The refund of money and the Dry Goods, Mens, Womens and exchange of goods, and the pri- Children’s Ready-to-wear Ap- vilege of looking without soli- Lair House Furnishings and citation to buy are customer’s Wall Paper are a few of the +5 aY Gia store, MILVERTON LEADING AND LARGEST STORE lines we want you to see. : ° ° . : ° Featuring the New Arrivals in This Store is Brim Full of New ’ . ° The Men’s Store— Pielke onlin Spring Merchandise— second nature to wearers of “ Spring Coats, Suits, Raincoats, Hats, Shirts, Etc. CAO loretace Gacedls: The gladness of the bright spring days is apparent in this A large and complete showing of all latest ideas. great gathering place of merchandise, Each floor is tempt- ; : ing eager shoppers with the beauty of the new spring styles For the past month smete Ds ae eas goods have been Smart Coats, Fashionable Suits, Dresses and Waists, Rich daily making their appearance in the men’s store, and Dress Fabrics and Trimmings are here in plenty. Spring the man who is now ready to purchase his new spring buying has begun and the store that serves you well is ready, vutfit will will find us splendidly equipped to serve his every need, and further, the prices attached to the new spring arrivals are low when you take into. consideration The Gown the high quality of the goods, the way they wear and the Hideth the Corset satisfaction they give, Come and look over the new styles But how often one sees the drape of an THE NEW SPRING SUITS exquisite gown spoiled by the corset beneath. Such a thing cannot happen to a woman who has In the season's most fashionable styles, colors and fabr carefully chosen a pair o! over 200 models to choose from. All suits involved: in > our large showing are cut in the latest styles, perfect fit- ting and guaranteed to give satisfaction to the wearer, re : : i Prices for tweed and worsted suits range from $8.50 up. There nothing that will freshen up a room like new clean Plain navy and black serge suits priced from $10.00 up. Al a Wall F ports We are showing hundreds of rolls new paper, a JHLCICE Do you realize how much the wall paper of a room has to New Spring Hats—Your spring hat should be do with its cheerfulness? It isn’t the cost that counts— correct as to style, shape, weight and fe that’s what Corsets there are plenty of gloomy palaces. Its the taste, the har- it Will be if you purchase it from us. We are show ng the Betsuse: thas @ model deapued qocnt every mony, the fitness of things, and when ft comes to knowing very latest colors and styles in soft, stiff aad crush eflects conceivable f figure and every trend what's what, we have it. It needs no argument to proye in fashions S present vogue, that the first requisite to successful home decorating is pro- The New Neckwear — We are proud of our a peat per paper hangings. The walls should be in harmony with : f ie Fe e showing in this dept, and we are satisfied that we can ete partir you the general furnishing effect. They can be made so at please every man who desires pretty and correct neck- little expense if purchased at Engeland’s. You live with wear no matter what his taste or requirements may be. the wall paper of a room even more than with the carpet. It’s face to face with you at every turn. Do you pick it ou New Spring Shirts—From all the leading man- y : y yout t with this thought in mind? We did when placing our order ufacturers and in the season's favorite colors, good wear- If you want your home to be really artistic, we can help ing materials, but big and roomy. you to new and pleasing effects, without. much expense, j All we ask is a chance to show you what we have and also $ Men's Waterproof Coats - $5 up to $10 ahaa cacte CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE 8,000 small cedar posts car- Owing to the establishing of a rar- toa Mohor poste for’ gale. “soils al mail route on mv line my address pawines: Millbank Ont. instead of being Burns as heretofore Sa s will fa'future be RRT Noo 1 Driet FOUND WM. WADDELL. lab Township Clerk Mo-nington heen of mioney. Owner may ha e by proving property and paying | expenses, DANIEL ROPP. Brunner. | EGGS POR _ HATCHING the Peoples’ Auctioneers have caived instru Lr. ae TS ee i ee Be. ji ~ bure: stool. range. coal heate: heate: stove pipes. tile spade. crowbar. fur overcoat and a host‘ of other ar- ticles ere enumerated all hich will be sold without reserve as the prop: ees pearance moving to the city of Tor moe commences Pat 1.30 p.m. Terms—8 months’ redit on sums 14 - over $10. that amount ang under cash 6 Ww. Son. Auctiongers. 