eabro 0. | Benni .06 a.m. pum, arriving Toronto 6.50 p.m, will pe 0.40 sit wall be itharawe between ; ington. 10.50 am. eoanon 10s8|m. eS SOC Tamtibe aon) wismenya: lock and < In memory of Marjorie Turnbull) 4... Lakeside m.. Uniondale a.m.. leave Ingersoll recereogs am. hee Ne ts earean @21 leavine Kingston 7.45 who departed to a fairer world on ie is am. arriving St. Marys 11.35! arrive Ingersoll North 9.00 a. 5 eters meee mi a.m. prsichie Renf 3.35 p.m, and Jan. 2. 1915, | ‘Train No, 666 will leave Se) Marys om, and: rain No. 19-leaving Mon-| Train No. 622 leaving Renfrew 7.00 | j ‘Crain 665 will leave Ingersoll North | 4,20 pan... Uniondale 4.35 vp. ie. | treat 8.45 am, daily arriving Toronto| a.m arriving Kingston 2.30 p.m. will Oh! what do you think the angels say?/6.35 p.m. arrive are atonctignG Ae side i pm. ey 4.52 p.m,|540 p.m, will be regular stop at whit. be operated tri-weekly seven ng King- Said the children up in heaven: in, leave reoll Tot | 0 um. Bmbro-5.15. y.|by Oshawa Bowmanville, Port Hope: ston Mondays Wednesdays and Eri- There’s set dear little girl coming home spores 08 ot ae ay oS \n. e Ingersoll Junction 5.30 p.|Odbourg. Trei leville, and|days and leaving ae w Tuesdays. . MeConkey 7 "Lakeside 7.34|m,. leave Ingersoll Junetion 5.40: p.n., Bing. eto, et Neweastle. Colborne Tharsdays and Satur a: 4 She’s Ounce reat to flv away anes 744 os arriving St. |Sttive Ingersoll North 5.50 p.m, Brighton.” | Train 765 lea oe non. a us p.m. 4 From the uth oe used toy ee = Marys 7.55 p.m |. Train No. 38 leaving Toronto 805 a.| ‘Train 602 leaving’ Toronto 5.00 an, | daily arriving are ton m 12.13 Let’s go and) o1 e gates o mretle | 7. ee No. 664 will leave St. Marys ee can except ‘Sunday arriving Tren |daily except Sunday arriving Tweed | be pore re Becaee Bandar in- Open them wide for the new. little a.m.. Uniondale 7.45 a.m.. Lake-! 140 am. will be withdrawa. 9.55 p.m. and Train No. 601 faving stead of dai fae a eee Said the children up in heaven. ae oe God wanted her where his little ones. mee! ; Said the children! up in heaven 5 She ehall vlav with og in the colden FOR 22 DAYS FOR 29 DAYS She tas grown to fairs she has grown too 6 For the ite ee aeet-ta line ; She needa, the iMushine | thi deer. ; little That aide ‘this side of the gates of H Said. aire children’ up in heaven. So ie Fea coltst down from the 's Said the chitinen Din ees “My little darling prise and To the place prepared in thy Tather’s home.” The home that my children live in.” Let us: ga and watch at the yes of earl Ready to welcome the mew LHe ae Said the children ap jn heave Far poe on earth do you hear them sai "the children up in.heav. For the dear little girl Seo * alee ‘The shadows fall and night clouds} sree | Over the earth we used: to live oe | But oat an and open the gate: an pear! Oh! why do they weep for their de ar| little einl? Said the children up im heaven. Flv with her quickly Oh. angels dear. See she is coming! look there! look there! ‘At the prsper light on her sunny hair. Where the veiling ¢! lon2s are riven. Oh bush. bush husn, all tne swift ras ght For he King himself at the gates of Is anne her hand, dear. tired. little girl. bat js leading her into heaven. BURNS pede son and his niece «Miss on left last ey for epend a few Ss with . J. MeAllister of Fernbank. ae _WE HAVE JUST PUT INTO STOCK A FULL LINE OF THE BEST as Grass Seeds -«: we are sure we can ‘save you money by EARLY buying. Come so anaion saraioee STOCK FOODS A full line of = kints. We sell all these goods be ait TAL. We will sell you enough stock food to do your stock for three months, and Al you are not satisfied with the results at a oe of that Tae we will R UND your money. Come in try a