Greetings ! We wish you “A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.” We thank you for the business you have given us during past years and trust that we may be favored with your trade in years to come. WEBER & BETTGER } | MONKTON'S POPULAR STORE ZF NOMINATIONS Ru tu qlilterton—For Reeve. R. Miller J p re Expert He w. u,|Seeley Who Fitted Czar of Ru: 3 Called to Stratford. Beth. Geo E. Pfeffer Rea (e0d) ‘ati J. Groseh 8th. says; “The S ie 8) ow used an by the ICaited: Wintel Guverament in any cast rupture Wa Gpnualllor-cB Hs Sead “Wan perfectly affording immediate and Shearer. Dennis Hanley J. J. Cat lief. but closes the open- ease i ys on the average case. Wellesiev— or Reeve A. Robinson | [BIS at réecived the only award in England and in Spain pro- pectamect ‘or Denies Reeve—John Reidel. ac- Sioaae ion. ley has ill Hacchler Lintiek, » MeKay cackner Bete Reeve. Wm. Scott John Reeve—Samuel Smith John MeCall- ‘or Councillor—Wm. Coates. Iman Wm. McClory John m A. ed venson.. Daniel Anger. Camere remem! advantage of ihe o one date and take portunity. F. H. Seeley of Chicago and Phila- delphia.the noted truss expert will ae .H. Pugh fer) be at the Windso: and will re- x t Jai ful injections. Tae ee or ments from the “Dnited States Gov- re ssia, locu- op- iti jamuel Corry | = aaa fevenson. Danicl : Sameron resigned | CIOUSTMAS. & 4 oid council B ae Bove ith. "As Tarhbu ull. on McCallum A One of the best and most sucee Christinas entertainments in. the the Evangetica on Christmas night. Arm auspices of the Sund prog: aco Couneillors | i gi iice—For Robt strong David Smith. Bor Deputy: -Reeve—Geo,” Fhgoetz. 95 M. Crow 8p For ‘Counion J. Denstedt. George ie! The Yundt, J. Quinlan. D. Quipp Geo e male auiartette ad tie Koeh. ic Coughlin. al me - GOOD ROADS DE- D. nd bro many bi Ber- tute: unable is nee, Commission at ne rd representative: who urged: that Gov vr ears each member .of ne egiite ati * follo wa coe after roads weré system improved. the m improvement ees ek s roads. thev al the convenience owners. mt containing .a: sui “MORNINGTON NOMINATIONS | Attridge. Mil There are rumors afloat that Mr. D. Grieve’s nomination is’ not yalid on ‘The rail ay commission has is: Mr. Grieve’s assurance ib! es i t the iv ue iz to in. the cxpress el: of the Statutes are Gataxte 1913. WM. ELL. Clerk\ vot Mornington. GEORGE GE ZILLIAX ene on: m of the late oF. roposed. one Tie had a pet mani ing there was still one fox bi live ERTAINMENT ti in tas years was more than bein tained. ught out a record Following ‘the custom of HAS “seh | Was presented with a will be rewarded on Peturaiie 4028 charges account of ii a in: hour for nomination. I accepted his|for the handling of freight bills of nomination on lading awd collection of moneys there- express | com- _ resent $5. $25 30 Ghiekens? Jeoeaeat end! in in the Heres sel- at- gain the an eet nee t! 1.50: 0: kept “{ try to aiterent arte MONKTON s Flora Greig of Toronto. sani te} singing greatly pleased al present. e most common si our mererts these days is to = the small jod in ates and around with a Stewart are spend- of fan eK spending the holidays at his home ye ‘A social evening was held by ee Young Peoples’ Sane in Kno: church on Monday ev: he at- tendance was quite lane “and the presen! Mr. tha Mrs. Fred: Kerry and fam- ily, of Hamilton. spent Christmas with . Jas, Graham ‘The prospects of a hot election look tty a James Moffat the presen! eing opposed by Mr. Following is the list. of pees nominated for councillor: g. Gill. John Mogk.Fred. Ws ae Ee ete | daughter Jennie Mau er. = of as aoa) es Mr. Martin Han- ate Soha \coratyre, and “iis ee leen spine Christmas ames Wils .. is visiting and Jas, Erskine’s ich was The music was ae pulpit of Sabbath My ton. wid Re oheu pier. next ughlin. D. Fe ergusson wil a2 e Tree enter- 0 is Gee of Mitchell her cousin. Mi: Mr, orler of Wing Mr. and Mrs chan. of