vevveww The Milverton Sun And Monkton Times ARH PUBLISHED Be uh SIEMENS The Pe Printing Office Main Str iverton, Ont SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, $1; six months, 50 cents; three months, 25 cents, in advance, Subscribers {n arrears will beliable to pay $1.50 per year Hers Marriages, Deaths CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Rantlenta: Mos. 8 Mos. Mos ese eres Cae leh $8 Removals. Visitors. mL edge Newer 3 2 aoe lic Improvements. f line for first insertion and Eight cents four cents per line for each subsequent inser- tion will be charged for all transient adver- Hsements, Advertisements without specific directions -rill be inserted until forbid and charged ac cordingly. ‘Changes for contract advertisements must bein the office by noon Monday. attention. MALCOLM MacBETH. Publisher and Proprietor BusinessCards) ° DR.M.C TINDALE gee Hoxor GrapuaTe rc Crown and Bridge Work a specialty, Office : Over Metropolitan Bank, Milverton Medica F. PARKER, M.D. P. L. TYE, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MIL ERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'élock a. m.,and 2 to 4 *elock p. m., and-7 to 8 o'clock’ p. an. DR.A_F. McKENZIE, M.D. hysician and Surgeon MONKTON, — ONTARIO Se far a8 possible from I to in evening Office se DR. HJR. FORSTER, Bye, Ear, Nose and Thsoat on ly. House Sui New York Opthalmic and Aural tute. Clin, ant, Ear, hroat Hospital, Golden Square and ee a Hye Hospital. Bie coucute ae Chureh, Stratics. Phone Lega H. B. eee K.C. Barrister, - Not = Gonperancet ubiencoe Banat acca LisroWEL, MILVERTON, areboo Offices: Listowel, Milverton y to Loan foe BLEWETT, “K.-C. Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto Gordon Block Office : TRATFORD, ONTARIO Veterinary. were in attendance and all vi goo; : J. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon| See posters. for cule fe Hut- Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Vetorin chison’s. if sale Ty College, Toronto. Treatsall disease ae nel: urday. W ee a of domesticated animals, Calls tele rices are given. Thev do not co’ fiiidanoe other wisepromptipattented'to [er-everything offered for sale. There will be big cuts made in dry goods. Societies. pee goods. men’s and ladies’ coats. nae PWeae gloves. ats hos- MILVERTON LODGE, No. 478, A] Milverton, chiey ‘evening on of before Tell wiaon every month in. t allix J, E, Weir’s Bloc Sutallviad « Weloomne W. J. Zoeger, Se G. Hamilton, W “Silver Sta Milverton caer Bride aenighe nt Opa. in their ball over Brak of Haro ilton, Visiting brethren always wel 0) ‘i N.G., W.K 1. 0. pag ye, D, WEIR seals tioneer for the erloo, Conveyaserr, ge ‘awn and Vi ill, ge Offic over the aeteopat Inde, 2. 8, Monkton, Ont,, No eee Issuer of Mar the County of eagks and sold. A few choice farms ie immediate sale, GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil- verton, First-class accommodation for ommercial travellers 4 large sample rooms. stablin; Beet brands brands of ee and cigars, Chas. Ritter, Proprieto Hoo +eSs SEE TEE Ea ee HINTS TO CORRESPONDENTS sia este) ‘om one side of the pap- Mail fo: resoh us TUESDAY of each wee' Ayold all items vefleoting ‘on personal character but send cheek off thes Wet it may assist you to remember an impor- PREPRESS EEE EE EEE SE weeks? stay eti of the Wom- en’s Institute bie hela at the home Mrs. 8. J. Grosch, Mrs, Tanner gave a “splenia Diet and its relation to health.” The table sce by the } Grose! in p ner. All ladies are invited to attend these meetings. and Wim. Hemphill. ot San Juan Wash.. spent a day’ vi ing with ‘Win. Henry ond Miller Dun: ¥ PMc: W. Heal. ns Mitchell. oe days at the izton Smith. esate er ‘Tom Kirkland and Miss Ag- ee pent Saturday with friends spent a home of Mr. Werll- We are pléased to see Mr. Thomas Keeling out again after his recent illness. Our chopping will is working over- ime this winter and we oe ape the reason for this is that they a: giving their customers verfect satias family and Mr. Alex. Davidson spent New Year's Day with Mr. Mrs. Dave Fleming of Gal visit- of Rey. J. Wilson, of Hamilton. ed his sister. Mrs. Lockie Tuesday last week. The