xs The Old Folks ‘find erence years bring a sereae aed he they ne ‘to constipat The torr . NA- DRU-COo” ‘Laxatives valid geagliey from common laxatives. Pleasant to take, mild.and painless. it bed-time regulates the bowels pense Somponnded:: ake never nodal mists. Mon parations, by gona’ che NATIONAL DRUG & CHE! OF GANADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL. 22 y back if a box, allan a ragga as not yet socked them, Increasing RU-C F” like all th p 125 NA-D isfactory. MICAL COMPANY paid. Write ug for infor: Highest He's Hows, "Stock Be okers, Soott St. en SOUTH AFRICAN WARRANTS, Poronto, AK AND KXPENSEM YOR MAN caf Veh nari ae ie bo for oatal tablish yal tac ous loyment. Perman a rv ees 02 WeHRNon xareet Wonk, Toronto, a Geld ae iat! eto, Internal and fe sa serait ain pe ym eth efore, Inve none Bellman’ Medion! Co. “Hienived Collingwood, OUT ees ARIES SSS, UT A GHATS CAN MAICR 99 DAILY SELLING 4 wus tn all Kindy of ea my einw. ouds Uptty nocectesesr buys. bent profits. H. Nagle, Westmount, Q\ TRADE — NEW yrofal inatrac- toola freo, AN ae BARBER yystane--onataut Eraaten USIG TEACHERS — STUDENTS — W! ‘ud our #bock of aoa Violin, "Pie Scktaag Eanes, tpeiy "Uae of Eas te 3 Glee a aoe tat ars Bk SHIP ME YOUR RAW FURS ‘T pay the prices you are looking for, OF FATT ONTARIO ORILLIA, - - CHENILLE C CURTAINS ‘and all Rin angingy, also LACE culavaii, sore FE Anee: LIKE NEW, et fard'St pga cones vor inate TTS ae ee “sabi Prin, shaw, Presi RULER OF ROYAL PRINCES. Soate ot India 3 Seyi 2 Aw ority Over 60 Pri iceroy of India receives an he amounts of CAN fas expen- ‘ee royal princes, i e. To some extent the Viceroy is under the direction of the es t he has practically re sprortrtient of subordinates and ntrol of nine great. provinces. The administration of India is en- trusted in England to a council of ten members, nine of whom must have had experience in tale and none of whom can be a member of Parliament. This eat has no initiative authority. The supreme executive in India is placed in the hands of the Viceroy and a council of six ordinary members, and the Commander in Chief as an extraor- the awa Mie Onluaielot on tour the rest of the year, His: salary is 260,800 rupees, with liberal allowance for foreign, finance, army, revenue, ag- riculture, public works, commerce; c. One of the first duties of the new Viceroy will be to hold an im- perial durbar, where the kingly character of the office will be em- phasized. +. TO MAKE WATER PURE. An Easy Method Which Should be Adopted in Eyery Household. method of stat water. il re is a pple lizing drinkin, simplest appa: the necessity 0 ot beiling the water, which is free of all method reduce typhoid fever cases to a minimum. ‘ake a teaspoonful of pure chlor- the sur. £0 a ate teaspoonful of the resultant solution added to a two- -gellon pail of water, and allowed to nee will give a piel of 4 to arts of free chlorine to a million ae of water, sufficient’ to purify ae latter from every trace o or odor to this sterilized and the free SAAD in harmless, soon disappea This method has baa perfected and thoroughly tested with very im- pure water by Doctors Nasmith od Graham a te Provincial Labora: tory at Toronto. ter, Salt Some mes live in the country, some in the city and others. just board, SEE THAT YOU GET THE REAL al —Unscrupulous makers at a counerfoit. of “the D. & Su Menthol thee o& Lawrence © Our friend indeed. may he, one who minds bis own business.’ Minard's Lintment Cures Burns, Ete: “Did yon hear that Mrs. Gordon Sniffley will have to be operated on. | sence for appendicitis?’ ‘‘How dread- ful! And it’s no longer fashion- able!” + Drugaist Murine ye Rem nedy. Fe Strengthens Weak . Do jothes Eye Pain, and Seine i Yous’ Byes and Byes for Sealy Hyelics and Grapulation. oe hen @ man says “Rveryboay. | & it means ables he said so. Minari’e Lintmont for sale, averywhere: FRIENDS PERHAPS. “Tie first year we were married we had more than twenty; the next year we had ten; this year we! ae had only four.” ab are you etna about?” ane the other lady, ‘‘Quarrels or cooks ful bacteria. There is ie tats ¢ enuine if made by Davis | | OWE MY LIFE TO GIN PILLS. If you want to see a happy woman, just Vv callon Mrs, Mollie Dixon a6 Hoskin Ave., We ronto, Us After ten years of ruffering (row Kid- y Disease, 1 believe | owe my life to Gia Pills, Before I began using Gin Pills my back ached so much that I could not ut oF thoes, but after taking three oxes of Gin Pills these troubles are all Kone Itis'a pleasure for me to add ane more testimonial to the ¢ ae Pills. Nis M, box, 6 for $2.5), at all dealers. Tees sample if you writs I National Drug Chemi , (Dept. W. L,) Toronto, — THE WIND AND OUR NERVES. ey | emeots Upon Us of Winds From East, West and Northwest. The east winds hug the earth and bacteria, and humid; altogether forming an Ricrvanteciniieeceson bucieh animal life and rendering it sus- to the disease germs which electrified air where ozone exists in comparatively large quantities. They are invigorating. The frame- work of nerves in.the human being is like a delicate electrical a tus, the nerves being the wires the brain and glia Seat and distributing centres" Every one knows that a telephone works better on a clear, dry da; than on a wet, muggy one. The moist atmosphere lessens vitality. and west and northwest winds keep the mucous membranes of the body in good working order. The coating of moisture which is always arene with the east wind dtisapy ‘Ab- of any wind if aber on uleniedd has a bad effect on the human body and min A prolonged caim means lack of ‘ventilation on a great scale. The winds serve to mix in normal pro- portions the gases which compose the atmosphere, and in this way pe ey are pohanene to health up to a ertain about twen- y miles an hour nite ap ener be- is ns: to be uaeyeiable Ancestors sontes in handy to in- herit mon quickly Jt ‘cou, sf colds. heals throat and Im TIME ALONE WOULD.TELL. The father of four boys, discoy- ering tho eldest, thirteen» smoking a cigarette, called the four together for a lecture on tne evils ‘of narcotics. “Now, Willie,” he said. in ¢on- clusion, to his youngest ‘‘are going to use tobacco when you get to be a man?” “I don’t know,” replied the six- years “ol, tobeul y; ‘I’m trying hard 3 6 UNREGENERATE. “It was to Say yout ene esperate oe conned the for- The crime is upon your > The woman ARE and gazed at him Is my crime on straight ?’’ she asked. - | terview 6 Cue APPROVED BY UNCLE HIRAM. Rules Laid Down by ‘Another Unele to Guide Their Nephew. “My young nephew Henry,’’ said Uncle Hiram, ‘‘has gone to work in a store; ho has pares: ay in life to hoe his own row, to- day he got a letter from ater uncle who is interested now as I could have done any. RAE as te was. to draw thing for hee i t 1 tell sbi ae eouldn’t do better than to stick t these, See what you think of th em. Ie Lee are “Tt be d to improve on that, See, tb itt "here is at least a fair measure of gure success in that one rule aipnet With no other guide than that a man would 6 sure to get somewhere, | “2. Invent new ideas, and when you have an idea don’t say to the boss, ‘Don’t you think,’ but say, ‘I taink’ or ‘It seems . me,’ and then o at him first with a question Ree will think you are in doubt about it yourself and oe he'll be inclined to doubt it. Don’t be afraid. You want to be courageous and self-reliant with- out being fresh or buttinsky. “T don’t know about the wisdom of writing slang to Henry, but the rule itself is Hatt clean through. “3, Don’t be afraid of having an idea turned down. Invent ancthes and spring tha “Quite correct, rule three. man, never gets anywhere if he lets himself be set. back by the first zephyr. ae Always be orderly and syste- matic. can Jay your hands on, prove useful, Don't waste people’s time foolishly, see when. there are things you really want to know about Sen, t be afraid to ask wise question: 33 ‘Sound is rule four; wise coun- was your own ae and try to do your work as if the success of the firm depended on you A stem winder, that last rule. I tell Henry, forgetting for the mo- objection to slang; but really in that last rule is