Her Great Love; Or, A Struggle For a Heart atree oa: —(Continued). Decim: to her heart. fine Sit noe do Te oe eal know ubt they have kept story from you, or as much of it a8 vahes could. ete haven't read 1) “Yes; every word,” she ani “mere bas a range ‘Tighe in het oyes, vyolee seemed to have gained [Brery, monds and seth. 1 innocent! I kno} He glanced at hi Pa “Tt is a lucky thing oe im that he es- eaped having to face a jury,” he enid, with say that, he was In eur even t L were con- vineed that done it— She stor ed and looked beyond him ae if she di dia not im. see o demaadhed el She lowered her eyes ‘to hig face. cE should love, jim stilt!” “came slowly from her white Mershon’s locked to: reyes” peemed gis a aid.” m Meee A tiga bx ae woe ands peck, you to ‘stand by yours. “I undertook, the event of your marrying me, to take er your fat) pro- ther’ abilities and to = ‘The tooteteps and there ¢: tered Gaunt. wale and it rolled uy ‘Lord Gai unt!" yw do. duietiy— often astonishe Pox et fs ate oa air. Belto mt stood ibe. deol BN Sestouey. overmaster- wd dae mad!" he 52 t—er—yes, self-peesession and sang-f Rot seldom puzzled How do you do, Mr. Lang: ‘acious, my lord, do. you come? Where a outside the doo: and tell them Bat ead Br, Belfor Ta NS aie hed ‘the door. ox Ssclamation and fell back, and in, Mr. Belford dropped his hat on. the desk the floor. heeded to ‘and he étare? sepet, and gaped at the tall eure aud hogeard face, do, Mr. Belford? sai? ig. with that nds feted which had d his legal advisers and an samnoyed rhe. Tam afraid ‘on the other side of the ‘a momel ne is—is at home at ve. But—but, Lord ‘you come from? broke in Gaunt, almost rn The Ta Tawyers stared at him. thas been very i Gaunt’s pale | SS But she is ‘aid, Ga atta ‘That fe, ehe is better. She face worked. better. She is at home. where have you come. gasped Mr, aunt, as quietly ac before. have not Icarned t exp 10, Coie regarded him gravely carry out my part of the contract. You| eonnt Re Ok ne Son *2| “Yes,” hi “T saw the accon it I can not! acca a, wea 2 betore, Ther ver. ur turned away as if ehe felt that it va ‘walk. se would be impossible for him to wndersiand i on't Fou ait do mn my lord Bs — ed lowly and thoughttaily amen aoe nie jelly glasses. Cover with par- what now meant, and Merthon, w: 3 Wotel. Hi f the safe: r) s his Jordship- let's tel mien athe haa | gaunt he gna Baek Fronts is eine King's Yam.—Four pounds of he leaped into It gnd, drove home % ‘he whieh Mie, MADR pre ss a grapes, two pounds ot “sugar, three- and entered. the hall, Ti ister: me. out a ma “we meaner «yan: const iited, A GIANT STEAMSHIP. from the drawing-room. & tele: i Baliora could not go pa hg a hand, but in his fury he qh as am_ eres od gut goes S aut New Cunard Liner Aquitania Has Where are you going?’ he demanded, | 49 ‘it; . Inner and Outer Shells. foprae nae CE to NeW es eae ir Helfand gunk’ into his chair He if bag «| bad, he thought, grown accustomed Ga The new giant Cunard line steam- faltered. f Mistaben Male matiiand ol te previane | PED ihe Aquitanil, which is now be- BE ntil ngthing of | the S| experience “a not” he atammerea [228 T4pidly prepared for sea, having fee jain el This is a de- u—you di be icious cons ¥ 101 en launched on April 21, 1913, Pie what a hae Mav puisd> Thisodore?” BUTT TOME Te aaa Het deca tiie yard voto the builders Nesslerode Puddi One “enp e asked, y. 3 > “phe engagement’a broken off!” he eaid, tna ges Tool onaueh to.conimit & MONET! yy a. Join ie Go ;, Olyde-| whipped: cream, one- hall cup pul- Analy, aR he Aon ng bie hat agide and _ ank, Glataow, ‘Srotan combines | verized eee one tablespoon gela- Barbet ot ae wearer lod that |in her design and conauchon the| tin, one cup shopped candied cher- as t ero 8 erdict of | willful murder Serene. aatcnsvahia bie eto ries, pineapple, and English wal- 600 1. . tion deduced from the construction ae eae the gelatin in one- Til Danish her! 