a Headaches Cured in One Night It route With With Head: Fallnss, Noises, ecks Be me ere the bes the falda ach is at Fault Quisk weit and Certain Cure Came From Dr. Hamilton's Pills ce- the wall of one I seo tiekitag, recommend Hamilton’s Pills.” “MRS. B.C, CURRAN, Westport P. 0. + Thousands who ailing, low state of health fae thie else but Dr. per box, or five druggists and store- r the Catarrhozone Company, N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. an Dal lo, eee oe Best-Paid Servant of Czar, are sances cerved_at the these he has cooked in the simplest manner possible. jesty is also fon some sort and plenty of fruit, wash- wi tablishment—he $17,500 a year. salary .of yea Even a stingy man has to give in occasionally. Minard’s Liniment Cures Distempen is it necessary to w Rrorsongtic we hion?” Wall; ‘Wiomietinee Mink’yauidon’t realize how little good it does me.’’ aa one “BROMO QUININE” ATIVE BROMO QUININE Took’ forthe pigneture of B. W. GROVE See cold fm Obs Cures Grip in “She's been very boy telling mo y baby.” “Well ?? teak parted. pani care of the child for a couple of days. You know I was suddenly called out of town.” When Your fe Need Care ae Gately 108 neal wen od ey hea un Cea nggiste at 2, and de ve sere sh Murine. “gyo R medy Co., Chicago Maaitie erties tere greatest of gifts, contentedness the riches. Truth is the best of relatives, Minard’s Liniment Cures Diphthorta. House-hunter — ‘‘But whenever there’s should think the ‘water would always come aete oe “house.’? : House Agen But there are Near ous few properties where you can get fishing from the dining room window.”” A DRUM CORPS OF ANTS, ‘Termites’ ie on the Approach Man; eee dave noticed the elder like quali of an army of termites, or white, nea. cwhest, dit cloce array it overwhelms the et of its attack, or travels along in or- derly, military file. An account in La Nature, based on i observa- tions of oaleass sor Bugnion of Lau- sanne, tells of a ee pari eorps of these fierce little warriors, ie day Professor daa ee ed_a little island on the Lak balangoda in Ceylon: “witle ith about, ho suddenly came, he perceived a colony of termites beneath some dry leaves that had fallen from a bread-tree. vestigation, Professor Bugnion dis- it was caused by a lit- te baad ce termites beating a lively leaves, evidently here disturbed by his ap- proacl were warning the working Gatedlion of the army. other instance of the effective- ness of the drum corps was observ- o{ed in the interior of a ungalow. foticing thab termites had invaded ol rooms, the owner had placed in one corner an iron pot filled with bits of wood; he hoped to attract them into the pot, and then burn them Professor Bitadon went into ibe room and ee omewhat 8) iy. onesie ee fat iced a drumming noise coming from the As soon as the sound died » he repeated the experime anys mad loudly, Ge portal signal of alarm drummed in the kettle. .S IN A SHADOW. Inveterate Tea I Drinker Feared Paralysis. Steady use of either tea or coffee often pagiices alarmin; iptoms, as the poison (caffeine) contained in these "everanen acts ¥ potency in some persons be in others. : “T was never a coffee drinker,” wi Eecdient spells and heart trouble, t ae times to severe attacks of bilious lic. “No end of sleepless _nights— world have: epellatat wiht when right side would get numb and imes I cou ia hardly pi ‘out of m| amet gkad cay ONY: oye: ad ar were affecte “The doctors told able to become me I was li- took no end of medicine—all to no good. “The doctors told me to quit u ing tea, but I thought I could nat live without ab Sat it was my 0: a tea drinker te aa wpa under the doctor’s care for SS Ra ie ago, I finally ne ai and commenced to drink Gunes aocee ek cae spell of sick headache since and only one Hghes wreackcat. bilioua-¢olicg, Bare quit having those numb spells at fue It is prepared by stirring a level teaspoonful in a cup of hot RE adding sugar to taste, and enough cream to bring the color to golden br Instant "parti is “convenient ; there’s no waste; and the flavor is always unilorm, Sold by grocers everyw. A Antes re tin mailed for gro- cer’s name 2-cent stamp for postage. Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. eee AN INTERMITTENT SPRING. The Water Comes and Goes Like a . Thief in the Night. _ Near the village of Alcham, in a _| seclu to tra- an it appears only every sev- year. As a matter of fact, Seen it has epperod with more or less regularit; ~ the last four years Tt like e night, and in a a m highway | and ee Bes it a rag’ torrent. After keeping — grourd for a few x tune varde Hg $8 sheen ‘course i whose Canadian Postum Cereal take. ‘ mittent spring of | “Putn: water that is at orig full force | * iy: hi time ate i A MESSAGE FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER RS. E. J. TALBOT TELLS THEM Lis FIND A CURE IN DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS, She Had Rheumatism, Lumbago and Neuralgia and Found the Remedy She Was Looking for in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Hamilton, Ont., Mar. 17 (Special) —“T know there are a lot f pt ple who suffer and what will Sues them, ney Pills w These are ae word: J. Talbo' lington aires Mrs. Talbot speaks out of her own lo nob Re Dodd’s 3 of Mrs. E e. July I was is ne Mrs. Talbot continues. ‘‘My heart bothered ek my Age were ae had lumbago and neuralgia added sufferings, and the doctor I eile in did not help me mue “T finally decided to try Dodd’s Kidney Pills, I have used seven boxes and I am so much stronger and better that I feel T must re- commen hem to othe: Mrs. Talbot's seapieation ot troubles all came from sick kidne: d's Kidney. Pills Dodd’s Kidney Pills are no cureall.” They simp idney disease of any kind. hes! nove tail ahd. that HOW THE SAP RISES. Organized ae els of Mechanical mstruction. How the raw sap travels from the absorbing roots beneath the gos to ue topmost twig a an. oa! elm tree, more than 100 feet abake: phate nearly four or five times that height in the case of some of the mammoth gum trees (eucalyptus) of the Tasmanian forests, and in the gigantic Wellingtonia of California, e that, 58 soe of the internal tissues of the stem, the pressure exe! reaches on eight to twenty atmos- pheres, or in other words from 120 to 300 pounds to the square inch— a Biome greater than that in more or less irregularly through the tissues of the drives the sap to the buds aia ee them open, expands their leaves, and is contin- eae at work wherever the process building new structures is going + is obvious, therefore, that the engineering arrangements for the conducting and controlling of this powerful stream of life-giving sap must be very perfectly organ- ized. leed, they are more than that; they present enh of mech- anical construction which are not only astoniebiner ‘on account of their fection, but are 6o minute that man can only penetrate the myster- ies and beauty of their structure by means of 0800) and careful chemical joyeshea tout Even then he is left led, wondering. ee Enquiring His Way. wwyer, sheng through a vil- pped ai of straight on for so! turn to the right; rt saat ‘tint she hi s the road a few moments sho would show him the way. ‘‘Well,”’ he said, “bad com- pany is better than none. Make haste.” Ofter jogging on five or e gentleman asked if he road he must bac! ut, as I agree th: pany. is better sae, none, I kept you along with m Sirs ae ye T0 eae Ue DIE. a phousand times ath painlessly in twenty-four nee the only, Cee Tentedy | ico 250,, at all deal es a Health is realest for the is Lintment Cures Cures cavset a cows. | ates ou B grea ; don’t you?” Yes,” gate is the Ls known re DODDS > ae glad nae you rocuted ins ot? PEOULIAR HORSES, How the "Turkoman Takes Care of TREES THAT eno ANGER, A Spevles ta Idaho ‘Which Shakes tnd Emits Unpleasant Odor In Idaho sone Re 46 ir | the acacla tr Their skin is very soft Colonel Stewart in ‘Through Por- sia in Disguise’’ tells of the great Tse Wears; over an immense piece of felt that covers the horse’s ears and his whole