-H.M.SCHAEFER Keg ISSUER OF a MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL WILLIAM K. LOTH MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL “MILVERTON, - ONTARIO. MILVERTON, - ONTARIO aE Shines For All” Vol. XVIII—No. 16 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, October 27, 1910 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher POLLARD WADDERU, Eesy 29 wt Gustin’s. Newton. Butter prints 24e. at Gustin’s, New- INTERESTING LETTER FROM REV. N. : ¢ t.. Apply to| ton, a : « * * D. MacKINNON, LOCAL NEWS Pa RS en sates tickets for $1 cash at Geo. eae : The Presbyterian church, — North . 3 ¢ ist ia Gene Ae an eee 9, the editor of The Milverton Sun— ton, was the scene of a e etropo itan ban $ and maved (in las : Esl aren i eo Hox enits At roabh lor one multinlety of friends in and pretty wedding on Wednesday. Oot ee doteiea® ives aye aout at Gustin’s, New around Milverton would m: the } 19th. gt blah noon, when Tara. Mag of fhe kaw of! the a yon wil ther eae hed ith; | faa ot wating ce each very long {daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wode Head Office: TORONTO Mpeetil s EG WA MUA Bote Ce erie Ea RU OR hospital | Eee fora’ 1] ell esAeie ie wltaral Moe seen ; of salt on Brida: fpesteapeert sta Rk ey (rane ea hr aa ji would Mabe ee liberty of making Pollard. of Brantford. wd Miss Puschelberg, of Monkton | tho Me thos ehoteh next Bu Ee ahora een ete nea ae Joh» | of your co ‘our exper-| Nature, arrayed in gorgeous appar- Capital Paid wy . $1,000,000.00 and Miss Hla Kerr, of Bru aula eaneloc an) daal fs ner were the successful tender-|jence in Caledonia is of the most plea-|¢) seemed to heartily approve the un- re “is every likelihood ofacdvan: a al-at}ers for the Berger drain: sant cha: rs ty old town|ion for ite the autumnal tints ' Reserve Fund oe ‘Undivided Profits 1,307,809.25 ha Ene oxioe of howa'in tha neae fue EN oe aoe The appeara f the Parsonage) has wakened up at Eye tats enw |ghe- weanideeea back do: mummy end the tikes PB. Yor North Broce ee at South been greatly improved by the | lease of life. Quite a number of fine |sun shone warm and bright on the Cs Wei Hoary aoa ald, of the palnteris. brash. |” /susubstamtial residences have Rowe 0) bridal party. ‘The tay was beautiful. ‘A general banking business transacted. ery bras Apply ‘to E. BP. Vink: soa mith. of Toronto Miss | this summer. A $50,000 building is un- rt mber had satan at fa ‘ cae peel ie dammctls Godbolt, of Winnipég. are a eee der construction at one of the gypsum} the church to wil 16 ceremony Seeines Depapengnt geac ker Went ‘choir of Bunns church will hold | tno r dame Spi eee sabes fed | the guests of Mrs. 0. G. Wal ines on the outskirts of the town.|Which never fails to create a flutter Recs OES, reste in the asemmant of the churob | is busily ene: - te rig. tbe Eunice Langford Felurned Several mines are in operation inj of excitment in the shabris Gt the ok on uursday even! ne pane bina i in eree Were Saturday ie sper the meighbor! There ate five servers LINWOOD BRANCH: ‘LVERTON BRANCH : Dy ay present aut Peed wh ae charged with tae Witt ber aibter ical iiare tenarahere tive: genke + fo |The shurch was tastefully desorated ZIEGLER Cc. G. WALKER itetiig ditties eotice pada un Be Seaforth; gavasrign. two bakers aoa coufention with plants, flowers, whi G. L. LU eee able to look after his usual ation ion Court will be held in the |ers, on tS are stores, two tin and | br eg floated Satin Gan Manager Manager Mrs, F. Barker spe dave a H by Giticah hea teen Library As ssembly room to-day (Thurs | plum! ops, three »; the, oan rriag Tovonto