is, my dear Stafford, we have become f ; —— absolutely artiticial’ we pretend, fy ad- mire Nature, but re thinking of i Treatre ail’ the time; We throw up our : eyes ecstatically when we hear a night- Ingale, but we much er & comie singer at the Tiyoll, We talk sentiment at som s, but we have ceased iy know wha' t_in my private opinion the thing it- . self las become extinct. knows anything: about it? | ake yourself, for een in loye, eve hing you can desire, you're Saat purvie and fine Mnen, you fare , gumptuously every. day. y flirt six 4 da: Sock ana wee pot on Oe sev Sut love! “You. don't “know : venth- . what it means; and if you do, you 0 geen to BAKING FORE R AINS NO ALU 185 ROME T MES: ptaeaside 3 TO AS SUL- ALUM MISLED BY THESE TECHNICAL NAME W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED WINNIPEG TORONTO, ONT, IMONTREAL h on h wing; and never in 8) the wallet in “tis poo fe tor any time, prise | 1 the ball he tured to the open Te ae ae A esac bE it that she can smile: Which werved as |g ae: ani as cheerful as she 1g. 1 bar-room. hen she's ; Gre (a3 e, njoving. thelr ex — > Ma ZZ Ly te ong, a =“ ee Re 7 Presently one of them : in Gua ee a Cornmeal, boiled, cooled and ext null c ir Steph i ; Ht aes on the nil? Splendacious. ‘sat into small, flat cakes, ean be fried EMEA FREE t have: cost a. small. for quickly a golden brown in AG fat fi i what the 0! ns game 1s. 7 i ss A other man hooks his a and and served with a crisp slice of ned: bacon on each little cake. Leteeet ney hominy or rice or Bayo other cereal i a can be used in the same sii ert i some ell} Bacon Ades Zest Ti a Bacon and pte st is a nour- ee a ot ‘o Any Meal. |. 5° : Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater, i mete oh ed Sateeet y es and tempting luncheon dish’ Had a wife and couldn” 't keep her. Sir ate! te added to almost any’ vege-!and one that is suitable also to a ps hes going table soup is an improvement. Of info faint Sunday night supper. I¢ f Sea geit he course the Erase hich it produces |can be prepared on the table in two ti . failures. must be carefully Tennrees a the|chafing dishes and an electrio H sed to Now bare eat it a sana ; i one of the favor paste Deed: pea bean eee Think it great and say its fine ood too, if. aan edit ae tance, deliciously In a blazer or saucepan melt three some aueer eae oe bees is cooked with the tablespoonfuls of butter and stir in ti that dag, Pe a tablespoonful and a half of flour. 4 i Any coat meat can be peor Then add three-quarters of a cupful : Stafford and s i ol pee . id over it}of rich milk and stir: until it thick- Howard had "strate Ped eh ens it is cooking. ii bacon| ens. In the meantime roil two land Howard yavine ed aa if ius = or vith paahionks is appe- | slices of bacon for each person and ot rd a sya 8) or two of bacon|make a slice of thin br: bread ry raise ‘any objection to my g9- rown bre. This pure food costs so little and goes so far Ses inge tomy little bed. “Stafford?” he, asic: Apelor ae Beans or peas|toast for each. When the cream 4 that its merits sho uld be known in every house- PUMPKIN PIE CRP re Dae ay merece fet wet ng) gives them an unusual flavor. Bacon | sauce is thick and smooth add half , B ead it on bread when the kiddies dhru i. ‘am mp9. 