CIRCULARIZING LOTTERIES i Pobtune: Telling Literature and Racing Circulars 5 Denied Use of Canadian Mails A despatch from Ottawa says: iber of new regulations have just been promulgated by the Post- office Department. To begin with it is vigorously suppressing — lot- te mat and prohibiting their use of the stakes circulars are also prgered ie be treated as unmailable, din the hace class as peal lottery literature. new regulations. prohibit ©} any articles wit ter Office all matter orig- inating in such sources. pod prescribe that inflammable or explosive articles when discovered shall be packed and sent to a post- office inspector, if possible. prohibition et Christmas or Mee stamps to be affixed on the address side of letters has pede ee a regulation: Such y be affixed to the back aia raeoene IGicsnlacy Pieenaite the fortune- A Highly-Paid Chief. PRIGES OF FARM PRODUCTS |». ‘suction concet tnasr|® ps the vernmen Railways, is REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADS oe on the..very highest salaried CENTRES OF AMERICA, on. Can; wrap $20,000 7 per yea direct all Aevaniaibnty of the Gov- be in n Bay Railway Frices of Cattle, Crain, Cheese and Other Produce stuffs, when it is oomaileteds Toronto, Aug. 19- Flour “Ontario wheat | He is recognized as one of the flours, 90 per cent., $4.00 $4.10; Te Tonto or Montreal ‘eight has aes ae new wheat, $3.60 September 2 white and red ©, Quiside, and new wheat 2 Ontario oats, 35 to 360, 380, on track, Toronto; side, nd at 37 to w oat to tbe, Pominal: Western. Can- iene: nanan te for No. 3, Bay Ports; No. 1 feed, Bie, as—90 to 9% jarley 62 to ‘n—No. a Rearing corn, 751-20. ¢.i. Mi 5 d. 'e~60 to 620. tickwheat60. to. 63o. ran—Manitoba bran, $18 to $18.50 a ‘ton, in bags, ‘Toronto’ freights. Shorts, ‘$21, Toronto. iF Country (Saag Butte: ae he and 24 for solids, Imissioned by Ho . Hearst to study twenty-five. as fair asone| A despatch from Montreal says: F Bggs—Caco lots of new laid, 24 to 260 per ie Ze domme i oper wh | Ba i many for foun oa fon |could desire, aedned Ge bone hie Chevalier, Chief City Re- dozen; fresh, 20 "amd goconds, 1 to Tt is Ukely that when the erialature | eratiy Tota ton 2 free dur- in my pocket, lief Officer, says that from all in- H meota next_session a comprehensive. Beer ; of ey Fearn yrtna'et sctie|iboue trom 4.8 pm cl |,, ACe4aay,ee Tee marred, an dieatons thet wil bu a hand wi ; pAhoans Handpicked, $228 to $236" per Mr. F. P. Gutelius. fe rag ot a cai eines ehcp gemciacre CaS pga rae opening of the com- Se eee veane later | ter, tor lntalys arg 16 : bushel; primes, 81. . ar Reon apie ieee ee ieee GaAmaiieh ase weate we lived as happy as could be. And | Already, he said, a greater amount a Oe ee ne e maintained and strengthened, but |P°"Y 5 no money when T was mar-|of relief has been asked for than ; Bohadh fie Akon Waa S28 £52 |ablest railway men in the oo i fa, stated that fre belts will he. out oo tied, although I was not long in | for the same time last year, Plent, Sh ae ae et ger 1; tamer, | 49 ee ee Unked States pre Sorc: 8 more efficient patrol vill bo GREAT BRITAIN. making : some. ee of ee 5 is to be Sig seat at a : ys ago, and is o! man a t up, and severe prosecution of met nd wife in a1 -}|present, but as soon as is has Pan rc crnor con [QUE prone” graduat [2 ii Seale, in|, Atte Holal Cou, Londas, ag. | 4106 MY second wien an om-| pros sinpaed dy kaw all 0 hoe : Potatoes—Jobbing lote of new potatoes, A Bre Helte, 1 it is hoped, will prove a buffer, | land, Prince Rolenburg was robbed city and we were en- pped by pe FS $2.28 per barsel, *)a8 a civil engineer in 1887, went to ‘belts and ton ian ct ont | of @ cheque for 81,000, which he|84sed to be married before wo got| ple will be out of employment. An- Pe ee British Columbia in 