VOLLON'S PUMPKIN. A Painting vi Drove Parisian Artists ‘0 Hysterics. ye Gored by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. aie i hotiveable and immedi- it of ae aaah is a mark- Vy) » and fn no it de real more rapid: Not Gay does the blood pesos m es ah ealth it the Seite help of oxygen from the “ed idaicalce of the blood, With- out oxygen the kidneys are unable > to ridthe system of this aci a 8 i eee aoa aalnendy inthe lood and often leads the sufferer to thi he If e LEO. f the ie e insti ever be an cured, an nd the sufferer will always 1-eX= _ the Pills Bean suich treatment as they ~ contain all the elements necessary to build up and purify the blood. “Whey increase its oxygen. carryin, ai ity enabling the kidneys to he uric acid from the body and r ans to do thei wor is rheumatism is sect its root and permanently cured. Dr. Williams’ a Sie are aba - Tutely free from ail habit-forming Egens, and are no! a an experiment. eae eabe tia case will show :— tud! sip ote Pilot a firm Dr. ciiteica? gi Pills and Bihars keep some by m d, ars, est diffiew blackboard, Mind after trying a num- medie t ~ ber Meng benefit, I wi Williams’ read of the cure r of rheumatism nat ough . Williams’ Pink Pills. me to give the Pills ter. In the course o At as a a and stiffness had all no more diffieul- Go., Brockville, ms’ Medicine Gat Making Cigarette Bene am the Area ateuit tree, or, more com-' ‘monly, of fine, new __jrimmings of ie and hemp. F: makes cigar- te papers for the atiole world, the, tip ws “att and Italy being: inkignifiear So Tight i this paper that 500 ti the hiekia goes to’ the ‘ounce They rfectly combustible, and ‘ahs minimum of smoke. Be: led ‘with tobacco they fyzed to prove that, they ure ree from deleterious ingredients and’ that” ities “eontain nothing but the Sait aver, fiber. Onl: Stacia rae and hemp. used, and these are pane. Chopped by injo minute particles, Ee ey vorder that every foreign sub- dit under- Se jae a thorough “leis process, the ‘water beit “Jones is ean asegnt much of bis ties are not the reason, He sue- “Yn selling them."-Buffalo Hx: aN ‘and soi ane othe. ust t hel ten whe fall. me who; would n’t of the duty of the of- felt Pee hauaer of the Societe des tes Francais distribute the 1 to the artist can make trouble’ for the pie- ty Is told of Vollon, the painter of still life. Some. years ago Vollon bad painted what he deemed his masterpiece, a luxurious pumpkin, in color and berole In piettire hang: er's choice of a place for it. A second ida: tout tor lisand Con holee Also donined By this time the pumpkin bad be- Sane principal tople of conversa- tion in all the studios of Par! tad: che leading artists began to look in at the Suton to make sure saat thetr-exbibits t being Injur sino emir coutiee Gaectenptare iodtfyverited il hot of: Selig the pumpkin not far from his pictures. “Take that thing away!” be shouted; “it kills.my yhite and pink nymphs!” eted. He declared that it should not stay in the same room with his pictures. “Its juxtapo- sition to my lions and bears and tt- gers,” pale he, “makes them look like tame Tater was ls next ae to protest. “Don't work!” he exc “what sich of the martial spirit of my. canvases, and what ft ex- hibiting starving garrisons with a big. ele eerie 2 So mpkin was shifted ited he cua passed aie fiftee ms, “an: the cety would paid Ae pretehine. nally the picture hanger placed the yampkin Pag the entrance hall, official- ly called “Salle d’Honneur,” but. poy bd dubbed the “Chamber of Hor- jaturally Vollon became the oat enemy of the unhappy picture janger.