Mitebell. spe h: ‘ith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnsto’ 3 Mrs. James Seott. f ay with Mr, and Mrs w at Fine the balance of his! ete. be Jow, cost for the s80e:. _pineaooles the,. winter ng grapes B00. at Gi son Lis from Montreal- aoe is “apendie oe Li orn Et in Montreal at we League. tint the church on J iB Te ee owas taken. w work and the handsome sum tized. TeMtesers. Weber & Bottaer. ow terprisin® merchan! here — shi over $9.000,00--wor! of aressed ie? ie for the mas ill-he received up Stenger, “p. Gill for caretakin Those apotsing ith the Order. is eee f officers a: VaR oa wn Merestiel. Jr. se Pee Bm No: ae Uma IB. ohn Siatthe ¥ Ora’ 8. Merryfield. THE FIRST_PO PposT CARD ondon Chronic! The pos sosete whose vse, is report- n Englisb Jess than nsers es allowed to write ds Farr ton five pigs. four o we ss than six months old_and recciv- ed for thom $120.87. These pigs which were of Hampshire od cighed 1.530 pounds or an average £306 pou ri BN al with is ye sand daughter. | cen jos aanntity as r. John Varlow es os Ree mith. of Brantfor ‘s we oma nied E tor Biss Tillie 25 : is acu at th (hr: Samuel Smith. 17th ¢ y punrnret Bettger. Deacone: 2 Shine—At Cadillac. Mich.. mo POOLE - > ete + + = LOGAN COUNCIL * + +. Council met Dec. 12th. pursuant to adjournment, All the members were in-attenda: the eve presided. ‘The minutes of the last meeting were read. confirm: =e and signe ae . Wood. seconded by authorize to|of Stratford at his home* ie Chalmers. u th Logan Road Drain Repair. and to ocure the necessary funds for the performance of said work by issuing debentures ft te ten years and to bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per ann By-law to be published in pamphlet fe and a y thereof to be serve each assessed owner interested. ‘ried. Moved by Peter Gaffney seconded by John Mogk. that the reeve and clerk issue cheques in vor of ©, Robinson and nnis. owners of s No’s. 6 and 7 Ooh: 1. Hibbert. to the amount of $15.00 each. for farm bridge on the Cook drain. Car- rie Accounts. amounting to $607.18 were Council met Dec. 15th pursuant journment. en ere ttendance the eve cd, ‘The minutes of the et ae were read. confirmed and signed by the Reev Msn by John Mogk. seconded by pore Gaffney a he Paes and Clerk issue a cheque in fayor of Geo, Leonhardt. amounting | to ao i being for repairing the rie hockeyists, expect to eross eos! on | Movea-by F. A. Wood: seconded: by New Year’ |gohn Mogk. that the “Reeve and Mr, and Mrs, Howard Holmes. _ of |lerk issue an out in favor of John New Hambure ere visite et Mr |Roger O15. Saas cue divierent items. fe: be Mr. Fred, Armstrong spent y| charged to the “ditferent drains re- enjoyable Christmas at Sebringville spectively, cna intends returning for New Year’s.| Moved es sin seconded bs of Russel: et Gatfucy tha Z. be 50 as y ead ‘ion te Ce as ae of carriage on the highway. Car- ied. mts Se: to $1893.53| “Mr. George Jeffrey is renewing ac- were ordered paid. quaintances in this vicinity. jaored by Peter Gaffney aes Miss Margaret Rennie- of Berlin. wv John Mogk. that A ae cil id her uncle. Mr. Hugh Frame ae adjourn sine die. aterloo spent Christmas at the Marvin Leake. Clerk | home of Mr Mrs, Thos. Rennie, Nomination on Monday brought out NORTHERN MESSENGER Canada’s Religious and Bl sae inte oriaaiser of Lar; ir- lati Our good old Sunday “story-teller” riend. the “Northern Messenger” has been for nearly fift ars a fav- ite with anadian people. It |@_ money tainment was given in the Lutheran and contributes largely to a Sunday urch on Thursday eve ec, 25. The children did their part svlendid- Iv and the attendance was most sat- isfactory. One of the pretties = tees that we a ae seen in the ndar line for/of the largest city Sun Schools a dav is a eat entitled ee reals it as their regular Sunday Lone Sentine got out by Mr. Daf-|School paper. Hor they Tealize that eld. = indeed a thing of beauty.