con- and all that anybody really needs to know to camel success. ‘The man of abil- ity who can really forget himself and devote himself. moldy, to oS in- terests of the concern, why, he ha: sa uaed cto belie hiteeleahout tie future. “T tell Henry those rules are all good and he ought to read them over at least once a week until he cote shen Getty fixed ia WG mind : and that last rule, rule five, il were he I’d get the stenographer in the office to poun' n the typewriter on a piece of paper and then I’d paste it in my hat eee) GLAD TIDINGS FROM NOVA SCOTIA SURE RELIEF FOR SUFFERING WOMEN IS FOUND IN DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. Miss Kathleen Murphy, tells how she suffered and how easy an Complete was her cure by the great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Tangier Mines, Halifax Co., N. 8., Oct. 10 (Special)—There is no longer any doubt that of the thou- sands of suffering women of Ca- nada, nine out of every ten owe their troubles to Kidney Disease. For that reason it is glad tidings that Miss Kathleen Murphy of this lace is sending out to her suffer- ing, sisters. “My troubles started from a cold,” i ine Much in an in- in my et inating aad) ce abetes finally developed. “Then L started to take: Dodd's Kidney Pills and they cleared out my Rheumatism, cured my Kidney. Disease and’ brought back my health. “T would not be without Dodd’s: Kidney Pills for I have given them a thorough test and found them to be all that is clad for tl The secret of health Ne women ‘one sure way to keep. the isdsays healthy is to use Dodds Kidn Pills KING WHO WASHED DISIIES. Haakon of Norway Served Severe + Marine Apprenticeship. jailor-king in every sense of the term is King ho. Sree thinky-eighth birthday, for he se: narine PA an In the Danish navy cadets during the first period of their service have the same work, ‘rations and — quarters’ as ordinary seamen. So the King, during his first nine months on: the Danish sini ship Dronning Louise, to take his turn in waiting on his messmates i a8 washing up the di eals, \ This rough training has proved a valuable as- set in his Rovernient ee a Bement, ic race, and n has bee: popular with xg aoe from the first days of his reign. ee A man ei tf his Sanne who. doesn’t know what he is talking about always loves to ar- J solutely the medicine that aes @ woman speci medicine P cpigiresthe whole thing av ita |= WOMAN'S HEALTH WHEN FORTY-FIVE A Oritical Period When Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills are a Real Blessing. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are ab- fines: eller ms of distress that o men and growing girls nce ey zerce shel ey vital organ for its pecial tai bring rosy cheeks AN mene aes that tell of wo- manly health and happiness. Mrs. Richard Lobb, Re Alta.; says: “At that cecal “period. in my life known as the change I euf- fered s0 much that I anes hoped to pull through. I doctored for months, but did not get any relief, and I grew so weak that I could wor! su fered similarly can tell tes nak I endured—t misery> the dragged out feeling and the terrible backaches that beset me. oman cou een in a a attention Williams’ Pink Pills, I got a half dozen boxes and before they were all gone there was a good improve- men: condition, Then | I got ix s and before I had steed ety, sl 1 felt like a nee wo- enjoying better health stan I ett one for years. Not only have Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills prov- ed a blessing to me, they also worked a, great change in the ease of my daughter, who was in a very miserable condition after childbirth now also of two young girls whom I believe would have ee in their g: now. but for the use of Dr. Williams" Pink Pills. lon- Haderingswiiat they bo done for them do what: foe others, T am He ie di thusiasm for. this Hevea and I never lose an opportunity to recom- men Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 ne from The Dr, Wil- ane ms‘ Medicine Co., Brockville, ———aA SENTENCE SERMONS, A pious fraud is sin’s best friend. Bay Menthe aie areneurt