404 Shige ‘over| invariably improves egg dishes. Ala cupful of grated cheese and as a : Is, yan do no! Stator I tired Tt feel like} Httle cho} peed, broiled bacon can be|soon as it is melted ey the mix- | 4 rit! sweeten yet. Good-night, old | adv rie a added to any meat|ture over the slices of toast. Put 4 pa cakes. | Most delicious taffy and candies ‘one Staffor ial and ome of vegetables. nes slices of the bacon on each hy an be made with Crown Brand Corn Syrup. rere at na ra. shoots | ianes neva s, you know many |piece and serve immediately. on ‘own Brand eek i "re; doetors recommend bacon, boiled| A ‘variation on creamed macaroni hee brs Recipe Book Kells 2 ee aa. week a ie cone: Lis Oe a ala dw. te jp ceonencs its 4 Bese tid = 8 it st a BME babies Best sy i oe J is aten separ- ford, tI hi au etic frame and per- y be; will effect in thei chen. Send for ae = fect et tired un-| eat solids. But. this eeu ae copy. Address Montreal ice, One half saltspoon Salt en, and) tion had better come from the 1 Tablespoda each Gia |e knows t yy. Cc x ge een) Gasgaront fade ror 1.) The way e cut bacon to adva CC tage is to place it on a board vith 4 tuck to. him} P The Canada Starch Co. Limited Beat ll toner ui it URAC the vind down. Slice swith «very am thoroughly mixed, and your father, descri | chitiets Eni teeelo wen tecoene aes I dwardsburgh Teemu ts eee: > the rind, int ie Manuf: of The E Brands 3. tare with under crusts ve eed to. have collared nie liens, ut do not cut through ‘tel 0 nto ys man and knocked an, anolosy ou | Thea cin Hake ol hi bu ertain disadvantages e knife along the | sprinkle the top se gee buttered MONTREAL CARDINAL TORONTO BRANTFORD VANCOUVER cred B oe of gentlemen sit Find, loosenitie ¢he'elisess- "The rind \enumba: ate dnl 4 at you ha one of them is that you Vs. gre mot in-|ean be used to grease griddles with.| Slice the bacon nad aes it, letting Vened Zor, Voutsearas ao saiord cuila| Cut: in this way’ the slices are even the fat drain down into-one dinvespee ry gman for hae stephen| and thin e pan. Then put the Stoner bavce 3 Broiled bacon is propenied ake ieee on a little wire Pack on ‘a plate or from a dietetic point of v: And) pan in an open oven, or else put 3 many persons thrak it the bask from ve in a wire sieve and stand them ir the ce -!the point of taste. Bacon can be a pan in the oven door, where = = eee edt pack apa oe eae 1 force, Ma| fried so that it is super as crisp as they will keep warm. Out apples q Weton of aunt_aiue. never. rode. behind) Tather Was free and easy with’ every-| locked. ont Wiese Pasties he, wally It he! broiled bacon in this way. half-inch slices and fry them on less eo four horses, and once, when he eal and had | : “word and eae Gaal Piaget ae lace} Grease an iron nest ‘with bacon laach side in the bacon fat. Drain Judnie: the. sett Sb ee oa low geet sae “the es i pn and heat it to the sm: smoking | t] them for a moment on brown paper R e ery Pe “man cana) 1aRe fiom th the and quist 45 a boy: kind of reserved a1 in front of the long irregular point. Heer a in the sions of|and then serve them with a aoe or ‘The squire of my fathe sir. When’ he e property. | Me sia using was suddenly revesied.| bacon. Tip the at a sharp|two of bacon on each piece of ap ‘ vas the eaumty mente, ane Bere he ‘became ie fale “ta than | ever, have ie ‘langle, so that he ‘tat will run oe n,|The skins should be left on aa) ns “ shi eel ne “ Ee and with a fork keep the pieces of|cores should be remoyed with am re on the lawn n} e | a im elf He 15 5 collene: ner Theory Shattered. le ee: dropping int ao pin ats apple corer. . . spends.all his th et ies ‘urn them two or three t Or, the Belle of the Season. pober ee iG e iike aa mts tle tone in vhs library) «Children,’? “said the teacher to ; : d, He was mast t id. Reh are crisp and dry ae a i a time to Italy, they, tho his pupils, ‘you ove be able to Hints To Housewives. : “ a m1 Z) | ansthing else of 3 Boom after Mts dda ins do anything equally well with either| "Brotied or fried in the wey ao: Th eet thing for cleaning tine © oe _ Ce ee Merons! made Herondale Wor j sapere poems Slee Je nendy We ap ian nae YOu) scribed, and served with ware is common soda; dampen @ ., CHAPTER 1.