—Harper’s Weekly. ~ THIS TS SURELY THE LIMIT. Hobble Skirt Voluminous Compared With Latest Freak of Fashion. jlmke, a look at the peach, in, the Hingerié gown. who has ‘snuntered i a g beet she doesn’t a dressmaker’s scout within a isn Naw thal yodiya caked alae Go y she is wearing? A hobble slat? Jamais! Nothing of the kina! 1 emotional iusanity which periodical: ly, Oe il art of her faco t have stepped from the stroll in the pease has stir- @ Bal- & they were ex; men parishicners that Turkish. pari Joong are going abit ‘Aldermen have been asked to. intro- duce oi ces against it, only to net fa of Europe. You can’t beat it, Until he next sarcasm of sartorial insanity tl <a) it will, have a place among the The skich is volumindustand.ite full: gu “facked gives the appear. e cent ta in liberal the knees so Sie ance of hs Usually the Hane is made of satin and chiffon for afternoon affairs, ant see at’s as close as. aren man cat come to describing the fre jot So Much ot a ORs The late Linley. 8 the fa- mous Punch cutout: hgan life in an engineering wor! ma youn; Pe fu- ture caRnoneh Jooked closely and saw that it was his own hat he bad nailed to the: ae c looming daughter eho! ta. ‘Lavish you would- call pours Soltleigh w popin- tot? “Because he isn’t a jay, and there ee seem to he any hope of his Buch harest. b The population of Bucharest is about < A Famous Paiace. The oe in the Rue de Lille once as | false i dn, repressive on tho Seion, wned eee ine’s rar nois, Viccroy: ever: me le tho ba ne of Wace ome of the Pru: » banks» at MAN’S WILL POWER. Bismarck’s pa Hs on Schopenhauer His Theory. In an soteratalt account of a dlp- ner party at Prince Rack Hen residence which Is in the lections of the civoalua, baal ee hardt the following, rt of the table talk new light: ‘The conversation bad turn- ed on Bismarek's early days at Frank fort, and Rekhardt asked whether at the table d’hote of the Hotel d'Augle- fas his host had ever met Schopen- er, “No,” said Bismarck; “he had = ee es was still unknown, I know _ Absolute: ly sonia about his syste jother guest, an adm nie if iguntere then: joined eftausianeledlly he conversation and esplained that ite ad great merit consisted e discovery of tbe fact that will Tae was the Indestructible essence of the mind of nian and that intelli- gence was ouly of secondary impor- pptines. that ngny very wall-ve,te8" | said ar rince Bismarek, “ut Teast as jas Tam Soaeehnedl for I have Bie noticed that my will had already come to a decision while my. mind had not yet finished thinking about the same, subject. WHOLE GOUNTY IS RINGING WITH IT Wonderfu) Cure of Rheu- matism By Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills, Mrs. Hutchins of Durham, Que., ate pak walk across the room of her speedy and com: Rae ee Durham, Que., Oct. 24. (Special) who after suffering from Rheuma- tism, Lumbago and Neuralgia, is again a strong, hearty woman. In an interview Mrs. tchins says muscles would and had a jon across would swe! my Kies was ueryou Tease ‘dragging sensa ae even walk across rted 4% k text of health—as well as ever I was in my life. Mrs. Hutchins’ troubles were all pete, 8 a cure tor anv ean: at it ron ade ache ight’s Disease THE COTTON GIN. Whitney Set the ides rat the Work | w among the freshly picked cotton stored within, The teeth of tae saw tore the lint from t young Whitney ibe was tay teen e time) realized at once : a machine working a number of lar saws tlonize ae cotton growing Ina. othing to any’ Vege menting. His difficulties mous, for he not only had «& own wheels, cogs, ete., but ce had also first to fe bis own tools and, ev: wings. But he succeeded ip the end, fant aed rances. prevent the m being eal placed. upon tl pa eet built is and pla and writ meant a Higley alteration. bok. A Basaliarine Prati bed beantiful of South African antelopes the spring- bok Is that it spies leaps over human It Is at 01 Perea AY und marvelously ative: and th ognize man as the most anGasrouie: ds not only With human tracks tbat Ad es gees through this perform- ‘The leap is eseeeding- pt LHe vie the animal covers from feet at each bound, ita aie op u four fect at once and Immiediniely rises again, making aclear ‘spring without any run. Its usual ‘The