2 os ies SEVERE COLD ON LUNGS AND eee eee il elect for - 2 2 3 itv of the Township of fee ees GHEST QUICKLY RELIEVED The council clect age ‘this aaa ‘ a su tatute, Bs S é all it ots the Agricultural hall. re ral ae aoe on Dru-Co oiled of ae ed, a trccbise bneenoee "| _ Mr. J. Seward, Bromponriles Que., members of council subseribed the de-| “ute claration of qualification and déelar-| which seek ates, co. was very sore, breath “ Monkton’s Popular Store’ OFFERING GENUINE BARGAINS In order to reduce our heavy stock Just before stock-taking we are | Men’s stylish Overcoats, black and hest ing tight and severe I bought a tile of Na-Dru-Co Syrup o Linseed, Licorice and: Chlorodyne ai ® ine 4 e g 4 wog q BE £ a 8 EB m The minutes.of ast. meeting were 2 ead. aporoved/and signed by the Rot ae to gid meee sig, (Next Clerk for year “1914, Carrie Seam Sy sre heh and vB A ‘Wood. seconded by ere: Tea rou) before re conipleting the ote fata'wel John Mok hat Thomas Reidy ri of furs and fur coats, we are ofer- | picking out all remnants and ends | tweed on at bargains tc suit ‘Sine Gu fine cough and cold | eppointed Collestor for 1014 i is “ = ldren’s Hospital. Toronto. 8 oak ie ing a discount of 25¢ on the dollar | through the whole stock — which | everybod Muree is Ganiee nese gaat ou ¢u-Co Syrup of Linseed, Litorie Sf ree Oe a ee ean Bea ie on all furs and fur coats. mean BARGAINS throughout the Beas LoRmbeds be Shpainter: werk ot and Chlorodyne relieves, the Irritation | vointed Treasurer for * i : whole store. Just received a large shipment of an-| ages, soothes { offsite which nike water Gatfncy” Ree arth Men’s curly cloth lined and rubber | new spring goods — such as New Aes hae ETERS ENT CMR Ce an sont loosens the phiegm and |John A, Rudolph be appointed aud- , interlined Coats with fur collars at | Men’s quilted lining and fur collar | Prints, : New Cottonades, : New i atercourses “Act ete <eoid before getaosbe: “Saved be Sr Gatfney sevontia ye 20 per cent. off. Overcoats at 20 per cent. off. Shirtings, New Wash Goods, : Nees ce 3c ad Be bottles, at your | bv. .A. Wond that H.G. garmuth , Dace 8 rath, eeitations | D aS rug: ie miata ie rte assessor for 191: ‘a 5 ie HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE Ptcoiary eich os ved by John Mogk seconded by K by te lory. Smit Sree aes = Peter Gaffney that M, Regan. Wm tous SONEGAL. Bauer Ed. Fuller and T. Winter- ingham be appointed sheep valuators re : 1914. d, Be les sinter eae eee “Moved by F. A. Wood. seconded by { farm stock and implements at Mr.| ohn Mogh. that Dr. A. D. Smith be ra Fred. Seelhoff's on Tuesday. of oe nea MLELO;. That GG; Covebe ‘Moved by Iliman—McClory that 7.| Week who has disposed of his farm|<¢\ te appointed representative mente REESE CEI A ER EGE G Ratcliffe and G. L. Adams be ap-|8%4 intends moving to Milverton. Mr, : ; fod Mrs, Seelhotf and family. were | BOF of the local Board of Health and pointed auditors. to audit sera and Mrs Seelhoff and family. were} 29m Seung fd of Healthy and per and $15.00 for preparing fin- ancial statement he to furnish satis- RET a pent Os ERS AY I ET LR at BE Digi Pe IG ME PG PAIRS Me SPP AE MEGS SNE ee Oe ge REIS Ey Pe 4 i for the year 1193. at a salary idely known and spotter, eyes ar. b | LINWOOD. Le re eg: | Moved by F. A, Wood. seconded by | ence ier Ee enny tis j von Mogk. that Dungey Bros, be ap r H. C. BARLETT | ore and Mrs Harry Krentaweiser ote SE ea tein aA < gn Wor | ointed custodian of the townshin bs of Wellesley are spending a f sees e cfs 5 nesday iney Tan a vball. Carried. fi . | UNDERTAKER \daya'with his brother here. Moved bs Contes-—Himda thet Below Ber WJ. Bbbkis Sth. conducted) “Mfoved by IF. A. Wood. seconded by f . | Several of the members of the [o.