Listowel—Milverton hock at ee on Friday e ttract a good many number of the members of Encampment spent last Mondav ev- ening with the Palmerston Eneamp- x ‘A social dance was held in Donle: hall Fridav evening. A large Il report dows nD wish, put ‘he ee Bee of Welles! visit- day at Mr. Thos. F 8 abe attended the dance of aay, evening. BURNS. hing is of the very on che Age case ake and Mrs. John teviatbed'o- few fciende: leet Ww ednes- ones and a very enjoyable QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont, ‘The commodation for commercia trayellers and others, Two large samp rooms, Only the choicest of Wines, at quors and Cigars at the bar. Good w: stables. George F. Pani, Proprietor. HE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin pays special attento Com) trade, Splendid sample rooms, wines and liquors served at the bar Rates'$1.50 per day. Railway Time Tables|; ae Ganadian Pacific Guelph and Goderich = cast Going west pm path. s.28 ie : ats Monkton. ride 8.08 PLT enecea ME ever 11-80 8.88 3.2; 33 8.45, 70 tea Linwood and Listowel Going north Grand Trunk Nofthbound Southbound 7 4 5 Stations | 6 mh. 4 am oe 4 Brunne 1. 51 1. Milverton 9.2611 Newton. 9.20 Peffers 9:14 19. nt, anche prlores spent the wi a cousin Miss Mr, Strachan. of Ethel, visited with | is sister Mrs. Ed, Davidson — last oe of Listowel. occupied yio™ liza seek Sith friends at Atwoo: crowd jon Frid ener . Mil- verton. f Notice—M . Lockie wishes | th all-aecounts duc him settled. “before an, 3ist and any unpaid ones at that date will be placed in other hands pollestion, Jack ‘Donley of spent snd at his Hanes in: the -vil- in son_ en-' of London, Ont.—‘‘I am a farmer’s wife tle or no een de . One day a friend be mine told m try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vepelatte Compound as she had been greatly helped by it. I began taking it and soon got well, and my Periods Bae natural again. Since ha Bere’ health. In fact I Have neven felt is cin Sepmcn Heed ik got shi Bis letter willhelp other women pleas hit.”—M oy Hamblin 8 'f you have the obit eek ina Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- te sqamponnl will help Paarite Mr. Lydia E.Pinkham MedicineCo. ea ) Lynn, Mass.forad- vice. Your letter will bi wil) BANK . Joe Burke anid son ze who FARMER'S WIFE |». _ EL ine; oa trip to Elmira on Saturs Jos. Dietrich. of Saacfoon. poultrymen made niry. of enaat Go uiay niinNi ana Are Jon |tuny Syugned Biaeueh, Geeks ee oe Stemmler. International Poultry Show at Buff- psi Saat uty and Mss, Michaet: Vollmer and [alo this week. and were awarded first f lf. Isley speni Sunday with Mr.| prize on cockerel. also International Restored to Health by Lydia ia 1s pecial—gold leg band—for best mal dard Helm spent the latter|in Rook classes. This is considered a E. Pinkham’s ee DAKE At Inst siecle at Br Clamentp. © lateaitableswig. asetuew above hn le Compound — Rca nae aed Me ohn Meyer ee lone ete competition is always ex- S| newed acquaintanees in our burg on|ceptionally keen and where all the wn Story. Sunday. st. birds in Canada. and the United Miss Kate and Mr. T. Runstedler| States meet. This. with their other from Linwood spent Sunday on. ford last week . def the win- ANSE Sry ey woman. Last summ Mr. Jos. Helm made a business trip| ners of several other ood panltee was ‘taken with | +) Galt and other points the former| shows is a record ron: Gecaina| Severe pains in my | part of this week. shows the quality of he: Barred Ply- back so bad that I] Miss Olive Foerester spent Sunday Rocks could not get up or| with ae sister Mrs. C. Brenni of ee ely move with- | Linw the hockey game at the rink on out pain, and Mis ‘hie Stemmler spent, Sunday Friday evening. were - |evening wit! ‘iss Mary —_———_ Nee ee Pend |. Mr, and ‘Alex, Kocher and Mr. ii ~ | Jas. Dugstalther spent Sunday at Mr. called in a good doc) ond Mira. C. a P's of Linwood. 