springbok asually travels ith its nose to tJ round, as if con- sal on the lookout for the scent Fate of a Speeder, Gunner—Bigwood, th ftarted-off for a banquet rested for speeding. GuyeneToal he wasn't wined A) tuasted? Gunner— No; instes as fined and roasted. —Chicago Neeae uallionaine, Asse uarenot ie aesiiot Nit acent 1dee of for to manufacture the paint beable ‘kind, A MOTHER’S ADVICE TO OTHER MOTHERS Mrs. Nicholas. ‘Breau, Rogersville, bowels’ and a are well, i fat and good m really. oHebeed with the “Tablets aad I always keep them on as mi litle girl becomes troubled or fev evish I give her the Tablets and she ig soon ea Please send me anotl for they are the very best x ww of for es icine no ones,’ The Tablets are gold u der a, guarantee to, contain atte Ge a The Williams Medicine Co., Brock- tite, ein De Indications Point to a Reversion to Primeval Conditions? Society is going in for roasted pea- nuts, cabbage 3, and other an- ‘spe ecome distrustful ul Perhaps we are swerving, pre- paring to turn back. Women are breaking nt the pur- suits of men, many cabwomen tna. ie cities in the of the habit, the other hand Pea are break- ing into the rent of we ‘he; cooks: de saasor ale ing, and the cooking. Many men are mamying tor money and living idle Up in the air men are trying falints she-birds: Deyntelon: fhtomebies, they are. trying to ae we are gong back ® | who w | haps it won’t be long before: we a again -awinbing oaily.> emong the | trees, from limb to limb, knoeking lown cocoanuts. |WILL NOT HAVE THEM SPIED. mit comes. to imbuing her chil Buk wai leaped the un, jane bebe 8, Queen Mary,)|melted.a vile Za England, eee “has ‘all other royal |into he es louse 2 * A certain young’ | wonderful! Te Peedineds |woman, a great favorite with | and the thumb act |the royal children, whom she Heelies i ‘ jthrough their French governess, | swe) amo-Bu dl J ceived an evidence of the length to | flammation. rhe able b> go on which the Queen goes in this respect. | with my sake all the. time, and ii oung woman in qu Teddy bear. to lace-a worn-out Res had’ been in ste habit ‘of taking to bed with him, after the fashion of | many children, royal and otherwise. The ene consented that the prince Jost retentious bet ‘he astonish: Haat ‘exchanged bust and costly Teddy es a inne. abd: ae for t lank she occupies auch of Ther tne: ue Bint of Reform Schools. reform school for juvenile |alinauente was probable the one ot ganived etray, near Louvre, ‘rance, gua the year! 1 M. 9 by de ‘Tetz, a’ no ncillox of Farias Shy \M. ‘do. Tetz, found in’ some we Tnoblemen the financial assistance he nee to materialize his idea, and’ school was started with the most’ aie ce |tepetcont results, ‘The idea was taken hold of in other quarters not-only of ante, but of other continental coun- tries, y nning 6 work in behalf of te Henne MacMahon’s E Epi pipe When Marshal ‘Maasonud ta the him famous all over the world. ne friends said’ that the worthy ae dier “had “written them in» the: ge matter. with thonght of pbras surprised ‘pei this epigram was MacMabou himself. | Helping Her Out. “Have you a poe "cen? 1 aro rather green’ at tee ings.” “Such being rete madam, ce n't eae think ade rettet have ao old, Puta A Mighty Mountain Range. Mount Evere: tains ie: hi ‘of them over) 25,000 feet are ee than St. Elias, in No eral Sigwettiol the iountaine 1p this range jorth | Woman as a Travels a woman who is SoNcUNE is en assigned t in a hotel ks up the hotel rules onthe d cov witl there to dry, and has hos waists, ete, hanging over the air, ‘Then she gets out her muc saved. “There are said tobe some very Mstorie wlaces i she notes a! but F will not have. ime ta’aee n,” Bete re them. Inland. brings picture of palm fuck Coral Reefs Menti ion of ‘coral one’s islets girt with white Lie in a op coral reefs: eal sea, but geologists fi fa the midst Temporary Heat Quickly. id you ever stop to think of