+ - ao | MONTREAL LOSING TRADE psccsscrsme [coc cs THE BRITISH LAND SCHEME Sas d-Abrasions Nancher, Chancellor Would Retain People on Land and En-, hance Agricultural Production + Ani ; : Cuts ito wad Abrasions, Bunches, Grain Men Blame the p C Which retti Z : aeeeaet = Asked Exhorbitant Prices sad oot is Stalag and Sprain Die One frequentiy rendu 2 {Sail the age, Feedang Dict Howto $ | QUuMIs of necidona "w children, Toca s, ‘hee wee ant item Just She ocher me NX Upitss Migh oGsiee cain erie ee } | A despatch trom = cag Eng-|caused a rise in the wages of thel 4 Snmancy Societe tea oe ne A land, says: Chancellor of the Ex-|farm laborer, In such aa event 3 are. i R hi _ | land! would have to come in 2 chequer, Lloyd George, on Wed. b : ot Ey seneral ronnee. «Aad, | nesday afternoon dotted the ‘‘i’s”” pe Jatitane rp ial Marca oe § Wie cause ig the laxness cf moder ‘ te 'y or agricultural depression a tempor EAU tate ter sacks aha cin et ae si and crossed the ‘‘t’s’” of the apeech | ary heer of the rent would sss e RES r tors at present for two million!” The errr present is ae HUNTER’S STRANGE APPAREL fide the time, nad Trouble 1 ‘enfaroe abe in which he deteauee the Gov- | obtaii MA despatch from Montreal says:{ orbitant Bice to carry the grain Montreal is losing her grain trade, | {rom this port to Europe, and con- @nd Buffalo and Portland aro. ra-| *eduently local Sipps sone iorces 3 s e ip Pidly getting it. There is room in companies running out of American in. 101 i ion- — in the class of sariet SS paign at Bed x of Lands, ao~ > is loading in © port with| ers recognize this, and on Thureday Lost His Clothing in Camp Fire and Sane, not ind: Stree eet | s. ford on October 1, Ho then said cording to the Chancellor, is to b Grain. There is a reason for this,| evening the; ey left, accompanied by Wore a Barrel. igo It lg the best meane of securing, the: he Be ard his ete to ‘free a given’ full power to acquire at. Gi ssp compas are “S| teagtaioe at eee A depth tom Pore, ann (Stee eer Se rm co tk ‘ 5 co ee x Ee Blame. Earlior in the season they] why that city is getting a portion of | Ot says: Attired only in a bar sere ‘of oibers, and they can t purposes the Government had set | plant with fo: and to ri Say, the companies were asking Montreal’s grain trade. een, lately." One itself, he said, were to attract and ee and drain the sp on such! : ipetpeduaire pes sce baat rhs z retain the rural population on|lands with a view to oultivad oa Tent tor Ramana, | Wa8 found Tuesday night wandering Peni Sune Se smerny nee Tt REWS ti A PARAGRAPH the land, and to devise means to| tion to tho full limit of their post! Mee a aoa cen nat hie al | Seee te ee ape Seah of toe hel a [e not | » * tragic ae — OR LONDOH LETTER “Punch” erie y Naw Once wh 5 Speyer of thes dey f quality o: agricultural | o IPO! te rary ad. VOOW Jommencing with the issue dated Octo- | delirious and in a serious condition. ‘A s0-foot’ Flagpole. HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER | production of the British ree act, and the resources of the Stat ber 1 for the first time for a Period. of : s THE GLOBE IN A ; ite disposal Inetie Gover ‘a? Paed, Huet aisynaug |e, Went on a bunting trip and be-| the erection of 8 fagzole tp front of d subordinated to the attainment of this purpose. If men vant sporty esige fo oti, eins the all xii Same. separeted from bis friends (eg tae Siemees ern ace NUTSHELL. these two objects, As the first step, cas the omen a must be at roved by the addition of color. | He wandered round in the bush two | cause oe of the desire, to use a Jong, single id x the gamd different cov erty Archduke to Visit England. stick, — Bal - sources. “or ‘the Provines and to place ing, | eed on ty" “17, 1841, in a cover design |camp, where he started a fire and | it that its base would a AO from de-| Canada, the Empire and the World Tanda, 4 et wero prea elated when the whole. penered all of his clothing, which verod invthe-rough apie cnr aces in General Before Your sion of all questions dealing with| The pera. of a fair in thels Svae. i ts = th ii UI flor rers, with rea to mu vi ng | ¢ when's reprint order for an addi.