|"in Halnenny be anpottcy Gheyear|. Mr. Alex, nears -| John Mogk. that this council do now i Teean atkain O.F. lodge journeyed to Elmira on |of the Townsts of WO Carried te pendi es ton.’ form into committee on salaries — of ae aioe of oes and. installed the | 1014 at ® saleey ry Smith tha j officials and that the Reeve act as 4 officers of that lodge. ss i Pridaya tis bertson.” | chairman, Carried. They are decorati he a ve hd pets e rai noon a friendly game! ‘Moved by John Mogk. seconded wy present for the wedding to be held on|P® appointed members of is pul 1' peter Gaffney that the report of ere cine iw Aus Thursday night. It is SiBAve garnet ot ey ee Ce ol Newey sad Deere vin, | committee 28 salaries be adopted as i i 5 re Bal eacW ate Ls ¢ the rink manager is taking advan-|P° : game resulted 2- v Doneant read: Car : We have just received the largest ship asc et geleres tame of the free license, Boys cet | Penses attending Baa e oie a eutee Bee in fever of oneal No se oo ee or Gatines sounded i ment of Rubbers that ever arrived in now prepared to. meet ready for rivari, : aavesicas 5 ne Li : f i Monkton for one merchant and are en- st a Gea ee tal ‘Monday =e of $50.00 for tanking Lampe bie eta: distek bs F a aa fecnte fi AVE) the township and $1.00 for the ona ur. district : : abled to flimislt any style or Jast. | Our sou : jth youne| mile tn, cot foe Sa eRe lec Ta ae Sure by Boer Galton seo ata ing Gataat Pinay wakes t joyed an e ‘s RA § ltY by John Mogk that by-law No. 51 rubber boots for men, women and child alg, fa do Furniture ines skating on (our aena/ on = Peeing ts sontenlees See or ie atdiios a si is ores confirming the appointment of tows- ren are all made by the Consolidated see eo palatian a nee 1 train is being arranged t foved Smith—Hlman, that der. program condition 8a lence ey, erica tee nee 5 oe a i : es from severa the So e Rubber Company and are guaranteed. iP anluy denzneavaes go to Listowel ea in green a iy = valle Di ya aaa aa eee of the ‘members also| read LOGY paRAe " Ties a @ mn Tuesday night next.|2 ate ‘ a n' and Clerk be authorized to sign 20% Do not delay in getting a good. comfor- Come along and cheer the b 0. 1, David Baga ci ee joys tol, E, eatoe pone eb (2/8. John Cowan table rubber, as nothing is so disastrous SEIS Oe Four bauie etc Weo oundee atbAC behe Horn and that cach. by * Levi ‘ 7 | $2.00 for e2 a to health as damp, cold feet. H. C. BARLETT conlead oF PRagnee was for gale | 2|necessary business connected wards served at Mr. D, Hymer's elderbe 2 daors fais Preabyeen: at lowest prices. duties Of SHEERS Le ware dene ee ee Johnson Bushfield, G Coveney jan ehureh e night end Sun- iiss Evelyn Roe spent Monday in| Moved by Tman. Sine ee and |casion. ly decorated for the ve- William Harvey J’ J. Regan and OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT jay calls aaa acer law No. 0. 