1895, and has fermen od Wee eae SS | ctasel ae tee mato aa aes OG Next es ae es , {other feature will be the impor ay deere tt dere oe Posts, in: the yi usunds of Hindue’ta Come to Canada: ing hia back for a few moments. |nd sho es happy, He srais a eee ieee oo the mn, long clear, 15 r ia ‘ose8 he The ch = Je. | Years more. iy should we have |} wes 8 soon as this work is over, tot Bork hort wtaB eo oe Secret reports that have reached the|The cheque was stopped by tele- | ¥@# 2 ma ie gh SiGe Wa ofa alone’ on foot wo bring thounanda | BT2M. ee eae sa | ese te eee ae ig ent Pe/huiie| Mantrond enor wien. [3 sn tise Oniottia’ to Vaumorer a oo whom I had certainly known when {of ailing ‘for home, bet a certain q Be. : —_— teamers from Calcutta ancouver al ; . : h i siderable, concern UNITED STATES. Oa ere ca tan en Seer aL a ETN gvsrsoy Saloon of Ree York Rok Te ee oe ec mil be itn fy sgn [s scheme, ¢1 aouueciae one eo red thousal rovernor Sulzer, of jew or] - ; te oy a Seen Since 1910. Tents have alrceay. hoon reveinel wom tis | Was impeached and is superseded in |yeans, when I encountered her one|Chevalier said that the charitable fa Naan aid £5. No, A despatch from Brandon, Mani- | Sg hare already been received from the | TA! y in London. Wo were glad to|institutions in the city would be dint isso "40 $14.60, on track, Tosowta, and No. 2 at $11 to $15. Bialed straw—Good stock, $8 10 $80, on track, Toronto, mu observations le in the northerly districts Bae week, it is th Winnipeg Grain. Winnipeg, August _ 19.—as No.1 Northern, Bei No. 2 Northern Nos * Roi,8 Nort 1 2. Cw. $1.31; No. telling business and racing sweep- | ®°° ned upervise and COMMENT ON EVENTS adGTY, fourth person one moots in Can- ada has come to fhe Dominion within the Past ton years. in the @ visitor THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. a th the aumbes of "a bat ae show foreign birth. ‘rhe Q/ines, a fete employee of tl he sons employed, "of Oy $127, Ts oie es salaries Be 7a, and of $684, value of abeinkage In Bullaing Goeralivi _ulloiie goraits, in th years, he red. Timiskaming, cal Colleges gideds in favor of combi ining thei: in | fi we ent. : ‘cent, Pruit growers st Catharines distri ve |ing for Be baskets. of July, 5 not equal to the-demand, albeii obnlies have been workii ack im For tho month this year, the general decrease is 26 pei ‘ood Roads and Country Lite. ee ere is re ptimiem. t | F e es and has never known a day’s ill- | clowns to furnish the laughs, eques- ppeals accumulate effect, but better inan| |ducted, Montreal will ‘probably ness in his long life. . trienne acts, chariot races, auto a century of propaganda is the spre have an investigation into alleged iv iy ie motoreye the automobile and ele. the ‘possession of these, for ‘practical, ue and pleasure that is forcing the Toads m Ppbes graft, rural life. They will take at more money for local improve- telephone and the trolley began and give|/ments. The municipal account take e. placed for three years in the ings- Forests to be Safeguarded, to! Arising out of the the | h Forestry Branch of tho Ontario Deyare ment, of Lands, Forests and Mines, i Ohitttess Aid ee are trying to have youths removed from as it gives them no chance. The United States litherto it has been possible to pre-| has apologized to Britain for the|day we were married. It was a 1 = Tent a influx by, the order in council rash statements made by Henry | Very happy union. REBELS DEFEAT LOYALISTS. i stipulates that immigrants must Yonkers, New York, when h eae eS icsay the Empire and the World | | Railway for ieee mysteriously disap- aie uard ie re was foun bee by members of a, large search Pei otley and Manitoba | Theologi- in Winnipeg, Method- ist and Presbyterian, have both de- pipnatont ene candor specialty