last. week visiting her friend | po oa°n Been ee BRR Rs oe mes bie interesting cases are on sees span hote! ae. four doctor's of- isa M sBermott. tt Bieatora. Sy Miss MoAsbine who intends Iraving |(ONne 2O guil a ae fices. two. grist mil) w ‘the wedding mi te cea aati .W. Endox, liveryman. Strat-|number of other business establish- frat strains of mute tkole ‘iteagt the Nat eveamnd Re Bi Btews Pomeee tomar mes = une a “aca at his home there on Thurs-| ments, tthe most important [aisles, swelling harmoniously as they = art. of Fernbank, eno spent the past Foubtedly have the effect of main-|day last. Death resulted. from A | thing in Caledonia trom) the stand: Hllod’ the: building the graot thy bis . two months i returned | Seeniir. ti toree) eRe oniee: x4RhxOINe stroe/et “peenivat 4, | point usiness and pleasure is its |supporter Mr, Hd. Cambell took thett home on Monday ee the mugzling of mt heap: rates vil rail-|amnual fall exhibition, ‘This sear the | places. hd beideseneld Mr. OG, Garr, of the Metropol- ui » Appel who is 0 member of |roads for the ‘Tl hana holiday.| receipts were $350 ith an esti-|chell, of ‘Brantford, was than asan nee itan hank “atatt, Lett on btonday for he! Prerheae MCL: se cot teas we toms peers a Monday mated ttendanee of 16.000 ole. To er place n the bride a couple of weeks vacation at ToFol and returning up to a y mow ho’ own population | leaning on the arm of her father The Farmers Bank of Canada fo ain other cautern points, He», is| tHe. Year in the stand of Mr. Btacbler Mr. Neil Yellowlees. ‘Piano ‘Tuner |ean accomorate such a crowd has been | her position. der Look. being relieved by Mr. F. J. ‘Mitchell. 1} be dn Milverton and vicinity! proble: any. We were almost] Tha ceremony which was performed of Elmira. ‘about regular time Nov. 26th. Orders] fnolined to discount the statement | by Rev. W, M. Haig. of Millbank; was The plies of Miran ons and vicinity t es eres office ‘will receive | that te attenasnce Jast year was| beautiful and im jive, The brid foes are ially invited to inspect Miss prompt attention e) ut when . on | was very becomingly attired in white Head Office : TORONTO MoDermott's millinet gee Owing’ to unavotdable, sircamsten-|riiay we looked from the grandatan’ | wnt, wore the canrentional anew ae MCNanCenaRC RE a wide and varied stock of read as ~f ae male the reproduction f “David. the! which alone held seating accomoda-|carried a very pretty boquet of white : Deposits of $1,00 and upward @ « Chamberlain's “Ogugh Remedy: Rat/Shepherd Boy" it Monkton by a Mil-|tion for about 3,000 and saw “ihe whole | oarnationa aud ferns. while thé brid- Savings Deparment 3 eived and interest paid or added Become famous for its cures ee; lh garrale (asia eat ue Thanksgiving sek inside the vace course one/esmaid who was. al ressed very Fol Mepis ta opened. th ; BASE | geen tga LAL yr dbe nm lncua mass of humanity we realized | daintly in white carried » Boquet of at highest current ¥ aceounts may be opened, the money era ta, ends ft loon tains nocbacch| 28 received Rey. the truth of th cit wiatements, What | pink éannaions and Neth payable to either or rite survivor “i ee party, ¢ | ful substance and always Rive 8 prompt pT, J, ‘Robeson, pf Cripple Creek. Col. s the most seer Reatune 7 idal party and one scounted and advances made to Hough cup at atieraer totie™ d_-by. all/dea who has ‘been called to rhe pastorate tne whale exthering was the eras to the home pf the bride's parents Farmers: Sale Notes fenae ee aA pNED lowest The game resitted in Teo Sone eee eh erton, and he|Iiness of the erowd. and the day pas a sumptvous wedding dinner