‘A despatch from London says: The First Lord of the Admiralty made an important statement in the House of Commons on Wednesday night. ape armored eruisers and destro; completed zoe the Britis T 40. Mr. Churchill explained such vw THE BRITISH NAVY LEADS First Lord Churchill Gives Statistics Shawane Re- cent Additions . that the British cruisers do uot in- clude the vessels belonging to the Royal Australian navy. There were Eyes. only twelve ships of 5,000 tons hae. abroad, County, Court judges may get Replying to Mr. Middlemore, who asked whether the First Lord was aware that in 1904 the number of foreign stations was thirty-five, a Churehill said, sig- ntly vessels on ate eee of the respective fleets to be| nificas “T am very much aware as follows: Great of it, Pett tee to some- ships, 9; battle-cruisers, 4; what to increase the tof cruisers, 10; dest: x Ge ips that we maintain on ee many — Battleships, 7; battle-cruis-| stations.’’? Next yea: would Se ee ers, 4; light cruisers, 73 destroy-|have some proposals to make in this|%* Brandon, ascending 9,600 connection. THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH GAPPENINGS FROM ALT OVEB THE GLOBs INA NUTSHALL, Canada, tho Empire and the World {o Goneral Refore larger salar Crop wasrans in the central counties of Opiane are the bright- est in five y Sees “eres of Montreal charged with Hamilton Board of Trade entered NTRES OF AMERICA, Pric of Cattle, Crain, chi Produce at Home and Abroad. Breadstuffs. Toronto, J Fis,” Be: a ortier Bey Sas SM: ». 3, 960; feed wheat, Ontario, Wheat Ne oa e to 996 for cai lots outside, Tanging down to to tor p01 ‘Ontario Oats—No. 2 white, 350 to 360 at country Oats: track, ie ports: Ni 1 feed, 361. 2 yellow, 641.20. fo 26 0, nomina Peas—No. 2, 90 to 90 Fis, outside, nominal. wheat—No. 2, 5% to S3c, nominal. Barley Good malting barley, 520 to 530, nm ago} f 90 pounds, $2.15; wholesale, track, Toronto; shorts, in + shorts, $21.00; ags ten cents mor cont “patente, 8410 to $415, seaboard, Senate Produce. Egus_Newlaids, 2 ER Beer barrels; si are honeys {io 6 pound in Gbpound this; 12540 in yr dozen; $2.40 per dozen. extra, $3 jicked, $2.35 to $2.40. Pipoultry—Freeh- Killed fowl, 18 ‘0,19 tee pound; live fowl, 140 to 1se; dressed sp: ehicke} to $60; live, 18¢ to 19¢; due! 13e to. 14¢; turkeys, 18¢ . Ontario pota 1a ver bag: lots, 650; New _Brunswicks, bag; outst store, Ste in ear lots; Visine: new, $5.25 pi Egyptian Daloney Pan sack, $2.55 to $2.50. Provisions. moked and. dry. sal smoked, 161-20; hams, medium, ic; hea to Mo; breakfast bacon, 210; jong clea: Mie ar tete snd concerts chin (plain), 2c; backs (peame: Winnipeg Grain. Winvies, July #2. Cash” grain— Wheat 911. rey te eee 2, eet ae jected $0 oe 5, Bo No.3, 853. 5 a “itaey sted, woth ‘te Oate—Ne Si-4e; No. 3, 320; ms he No. ‘4 oe No. 1, 38¢; No. 2, 00. Barley—No. oF oe No. 4, 471-20; re jected, 43 Par-No oN! We $1.25; No. 2.0. W., $1.22; No. 3, $1.10. United. States Markets. gop Wheat — July, ; December, to nge Duiuth, July 22. Wheat -No. 1 ‘hard, Bites Se 1 wortsers Nitoy No. 2 don SA to tt iA; Sats. ie nominal; fee mper, jecent| 925-80 va Live Stock Markets. Montreal, July 22—Prime beeves, 578 to 714; medium, 45-4 1or 6 CAF common,’ §t0 Cows, ee Calves, 3 to uly. 2. gSaitle Choice export, 5 SMW to $688: gen 5 $3. common, 84.70 to cutters, 33 to feat anaes Webey” Cee to $6.25; rough, phe ea, eae Es « ° 85 to 83: opring lambs, us to $9.50. Hogs—$10, fed and watered; 89.75 to.b. Milk cows, $50 to 860 each. : ——__f*_-- gee CARE, Manitoba Boy, 9 Yea Years Old, May Be Charged ‘With ae A despatch Wee Wi bee) says One of the most e which may resultin a ned to rob the héme of the. Shar PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADB NEY FROM MERRY OLD ENGLAND ABOUT JOUN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. WS BY MAIL a@ protest against the proposal of the railway companies to cancel the eo arrangements with cartage panies. rancis Guillevin, a contracting electrician, of Montreal, was sen: tenced i three months for the theft oe es f Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. They have no equal. tT ‘The Daily has eB iy jerald, one of the oldess, if not the very olde daily newspaper in Canada, has ch hans polities, ly the Star cand the Gazette remain unchanged Uke rocks in the midst of Srhes as But even they are Vitally interested In going on around them, tal of the tacts does not at all indicat the significance of what nts to-a revolution only sur. In. the, hands of the Dou falls the Witness hag been a power in An Undecided Argument. thing can come from a politicia lend their ears and listen. conclu examined its contents. He read: Let eynies who think that no good | ¥ esl oon as ded his Taha the member and Other ly 22.