body down to his hocks. This. clothing he keeps in place with a long roller, which i is bates three times round orse The Turkomans feed thelr nies when in can on barley or shopped straw, an. sheep’s-tail fat, or clad buster, when they are them for great iene: I, erg in In- dia, have ellen given my horses a pound each of flour and gar, and ot alt a pound of <! utter made into balls, ze * ee ras them far and w them to goon again. The foe Cae di- gests this ration, and he is ready to start sooner thai if a feed of corn is given is also supposed to give areas eae rkome their horses al- Although hardy in respect. of food, orses require a oe deal of Be as to clothing, for their fine coats and delicate skins make them very susceptible to colds. Cure Your Sore Throat Nerviline Will Do It Blessed Relief Comes Quick, You Get Comfort, Every PB Disappears. “Experience dine seen me that rr ‘@ yet to see the cold this won't break up quickly.” From the La Have Islands, N .S., Mra ld is a sure ee ief for i relief for internal a” storekeepers or druggists, or The Catarrh- zone Co., Buffalo, is Xr LAWYERS = MISTAKES, pee In the Wills of Some ous Advocates, ie as it may seem, eotte fe of court paper, but, thoug) e he was an H expert Raeleip he tovant to sign own alterations to Mie will, oa ‘affidavit from a solicito: and an official of the Bissiacbiag Court was necessary Pee mat- ters were set right. jer an. Gr eee ay fail ed to make } pees r wills. The ter’s will w: ment of ae slaean thousand words, but in the matter of lengthy wills this was beaten by Edward Bush, a Glouces- ter engineer, who required twenty- i. of Kil- his seal ‘on £150,000, Lord Brampton took ur hu £142,000, whil le Lord ui ok ‘half a sheet at note ] “papers a good nd. was Al eto ‘Sbssise, who a iste: “£208, in forty-three words. = ; ——— ‘BIBLE READERS’ MISTAKES. ¢| Boaz Did se Da Of Shoe, But A bool coos ve alae Has. kell Dole recounts |takes we Bed: in eal fact ions, in ree ciation oa! the like. It has m: bits of out-of- as tomatoes including the follow: _ In the Englis! neering “of ae 7, 8 ‘A man pee! Lae ay Sd a mless a doves.” | Zee ai i as by Catarrh Never Stops ted words to dispose of | Mansfie n +) ee. self for its night's that if touched it wi agita’ e shaking is con- tinued, ihe tree en at len; a nauseating odor induce a headache i: heneg disturbing the ir fiaho-it ia called the “angry and it is said that it was port. to. ar its branches sharply. The continued, with increasing Caceiounianee until at last came a sickening odor that drove the tired mpers to a more friendly loca- SHILOF JAP recta ar oi OF CATS, CURES COUGHS = neh Demons That Devour Old Women and Take Their Shape. “Legends about wicked cats are of a different character from those about dogs, which protected man- kind; the Japanese ‘nekomata,’ or ee witching cat, with her forked tail being an exce ly dangerous demon, who devours old women and assumes their Sane: writes in the Ref mestic tiger, ae the Sean place swor side of a se in order to prevent the cat os walk- and change into a terrib: “In the legends of the iueteedis ¥ ys a Buddhist poe Siesta) with masse: read for her soul. “There is Fis an old tradition among Japanese sailors, which sur- vives to this (white, ‘black and brown) is an ex- cellent charm against ev'l spirits. He knows when a storm is coming and climbs Bue the mast, where he drives “away the demons; and the 1 | sailors of Dai Nippon do not care what. price they pay for such a cat and make great sacrifices in order to haye one asa mascot on board ship.” pe Headache Over the Eyes? Look For Nasal Catarrh In One Place — It Spreads Rapidiy—Often Ruins jealth Completely. In this changeable climate it is the little colds that drift into _ Catarrh, CATARRHOZONE, which is aaah a medi- cated vapor so full of rich curative pro- ies that every trace df Catarrh van: {shes hotore tt ate piney vapor oe res ede of it : ( | PINK Gnves the sick ven on tl t aie roemed; he tongue, istributors—ALL POHN MEDICAL CO, Chemists, Coshen, Ind., U. 