DoYou Feel It ii distinetly femi confidence, This Way” is because Ge ae Sern geoiene or ee ierce’s Wri Faculty yetavalide’ Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y. Goninon is free and advice is strictly in Pierce’s Favorite Prescription restores the health and spirits and removes Hines 1 ful s: It. has beer r 40 years, in a poate form, qa at $1.00 by R. Wi mace. Mi D. =e [gon by. Medicine laakers or trial! Loedeg| \ mail on receipt of 500 In stamps. SPECIAL CRUISE Around the World Empresses « of Russi Russia and. Asia Pacific re Empress of Asia Liverpool June 18th, trip will be anno ture iwae ore everything is reliable. Come in and let us show you~ how little money it takes to buy the best. Yours. for artistic jewelery. reliability and at- tractive prices. P. H. BASTENDORFF Jeweler and Optici fi Eyes Tested Free: Milverton, Ont, =a LIVE POULTRY WANTED Will pay highest cash prica for. all kvl, of ‘ive poultry also unsalted butter, 8. GLEECKMAN. Milverton. July 17—tf con ning further as to conditions of ure | may be seen ¢ and| on, G.C, BARE Ben Superini nt. st Offiee Department. Mail ‘en vice Branch. Ottawa. 14th January 1913, Mail Contract { LED TENDERS addressed Postmaster General will be ed at Ottawa until noon on F ay. the 14th March 1913 for the con- veyance of es week each way. MERGE Katwenitles, ands Warthure r Rural Mail Route from Sebringville. Ontario. ‘to commence a stmaster General’s pleas! ‘rinted notices containing furthe T information as to condit of pro- Si tract and blank forms of Tender may ob- se the Post Offi jeb- fou aa Kuhryville and f the Post Office Inspector at London G. C. ANDERSON Post Office Department. Mail Ser- vice Branch. Ottawa 17th January. 1913, alts Lista Business College oba artnet S. Students is constantly increasing. New Year Term opens on Monday, January 6. 1913 EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal Farmers! Just received a large shipment of Molasses Meal Oil Cake “Meal Talso carry a full line of Stock and Poultry ws Poods*: and all Poultry Supplies. Grain Bags for Sal 1. D. ATKIN _ MILVERTON, ONT. TRY US FOR YOUR 3 Suitor Overcoat ; STYLE — 4 QUALITY . and FIT 3s. N. SMITH CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford, ont. The best practical training school in Ontario. Three departments Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Graduates are placed in positions. Students may enter at. any time. Write for our Free Catalogue at once. D.A.McLACHLAN, - Principal MR. MORPHY Canadian ply and by | tion 5 SPEAKS ON. THE FOR WOMEN ONLY =a NAVAL BILL . H. B Morphy North pols Headache Pert Priday ment replied 10 wn Sensations ‘i. Pugsley who claimed Nervous—Drains— Canada’ was able to build Tenderness Low Down, By the declaration “that it rT to oe mothering. ne it ‘into asiae can't we taki Bb Morphy reiterated the convic- | tion of Mr, Cockshutt and other fell- |ow-Conservatives orden pol | Ss an inauguration of permanent | Pha Sure ieee ow what the atone policy of be present Government ii “thi ik this cou Laurier |something for est ablishing the prin we should do. something. We had better wait an i acemnnenes Zpermianen’: voller perman y ee it Britain zits the i of British ae argument the Borden ees he ed. bate ada wa$. paying conscience money to Britain, n you want a reliable medi- Annual Meeting ! ‘he Annual Meeiing of thie MORNINGTON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION will be held in Donley’s Hall, Newton page: oe “sx! Thursday, dan. 50th AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. Addresses will be sae by Mr, James c nd NV B, Morphy. ‘A full ce ae is requested. J.J. CARSON, M. J, DOBSON, President, ‘Secretary | Spo” Real Estate For. Sale’ brick house Splendid new ee it 600. One half as. Lot 8. Con. 11. Mornington, 200 a res. tio ate bank barn Sis, hed fat cement stabli aril. ene 180 acres under aaitivas tion balanee e bush. 3-4 mile from | school. 1-2 mile to post office. $9,000. Lot No. 4. Con. 10, Elma, 100 ac- with summer kitchen bank barn 50x ms well saved hay. Price $5, with th $1300 will sell for sale, . 