| Went to sleep between mattresses, | act st ifs curving when drying. “in Sep: Eyes. country, and the functions of the} sonable hours of work, decent hous/ efuctt of King Bawa onal 8 5,000 or 8 Pid out on the following |and when he awoke found the build- Heal Location’ Tae mare gu Aollere-t0 Jee Canada. i ad agi ts i i b d all his clothes de- rei ratty “tig k, who received the title of Princess nuiber of & threepenny humorous periodi- | ing burning and. a! BC Jong, 36 inches in diameter at the base| my, Go ill build 6 transferred to the new Ministry. | obtaining a i | a ’ ohes me sad ia Government w: uu an bof a diye." =® BP mean Aebievement in thoes /stroyed, whereupon he had to find | sid 30 inches as the tap, aud when ready experimental cold-storage. plant for |Tho Government, he said, intended | would all be within the scope of the marriage nol Tunnel Again. shelter in a barrel. He'is expected eMtnente-toot vole ig 9 fountoob globe, and |g ihits ait Cirle by, Ont. to take the land out of Chancery. | powers of the Commissioners, who rs fe stagrer, of ‘an arrow: Canada's exhible is & feature of | Hetvatter if » landlord found that | youll. heve authority to fix the ss Extension of Suffrage In Europe. q| the dry-farming congress exhibition | ‘some silly settlement’’ hampered | price of the land in the Nae aa com- S his schemes for improving his land| pulsory acquisition. le. Governs march of democracy jn Hurope hirvugh jat Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1p gh uso: ‘ ihe uiatgenent “al tho auiiage-” let] ‘Nourly. all the, reindesr that es- (he could epniy torte Ministry of ment proposed, the Chancellor on, first poked his nose into ihe government caped from the pba aii: on Lands, which would enable him to} cluded, to remedy the grave th try b; Jae terete tae fous Meee ate ie potthern -Albstba AAVe Dest ees| yeaa tat, Bop me Atel Sener ct “rome Choma ae Balkans, eaptur ry, he continu ‘ould operat ui mae som: Ztal Just granted what ies practi-| 4 ne from Australia address- | through commissioners, who would] State funds, and ‘ ve gob a ae emery Mbevak led to ally, | Canada, via act in a a Si juciniad gapaciiy, and have] nice littlo find « at hand—the insur ‘ diwali Snuhiee ke America,” reached him without a|the sar 1@ power to reduce rent neo ce tiene, Aad incarnest forty 9 vt ago cuifi day’ ae ee lay. pun Sn ak thin. Boottish: cout]. hkl anueuriseniana vat n focne" Yistorigua voting franchise bids fel") "A Hamilton jury awarded Fred.|now possess. Large farmers also|proposala by Ohanosllor Loyd ‘The Danes have been fighting for a re-| Fritz $75 eo ‘agistrate Jelfs,} would have the right to ap, eal to] George was made by an Sart duction of “Tho votibe ae ren Seeds the ut | for wrongful ejectment. He si nied the commissioners for a reduction | and unanimous decision reac! a frags to women on the same basis ae that | for $3,000. of rent if the action of the State] recent meetings of the Oabinet. of ane tare fot ‘and for the popu-| _Maunsel Bros., big ranchmen of Oe hasten Uber house of the Daas! Macleod Alberta, have shipped a * 1 N-W.O, $1.13 12; No. 2 O.W., $1.11 1-231 i these me trainload of fine cattle, avera, ng No. Maou GLE gi 1,600 