THE FINANCES OF ONTARIO Expenditure on Current Account Amounted to $10,- 287,901, with Current Revenue of $10,042,000 spatch from ublie mocounts for the fineal aes Ai tae igh zee tho ako Jenr bee all” eee ees Inthe | #1 year endo: ‘presented to ow poe 55.66 ‘on capital account, Shae ly Cour hae tee ot giock saeberrarce® oan MSE te, the balance ear: ried over from 1911. ourrent, expen- igure wae #30.287981.59, total revenue for 1911 wae. $16,407 124 KG $9.10. gt current ted fund ast tems of revenue are: Subsi- Ei (ia Mam inion ote Canada a 196.08; interest receive minion on trast, funds, $149,011.08; fans forests and mines, #2900204: lguor ice Siesta agriculture. $687,605; hospitals is 108; repairs and m: fanance Ls 195 solontzation Toads, 623; chi 957 faroalestrio aes Comantaasons oe for insane, $206,269; aires - publio zea Provirietal ‘Trea- THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH WAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBES INA . NUTSHFLL, / Canada, the Empire and the World (o General Before Your Eyes. Canada. The Canadian Flax Mills Co, will have a plant at Guelph. Provincial lenentary esti- Fite ste save Ontario lagged behind i in good roads, Hamilton teachers in convention resolved to ask for a pension sys- before the 3, pcpouted out hort, beneficial aspects of fat ere; Bre: Sixt ixteen the new women’s ward at Kin; Penitentias Th Aone in igston law ‘stamps, Hydro-clectrio genre ae FS e smuller lakea of Manitoba Tarriage licouses, ten tur transmisslor & total of $479,315, | will be stocked with fish by the Do- and fisheries, $133,354; oup- | which is apart from the proportion which | rinion Government revenue (corporation tax), | the Province bears for adininigtration, : 3 Bnei euchaeein | Anke tT) casual Hed appes The Ontario branch of the Do- insurance ir ni i Tove ete, titty public. dnatieatio is, ‘Amount Fecetved from the T. & N.| 1 Tee aes may finance hotels eas; Sra Se ro-electric Power Commission (in rg eet the apo $5,000 ieee fh than cal option districts. tere at from 1911, and 860,002 more than at, atte expenditure column, the larger | revenue. for mls testing before the Ro, al sao bea a6 ello ss govern Be succession duties iow a, 0 oneider- ata Dele ebec advocat ment, 1 legislation, admin | able falling off. | Over yas Te i s fotrat: justion, $674,390; ° education, | ceived for 1911, hut even with ‘the decreas. bo rad nD Snopes eae Siate dumigntions qaiaaunncs, (ed. amoazt. the’ Erovin The Lgisatune ee ae ee to colonisation and immigration, cial Treasurer's @3 timate has been somewhat exceeded. THREE ENGLISH GIRLS, Induced Young Men to Come to Canada to Marry Them. A despatch from Toronto says: lowing their sweethearts their husbands from the erowded centres of the Old World. : SCRE Se ee CHARGED WITH THEFT. Clerk of the Bank of Toronto in Montreal Arrested. A despatch from Montreal says: B. J. Brown, formerly assistant ac- eountant in Board of Trade branch of the Bank of Toronto, Wednesday, a WHEN ee GO HOME. Duke and Duchess of Connaught | Will Stay at Clarence House. despatch from London of Connaugh says: later the Duchess will probably go to Germany and Sweden for a few months. TO SAVE CRYSTAL PALACE. Strathcona Will Provide L Thousand Dollar: A déspatch from London, Eng- ‘hi d. ast Fifty land, says: The Mayor has announced, in connection with the epecial efforts now made gave the Crystal Palace and to pro- vide the last fifty thousand dollars of the sum needed (over a million for! ROYAL WEDDING. Princess Victoria Louise and Prince Ernst August. lespatch from Berlin says: It A des; is prnouneed unofficially