'T'vo got that gid fool of sai “Ard I have| and performances of the Lusitania third cup hot water and mix all s fathier of Tiers at ig thumb—a cea Gated ee Teese ist stati|and the Mauretania and the man lightly ee Flavor with vanil- an, the brother. Cll pun- : : i tee tio | them. Yes, Vil have them fe eee the window; but Mr. Lang|Otber famous ships that have pre-|la and pour into mol stand on Poaes. ove oe the _Sineet within a week! | ceived him by the arm aol dear him back | ceded her under the Cunard fla: as for several hours. Serve with “ae ; neodoret e falte ered. _ “Poo! Se ies pang rhe built xe} Ww Darton ber ; oi < poor chil ou will not— an: uri, ie venty~ = is a id ae nant sneer. pretty, eh ila! eRe Ga tionckhe sin x ae borat th that beret | dlr ha fg dragred, Gaunt tro mi the WiD*| ong Way. OF trother Rienkedan ai Boil three ounces of rice in Eo What! “lo you. think pane ee Mi ae Re hemiol fury and ah Gonet ag leaning against the wal ity ot your jerhie at rhe telegram. He raised is fread” presen nd his lips moved, put tig ata ae “the ay eae fei from iguanas srg 14 tase spa oul Ing, ehe went forward ‘and picked” 40 uD. did | os Rat prevent herr and tie read” the: wire, pees i mas from Mr, Gliaby, ‘the lawyer, and | #™y_, fald Gaur thu tom of the sea. “AN D’s bills met. Bome one he under.| and. an taken to discharge all his liabilities. Will write.” on seemed to awake from his stup- ee Mpa gontoning the teloetnm from, her. he-want upstairs. “Bhe watched him for a poment,. then her lips” moved she breathed eo : Mein ise tis. went unsteadily up the ataire ce by. the (balustrade and mbling like @ man with.» a need “to aek ha sha. eon He. knew that Gaunt had stretched an hand. from ie fa grave, og It wore, to chield and protect "no on the “evening Far the same is Balford wae arrani wing his fone? ‘on Mls leek preparatory to ving hard day, 3 looked tired and worri and ae the opened, and his Darner, Mr. Lang, put vai head round it, Mr, Belford glanced “nearly ready? aaked Mr, Lam riety had both handsome houses at Dul- pane: Be pee ene a ind conveni- nt ‘ard together. ar eine the“ senior ner, with nt Belford & Lang tidings of thelr lie reg ic es of thelr client, ish ne. T'm rata ta it ig hope. t any now. mugp hi Mr. Belford nodded ad <i sighed egr fellow! Though, ai ter all, afraid one ought to fest mere relief ten are sala een is He might have end- esture. Be te i ion to, young ‘Lond Neve the next hi jaunt, I suppose Ke now; oe ‘a Page ene my Mae qe Teach an eingular thing j a) the. love’ of travel and’ wenden yun i theo the family Oh’ and that sphlow, ee has been oH ed "ua “Well, i afr sak ven? Paes tae ea ee eon a money’ to eciveh, You see, Sur Gaunteliond: if ced Gps yppoesible | Anyway, neat wilt lad to got turn’ up, the’ ni ido} pose?" said “Er—yes. go Ms 0 Monte, Cari nama d indorsed the Es a ‘seh, Brg ase em ‘overcoat ‘from mr ses Mr, Glieby?” you st ae by Re mpleh a ‘ed hearin ‘I never tin fe Iite @ man sorry Tery worry? there {4 no doubt of ths Tery worry; there is no doubt o Je evident that that man Morehon Dent CER, ruining the Deanes.” lford shrugged his shoulders 2 ai mystery,” Ig orp ofiaont dai ake id, of course, the young Jady, Mies Deere,” Was “the. season, eng ves, 1 eae rs! I feel eo worried ? Tfigo, I'll turn, out the indon the. key. when they both tet step: on the staire. ‘An’ the ler! 5 and the two principals aan ire ‘alone the office, who can that be?” par Mr. Bel- ee ‘estily "Whoever iti shall not replied | ? eald Mr.’ Lang. , on that deed | srr 1 he a and not Gaunt at ust ton vata pcb sperated Mr, Frou do p eg gble_beon perm! “T wish roa 'y strong,” real M Gain looked ack put th Deane’sdieghara. reed; you,” rather tired— Tae." night Sie vom come hime the int — ak pnplensantness. Mor] fre ‘meal in liberty. he parti ‘We have man erence fal acs in Gaunt enon.” tently. hotel.” Hike to" enon stay. We Thal Jose our train,” je to me fi sider. Both Pa urtuers without reason. Shost had walked Into the room. shrugged his ka le $00 me Bad indlereviee. shaven ek: Belford. He spoke almost. cheerfully. he had. heard that Decima was safe at The ater a‘ thing that concerned himself. pi cant Underetand how you have been ermitted—to reach he -eaid. 601 re thers, tion, Rotwithetay hae teal eeoinl aed Se Seriously, Lord Gaunt, the evidence ie mind my emokin Site. d wag a SU ih Taal it Um Permitted to get through that replied Mr. "We will go with you not, better frown ‘than T am, ea a font bed event 1 ae sleep. rd the yacht her- question. krow, that: do anything rash, id. “Give us time to—to ‘were very much agi ted Tt was ae if @ shoulders, ner oF later; why Lord Gaunt!" he erhaps it will help wp nten 1 sayogravely and em. ally—that—th hat we are sorry more sorry than I mt I am elive, and. on to be fae- nd the music must. h: Now that better, nothin Sage pcan Cae us,” said it oS Hee sare petted Bn ap | Pant ” said Mr. Lang under his from one to the other. ? Thanke.” ie bl pose nine if you do?” e question quietly, and Tesentmen! ot ulm in gilenes do eran then he eaid: “No, I nother UDia. an attend to that, matter of | Mr. deb! ze his Belford, almost, fm. carried out your inetruc- Mr. Deane's liabilities provided — fo1 said Gaunt. “And_now, ank ised 1 4m at your Disposal I aw have not slept much of artnere conferred ii in whispers, th |r Belford Se you could spend the} lace farbed, Lord Gaunt? Will ‘with one o: for oth but I don't Wowie harboring a ie you would ran the Fisk OF No, thanks, Till go Pasa amor eek G 7 it James, o id Mr. Belford, Tr neste Can av that, he wlll do be € beat and Tuced reatcel e can. He is the By the way. is. Boskelt us at ated tr ater Gaunt had heard’ of the "famous o1a|° rit He smiled grimly. aS Relford. ded Mr, "Do-vou realize the—the MA which you stand, “T thi he maid. “At ate, know that will do your best for me; Belford; and Iam’ eratetul. “Twill Eo now. 3 You said that Mies Deane was— wae Bell ord, faid Gaunt. “Fai ight ndidly, ee a the morning. If I epiie Bel- | rd. Then— then-you wore eared? You | Ga alive giv: 8 rtners exchanged glances~ one sharp. legal glance. eae ates oe i nie 12e on that— +} ania, according mn the so: Fresh from the Gardens | « of the finest Tea-producing country in he world. Ceylon Tea. Sealed Lead Packets oe sa BLACK. *° DREN Try it—it’s delicious. Tested Recipes. rested before you come, 1 will send for you." hook hands with the: a his. heght em and went Sem ep, Sawa the. sae ers gaped at each othe. said that there was madncet family!” exclaimed Mr. | Belford ‘He takes it a2 coolly if it were a @ of a month or forty wT dont beligve he eid Mr. Lang. “Then who did?” Temarked retorted Mr. Belford: newer, a Gaunt went down into the street. His n i “{eoolness and. sang-froid had. been aaive ae ana Salad.—Cut ban in free from affectation. Now that Decima |< and dress Be eae diese was ae not in the ‘3 t in d degree matter what became of him. ne ten put back in skin. Chop lamps had dighted, and the 6t pars! ES uts together ay of the largest. and wealthiest city Ort Re eo es 5 he apis over it and serve on lettuce ihe Hb istellgen is Pa of the thin; a a intelligent, foreigner, | visiting Tang ret ee it aout ies and Apples.—One cup of ric ale five cooking apples. ge “tt was = rather a long walk from Belford & Lange office "to Morlet's, hut Gaunt W. = the rice wel in several wa- elcomed it. It gave him time to think.|ters, pare and s the apples Mr. Dobson, ot anding the evi-| Gover Nat 5 gee sd | deri q against Gant, had a aera Cay with Aree When boiled} © ed his innocence, i ed.