bi ae Cae Pe Ae eT ee The Milverton Si FVERY sHoagoae MORNING The Sin Printing Office Main Stree Milverton, Ont suBscRI ON RATES One vear, $1 six months. 6v cents; three monthe, 25 cents, In advance, Bunscriners In arrears will be liable to pay $1.50. CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Year 6 Mos. 8 Mos. Mos $70 $40 $25 $8 4022 12 20 12 7 3 z 1 3 Per line for first insertion and per line for each subsequent Insc fiom wilt be charged for all transient adver. tlsement dvertisements without specific directions xii i be inserted until forbid. and charged ac ciaksieee olcriisens Gortiagaiases must bein the office by noon Monday Malior telephone orders will receive prompt ‘attent! MALCOLM MAcBETH, Publisher and Proprietor BusinessCards Dentist LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- mee R. fattate of Dental Surgery and Member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- rersity. | Crown and peta work aSpec- ity. rs 9 a, lice vote the Hank Oe ‘Hlamilton; Milverton, Medical. P. PARKER, M.D. . L. TYE, M.D, | DRS. PARKER. & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON nd 2 to 4 Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m. P. m., and 7 to 8 o'ciocke DR. R, FORSTER, age sada tions only. ae petaton New York Opthalmic and Aural Insti- tute. Clin. A Waterloo. St., opposite Knox Church, Stiatiord. ‘Phowe 267, Legal ** you become aware that he is not a ses ons cu TARO THE SUNDAY SCHL STIDY Daily, everywhere, there bobs up a young man, lithe and stately, with clean cut face and clear eyes, whom you are inclined to put down as a ‘perfect specimen of human- ity’’ until he opens his mouth—and betrays a lack of manners. As soon as this young*man begins to speak Lesson VIII. — Abraham and Lot, Gen, 18. 1-18, Golden Text, i Pas ham Turned His Attention to eee the Antaretic. The portion of our narrative in- thi gentleman, but a “gent,” in alll tervening between a chance meeting with It was by Sir Clements Markham, chairman that the word implies in the voca- last lesson recount pHa bulary of the street corner. jto Egypt and assigns as a rea-|0f the uae Geographical Society, json for Abram’s sojourn Jn. Rasp that Capt. Scott entered upon the career Thich won fame for oa Capt. Scott was described as true sailor, one of the best of the |the prevalence of a famine in Pal- cating,“ Reypt. wae known" in” an: tiquity as a land of plenty, because Manners, politeness, are a lost art with a great many of our young generation. Culture and refine-its fertility was dependent not on|type that the British Navy 3G ment are not often to be had for|uncertain and -scanty rainfall, as|4uced, great physical the asking. You have to look for)¥@S the case in Palestine, but on eeopeth, untiring, feat) ae | them with a magnifying glass all too (tHe Tegular and unfailing overflow | ¥ith a gre netoualtey etal gnifying glass fthe Nile. In times when famine {Marked him as @ natural leader frequently. Yet our schools and| visited surrounding regions Egypt |™e2- 9 other institutions, where manners|became a place of refuge for man: are supposed to be considered, can |and different peoples, Thus, prob-|® : hardly be held responsible for this|#>ly, the Hyksos came into: Egypt ae ary, yi ‘ qd, |28 early as B. C. 2200, since which on eficiency. Our schools are g00d,|time the land [af the Pharaohs has and our libraries are efficient. Our | bj been again and again overrun by |® : literature is the literature of His Beeele rina of Canaanitish = ve world and our art is the art of desce: the world. ‘The blame lies else- "| old he entered the Royal Navy, and here. “|three years later he left the train- ing ship Britannia, Met Aretie Explorers. Ss sent oe the naval Boe erate falsehood regarding the iden- | | Tt lies in the home. -Too many jhomes are devoid of manners and |refinement. Democracy and oppor- 0. |tunity are back of this state of af- tity of Sarai, his wife, reflects in a remarkable : ram’s character his point | three years later was transferred t fairs. Hundreds of well to do fam- must be judged in the ee of the|the Pacific station returned ilies of to-day have come into their|general attitude of th e-|from his work there fully grown, possessions over night. They have|brews, in common with om Ori-| big, strong, eee man ae a ‘And |ontals, Ae the moral ques-| splendid r h Meeting With Sir Clements Mark-| 2°) panion, Dr, Wilson, a man of great inte gifts, who was artist to iscoverer expedition. Friends Until Death. once more to help conquer the