has been made of t The supply ing he Bank of Montreal has refus- av allow the town of Sarnia any is © a considerable ex- John Robinson, aged 17, has been ‘Provincial Peniten ntiaty for |) ingston there, Government ilson. William Colbert, a carpenter of died se exces- of [all her friends, TE ENS WA PARAGRIPHTWELVE HUNDRED KILLED! HAPPENINGS FR FROM ALL OVER Looting Stores, ee despatch from Canton, China, ]for eyentualities, The kil t has Become. the great meltin, Twelve hundred were killed | quarter serves as a buffer between | ania? perfectly cooked Bot ot the "the e uations and | “ins Government in General Before Your Hone fighting between the rebels | tho two forces. A hug broke ane make delicious ninety ditecsat nations settled in Can- Eyes. in Canton City on Wednesday, and out on Thursday, destroying thirty lelight. - sandwiches. ada in 3932. i912. In that year the m aie pillage is in progress everywhere barracks, and as a tl ic and fea the United States 140,143, 4 CANADA. Halt of the soldiers have joined the accompanying rioting, the exodus | picnicker’s Bet Hn on enord en, he Brill ime jolteersall citizens have formed rebels, and together they have loot |of the 1Giilian population contina- | choice, United States. stock company to acquire the |¢d the principal goldsmiths’ and|ed without abatement. Traffi pore Industrial Progress. y House and run it as a temper- |silversmiths’ stor T local ve Hankow Railway has been ae preveeys with them eee ae onaeiciel Generals are powerless owing to favorite. the year 1910 has just been Seated. aid “4 Medica] Health Officer Hastings | dissention among themsely: ie Bevaee to the nea of proof of the advance this coun: | states that “appalling conditions’’| An attack on the foreign conces-| Canton repor' ived ‘Ol was Thursday of a rising of brigands, foreign residents to be in contem- plation by the aiid elements, and the detachment of Indian na- tive troops stationed ete as inforeed on Thursday long Rong in virensenten ce of Kwang-Tung ‘ith Tom tired from the vicinity of the city. = 4 : Four WHIRLWIND WEDDINGS] sxIMArs AT THE EXHIBITION ee In London Won All His! Acrobatic Acts, Chariot Races, ee Auto Polo, and a Few Thrillers. The circus and hippodrome at the Canadian National Exhibition, To- = ronto, this year will be more vari eaker was Leslie Fraser Duncan, the tallest Scotsman in Now ‘ninety- two years age, {| Duncan is still » striking and un- usual jan. @ stands 6 feet 6 inches in his stockings, and retains all his faculties. He can read witl the aid of an ordinary pair of glass- reputation, swarms of And he pours contempt on the idea that great caution ig necessary before Rican! into a matrimonial engage: Git sven for my first wife,’ BS said, “and had eighty replies y return of post. I picked out a ae of them and entered into cor- respondence with the writers, fin- ally narrowing my correspondence n to one. “Although I travelled some way to see her, we were already nledeed one another, I met her polo, and a few thrillers, Add all this to the musical ride, the musi- cal surprise, a big cadet number, and the Burning of the Wreok of the As rship, and a double bill of fireworks, and you have to admit that the Canadian National Exhibition is keeping well ahead of the procession in the mat- ter of bye HARD WINTER IN SIGHT. Montreal Charitable Institutions Will be Taxed to Their Utmost. see one another again, and the next) taxed to their utmost. “The fourth wife I met at a hotel in Brighton, and it was a good ay Chinese Northern ae Expect to for me. I am glad S despatch from aah Ohina, tion, but were married without Joss or ts tor ob har oe rom of time. My wife died last Be Ries ber, deeply lamented by one as by] pos I can look back and say I had Half of Chinese Soldiers Have