|sweeten to E i eee $1 : taste. Eat withecream. Gaunt from. returning to eee look nice whip the whites of two eggs, sweeten, earer | |the dish, brown in the oven for a| pus, take oe Sy put drops of urrent jelly o1 | Cranberry pees Four cups eerie, four cup “granulated - four cups wate: secede raisins, one cup satiah ai \nut meats, broken:in small bit: ts, One orange and o ing himself ref to ‘dissuaded what. and 28 a family they were ch in thig respect, Iiad never 1. Gaunt had resolved =I one lemon cut in Mix ingredients and til it thickens, thea o na and al DOsG} Leaving Belford 's tangs omee mediate predecessor. | Water until tender. The Sce figures of the Aquit- to information sup- Cunard Steamship e :—Length, 901 3 depth hes; gross ton- nage, 47,000 tons ; a 23 knots; necormmodation for 3;250 ‘passengers : al ix well-chop- opped parsley, 50 Form plied “by the pan, ov Bests atoes of medium size. Scour weight, |thoroughly.. Bake of the great stea consideration of unusual condition: fs and, like everything else ond ons aly. Cut an opening in the ath the construction, senensed ar-' flat top ae sc008 out the potato. rangements being m: on teeaiaae with salt and pe BPS and otuisaitode ae ree Heese requiined | Bulier and mall, ote eat, retur by the the shell heaping up lightly. Boke An oan feature of the Aqui-|the top of the mashed potato with S i inner skins averages apy F ee salt and cook twenty a nuallee ons Hishteaeoen pint of the cooked Bee eS Say. to starboard side. | (haddock, cod or a whitefish), two combined sy e and jonion sliced lo natin sfukertinht subdivision was in sufficient safeguard and one-half tablespoons ainst ‘eoting but furthe: Bs ey oneal yeas of fitting Ma ree in one pint salted water for tertight decks which was introduced | into the construction of the Lusi- and the Mauretania. remove skin a1 of fish, s: tape 8 of view of ing water. Cut salt pork and onion Aquitania |in small pieces and fry five minute Hise ath, iberair, the enibodiea he main features of the Mauret and pe) rolling tanks, es ie Boke 80 eager: if desired. cei 3 Hints for the Home. 2 oe on scale Seanieennu vate ie the scant ee of ship. The} When making a cake al always mix class pul rooms ide |the spices and bakin, us eS powder with the flour before it is | A good black ink ee with the will restore the color fic Aes room, hall ai lounge, smoking roo) cee oh foyer, restaurant, {grill room and dining room on leck ‘ol ere are also @ gymnasium < to the water in Ca 8 celothee” are. Paashed will render them fireproof. | To prevent caval from ravelling hen cub O LOWS e ae ‘ine abiehing hers it is t an stogerier eight decks ‘on which pas- : Giolla whieh haves be: msive than is required by any }way. egulations, and exceptional n-} Rice may be subs teiuted for mac- N}caroni as a dinner dish. Prepare it ee ernie phe and bake it in OY | the A Te ee “drops of ammonia in the water in which silver is washed will hens it bright for a long time with- out cleaning. fo the tation of iiteboats, sncluding mo-) cups potatoes cut i in cubes, one-half lie nie aes up beautiful in this a c + st 2 | stewpan. An’ “He fell into the. eae over at on the foundry, mum.” the care Pour a little melted lard be the frame and the casting AGE an @ little, also, on the cor To remove fishbone from th: shroat cut a lemon in half and suck she juice very slowly. This will dis ahs, the fishbone, and give instan: te. distinguish cotton from liner moisten a § f the material. If she material wets through instant- y_it is pure linen; nd it ake up moisture so quicl paraffine Dieccpolisted wae apathere at r ere is always a cause for a flickering kerosene oil light. Either the top is clogged, the wick himney is a misfit or a draught of wind may be blowing into the room clean velyet stretch it taut, pie upward, over a Deca at boil- deca oe iisough tins veleni tere cneeoat. Pera SERRE inne econ rush, When the eyes ache relieve them by closing them aia. haw ation bathe them with hot water to which a few drops of witeh hazel has been de To test silk, fray oa ok threads and break them. running lengthwise shoul running cro Ware tying doughnuts it is soo idea i oe a di is Fiche: te ae a gilt a fork aad d A CENTURY OF PEACE. John A. Stewart, executive chairman “and<chief or- ganizer of the American movement for celebrating a hundred years of peace between Great Britain and ee States. His home is in New Yo! table an nh he au down out of the way. ie ot in ui An ordinary pie- chimney placed in the centre of a pan of alk ue yents it Boiling over, W! mences it does so “eirough the little Sena xy, and there is not} the slightest chance of its boiling over. oe 4 ee aoe put some rine $i By. tania, as in the Lusitania and Mau-|melted butter, return to the oven the fron ofthe tnoat eee Pise retania, is that extending through- aud leave until ats ae is gold- of than glycerine poultice e out the most vulnerable parts there /en brown. This makes an excellent war spatisies tn OHS: is that great ee ratum, a ship, dish for lunch or s te Ga tole aoe ea a within Tn other words, | Cabbage.