ee * SPRING BLOOD IS WATERY BLOOD How to Get New Health and) New Strength at This Season Boring. nary. ailments are not imagi- ven the most robust find en in ov erhe early ar “people ah disfiguring pimples and skin eruptions, while some get up in the iporning feeling just as. tired as oe eure yourself with a medicine ae gallops through your syst leaves you weaker still. This i is au ee a puruatire does. uu hea 2 ge a2 oe medicine that will enrich the blood and soothe the jangled nerves. And the one always. reliable. tonic and tism, and pie Wiens due to bad blood. very host family medicine completely, run-down and could no at i 1 jams? 8 soon brought me back to the best of good health. They alco eu my hus- hand when he was ng from a severe attack of rheumatism.’ If you are ailing this spring you cannot re , in your own interest, yal wa able a medicine cP le. Bold ab 50 50 froth, The Willi cine Co., Wteokville, Ont. ——— DRUGS WITH BIG NAMES, Reealls 1 “of Shakespeare. wanguage Straiige remedies used by modern medicine, when read in a tenor. tion, call to mind the time ch- on when mysterious canoes mixed strange liquids with which they worked scenes of horror among the people. 43 Only recently a pharmacist 8 required to dompaund, a RS rip- tion in which one le Dried h vticle w moles. To prepare th ieadted sub stative the animals are placed in a container and ‘coasted over a fire: Tater, when powdered, the ash is used as aa Spe ne remedy. er, a rman chemist, men- ption of this year’s date, which calls for two ounces of human fat, one ounce of natural munnny, # particle of new skia and ‘one ounce of stag’s fat.” ndeed, some nodes n stience calls eird “if the drugs used by the chemist of to-dily many would cease to be sick. But whilo dragon’s blood is one of the peculiarly named drugs, it does nob come from any dragon. Other names, also, merely trade naines for ben If we read some.e i name in a preseription handed to us by our doctor, det us not w Prescriptions aré couched in. won- dros and confusing language, Healthy Boys and Girls Always peuriery And for a quick, easily prepared lunch, a generous _ dish of Post | Toasties and Cr Can’t Be Beat! The nutritious part of white Indian Corn, skilfully eooked, rolled thin, and toasted to a’ rich golden am Ready to eat right from the pa¢tkage—crisp, nour- ishing and delicious. Children can't seem to enough of Post Toast- and they can eat all thee want because this food is as wholesome as it is appetizing. —soid by Groce Gearon Fostam Cereal Co., Ltd. dgor, Ontario. | chatter together. MONKEY, A FEOEABD ‘TIT-BIT. How Jungle Cat € Catches a By Hever Tri No es of food, except, gorieen so acceptable to the leo- mee nthe jungles OF Cov once el: abi writes an explorer in an exchan, Witenster monkeys catch a. sight of a leopard slinking under the-trees they become greatly excited, and all As soon as the leopard hears this he lies down un- der a bush and begins to click his teeth Sg ise make the monkeys Heda tatuctene atthsar: excitement; they huddle the branches, shrieking ‘ootin 0 the ground w ith 2 hie and ie the leopar: is a bou Tone aes Gey AMG Out gol at ihe edy. I sk travelling in thick jungle, and my bullock carts having | gone on in the early afternoon, 1 Dn Jollewing later in the evening down the same sandy track. T Seed aiiay eciscgeleopard had been following behind the bulls and that he had suddenly turned aside down a small game track. moment I became aware of mendous chattering of monkeys in the distance, had a Cingalese with me, and we crept through the t ward the noise. about 150 yar 3 fho- med to be loo pe Baretlimng GE ahs eiliek large bush which was in as it prnsard to me, beckoning to , thin grey arms. he same th ight came to the Ci for whispered to me, Desk oning to you to yare ¥ still for gaara thinking ide of the bush i to crawl round, and thon i ‘distinct ly heard the of the leopard’s teeth Behind 3 x chi the wrong side, for as 1 cam all I saw was the senera tees & a great curving bound into the thick jungle beyond, SS cons simple the child haps, Concerning the signant, Ste. pation, fevers, and n he sere aot strong rs. fi T have found Baby’s n excellent remedy and would not be The "Cablets are s or by mail SE 1e., writes Own Tablets for my little or without them. sold by medicine dealers