GOOD BLOOD THE SECRET OF HEALTH To be Healthy You Must Keep the Blood Rich, Red and Pure. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are use-| he c: ful in any disease caused thin or impure gre and the list of such thin and impure, . Williams’ Pink Pills are ic to use du uring convales- When the blood is poor and thin the stomach peers The food ferments, gas an rtain acids form and the aeoible is is ‘pronounced oe aie _ The ljam- age. Some forms of paralysis are] cote t blood. The caused by thin pro- gress of locomotor ataxia is stop- in many cases hea the blood is made pure, rich and red. Thi is only a partial list. of the trou- bles having their origin in impure, tery blood, and all can be cured ny supplying the blood with its _This is exactly what Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills do. rs, ‘There is d corner in Canada Williams’ Pink Pills have not restored some sufferer, and all over this country there are grateful people who do not, hesitate say they o health—in some a life itself—to this great ee cine. you are ailing begin cure yourself to-day by using Dr Mies Pink Pills. ld by all dealers in medicine or “ mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- lane 8’ Medicine Co., Brockville, nt. SE PRINCE MUST “FAG”? AT ETON Will Have to Wait on “Upper” Boys in His First Year. é a private d three times a wee ” he will have to “fag AS fag s, duties include ning to the “sock” ahga 1s to fruit and pastries. aE oe His Wite’s Pet. He had no love for his wife’s pet dog. Neither had anyone élse, for that matter, except his et when it mysteriously disappeared one day he offered $25 for i covery. “But I thought you Bee the dog,’’ said fides) vertiser. did, a big ‘re- ward for its return?’ “Because I “Well, sure to bring the dog back.’ “I think not,”’ said the Stier with a knowing smile, “that is, unless some one saw me bury it in the gar- den.?” Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. Falsehood may be a thick crust, but in the course of time truth will find a place to Break through. had written Company that he would inspect the Lowry Farm on the fifteenth, but finding | ¢ Harry Westcote ge ‘st cided he oes visit the place with out warnin, hen he itebped from the train at the little town he did not sus- pect that Brown ‘of Brown & Jones 1d | happened to be on the depot plat- form at the time, nor ee the lat- ter personage read with some alarm tae name on the pee s hand- Bis ueple a atos herein ie community before, but the livery- big white house surrounded by tall aca bardy poplars. That was the Low- ry Farm. and hie Jeane the place he had ne followed him to the livery barn, had heard him announce his destination, and then had hastened to his own rig and was some eens in ad- vance and making good t’ rown, however, was eeeaily per- turbed in mind until, reaching an abrupt turn in the road where a -| lane trailed off to the north, a bril- liant thought struck him, Ginbine’ tric Wis Wusges he mounted the fence where the old signboard solemnly pointed the way Wo! Wellayilté, aad wih = etenck Ae it so it pointed down the ane “There !? he announced to him- self, sage that will hold him un- til I have tim Papers signed. Then let him come Wr hen Westcote a few minutes later came to the altered signboard, he turned obediently down “the lane as indicate: “That other road 1 if i went-to Wellsville but — sal relate in signs; and this one points with such a confident solemn air there is no mistaking it, so here goes.”’ A half mile tetiher a the lane narrowed until t ieee could pass with ditteulte, if ai “What kind of a Sak can , Wells- ville be if this be the kind of road that leads to it?’ he muttered. “I wonder what would happen if I oe tee another team!” seareely finished the thought before he was aoe to face with that very predic: it. The lane oe into a Sista hollow, and around a curve came a len by a Each diver stopped and survey. ed the oth smile cheerily and oe eae greet- ings, Good morning !’? “would you like to pas “I believe I would if ould ts arranged.’ ho said gaily. Pm a nati ‘ive as He say down here.” pose I should re oA te the renee. ariel should not oT ue afraid you would have lane. It only leads to th well house. By Ee “Way; they are not at home to: “TIsn’t this the Welleite road?” “T should s; You are a ee a mile o! tha 1 ile ?.There is a.sign back there whic) a points up this lane and says ane wales. I so on I came am Tes, ea ‘yather think you are!’’ “And here it looks as if I shou! have to stay!’ Harry spoke though greatly perplexed, but tie expression indicated that he would to continue facing this | * teal SALT RHEUM BEGAN WITH SCALY SPOTS ~ On Arms for Years, Used to Crack. Burned and Itched Terribly. Clothes Irritated the Sores. Com- ~ pletely Cured by Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, , Yoods! tock, Nova. ‘Scotia.—"I_ had salt rheum on my arms for for years. ~The trouble with little scaly spots, which kept arms used to completely cured.”. Cee) Mrs E Neary anaes » Nov. 29, 1911. | Piniples an irl indefinite itely.. She was looking past him. “Do a see that little gap just | © back of I believe you ea back into ve Ail by lifting the buggy around.a little can get-turned the eae oe T believe I can do that. If I oes will I be facing hes right way to reach the Lowry wa “The Lowry Farm! Why, aay our place. I am Miss Lowry.’’ “I am Harry ~Westcote, here to inspect the Lowry Farm. I believe Jones & Brown Realty Company own it now?” “Not yet. They have offered to buy it and we seus phy close the trade in a day aie “What! So, that’s 8 ae deal, eh? ‘ow much are they offering you for the place?’ ae question surprised her, but the look showed no impertinence as intent rn in det | A BELIEVER IN steNs i es : hi It was a beautiful day and West- hi did not know that Brown had m at-| tio tached et a spring wagon Ae a ; irl. “Are you a stranger also i in this |< = ee of single track roads? le ‘No. | | around the pantry. about a year un- r I shall deal te LN instead. ‘all, Miss ‘Lowry 8a} if you eevee want to remain for while and overieg the Meelnmedt of the es. I have no use for the ouise ad you and your mother | / may retain that and some of the land ae it if you will board me fontiteny: FREE oeese E Saget while I a: He oka coate repetition of this proposition before 'S8 wry RABEL gaao horeiigeot a alle Due his ‘sincerity could not long be doubted. Quite as difficult a feat was the eens of Hare 's buggy about, and y the time it was accomplished | tid ae fellowship had been firmly es- tablished. 2 hat road. Read what that says. Well of all things. That should i] ci He Be Pa & ES = i Z 4 5 & ¢ s “Perhaps, ut it must have been an inspired wa; firmer from following signs, aren yp? she purmeret you hag n me |the place to Jones & Brown.”’ Within her heart she k well it was something very differ- an that he had meant ; and she also linew it was to that something dif- Fixed Fortune So That It Will Benefit No One. There has just died the man who is said to have been oe es miser Egypt has ever Shawarli Pasha, who soeumbed a few days ago, was a member the leanne council, and was re- puted to be one of the wealthiest arte tee i at least $750,0 But it one that he carried his to take his goods and chattels with him, he arranged so that the bulk of his fortune shall benefit no one. fixed scale, So, as he wanted to have the ate disposal of -his fortune, the pas made his entire estate into a alts. e pasha disdained to. fol- d has directed that his children are to receive just sufficient to enable them live—in no case ar more than 81, —and the residue of the income (about $700,000) is to be devoted to the purchase o fi no furthér directions, will bea- efit no one, the income merely’ ac- cumulating™ ot being expended on land purchases. It is almost incredible that a man of such @ shesish us 0 will of this description mn, but iss ease only show at the spirit of the eee i wll alive in the orld, When they came to the signboard | can Protrenclis, °| Harry pointed triumphantly. La - see I was right about| "och tock De Me cialty was research worl believer than eee that doa comes: itl t you?’ |. There was emphatic significance in| She becam mate was absolutely necessary, an Iberta. Pee we might mre Pad ey some kind of Provident he do three weary hours. REMOVED THE JUGULAR VEIN sere Feat P Peatieat by Dr. il MeP Dr. Me S © was, a one time, | & a cae suhyeici of New Yor an born, but, ae 80 Hoy aah ie practice his profession in the great Ameri- There was mucl at there for re- Phatter’s as re opportunity New York eoddenness = S| climate in the winter was not ben ele eae Neate ot the-dostere other great interest. That interest er hange of cli- ded | ged the poor creature into the of- farents that her, Hench seer oe ne rics he dacior wae ones aWiili oes ‘ oe the aid