Hazailton, Wee te expected to arrive here early” vt ea withol SP acclaontink wie eee moatrel them. ‘The yeading gifts issu v any ice in Can- nee ‘to the | December» There are several things in ¢ con | were mumerous and cost Money Orders pets nee na (axon excel id Asotin cal “that: LYS Your sought eaiowe, Yon Hest. 8| dust of this esbibiten iat talgbi | “Usura was a gensral fhyprito and on anuae —Mr ig Loh A cl an fearing -the ‘ st i ir umber of years sang in and at the principal banking points in the United States. ‘They Seg Matas a divinity. of i membranes of your throat if you w Pabesensgsmningicg ty betes an be te method of remitting smallsums of money with safety Gd econ! Me Ws Bbabnonet The. Hiesdent ‘purgative effect © ‘annoyed, if you want re: “J anee having had. vocal. trainin at small o Senter _ fin and M per: by. ull _ vant to be coured. tke Chamber- tr. and Mra, Pollard: deft on! the ‘Miltbank Branch; D. E. MILNE, Manager ; os Pal. Seren Ee AR his ita: Belle L wi ‘The Calgary Daily, News jestablianed Tinian fogs a heyy avai enrne Devas was mantauent to be hang, ae eee, and publish ae by Dan future go with them ed on November 15th. The jury was a D; I °O-| formerly Oe patil Signal. ———= |out just 20 minutes when it returns a4 | ivan APSHA N ay liquidation. The. p RIDDELL—BURNET? 7 5 with the verdict, tall on Wed we liabilities are said to exceed the assets £ ame abouldes. is almost invariably} were at p press and afforded us — the |e 399,000. She assets boing prt in-at A. pretty wedding took, as at oS ‘ pie ism portunity of khowing them | inventory ¥: hi fovea’ Neg seat hist T 8 D end yields aulokly to The Milverton hunting party con- Ima. ghey See 19th, when their * LIVE POULTRY WAN eatiai of Chamberlain's Linimen MU owing, members it: | gone aft: Elma on Oot. 01h; when thels liniment is ane eae prompt and e It nd leaving Saturday for | Parry|many friends of Milverton and vicin- re marriag y to as. Branels Rid t im no way Gleagrevable| in ‘aul ‘ea - ote Sound fort e fivet two wens ati it: ce ae aah w > w ole in. the heel | omber .T, Tanner, Win. Sco , MacKINNON. Pee Rev, Mr Hale, of Bille ON THURSDAYS ee Work: . us n for | Sohn Weir. P. Gook. R. J. Ranney. I. ae performed y F e iit be. held is | Bo weeks, More ‘ess. jmmermann, Chas. Ritter and Bd. HOW IT APPEALED TO PAT Droiaptly. at 6etcincke ta € eng strain the City Hall, Btrattord. an Tues hold. your nether Peatments Noll. : Mendelsohn's wedding mareh 0) ‘ ene Will be the go. Rocke cts jal men's | James and william Troupe. of Louth nat the méxt session of the Ontario gi by a slater Sethe ride Miss. inl 1 be held in he ‘vening {clothing will.as asudl. have no change| ager gt, Catharines. on Friday digbiatae Peli gare: cine iapiee ose A CHICKENS 11c PER LB. FOWL 8c PER LB. will be addzessed by Mr. Joseph | fo. them. Iastipanmleted [of shooline rey adaiee ae ee Lae Ne ees nH president of the Allin in time of sudden mishay and. fined $116. Qi gouth. “Wellington Be aanertatens {Soon ata Ge anata eet CROPS MUST BE EMPTY uu ane ae forte aft ter, ‘ising ney that Chae E etatasene 3 the inten-| dent of the wital for the Insane all arch. of ferns and astore The bride eotions two-thire eam, be wrelied inpon to take the plao forillis. The pear aay in the Parlin whe va Ste copenditeer ays H. GUSTIN, - Newton, Ont. [isis he Staite Ses an | ily ee pe a Ea eke ties i priest 0 ad preach-| white eollne tr with silk ap- * ’ e on, UNt. back. ‘The tablets. cleanse and| i Hoarseness ina obild subject A a neocon ob tha tiny obs aegmpotl Sane “elie ‘tm pthc pila tle hrysantheums and maiden ‘hair f grap is a sure Sciliatti