—(Continued). to “tyr ia Howard. “Indeed, cy paused ‘Shook’ his head, and ae of the relative oe, Mnf aes ani been eal are just Eat es 9. RY, | bacon makes a dainty breakfast dish aloth, dip it in soda and rub the ol wile am pretty sure to ow " ne hand as it is with the] ¢,, to. Bing neh your fashe ng you are wolng | of faa ot nis. wonderful ord remained silent; he was {9° | back a couple See for spring mornings. re briskly, after ase wipe dry, 4 hsked, after a long and dreary Sharm ‘of manner, bis winning. smile, ‘and looked I t “D or girl,” ald ‘Stattord, involuntar-| other. pean to hia sat, Bal pow fl som w, on: i “Ts Ue nee the yrebin at a ri aS lo we t is fairy pals fer hi —} yes y bio Y ANT Ane cher teniere |< <t suppone it we wet ‘kere before ain- oc ele ue aaa tea tae Spat Berea the foot of the class, “Let's ses you Why doesn’t she take ; my, word, T don’t know,” ne} 2 1 bet hime nou She sat alk a ronetcy; b 1 sit Pr gair left hand in the right. -hand iy socsn'tehe take, : ff k ‘ ord. y wa: ‘ad R nest of mu ) e 2 mt TR Sayasiael tat thy, 1 want {0 60| declined the pearage, ‘il fe SN ibaa ac zal Pceee Oe volte, STOUR! NA-DRU-CO Headache Wafers stay as long a overnor nd,| UP. for 8 some moi igars.” 7 a| may ough gome to that, i noida he doesn't know on went oR KS ae room, and in gettie) Heron, Jerondale; r men| be ‘They stop a headache promptly, yet do not contain any of q how 2 Jone thi t wilt eo Tye ‘gol ro _the Pane ine ‘pes eu a at pc amit ie fath ace in twenty generations every per- the Manperbuesrs ga common Shem! tablets. Ask your ; para him an a kind ot stormy. pettel:| bag when He i i c his evond the garden and Wh) son has had 181,076: direct ances- Druggist about them. 28c, a . pode fi Yes, it's a wonder, when vou ¢ to NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL Pr asaphtnic Liweren, 122 * ; , family lose its money, jd the op its greatness?” Stafford asked. c {o' Burope « “On has TUN ov was’ enjoying a ae nine Howard. inusing landlord Wiuinky ad water, and he Popa ope omen paceman sc up nina Sues ty Mi " isan atmosphere 0 ‘id 2d Mh ih esti wider and gave a re-| ¢nougnefully p Bir; In, tact, yo! if Dur esteemed parent, Sie) sbectful simile Of weleom ii = i ; me, whic rk eat atk : very comfortable hotell sen tof o hard to tell, sin” he, r I ean tngersana it. sald Stafford, her Mr, Groves," said Stafford, by way Ao Lanes ase almost. to self. eres aning the conversation. “We have wn here t ‘ st haye’ Hesn-preat chanke had va canital dinner, and have enjoyed| 5 spate aoe net Na Te eer eetoras eoming sly; was that '72 port yo a eh v replied Afr. Grover much ; ‘aight object of wonder ment to rand ‘lore d's Ww T love to read of his mimes projects vintage eno" “appreciate it. his vast eats ant suce ou like sir; there's m and tell ml the Tam looking, your ser for BEY Ly a mixture ony ees I off Ss good oe the port, fal progress splendaciou comet. ceases fo) re bean a s don, sh vi my knees in Stafford accepted, and presented his|“°Pi-m" afraid you're right,” assented alte Mouse’ and the warn ae admired him “ much and so oa He asked the distance to | siattora with his, atiort laugh. “I pre-|a we , its. wonderful pow Ee me " ther side of the self.” n onan en Ge Aanine. dust yo, sity” Bald ithe, Janaiord, with | th F nO of.he ae t : “hope you will like him,” said §t aid very well to-day, sir,” said] the mo one ain aU aaners mone bouts Dany i Ais sod gh with a touch of ‘that Simplicity ur. Groves. fishing in the] everyw if lope: bus hatin tn the blog hia trlends Tiked n water, I Suppo: AN OS : son, T ath sure was what Stufrord wanted. very. lite re. than La ube atomic acale 4 male sg s cain’ nest she xo outs have friends, | See | . Ye old, mistook It easily, SmortRaged. joaching. 