Ibs. each, to the Chicago mar- wenGiel mae \ ket, Montreal, Oct, 2%-—Corn, American No./ Montreal Board of Trade will re- neponts FROM THE LEADING TRADE | 2 yellow, 19 to 000, Ont, oan Wet ‘use support to the separa ae tol deleeet tad rele cial a to te z & $ z é A g a : z s 3 4 IOV CCS OCT CCC. rdiale’ ath re-| phasized the of anes Buntel cable, was in | and tho debate dat veliowed showed modern English landscape | his ideas had made ane’ imprec: 4 Tepresentative of that | sion. @ place in more | After summarising previous eff to than a dozen national and public aller. | promo ote the tunnel project, Mextonding ‘as ‘in famous art centres far bac! 1802, when a French engineer is é a Ey nai All ‘his interests were in his art. His | Homer Maen, brow Foy showed the fal- ghict recreation, he used 10 say, was hie | lacy of the oid ‘objections to tre ‘rauel Waa a native of Kettering, | baced on military grounds. ‘Then he on, Hottiamptonetiv, where he was born | phasized the commercial and social ‘ad- eluty-three years ago. He could draw al- Yantages to both France and Great cat taod to, drawing to, his school fel-| ‘Tho total expence would be less than lows while ‘he autenged 2 loca) school. $90,000,000," her gaid, and the time “of con: To his natural e added an ex. siruction, bet an en years. treme carncetnees “ofp ‘comm, Eogiand and er ance and than once he took ‘picture which would ot ‘the entire ‘world: he thought wegen pave satisfed Shoat olition off the canvas atly. benefited and a tremendovs. ive means of soft, soap simply, beoanse it ease imports ‘and exports "would bo ig] . ne Royal Acad 2 arr, addrecsing ae Bhet- loyal Academy made him an associate. 4 eel a Sisuinations Pees aap, Sud held many dee, a ere ae if they only Hewnch and. Golrweth ance ae | comme ap eeeeniol s8id tat ff ther only are best known. ali en able Post-o: i = aih a Saaee The British Pos ot now, he said, a question of 0. | ing ee beyond the Pounds’ Bt Frices of Cattte, cram ang omer ae zen port tesued Te may tives sstupond: tne survival of ‘the fittest. ‘Phe indus- 1 feasibility. luce at Home na Abroag 84705 a of the nations peatel basiness. | eonsy independent, hard working mam, epartment of Eduoation has . 2 s rious, he ng man, ; big & umber of Yetters delivered reached | who. was axe sup) Wie gare eS Be declared that pale Beparate | moronto, oct, Bs Flour—Ontario wheat | $33" “BiOrte, gan Mi $27, Mouillle, $58,000, "an tcreaco wastrel, pauper, i gftRPore ‘the pro: Princd athark ot art at all: A more refined taste on the | Boy Oa Don entoientan’ de of new wheat,| §2' to Sn" Hay, Noo, ger ton out lots) chow a, decrease,’ indigating Ste geny ct he “dngenorat aid not live 5 Sn Ahe iagemnea hurd eer tn ve trl te (8 at, 58 As fo AIC Charan fing, meatonay, 3, 10 ‘oral rare, out an existence. Wit 7 ited atente, ie; “fitiest ena! Of Postal packets undeli re; wine to} sion ras, the mieerablo. degenerate Second son of King George <i | Daab., But when many people find them) grants forthe ¢ ,80; strong: as oree: ery 14 at ie Seti te ator er 38,002,000. “More than Nagen aed often souvived. ‘the Songest,| 20d, who has joined Hs agSiP | then we cannot wait tor the elevation of (on. oe Langley Minister ms Seated how Northern, |ealev tod, 3 205, Now's sock, B80 No. 2 stock, ,900,000 telog: ne lared his 3 “ ” aircotiy, “an 2 ots 88, ‘amé Were’ 6e The doroncraten, not on! evived but Collingwood, on_whicl © will | taste—we must act ST Rd ree 1 Affairs ack, Bay ports, and No, ‘Potatoes, bag, car ol ‘life than the intellectuals. i sTatg he meray She Sey = 84 4 10 to thes bret aal Ewtates Vihear aay at nas oe lect setve te arprenticoahin ee z i eat pr Goo vieton Mihat the Pasilciant