MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE A Lavish Spring Display OR WEEK’S we have been busy unpacking New Spring Goods, and have now accumulated a well assorted stock, the result of our customers. y ance of the store and there’s bound to be a steady increase of activity from day to day. “The Dress Goods Section” Will appeal to the ladies with probably more emphasis than ever before. We invite the crit- are a leading feature this spring, will be found in our silk department in all newest creations. A large shipment of LADIES’ SPRING JACKETS—‘the season’s lat- est productisns’’—are on display in our ready-to-wear department. Are You Acquainted with our Grocery Dept.? If not, it will pay you to get an introduction. Stock always fresh and our prices are inviting. The car of Redpath GRANULATED SUGAR arrived this week—get our prices. Just put into stock our New Spring Wall Papers—beautiful designs and colorings to select from, Highest Prices for all Farm Produce WEBER & BETTGER OBITUAR bg Death claimed one of Linwood’s oe a cousin of the late Hon. eutenant~ Governdt eRe the wali wunselfishness and thoughtfulness for the welfare comfort and ‘SS Hays. John Me: jams. A large ale: of friends and acquaintances were present to pay e last tribute of respect to dhe held ie mae: high esteem Bin One were’ J. Albert Fi Ber) A & HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LARGE STOCK OF JEWELRY? We are showing an excellent display of WATCHES, CHAINS, LOCKETS, RINGS, TIE PINS, LINKS, JEWEL CASES, and BROOCHES at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES CUFF We carry a complete line of PARISIAN EBONY GOODS, FANCY WRITING PAPERS and PERFUMES. A SPLENDID LINE OF SILVER POLISH ON HAND J. A. HANSON, monkton, = ont. JUST ARRIVED! AN IMMENSE SHIPMENT OF Men's = Boy’s Boots French pss English Kips, Urus Calf Grain, Splits, Oi Tans, Farmer’s Red Kips (strictly waterproof) all sizes for spring wear in mud or rain. We have also a shipment of Women’s and Children’s Shoes Wateh this space for our announcement regarding fine shoes later. BUTTER and EGGS TAKEN Wive: Mets ! Daughters | Justa Word WithYou! | A woman’s, iepe oe a very delicate thing—it very op ealy gets out of order—just like requires more than ordinary y care isd ee oe fee able pains in vari : dizziness, faintness, eerste ice 7 Coes dined cone as, ree Dr. Pierce’ 's Favorite Prescription Janboed Pore et of guttering women to natarat health this wena land. W. ears it has been successfully carrying itas a helpful friend. lg ete Let it aid you. bert Munn. Vancouver. B.C. ; Mr, and Brantford; ae fi ie Mr. and M = | Mics Matthews. 4 Mr. Horace MoDougall. a Mr. cons | and | sprays from fri “TIS1OWEL Mr. Dave ee bn stuart is: ity last ety mons. of ‘Glenallan. ipent a couple ‘ot days with her friend Miss Jessie Mi Tet for Calgary on Tué: Yates was a visitor week-en HOOD—WARD The home of Mr. Ward of ‘Logan. wa’ happy event o1 h when their eldest daughter, Lilly May became the bride of Mr. Peter B. Hood.of Elma. The bride entered the her fat is ood The Vad vil be at home to friends after April Parry Sound Star irnie. K.C.. array ond: on Towa Couneil without first obtaining he nt terest in growing shade trees on streets. ae Sarnia man got 60 cents for bury- with a friend he proceeded to get drunk. How un- {; | of Mis. Alex. Seis shina apes re oor |? Millbank. sday. in town ava “the Si and Mrs, John 7. | dance ./student’s standpoint TWO NERVOUS WOMEN Made Well By Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. Philadelphia, Pa. —‘“I had a severe case of netvous prostration, with palpi art, Lydi Vegetable Compound so I threw e sricdleties the doctor left me and be- Com Ww away visited. ”’—Mrs. MARY JOHNSTON, 20 iO siegal Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Another Bad Case. Ephrata, Pa.