1) all, that's t and rt 1 must mean go over ane “apologise MB ‘ q yj It's what to old families, 1 Phe landlord shook his head. + as told 1 wi hing by @ more's the pity! No, air, she Just lives, there with the ut a“ ‘oung lady Wi stream!" “yes,” said ord. is the} squire, and ie, receive NO hile I is present eagulte ike ms father ne visits and pa! Fou. mae Si ae fe on ie i 1 not ad; ney’ vi CEE saree a bits: replied the 1and-| Herons are Proll e lords with ‘¢ thepehttul and some ewnat rd it told faa ‘ure saute wi he was.a ¥ i with dark "hal, rode @ puzzled fro’ “Quite the reverse. His! js’ too 1 old family r hi of dogs with herve ‘collie friends ive poverty of the use, and ac err! ‘The land had and and built houses in the Ps toe m i at, hodded ‘assentingly hex, yours pardon, yi Smell eae ‘aati in 3 Taxa Sch aan aren ‘ g | Sir ad just built that peautt- NaDraCo are Stafford ample ees HERE is no home decoration more pleasingly simple than walls of plain, soft color tints. And there is and wie Was lgoking”after some sheep ‘no wall covering more sanitary than the washable, itn chine rose ara aise thine § ie 1 seer ; Ny} durable ‘‘Neu-Tone”’ Flat Paint. Hs L should get ep Me ald, with fo ae respect oa Gosia wel : aia: you. wouldn't el = pibipagri a is the modern finish for halls, stairways, a at Bie a sea hati \ i drooms, bathrooms, kitchens—or in fact, for any oul, ‘S Plastored Wall, Ceiling, Burlap, Wood or Metal Surface. ‘U-TONE” is easy to apply, as it takes care of fete Sore well ee the brush—flats perfectly without a trace of laps or brush de Mid vt he ‘Stafford’s brows went up. ENo. wonder she Stated. vat me,” he are especially good et said, ee to. himsel “But are you joe eae lady I saw was not hildren because th we a ite a squire’s daughter, 2 vas Fresh, sweet violets —the first thingyouthink ; x v * of when you smell this mor Be eat to"the Herons’ marks—producing a subdued flat nies of a soft velvety effect and . ng th fees daughter, And as (0 her be sae | te ae pad Cine ae with great depth of tone that is ing and restful to the eye.’ se Sivell theres a reas a) ene of the ‘children paying Tor ah “NEU-TONE” is also most econ because it gives you on as you use it youwill 1 Se hoa: ee thi ily cleaned. When a “NEU-TONE” Wall becomes idhone in the sweet elusive per- TYet the dale seems to be called after wal at are easily cl them? Stafford: remarked: soiled, a sponge or soft rate and lukewarm water, j fume that is left clinging to your Tt As, site sented the ne landlord. “A vat Rnetosea = face, ane a. Who! Je O83 will remove dirt and finger marks and renew the Pp , your hands and hair, and ‘one: thet = l in the softening, whitening effect. || Ana oth iia vig families be bagi sms ie fae better than most, They Vie ; ‘oft velvety appearance of this finish. ihe i Write for our beautiful book, “Harmony In Neu-Tone”, one o! of the most elaborate books on home decoration ever issued—tfree for the -asking. The Martin-Senour Co. - of the glycerine on your Se Get a cake today. a | vJergens that; no < + es, as any vilein of the middl le a er . * . S | Glycerine Soap Di Be GRy ede ahi igtorcinee’ ot pie re, suntered NT 4 ud ron. “ne place MTHS Dye that colors ANY KIND in, do0r an : ; = isite view which was % 7 nA Ide a cake. 3 cakes for 25e P tine, sir Tean remember, may Tax See Eee aa B | 22 out on, nthe, anal Se cay & NI 28 fi i For sali by Canadian drugeisis Dens coast to ‘father pane Set jelvide eae ae Le moon = de, Sandel Wea Fee = stil has al smack of Drury Lat a EN ey ores of Servants es sed ie” sald [How wand, “Strange that imple cake, send Jensens Cov Le 6 Shezbeva as many as fifty ofthe Anew horses in. the mablen, : whene® ing beautiful in tide place filed. with # summi 3 sy é Hes Weg eee ter, = ‘aud autumn, ‘The Saquize pal Re ‘set.’ ‘OL