64 41. UO z offioe ae etl) Mew. 8. Buchan ' Alex. Chalmers. amounting to $11.08 Mr John Duench is spending a | officers’ salaries a nship of od acquaintanece he vine ich neMie each for services rendered’ as deputy few days Sith friends in Waterloo, |{Elma for dag eorate “assed and | Messrs Willie and hdwin Backag so) returning offi ee The m and Miss Ruby |® third time be finally passed: ane) aa wm. Anderson, | ren | _ Moved by John: Mogi. “seconded” te N ROSS s Mon kton Gost apent a neat Dorking.c = [the meere and Clerk sign th e same : derson, ae ine . . hoeman MONKTON. Messrs. Alf. Runstadler and “Jos,|amd attach, the corp porate Seah set ce printing contract for a ce fs 8 to. © f townshi 914 at i ACioe ch sie ale ak lo ee tome: oe “aieChory Beatie Te ne weeks with friends tn this viemity. | 80 gg" Garmed bree tended the Mitchell—Stratford- hoc- sie Golightly of Monkton — spent is bea) oe : ‘ad ee Moved by F, A Wood. seconded by —— kev ena at Mitchell on Friday | the week-end with Miss Grace Stione as fol No. © John Mogk. that this council ask the evenin Messrs Barnev Lantz and Milton joates WARTBURG, county council to memorialize th= Bac dene wohe ot Sebringville- re- Guetetor Minlra pene Sinder uni ir } ‘ gislature to amend the statutes im presentative of the Berlin ugar a be ae zal Clor ry: No. . Bath akaaecthat Good sleighing now prevails and the | relation to County, Engineers ap- HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LARGE STOCK OF Companys ine 2.90. this ‘vistnity on gzim reaper| Moved by ‘tman—Coate a tat god | formers are busy with their Leaning. | point issioners to. inspect ‘Tuesday securing as much acreage us Dee c nad cactnt oneal our ola Sao cs Ha: é ‘oads as it is the opinio: he could for sugar beets. aie gatetined citizceein ie person of & each commissioner e ig any al the ane ital. : a . ‘Mr. Peter Cameron..of Shakespeare.| Mr. W. Pogson who wav Me ioe FAS teins a t the | towel | A i) spent a few days in this vicinity last | the ripe ol £90 years. For thy time for returning the 70 /bey ed up auite 4 | township eounell and should i ‘ week renewing acquaintances. | the past number of ‘3 Mr, Poz-| be extended ti CUE ne ae shipn item zed statement to said wath e “Dad” Sanders we regret fo hear tnade rith his daugh Y Besa 0. that He , . is again under the weather but we tert John 8 he Fars ae vi d_ v a ‘Towa sae re Messrs. Robert and Stanley He: su tee punta to $119.50 were hope that fe will goon he: able to be Se Rrane © near) By-law No, 6 f the Yownshiv | Of |attended the Stratford Orange ordered yald when oR mo ‘otion of John ; : out again, | nt a ic and Deter Gaffney meeting ad- We are:showing an excellent display. of and Mrs, Juliua Horn gave eae Relief Drain By LO oe eee ty wicak cealk Ree irik “at home” to a number of their mar- me be Analy ye ssa the se che usual time. and place, - Carried WATCHES, CHAINS, LOCKETS, RINGS, TIE PINS, CUFF ried friends in qhe villager on’ use: 1 Gc Bie le ET ach hea onan & : dav evening. | jel tHe BOr yore HAWKESVILLE, LINKS, JEWEL CASES, and BROOCHES Ye maydens of the village gave an| futh Carrie ee mber of pe oaae eee Acai . M, Forwell. of Waterloo _visit- olde tyme ball in Erskine’s halle on Tuesday night 4 Mr, John White cee a dav home over Sunday. d Mr: = on Huber spent Sat- ‘ at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES in W - Sulsetehedibe the Yat and 6: y and all report having fo. in Diilverton last and a 3 Pike enc Hip att ating th ¥ a ed ¥ a ne ‘Miss Albertina Nie of Denbeig: i a ha Fo ah is attending ¢ We carry a complete line of PARISIAN EBONY GOODS, FANCY ears ™ tn Me oak Cee sear general — nship Berlin ihusiness Colle eS Kenzie attend stallation Reble ole am for ee Will. Spies ma men business SLD EA PERS kod: PERFUMES: officers at the “Sitche u cae 3.0.0; ae ea! y Yuen Wreund business ico: Lochhead: Clerk. trip to Berlin and Waterlogan. Sk on Monday evening, 5 inweed on Thursdey sikh | bein oats esst's, Robert Henry. day. 4 aitaa sigr weuae ct Murr Simon Nubn. Ecker‘ Jarry Huber. of é | = > and Henry