—‘“ About a year ago I was down with nervous prostration. Pain under my sboulder-bade under the care of eiterent d doctors but et ape ape ak I coul hardly stand long poe wee mydishes, “‘Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- ERGER, R. No. 8, Avesta Pa if you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confl= eats Lrun, Mass. Your letter will med, read and answered by a | woman and held fn strict confidence, CROSSHILL. 0: Petal ts visiting friends . Richard Pride. of he guests of the for- mers parents ns the home of Mr. Jas. c . Messrs. C, Kennel an were visitors at Hamilton — one dav last week, m. Pogson. of Clearwater. vicinity a oe eee last wee! essrs. Hammond and Dan. Gerber ones a ene trip to Toron- to recently. We are sorrv to report the illness Hastings a as by and Mr. Joseph Ga his oe 100-acre Mr. me ichty — burchased’t the u6 10 ee “disposed 3 e Poole. he wany friends of Mr. and Mick, Gasoh’ nepet from our midst: for as good neigh! 4nd those of a kind disposition the are among the d Mrs, Lichty vicinity we weleome them ope hevm: able-to fill the vacancy used by the departure of Mr. and. Mrs. Gascho to whom we also extend our best wish for their welfare i ome. wedding was held at the me of Mr. and Mrs. W. Langford sday ae 18th. when d by ae Toh MoPd, din who has now retired and toyed SPRING TERM OPENING ryn Fordwicl Palmerston. Dae: ORtoorefi eld. Gow anstown. Wallac Teviotdale. ford. Elmwood. Mount Forest. 5 ampton. Dungannon and other plac Nearly twit as many aul ons e be: hi: a d Bate ‘ting wit splendid success wher they go. 1 i aes He soe Bodies along samaptectal Tin you ki make no mistal urine Opebin > best season of ull the year from the is before you. For informetion addre: EDWIN G. MATTHEWS SCHOOL REPORT. Principa). ort of promotion examinatio) helt iasch 18. 19 and 20. 8.8. Welle: ‘otal “Tanitics 520." pass, B12 IIt to Jr. EV—t onan Langford 413. Martha Crummer 397. Russel Gib ‘Al ee McArdle 314 Jr. If to. 8 11—Margaret McFa: din ie Abbie Richardson 358. Pea Swint 320. iia lds Hovey 320. Tom y= Mata ddin 1 ps Sr. 1I—Wilma Langford ro Dorothy Knight 378. Cecil Gibson iduring exams. recommen and Geo. Hoff-| © E . visited old acquaintances in this Ak. Gr fol On Monday Bs sigs 30th. 1914. the of : ish satisfactory se . | business. No, 19.| § THIS STOMACH REMEDY. ELMA COUNCIL, The municipal council of the panelling: Wm, ‘Goats Clory. The minutes of last meeting ware read. approved and signed by reeve and cler ee e ao Wu m. ae R Fergusoi ented the tae of ee childrens. ‘Sid mal Humane Society of the Connty of Mo: oe by Grnith- MeClory hat arant of $30 be made e Peri assistance to the society Tenders were ace ropened for the construction of Relief drain as follow : Murray at the sum of 2K sents’ vee gubie yard; J an Bue Edward P Crowley & ebonne nf et 17 Wm. Connelly & Co. Rustin at By cents 47-8 cents; J . B. McFarlane 23% cents: at 20 cents at 221-8 cents: Patrick eatoe at 28 cel Moved by SR aa that the tende: Mes & McDonnell mig Aras thi Maitland R in acco} e plans ifications there ‘or we sun 17- cents per cubic vard to be excavated as may be deter ride by the engineer to complete depth of profile part payment of Coleen ie as oe er’s certificate. ters. Poundkeepers and Ri a iewers were then appointed fallvgxi- Pe aasaenes sees Parl. ton Amos Weber. Ernest L, Mann. Jas. Henderson. athe