25 18 E at band of pioneers t on, | Queen’ 's Bush in the Jate Another of th rom the centre now all zonnd to 1 ae was primeval forest fea wi eidersicas pee away nd her sow siolara 5 Coulter pea a lai Sanday tase, : 8 Mrs. | maiden name E} a at came forties when | ni ich The he | (pees 2 HEARS 3 184 rom pure-bred Rhode latsnid Re ae | ONTARIO jm asad Sam a ies gue 00 Qo" to $5.00 per hundred | eased her by I LO; rer Li Li A dunt beucheabataccaan io Mornington SSE | Iquor icense ct land settled on the farm on 2A = | | she'd en no eee man’s habi- | HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALF Liens Distsiot ee MOLE aes, tet be hem and th ae | fa rouge dwelling house, tise is “hereby. piv the | r days peat Boardiof Ltcaise Wonimicsitne forthe ships “G ‘ood well. North Riding of the Count ty of Perth. ildern of land. will meet at the Board Room in the a family of | ~ and os use on property. For fur- | Oity Hall in the City of Stratford. on | Shaenteay oe) ther particulars apply to FRANK Saturday the 18th day of April, 1911 surv NORMAN. Millbe nk. eu tha Hour oF tira o'clock p.m. to “ee hans: : conater _gprlication tor Tiquor- lice d r FARM Fi for the year 19 AIL pe ~ Si f OR SALE. interested Will wovern:themisaivee avi ae cordin Joseph Stettler. orn aluable farm of the late H. J. R. f. KEMP. Inspector. | Minn Toledo. 1 Obie. ackner situated on Lot 5. 3 * BR ited on the homestes jin the Township of Wellesley Da, Ret ee a Oe neerat sivente eres. about 35 acres | BMrs. Coulter ha jiwaye ‘0 acres sown to fall whea' TUS eRe career baaeetea Methodist grass. the church of ebioh her heck was lowed. Upon the premises is a | Ruction Sale! fone preacher before the days | Jed ministry and for manv | +s | he: r honse was the home of the Meth- So warm oe So ee the heavenward trial, A id fear w who cou! near. The little and the frail. Par the circuit riding he clasp so vith Christ strong the ents, FOR SALE Chatham Incubator for sale, for ednésda¥ 1 imated | abot one hundre od of ee friends’ ands conte of d into. the | n Be t evening and game: s T oursel pevinw to wed our noble baer Cue circ ai [been with us in a — feb te kind ad Oli | positi ‘all occasions |r ough hope - future may be crowned. meh success fdr po! ee sith the ‘Wreleoimn Purnie| alin ang ee presentation make e | ope ©o.—Mrs. Wm. Donegan _ spent —_ M Fred. Bier a Albert |the week-end with friends i i ss onde! azeoms DALES CHOCOLATES ‘thebest : as aaa en spent; — 0, Roll —_ For <> Pennants Decorating 14x56. INCHES 25c Each While They Last der spent a couple of} n Toronto this week.—Mr. Hi cat ati RESTAURANT he neha last in the he ub . fare was| . to which the neh did full) fter the supper short This Store "speeches were delivered by the “mente nd Recommends your new ‘not to forget your iends and come back an when you can and we assure a 1 vel cto accept this pearl vectitias as wel the love of Jesns ever y a comfort and a protection and wh the: fa managing committee h d each of the player an ane he 1918-14 seh old ‘The Listowel Banner conte as 't them. ni: because it gives a ad me “finish” to i ze be oy ring usehold article they that no mere yar- i many - in @ young orchard be- actions from “R was held in the highest ainning to bear. good supply of hard pest to sell by public auction at | © very wide shel on oe in i inber to discuss te e farm is conven- | Linwood olfowin effects on | neighbors e wladness of that fair day glans fora monster. celebraiton to “be | y igntly situated being 3% miles from nba APRIL 13th. 1914, tere symoiiiyeentite tom ever Withkthe “Low held here on Monday May 25th. It) the Furniture-Saver ‘ood 5 miles from Elihira and ¥ : 1 took — place |” Sin n behalf of friends and promises to be She seis Be THEEHAR Inthe joard. 2 eels dining tables t tha real> aes — remises or {o| |scheral mail tables ing Sais Sear y tars a ion Mrs, Pr ‘aroe"acveral Nagaten Danganvoiites , ecade: c: ¥. Hawkesville, i” en shane cupbe ads sofa San. Blonthoe MaWedain have’ heen today TO pall eae eons HEN y you start on your campaign of JosAH S Canes Waterton... Send Wheten san osha Be a servi ie m. especially steam roads. buit a home-beautifying this Spring, don't = Jer dehy 2 chamber sets. cot | ducted by Rev. W. e bs mera e ‘are mow in the era of electric just ask for. “‘varnish"” — ask for \baby carriage. curtain stretcher, Poe |family pastor. The pall. bearers were Kak Hew eee. ‘allways we have dractieally given up JAR. ALAC: nid aegis Conkbait ee Se iaeace, Oro0d oF coal) nennkr} Bes tone ane lobe Pesees beterd = jell House a 7atears — thad inencineg anything but JAP-A-LAC. . Always: put wheelbarrow. sink. churn and