that the marriage Princess Victori dollars), not half of which is yet! there thcoming. EXPEDITION TO THE ARCTIC. Will Fly Canadian Flag in the Northern Ice Regions. A despatch ao ex York says regions of the Tar North, 's companions—eight or PHN raaic at aces Sigil eal out of Esquimault, B, C., the lat- ter part of May or early in June on the 147-ton whaler Karluck, bar- kentine rigged, purchased for the expedition by the Canadian Gov- rnment, The Karluck now lies in jan Francisco harbor During the next ten days sho will be over- hauled and sent ‘Beatin, where she will be fitted perigien paul “Rha ail fy he Canadian flag, as tho entire ag of the expedition is to be borne Canadian Government, and will carry a crew of fourteen. “7 MU BE BRAVE.” The Explorer’s Wife Is Bearing Up Bri ‘avely A despatch from Wellington, New Zotlnnd says: Lady Robert We Booth iwuiew-ottlie Antarctic ox plorer, arrived here on n board the Aor: $ 600 , the first shock she said: “I must be brave, as ay husband would have wished me to be.” Her brother, Lieut. Bey and Commander Ed: ard Evans, of the British’ Navy, who brought b ack the sad ne: Depa taees anlar ow ful blow. eke ae eee QUARANTINED THE PLAGUE. Consul at Teneriffe Notifies Cuban despatch from Hayana says itis torabi as Ruedas against the Canary Islands asar Pibsnie wore infected last summer. throug] hel a vessels from the panes: WARRIORS re RESTING. Bad Roads and Wintry Weather Stops Fighting! appoint a commiss igate Ae oaiierak He high cost vo ee City Engineer A. O. London died i nkpecieds thought recovering from weeks’ illness. sir Ian Hamilton, inspector of t a Canadian the. eet ‘Dundonald will be another aes sident of the Quebec Dairymen's 's Association at Cowans- ville mmended agricultural courses in fecoslsaat for ministers of the Gospel. ter hay. vad jain in eee as four any medic; nee suffering from typhoid fever, nog Marchtrium died in moh brane jail. Great Britain, Sylvia Pankhurst is Serine ill in Holloway Jail as the result of a St Sere Fe on the Panama tolls dis- Tle suffragist and two women were detected trying to burn the Croquet Club house at Roehamp- to n. Mobs attacked suilragette, mest ings in Britai militants igose asbeaitie see and telegraph wires. The Associated Boards of Trade & law, parcel po ernment railways, and several other atters. United Paper mills in Washington and California. pay appeale the artment to rescind ie ago admittin, paper from British Columbia fied of di General, ag desperate fighting in ie t Diaz congratulated Huerta, an scprewal a. ho et will ce ine rvice of so! dicts of all arms from’two to se ars, Roumania has accepted the offer of mediation made by the powers in the boundary dispute with Bul- garia. THE FRUIT INDUSTRY. Shipments Increased 500 Per Cent. in fen Years. — stespeta ae St -Catharines Th 500 per cent. in ten years. years ago the Grand Trunk ieiriod only.ten cars of fruit, sae ¢ “3 from Londo: y8:|year they. carried over bees “Ganghters of ees The operations of the five armies {this docs not include shipments by gon of the Duke of Comberland, | °7S#sed in the Balkan War have! express and other railway lines will take place on May 24, the same been brought practically steamers. W.