dust received another lot of Stylish, New Coats for Ladies and Children Are you ready with your New Coat when the cold snap comes? If not, come in and let us show you our stock of beautiful Winter Coats. You are sure to find here any particular model you may have had in mind and at prices to suit everybody. We also carry a large range of Curly Cloths and Heavy Materials for made- to-order Coats in the different shades. A Slaughtering Sale on Duck and Cord- uroy Coats---right in season. Such a chance never offered before. Heavy dark Corduroy Coats, sheepskin lined, large fur collar, Izather trimmed pockets, reg. $7.50, for. Regular $5.50, op TESS Heavy brown duck coats, sheepskin lin- ed, large fur collar, Reg. $7, for $5.50. Reg. $6.50, for $4.75, Reg. $5, for 375. 500 BAGS POTATOES also LARGE ONIONS WANTED Bring us your Farm Produce, Highest Prices Paid. Alive Poultry Wednesday. Dressed Poultry taken any time, WEBER & BETTGER Monkton’s Popular Store Milverton Flour, Jewel blended in Milverton Flour, 5 Lemons per dozen Oranges. per ee handle Haye’s Bread- 0 Cookies, Pies, Buns, eaves Malege Grapes, fancy winter stock, Tee Ib.. SPECIAL PRICES ON FURNITURE dozen. it’s the bah loaf elly Rolls — al n 500 1b. lots ewel, the beat Manitoba wheat flour, owt. 2 00 SPECIAL AT GILL’S : GROCERY UNTIL END OF YEAR 2 Ibs, of Best Laundry Starch for Frat Hale 3 S Mitiverenn Rises, devel blender: ‘per 270 $ Diningroom Chairs, reg. Plain Kitchen Chair for Tron Bedsteads, tense knobs and rods, reg. $9, for. ea Parlor Tables, oak an sh, Extension Tables, oak finish, reg. $15, Allwool Mattresses, reg. Part wool Mattres: sSes, Teg. $6, 10) Cable Robe Rage Springs, Queen City plein Wire Springs, res. ‘ ish, or 50 each, ie pier reg. $4, for Call in and get a bargain while they are going. These prices are for CASH ONLY — No Credit. J. ts GILE== Monkton + + * MONKTON + + * To Subscribers ‘ Mr. and Mrs Adam Schneider. of ‘Bormhblm. were last week cilled upon urn the loss by their tiger! months old Aengnter Ethel Pearl. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to the bereaved par- ents. will be “at number of young ‘veople of the. vil- lage. Mr- 1 H McKay. of Walton. “has been appointed C.P R agent at Monk- ton and he jis expeeted to arrive next qweek. Mr McKay ed 08 a menial fello looked forward Ag at Mr. Frank Flannery’s as sembly carne off in Erskine’s hall on Monday even- jotwithstanding ‘the inclem- niture to Elmira on Tuesday. He has aken a job in a factory there. Mr. Wm T Merryfield has _ Been C.PR assistant at’ the continue ibs ete arrangements toha he CPR stock I and has made oe as weighed on t John Boyne who has ak res- he tw v nd her aught bas been residing in the West die about time The following and Séhn aud Aice g of the patrons poi pee tol eld. on were mi Ai ue start SU RTeOELE put by the first o} is being -installed that but ie will be a here at an early da Mr, Cherry. manager of the Monk: m Creamery Co. made a busin a poeta er JECENTLY a number of ac- counts were subscribe To these there has been a good A number, however ‘weeks these will be placed in other hands for collection and will be charged at the rate of $1.50 per year. REMIT PROMPTLY AND SAVE MONEY ers in arrears. very active that it whad alyas® been a pleasure to ith food ww! uggies an =¢ which will be eles G Seifert Mr. J H Mars Shalt has aiaoosed of oe hothe tor Mtr, B frie: Lf sted eae fl oats. ges roll sb reasonable Wo. the ladies present. but + new rvlace of abode. x gaged a competent man jet red to do all, kin | was ‘Fecevea ‘here on ie: Boy) b . 