ifs Ontario, wheat—New No. 2 wheat at 8 Lanai ie rah regegae. cop line, {editing | Book a feeble minded act for tho fesble| King’s navy. © will become a rae jaa low grade of|sample market for grain in Winni- | to 20, outwide, uni te states Markots. qrerr,eemptom Bf Delta, extremely wi the|Zinded which seemed to be about the lieutenant at the age of 22. He is etiitin, Pee aealas raat great Joss to | aiSt sc io sputarle, oats, Bite Sto, out tines poly “Seren Dacneaeer alleged burdeng of taxation under Chan-|which the House of Commons wae capa wl Be Numbored and Named, |F18 8 of Snaketon orn Canada old’ gate, H to 31 120 for No.| 959 to 62 bat Stare chs bs Ro, hata cellor a budget. | te ‘of taki stem of road desig. | the farme pip and 0,3 ws Ed new sy: pe a ation ioe: ‘the gouvenienoe tu tourists has feeble minded, all of whom were Le ted” Be ad in the count, St to So, outelde, 1 ogenerats. tobe." prvitho, "bul i Heatack Der th the Eye lives ? ti ce ieee ke, Oe ce Great Britain, Bante fair at raat é f the feeble iad whee anne toe nee _denlgnations Ata ie erage al Commission has been ap- ‘ : of the feeble minded whose a: . ‘at the road. crossin font ie inthe Wilagttar recs | sgn were, sronaly A ag OE Look For Nasal Catarrh fhsible ptt loathe" feat” Hs pointed 4 in “Britain to inveatgnte ‘was entirely & i prea eae felon and trout fishing and somo of the ocr antemning haere eR TR rt gs tional roads, department roads, aad eo on,{th@ railways and their relation “Another catato nod: lagi, wi | Baas Of aronthiood. Tt wae not valvic- | Catsrrh Never Stops In One Place— | ion vonay ts Gon ease will be numbered | the Stal ‘com erwon come pa- ‘The direction ‘post ate the lacs Z ton Mall, ts “vba, ane, oe cient Sea Hae Ie wee, ienuredly advisablo to| It Spreads Rapldly—Often Ruins hgh rvay and the tn oe mary Gay laptain Harold Christian is be. ‘Gitaree RG han December, iiss ue tartan ee detetming who was Re Health Completely. tourist tarting on a journey will need ing loaned by the admiralty to su- vertot, | tench Tee eA) November, us ‘December,| rent ae. who produced, then hysloaly aly @ strip of feures, end. he will be perintend ae isati ‘of | »B 22 to Lhe; inferior, een a ee gn i" onal Lived To-day. an aa entally unfit commit it is th he to find his way anywhere 20 to Bios ery ‘to 290 for rolle, a A ‘man who claima to be tho Inst of tho| against. society. ‘Tho ‘public, ‘Six Jamos| In this changeable, climate it ts the Pai SE i the Chinese navy, Bowie Cromwells for an old age pen-| Barr urged, must be educated and en-|]ittle colds that into Catarrh. t Standard surmises | , Peee—Cace ot Ke lew-1nid, Set to fac dio! Live ue Markots, gion at Leicester. Sale name is George | 1 new Unk the PA Poe ode is checked it |, Thomas A: Sperry, the inventor of trad- on dozen; fresh, 32 to 350, a Hallett Wronsides, and ho is 7a yours old,| |The peber wae eomowhat hc a hae passes rapidly from the throat or nose | ufate valisd ‘ut indoaN awe St | that ale wil trouble over Mexi- Bo, Der doreh. Se ae ae and] Montreal, Oot. 28-A few of the bert cat-! He bears tho scam of jwounds reoelved | olzed_ by wy thet sere who followed. acral at Pengbse: uae i can policy between Great Britain eked rik Boge ter wi ee out 1 saad) hoe rf sorved with the Canadian lungs. You can’t make new lungs any }cppital to, establish . great enterprises | and the U. 9. is due to rivalry over baste emery See to 2.6 per Sontay sige an cay Pig bce baa Hi 4 ——_4 Fi ‘ 1 1 Bushmen, and “he went through the Su: more than you can make and shes Sperry ad take. oat x g,capitalized an }control of the oil fields, Huerta ea Pica lh mn tg, to er sre em bos 40, br 4 to oe Re Tntery! correspondent, Iron- i