—Cut a small head in | il.. When the ted vic pare GON i sandy soil en they are rooted, late die tac: <hella’ whe annse as soak for one-half hour) trancplant them to window bo well as the aukek shell being water-|in salt water to draw o1 y in-| or separate pots. Keep th quite warm, give them abundance deal of feet, and ort: saterval there to use a ravelling fro) e are. *palktend naividine this inter- te forty-five minutes, dependi: ing on bate Wheve=thare sae hole, pat mall the age of the cabbage. Drain in under it a piece of the same materi- 4 ‘under. a olands ae erates chop fine, | 41, carefully matching the pattera. ason ter, ses ee If the darning is carefully done the hole will not be noticeable: r sea Tet - Tinted to' small area at the age cooked in this manner willbe, ‘hates bowtie, "children’s In n to this of delicate flavor, and may be gen-|'P8.) race ion there are six-|erally eaten without distress. ell oe ene obj make | ® Ikheads extending athwart-| Fi ler.—Two pounds fish |, up, as it is so springy and won’t idt] In- Jeng Yon wil Bad S hes be- It will become a creamy consistency. and all it Seale Taanie aud As tania, wit add onions if wished. Make a| nen done is a sedsoning of salt additions consequent upon incre: hite sauce of butter, flour and| oq peppe ed beam and-length. ‘The Agnita-) milk, and . Season with nia is also fitted with Frahm’s anti-|salt pper, and add brokea eae ee Breaking it Gently. “T hey come to tell yuz, Mrs. Ma- lone, that yer husband.met with an aceident.2? Sn’. what. was it, now?’’ wailed Mrs. Malone: “He , Was overcome by the heat, mum. tore ercome by oe beat, was he.|* how did it hap; Conceit (Limited). Die dgenion 9 ne (Thinks —-he’s the “whole ‘he division of the ship into wa- loome Mallee soak in buttermilk for ching does ee ihe oe tune ae artments is much more| one week, then-wash in the fisual ae ai tet pea ae os Side? Tub Ve certainly. oor a himself a quorum. The Exception. “Patience is a virtue,” Wise Guy. “Yes, especially i in the people we owe money to,” amended the Sim- quoted tor lifeboats, to aceommodate rd the passengers on boa When a window’ is difficult to ple Mog: rises | of a ponibte aid at hi ee boiling science vonnmands, ach cake severe i ‘ i lash it quickly into the boiling wa-|is called upon |ter and out agent: your kit is small and then the ordeal may be anes crowded, take out “tie eee ue severe for doctor as it is for and have a hinged shelf le. Ajtient. er, shelf Suayere every purpose of a EST OF SURGEON'S NERVE IPERATIONS PERFORMED UN- DER TRYING CONDITIONS. Cool Work of Doctors in Hospital While Building Was Afire. = few weeks ago a workman en- ged on the top of the roof of a fail building at Springfield, Ser +9, dislocated his fae ee m- possible to bri ‘im dargeeh sienbeturs ae Prolicare ting astride a girder, hundreds of feet above the crowded street, pro- seed to eae renat the and that hardly a.scar remains, seems to him to require almost superhu- man skill. Supreme Test. eis ae doubt but t that a y a SSE; Even in the perfectly lit and equal strength with the wool Pecan peretly appointed operating thea. a great Roemiial: with every and that ern the task 6 Yet athe and often the surgeon to perform pa tions without any suc For Tapas in a railway acci-| dent. One winter station Ge: Marlestbwnk near Warrington, slipped and fell between tie Sul moving train and the Plat form med in haste, Sunt