spent @ couple of days at his home The Monkton and Atwood nooks yn the ede thick: to report Mr. Henry Bhyovt on Soe sick 3 nd Mrs. Stephen. Mrs, Hen: e' Sr... who dis laamites Rebena spent eet been ace the doctor's oare is nov; Elmira, i hy wood lunch,» A} re ASPLENDID LINE OF SILVER POLISH ON HAND in not annual meeting wood public iib rary Jan re 2 3 Mr. ialoya Kniptel, of Berlin, visit at Mr, Peter Dentinger’s over Sunday Mr. Alf. Bush spent a few days in { Waterloo last week, a spe Ports col J. A. HANSON, monkton, - ont. wee froin -aisi ae and M Brow: Ww. Hamilton Se ee conducted the ¢heeser ee Monkton with Mr phis eietiet: ie | Mai mbure re visiting Stee and SE ET ES. z ae “| relatives - V) Mr t man will de) office spend sev and uncle Helawuch -Geeret H. ms: “Treasury, vill noch of Berlin ve ing at his hom ed th J. ©, Me: sce aches co. Subject. “Re aff was | auth the. patrons of the sMiedined bene tor the ote of monev than fo: | here for a few da | es and ‘butter factory and. will the love of women |" Phe remains of Nr 4, Rothman Wi move there to take charge some time : | aied last Friday in Berlin. were in-] in February UMPOR CHANGES IN TRAIN Iter oa A caer ner For ntered into a iss Blorence Johnston met with a} SERVICE CANADIAN ee thee severe accident Tuesd, WAY forenoon. She slipped on phe ope sa eee with great force cutti Institute meetings will be ‘iond: d WHOLESALE and RETAIL mow v- leaving es x Sudbu: in No. 2 and iW ip her chin®an inch an] van i ‘Tenjtth which necessitated | a.m. | disopblinued. between Ter | alt as jonto BUT Rude: atta Caan aera BRANDS WE HANDLE: t he may “Train No, 28 now Jeaving Sudbury ee Toh Kautinan ‘bought the bus- | 10.45 p.m, dailv arriving ‘I Peter a deesie Golightly ie a Harvest Queen, Body Builder, Lion Heart and The Great Bear Baa fy Toronto 8.00 | in and good will of Mr. ‘tly _ returned (o/ a.m. will be discontinued betwien Sud-| Glebe and sai take possession High ‘River. Alta... on} bury and Toronto after Sunday Jan. | jopru his home at 2 anGuea with rie ws ae Wemake BREAD Wholes ee Donaldson, of Atwood. | will be discontinued with this service. ese Siar balk : Wholesal : at present on Ak list. rough sleeping car Toronto _ to NORTH MORNINGTON : Mrs.*John Metni core and son Gil-|Sault Ste Marie will be handled Tor- bert. of oe are at present vis-| ante to Sudburv on train No. 3 leay-| North eat hockey team HA ES Baker 3 at Mr. A. Hanson's. ing Toronto 10.20 p.m. daily and Sud-| played a gam’ jockey with Brun- A, ¥ 5 2 4 le who resides| bury to Sault Ste. Marie on train No |ner last nae ni The game : son-in-law Mr. John Iliman| 27. arriving Soult Ste: Marie 1.12 p |was fast and, clean throngher The Wedding Gakes a specialty - - MONKTON, ONT. was av last celebrated her — 85 ‘Mine end Sa ee eure) : : ‘he members of her family Morie= Mich. 12.40 pam, one bane Mornington. “Mac” SEA : sred around the festive board and} Through sleeping car a alyctaree veas very satiafactory + ‘a verv pleasant evening was svent. Marie : onto 1 ea Seon a The return game will be play See Eee john Tilman intends — leaving | Sault Ste. Marie to Sudburv train No |the near future. The jsit to England. It| 28 leaving Sault Ste, Marie. Mich..| North Morninaton— Goal. \G. Har- 30 years since he left his nat- 2.30 p.m. daily (Central time) and | ron‘ R.D.-H. ue L.D.. L.W: ae i 0 au x s to revisit old “scenes and plac ern Time) and from Sudbury to Tor- Loney: Bw W. Yost: Ww. 5 . well as his parents who. are ctilt liv-| onto’on train No.8 arriving Toronto | Waddel a ing: o sets aes Brannex Goal. Sa R. & 70 : ‘A. Hays has been — appoin' ‘Train No. 5 leaving aa dlontreal: LD. A. Calon ners over, rr 4 M. E. BETTGER & 60., Monkton at of the Ontario and a Windsor, Station oe a.m. Ottawa.