South. FROM MERRY it ENGLAND |: NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences. in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. Robert. Coles, a Crimean vetera: # Croyden, Biicrey, bao just ccle- brated his 105th birthday Mz. David Evans, a "builder of ell dead in the cemetery a “Crciath while attending a fu- 2 os le a grave-digger was digging a grave at the Guildford Cemetery, with a paralytic stroke, According to # report of the Bake tenses Ceiel” Hisee: Ke ‘ebal yan dwellers in the district, se to | occupy 74 vans. Michael Greenwood, a mid) man, has in a coaling accident in the batilo- iship- - | shi come up from the bottom. brought with them the man- or the lack of manners, of the These manners, or lack lof manners, aes. drag with them in vice. His recs mea Baliped him that ic ee Abram went out of / lect the careet he wished to pureue, e fact is he was and his choice was the torpedo ser. reproaches by | vi they way with ee for having sought to de- ig. grave Bee after eight years H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, - Notary Pul Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, aTWwooD Offices: Listowel, Milverton oan JG. Maxins MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Stratford, - - - Ontario F. R. BLEWETT, K. BARRISTER, a RO CHOn Office: Gordon block, eee eee office STRATFORD, Veterinary. BARR, Veterinary Sur Milverton, Gradtisty of Contio Veterin: - Calls by phone or otherwise promptly attended to, Societies. MILVERTON LODGE, No. 478, A.M., G.R.C., Milverton, Monady evening on or nth in their jeimine ry juenther, W. 2 always welcome, . J. Looger; Secy. ©. 0. Fs No. 99, ‘Milverton, ‘meota every second and last Tnesday of every mouth, at 8 o'clock, in their hall ove Rothaermel & Son's hardware store. Visiting brethren always welcome. G. Smith, C Zimmerman, Ree- Seo. I. “Silver Star Lotige" No. 302, Mi verton, ovary Friday night’ oS pate 10, in ‘ele lial over Public Seine salnass< wae fae Ww. Smntth, No Ga W. F. Seey., G. A. Barth, Bt. Secy. notary Public. W,__D. WEIR, Notary Pablic, Ano- Rages drawn and avi vile e Clerk. » Office in the Weir block over the Bank itera jotels. adie HOTEL, Brier Ont. John -G Litto Best ligui ors and Se bar. First-class ac- tommodation aiid large eta GRAND. CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil verton, large, sompl . big brands epee eA, ee and cigars, | QUEEN'S a Milverton, Ont. | The best amedation for, commercial | travellers and other large sa: room, "Only the chowest of ‘Wines. guors and Cigars at the bar. Good w ables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor.. ‘THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, arm fesbae liqnors served at Wa. Wier, Prop tes $1,60 per day. Mornington, Elma lots ny to 72 Tnelnsive i in She let conces: sion a Lielg ‘of lot 26 in concession 2 to 18 ii Ive, north of the i3th orth Pais: north of ays—April | ugust sip October 24th ay, rmann, clerk, , Dec, th at 2 o’olock, Cima isch Sitvings ern: scientists with glass, without jury—Oct, I bite, = Conveyancer | W. J, HANLBY | ceive the ki of sete as utenant on lee a a nee ed = ea Sse eae the sber katy Moots cee ae [elubs. A good tailor and a barber ee ceeaty: mentioned dcuut-|Young officer in touch with men of can change the physical appear-}j0..° because of aa in| the type of Sir H. Stephenson, then ance, Culture and charatter come | which phe ae just aveds so prom: Admiral, and Prince Louis of Bat- down from generation to genera-|inent a pi te Captain, a. 28 ne 7 Lot— Conn are note in lesson for | himse SO ut tex |tion. They cannot be bought with es p So pai money. Te SGpiehco iis Seaniiens tnd acOltacehe the eae rt of Palestine, known as the|to find the Northwest Passag ; SS pai | The fitet <generation of immi- | Nege' ry id Needed Money. grants is another factor in our|tableland affording only scant pas-| Scott's actual entrance into the want of manners. The born or|turage for flocks an e. ‘raised children lose patience with | 2 before journeyin; |their foreign speaking parents. ore, joumeying ae Egypt, where his wealth had They consider them back numbers. /been greatly augmented by gifts “Now came the turning point in The refinement and gentlemanli-|from the king, of whom it is said | Capt. Scott's career. m hich the immigrant parents |(Gen. 12. 