pleasure My. love of is wrong unless it makes him more lovely to others If you cannot sometimes forget to count youtself you will never be worth countin Saintliness nd sanity are both a happy balan tween self and society. Too many of our ideas on duties are sadly mixed with notions on revenue, When a man’s religion is on his sleeve it is usually part of -his cloak. It is easy to love truth precnnly when its edge is toward your ad- versary. ‘Loo many are praying for a ba vest of love ae have planted n seeds of kindne: The greatest roulanlty 3 in winning the ects of others lies in our foolish estimates of ourselve: It is good evidence vin have only half a truth when you think iedd. (lanes af. Melptulned®. sothing will help you more than helping a man when you do 0. preacher who would guide to the ideal life fate live in the esa ok our real his world would re a good deal more healt hy ae we might quaran- tine \ae grum! The most TEetetable people in this world are those who are anxi- ous only for eee SHE WAS WRONG. re was an in the parlor. Av last the desper- ate qouns lady broke out. orge,”” asked she, “why don’t you rate “‘Someh: ow — somehow, T can’t bring myself to do. it,” Myrtle !”” blurted the young man: re only a short sentence y Cats s a sentence for life! {NFORMATION WANTED about the man Bold led ad 8 equal wounds. Avoid one “Painkiller 50c. an who. “worships the dol- es ea is apt to be crooked, Minard’s Liniment Cures Dandrun. NOT ONE Tommy—‘Say_ ma, hat macau. yardinal virtues?” ae Boozer (looking at her Wee ‘ell; painting the tow: age isn’t one of them, oy.”” ‘| Emma Walker, oppressive silence | IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE, Owarrences in the Land Thab Reigns Supreme in tho Com- mercial World. fewer than 6,274,875 passen- gers used the London Qounty Coun- cil ferry at Woolwich last year. The Army Council has teanted for a list of all military statutes or eOIOLaly known to exist in or near ondon. While bathing at Arbroath, Miss a teacher at Ohert- sey, was “carsed into deep water and dro: The aN erniscr Hansa, with mw eins of 600, arrived at " ora eee of eight day: Although ‘the Highgate Police Court area includes three large parishes, ther charge during one day rec According to te revised estimate, the total expenditure by the Lon- don County Council during the cur- rent year will be $54,710,645, In memory of her husband, for- merly a prominent. member of the Bristol City Council, Mrs. Proctor aker has given $50,000 to the wneley Sanatorium. e and Buches of Con- part of next acieetaahies as the guests of the Earl and Countess of ss at Oil the tion da and prices: Tt has I Dry Your Clothes on a Wet Washday . With a New Perfection Oil Heater top, and the hea “dries the clothes. Do not await a sunny day in order to avoid mildew. Dry your washing any clothes can’t be Hester ately bee of sun and air. ng wet clothes, light yout Perlecs Oil Heater, open the rises and cutie put off washing to hin a es es a cTIO REECE jely smokeless and odorless It gives just ds much heat as youdesire. Itis pe odorless perene the wick from being t: easy to remove and drop cleaned. Burner body or unscrewed for rewicking. An indicator Ait the amount of to be screwed down, but is put in like font bya chain. Finfotied ia ice and yet li Dealers Everywhere. If not at yours, write for rata he st agency fo The Queen City Ou Company, ig flame whic’ urned high enough to ie aid back, so the wick can be quickly allery cannot become wet cause of a new device in construction, and can always ne penis oilinthe font, Filler-cap does not need a cork in a boftle, and is attached to the rab) ble, yemadey ae A police record for H has been established by ‘Sine tendent Reynolds, of in, de- puty chief constable, one Wines pleted 50 years’ service. Joseph Abbott, aged Go a pauper in Willesden. workhouse, who was charged with being pps local police court, said he had made up his mind to reform Sharles Outridge was overcome by g as while working in a well. at Bovingdon, near Hemel Hempstead, and when brought to the surface was found