pac! FROST WIRE ecm Don’t forget that we are agents for this famous wire fencing. The best in the land. “Come in and place your order with us. Our prices are Come in and be convinced yourse M. E. BETTGER & CO. Hardware Merchants Monkton, Ont. her pies Mrs. icKenzie, Strassbarg Sask.. visited with evaany thi i ir. inity. since Mr. Loney left for the West and during that time he finds many changes have taken viace in his home neighbor! ‘Misses Muriel, eearouie of Britton and Lottie of Fernbank. were the guests of Miss Vera Watson last week. Miss Janet Davidson. of Rew ark. h rothe of our young people wee the carnival in the Milverton rink on Wednesday night. (Mr. Wim. ae of Millbank. has been doin ory work with his uae saw im this Eich Eee BOA recent: "ar. and Mrs. John Davidson enter number of their friends at Newton last ‘Mharsday. POOLE The British Mortgage Loan Co. of Ontario Established 1878. Office : 27 Downie St., Stratford | DEPOSITORS, 33% Money deposited with the Company-will yield you 3% per cent. interes daily balances, compounded half-yearly. race Soe INVESTORS, 4% and 5% he Comibany: jesus Debentures, fad papa Der cot, m 1 to snd pays 5 pet cent. balt-yeanly for 5 fare legally st "Trust Funds” in these Debentures, The Sinegtial laste vigives you absolute security, as securities, ‘The Company ‘has Betteyestls fon sovmie ears. ‘Trustees. a: of JOHN BROWN, President , Misses Shearer and Connell. of — towel. are ra at the home of Ww. earer and ete friends. ae “James Fleming. of Phippen. ask.. accompanied by her sister. Mi Mocca Ande’ rerea© at Branner. vi ited last weelk a! na ‘Mrs. Robert “Hemi ee called ona rey at their other fri man Schmehl* reer the At Home cs ae tford Normal Schoo} ming and returned home on Saturda: Mr. Ada Reidt. of ace called at the home of Mr. P. Schmebl on Tharsday of “tas Miss Margaret ee dente week-end with aero asin. Miss Ka Anderson. Bram Bmily ‘Schmehl returned home Sunday last after spending #week on Schmehl. with: her brother. Mr. Otto Atwoor Miss Lena Schmidt .of Rochester re~ BASSWOOD Heading Bolts Weare in the market to buy any quantity of heading bolts delivered at G.T.R, ship- ping point. Bolts to be 6 inches and over in diameter and cut 20 or _4o inches long. Extra paid for 20 inch bolts. No bolts to be split unless 16 inches in diameter. Bolts over 16 inches to be halved, not quartered. W A N T = E P. AMENT & SONS, Brussels or to WILLIAM HENRY, Blacksmith, Newton D turned home last week to spend the winter with her mother. Mrs. Philip Oppe: Mr. “Adam Chalmers. is visiting with be in Mitehell. Jean Fleming spent a week wih fi ere in Listowel. Mrs. John Fleming and an oe 1. Marion spent a couple of days at the bs ae of Mr, and Mrs. A. Robertson. Lisb: ‘NEWTON ae Isabelle Hawke entertained a ew of her girl r birth~ ay warty on Mharsday ree irs. oe the week- end with peneaas in Stnatfo1 Miss Janet Davidson. of "New rt. N. isiting her brothers “spa othies ren have been pentined eir homes ee | his cousins, Messrs. . Hamm« Miss McFarlane attended the Nor- T s ae on a Miss of New Ham- New Train Service |j/,.0" scone ta"aegs vith “is Toronto- Montreal-Ottawa j)/2%t Sirs. Wm. Yost. : a : E (Misses Ai Bhi ane Via “'Lake Ontario Shore Line"* Cullens of Listowel. visited for a few Fast time to Oshawa, Port Hope, Co~ days at ene of Mr, anid Mrs pourg, Belleville, Trenton, Ete. Jas Hammond. t aite a’ few from here took in the Perieelstesror Milverton - darnivalonl Wednesday aud F. L. CRAWFORD, Phone 15, Local Agent |] report a good time. Mr Frank Ingersoll. spent a few days with his friend Mr — a Fle s Margar‘t handles. 