-H. Bunting ad day on which the court wil cele- eee ae a wee the growers to go more into te the silver anniversary of the | Which is accompanied by frequent apple-growing, and the grow- wating of Prince Henry of Prus- Beene and as by the deplorable ers seemed to have gone ‘“‘pead! tate of the roads coe x MONTREAL CUSTOMS. NEW CURE FOR CONSUMPTION pisciiee Borden Says Government Would Be Dere~ lict in Duty If it Did A despatch from Ottawa says: The Government has under consid- eration the sending of a represen- tative to New York to investigate Dr. Friedmann’s cure for tubercu- losis, and it is possibie thet they ey invite him to visit Ouinde statement was made by the Premier § in reply to Mr, K. Ma who moved the adjournment ie ihe sitting on Thursday for the bie of discussing the subject. said that even if sete rtially effective Dr. Sie would be a great blessing to ‘Lean ag that Canada, Gould send. a qualified Not Enquire Into It physician to confer with F riedmann and possibly invite him Canada to give demonstrations at a central point. den answered that ‘the g reascual step to investi- pe wees be derelict in‘ its duty. Increase ae February -of Last» ar $234,445.60, A despi oe from Montreal says: The cai of the ms House ‘ ‘he igures are @ 036,468 for ane 1913, an 81, .40 for February, 1912. ¢ responding period Jast year, the fans berea: $857,067.62 Lae Febru: 1913, compart ch $794,- a1 05 for Temaay, Aces Ae NOTED MAN GON NES *-| Sir Wm. White, Naval Goukiens- tor, Has Passed Away. A despatch from* London «say: Sir William H. White, formerly chief ‘constructor of the British Navy, died on Th yy afternoon in a, hotel ie as the result of a Broke of Septieer: i PRICES OF FARM PRODUGTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA. Pricos of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Produce at Home and Abroad. Breadstufts. larch 4.—Manitoba Wheat — No. 1 northern, 97 1-20; No. 2 920; feed wheat, 651-20. t-No. 2, 960: to 960 for oar lote outside, ranging down to 10 for poor grades. Ontario Oats—No..2 white, 33. to 340 at country points; so to Sto om track, To- Manitoba Oate—No, fence, hay poress NG. feed, 400 for prompt pbmni Com—amertenn No. yellow, all. rail, Stay No: 3: S60"%0 60 £20, a 9. WW. jonte, Al to, 4005 ie eee oN, a ght to, Be '0—-No. 2, 650 to 650, n Holled Oate-Por bag of 90 pounds, $2.15) Ber, artel, “#45, wholesale,: Windsor to Sertey Geen teiine becian pains, 500 to 66 ‘Millfeed—Manttoba bran, in bags, track, set ile shor! $1200; Ontario bran, 819 to, $00" In bages shorts, 821.50, Manltobe Flour—First patents, $6.30 in fute bags; second patents, $4.80 in jute bage; strong bakers’, $4.60 in juse Dass. In ‘cotton bags, ten ent © per bi ro Ontario Bloar—Winter wheat four, per cent. patente, $3.95 to. § Country Produce, ge—Cold-storage eggs, 180 to 200, in Bele t eggs are celling at 2203 strictly new-laid a! Cheese—Twins, new, 1434 to 150, and largo, now, at Jee Ot cae: twins, 150 to 191-20; Tai tor, Creamery. cnet 31 to 36; do., a 29, 00, Ses dairy printa, 2 to Wai “a Ronicera) 22 to fckWheat So pound in-tins 9 50] infer Hon. 8 in Saapels tealned clover honey. 121-20 & pound in 5 tin Saat genes, ‘hon: y—Live chickens, wholesale, Se pet pounds fowl, 100 to tie ido; 10) Di PotaicesOntario potatoes, 8c per bag: car lots, 700; New Brunewicke, 900 to 950 per bag out of store; 8c in car lots, Spanish Onions case, $2.40 to $2.50. Pe: ‘d—Tubs, ais-Out of pickle, ic lees-than Pork—Short cut, $26 to $28 per barrel; ‘mess pork, $21.50 to $22.00. yard Tierees, 13 b4o; tubs, 141-40; paile, a4 le and Straw. Kor $12 to $12.50; No. 2, g “e or 8 $8 t0 8. ‘Belod straw Montreal Markets. Mon: oe March 4. 1 10, —Corn—American No. Oats-“Canadian western, to 4%; do., No. to fie; extra No. 1 feed. ie fatto loc: eal L white, ie Sic. Bank ‘malting, Zoe to 610." Flour- Gane ae whe ‘utente, rats, $6:40; 2009 stro) ers 90; eiaignt nes bags, 82.25 to Rolled oats—Barrele, $4.39; Hee 90 $2.05. Bran—$20; shorts, $22; middlings, $2, mouille, $30 to $35, Hay—No. 2, per ton, car lots, $11.50 to $13." Cheese—Finest finest. easterns, 121-40 westerne, 1 de. Batter Choionst _greames Be; ted, 230 to 250 180 19,200} No. f btock, 150 to 3 t bag, car lots, 600 to United Oe Markets. Minneapolis, March _4.