at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SSE “Ame SES TAKING CARE OF FOOD, Germs Get Into Eatables by Errors of Housekeeper. s famous physician said not, long any a ¥ who thinks erscllva find inusekesyer, who is perhay cellent cook and keeps everything in the ‘pink of neatnes is criminally ca taledacht tetra gt ay mean,’’ he continued, ‘‘that lack of knowledge about the care of food puts the members of the house- holdin grave danger. And ieed- e en in this respect is so easy. he average woman does not stop to think that milk and butter are the most delicate of absorbents and will quickiy but become the breeding place of m™ f she did she ja hous leay- unce’ eared and the butter dish on the kitchen aie while she is cooking or Serio How often we pie or hese a Dadiding ie vat ‘ol the window to cool, exposed to all the dubthat blows a ut and ‘oasis also to flies. hi the countr At the same Ba Spent Her Money For No Benefit THEN MIS: M GODIN USED DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. id. Her Kidney ey Discase and Fe- Sale Werkness Disappeared—She Is Nowa saree Tiealthy Woman. Minzonetto, Gloucester Co., N-B., arch. 23. -* (Speoial), =<. husye been suffering from. the Kidneys ever since T was acl J. odin, of this place. I grew to womanhood I was told I was Suffoing female weak- tried several kinds of icine, spending a good many tales bes nothing. nter I Eeane so weak T was on the point of giving up my work. 3 without having palpitation of the heart and feeling quite-cxhausted. “Reading of symptoms of feel ac now as well as ‘All wonten syho suffer should look Kidneys. They are the main- it houieh “edb the taduaye strong by using Dodd’s Kidney Pills and ‘they, will take ears ‘of the rest the body. Mother—Now, Willy, you told me a falsehood. Do ser tegpene to li falsehoods? Willy” “Ceepisil as Serie Mother—Wh; black man with only one e3 centre of his forehead comes alon, and ‘les with him up to sit moon and m n pi r ithe DISCOVERY AT EDINBURGH. Historie Remains of Ancient For- tress and Well Unearthed, Mr, W. ' Oldrleve, chist archi fice of © fae Senlsad, two. years ago, discovered at the rear of Holyrood Palace the foundation of one of the earliest Christian churches,‘ has announced which supplied the castle and garri- son with water, Excavations revealed much of King David's Tower still standi its walls eight fect thick, ng eight of nearly fity fect above atid Sie ade Hi aatenes tad eraeoay suffered by bombardment, and this supposition has been proved by the very from the interior of the ower of many articles, including anon balls. ‘The disappearance of weer. is explained by the fact thet the Halt Moo bute a Edinburgh ‘Castle Beis a xis HAIR CAME OUT BY HANDFULS With Dandruff and Itching Scalp, Scalp Covered with Small Pim= les, Used Cuticura Soap and intment, Now No Trouble At All. 693 Ji 01 frst troubled with oe bat ae brittle ‘and later dandruff and itching scalp. I was afraid to comb my hair Ben EE Se andfuls and the itching was oe At badly. ing my head shaved. “Tora long timo tr exid sovoral orhor Fenbdtea but they did not cure it. After some months I pic! 1 was thinking of hay- advertisement and any of Cuticura Soap a Dlnbieen it. it ee ee ; rising from the gromd, some an to seyen feet six inches long, and the size of the stalactites from the roofs show that the vaults of the tower have not been disturbed for a very fong time. This discovery led w the finding of the ancient well, which Mr. Old- rieve regards as one of the most in- found in it toa abe of sixty feet. The well was pw cleaned out, and thoroughly ‘aes ed. "IA Nova Seotia Case of Interest. to All Women Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help to Many People. naa of wis if i you el 2] 1 mover eae inlechoed again, will) Halifax, N'S., Deo. 15.