Joined the Rebeis In and from athier parts of the pro- ws has reached here that a state of chaos Full flavored and WAR COST $1,360,000,000. ’ | Estimate Fixes Number of Dead at Mi ia, who has visited all chief centres of the kan war, has sent to the newspaper he re- presents approximate table of the losses in men and money up to the present of the combatant na- tions. For the first war his esti- mate is as follows: Bulgaria—350,000 soldiers mobi- lized ; 80,000 dead ; $300,000,000. Servia--250,000 ‘soldiers; 30,000 dead ; $160,000,000." Greece—i0, Ane dead out of 150,- 000; $70,000, a Mo: Pe UES dead out of 30,000; $4,000,000. 100,000 dead’; For the second war his figures « Blgaria—00, 000 dead; $180,000,- Ratan aie 000; $100,000,000, of TSOne massacred and the victims of the reas epidemics are ad to the tals ib is reckoned that sed 00,000 must have perished. patie loss all told is said to BE 1,360,000,000. -The Boer war cost England 20,000 dead and $1,000,- 100, 000. ; RNP at, ig aa ets POURED COAL OIL IN STOVE. Two are Dead and Two are in 3 Critical Condition. A despatch from Montreal says: Lae Flora Mercier, 17 years of age, Colson, 15 months old, wate burned to di » and. Mrs. M and Mrs. Colson, grand- -\ ing. the flames, pnd bur in the excitem ne lost her ‘ite coe attempt to save the othe: BOAT CAU Seven Persons Lose Their Liver When Launch Upset. A despatch from Superior, Wis- HTIN TUG’S SWELL launch party of-twenty-three in. a boat which overturned in Superior Bay on Wednesday are believed to 4 hy 11 force of loyal t re- ere been drowned. T! jaune! wiaticlaly year, when the area, was tion death: i. |no cause to regret any of my impet.| °™®! was caught in the swell of a passing p : BAS Te deapite ings the Hindus attempt |@eath, after intense suffering. Sni- a vy y ported to be their senbion to cap- . Practically the aame size as it is| 0 i, penne st ia ot | gee was 27 yeats old, and a noted |uous weddin ture Hankow and. afterwards to| tus and pitched up and down un; Hdonireat ROS SRR er pites barley i lation i in n British Columba is very strdog, | Bowler. ‘Although Tam now ninety-two move against Pekin. Northern | tl 1 SGaning:tha<cedmiente, tats Western, correspondingly light. The condi-| Watton, Canadian’ ‘Pacific pa east gave asus had an offer of mar-| troops, with artillery, have left| loose, hurling the eat easton | ons south of the main line of the ars ‘aa Be rece Seiden Cok GENERAL. m a women: who, ma} here to intercept the rebels, and it] t ‘a we tin, oudliige Wereesnali - eral lowed Mela ites jee whe een. fon ar ye an tae tn ee Ve August ie] famous German a = sear ae ee eae . peley oa thee easily ee ea to their asian cabevine six: average pro-|fornia, and against which Japan. so , matrimonial whirlwind, with a sig » 50; | duction throughout the Province. ee oe Ga was re ee = ae oxplorer, |! feetebs © ink I a ° apes es Soria en la of the party. 5 } SS Se ofan ote Winston coma Eta satfored terrible hardships in cross: | jaye, Haha which sug, OPINION OF SUFFRAGETTES. AN OLD NURSE. BIRDMAN copy. supplement coal ‘in the case of largo as |Z Green! 1 eneli ANE — * Tatideneion oe wee Srorien of |p a convention has been oped be- fee ae cee! ee jae Z ee pauses at Persuaded Doctor to Drink ig: | Government Will Probanty Provide] ‘ates “uatSines 2st, )0nt feo! | teen Trance and Gen vy £0 Pr0-| “Dunean is a teetotaler and doce eae ss Postum. for Widow and Family. trameportation. ‘This last is by no means | vide for landings Ss sirorat in each | nog ke. Also he Ii despatch from pardons says: Bit to Bote. Bren, tele See Bot ane eee cea (RTINE Lothey's territory. “It 4a hoped tel Saple: food, apd. date pele ee] Mie mental: dondisgn of Guttraget-| ohn old tnithtul aurea andcah exe le; No. 1 stock, 230; No. ae 18 to 19.1 A