15¢. Asnderson pent satariay. a4 ae White hickory axe d & Sons, - 's. Duncan Dewar. deat ‘Mr. Strashan. of Bu Ethel. visited wit ith vies igh couple of we aes vith chicken ere. fui ing Cros Greenwood cemetery Milyert TMPORTANT CHANGES IN TRAIN SERVICE CANADIAN PACIFIC at ee JAN- The particular ‘gitention ol ths trav- elling public is respectfully inested to the changes iat train service effective epee Bist. ‘olfowine Seis will be operated Mary: ene leave Ingers JevekRng SALE The following merchandise will be offered at these Money Saving Prices to You. The assortment of Ser bl .ble Goods is LARGER and BETTER than ever. COME and SEE aad ee CONVINCED that our statements are all Sale Starts dan. 20th and Ends Feb. 13th Dress Goods Shawls s Ladies’ Shoes I piece regular 182. for........ .12%4c | 1 Grey.Wool Shawl, reg. 4.75 at 3.75 & pr. Box Kip Bluchers $2.50 at $1.75 6 pieces regular 25¢ for. epee SC | rig es e + 3,00 at 2.00 pr. Vici Kid Bluchers 3 oo at $2 10 1 piece regular 3oc for.. I A “ <7 5: at. de25 é Ae Patent Button 3 75 at......$2.50 8 pieces regular 50c for. Bett is " ee £35 at 1,00 4. Vici Kid Bluenerg 25 at...$2.25 1 Black “1,35 at 1.00 | 8 pr. Patent Bloshec:3 3/25 .als.2.,-b?.25, vee Chimes Shawl s 50 at 2.50 | 6 pr. Patent Cult B utton 3.25 - $2 25 Honey Comb Shawls in Red, White 7 pr. Dongola Blucher 3:00 at...$2 00 : gy pr, Dongola Blucher 275 at $1.75 ake and Black 6 Gan Meee 2 Regular 1.25 at, pr. Gun Metal Button 3.25 at $2 25 SoBe. Regular 1.00 at.. : “Shirtings and Ginghams | Resular 75¢ and 85¢ at Felt Footwear 18 pieces regular 12¥%4c at. .... UE oul e Curtain Scrims Clothing Hand Bags All at Twenty-five per cent. off LE, ae Handbags for... ....-.01.1645€ 5c “ « 1.25 1.50 2.50 $2,000 STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. Underwear For Men, Women and Children (Pen- man’s and Watson's at 20 per cent off Knitted Goods Including Toques, Aviation Caps, Mufflers, Lad. Gloves, Mitts 25% off. 1 piece Fawn Flannel, reg. 50c at 35¢ Wool Blankets White and Grey at 20 per cent. off. Winter Caps is OL OPE Hearth Rugs Hearth Hugs FEB 450 ohio ngegh. 3,00 for. <.:5...2.40 Color. Fast Matting 3 patterns yeavler 50c at.... KR For Men and Boys at... Wrapperettes Regular 12%c for . Regular 15§¢ for ... ..... Crockery and Chinaware One 97 piece Dinner Set Gold Dec- Regular 18c for ..... orated reg. $10 for ........ seee1s0 00 Kimona Cloth regular 20¢ at. 2.14 One 10 piece Toilet Set reg. $3:..2.00 Chinchilla Cloth regular 35¢ oe One To: <2 $4 75 Scotch Crepes regular 29¢ at ......14¢ Two1o “ Rta siouls t : 25...$3 18c 1 lot of Fancy China and Riseace AL seeseee e eneeeed4. Off Regular Price Serpentine Crepe regular 25c at Men’s Shirts Men's Grey Flannel Shirts $1 at 75¢ Men’s Black Prince Shirts $1 at 75¢ Men’s Jersey Fleece Shirts 85¢ at 60c Men’s Flannelette Shirts 75. at 55c 3 doz. Negligee Shirts at ...:. :...50¢ Mitts and Gloves All Mitts and Gloves for Men and Boys at 20 per cent. off. Bear Skin Coats In White, Red and Brown at 25 per cent. off Groceries Granulated Sugar 15 Ibs for.....$1.00 2 pkgs. Sunkist: Raisins seeded and seedless for...... 7 Ibs, Epsom Salts... Men’s and Boy’s Suits and Overcoats, Odd Pants, Knickers Bloomers etc. 30% off Regular Price. 4 pkgs. 6 bars Comfort Soap ...... 2 cans Salmon . 6 Ibs. Oatmeal . a2 Heinz Chili Sauce,’ reg. 25¢ for . «India Relish reg. 25¢ for. Evap. Horse Radish 25¢.. Heinz Sweet Pickles with jar qt | Japan Tea regular 35¢ for .... Sadoa Tea regulan goc for ... Golden Rio Coffee sale price 3 bottles Vanilla ....... Paes A Big Lot of Remnants at small prices. Sweater Coats _ All Sweater Coats for Men, Women and Children at 25 per cent. off Regular Price - Terms of Sale |d ohn Ritter, - January 3. 1915 30 Days—Cash or Trade Millbank ’ SC AY WES PE Ry SOS OT aR Re I Oia: SPRL cy aD Ray