the many ways in which 9 perfect cilheateris of value? If you wantto Heap ith your win- dow open in winter, you can get sufficient heat from an oil heater, while you adie at night, and then turn it off, Apply a match: 3 morning; when you get out o! greene you have heat while you deeati who have to eat an early ficeaktast before he stove is radiating heat can get immediate warmth from an oil heater, and then turn it off. ie irl who practices on the plano. cold room in the morning can Hate warmth from ai oil ARS while has to wal ter’s night with a restless baby can get temporary heat with an oil heater, and ‘then turn it off. The These, of eourse, belon of the count a. are thou Within late years several remarkable 3 of fossil coral have. been, explore ed neat Bainbridge, on the Pint Riv. Jeorgia. In ne eads, some 4 y a coral hi been ree 1 in thesu | reefs. They are acct ad to the ter ary age, It. When ‘King George, was. Prince ot Wales one of his body servants was nee trying to explain to Sir Arthas me incident that had taken’ rince’—he began, toll it in bis ‘own fashion—Pearson’s ekly. HE FEARED BLOOD POISON. But Zam-Buk Saved his Thumb! Once again a case is zeported in which the popular balm Zam-Buk has saved a worker from the ter- mbie eibls ce bleedin lune Mee Alped Hy, Orth, of Shipley, Ont, “While at work I had Si ropiaata ines ae nal ae der my thumb nail, to the depth of about one and @ half inches. The pain was terrible and what I feared was that the nail, being so dirty id rusty, would: set up estering ison, from previous experience how ae Zam- a few days he ahaal was as good as ever. A balm which can do this aula be in so working man’s hom: ing composed of pure vegetable essences, Zam-Buk is an ideal balm for babies and young children. Zam-Buk is a sure cure for ulcers, abscesses, ec poison, scal cold sores, ip 8 intlamed pavenes, Jeg, varicose veins and ; ulcers, piles, cuts, horny, bruises, and all skin diseases and injuries Sold by all druggists “and storekeepers. at ‘ae 1,25. Hos free an Zant: cane "Oo, Toro for rice, Ayoid harmful Stxtiont and neon, w did mop man- age to lose all ae Phas @ Vie- tim—Guess my Awe had’ a Beh in it! T hear you have sold your au- to. * Gould" + you afford to keep it?” es, T could keep it-all right, but 1 couldn’t, afford to buy gasoline x the blame thing. SUBSTITUTE FOR. “The pemnol Plaster, ‘recommended body for st stiftness, pluriey, eto. renee D. & Li by’ every- fade by “How do you suppose the fires of omance are kindled ?’’ ies should fudge by love matches, Minard’s Liniment Relleves Neuralgia. FIRST HAND peg x honor.” ron ‘ihat "8, 000 & year eonsti- oe shi ‘entire Income’ EREECTIO SmoKELess j Absolately smokeless and rat is invaluable vs fh es sabscly ot 6 of ca ” ine ho at at, abel ly a match and it Is Im- mediately urs without refilling, It is safe, smokeles: and ier ot ne a a p and a cool handle, An indicator elways shows the amount of oil in the font. has an automatic- spreader which prevents ts wick from being turned high enough to Grice: and is easy to remove and g 2 ‘he r gallery cannot become w ged, and can be quick) unscrewed for Teulceng. Finished in japan or moked: ‘Strong, durable, Meh made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Dealers Everywhere. If not ct yours, write for descriptive ebreular. to Kye nearest agency of the The Queen City Of] Company, Limited, MIC AXLE GREASE Is the turning:point to economy in wear and tear of wagons, Try a-box. Every dealer eety ation The Taperal Oil Co.,Ltd. Ontarlo Agents: The Queen Clty Oi! Co., Lig, Seve sewer pees cia i Br oe Mapl aenine rds made by eee 5 ‘| ] Me font tsi Rees ae Does. Doe EE: . intatraotloun gira ‘The ‘* Handy,”” ie Jack is a i and Wire ny streicher adozen is hanes ; the the n| ye energeti wanted to rep! eat once before. ycut territot ! Farmers Vi It lifts, stretche: putes presses partner e ver eyth hing. gate. Send'for