16) that he “dealt well| about in a truly romantic manner. Fred dahedited: fromm coathe entec (ith Abrabam! Capt Sogit's tamily. wate at tel pectosuerite = a 3. Beth-el—Compare not in les-|time in very great Sone 5 pee tors for generations back are 4 spurned by these youngsters. They pick their ethies and behavior from their companions in the street, in le son for February 16. Abram slow: | deaths and the loss of mé ly retraces his steps northward: un-|left him, the eldest, ae i only til he comes unto the place where! so on, in the position of having to Pe tent had been at the beginning, | help his peo pte: He rose nobly to ‘ is, shortly after his arrival in| oe responsibility, as he always the alley, or in the cheap theatre, palate from Mesopotan s to it, and, knowing well that |They take this to be the true be-|} 4. Called on the name of Jaboeoh a Piaieneat'e pay in the Royal havior, when in reality it is but|—Referring to Abram’s habitual Navy Se of no margin, he came viffraff manners that they are custom = worshiping Jehovah. up to nto see by what means aaapein land (the mountainous or | he acy ea ment it and to gener- erates rugged “tableland of-Ephraim) Se better matters. aes eae not al be ) the ae Not fer Chance Meeting. speck Whee “ or productive enough to abate “sty he f ANCIENT PRODIGALITY. the whole company. of the com-| ee eae ge : |bined families, with their numerous | sie Clement This “Modern Sin’? Flourished |;ooks and herds. This was doghe ee a sormeote Among Earlier Peoples. less especially true | after ‘the|in5 Royal Geographical Society. mu period of famine through which the| si; Glements “wecognized Capt, Scott as a midshipman in whom he had always been very much inter- ested when he had stayed on his cousin’s (Admiral Markham’s) ship, and greeted him with great gir Clements great desire and aim was to get up an expedition to’ a the high of living are opis of he bg, |goumiry hd ast assed. (Compare posed ti 5 Gen. We aang tne [ad herite tntrideschodbractn Bone a aera ee Eafe Wilet satiral wonioee ee Mie Whol. Ge sss Sitadeydaia |Dasturage for'tlie herds was ceares. Rinhdee wodntuirwith we coe: The Canaanite and the es : =Two arred then corresporiding to Gheistiaice, the Romans were fond | aretic continent, This object he of amazing their guests with costly had materialized at this time to the dainties, such as nightingales, pea. |ther —peoplés usually mentioned | ent that a ship was being eon- cocks and the tongues and brains|With these two are the Amorite,| structed to be called thé Discovery of flamingoes. Caligula, the Terri. |the Hittite, the Hivite, the Jebu-|f5, the purpose of Jee exploration, | ble, dissolved pearls in powerful site, and sometimes the Girgashite the -écientific staff eing lacids, in. imitation Cleopaira, | (Compare Exod, 3. 8, 17; 23. 235.83.) apnointed—thanks io ae help of nd spent $400,000 on a single r 15 Deut. 20. 175 Josh: 9. ti) the society’s funds and a great a over 84,000 for a dish of. sing- aoe Se BEE et Se nd one famous epicure, Aes shaves exhausted the sum of ei $4,000,000 in his good living, poi-|iu the- wonmdahineanl eae eae: Pot Tadwes’ especially: have an intimate knowledge of the quite half a million left! Fish’ was | these narratives it would deemthnt | Royal Navy, w ae coe, ules e latter peeled a district about |t4val man in command of the ship, nd Shi Demurred at First. “Sir Clements, like all men whi narratives | the’ rich were” were sometimes Sie Pind cooked ua taiver gridirons be- | try | fore: Seiad guests, who enjoyed the |seém probable that the name eles changing colors of the slowly dying | to he fish and the tempting odor of the| Canaan, 1 y i SOE oe Ninpanioudy aera: Bee led alone, unfolded hie’ plaas, | # esis at the same time, he suggest- coming treat. Turbots, mackerels, ‘ner ae Bis Dar- jeels and oysters were popular deli. | tienlar tribe or race. For notes.on ol i jatter demurred, as he had fine. milet ta Ste and eee see Text S aoe 4 sort of work, cacies, and a sometimes a mucl 240. ul game, the fated Bait and, the wi 8. Brethren—In, the wider sense boar, ‘setyed whole, wer een of kinsmen-or relatives. first. 