of, the the ap He impressed on his hearers what | of I se8 (wrt bruiise ach of the disease. I: ._ Give] borane. “outs ferns. ‘The bride and gro figm a trial and get well. Sold by|Chamberlain’s Liniment takes out the) lnin’s Cough Remedy is given panes eee ca tesa pd: athe agenda all dealers, Bor ree away the even iafter the eroupy cough ha the bride was a beautiful Bane Per s the season is at hand when fur- aippeared, « it will prevent the . at» Hate: 3 and heaters’ will be constantly ting of oe mery. meee and ek poison, Sold. by ag’ pane beaatitully ato from now jwntil spring \we others “interested in dairying will be ated with maple leaves an aire field in Coal tz customs officer of ele de a ter the cere the suggest to all citizens, in view of the fase that ‘ ection in the ail: Milverton. “on a Bluey tee swe had aattered: and died for lot sage atrattord: “es _iniured on ye | mate cing aca from i in Saturday. November ancement of ening, last e te rig only that but every human. betiug Pee h of nat, while slecoink to his home beautifully decorated with sweet peas. cae aes They show Be horse ee cee ht) Adam down would be on hand. e wedding party was most bount+ I pipes ahd flues are ‘clean and 38 | cbr ed to en eously and hospitably entertained by condition. A’ few precautions jootz Wa aan ye iisculdad-leruste and dawelng und) themes raw spect may prevent much Iie E ce smashed br separated and urs ‘The presentéwere numerous and expense: at 130 o'olock sharp Rok ert Suliman “es iy of | come gegekeaa oe and wished to send toone "oan leave on. es Xe lock ahs "Whyte Packing Co. meine thi oaists panera there. in which the bride and were 1 Veal Farmers ‘all invited z was badly scalded on enuay Naat k met his Lact ah me dayand| eld. Mr. and Mrs. Riddell left fo Libs rd the accumulation of a fortune, 2nd Vice- arches West: falling into a va ink. wate ssing the ne ihre theit home in ith Mornington ern n Dalryaian’'s ce ion, ne leg was realded to. the- knee «and Senn: age Pate had| where Mr. Riddell is a Drosperots any who scorns the sagacious peas of his savings has yet to eo Aas true principals of frugality amd, thrif' On On oth to the nvere pulled ith them sae him | most excruchating bain. telephone in your he tele~ Ree en his | no iden ‘6H ye preached visterday that the |the day o” judgment wud be Hemeuntratian, ‘Twill youn farm wishing them long lifo | nd. prosperit sic] an awful HBIPEL—KLABHN On Fridey evening last ‘the : i Bilver' Star Lodge No: > hai ‘ | the ize to tive to Baton! {liad «big: might. (be) oooasion rae f Es 8 oll the initiation of faventeen t will Gundoubtedly i a great priest assured him ia’ “one dollag, to-day—begin t tt vou : provide against old age and financial house was obliged ito ee down and fi Stratford, who put on the first, sec- shoul cle e) é weg “of. Prod- * the set f verses, sell wag the fecha haccex-}cnn aoa thtedad degree in an excellent | just as isi | ans i Patrick ee ee vanneiiax. ofa fperienced ice the day “when the| manmes: A’ special train bearhag | the table and should be, tho ously | [doubttstly pgs toons Oct te oHlosone ie ited Bises were full an @ other. nine _dindond they. sill” aid bis Their only daughter Miss Lillie. an MILVERTON BRANCH ; ae “he pent” outa Cpsbas 2 y ughter see Ae ee Head Ofti Waneh the orosteyed umpire cule m.