a as or toes, but you can cure Catarrh. | ori ae lea havi rsed the i we Yor not ° per doi ‘Noronto, Cavtle—Choiloo export, dea attriouted hi penury to the revo-] SHIP FOUND FAST IN ICE. The surest cure consists of breath- tor No, #- 78 to W780" oboe butahery Fld has places of honor and dis-| of granting concessions to Ameri- | * A 1401 foene, 12 to 130; i 75 Poe spirit tnheed sa remand tng in the healing balsainic essences ot iene men who ean think ho ean oak i) ee one Not at tel vag, | ORY AeaH to" BASU ctiingm, ers, and cut Me a € % RHOZONE, ww! is sim) minds out 1 tova—< to per » | ge fat , wate Spolle: wscis Seterimaie text ng ce Been oe eee ero © Sranteetan, ne so full of rich Pa ihiukiog end give dosaita. dls. A party of 20 prominent ae on "era ‘and New Hrunawiok, 0 per bry, | & we eet ares tose cee a ni Bs 18 ba gy A fara . ae ative properties that every trace of ore toe 7 marred the custom of officials ongaged in rescue work Sane alee Gord. ral, nor a Conservative; ho wou air curtomers | the Sen, id in Wal ; A despatch from ys: |Catarrh vanishes before it. roe give their o mine in [3 ie Provistone, Beers, u - | wis i erat ea Tes aiappe’ and the g 7 As oo to, BOD 6 |The steamer Geateutlal rate Yeti aie aerate are Bpanieh " sion Heo colved the | whore Boi 400 lives tate lost, os Long clear, 16 16 tr tig i ae gatidey 8.80 idea * fee sing tho ‘Dra es Pork ete it b ioe a a of belie Japan, ‘six yoars ago for (one y ever used,” writes’Mrs, Hdmond | ualing ee magnet to draw trade, he |Overcome by gas, and resoued just | m., tn once outs a ae a a oh to 620, outside, £2 i fe: Te-Manitoba ‘brat, oe toe bags, Toronto. trelghts, ort, er pg is 404 mest, @OA80; Thome, medium jan Francisco with a cargo of sul- J. Christine, of Saskatoon.. “Every | trading stamp was the result and for-|in time. Some of the party wore wigs vias ag, i ae and was Ae heard from, |breath drawn through the Inhaler |e, smiled on him.” the appli-; #flected as though by laughing gas. 16 So) jgbronkfaet Sec toa beahe fambe, Key to a a ‘ a, eRe AES eleroe, Mo; rie 14 1-40; pails, watered #945 cit © oy to ese ‘$9 fed and) tere’ vi. rogrees ported fast in the ioo off Sag- |sends a grateful feeling through the | eatiot ‘of new idoca wo old ware. ot aloe latin 1 Talend "Okhots Bea, et air passages of the nose and throat,| things. A man's mind te his best covital United States, u z f This Company invites you to ff open a It is a LOT case 1b that increases as ria. A’ Russian expedition, | ia, drawn ‘Twenty- three civie officials of irre ms APT. headaches over the eyes, relleved me| “yn this land of opportunity no, man 1 Bated Hay and Straw. FELL DOWN MINE SHAFT. bound through tbe - Okhotsk 806.1 of astumy fosliug in the nows-and acl peerees baa 60 a unslouded ‘malndand East St. Louis, Ill,, were indicted | hay No, 1 hay ta, being bought discovered missing vossel with |trritable hacking cough that had beon ent on graft char ect, by dealors at 615.50, mip Be Si. te #14, Savings Account lifeboats gone, the name partly |the bane of my life for a year. My| Drstaliva; Navi’ 1s: Growinia: James Lynch, president of the In. | on teak Tarontor Noy 8, with ft on whteh it vill pay you obliterated and her iron work cor-|general health 19 greatly improved, Te taeon “unfloialty that tho new dwarirtea ‘Typographical Union, _baled etraiy=9F.50 13 $8, on track, To- Intere terest at rate ‘0 roded. There was no sign of a hu- aap pete ae aa ee battleship, Queen, Mary, made a reoord hag been appointed labor commis- ‘A lsaaiicen ite Raat Man R CENT. ig | Ss Compound: man being on the ship. SkebDy: HOt: i eal ct itp Poe Tet ce tie tat tne | sioner for N. State.. wine 6 ics lespat ro} hn