10. Lifted up, his eyes—Surveyed , But the Romans did not confine | the land. ‘their extravagance to their eating. Plain of the Jordan—Or, | The banquet hall was es neat im- | portant room in the ho} Here | basinlike low were reclining sofas \digde’ off tease of the valley beginning or of ecdar inlaid with ivory, gold|about twenty-five miles north of or silver feet. The citrus-wood ta-|the river mouth and including ap-|¥ poral the Dead Sea basin ae necessary, and one tha not in- terfere with his naval career, ad civele, on the plea that one name adde ithe list-‘of applicants would oan “/no matter, his in, with little or no hope of being successful OT e rij a healthy. etnies wale nae tbe: ot ide 5 feet 9 inches, who had Rcheca tetieli ts: bare count Ole es the name oe vi mur | is restricted more especially to the |n&d no worse illness than an atlack vha, a substance identified by gnod-|southern portion of the larger area |°f measles ee ee et ae cant iiss, Chipete| in Je sematets —plulia otha) Gee. dhe aia vein ek reelain, agate and fluorspar were Dead lea. The Jordan’ valley, | ene tien? ——| fashionable, and fabulous sums | one sea lpitent: contains large | S#0h @ Posi were paid for them. An sea patches of galt 2 arren soil; Popular With Men. j bi Railway Time Tables | Re oan ‘Qanaian Fe Pacific ph and Goderion Going west ee Grand Trunk Northbound * £9 7 [fie on his deathbed he asin inen tely pieces t vent} along. : e Slits ae Suto. the band ate Scud atid ‘produces ex; especially about! Capt. Béoti’s sieker’ had this tb anciently “ — say about thé inspiration he was to palm’ grov the men in mineed? anks of the river ie is} “Rollo: a some 200, eas 10. ae lowing the example set by men all rs grasping yrant. Bronze and mar-juberant vegetation ; and the writer, turn to any manual work with & _ stat in the Mit seems, -pictu: it as being still! will if necessa: Although Capt. ore fertile than it was in-his ow Renesas = strict discipline ‘om $150 for the sate of an /'day, “before Sodom and Gomorrah ‘on board his he also believes been conteared ** (Compare | that when work ad hardships have ine Ph idias, Scopas 0} raxi- es 19. 24- tans: tended Wil officers Z ike the poe "ot Jehovah—The | and men must Gees alike equally. — wares of Eden. It has been proc! y someone Fealsoanda Like the dead of Egypt ~~ The tine ee Scott: falas by discipline menue type and ideal of fertility. place of affection. This is un- oe you learn to love me?’| 19. The cities of the Plain—Five Ens T thnk ae a8 Scott in- STR know,”’ replied the girl.}in number, inclidive Sodom, Go-| spires affection is proved by the and | fact of his being Saortaanted again by his great t friend and trusted com- “What i is your particular system of morrah, Admah, Zaloun ni”? "Zoar. (Compare Gen. 14. 9.) sen e | Slipped off the Bark on ontelde, the For- isl dl Serbs explore’ the: luflesknown ane eae eee Scott to apply for, the s Founded in 1613 by Dame Alice wen, the tercentary of Owens’ School, Islington, is 2 cele- brated this year. The death is announced of Mr. Archibald Brown, formerly a page at Windeor Castle, at the age of 71 ye: Ace Sue Se catchers’* attached has been seen in London, evidently as an exper ment as to saving live Mr. Trowbridge, Hatisemndetar ot Cote Cross, has retired after 48 fears’ service a nS South-east- a ay ohicé-Conatatle: "Hoades oe ae EF ohare of corrupt perin Mr. ry- Veight, one of the ngers, King’s Ta , has ie cele- lie cance Penktta Sox bam eas by pate Usbon Council to pay the fire bri- at the rate of double time for fire acioadea Sie Sisciay Bo many dents oad ditto last week at Beeston, near jotting- Kathy thet Wohin been necessary to cement’ dis- The historic Abbey Gardens at Bury, “St. Edmunds, have been opened as a public park and recrea- tion ground by Lady Evelyn Guin: ness. Five hundred men were arily throw. out of work ie a fits that occurred in hte Hough Yard Mine ‘of the Moss Collieries, Lower ere was imposed on John Baxter of Saunhee at Penge for calling ‘‘cat’s meat’’ contrary to he by-laws of the Kent County eee Mrs. Ann Lacy, of Rainsgate, has just hundredth tbe ated her jay anniversary, when she re- ceived a message of congratulation. from the King. Stephen Hillier has just died in Broadmoor iminal Lunatic ee lum, at the age of 83. He has hee an ‘inmate of this institution Me nearly 60 years. A scleoy of vipers has been dis- covered ii Raveley ee shire. »The vipe: sonous snake now found in Eng- pata: ron - TaBBO a York a consider eople in the dis- tricts of re Wet Tading nod York- shire, and a braneh: has been re- corded at Pudsey vith a mémber- ship of ers a hundre See Se es Rings of the Ancients. The ring’is not only ‘one of the most ancient of personal orna- ments, but also at various times is has been endowed with all kinds of mystical and. emblematical pee? ties. It has been associated with religion, with law, with love, with in © a. ue at. on. the: third i Bb was ee! and they generally Loa ri hich served as a_signet; the bezel ofte isted of the gem. ut all quently wore several meine = every f Singer was adorned Suileo