—Manitoba Wheat—Lake Doints; 370 to 38 on track, To- ow. 36e, 0. Sow, Bite: No 3 No. outside, Windsor to Millteod— Manitoba bran, $19.00, in bags, $21.09; Ontario fi in Dawer $48) in sae ti eee i ee ee did ‘damage ae Sian ot #100. 250; fresh, 200 to cose—Twing, mew, "14420 to. 186, and large, now at {41-20 to 143-4e; old cheese, twin, 90 {0 35140; largo, tbe, eit ae in 5-pound ‘iar oe i oNor ans—Primes, Prana: $1.75 to $2; hand ted ‘meats~—Rolls— eary, cat 7 backs reen Meats—Out of pickle, 1c less than Occurrences in The Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. r TF} and 1, ss deaths last week. i tal area under fruit in England and Wales in 1912 amount- 000. The Gavel Miireh of Rowley: Re- s, near Dudley, has been totally yearly in shav- dom is estimated at $10,500,000. Fire has almost entirely destroy- ed the tannery of Messrs. Clayton & Sons, Ltd., field. Cubitt At well-preserved Roman stone coffin, containing bones, has been discov- ered, Eight lives were lost in a shock- ing colliery accident at Rotherham, | when the Carr House Colliery: was :| ‘Phe death is announced of Mrs. lary Bacon, widow 0 Re John eg of Burghelere, in her 103re = SUsicaty Has sean Al0 to AL bert Walter Jordan, a Dover mar- ine porter, sling nwite-gave Rrticts triplets. rece: The sonia of some 300 valu- able yolumes in the library of St. John’s College, Cambridge, is at- tributed to suffragettes, Lewisham borough council have agreed to contribute $50,000 to the chase of the Cry Pal screens which ‘ffostoa ie 255 fog ng urban Di e subject to diphtheria and ee gh, | ar 3 ee they shall not be kept ni areas lighted match thrown from a motor omnibus in Oxford Street fell on a horse, which bolted and knock- ed down and seriously injured a Cyc. The first section of picturesque summer re called the Nest’’ has been e side of the ee = Rendris ee ‘Gardens for the of Queen Aleaxndr. Sarah an akon who The old Six “Bells. which almost adjoins the Parish Chureh, Willes- den, and whi the stehy aged six, fell into anima fae ee eRe the wet River Wharte at W growth of hair on ie head and to:] Major Hevetson ot the British |; hire, when Mee Selina ta ere hair from abnormal situa- iy Was Killed. rence joe in, fully dressed, »and||tions as the ears, we a cane a AP desputehtteam Salisbury Ad Willesd C th x braces to o' e the ten- land, = pate Sua aive OW. Hosa ne: ed vilesden Council have establish- dency to stoop, pc harmless| sey ates on ae in one of the poorest districts of etic measures to improve his euct ise. rilers Compe of Hs (Darieh’ a, «Babies “Weleothe,””| appestanes, and, aboyo. all, ob-| {f° Piitish aimy and ene Thre she Rabies are looked atter| serve a senie of niaiuess in drees.| 0? peuaty AD comms nad Ii “ iscuits giyen e 5 nee sag Tastead of decrying. such a course| Thincay by the. talline from 4 A world’s record was made Aldershot by I. Battery, ae shrapnel They srvek the 12-foot target with ee —_—_ PELL SIX HUNDRED FEET, German Dirigible Balloon Wrecked in a Wind Squall. He is supposed to ee entered the is also alleged pupied to murder the wh ily. In London there were 2,144 births ing by people in the United King- Joseph at Chester- th ab ae oer ee Caerleon, Monmouthshire, a tice. lexi versity, days, ot ihe the gardens The re Nec ci tary stead of Kaiser's ony it should be encouraged at a laudable effort to maintain a + RHA, | pouthtal spirit.” in An incendiary ig Gianied for the e CNR. urning of Several officialé ery ussii oh a ther hin ot ci what you se di ey Tommy—* school, yeste: ma'am; he pe ue lickin, hurt him more than — “What: nonsense? Your anor is tet ue Great Britain. United States. n inspector a a United States Marine Departm een the St. Lawrence Hees the last few and ten ered is sncleae the membership avoid the Dalene passes in the Rocky Mountains are being gle Chinese from alana ia into the migration Department. ed to 294,026 wee _ Winston Churehill said no addi- It is pr. © extend Birming-j tion would made to the naval ham Muni at Technical School at | Programm. a cost of $52! Sir Rufus Isaacs is to suce i ucceed Lord Alyerstone as Lord Chief Jus- sneer mene papers are interested in e eing obliged to intervene in Aviation is neither a sport nor a ing, signed by 474 teachers and pevauaies of the London Uni- ste General. There are reports of an arme man having been found hiding in were Crown Prince Olaf of Nery plays. French Chamber of Deputies ided that service must begin as at p: Prince Rhus of Cumberland, pane law, son-in-! : os Sas NEATNESS HALTS AGE, Doctor Tells of Benefla tae | Influence of ‘‘Sprucing U Nesenees, bathing and ‘e recommended dle age who would avoid ee tions of decline, I. i psychic ieusnies: ares aesthetic Per the old man show 102nd year, was told b: tor at| attractive a spossible his does : : the age of fines that she = rt to ioe a not mean that fie. Send resort ins surface circulation by ae Be Ss and mas: sane, kles and vue. ed an hour ee near the vill: "ee the village of too ma’am; but he’s got the rheuma. tism arms.”” : in an arrangement 0} eter, May I one hundred dollars?” ‘The me used to smug- States of Washington, idaho ond Pear ee Montana, according to A . T. Lun- Aes ae oe ao Sorat ney, connected with the U. 8. Im-| Pluses es eS eer he young man money, but ossibility of the + thas on amers have been Mr. J. G, Turriff, M.P. rmed }the Assiniboia man wer: upon me for what- aol oui ead later before an Ether Wea nncits pice Kenta im compulsory mili-|the explanation. yo at 20, in- was ly | law, one a Liberal was not lon; seve citi fergina iden $—___. mass: to men past mid- cape From Police Station. A despatch from Ottaw e beneficial es dashed them, and they were recaptured within five minutes. ‘They manded for a week, and tle police | 3 will look up their record: rel Seen ‘vith FELL WITH UU O MS height ‘of 100 feet of his monoplane. e accident was caused by the ma- chine taking a turn’ too. sharply and ‘oral ncing. he motor exploded . eleyator at ee sie eeropinhe. to ashes. ‘A Heated Argument.» A Scotsman and an’ Englishman. man said—'Can you - tell 6 why @ Sccuiaad Whd domes to is ship that is «e lon. e Scotsman gave it up. said the cero “he neve: turns.’’ ‘Oh,’* ndy, did: your a fcaid mold Stench an Englishman” as escape of gas?” After some anes ehk the Eng- lishman had to confess he did not. “Well,” said Sandy, “neither can tag me.”” draw wpon you at sight for 43 sage was signed by the member's la despatched his |? concerning the liberality and excel- lence of their respective fathers-in- member of the | will be M. FUTILE ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE. F ‘Two Prisoners at Ottawa Try to Es- Says | policy, mes Baga and at, ld has a ter were res tur . On striking the | pe; and ne Jost?” wel you tell me the diter ven between ca land. Politically it an mm of the alleged feet iat a newspaper cannot be strict views and a refuses to pu al news and adyerti Reena Oe See news ake a vortisements. “And pate was the the Wit ears, THB ie Wes based On he bellek ‘that ainusements and sports were often sinful, and if not petually sinful themselves, were frivolous in their character and might have a de- basing effect, to which the publishers of id be difficult to | 3 discover another ecular publiation which | ing A despatch from Salonika says: Full confirmation of the reported sacking and burning of the Mace- donian town of Seres by the fleeing Bulgarian el and of the eruci- fixion, to death or burning alive by theft ‘of many of the inhabi- hacl tants, has been sent to the Atistro- Seres, e he thoroughly seveckicehad ATROCITIES BY BULGARIANS Story of the Sacking and Burning of the Mace< donian Town of Seres Is Confirmed the situation.” He had beén ordered from Doiran, a town 40 és to the * north-west of Salonika. Mussul- mans there He ne a written de- -|claration, co by three local Bales pes stating tit the Bulgarians slaughte! Mussulmans who had mat Solis in Doiran from the surrounding dis- tricts. jalkan Barbarism. sire genes Rule Bil th the “aii Patliament by a majority on second of the three ae iourieys ‘ot the measure pions the House the, Witness were not willing to subject their reader: This was the spirit of the Monastery & not of a, modern ‘Wusinees