| grotto rew Heipel. of Wellesley: ‘The cere+ R. J. RANNEY, - Manager S eTGt: | cna anes jfelemnone, we place at 2.30 o'clock ih, Sn Monday efenitig the meeting of re a dis ‘ th tives.» Rey. @ AYP.A. charge of Mrs. | Work a very. hea cl at fotnaldehyae An 8 rive ounce bott- E.Hotimam was the ontlolattae alex was given the Stratfort Sbrethven OW ach extract of ny were mo Sttendants, otion Trance. M. ‘Well. fathe: thinking Spots he “Bride qa: attir gas fe ee mbroicered she he convention sik ‘About. fifty ues sat of Bros. Re rant Samia Tsuda" done the firs mi PP. ve about 125 in number the: the banauet hall whe Da Ste oO ROE ast was provided and which was a sumptuous dejeuner. ~ The Shor alips were justice i d inexpensively. The statement published in the Globe) coq; nig aware the He tnaees of many Se iat: asec faa as veritten: iene 2h a OLN SY Mn eeee ee recently. that 5,746,000 tons of hay 8 | peo atital. avedding \@' Mr f testing worth Mrs, Help olctt Bis oy east~ war M ern On thei et, ths will We ieee wo heir le im newly * The Leading Millinery Parlor E ARE SHOWING an extensive selection of Millinery Fabrics, Feather Noveltles, Orna- ments, Etc, as well as a carefully selected stock of Fabtic Covered Pressed Shapes.. Beavers, Felts and Satins are in high favor, both in black and black-white effects, and have been distinctly good sellers at this millinery opening: Willowed plumes are used on dress “models only, in fancy black and white effects, ‘Large wings in shaded aus two key combination effects are leaders. Ss Among the lists of Feather Novelties must be in- ~ eluded Owl and Coque Heads, Coque Mounts, Military Plumes, Quills and Wings in Persian colorings are a ‘novelty, Advance styles in gowns and ples alike -¢all for an extensive use of ribbon. i COMING TO LISTOWEL SATURDAY, NOV. 5t \| Mrs. Wm. Sanders, of Sander’s Dress Cutting School, Stratford, will teach her latest course in dress and mantle cutting free of charge in Listowel, or you may take a course by mail in your spare time at home. be sin ea ena aes hn nilshta bomen Sweltestey ala crops, bi a Team Title t them. ‘There is oredt of old mo a fon. Bhe works| 20 eve of the Toor out. but doesn’t write wh vreciated: by ‘at present, The mext et! will held. on Monday. be hard at work preparing an ¢. The, Pieeaioe. aaa iat Sen. learn ti Sevait eines a fifteen yearst experience in dresa and sight ‘nersotally y mail over mine thousand fvho cannot eke Sees fit after learn- to| ing, also to anyone who can abee cov decent where this ona All are invited te: a at the Queens Hi Hotel; Lis- f iy when Iwill 4 son. of on WAS, atiend- most convenient cit (the statistician knowing much about it. ‘he licensing of auteioneers by mun- icipalities is_an ts wee Should (be abolished. good argument in favor of us- such business a shaft sorgenet vith a couple Sloe ee and he was aft. Fortunat- JG. HAMILTON Agent for D, L. & W. SCRANTON STANDARD ANTHRACITE ‘November. pon to be a in. your Soarotine. Trt Not rgatistied ‘send system in as good condition cae receiv: ea att later than last day, of November T ‘il fefhin the 8 $2 paid on sam Bins to conduct sales, an he is routed. from accept= wor a narweubiities antes See before, - are inal nee: ond aes 1d not pay FURNACE ing forts to produce stylish hats at popular prices. Elatee) ; STOVE CO COAL : We would like e you to judge in how far we have beeh Don't forget to pall, gt the Queens Hote!, pone Saturday, November 5th AND: NUT Pal “ST, MARYS. RYS LIME L have @ quantity of Hardwood. ‘Beech ple) 16 in, I A this offer is ‘good - oes applying on that wy es T have dew sided to come to Listowel to toach a course instead of sending a teacher er, as before advertised. MRS. WM. SANDERS of Sander's Dress Cutting Sehool, Stratiord Anventor ar Instructor of ee Eonar: granted ermmeiit, Provided he re ce and pro) ‘hich should yw him ie < er unpleasant aerial ric He ae aie wnartow a —Tav-