Half the world is on the wrong others. It. consists. in giving and serving others. tions What We Owe To some it is the completing of a task—so many bricks laid, so many shoes made, so many articles manu- factured. To others it means a eer- tain number of - hours employed, eight, ten, ti twelve, PAQy cess, In most cases it actually means that the thought and ingenuity of a century, resulting in vices which enable one to produce e pees ndfold more or better, een concentrated into a nae work day, so that the day ay stands for a socialized effort, h has become possible only be- Me use others in the past have con- wees thaixchiarerie aah day’s . To these we owe a debt o ABest How may we repay these pion- eers who blazed the tasks lighter and less irksome? We cannot bring them from their graves, nor even thank them for The Sacrifice of Bygone Days. been killed at Portland fi But there is a way in which we may pay the debt we owe them. Ve have the privilege of paring, upon the foundation laid by our eroes of our present day indus- trial life are not those whose day’s A CAUSE FOR GRATITUDE ain, | We Have the Opportunity to Pay to Future Genera- to Those in the Past work is done simply so that they themselves Hey live, but tho: plan and w. All this Taya seem idealistic and popontble for most men. But the law of progress demands ‘this of us, whether we will give this service e may be- ,|come @ parasite, even thongh one may work for himself, Tn a lany man i have acertied as result of oe He) without contribut- g his share to The ‘Gouna Good. It i ause for gratitude also, that a life of service and of altru- , {ism may be lived in the daily grind. It is not necessary to go to foreign lands and distant climes to become soldiers of the common weal. Nor is it necessary to leave one’s work to lest of us y take courage.—Rev. Charles Stelzle, FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE EWS BY MAIL FROM IRE- LAND’S SHORES. Happenings in the Emerald Isle of Interest to Irish- men, A four-year-old gelding was re- oently purchased in Dublin for 160 gun = je Nev van Fair, an élderly farm- Adathor, he th: ory sretraes og Austin, fell dead on the for near oe has been remanded on the charge of haying caused the death - Sata es alarm-pheraile amongst the Ferre eae, ‘of Moor, 2 Castlerea, owing to a th oe slide in the vicinity, ring the past season 9,875 ere jee ey, were pro the poor children by oe Nedage St. Vincent de Paul Society. Messrs. G. and J. Burns, ted, the well-known Glasgow ping firm, have appointed Mr. John Dalziel ax ‘their agent at Belfast. A man named iad He w sa relieving officer. ld yf Mathew Hutc’ inson, was aeaet: tally arorned at Anya As compared with 1911 the total Gisntion from Ireland 1,229: resigned position as medical officer of eae Kilimackevogue district, The 1912 potato crop in’ Ireland is estimated: at 2,546,710 tons,. as eS | compared to 3,694,856 tons in 1911, ld farmer named oe: ret. Dillon, Tankardstoy ished to death by a ied falli nes oa Potidians: mhave co-opted Miss Talte to succeed her ee father as a member rs ies ard. gee movement has been sta1 ae in Mullingar to-establish large abat- toir and deadmeat. market. in. the: tow! James” Nevin, % vel ee sobacoottst, was ‘knocked down by a_motor Hear Millburn sie. tadaaly eo e death is announced of Ann ieee Mounted County Tyrone. the most SS eslih ished Gaelic § singer in Ulsterd = Dundalk Board of arias has granted a perision to McDer- mott, who revently restgued) after a service of 38 years, James Hanlon of “Bowenseourt, damage has been caused by the great floods in thé middle reaches of the Shannon’ o¢- casioned® by gales ‘and heavy in 1912 rains. The home for old. age pensioners» which the Swinford Board of Guar- ians has provided within the work- ioe, teports & very successful CMe te uae at Broaghwey, near Middleton, Armagh, was re- moving a scarecrow, het found $200 in notes in the old odat on the drive- Z 3é leath has occurred of Mr. Wilteis Campbell, for more than 30 years Cass of Mesers, Work-, lar ee Go., Belfast shi yard. é ~The Countess of . Drog! resented to St. aa 8 eons Monkataesbaa two beautiful brass lower vases, for) the Communion table, At New Ross bard séssions, “fies! Heniiessy, noone ant and-farmer, | was for having failed pony an ee of ‘scab in tty “The. urgan Weavers and winders have ee “ork in consequence ¥ oa retunal of bk Swners'to ac.” ede to « r demand to increase thei ages Map Indicating Frvortant Detai is i Fouching South Pole Ted md SS wre POLE So ae Se