om ozone au been the me Bi ¢ hi, says: Siar 4 ot od QUARTERLY, me such health as I always desired, | speed ciguifles without, taking ana “reso pee for ‘the four ‘gunmen’? —Wheat--No, 1| Michigan, say: ese a gat but never possessed.” Hite rough wa bait at darrow aud 'is| under sentence of death for the i, doy ‘Tes No, 8, do.,| & miner om ied at t ie “Chay i ‘Mine The Union Trust NO ONE WAS RESCUED. Even though catarrh has a firm| fitted with Parsons furbines: | Her con treat murder of Paty the New York 1 pojected, toa oy ate led “at ee 1 ti eat acti . Moldon_ you, mud nitecia your thecat, |aprre, gas eet vente eect Mel sambler, requested the Oaie ok on Wednesday, when he fo and| Eyery Bone In tho Miner’s Body, Was Br ore are 5 kick e rs, you can thoroughly cure hha to 14-inch uggest- 0 a5 Ec hi Company, Limited syunleh Biekier. a A pdate With |p with “Calarmozone, Largo” size, "18 Br eppearaney ake inmnch ae ‘only thee oak acti site Rereiice No. 3, do., 3 tas Barloy-No. @ Lo, ston struck on. his head and every Temple Buliding, Toronto, All On Boa [rl at Gang ba fai ie oe the § oct woueer one Tiago Test foot oy Ror a Seeicenanetaas man tester bone in his body ‘was broken. c.; sample size, 25c, ores) sy oealeAseets: ever. $18,000,000. despatch trom Ten singtors, | org and druggists, or ‘The Catarmho: | ae, Uenm:,, Het, Indiosted hotepower ie ‘The arrest of William Levy, at Finland, says: Forty sailors and|zono Co,, Buffalo, NY, and Kinesion ay amide Pe na jo Blea « bactle Cleveland, is believed to show up THE Passengers on board the Finnish | Canada. oa nen 28,000 Sune ne the Queen} the operation of a large gang of THE BEST BE iteamer We: ed a Gian. The 25,000 3 . si stkusten were drown —_*__ Mary's 27,0 “niger then “the |jewellery smugglers, and seizures on Wednesday when the vessel! The Alberta Government will Green Sa snd "altnoces, her ontrect | to the value of $30,000 were made struck a reef near Vasa, is the Gulf spend two million dollars in tele- Fier itlele Holle aes ii Yatious slopes. Tokohts in ale is al. of Bothnia, oe went down. No|phone extension work next year, ce a ane, “Gre “ ek Mill) leged as the source of supply. * |In the Eastern Townships Only Inferior Is to Be ; one was reseu says Premier Sifton, slizobetb, Wareplte FOR THE HAIR (3 Serbs "do Quest ae aD vars pays Hones: Had at Higher Prices ae. lists in M - 4 Hair and is not a dye, ee Better 2 Seid than Tngoge. Mug trouble Ate a ree ein ane a Best sirloin of beef 25 to 28 cents per | blame for bi Se thee een ee eee Pedaeel commander wind the Mayor! |poulid:. -Beriitihe. 8¢ 4alabioanee: , Restores the color, strength, due. "Thele mpeed alone would make them | American troops are having seri- beauty and softness to Gray | 0 iesat Bit"sioner and their iting power | 'G, Surmishes in the Philippines.) 4 aespatch from Montreal eays: ket hae greatly deteriorated. | The butcher They Figures For September Show an Increase of About| *" A noted surgeon, Just Lucas-| Other cute increased 234 cents per At 6l! Drugztets. 500. a Bot. Eleven [tillion Dolirs > & Gh Paris, dropped pound, Wholesale price for car THE LATE JAMES Ross, | dead from acute angina pectoris gases 924 to 18 conte. per pound, 4 Ney This is the ich confront Left An Estate Said to Be Worth /<f the Aosdemy of Sciences « paper | i.e pcnsewite aa the result of the The Heart of a Planoisthe despatch from Ottawa says: A - rehistoric trep: Ca fi , i Action, Insist on the sata featuro in the statement of pe je agent fee bate 8 AU Pekin dospatah to the London atte tho fave Danan cra = L” th le of for we Bont $11,829,000 for Beptember, 1913,] A despatch from Montreal says:| Telegraph says that. ‘the Chinese | Petr