E, sell Coghlin. Ja: eron. Alva na Reid Moore. pecolte pe A. Hamilton. Thos, J Geo. Sanderson. Wn. Booth Arthur Forman Geo. Porter. Newbity cing An- iss Lena Gerber spent a few days | Ford. Poolé. aye Jas. Holman. Val, Schade. Wm, Peh- Lambert, J. Manton. J dd South— Geo. . B. Hamilton. Jno. ‘office of col- bee urnbull He 80.00% oune outte “at 125.00. by Coates—Smith. that HH. urity.. lers were feaued in parment of a aumber of accoun Moved by Coa tea—MoClory the sone do now adjourn again at the Agricultural Hall. At- wood. on Saturday April 4th. 1914 t ten o'clock for general townsh'y Geo, Lochhead. Clerk. that MACTON. The examinations are over in the public and separate schools. lita eee. ell pleased with the re- sul Daerippe is haying an innings ‘a! present. An from here took in the aarniyal Pat Linwood ‘on Friday even Intended for last week. ooks. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Newton and dangh- tos Dorothy spent Sunday with Mr. wopnettatatibns are due. Miss Allingham on winning a two- urse of 100 lessons in the - western School of Music in the “27 REMARKABLY SUCCESSFUL) borerts iano Company. he oo ‘You know us—your home druggist. ee oe ose taken by. correspondence if de- know we wouldn't guarantee any remedy | ¢4- Skee ie to tdiove indigestion “or eyspepsia, or PErrERS money back, we felt the uimost con- re iene ie enieh peosia. tables Mr. and Mrs. A. Jack-, of Newton. we offer you with this proof of our faith in them, it (aves youn room for hesitation or daub. ‘ak ‘ablets is due to the fact that they Henican ok on ils, ‘They goothe the ck heartbum and | ¢ comfortable, easy-acting, healthy state. They’ also benefit the bowels. yspepsia Tablets arg sold only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, in this town only By us ‘Three sizes, 2 $1.00. THE PUBLIC DRUG. STORE. » Jast week wi Miss ‘ilared aragyatt spent the week- end at her home in Bluevale.— Mr. Jas. Maddess who has spent the past ©} ear in Manitoba arrived home Sat- ening.—A son arrived — last Albani have taken up — residence join in wishing them ayer happiness and pros a wee Standard Patterns in stock. No way for patterns Enge- wisely—take NA-DRU-CO Tasteless Preparation of Cod Liver Oil This is a piss ae een mavens ofthe it with: Extract, {lness, or for weak, puny: attire, it Ph few, tf any, equals. In SOc. and $1.00 bottles—at your Druggist's. 12 Natlonal Drug and Chemical Co, of Canada, Limited, WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE; The “Harvest Queen” Brand One of the best on the market tha‘set BREAD wirrneait A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a specialty =. MONKTON, ONT It Pays to Dress Well “Nothing gives a man more prestige than to be Well Attired” You can have this done at HERE has just been plac- 3 the ge ed on the shelves a splen- P ie at Thit "did lige -ut Secret: Dweede of ; a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and wear well. Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit, 0. DU FFI ELD M Le-to-date Taitor, ° Monkton, = Ontario — : = s a GRASS SEED of all kinds, CLOVER, TIMOTHY and ALSIKE on hand = Farmers can save some money by buying early ; as the tendency of prices is to go up, STOVES, RANGES and HEATERS Have all been reduced in price, _ time to secure a bargai Now is the DR. HESS’ M. E. Bettger @ Co. ? Hardware Merchants, MONKTON STOCK FOODS ON HAND What About Your House Furnishings BOE _We have an immense stock of Furniture, Rugs and Linoleum We also do Picture Framing ROBT. McMANE port eg! ree Milverton Fumiture Doster and Tretere Ce i oho appa he