of warmth and a nip of Te Ses Se brandy, the pee faced patient was GREAT MISER DEAD. goon Fes ciousness. It cons was then that the housekeeper no- iced how much she was suffering. She could scarcely speak, owing to a large growth on her neck. told the servant that every docto: ha She tor could no tlive, but ctor who a done so much good among the in- habitants of the Every bit of hope had dwindled. She came more out of osity than anything else. lower district. morbid curi- dren aré a little hetter able to look after themselves ! The Moslem law lays it down that unless a ‘‘wakfs i or religious], And the housekeeper shook her trust, is constituted, a testator can | head hopefully. and said, “Well, nly deal freely with a small part|¥ou jes’ wait till you see the doe. of his estate; the balance has to be|tor. I’m sure he can fix you up all divided up among the heirs on a| Tight. And the woman waited. Waited Then the doc- Dr. Neil MePhatter. I PANTRY ee A Way Some P People Haye. A doctor said ou summer and “country jomes, in touch with fami- = of saried ‘nea, culture, tastes ig tendencies, that h the fantilies iain Postum seem to average better than those using tea or coffee. i peu en we /were married two ago; Postum was among our Tist Sandee of groveriés. We also put in some tea coffee . for. bias, but after both ‘had stood seryed an touched, they were thrown away, and Gen used on i “Before marriage my . wife: ob- the time he was listening. he heard the words ‘‘growth on the r eame in. He.glanced at her sharply and passed into his inner The housekeeper followed hin and told him how she had found the poor creature, He bus- When side of her neck,’” he turned quick- ly and told the pbouakes bet to show the patient in. He examined her. -He asked her a do it gladly. For, one chance thousand to live is better than oe ‘as a Senior in y by announcing to him that he tioukte to the age of 98 I had been | the jugular vein might be removed ud k coffee as a routine habit and suffered con- stantly from ee and all its sais disorder is just as Stapmtt because, it an the opportunity without any serious danger to the might have of testing his naa caffeine, the’ same drug| theory some. day. coffe found in cot “Since using Postw complaints have completely ‘left me | ¢: eee I sometimes wonder if T ever ad them. Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. - “Write for booklet, ‘The Feed to Wellville.” Postum comes in two forms. ms. Ww Regular (eat i boiled). for the operation. day it took place before the class of Thstant Postum doesn’t require boiling but is prepared instantly | by stirring a level teaspoontul in an ordinary cup of hot water, which Saar: a ee for most persons. + A cup requires more, and some pesaie ae like strong things Fs a ae in @ heay fal ul and tem- | 4] per it with a ee supply of cream. m’all the old | ity. moved, to the Graduate Medical School. seemed to be the opportun- The doctor sent his new pa- jent home, and spent most of aes night thinking over her case. decided to take the risk. The next day the patient was re- hospital of the Post- For two days she was preparing On the third he Post-Graduate School. The in- ternal jugular vein was removed altogether by Doctor McPhatter. at was in November of nine- een hundred and two. The woman is still living, oe nothing more fran an ugly star to show: whére he jugular vein phbs had been. ” Truly, thi it do well in hi and blackheads the following house." Tears ssemed imminent in Experiment until you know. the ee ee a! “afta a | Both voice and : ble sass and are flay silent. te Baan Sone rs n | Mi iat: H, 4. | amount that pleases your palate, / ment: iy smear the ts with iss Lowry,’ ai anry. quite ae aS itseryeda that way in the _Outicura Ointznent, on the end of tl 5 “T came down here to buy that as Be ia, 7 i Dlasaeat ia aye She eine Gute | faym, for T have found that it con-| TUM eit Bae Hop ua Men eA cay s the richest deposits of iro Seay Sy or Fostum: | “Mamma,” asked Willie, ae for some minutes. ‘This treatment is best | OF in this country. I sent an en- Business Raine: that I’ve been such a on rising tiring.’ At other times uso eer here to investigate and on Sunday school, you font distrust Outticura Soap freely for the tollet aud bath, | his report I have’ agreed to pay| Tramp—Yes’ m, T wunst. had a| me any more, do you?’ St i “prevent ion, irri | $94,000 for it. good job ote As a Band eae “No, Willie; I feel that I can am aan, seeds a ne eel “We-tried to keep it all ane but it failed o trust my little man now. Tibesal sathips'ot eal poe <Jones & Brown pretended to oor aan How did it)’ “Then why do you keep the pan- with 82-p, Skin Book. post card | it. They must be coun ad Saas to fail? Pe try door locked ? Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. 45D, | are trying to beat small fortune. Ig you are the own- ve "pol Boston, U. 8..A. it you out of a oe left an’ er home to Minard’s Liniment~ Cures Diphtheria.” GABE, Dept. F Te) Louder an: NATURE'S WARNINGS, How Cat, Mouse and Fish Act Be« fore Coming Rain. The pereeee eries out for rain, the devotee id seem to be in Bees whether they ought not at once to seek the shelter of the dove cote. “Swallows give up their aerial _ | cireling and press down toward the earth in pursuit of the insects which have also dropped into lower strata, animals seem to know that the time of cheerful sunny warmth is departing. In a cori of the yard the cat scratches herself be- ats and pe emerge from their nti corners. “Flies are all agog; their quiet reflectiveness gives place to a rest- less. and greedy buzzing round everything and every one. Bees either stop at home in the hive or suspecting pee if ae see a storm rominj “Spiders stop in the middle of the serene weaving of their webs and hang dullga and diredly Be hems Pifende So t the hw denizens of eis wily acre wiggle up and stretch themselves, while toads come out of their holes in In the pond the chorus of frog voices sounds louder than ever is they invoke the clouds to pour down the done desired rain. “Even under the water the com- ing change makes itself felt. Fish rise. Twenty-four hours before the change in the weather the roach bed and continually, making look like terrified gasps for ee see gives it its name of ‘weather e frogs, those true Hanae leave the water and show themselves. “Even the plants reflect the com- ing change. The clover straightens its bowed back; fenne too stands up stiff and straight if colder weather i i rizon. The wood sorrel lifts its leaves before a storm, while those of the narcissus close up. The lettuce again opens its leaves before rain. So many and so varied are Nature’s signs.’ He found his hair was leaving the top of his head, and took his barber “You sold me two @ the hair grow.” “It is very strange it won’t grow again,” interrupted the bar- ber. can’t understand it.” look here,”’ said the man, don’t min inking another atte. but this must be the last. AN APPALLING ee preety Tesults when you use a cheay Be judicious, te "Pu naan" cured corns xe Ise can touch. foi-Butnoan’g Patoloes Cord Reteuetse OHS 2%e. at all dealer: oS ‘ault finding gives friendship jolt. F many a hard jolt, Mindrd’s Liniment Cures Distemper. Looking Ahead. “Tn the event baw I should’ con- sent to jage with my daughter, T want aietaceek you a question.’” “And that is?” “Will you: promise after you be- come her husband not. to object to my table manners? aor him tor #00 Py rofit on Tiniment; ba MOISE DEROSCE. Hotel Keeper, St. Phillippe, Que. It’s All Of. Liza—‘‘When -yer goin’ ter git marti, to ay dear?” Polly Pally ewok ver ae I won't marry Bill wen ’e ain’t sober, an’ ’e won’t marry me wen ’é is.’’ Ree uMmarh SE Sess ED. 7. sy them in “Aes your eDrugelat's You cannot afford brain-befogging headaches, NA-DRU-CO Headache Wafers quick time and clear your head. They penile either phenacetin, are morphine, any other dangerous drug. tberai IATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL Co. OF CANADA, cares UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO TRINITY COLLEGE Leading to the B.A. Deg cesses in the Full ous in Arts and Divinity and to the B.D, and D.D. Degr: spn excellent Staff of Trinity College and the whole repcureet of the University of ront it excep’ af tages, are open to Students of the University of Toro oa Correspondence invited from Students looking forward to Law, Medicine, Teaching or Holy Orders. A RESIDENTIAL COLLEG mble | Mari OW FEDERATED WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO For Calendar and Ilustrated Booklet, addre: REV. DR, MACKLEM, TRINITY COLLEGE, TORONTO. RS’ STANDING FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND — NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. —~ What Is Going on in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. A small home