Book! or q ti, take HANDY JACK MFG. CO., Putte Faves SARMIA, ONT. AIT rae. “Bilt ‘he is waked DISCOURAGED TH Buren peak Ake Wi ery. morning What docs A-yisitor ata hotel in the Beotch)he keep—a rooster, a baby or # Highlands was asking a gillievas to | grandpa! the prospect of securing game. Ape there ever any deer about | Minard’s Ltr Liniment_ for salo_everywhere. FOR Weel,’ the thoughtfully, ‘‘there the gentlemen were aye as and shooting at it, eee P m think ; ct ORTY FAMOUS . cents. Filly Get cent r fi ED. ing it lft the ran hand knitting ine rap esta om for be yout hon, ile oF Weak, Watery Byes. | irade at your hom : 9 fave uot necessary perticulnes nddreve galleved By ‘ane ‘B reece yeah Sarnia Whaleasle wer atrioating Ge, Orie, Pi hateaail Oe Sette, ek | Sa “ our Druggists ror By ANTED, ACTIVE BALUNMEN Zour Divtfie Bye Remedy Co. Toronta | VV Ay! NOMEN or eitay Tooke that wal ag sight, “Halary Commission, Outh immediately. Sh Nichols ow “vrite frsiteds torent, “What was the biggest te inte a ‘ou ever made in your life? ENot jumping when I heard an au- to horn the other day.’ NTRD-SOULM AFRICAN ns, aye ib pride pa Write ‘ae for (ater ‘Stock Brokers, Hoot St. hi ‘effects are almosy. Petes ‘outs, bars and bruises Lor 3 ARMS FOR SAL' ee av y ACRES, CNIN- Epebeta, ae 4G. SERIOUS Sat iN attied tal whens dletict dt will “T declare,’? Mrs. apsling was Oxp. ‘Pewtress, 124 Ti moilla Rd. saying, ‘‘T never was fo surp) al VANCER, Tamers, Lampe 12, ee in my life as when the doc! eX: | our bome tronement Write ua before Inte, Dr. Bellman Medical Co. Limi Collingwood. CLEANING LADIES! WALKING OR. OUTING 'S SuITs ar tah Amerioan Dyzing to. |, Toronto, Ortawe and Quebec, amined Johnny os said Le had asteroids in his n Bri Wanted We will pay cash for wing: and (ail Write for niga: feathe: H. W. NELSON & CO., TORONTO A WelsKnown Man. ard’s Liniment Co., Li Deas Rink oan recomaneon due BEI ARD'S LINIMENT. for Rheumatism and Sprains, as I have used {t, for both with ercellont results, Yours aly ) LAVERS, Bt. Johe ASK ME WHAT lo you know thac oe “feih tim the eeneds your ion \CURED OF Lame BACK WHEN 84. Mr, Samuel Maris oF Fa lage as at ' nearly al aaa ousehold fecpen bat received no sbenetit pe aay of th othe ago. seeing fies] Pits ait HE KNEW His JURY. The age ney for ee defendant had made asterly plea. n he conielnded “nearly everybody. was made up of countrym: se ears oratory and aanumiie fell ay snow flakes te a warm chimney, was unmoved. ie other attorney. ok eir measure at a glance. “Gentlemen,” he CD cool Rost a be Se ees begin wit fe Ee Bwenty; these years, monsiour,”” hMe, Marti experienced sik der ered calle ad Lakeo.cneh sso great |e, aueweren ra Nhat fhe knee be tad Found the pe ght ren | eee eee insay Wed edy at last. Hew xe: ons i Ey ae letel setae ie replied, without lift: ie ae e 8 OCs a eee ‘53, at. all dealers. from his con! ay eleven venty a Great a7 OE MAN EMAND FOR Pres ah you write National Drug} on this ¥ pot I had an exee!- & Chemie: Et Co., (Dept, W. 1.) Toronto, | ent bite.’” P Pr RAW FURS ARE WORTH co Cones: ORILLIA, Biot THE PATIENT ANGLER. Many and very simi another ate the ales-toid of the! patience of the fisherman. ‘Chi incident of them gaged in Y his favorite pursuit when a tourist eng untered nd asked hi: ow Jong he had been aero in ‘ie styeam., ave Bhusion A ity detaile NASTE TAPER OF, ‘ATL GNADES. Also Rag: , Rubbers, Bte. ey Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills are not a new and’ untried remedy— Phone for parttoutars. Mato £893. Sue grandfathers used them, Halta W senior hetore, Confederation FRUIT GROWERS they were on sale in neacly every Bo ure to como to th ar general store in he \e Canada ofthat Annuat Ronuention an @ recognized cu thousands of homes for Constipation, Nov, ApEn, and sat 1910 Indigestion, Biliousness, and Kidney and Liver Tre day they are cit as eliable as id ee boring: for. eae ad