8: ae vhsd ied ser vine: penered the carry Words man: all ae { hes for io isd at 31-4-pd, T HOMcK the The petlie d was $1750. gg is spending at = Richard ast rough nae Or Aires ndson the 16th west aS. canned . Quaker and or ied wheat biscuits Mon- ne who her brother t Lib seett 2 quet of carnations was attended b: ‘room. their eet Sor a short ew “Ha ae honey moon hi vee see Keillo: ing in New he will x come time,” He is just vesuacia from an illness and will take a needed cee He ac~ poanrpeniea by his sister. M tha Keil wir. Wesley Biers ee with — an necident the flay that. will partly ineapacitate bin for a time, While working sround his horse in the stable it kicked him bruising his anm very bad! wand Geo Adain while out hunting in Mr. Wo resend 4 fe ich ip to tip. He faa of it ta Mr. J H Mamshall who is having ee Z . Geo Struthers on Tuesday pur- abs and iter season Sup ay, is joined her hus- are esiding in ae oe eller’ ing party at MEAs of sine “Lent ing? W. Tien although at times be seem: have lucid moments, e sa citizen and the regret felt a ae ation was made we J a Mr de table, reply a oresed his stitute at reve! vite such a token of wemembran Holmes willon| Mi Police Magistrate Morton. of W%: ak tee e C irnttented to the police fea tyrone semen have been sumaion ed im the cas: Cod Liver Oil Restores Health NA-DRU-CO Fi Prevents Sickness of those thousands who, ? n rastel tolerate, and one which easlly’ the vary best re for chronic t by taking two or three bottles of tgha ‘acd colda: “bebctsh pa lata NecDiu- be Tasteless Preparation of Cod cgtarrh,, It 1s also an excellent reconat kyerOikat Shoe t6it Pal ve tonic after fevers, and in diseases such ‘This pleasant-tasting food-tonic gives\ as scrofula and rickets, which are due to Seen aol attr alte wills AERA Scotian arenes sc stripped regal ls prs: Voiwodicae acai ganetes that they readily throw off the colds which ase hi $1.00 fom your Drugeat, 311 would otherwise take hold of you. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. R “Blue” Feeling SG o ‘Seong Jou mat senting non Sa It may be that your liver is tired and refuses to serie erat acowee eget fale Hich or impoverished What you need is toni. ot? Dr. Plerce’s be Peres Golden Medical eieens The will give the aid, Tones th goyie nite Liver vibrates wich the Se uns becomes worth while again, and hope takes place of despair, Init on Dr. Plerce’a » Sold by dealers in medicines. Medical Assocation, Bufo, N.Y. nt | Stedi"on soce. time apo and hed onc uM’ CoUNCIL guntay | with “Son oni Airs Jemnes| 290 Om i coed tor tuberaaions | 2 G00. stronach. of Toronto, i<|{2f the bone. He untimely death hos ~ihey ey been receiyed with deep regret} The M . Areal of the Tow resent visiting at Mr, Wm Buil-! Pern Soe old associates, aes sunicipa ou lms I ee eeok: on Setanta. Wess Holman, We (TeBEet) | Miss Hehel MeNaught left on Mon- Eo eroray - ee 4.) day to resume her etudies at je eS fas eS Wn. ee Mane ret Bator Schoo! of Expression Gast Depateeneste smith g her aunt Mrs A |; wtp. and Mrs el Reotes pete sunnlay afternoon. November 8th, ng time was spent at ist. parsonage. gather- fionor 0 | who with Mr. Menstiatacnves be “Yad ae enjoyed. of lowship w Sund ay at Fullart On Wednesda ke co ar-| chell. y precast FUEL SUPPLIES a coal we keép only the best viz: D.L & W Seranton coa any other ae agency of is best. put in your supply. Coke also on hand. Monkton. No one sells pa aes t 2 wi sea iw ea Rubbers ! Rubbers ! We have just received the largest ship- ment of Rubbers that ever arrived in Monkton for one merchant ‘and are en- abled to furnish any style or last. rubber boots for men, women and child- ren are all made by the Consolidatéd Rubber Company and are guaranteed. Do not delay in getting a good. comfor- table rubber, as nothing is so disastrous to health as damp, cold feet. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT N. ROSS :...... Monkton Our We Have Just Received a Nice Assortment of “RAYO” OIL LAMPS lt ae to Dress Well Timan and Wm. Minutes of the last meeting were read, ee and signed by the bene and ¢' bee by Mr. Smith, that the Tre authorized to charge the sui Bed Cc in for wi are highway culverts. the sum of $300 ag s allowance rts. te se structing Moy Mr. Iiiman. adjourn to ae as a court 0! on the Ellice Maitland Relat onan By-Law. i The court of revision thaving ad- igi the council met for gener Mr. wpeies seconded by reo ee er the sum in full ot nt of the Chapman drain, BS by, Mr. Smith. eater as Moved by pee McClory. seconded by now Mr. Coates. that the Sonn se adjourn to meet again et Agri- cultural a Atwood, on Montas, Dre ember 3..at ten for cher Township two o'clock pom. as a re ision on the Ellice Maitiend fale Drain By-Law. George Loch head. Clerk Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- oughly. In prices you will find us righ Repairing Promptly Geo. J. Coxon CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL’Y Best ye jek tt Besteeai de Hs nd poin' GATE CITY. EXPRESS ARRIVE WINNIPEG - 8.00 aim.) OAIY Compartment Observation Car, Standard Sleeping , Dining Car, First-class Coaches, Colonist Car: ping VANCOUVER EXPRESS LEAVE TORONTO - 10.20 p.m. ARRIVE cee 11.30 p.m, THROUGH. BOUIEAENT(: Compartment Libcary Obgereatiog (Car. Qiandar i Cae, Pourlet sleeping Cae, Dining Car, Pivatcclans Concken, Towrine tar, GENERAL CHANGE OF TIME OCTOBER 26th. Particulate ons Canadian Paciic Agents or MHeMG- MURPHY, DPA CER teronco. Fe W, Thomas, Local Agent } DAILY Pree a - ae 2 EG Zz & vas Mr, Wm Ta: Ss 2 on a hunting trip to Bu mer bu returne aro pleaged to state that his bruther Wiltria. ed aaa eae from the kick he received last wee Sates _vttende ds aah missionary conference at G delegate a oce bietek, Siero on Friday Mrs: Hote Be Oil Serine. pee ‘visiting her parents Mets McKay for a sa days eck. i rey Jas Ranney and friend Miss Coutts. of Milverton. visited the for- mer’s sister. Mrs. Draper Battin last week. + COUNCIL “Nothing gives a man more prestige ‘te to he Well Attired” oboe dae NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVE Is with us again. M. — BETTCER & CO., Monkton not one cent more, They show five times as much light as an ordinary lamp and cost We have them-in Table and Hanging Kindly call in and we will gladly show m to you. We think you will buy before you leave. HERE’S A SNAP Regular$11.50 for $10. Just a few left. The Shooting Season GANADA CEMENT P Yes we have it. Remember we carry a fullline7of Guns and Rifles, also all kinds of Ammunition at right prices. You can have this done at the minimum cost at This Shop... wear well. HERE has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit. 0. DUFFIEL The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, = Ontario svember 3nd. wi sued fo! The collectors reported $1,900 in the nd, a neil adjourned to ibs. A on ee first ae es in_Dece: m, Wanele Clerk. + + - DONEGAL > te + fas Oockwell spent a few days nds Milton. girl came to brighten the ste of Mrs Wm Mathew: h ro bantee Mees is at present ene at the Mrs. John Weir. of Pert sist Mrs. Cuthbert Tiere’s a Knife. ¢ Pandora's many. fea tures explained to you before you ange, : : 4 . ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ : . ‘ OPAPP ee Pee Gy EP Oe POP pee TPR gle ge te Oe abe Be PSE. ERGO,