into the States, “Beet is get-|obtained and rushed OTTO HIGE tnd ee ineved by Hon. J. D-leompared with 86,878,000 for Sep-| Among the bequests made by the aa ees S2 Gat BR care aseron eerste Plano Action Hed aoe of Customs, “i the|tember, 1018. here are bie In| ial ombe ere the toda Sintions with the Be-DOSr oa eee ears cr atl eons | decrease a Jimporte and the in-| creases in exports all along the the Dominion Coal Company, whose | for a new loan of $100,000,000, to Sapsiiia ter, others ni til © reise of exports. Dutiable goods line. Exports of minerals for Sep-| will was probated on Weanesdey, fe used for industrial purposes, _ spring. It has already gone up tw ‘markets, and FOR SALE wl *, value of $97,997,000 and free tember last were $6,402,000, and for |is a gift vat $10,000 to, his sister, wy to three cents a pound, and despite ra site of _ beef Med durin Se it000 | the previous September, $6,278,000, | Mrs. Mary Grace se, “in, addi : this increase there is no doubt that|theso find a ¢ale. at Pulleys & & Shafting | were ipo tted -altking:- September ie ota ot wienutastieGs wes tgiee Hen. to the other provision already $4,000,000 GIFT, the quality of the beef on the mar- | prices. are imports for the corres-| an Inskenses being $5,041,000 for |made.’? Mr. Ross’ only son, John — — i Hioneh ot 1ol2 were $38,-| September, 1913, as paca 3,097) Kerineth, te given enillion ae New Yorker's Splendid Generosity Sujtabie for Mills, Manufacturing oe oie we ods, seed pi | 000 for September, 1912. and an annuity of ae a, a nae to Cornell. : iS . { Plants, Printing Houses, Etc. ist September veere 897,048,000 of| Canadian trade was nover in| t#te is 58 Dove ree A. despatch from Ithaca, Nx, f Rha : a este foods and $4,071,000 of|More prosperous condition, as the says: A gift of approximately \ gee chies pana eae fojolan woods, as against §25,614,- ioral ot trada for September TELL-TALE LITERATURE. | 84,000,000. to Connell seo aes : ieene nen ana 2: 481 1d $3,153,000 fe st was close upon one hundred Medical Coll on Unt te Rigger is workin a hatu reree ry, ee dee? mead ac and Te ee millions, the actual figures being | Sports Perit Bristol Destroy: | thursday on behalf of the Board of ot| Pl pit Pulley, 12% x 28 in. th atin erat 95,685,000, compared with $87,- ed by Suffragettes. Trustees. While no official ‘ [ rook Pi ll for os 7A6 Boe Lage {Eevee mtieseman “al -of 000 for September, 1912. For] \ despatch from London says:|ment was made, it ip believed that : in gt Ss. ie eR ie ee te gee eatie Goede $138, 45,0, and /the first six months of the present! An “arson aquad” of militant eat | the gift, the largest in the history ure euantinn quickly and forall ime because for 8 7/18 in. shat goods, ; sq) ‘ 6 trea ott pric Key ovscetiee eerirestine ? ‘ PAUE Ga oC.suiellar led and Shatt-| foreign goods, $22,542, az| fiscal year ending’ Btptember 208 |frageties on Thursday set fire to| of the University, was. made y : ifram ti posted caigstra? i ; a ing of various lengths and si 0 be | against 162,427,000 of domestic and | last, total. Canadian trade was and destroyed the sports pavilion | Oliver Payne of New York. ‘The| [me Albi an Gor suger tives from 181 sold at very low Daikes, $15,972,000 foreign for ‘the six | $551,978,000, compared with 8506,-| o¢ Bristol University. They left the| interest from the new gift will give 2 a) 8 tional Drug and Chemie! Co. of Canada Limited, ; 2 Box 23, months ending Beptomber 30th, | 265,000 for the corresponding six usual tell-tale suffrage literature| the medical college an annual in- 3 Wilson Publishing Co., Toronto. }1912. months of the fiscal year 1912. seattered about the grounds. come of $200,000. \ 2 man