—-When int you Mt is awfully we viewed at her home at 194 Argyl ge ee rs. Hayerstock was quite willing to ANCE PARIS CHURCH, _ | talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case. was always ‘blue’ and depressed, ‘ Pauvee [felt weak, languid and utterly unfit History of St. Julien Le Pauyre Pte Es NG atninagh wad “Bo Goes Back 1300 Years. tigontered (hat ad no appetite, 3 = hat I did eat disagreed. I suftered = . owen at ape IN Teatiy {rom dlasinces and wick bend Parte ig an bes, Ss of realization | ache and feared a nervous breakdow which will giv sight of the |Upon my druggist’s recommendation old eimrchs of ‘St jaien le Pauvre,|1I used Dr, Hamilton’s 3. ne 0 he most picturesque} “I felt better at once. Hvery day I Sashes in n Par ie peat aichitestyr- | improved, In lt: weeks I. was "a: well aN of its history. | eo oivetelans had failed to help me. | clans had failed to he Riaisied of Wie ha tkeah-the. Goins, fie tor this “reawonetnat quite close to the river and Notre Dame, it has been surrounded hith- erto with a somewhat disreputable open to the river and w the penvial st effect to the ‘old monument and its aitendant ee ing! The history 0! cine is ex- tremely curious, ie dates. from the sixth centaur: hospice where Tours stroyed by the Normans in 886, and subsequently reconstructed. _ Re- stored in the 12th century, it be- eame the seat of bodes pect the creation of the: s on Mount Sainte Gate: as des i S Fae = beco aes aians the Davolition: afterwards restored to the Ho- dal Dian oe City Hospital, Various notal were aed d there. For - So belonged to the Graal re! othe picturesque Jittle court in front of this curious church are two wells, ithi church when it was use the other, which was also in apse, was said to provide a sover- eign cure for all all ee Cold, Damp Winds ~ Full of Catarrh ce HALF THE VICTIMS OF CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, AND THROAT IRRITATION, CONTRACT THE DISEASE THIS MONTH. Only One Preventive Known. ries germs of eee _dlscases that ring recent sitive menace to health: s no’ occur fo most house: Lane that breed cr cake whe taken out er the oven stad set to | coat should be lightly. covered ae !a thin el ats or piece*of tissue rms and. ems Us’ i nile bo Pye ever pu any sthing but ae fo fs away in ti Thane clues or bread ales are right. But to open a can of fruit of a sictebigke use part of the con- » and let the econ sta in the tan may a plo soning or othe: 683 ples or ale $i Foookel rt tin or even giamte ware, should never be allowed to cool in the:paa When: ever possible apple: it or vegetable ater ee in edie ware, for acid has ‘an aflini » tin and sometimes gen- erates a x sondus substance, Rie Apes wesued Into" KE by the i take de eed is impossibl tion of these ger and ae person whose Tecina air ae in the head ai lungs re in Bis condition at this one ciowe method of r hdestroying ee diseasé Laie after they have entered the air pas: e kept my stomach in a constant state of disorder. But cured throat ve me protection against repeated coughs and colds. urge all sufferers to use Catarrhozone.” —J..P. Andre (Salesman), Hamilton, id. Caiarrhozone:is a guaranteed eure or the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., tive troubles to use Dr, Hamilton's ‘ills. Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the frame of houses which is-now to be A GOOD MEDICINE removed, not merély to improve the eee an erence rae FOR LITTLE ONES} approaches ito the church, but to | systems to health. By cleansing th ae make ee ‘or the cqualtietion of a | blood of long-Standing impurities, by Baby’s Own Tablets a cel- | new 001 of decorative bringing the system to a high point lent remedy for y | cording, es the:plans upon which the | of vigor, they effectually chase away are a gentle. lax work will be. begun shortly, the Gooa for youn or ed “ sa the stomach, regulatethe how- fronting upon the Seine sack es left | omen, for children. All dealers sell Dr. eI Pills of Mandrake and Butter you come to en- Judge— ase did. ter the premises? Prisones—Well, your Honor, it was 2 in the morn- ing, kitchen ip wide open, no cops about—blow if you wouldn’t a-climbed in youtsals Marton, Bridge, CBs May 30, 102. <panilea MINARD'S | rea ast year. 2 i phates Hekaned torn lunguestionably the est seller of LINE Bi T used six or elght boxes of the Cuticura Ointment also the Cutic: trouble oh 3 May 27, Create moti ing to learn how pure, bas ned) Mrs. H. Binger; effective and satisfying Cuticura Soap and ‘Ointm he treatment of pi - plexions, red, h hands, itching. scalps, wxions dandruff, dry, thin and falling hair, b yecaiso you need not buy them until you es them. aan eae ean mailed free, book. to Potter, "Date & Chem. Corp., Dept. Da Dens U.S. ADOPTING ENGLISH FASHIONS The Introduction of Knit Wear Has Effected a Change in China. Many Chinese women are adopt- i