2 2 - Miss Florence Emery of Linwood. his care for some 5 7 soent he toner vast of ave weeks DIS Reduct th are foe |e fos ig Reductions Linwood rin! ed. Quite a number from here took in the recent sale at Mr. Gunes London, Ontactés| Canad Mr. J. Scott. at Chicago last - eck st fromithos a stress-| Mrs. Walker and Rov ai the “ite onside i aigck fameral of the late Mr. Seott in we $14 50 t5 517 50 io on Priday. i = doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham’s |°"y7,5" Gmith and children visited Vegetable Compoun restore their |1,5¢ week with Mrs, Baie parents eas x and Mrs. Coats and Trousers a eee “Visite d at the pains oe is at prevent vs edna ulaweres by a sworn, NOTICE poe Bene ee ee onien: ‘The person who by mistake took the = pair of automobile d. M. Fleischhauer eturn same to Sun days and thus avoid further trouble. GOOD WIN AT SINTER NETIONAT: Dunn ville | Chronicle Messrs. Clarke & Spencer. loca RESEON C. Kn abuast made i bus- at Hi win of ist-and 2nd cockerel at Strat- e Was recorded at ae m on Thursday, Men’s Suits hursd: A large prize lis rom now until February 15th, I will will offer 20 Suit Lengths at Good trimming, made . J. Sm ertger's. BRUNNE: regret to announce the de its for Sia Mann Siete Kineton Only $12 to $15.00 nic on Sunday. las : of Roblin. Man,. me friends here. It will pay you to investigate this offer before buying. Merchant Tailor x their hone at . Steven spent Hi week, Mr. Henry Reinwald Sane hi fr’ tends = a crokinole party last w ‘Mrs. Robert Reid. of were ee at Me, is past chee: spent ane di: Mrs. Wm. an Crookshanks 228 District nd Women’s Institute 9 Milverton Thansdar of last ¥ . Win. Hamilton ‘and Mrs John isitors at Milverton idav and eeeded Mr: Fred, MePaddin and Mra. 3 eke were visitors at Stratford on ay wing wood seems to be the or- Me Mr. Cox who has pean. pore up - carload of cattle expects to ‘eave x his home in British Catuinbia this wee! Mr. Chas Wright Coulter took a trip and Mr, 8. to Stratford on eA Co. eek. here left rs Al. G. Woods arload a eae session om it was’ decided to hold E fae the spun 2's Association on Ha in conneetion with t sident dian’ he summed up pae ing closed with pr i 7 - will hold y mecting at th the home of 3 a an, paper Dress” pil te tiven we ‘Loy special feature of n will be a darning con- prize donated by dd Me. addin va on 2 Mrs. e TYO) vow damning nd ae "all ladies ar attend whether aes neh or not. Smith. of Tralee visited ov unde with her brother. Mr. G A. Phair has returned: homo. gtter spending the past month in Berli Mr. "G0 Smith received the a new: of the sudden death his ‘tather ‘Mint Louis Smith. of ol Tra North, Mominnton pulpit last Sunday arge crowds were in attendance at ae services. match in the Milverton rink last S§; oe y evening. e Burns ore did [suena work . landing on the big score. The eee of ‘s spent in skati ‘he San: ‘Be; "North Monelcibien cui eel le suiceaacd the first two evenings Thursday and Friday by & prominent business man f London POOLE Mr. and Mrs. “Albeo Dahms spent Monday in Stratfoi visitme with at Wee seat rton. visited Sunday wit! ih the Tatter’s { parents Mr. and Mrs. Cc. En- gel. Mrs. P. Helm and pusher ae of sibs oer at a few days friends in Gal Schmidt. of ee B 5 = thorough and practical, instruction is given by a strong, ex- afl, Our graduates succeed Stude ag cater st any time: Get our free catalogue and see whai ean do for y DA. Pe ACECeN: Principal 4 ES LOTOTOLOTOLOTOLOTOTOTOS fix is spending some time at BUSINESS COLLEGE — ¢ war ce Win Mayberry of St; STRATFORD, ONT. $ fC.B.C visited over Sunday pe ANADES. ote pensHiest trainiag ie home: Here. Sehiool, hres departments MMERCIAL, SHORTHAN “EDUCATIVE I a and TRLEGRAPHY. Courses ate gue D ast} Esti ilerestine Raper. Sun sae 6G Toronto ay can be procured upen pay ‘men of $2.; 25 for se yet auch Bs Ane im Your subscriptions to this office. Pails 33 called, on/the former's fathi ee McGillivray and Knig. Stratford: are Visiting a! uite a num! Sunday as usual. Sermon subjects, ; - Saul of Tarsus.” re 's Revelation.” ‘The next meeting of Grace church .