de, patch from London, says :— | With it not only increased speed, but a as simple food, and eats sparingly. ai retty Bamuel F th 1 ‘Ameri. | ™ larger radius of action and easier | to avoid pila? ibtddente.? CTalve —— will keep me J; | tes. was the subject of a paper by] perienced doctor are a Pp: se United States Markets. - ? ne eed seri | and faster replenishmont. aoe me ” | the famous surgeon, Nelson Hardy, | strong een me favor (Minneapolis, Aug. 19, Wheat, Soptember, | Gan aviator who was Killed at Al-| bas not, however, come to this momentous oe before the Medical Congress. on| Postum, instead of tea and coffee. iber, 69; May, $5. Cah sot cote ieee died practi-| fnstited. "For more than a hundred ds ITALIAN CEUSUS. Z Vednesday. Part of his address e doctor id? 1 Northern, 67 ly penniless. the — prize | atroyers’ ar ‘or under construction eg 5 F f : “polities,” but he} —« tum five 601 {1 to Tro,” Gate | mon 6 ead Sm ea kes seyerinent of baitding ata fon ot ae Uliterates Constitute 38 Per Cent,| — #URAT vik Deven, a penned: aay Thee vor year papers alte an old \o'Mi-te. Hye-No-'2, |in perfectin, ‘is machii is i % : 2 : ahs a ‘i ata changed Stat mteata tea ebro Nats euch a sige hs ‘el only, : ree Population, Has ge is Aaa eh tren an fully Fades es ea hae yee ca gan ‘unudually busy win by Mines aA | Mr. Churehill affirmed, f Rome says: The x = ue uring an a tS x nara, | dependent position that the Brit le says: . Nod Northern, 8638. * asiraer | ish Government is making an in-| ect’ nowever, will not’ be entirely a rat the census made in Italy| 4 ame ee ee ays: pony et so bitce a ae Buses tens NePyese gems oe uy san i ee p med BD Dece: oat ee ope fottigetion with a vie to providing Pasaosa: ype Bes at lord a oe a in 1911 have just been published Hy During the past three months. 178 victim a i epidemio éfvatentsl oe “ oe tle sie beciuning iber, $1 ed; October, $1.51; No- them in some a nme) ere are some 0 tye: . : Nemb ¢ iiauranans Pecamene eh Le fe deacliod Cin etree cae ed nats the data: Total population; 94,-| po") Pomomices, have: been open Postum, in place of tea and See asked. ality. Whatever may ultimately ap- sop alo | Can keep pace with the —_+———— _.. STEED AL 10] ICE FIELDS. F eet Live Stock Markets. to, at present. But the stake in oll ships 1s] ga3 Gia give women, 9,617,301; 19.—Cattle—Export, $6.50 ad: fi ‘tant that ‘itain it 4 if Rie eh ee ae Captain Koch Has Succeeded in pang Seeuricieer mere supply. of married men, 6,133,745; married to Crossing Greenland. all ‘at &atesdy price and the imiralty | women, 6,461,557 ; wideners, ie that. it must one tl 250; wido: 1,500, A despatch fou! Copenhagen, dependent: owner ae hess ot a ap. ‘OWS, ip 1e Der ee says: Captain Koch, the pies. In Britain itsel ae ie eet Doten | crease in total popu’ Saou since the tialities, since the Scottish shale depos last. decennial census is 101 well-known Danish Polar alone, if developed, ean yield between 400,- $3. I set ewes, $5 to $6: ra) to $450; D 8816; epring lattbes 87 to 88. ‘oes 9.50, fo.b.; $10.25, fed and _ watered, r eps of a wore ies 554 conte per r om. that down 10 212 cents for] Upernavil fap- ves—2 3-4 ion 0 6 Sheep—41-4 to| tain Koch was a member off the My-} . Lambs—?, Hons About lius Erichsen expedition in 1906. | 8 = on. A. L. Sifton, Alberta’s Prem Alberta’s Premier, Says Business ; in the West Is Good. desp: atch ae Ottawa says’ ‘Hon. rhe L. Sifton, Premier off; ine wa is not one of the men from “th west eee ae sien in tigh h, ay 6 ‘ond! fe ve produe He arated in "Ottawa on Thursda ; to the Canadian Press’ said He Senta business in thé west is ith a hopeful outlook for par better things. ‘(Among ponte erat a Tne Halos may be quiet > he “but I assure you wee financial and sindataisl: ly, there: is yery little