—Wh. $6580; July, "50 ito to 903-80 900 No. northern, é: Se 8 $54 to at, September, 1 hard, 887-80; No. i 88 3-80; No. 2 northern, Soon Xe, 3 gellow, 44 140 Oats No. 3 white, 301, tae irs 0 to Rie sa riot wipchanged: ulut at No: 1 8 Yo Bbi.2e; Ney 1 northern fi to erie; 0. foporthery, Bo) go na oa x es » 903-80 Di Live Stock Markets. Montreal, March 4.—A few choice steers sold at $6.75, but the bulk of the irading a4 3 Bo Gah, witle patie woht 1 fiom iss 25 ce $5.25, ‘Bheep sold at trom, 84.50 bs at» from: $7.50 e and quality. pieces lots of toes a ‘0 $10 per 100 Ibs, weighed cars. March 4.—-Cholce butchers brows ant from 6.60 to ‘sats tedium butch 6.25 to $9.60, and common, $4 to $5. Bu ibcher bal diets Ete ee, and bolder went at $9.50, and hogs f.0.b. See ee NO MORE BEER AT CAMP. t $9. Minister ‘of Militia Makes Emphatic State ement. A despatch from Ottawa says “So |. as I Minister ‘of Milie tia,” said Col. Hon, Sam Hughes at the military conference Fri- day afternoon, “there will never this question any th Se Yi is sett titled.” No 2 $120 to $1.8, oar lots out- a na | fesso con TORONTO. CORRESPONDENCE INTERESTING BITS OF GOSSIP FROM THE QUEEN CITY. Hockey sens a Northern Clay Bolt—Montreal Opera Company— mi aes Hobby. In apite of the unusual mi Toronto has hed the erence ao gon ever, than iftcial Es snk which is now a. apart a ot, ita! sportin phernalia, | Tt convedt core is'a carious fast ¢ le spectators point of view nm much hocke} ions, satistactory. ay hat Canada’s rOBSO, Se olan ke of hockey or cusence of ugh a ay a Ibetonte hon Seam play both successful hocke; ul seball is dif- pean There © individual ea a Kept, and Wis: salary forthe nex} sendgn dependa 0) rors and hi ‘Kuthorities “say. that the eed amateur hockey denne. plage in aoeett ae year would tie ‘heads of” the gs ae sie anal parton ti@ihe"0 At. IAl wero p-| Cho deed worth, going miles to » It was 90] new sensation to 6,000 people, all comfortably seated in tremendous al phitheatre, watching oe a hooke; artificial Aico The opening. fast fail, a "aimou eg were sinreet ie atisfactory tnd posopaite, sath or SSanetaria ae on a6 beautiful '® ¢heet of lee. sq one ou! Sur, Hearst and Wow Oaterie "as announced, the department se, did not condemn: i tod © associated, in the minds of the. “public, ith the name of New On: tario. ir. Hearst comes fro 8. arst Marie himeolt and may acne a perhaps, jheving a, little pr pf me to. Ooch: North aces uch pub- rounding ter: Kieity Hfomiskaming unless being give they” aleo ) include pera as Money. Toro is been enjoying three weeks of grand, opera by the Canadian organiza. fon known a Montreal Opera Co, It ig understood that financially Nhe vieit of ‘company has’ no the’ coms t been as successful as it might have boon. “At nearly overs performance there were @ large number cant seats, a1 said on one evening alone a loss of $1,000 was ove sioned._ One explanation of the failure of the ny to pack the house at every pertormange la said to be the soale of pricer gg onchestra, chairs x society did pond as expected. It was Tecog- Aired that jaany real musio, lovers could not as a rule afford periment will ri ina ‘ebanice ot polley inthe future OF whethee Hie opera, org iN] ant, ea snadian ins Don't Like Looking Foolish. Aa # matter of fact, the operaloving publi in Toronto is not large yet. bably one of the chief reasons. te