8. A. DISTEMPER CATARRHAL FEVER AND “ALL Nose EYE: Liauic Sate" tor ‘brood maror and all ee Bold by all di and harness WHOLRSALH BkUGGISTS. Improved Farms ing positions) Is na Se Good oe tonto ts for all live. ey ree free bay Dias 18 will make your cots, calves row rapidly, aod keep Wot aiid thrteing ail Ge Cnes "Tell us the wumbrr of head of stock yon own and we ‘will sond you's copy of our $5,000 Stock: ook— Free. FOR SALE oneasy terms in the most desirable fi ap og Canadian ‘Northwest. Bhs fon, . Each farm ae equipped. own Stock Food Cova Hotes tar who teferational ie tock Foot kk = tail sp ‘service In every Way. Tho Stewart Ball Boarin ing Sees Sone eee fest of new EASY ACTION Ding fi th sbattand Stes atte Sa oy tipo bea Maypole Soap gg N Fa will give any shade. Cote blacks, wut” dealer's fed with booklet ae Pride. Mr. Jones—But, my can’t afford a an automobile, dear, we can’t afford nae as well as can. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS ur druggist will refund money if PA! SiNnaEN fauig to cure euy onto of Ticks ing, jeeding or Protrading Piles in to 14 days. 600. s dog of mine is some dog, let me tell you! He has a wonder- ful pedigree!” “I suppose you trace him away back to the Noah took into the ark.” this dog's ancestor didn’t, go into the an e had a bark of h own,’ “This ds Marion Bridge, May 30, 02, aes De handed MiNARD! 8 LINTMENT idee year, ways feat “Haines eniod torchetor and oraitee Hionahly, the best, seller of all, the differ. Hinds of ‘iuliment. 1 en a i ‘NEIL, FERGUSON. Young Brigge—1 asked your laughter a very important ques- tot last night, sir, ae she referred me to you Old Blunt—Want to if wouldn’t have bothered about me at a ee Colonist Rates to a ‘Pacific Coast” of frightful Be over the eyea, re- | {ued fy fecling in the nose, ers and eee or Phe Catarrhozone Co., Buifalo, N. ¥., and Kingston, Canad: gee ES Next fo Them. 0m “sures” said the |had unexpectedly b: tae iaine 48 evel ening, ‘‘that I have put San out Not at ay ” she _renlid sweet- gave you just our- oe o I am sorry that I allow. ey your Mosband to pennies me to fe te drop ide fate us.” outside he) mu » and aos pot ae It is easy to forgive your wie —after cai ng aquate with them d's Liniment ‘Cures Colds, Eto. Ww you so elated?) y ess Wife--I picked up a horseshoe to- day. Hub—Huh! 0! conclusions, dear. It was a dia. ond horseshoe, and I eh it up ata bareain counter, 100 ik FARMS FOR SALE, H.W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Strost, ‘Toronto. Gs OD STOCK FARM OF 600 AORES , ith Three Houses; large Bank Bara. be sold quick. Price is very low. ERAL DESIRABLE FARMS IN Mauitabe, Alberts kod Hastetshewhe that can be bought. Worth the money for quick HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different sections of Ontarle on my Uist, want a farp co H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS. * COLLIE aed DIF ferent Foreign Album, ‘only, Sovon Ci ate. Comnany. BILLIARDS. Hy VERSROOr Proce 3 rs and Live in towns only lovucs of tables for Home and’ Club oe ou have a tablevask for our supply ati Brunswick-Balke-Collender: Com: pany, Toronti MISCELLANEOUS. S OSTOARDS FREE—BOYS AND GIRLS RE for partioulars. Elgin Noveliy “Sparta, ANCE, TUMORS, LUMBS, B20. internat and external, out our home “trentment. Wate Ga Uature wo ae Dr. Rellman Medical Co.. Limited, Collingwood. Ont. GAGE STONES, KIDNEY "AND DLAD- X,der Btones, ‘Kidney, trouble, Gra Lambago and kindred ailments poalth a srith (fe new Gert sg The. anol ‘Menutes Canada, Limite: can be cured by tsing nature paedy-—se,_msdiolbarna <oparatio reme: gouLens ss Aid powesepuirvbeak SMOKE STACKS. vant enclieting and He: aS sy lasses on wonKs TORONTO Engines and Shipbull s When buying your Piano | insist on having an — ‘OTTO HIGEL’} Piano Action =) leaning. ee Bees a Bi Brit Dy: Bent a ert ia ay Gold Medalist. Address Box 233, Mont The Acme. ‘iggs—Here’s fellow writes about the acme of selfish’ HROAT epeena es . and acte 96 ea for others. BILLIARDS — — ce CARPET DYEING