9, Wellesley, Western neres. corner lot, frame ast side in t. Biles ton. 5 wet "$2.00 Ww.D, 'w EIR Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent MILVERTON, ONT. FARM FOR SALE. That parcel of n a 14. con: a ene. containing ik state of ell ‘leans. ean drained, drilled w driving shed and closed in yard, ey further particulars apply to JOHN REIS. Jr. Brunner, Ont 19-4 FARM FOR SALE. the. south % of Lo concession ot Morotogtae a | Canadian Pé Pacific joel 2 and Goderich eas Going eae Linwood and Listowel Going south Going north pm pa 08 Grand Trunk Northbound Southbound 7 49") 5. Stations. 6 48° 8 p Brunner Milverton 9 0 Newton 9, 7 Betiers 9:14 12.67 Saas eee LATION: ¥ person who is the sole head of fam- gi iy male over 18 years old. may Homestead Pauarter section Of avails eid 2s Do- inion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or R.Y. FISH &CO, : 4 LINWOOD wwe Dealer in... Coal, Cement and§Lime Motar Stain, Etc, Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand RAILWAY} SYSTEM GRAND TRUN CALIFORNIA THE SUNNY SOUTH ¢ Grand Trnuk Railway is the aie aicece poaye Paral points east through Canada via Chicago, Detrbit or Buffalo. eee Only Double Track Route Rround trip tourist tickets giving m any Grand Trunk Agent. S. YOUNG, Agent, (Phone 1) Milverton Di up cul iin each of thee pears Ah may live within nine miles of nishomestead on a farm of at least 80 ncres jolely owned d and oceupiied by him or by his father, mothe sister. anding may pre-empt quarter-section Slongeide his homestead. Price $8 per acre, yuties. pai aeaes } ee em estead or pre. six niths fears from te of homestead e ee mae i ox Ing the time required to earu homestead pat ent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. ader who has exhausted his homestead Fight and cannot obtain « pre- for a purchased home- Sere, Duties Met. reside Seek Gf cheek sess, sultivate Atty, screen rect a house worth $30 ty of the Minister of the Interior N.B.—Unauthorized pul pleaser of as ad- vertisement'will not be paid for. jel. 6m COMMERCIAL. Fall Wheat... Railway Time Time. Tables Be al aida a OF DOMINION LAND RI son, daughter, brother or] J,,, In certain districts a homesteader in good u ae water, tae orchard, estate, Apply to W. D CHARLES or MRS, WM. OPPER. of the premises, LOST OR MISLAID ote of ‘ha nd be beeen date, the sth February. 1906. the amount f $100.00 bearing jnterest at 4 per 1bth February, 1912, The note been paid and the public are hereby warned not to Coon or negotiate the same. Dated at Milverton this 24th day of January. 4913, JOHN G. KUEPFER, j30-3i-pd ELLICE = COUNCIL. The members elect to the Ellice Council for the year 1913 met at the Ellice. “The People’s Store”’ Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Table Oils, Sateens, Dress Goods. Furs meeting to order. and the members d| with Mr. Rober€ Armstrong. reeve. The following township — officers were appointed for the year 1913;— us Kreuter. clerk; r oe William. Stock. auditors of the treasurer’s ac- aineer under “the Ditches and Wat. ereourses Act"; Messrs. Ona and Murray. sheep. valuato: Bens Saas potas voltivers Chae E the local Bont abet Henry Ghisner. op trator and overseer of the road grad. The 5 to the tospital for road divisicns ed. io1 Saded by We" Gui accounts were ordered p: a by Mr. Bhgoetz Pe second- ed by Mr. Quinlan. ~A number: of ac- counts were ortered aid, Ehgoetz and s ed by Mr. Guinian vat dala -conmetl to meet agi tt lice. on Monday ye ie a ms Sener 1913. ai general business Remnants Silks, Embroideries and Ribbons, Etc. Hundreds of satisfied customers visited our stores during the sale days, and we wish to thank our many patrons for their liberal patronage during the sale. We feel satisfied that the price inducements amply repaid them for their trouble. : ; ; and Fur We still have a few, but they must be cleared out re- gardless of cost. Men’s imitation lined Coats, German otter 18.50 collar, regular price 22.50, for . Men’s imitation lined coats, Opposum col- 14.00 lar, regular price 18.50, fore es Men's Coon Lined Coats, Russian Lamb collar, regular 20.00, for > .. Ladies’ Imitation Lined Coats, German 16.00 Otter collar, regular 20.00, for . Ladies’ and Children’s Winter Coats Ladies! Tweed and: Blick Coats, regular price 10.00, for as ee Ladies’ Tweed and Black Coats, regular 10.99 price 15.00, for 14.50 _ 7.98 Towelling, The Aftermath of the Big Sale Coats ast a Kreuter. Clerk.