|a paper which gives so h for the count ape pase of | money and interests the older mem~ soariet foe in the villi j bers of the family: as well as. the Alex. Harris. of Stratford | youngsters gives Me parents an ad-|q of London. are the | diti that their ir. John White. je very Sunda: n Sunday Jan. 4th. the weekly visits ofthe es will be held in Knox| » the church a week. As this is the rten many who he public is cordial- d_ others who will not. at- i ten ‘copies & Spel fo one ) La ‘North we Msceemeer? is pub- OHS UGALL & SON ak. tout 1. Can. Trv year. sintTHy yet ae oka Sask. on Sth. Mr. ani Ts. Pail We: eee a deuation a At Brunner, on 25 to M es and Mrs. J. Albrecht. a Sade to struthors—At Elma. on Dee. 4th. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Struthers, a son. Glenn—At Mornington. on Dec. 6th. t Mrs. Ji in. a son. Hawthorne—At Mornington. on Dec. Mr. and aw- a son, t Ellice, on Dee. ee to Mr epfer. lorningto mn Dee. 25. d Mrs. seseb “Auieooh, a ughte: stgpat ‘Bilvertou: on Dec, 28th, to . Hopf. a son. on Christ~ ning Daniel Shine. in his fist year. _N. ROSS The Shoeman, - Monkton ed . en) et seeogeenennntantt Yjand me pina visited for Messrs. zailp and Louis Opper, Dufton Sas! ee months at the of Stratford. and Miss Marion Schmehl. of Berlin. at their home* William Mayberry Toronto. with r. id Mrs. Hammond y of Kingwood. spent eelicictiine at Mr. W. T. Shearer's. itr, and Mrs. D. Dee and family Kingwood and & jam_and spent pper’s. the tion ates Miller. and Willi: Norman Yent. of | Wellesley. Seite evening at Mr. W. Mr, Alvin Clarke is ee holideas. at his home her mma and Esther Schmehl shes the Raley with friends gal. of ae ons from Detroit from the bedside of. his brother and reports him still very low. ae an er of the 1d nd Mrs, Pride celebrated the dav in the usual man- and a John a a oad D ed and. childr on Christmas Day Several of our young people enjosed ee of stratford. spent Christmas + Mr. Wm. anes Jeeps e4 + - + BRUNNER of Toron- Mr. and Mrs. Braden y tter’s spent ‘chests with the Jai Mr. the noida with Ser, eo “chasi FI of Poole Chris tmas with % astives, in Mr. N. Peters. with frien Mr. Br rpdtecht, of Wavistocks spent Christ ¢he home of Mr — B ene! Tt is no longer considered unt wear a drop of egg on ones cravat— it i nsidered a mark of distinction. sixty-five teie- on the Huron am. ines are in wi Kinloss system. DOES IT Md MATTER? mate Marren to you that of all the sss mien sr giles who die eac ia Canada one in seven is a victim of teas tion 2 sliitle more help and a little more money? aps it doesn’t btatier.. Tete all very interenting ‘but it is ‘no immediate concern ars. » Iv Marrex if instead of usband taining farlect of alittle bit of the money sone other fellow as throwing away ? “Wout Ia Marten when Christmas came lo but sit on the ed; aid 80 the pore and realize 0 that this was the last Christmas Phisis how much it matters in thousands his cae con- ke you Mis: pees oeiahs evening wii nds whe Carl Opper. of Pine. Lake. AL berta. has returned home for th winter. + = + CROSSHILL + + +e Mr. John H. Campbell has return- e hear the financial affairs of — the township discusse: rhich seems to have seized whol ee 3 country, landed men leyi t new ae es subur! e eager pubiie falling for ee their offers cold storage and all; the * UAWKTHAGE ©) ve year on the exchange + ae bee of oe remarkable tee t mi i | Some of our young people attended Sone ene me a Stee a wel Ene entertain ay in Millbank last |tieists have sounded warnin, dino} cals cela ed ase M, Fal of Brampton. is vis- ape if Ker ren. _ of | : spent the 2a holidays at ber | 45° iar they Wasa a ber from this viinity attend: ures don’t tell the whole story, but ed the nomination in Ne on | they must go for somethii May, renee for the first time in our history, Cana- Dr. and Mrs, T, Johnston of Mid- pale oe deposits reached the: thon, land called on friends in this vicinity ion mark. idence o! skate on the 10th, line on Christmas afternoon, de] Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Gray und son Brunner. 