for women addicted to teDEreHe has been opened ae aes ancient burying-ground me 4 ne te partly gerenled in the vicinity of Rosyt! amage to the extent of $5, 00 Seatac he = fire at the Gatly ine Laboratory, St. Andrews. The War Office ae broken off ne- gotiations for the purchase of the Perth old infrinary’} buildings. great quantity o} destroyed at the Ardgowan Distil. ery, Greenock, The Edinburgh treatment of tuberculosis in While fishing, Hector McLean Davidson of Falkirk fell ee ey a the railway and was killed by train. The death has occurred with tra- gic suddenness of Mr. David Bar- rie, a well-known Dundee carting contractor, Sir John Dewar is to retire at the first election from the Parliamen- tary representation of Inverness- Creetown Town Band have been provided with handsome new in- eens supplied by Besson, of Londo The ened took place recently of Mr. William P. Gordon, station agent, Caledonian Railway, Denny, after a long illness, A pike weighing 11 lbs. and me: suring 35 ae has been caught in the Dee b; r. James Carno- chan, Daneva. The Ree and Kirkconnel collieries are boring on the Castle Holin, on the sone ® belonging to the Marquis of For the © in succession the 3rd Midlothian Troop of Boy scouts ae won the clampionalley of Midlothi dist inetioie have been received » | by Messrs. Knight, Frank and Rut- ley; to offer the ee estate by auc- tion at a early At Py alee Mabert Smith was fined 8500 or si mths for using premises at Portobell Promenade or peiaog pu ‘he Giasaon Harboe tunnels» un- ie the Clyde from” Finnieston uay to Mavisbank Quay, have now pees re-opened for vehicular traf- oe sailing boat capsized on Loch mond near the Rosedhu shore, and #l men were drowned; two others’ sore themselves by swim- ming. ——_t__—_ Minard’s Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. Of Course Not. “Mother, when you married papa did you rey love him?” “Of course I did, my child. You ‘don’t eabnols that my love for your father oa after I got to know his, bad habits ‘ubes, Free by Mail. An Eye Tonic Good for All Eyes that Need Cara Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, Grains: of Gold, — character, in “manners, ‘in se, in all things, true supreme is. simplicity.--Longfel- Be charitable before wealth makes thee covetous, and lose et the glory of the “mite.—Sir Thos. Browne: I have found by experience ee, nothing is more useful to man than mo- th im. thought is the yee way Saaicon ele can learn to watch its passage with W. H. Lecky. equanimity. — Wheels Wi Mrs. Crawford—“T was so glad to find pet ue when sone 8) you didn’ € like each other, 7 Tas her when you were going to FARMS FOR SALB. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. RUIT, eon Farms in Some snaps. AQTORY SITES, WITH on WITHOUT ilway trackage, Bekok nnd other torne and cities FR PSIDENTIAL ~~ PROPERTIES IN Brampton a dozen other towns. H.W. DAWSON, Colborne St. Toronte GRAIN AND DAIRY sections of Ontario. STAMPS AND COINS TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED Dir. Pealerent Fareia — Stamps, Catalog Aibum, only Marks Stama DAS ee AUTOMOBILE FOR SAI UARGE 40 HL.P. TOURING Gi, eT $4,000, Will sell for $800, or will ex ange for a fe ; horses, hay, oF feed This is a beautiful car and ig in fretoleae rigning onder Avply 1 73 Adelaide St. W., ‘Toronto, Ont. MISCFLLANEOUS RANCHERS, al a Dougal. 1. ‘Graham, Strathroy, RR. ER. TUMORS. LUMPS | BTC. sNGrerpd| aad estoroniy cated: it cat eata ‘by our home Treatment, Write ge before t90 Inte Rellman Medical Co__Limited Callinewnod Ont *Banol a i ai othe Bapol angle = eats a ree ot Canada, Limite per. MEN WANTED MALE HELP WANTED. YOUNG MAN BE A BARBER. I TRACE es aulokizs: eheapl ye ShArOuR Ra aay shop experience. Write f wc. Moler College, 29 Queen St. Hast, Toronto. MEN WANTED The Heartofa pone isthe the Action, Insist o; “OTTO HIGEL” Piano Action For ‘Preserving Lawrence tra Gra- ah e the bag You get he choicest, —ptire cane s ar Bagg joo be, 25, aie Sal boy’s head: in n order to make-a Cartoieg ibs. alae g Bett deaters Cam supig poi 84 Lawrence Susar Bcftoeries, Llaaited. ovr, with | Try Murine Es Eye Remedy, Da SOS CRAMP and) qe you have Red, Weak. Watery Eyes | The Good Old Times; lids, Doi “Tsee they have operated on bet ter boy ‘of hi “That isn "4 pnhet my dad used tu operate on, me to make a better boy of me. to call”! ‘Proper bal of “eS ith a Na-Dru-Co ae sheath and Soe ox of Na-Dru-Co