shat. hie. “nly possible meth- od of extricating the ee ee) to Rtn one of hi _, Instruments were fetched, and as er persons see matches 46 assist the sur- “Wi hat made the horrible business it to ob ight ant appliances, the ration was Ablolly ri“ auc oseetally finished, and the sufferer removed to a hos- pital Operating Under Fire. Often in war time surgeons hav had Yo oper ttlefield, sometimes peels under ete But it was under fire of a different sort operation was to remove an inter- nal ulcer, but five minutes after ane ad begun it was aiovered that at eneptel ee afire. e the patient was to kill “ "The. at nae iB ms roar | nlainiy Heard and the hiss of war te the ose. Presently wa- ms 8a fro ter began a eooie through ne roof and pieces of wet plaster thudding to the floor. The nurses ¢ up umbrellas and ue the: e doctors. the man to another department. peat? “acea, Foresighted. New Maid—Would yez mind giv- ing ne fe Mkemmadation, mum ss—Why, you’ve only just “New Maid—But yez may not want give me wan When I'm lavin’s Had Heard of Burbank. oni with a violet scent. Much oe tae < the matter ‘My wife found a ates ik my ket.” “T see. One you had forgotten to ail.’? “No; one I had forgotten to burn.” When Sir John Millals was paint: ing ‘Chill October," among t reeds and rushes of the h odes fe “Man, ‘es I 80, reed. the voice aa bina, are the placa,’ A man who had been absent for a considerable time, and who dur- ing his travels had Sees nt is mair like t! tle girl hi n_his speuat favor- offer to galute ae swith aS qual kiss. sa mother fiend a the ona, “1 don’t see any ge ae = “E Wa LE? ETE ourAN [activites UF wou | tures of wome The mills of pola ec en Bley teeny 30,000 we r 900 nurses pie Sana ae he Moscow hospital, the largest rn Europ: santa colleges in the United States are better equipped than those for men. ise Elspeth McClelland is one the most successful.architects in nd. Saglen Women are prohibited from work- ing at nights in Mens) Ne-— braska and In ecperiine e tho Teteat. statistical there are 000 French families without pies Berlin hag a store where the bie} ngland has 86 women plumbers, 231 women blacksmiths and 56 fe- male carpenters and fourteen wo- men maso: e. Nazimova, the Rupsien act- ress, hie never worn ‘set be: cause she does not sieve in tor- elf, Washington public schools are if, teaching girl pupils how to keep a father, mother and three childeen elk, __ Granny Seott, who died recently ate a pipe for nearly 100 Seng the frst sic months ‘of the fiscal y 51 Japanese arrived in British rbuideibia, Tot whisk Bao sera alowing for losses in slack sea- son, three quarters of the women workers in Rios sat city receive less than $400 iss ‘Christie “atoms bas been clenies clerk in San’ arbara, Cal., by an ov erehelming ee ayer beerhale epeoaa e extensive Allen ate works ry Miss Kat! According to a prominent ‘New ‘ork theatrical manager x nt. of his matinee audience is feminine an nt, of the n 75 night audience i is the Mrs. Grace A. Leathe owns oo Saint Louis real estate other woman in that city, bub had to borrow $100,000 recently as she claims ie is land poor. Mrs. Kate W. has been ap- pointed - police i ne a that place y police commissioner in India- x s Kate Penner and Berns CHIPS WITH THE BARK ON. Drinking whiskey has put many men in deep Ne man is rich who does not think he is. ‘The! m man of few keeps them busy. It is = to have a square \ ‘oun man ‘ro} It ii words often is nae orthodox to op- ose osthodox ember the f fate of the steak that i is tough—it is made into hash. . i etc A Fine Husband. URS husband. Ae, he’s eae for her to have | anything she ca eiceee one n-greditel 2 te During the the Tiff. She—Before we were married you ues to ees me in your arms. s and now I catch you in my ae “Theré’s a great art,’” an: Trish- man once declared, “in knowing what not to Hiey, whin yez don’t — want to know i The microbe never worries ‘the man who is not aware of its exist- ce. “Gladys Jane has a perfectly. e a