to be dea adventurous voyage of 6,000 miles from Gosport to Buenos Ayres has been started by the 36-ton yaw] Recluta. he little vessel carries a crew of four, who are all Hampshire | ¥ men. In his capacity of Admiral of the British Fleet, the Kaiser has con- veyed to the British Ambassador at Berlin, an expression of his sym- pathy on account of the grounding ot Be M. cruiser Be: ford ife annuity of $250 to her Bee Caroline pomaike, and the residue of her proper, the Pierrepont, been left by Dowager Counte: Manvers, who dide on July 28. leav- ing net personality of $85,935, DELICATE BABIES NEED For the baby who is delicate, who suffers from constipation, stomach and bowel troubles, worms or dif- ficult teething, nothing can equal Baby’s Own Tablets. The; positive cure for all the ttle ais of childhood and can be given to the new born baby with perfect safety. They are sold under an ab- solute guarantee 0! Government analyst to contain no harmful drug. They cannot possibly do harm—they always do good. ts. BAS Windyer, Rockcroft, Ont. “T would not. Own Tablets. and delicate and never grew ti began aiving her the Tablets. es as nine months old now and thanks % the Tablets is well, fat and rosy. T will certainly annie them oe never I get opportunity,” The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont sey BREE SaS HALF INSANE CASES CURABLE French ee ‘Tave ents New Trep- ie to Oyen Skull’s, ee ie and feeble-mind- edness ty che pmae the skull and doc- toring the brain has undreamed of poselbilities, in deeb a on of Prof. 1, Rog the Chicago College of Modi ne and Surgery after @ summer’, dy in the Paris hospitals. He esbtce that the cases of half of the inmates of insene asy- lums are curable, “Brain surgery until Preps fe developed little,’ said he, ra’ 2 has shown wonderful ae aibNUa’ in tin diveetions. | DF Thiers de Mavel’s new trephine is instrument, known that eae as soon as the skull is pene- tarted and it comes in contact with structures underneath. n- ger in operations on the it_is realized how lessee a number of patients in institutions for the insane could be cured-by opening the skull and removing the pres- sure or eause of irritation’ the value of the invention becomes ap- parent. fs ees Bos Bese TAKE OPIUM, ough — investigation w AG ‘pa tall. a ais has come Dr. Morse’s ows thei Singular effectivenoss in curio; enabl | Glter fr (he te | gers ‘ (ea fj half a contury of constant Fee conelu ee hat De, kidney u Indian Root Pliils hase of the evil is the cae ine of ee ei wes the Gaxetto asserts, 5 ceeeae ts 1 girls of especially amo: tas ans Fete eee Fortunately tox both halves of the world, nelther half knows he other half BABIES’ OWN TABLETS|, yor GREASE the turnin, in in wear and of gona a box, everywhere, The The imperial oll baad A LOGICAL LANDLORD. ny a tenant will sympathize with the man in this story. He was nting a L house which the landlord ‘had pen to, Eepeiee One day the owner came to sce “Jones,” he said, ‘I shall CAS to raise your a “What for?’ asked Jones, anxi- ously. ‘‘Have ‘No,’’ the “hut T see you've painted the house and put in a new range and bath- tub. =That, of course, makes it worth more rent.” Bear Island, Aug. %, 1903. Minerd’s Linimont root, Limited. Dear Sirs,—Your traveller is here to-day ree a we aro getting & large quantity of ur MINARD'S LINIMENT. We it nt lachet makive W, A. HAGERMAN. PROVOCATION. Uncle Pilduzer says any man has a Teye to get mad who goa: < home with a potpie appetite to fad fete: zled beef fer dinner. MAPLEINE A Sensible Merchant ie 2UBY THINK OF t73 sey A HANDS OFF POLIOY, “That nephew of yours it a ee wild, I'll admit,”’ said Jer- neighbor, trying to =somntce ry’s him, but he’ M veteran as he grows tlolder. Leave him to time and na- ees “Time and nature!’” snapped nele Jerry. ‘It's time and na- ture that make Limburger cheese: what it is. Minard's Liniment Relleves Neuraigia. The man who isn’t pees of be- ing snopes is ashamed to being poo: wh bed ous *Hadonesou ara ‘at Sov box, or al dries Buk cos ure: Risumeti yoy prone aan a onditi and as © treat