¥.P.A. will ‘be held Jan. 26th. ae feet The Chureh.” will be taken b Hughe: micthee Rev. —s banat euibee of t are heartily weleome. ‘to “attend the meetings. Wotwithstanding the very pees ent condition of the weather the en- Phe chair was occupied by Mr.. D.. B. Grieve an a splendid gramme was give ‘he debate resolved that the vote be given to the women of. Canada: the same. to the en. was he and everv in of the ground was keenly conteste2 py poy a om ee the eee by Mecers. Grtoher. oe Millbank. — and “sie of “Linw deciding committee found Te fasom Of the. °6 firmativ . Thos, Hackett and son Gordon er. Mr, Newtcu on Sunday afternoon. A mimber of the. farmers bt ths vicinity are eee By ae fo Mir. m- Lebanon pring Goods UST OPENED up four cases of new spring goods. Now is the time to buy Shirtings, Denims, Prints, Cottonades, Cottons, Sheet ings and Pillow Cottons, Do your buying now and bring us your butter and eggs later. CRUM’S PRINTS NOW IN STOCK Underwear Having received the agency for Stanfield’s Cele- brated Underwear, we are clearing out alllines of Penman’s and other brands at cost. &@ FURS AT GREAT REDUCTIONS Overcoats and Ladies’ Coats at Cost and Below A good Royal Oak Heat- For Sale! ! er, coal or wood, goed as new, large size, will sell cheap, Try a lb. of our oe Rio Roasted Coffee at 1 8c b cementing purposes. Note Depc Depd ne Liabilities not Is. at its Head Office and principal Bran ronto, and checked the eae = Serie the inv ee entnee ane securities on hand shee. as_at 1 business: on December 31st, 1913, against the en in re- gar a oe and explanations required, and f ts Dee. 31, 1912) Balance of. accouni Dee; 31, 1913, Profits for of m Dividends Nos. $8, 34, 35.and 36 Written off Bank Premises. ‘Reserved for.d Contribution to Offi = The Metropolitan W. K. LOTH HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Statement of the Affairs of the Bank as at | Decemberj31st, 1913. LIABILITIES of the Bank in cirenlation ... ing interest . bearing interest. (including est accrued to date). Letters of C included in the heac 7 10,021,568.12 1,000,000.00 Capital Stock p 1,250,000,00 up. Bank | 182,547.61 2 Do you want a Kitchen Cabinet a Below CostP We have in stock six Sample Kitchen Cabinets, which we are offering for the next two weeks at below cost. These are extra fine cabinets, and as we received them at a bargain, we are now offering them to youat prices that are bound to sell them, See them in our windows and note the prices marked on them. Face Diesiee @ and aker %: Milverton, “One R. McMane, ore Foreign ae ime al thal Ceca “hot exc value Railway and Stocks (not exceeding mar st value) Call and Short {not exceeding voans in Canada on Bonds and Stock: Del we Beh so 4,558,241.06 nt Loans and Discounts in Can- eS e of interest) . $ Customers unde! ee Over d Tos: provided Bank Preise, at not wioré Bhan cost; amounts Sete en off Deposit vas the Dominion Go 1 the pm he Circulation Eumd Mortgaees Gi Font letate sold by. thetienk 51,500.00. |, 200. ———$ 7,895,874.67 W. D. ROSS, General Manager. S. J. MOOR) Pr aha AUDITOR’S REPORT T have examid the books and accounts of The Metropolitan Bank ti fed reriets from the Seiiiatn sach_ bool ‘e “rnished me oma anches have been duly 1m... foors = ae December oe roperly € my opr Tie oF this stateiotathe Bank's witaine: Seti & my information, the explanations given to me and asshown nk. LOGS! We will pay the following prices for Sawlogs f.0.b. eats Sincere mn, or if drawn by team laid in our yard at almerston, These prices are based on good, sound clean, straight-grained Logs. Logs must be cut in lengths of 10, 12, 14 ot 16 feet. ‘0 logs shorter than 10 feet or less than 10 inches mn : dlvrmeter Wilt be*gurchaced, ELM, soft. $18.00 ELM, rock » 20. BASSWOOD, wh. 18,00 BIRCH .. i 14,00 BEECH.. 14,00 TAYLOR, SCOTT & CO. PALMERSTON saat by the books of the Bi ” G. T. CLARKSON, = a “Accountant. rons nto oe Fanuary, 1914, PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for year ending December 51st, 1915 _ 181,888.26 : the year after ‘ges panasement inteese Nuc depositors; rebate ob un: matured bills, and after making full provision for all bad and donbtful debts 165,659.35 jepreciation in sett pg Bensian- Paid lnnos at credit of account. J. MOORE, President. Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us. We have employed an. experienced ‘man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- oughly. In prices you will find us right. Maite” Geo. Jd. Coxon