establiakient It typified how far out of touch the.old Witness was ‘with the world in which it| lived. It was not that the Witnese lost| fo much in actual cash in the advertice: ast ents it ref as that it failed to find 2 dlientells, i Who Are The Purchasers? The Dougalls would not sell the Be heen asso- with the Dougalla as, Managing Editor, and ‘who has absorbed their ideals Mr. Gordonsmith is as pleasant a gentle- know the newspapel The purchase of the staid BA fae D. Lorne MeGibbon, one ssive capitalists) which Nonereat | Hise ‘Droduced Im the last dozen years, m for Liberals to get a ontrack and no ion but this toarcelv seems creditaple, although there sro examples. in England of ‘capitalists owning naging newspapera on op- posite Fade of of. polities ane ‘AMontrea Star advei more active competitor than ev he Herald has even gone to the length of uying @ weekly paper, The Mirror, to get out in competition to Sir Hugh Gra- hams Standard, Dally Mall Coming. Meanwhile, new buildings, new See ene ee ae Tapidly” assem bled for the morning Daily Mail. With its publication, the Gazette. will, for the fret competition. In the of MoNab, for many years Managing Editor of the Montreal’ Star, and a sphinx like gentleman: ¢t parlentous salon. oAiy> dere ill BH. Nicholls, who has had mi smoked. from enterin gs_by means| killed by a train when his bone gee Federal House, the other ser- | experience in Toronto, and later on the NAM ete oe et Ot electric rentlating fons have|came inightened vite Webber othe Balaieork Se Hon We White and. ie repandod: a5 wkrdrieroes, to; tubs, 141-40; pails, been perfected in Englan cee A pearl eles of 61 oe val-|umbia Legislature. The decided to |one of the most promising men in Can- Gia at. is want upiable Relea | ied at $625,000, and po: rom,| test the case by each sending tele- | Siam joumatiem wday, | With two such gatad: Wagan atcaw: Sopeee yeteran’, Sergeant-Major | Paris to London, oa eee in | grams as for Hie immediate ad- 1 n, has just died at Hounslow transit, some lumps of ee being | vance Be m Mr. Turriff’s | poroute 2: Maled at the age Cae kane Go wav af in the package. A re- | respo: ecaves it was ) (0. ay cents Fat war 0, if ie ee ae Rann ok ee ide ee $50,000 is offered for its prompily dieplased. But von ne an-| an “Certainly, ’8| heen rumored that Sir Hugh Graham p: eal knowledgment of “his | posed to attack the Gazette's monopoly. rot| ailatly woe Fequest for the ac. eee aye aurpt | tance of a. sighi te at 8 ‘The résylt of the by-election’ in North bet for the amo: a. at the pros-| Grey came as a surprise to the politicians: It was generally recognizéd that the ma- Ae jority given Hon. previous election had been abnormal, and here were few on either side who expect- ed a majority either way of more than 00 t of the party papers on the For example, the World accept the verdic’ relation of the ‘charges ‘made against nna. Globe, the other hand, aie Tune the Gaverntabat fa at_and had to’ procure the Answering a question runming through many minds, the Globe affirms that the sion elton aiake ral workers mo: fo win at tion ae plank wilt ed ond: of their platform, the abol ition of the bar above Duke of rConmatiant. Returns. ‘The (aan that the Duke of. Connaught ace] ce i the olremoetanc a ‘the, idea Royal High found” lite in Cana oan taking of, thes veiien exil The Duke or Gommmacks original ap- pointment in October, 1911, was a bold de- The at inevs felt in. some rquasers of tite minion. It was siggested that. the an quette of the court might estrange the 3 social atmosphere been more wholesome or more atiral. Biers ‘hss, been“ siolli Htneey coniobie sive in the action or in the Governor-General, and pene aa a near relative of the Sovereign he has been more than ordinarily carefvl to observe the attitude of a ‘constitutional — ruler, is anid areas tec son ase in foreign pop- | ‘ulation. ‘The chief cause would seem to be" the. great increase in prosperity. an fnorease which it la to be feared has not een accompanied by a corresponding in- man as one could gs {0 meet andiehould’ hi it essential | 4, ib: | bean :| incessant war. z see cause the prisoners to be i|sor of the sickly °| days. neiow of one year of) to. speeches of | 7 mons, has m: man; 6 le tor ry the ‘frst ‘time sre Delleve’ that” Home is said that one, Fred