| Centre. R. ae ©. Opper? L. : a Mills. road p.m. daily. for Port, W.. C. ‘Whey. 4 i i ii i! ts Hage jovi sized anv Ene RAP he Nothing gives a man more prestige than to be Well Attired” oranges ? 2 ies 5e.. or ale, Sige n. | will be withdrawn after trip leaving = Miss Nettie Terry is Mr.| Montreal December 81st. 1913. until . ~ Andrew perry of Aes “tor the March dnd. 1914 ~ w! ase through ser- | Manz—In ee on 3 Tai a 18. to You can have as vice will be resume: Mr, and Mrs. Peter Zz. a son. y “. Nien Fight On Thei me Meo Struthers has a dozen well) Train No.6 leaving Winniner 615 /smith=At Tice: om Friday dan, 16. this done at HERE has just been plac- '% dott Bis thai he | 0.0, ‘or’ Hliam 8.45 a.m. Por to ae ay avi mi win oe 2 ' Stomachs wi en oN aee: ean rekauable. vale Arthur 9.05 aot Seng one (aeen eS the minimum ed on the shelvesa splen- | og tty sure to bi is past Gill is offering at S capreble prices | awa ‘oa it. 8. and: Mon- withen Ai Poole. on Monday Jan. cost at This Y 23 : ‘ ei impose pe nye mn jn oF Wom ‘andarehitte dznyors: smoek. overs alls | treal. Windsor St. 7.00 p.m. will _b and Mrs. Israel Wil- did line of Scotch Tweeds of * it ¢ di foe gimp Say age aper corks: aiseontinied after, trin January or eit in =n Shops is eS fs I cenienee rife Son (i { Idlewild are hold-| from Winnipeg and January 4th from a 9 ee ly : y . te = auld form ee. Court rskines al on) Fort William and Port. Arthur, ‘This MARRY AGES. a new pattern for fall and win: - = 6th. Particulars| train will resume service March 5t! e Gold a ‘i lerce’s Briaay erect eee: aren't) i914. from Winnipeg and’ March 6th Mion thet i Maris: Monk: ter wear, that will make and i i d daughier. Maz- i J. D,. Fergusson. on woicen ieaical ical Discovery Bre, Hsing and veut Re spetnanies Jan, jit aa ames wear well, Call and see our . elps weak stomachs to strong, healthy action— Mis: Collison’ ff Listowel. Manton. of (Elm: iss Ten : Role feat tn cigeet, the food the males the oe , aaiiehl er of Mr. Pierce Coll seeond, canes ‘ot Mr. ohn Flood. stock, We guarantee youa fit, rhe which nourishes the body. Milverton oe for s pica ae Gill's. of t mda vegetable remedy, to a seer puts $2.60 per cwt.. $2.50 im 5 ii DEATHS. m the human into setity oils the TESS? of oo es Bay 10.10 p.m. leaving — Nort! cs = ae He 2 45 a Ott Bi 4 —At Lin m Mor oz ; the-counter, or in the home ave tauren into vigorous tncalthe Fe amare’ oot the Tewanhin | Saag ns rae oe eae Gilley Poteau ane nO > : Has Hiss brought ught relief to many thousands every year fo for over forty years. Ttcan ee St. ees she. 3 Bee fee Ful it Soriianiake a any C. P. R| years. 4 months and 12 day: f 2 Th af ij ‘i 5 T. it Felieve you and doubtless restore Ftren ownship in: the 5 2 in| agent eS, e rr, x Teast you owe eto yourself to oureelttogivelta il Ga cident cee the recent municipal election received —---—-- Liberal prizes are being offered ai O. DUF F IELD M bared 4 es 7 aa ‘ You can have Dr. Pierce’s aaa Sense Medical Adviser of 1008 Siar a total vote of 42 defeating his op-| Give The Sun your next order for) the grand masquerade carnival to be - : ; onkton, = On : r Pages for 31c, ponent Mr. Munro who received a detaees Ra books. All kinds. low-| held in Milverton rink on Tuesday es é : total vote of 38. _ lest prices. best paper, prompt delivery |Jan, 27th. The event of the scason, < a iia a <- ee : S