ian clothing, 2 dified t Chin “Dhis change, though limited as a comparatively Anderson of Hongkong. gkong shop win- dows—the more fashionable shops that cater to Chinese trade—are full of modifications of foreign dress for the use of Chinese women, and maniins displaying styles are of a distinctly disi eign Formerly warmth in ere id Cakes oe tained by a series of garments ol various qualities and dweights—the Biber: of ‘anddergarhients, all sim- outer garment, being meant to the temperature. The introduction of knit wear, how- ever, has made these several layers f clothing unnecessary, and change has resulted in a difference in the cut of outer garments. The coat, formerly Aa just below « es i able Chinese women now “generally affect foreign styles. Biles Ouyed 18 @ $0 14 Cierd gists ad ney PAZO OINiiibiva falls to. Sire itoung, Blind, or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. — 50c, TO SPEND LIFE WITH LEPERS. h Churchman to Tnitate Father Damien. S. Hewlett, cousin C aurice Hewlett, ins redigued.ehe eouilortabie-aivinie f St. Paul’s Church, Patem es a les himself like another issionary site Sirians the: Heber at Kumato, Island of An Engli DESERT CONDITIONS, Cattle Live a ow With No Moisture But e of Cactus. Té has ae proved by actual ex- periment that small rodents of arid regions are able to live for two or three saa on bake seeds and with- out any water, “New Trails ja exico,” aa Karl TLumholtz says that the ena 2 the desert have succeeded. ii ig ‘themselves al- ee jHdapeiklont: of the water sup- eeioles or burrows in the ground that indicate the presence of ro- dents or of badgers are often found in great numbers where there is no water Rgaror tnae = nes eee Flavored with delicious sauces. in a distant x of They have noequal, — x which Ae col na Belg hes had any knowledge. “The roving moun- ain sheep require more water, al- though Mexicans and Indians in- BIMds ton aice sist that they drink only when rain falls, |. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Strath, Toronto. F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Stock, Grain. or Dairy Farm Moreover, I have it on the au- thority of an intelligent and obser- 4 ow. Scie Pen St, Toronta. western rains, mie h ba has never scen their tracks at the water holes there, although he has | Appi aera them elsewhere not very ‘ar from water. Another Ane many years’ residence. » has shot déer southea ia dered) Somimuity.” sist dage!-work, Experience confirms this. his BE Wometttn, Goad ts nay Be It is certain also that. domesti-} used, Tnterazional sine Press Company, cated animals in the arid regions | 18 Spadina, 1 are much less depéndent on water NEWSPAPERS FOR ate. than those a moister regio b; WANTED. AGENTS FOR WEATHER | INS low ¥ rhe Canada’ Weather “Toronto, We will pay you $120.00 Insurance G00 WEEKLY IN tle wil ell for poral sethion wae S: Stadionery Pd Beal . usiness in ce on! au: yater than th juice of] s1'o00,” ‘Terms iiberal,. Wilson Publish- the ones wi Sih plant is A their) ing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street, principal subsistence. | Zotonte. Sven hor of their during th means. of je NURSERY STOCK. STRAWBERRIES, RASPBEREIES, FIFTS SS Narigties:. Frea, Cotslog. ve8e! do not come in to drink y day t MISCELLANEOUS ANCER, tern eee sonia mals keep. in surprisingly, good con- dition. me t; iman’ Medioal Mm one occasion in March, our ae and mules pinhead al dla h Be g83 orses that ‘: more fe the quality of the water they had had than from the lack of it. Man’s closest companion, the dog, how- ever, cannot adapt itself to desert eee ae Besides suffering from irst, the hot soil makes its feet re, and it does not know on which Even the dogs of the panting in the hot part of the day, Por Fe follow their masters in the cool of the evening. fF coarse, chiloest-asese? Bach th Sete gees: Father—Upon — my word, you ‘Auk’ your Grocer, cuildren are getting too dainty for LAWHINGE HUCK REINER) ure anything. Why, when T was your sve ge I was glad to get enough dry to eat. Robert—You haye a better dime = living with us, fathe WEAR OP UNHAPPINESS. much pn uy ots Ts 4 Most Unfortunate One to Cons tract, Especially in Karly 1 Is ae Wite Bad Tempered? Most wahappy people have heeome Oar "iso by gradually forming a habit of unhappiness, complaining about the