that iss very emall population ‘whieh understands enything the English langu: a in. the good productions Mnelish ve never eed a st people are in- lined 6. foel tooleh in] Tistonineg to hours words of which they ete Besides, just a little, it foretan there be not jealousy, at Teast, of apathy, becwuse ‘ch iy be upon, and the artists So TOL amenh to best tO be teLtn the word, swith the possible exception ‘of threo four, eu Caruso and ‘Nettrazinnl Thove is no: doubt the ny pm basis, pastas) if Fa eae aera attention being the development of Canadian art tists. Se A GREAT TUNNEL. Canadian Pacific Railroad Asks for Tend A despatch from Vancouver Ne J. G. Sullivan, abick engineer of western lines of the Ca easier Pa- cific Railroad, announced on Thurs- a great nae 28,000 feet IE to cut ficbae h the Roger’s Pass Hill. Se es A-hundred million dollars is the amount the minister of finance will Booty 16 government to secur ee of xico. children of Daniel Farlar- deat ae burned to death at Ri- viere Voleantie, pe Rushes: Neighbors rescued a bi CRESCENDO. First. Doctor—‘‘Well, what has he pv? Second Doctor—‘‘It is a beauti- ful combination. He has appendi- citis, . nephritis, laryngitis, . and 5,000.1? me WHY is THE BEST FOR YOU. BECAUSE s your **White Clothes” looking Snot Spot on Streak the clothes Kind” to ust a a Seattle sg waned ust ike isGuaranteed ss ~«E-RBIi Excellent Bh i Pe to ae Hee on Oat tio. is, the “best Bick Lover used” Mes. Switzer, Brandon, Maa. ict | a fd atennatt ow ive: " ig to ©) off his gangrenous arm, Please kill take o! b; of bonds for the Dieiicohor see aie i A despatch from Ottawa says: a-| Sir William Meredith’s report as Royal Commissioner appointed to investigate the affairs of the Far- mers’ Bank and the relations of the oe Minister of Finance, “Hon, the - depositors ascribed to the recklessness and fraud of those entrusted with the management of the bank, “In so far s the Treasury Board is conceraed Commissioner finds that there is no ground for imputing any im- m- proper motives to the ex-Finance Minister or his colleagues, and the most that can properly bo charged in accepting the repeated assuranc- FARMERS’ BANK FAILURE Sir William Meredith In His Report Puts the Blame on the Management es of Travers as to the correctness of the sworn statements of the bank’s affairs without making a suf- ficiently. 8 to the tions ‘made. by. th allega Sin Edmund Sales, mee uae Hen- not have succeeded, despite Sak sedgianite on the part rt of Travers ai ‘isconduct in con- pechee with the application for the z culpability in. the. se oe gard to the latter the report finds that tis Provincial Treasurer, in making deposits i in the bank, acted with nothing in view but the ‘pub- ~ lic interest. = AM THE HORRORS OF WAR (WHAT A BRITISH MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT SAW. Scenes Which He Witnessed on Some of the Battlefields of tho - Balkan War. wounded in writes saw of the War,” “I hesitate to state a a He I. 6 Ball ‘an Mr. 5 as them. The ugly facts in norma’ life we agree not to speak of.’ But to Mr. Buxton the time has ce to tell just what war means to the human beings whom we dis- guise put forget under the name of “soldier” or rmy.” With his own en Mr. Buxton has seen the horrors of the Balkan War, and these are some of the things he saw — hee who He eer ‘the Turks ANG! ‘6 -muti- bebo: in such a way that life could only last aftery n ee Ts eae hae got, into my eyes, and the mice are eating it.’ The majority of seated were hit in ‘the left arm or ha‘ as it lifted for firing. “Shrapnel Balls (coming from above the troops as they lay 39) struck the should; back ye en Biereed bron hig tates aa wofhc rode six miles shot jist Arelow oS aT the heart. sy are ie ified of losing a I fear one man ies to the 8 prepari take me rai ther my arm. T can’t Cronk ‘on my farm, I would rather be dea Foreign may attaches, a ked up. Turkish m ai iol ang posting se ea cae Vee! anded in soft: a with the dread- fa Weeds that © our surgery inches in length, the fiesh protruding in sepa- rate oblong masses, mangled toge- ther, the skin apparently all car- ried away. .more ruthlessly and quickly larger seemed the that endless queue at, the “Made in the Image of ea my. ere were human beings of a Bes type, of pure:blood, in the prime o! life, remarkably. free from oi een hr Se, ance that makes them rare wells as fighters Ehrubhoay Europe, with a boty oe h impartial coldness, the immenee value of each of these crea- tures, belong s to whom the expres- sion ‘‘made in the image ‘of God,”’ might quite philosophically be ap- plied. nd here, at closest quarters, by the insistent impact of sight and smell and hearing and fone, He realized this image sm: capacity for work, cute taniee happiness, y re- sultant ill-health; not one alone, aol would, in time, in a ise of misfortune, move a whole Baas to sympathy, but by scores and roa ndreds and tens of thou- san 5 2 cBaeiaial oe Se THE SERGE i HORSES. modern Seats among the e8si ae winter coat should be remoyed for the same reason that we lay off our heavy — winter Clipped horses dry off hence they do not take cold as easily nor are they as prone to be affected with other ailments as. unclipped animals whose longer hair holds the perspiration for hours. Because clipped horses ee, off soar dH they rest better, get ore good their food an eine out in ae refreshed and fit-- for mornin ork, Mpince' the adveut of the hall bear- ing enclosed gear clipping ma: chine, the work of taking off the ° over in half an hour, whereas with the old two- cae elinper it required i eee hours to do Dairymen ato now clip the cows all over tw: three times a year. he flanks a udders are 4 every three er four weeks, so it easy to clean the parts milking. This means less opportu- nity for dirt and other impurities to geb into the milk. MEAT GOES UP IN GERMANY. Means It Will Be Scarcity on Tables of Poorer Classes. come see ee y Me rly Meat prices, with the beef, have advanced sharpl. "Dla able portion of the po will cat less meat and eat it less often. The number of anaes eae There are neduhiens in hope bers of shee ee 2 amount to 35 per cent. «Buyers paid the farmers abont 14 ents a pound for live hogs in Jan= ay 1911. This month they are paying-about ee ‘cents. CANNOT eat ATE LEASE. Emperor William of of Germany Lost Law Suit. f from Elbing, Ger- Emperor William on ng a recent speech before the Ger- Council that he Opened ‘with this Company earn int fois date re celved todnts Savings * Accounts credited — Bree apkity *sULY and OCTOBER at the 4% a Accounts may be opened by ’ ‘0 subject to cheque One Dollar opens an mai witideawal The Union Trust Company, Limited mple Building, Cor. Bay ‘a Hlohiaond Bt, ‘Toronto. PAID UP CSPITAL: AND ResuRve” 91,750,000 AVrite for Booklet. ad: “Thrown out because he was 10 good”’ from a plot of land he rented fro e Imperial estate ab Gadinen: The District Court hat titled to terminat’ tenant, which runs until 1918. ce TU RKS HAVE HAD ENOUGIL — The Balkan War 1 is Nealy at an En ‘A despatch ee London says The Daily Telegtaph tlatms Presi: information regarding the Tur Balkan situation, in which it is sua that peace wets, who will treat directly with the allies. ~