sis of British eea power in lin 000 Gus prohibien senarke not one of quantity, but of py Lord Alverstone Resigns and Isaacs tent is soni by Calabria ay Succeed. £6 ie eae Oe jand since ee whieh has long been ‘LITTLE 10 COMPLAIN ABOUT #":"s2 i. oat offer the Isaacs, the ‘attorney General. f Se Be | Tasmanian ee 1” Metis With En-|;, re Si ; ae poi here in the t: 671,377 ; melee 17,201,790; females, ‘of battle | 17,694,587; w : ried men, 10, 172,- it. fons a year for 150 years. Hliterates constitute | 4 d Mr. Gisnreblil te rice. Pe LORD CHIEF JUSTICE. A despatch from London : WHERE To o BAT AT AT TORONTO That is . annual ie at the big Toronto Fair, but submitted is Bremie PAs who | ai ast a id West ends of the big Grate and, where, with noise and heat on dirt séreened out, one. ma; . en- ae ed, full-coursé meal vlan TREATMENT OF CANCER. uceess. - {cents. c service, European 2 ie ill, at the extreme’ west end ‘of mtgen rays, filter. }GRTy, Ob fle extrem commended, Dr. Ro-|in oe one brs ler according 2 Be n-| to the dictates of fancy or appeti ve Gmaie a se 4{and be assured: of ane equal to the best hotel. erts, senior and the aicaeonhk ce is ersons _ sufferin| la to : ep F he eeareay Svea flowing tide of settlements. The|® : ND. extension of rural free delivaryhae| © = SUMOST beso BEML resulted in the closing of over 250 ‘ hibi- rural offices, principally in Ontario Wealnesis International zy and the Mari itime.Provinces, Peg T could ore Fathatts and “sleep: sound! “Tn isa <ghonths I had gained coffee; even at bedtime i i A angst from Winnipeg, says :| tea é “HUNGER AND THIRST.” | According to # statement made by| with ® iaaae cracker or some other — the Board of Control Tuesday night, | tasty bisc uit. rag a “little tendency Sylvia Pankhurst Again Released the, estim: loss ay the 1913 ex- to - From i hibition is $33,157.75. ~ ‘This oe Bekele I used a small quantity “| brings the vet deh ap i, hed ff saccharin sti » to A itch from London says: on the operating sweeten with. I may add that to- Miss Sylvia Pankhurst was again ee eee Tyauseral eabbition “ day tea or coffee are never present released from Holloway Jail on $87,422 ‘in our house and ve many pa- Thursday asa sequel Yo a “‘hunger oe SA tients, on my advice, have adopted thirst’” strike, She was in a! 3,000,000 BUSHELS ©. PACITY. | Postum as their regular beverage. eens of ee When. she = : ‘In conclusion I can assure any- sent back last she was} Huge New Grain Elevator for ‘one that, asa refreshing, peat aul’ suffering oak the: effects of]. Montreal. b a previous “hunger-strike. A despatch from Montreal says: | a A new grain elevator, especially for export trade, with a capacity nearly three “million bushels, as Leaning Tower of France, Pisa i = not the only place to pos- sess a leaning tower, ‘here‘is also port to 10,32,000 bushels. i ns sixteenth century, Recently it was : SIR JOUN GIBSON. thought that this tower was leaning Leta inyestiga- ‘S| Weill Continue as as Lieut--Governar < for Another Yeai Bit Pe aa from ‘Ottawa says three is officially announced that Sir turies. Cardinal Tiel had ihe tower examined in tario, will retain his’ then Seed until oo putes present experts A honeymoon ,genérally lasts as long as the money holds out, f shows no iiferenc that can be}. ured b; tees instruments. Co., ee Jone Gibson, — ioc arnt _of| per ‘ with a lar ing and nerve-strengthening bever- al to ge, there is nothing equ Postum., Name Hien he Canadian Postum Windsor, Ont. Regular (must be poled Instant Postum doesn’t require boiling but is prepared instantly, by stirring a level teaspoonful-in an ordinary cup of hot water, which ae y Hag most person: quires more, and some prope who like ‘strong things : at heapi spoonful an ‘and tem- ge supply | phctess: ae nae ae you knoy y