weather, fault with their ia Insist. on Genie at ry kine oats aerate xtractor, 2b¢ awl deale A Linguist, SheDid fou have any trouble 8 ‘ aa with your Brench when you were in| t? contract, especially in early life, Paris ? didn't, but the Pa: |for after a while the vietim becomes Aik dithe tmdulacs hacone risians did, a slave. ai rie oe ntil a tendency to pes- Winard's Liniment Relieves Neuratgia, | Simism, or cynicism, is Ang mnie. ar —e- ur Burns, ' x spoiled boy has develop-| :Minres “Liniment OUTS SBA BE ed into a fresh man. Tage Starts wotsore Frederick—Pardon me, To Cure = ele fe oat Sey i Take LAX. S Tablets.” Di to {5 on euch box, do yer happen to haye a shoes dat would go wid dese strings ? yi tt W, GROVES wlgna: tur ise ait the different Kinds of Liniment 1) Kyyshyu. He belongs to the High Sues her Fence: Church congregation known as the Cowley Fathers. He is unma | sina aa oerarnimet tile ea meits i for Japan in August. At the leper , [colony he will be attached to the hospital known as the Resurrection ‘of Hope, which ee be- ‘Cholly—And was my present a tween and sixty patients. In purprise to youn sister? Willie—| an in’ u bet! Sis said she never thought ats is ae te: 1 have neyer a ’d send her anything so cheap. Try Murine! Eye Re medy Eye Remedy Murine “Iya Sos in Ai 5c, 50c. ‘an issionary work ime to make astart before I get too old for work IT have therefore decided to go among the lepers and sige my life to them, because I feel it my duty to do so in obedience ae my Divine Master’s sous ‘Tonle Qaed toe Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago Must Make Good, Freddie—Are you. the Nurse—Yes. m the Sone nurse. Freddie list’ $s see some of your: tricks, then, Minard’s eas Cures Dandruff. POWER asl SUNLIGHT. Sun-Power Plant a Success, Says an Expert. The result of the secretion, of the sun-power plant installed near. Cairo, Deyo egem aoe encourag- ing from: an expert point of view, and the hope is expressed that this pionser undertaking may meet with the full measure of success that it ves. “The average amount of steam generated an hour throughout the trials was 1,169 pounds. The maxi- uni amount 1 generated ty du ‘ing any one hour was obtai in any one hour was obtained between 3:15 and 4:15 p.m. on Aug. 25, and amounted to: 886 pounds. The total area of sunshine pallet produced throughout a four-hour trial on Aug: 10 was 693 pounds per hour, The mean steam pressure during the four hours was 1.2 pound per square inch) below setnosnbe ns and Kingston, Ont, pressure. There Was ae Doubt Odkins—How can tell that this is going to be a strenuous win- = Bodisins—hat's the size of ee ys sala Dangerous hoa Throat Troubles Prevented hy Nerviling easy! By IT ENDS aiseity OF COLD QUICKLY Don’t wait till night. : Get after your cold now,—this very minute, beforeit grows eneerdss you mae apply old-time “Nervi es Ru chest and niees rub. ee Wee FOuELES with Nerviline. Re- will be imme "Nervil ine wil, say re ‘ou from, lying awake to-night, coughing, choking and suffering from ae eo a the ches the thr ak iy the Oa arg gel. fa family in the Dominion. e has] by BROODMARES emper or Influenza, or aay may with absolute cafety In foal or foal at foot other, form, of Contag t na For! SPOHN’ s LIQUID DISTEMPER CURE iso is the very ta Remedy to pearept mares slipping foals, And ‘should bo give rt Suter ‘snd. all SUnErE in bran or st ry little trouble with i your horves, offiny kind “among SPOHN MEDICAL CO, : Chemists and Bacte tologists, oshen, Ind, U. S.A Vaseline A Blessing To Mothers A mother thinks carefully: when choos- ing an ointment for her baby’s, tender: skin. It must be pure through and through—must contain nothing that can possibly harm. This is what makes “Vaseline” such a great blessing to mothers. It is pure—absolutely pure—the best and safest ointment for the skin from earliest infancy, “Vaseline” is a great cleanser. It works into the pores and takes away all dit and impunties with it. Ib keeps the skin fresh, clear and soft, as Nature made it: There are severel di ict preparations of “Vaseline,” pat up in eollaps- ible tin tubes which ingurc untainted putt "Vasdline’” Booklet Fe 0 wt wn Vii ri ae dad gives tnany. other usePal Hioichold CHESEBROUGH MEG. CO. (Consolidated) 1 A \ Montreal Re tes, liberal ehh a 4 Minard's Liniment for sale evorywhere.