0. Short— —— COME TO —————= Hayes’ Bakery Christmas Cakes Wedding Cakes a specialty Monkton, Ont. Cut a Long Story Bread and Flour Rode on Duke’s Train. One of the characteristics of the Duke of Connaught, whether at home in Ottawa or on the r it one sa have to came walking to the west, and the fuse i | TimeTable Changes general change of time will be made January deh Toi. ‘Tone tables eon- taining fall particulars may application vo Grand. Peale Ai boy eee to California Sunny Seth NOW IN EFFECT nee "3 ink Railw: rect ene from aie Be setht Canada via pepe Seba sees Full particulars at G. T. ticket offices of write C: B. Hormingy ” nto, G 3,0 Cunanavass Phone 1, Local Agent ing conyenaation ensued The duke: “Good mor: ning, sir, will | enough to tell me what | atid that is in the distance?” i shout oy euow. Gai ae a here tea ee jas ance off the train last n Then eas ensued a conversation of which the man who train was taken ait a 16s whieh be had left Nova Beatie, Star ies Mone, Bank. glance at tl tember bank re- ark amet thas Onsite agen the bank’ “The tever of real estate, HB Merchant Tailor Ghe Compliments. of the 1.. Season .... Coeeoooeoe MILVERTON, O8T- the Canadi: September, 1911.~-Canadian Courier. + + + ON ALL RURAL.ROUTES * + 7 + 4% The Milverton Sun + + 1 year. % 3 The, “Mbiverton Sun * + he ‘Milverton Sua # + News. 1 year... + ‘ * NOTICE All overdue accounts or motes me- must be séttled.on or befoi 10th. 1914. or they will be pl: other hands for collection. in JOUN GROPP. Dee, 29th, 1913. nd. FOR SALE Also A quantity of building timber nd op- | : GOOSCSESO DOO OOOOOSOHOOD & 0000oeed H. C. BARLETT UNDERTAKER Having opened @ new and hig Osten niethod) a spec- : ee te Bee 3 Upholstering pan Pie’ ae oes 9% H.C. BARLETT Residence 2 doors from Presbyter~ jan clturch, where night und Sun- day calls are promptly attended to. $ in the “spring. | sawed is re-| Anyone wishing timber orders. now: | leave their HORE chet (Dos it Marrer that one in every tl f these is up oe in the fall glow of ii One general purpose horse rit veith plans'and hopes and loves that, must | vears. one carriage colt rising Bye given old. This colt took 2nd at Milverton Bos aor that a few persons have |Fair in a clas Ge a8 easter | ined hands and within a few short years | colt rising 3 years. two-y ar-old Clyde | Linke Strat — nds of these unhappy | fillv «sired by McDowall 2nd, Priess ones and can save them ~ if only there is | reasonable as owner is working in ‘oronto. ae to DAVID G McLENNAN. Lot 34. Con, 6. Elma, 25-4-p For further particulars ap- | FOR RENT OR SALE Half section adjoining Denzil yillaze es Sas! se emth Goose school a Recta buidings fair. 140 a oe Alco | quarter section i pe ce Denzil Good land and water. 75 svres brok- CHRISTMAS 1913 1914 R’S NEW YEA EXCURSION FARES all stations in Canada, Fort Willsn and Bast, and to Sault Ste aris, Delroy “Mich. Buffalo ana : Falls, Single fie Fare & One-Third Good going Dec. 24 and 25 Minimu 25c * Pocticlars Rone Canadian Pacitic Ame: yr write M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., C. Ry. Toronto. F, W. THOMAS, Local Agent. ae buildings prs fenced, For jonas capply to F. B Box. 34, Denzil. Sask Winter Term from dan. 5th Fall Wheat, .. ~» CENTRAL a BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, oi best Business training pit Doss mation Fi ihe ae ing in the life of some unfortunate NARIO’ sufferer—-whab you do with the attached Ones Have thorouaicourses form. Gnd. Tele | ioe Bantam cantine ffs content es - I LAI: Name... 23.0 will bay fo ‘00 will endow. eet: =e onautd ch 3 . — S Register my eect ne ingly. 4 (Gontrbutons may ba ent 0 Reet toront, oro Dunbar tarium Association, 347 King!