Kocuk, grasp- Tle actually coming. ‘The maiority is ed Wyttzkusz, whereupon Bezoikt above the presen worm majority o Government, indicating ‘merely lack | Struck the latter several times on of dissension but eaten the head with a club. Tl n did Another significant Pinner ss not regain conscieusness. A charge of willful murder has been placed Irish Parliamentary. Party. Such a thing has never happened in the ng and acrimonious existence of the arty in Westminster. The dinner B Deivate one) pitty: is understood te have been u love fen Te was nino slgpitcaul that on the ieee of July in Ontario there were few, if refe: me Rule lesue 1a Treland, Meanwhile, Sir Edward Carson is tour- into surrounding counties. If they minke Up their minds to rebel there, will bbe rebellion, to. the present, there ‘has really ‘ho absolutely sign of a such serious entoome. WOUL D EXILE CRIMINALS. ineing & On Third Conviction ee Judge Would Deport T! The question of ie “habia available, only 118 of the 916 per- sons sentenced by the courts to pe- nal servitude had not been previ- ously convicted, and number of the old from six to twenty convictions against them There are is estimated by S. Lilly, area more than habitual — or eee a in London—men an men who ate prepared a all te for reckless or cunning a sihageitied Britich “de, Bis Wills, says of ‘No They are really a teat class.’” “Phe only Ww dealing with these habitual BOE ” says Mr. Lilly, “is to expel them from the community against hich they wage A third eS port to some island and reduce to a state of industrial serfdom, which they could earn their ae Nor could the most maudlin profes- sentimentalism, which is an’ especial curse of these complain that this doom would be too h eee eee, A FAMOUS BAND. Will Be At the Canadian National Exhibition. The Band of the Irish Cue who feature the music at the dian National Exhibition at Torom intredu pat it was! decided ‘to tour the™ | three railroads running into Cal: The tour was carried out aa ea she Never) success marked the Irish Guards as it the. most popular of. the spléndid Military Bands that have SAI wt, DR. ROBEEY 3 BRIDGES. ee Poet Tawreate to nee Late a Alfred Aust A Br aeone en, He who \was ap- emier Asquith on i the piaee of the ired 8 at ay ene ma | Rai whois in -his year,, practised medicine a many Bi Deak ths London hospitals. Bee ie of. Oxford Un) zY mat _. with a very thick reasons for! of t! Pat, “‘that’s what I thought when ae siti so many asses standing round ‘evease in godliness, rm ‘is apnchiatone ihe ien-Tsin-Pubow railway. ‘professional t sed j tive of the Anglo-Saxon race— y 360,000, Preident Bae of the United 3 | Street car. KILLED AT A WEDDING. Man Beaten So Badly That He Died ours Later. A despatch from Fort William, Ont., says: a celebration which followed two weddings Tues- on night Mike Wytrzkusz, aged 30, ly that he died a ee hours later. Satis Bezoiki, an- = other Galician, had been ej trom one of the dances. Later zoiki returned, called another man started to beat him. It against Bezoiki, who is now under arrest, ee UNREST IN CHINA. There Is Fighting Along the Tien- Tsin-Pubow Railway. despatch from Shanghai ede Pevcle oe long the Yangetse. Stier id ermal aqdctn ees ee A 2 Provlamations are being circulated here setting forth that @ a punitive expedition. sea been un derial Rayeation Shanghai last March, abs violating ~ the constitution. ‘he P and it is stated that Yuan Shi Kai has ordered a general advance of his troops agaiast them. MERICAN AMBASSADOR, alter Hl. Banquet in Honor of ¥ revel; lor Nonthenst Cork. In toast of Earl Grey, Am! Hate dwelt upon the great Brenan mes of English, Irish or Scotch descent. —__ a CALGARY IS AMBITIOUS. May Purchase 60 Acres of Land for Meat-Packing Industry. A despatch from Calgary, Alber- ta, says: In an effort to encourage the packing industry of the West and to centralize ae business of wn and. has been hae SUDDEN DEATH. Kingston Officer Stricken on To- ronto Street Car. om ays: A painfully sudden death occurred y, when jor Alexan- S der Sharpe of 232 Kingston, was riding in a Yonge The Major, who was with some friends at foe eng Foie abe plant, “Was frozen to death early on. Thuteday § ina eesled ee ‘hie he entered to hint adjust found hie ‘stiff ae ‘stark, The tem-, perature on the street at the time — was oe hey