butter and William and et oie contrib Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Coulter ana these warts, Our only choise is the “9 Bee ers ios an, PAG | Nine ie een re paver friends and Fadia! allway, ea. Tut Tb sooms to wp in Groen ‘Tins, bearing the mame “GLA ONTARIO [ihre noting jeune r Bf hens a licahant ot lilies t7001 W. are ai ciet Chain nite Teta Utior. towns Gould o's piliege DEN.” Made in 2T beautiful sae -peine fr rel of peas, Seoteh collie dog a | ae Sea teas een nto R: peste ERTOR CRORE ee re iike:thls qnore Warm thailgbod (Ata every possible requirement of the wife, ‘Liquor License Act niimber of other articles a ge By foray from tie mily SA AGEoae asin tn oft eek | Stare S is. inde tu om the - —- mare lof seat are being agitated in = ates | = ges and smaller towns are oppos- License District of North Perth. e| Se aie running direetly to tare ere IN MEMORIAM pit Wits sr STOP er ye and cities. on the ground Notice is thereby giv iaiven that applica. - Der anim off | lings aét as “feeders” fon has been made to the Board of | for cash on oneal amounts ; Emily Elizabeth Gleyn. died revel a2, You re fi ee nies he ‘News certainly License ‘Welt & Son, 1913. danghter.of ed eA r ey oan ea SraLIOrMS We wok eiadioe tases ‘Ask your Sapereancnate JAP-A-LAC color te _Buotioneers William Glen Keeping in geod health an mgt d tion facilities of some ki this Fxg gn Book entitled “A Thousand and One Uses. of = : f See SF dat pee A tan Ttisup Village and district. No o more JAP-A. : Proprietor. | We cae) ‘9 God” this little girl. to yours tak care of youre Tretcup te ae 8 conditions improve in In. Milverton ere were That went to thee. one year to-day 0 k ‘ 27 Tavern and 8 Shop Licenses grant. Was still so young so small so frail, You whenever you don fel ight j Datinannon 6nd. Seiiway-oonnestion dap~a~lac is sold by ed for the’ ieense year ending “Ap-| . | How Gould she know the. way ; Cee ISU int hi arc wetnetee ah ree ety Roatan R BROS. on ath Motion Sale meio ling kr Meet | ayo Suldgousg miu dtmsargac: Wt i be bln uc's wor SCHNEURE ee ers will govern OP IMPLEMENTS _AND. EFFECTS, | ls ies Mind inid thorn and j*hing Wo have ta Rexall Olive OC Emule vith the sical diotriety thee such 3 R. T. KEMP. Inspector. | |sion. In offering it to you, we protect you line would mn juce the desired re- zy The People’s Auctioneers have receiv-| qqyaPiahe ee gay ainst money-nisk, by ly prom- sults. Of course. this is purely = Dated at pyistowel: this Ist day of} ed instructions from Mr. W. J. } : 5 Se a ae in you that, if it does ae restore your matter of pointe and we hope before April. 1914, | Houston to sell Re public auc- Dear suffers Gieacthe-Cheist car alti we with- jong to hav id feecdig ve their ‘ + Boo Era | ion in Mill | : SN eA pene Chast voloe put word or question. bslieve is the ewe on ae? — Dungannon | THURSDAY. ee 16th 1914.} 1 Rage cEner noes COMMERCIAL. | pee [er a mtcrnis ee eae ‘elt is ee many of your’ ecause some Foung. Indies giggled The Se, —— Pe e i Rae iene tte ia ‘You taeda ot: dontt ar ears | epee If it don’t’ eee during prayer, a des gentleman Glidden eras “Limind, Toranto ‘ t ve ‘rost Wood i ho teaches a local bible class. Bol aiowe tara neice atretene | Run Ute sein: Sri tos Withee | Rexall five Od Bm oe it rans nen eran RRee | 3 | er. 2 plows. seater? roll of chicken] won ae myn Bee va, Get tet teri Give Ot andthe mirth emanating from the bowed | wire. post hole auger. cross-cut saw oe ase noting, fe Pickles Bach hae Jong been endorsed heads in front of him. that upon fin- saw. meat saw, prunning shear: ‘ r oy | physicians. Here they arefor ishing the sacred supplication ere — ce pee the first time combined. The result fs r4se from his knees and walked out PUBLIC DRUG STORE. MILVERTON. eeie ae Tofield. Alta.. to Mr. =~ Mrs. Robt. Grieve a son. itt ce seve ie siphons: le nerve, blood and strength- Arar sitting in open-mo the |b remedy that is both food and Ait¢r Sitting im, ot medicine, For all wi no mater atthe that their teacher had gone home hich actually ‘turned out to be e ¢ cause for ol people: for convalescsatsi Srae. and. disbanding: like sheen sat. q tered before the storm. it was Israel : : a that wll ice Delt pan aisesigt SAMI i Tes own ‘dute for thenie- Walker | builder of good blood, strong muscles, good ee an aie cae We will pay the highest market price | “youre i pod aren Cleon: ROE Aegis Church: ei! Supplied |) for cream delivered at factory. Will ‘ents oe a oat pegs id} Free test and pay CASH—while® ~YOU wait. |} Business” $0 | Stores and A this town only $100. : : et . BIRTHS PEARL CREAMERY, Milverton