Ty} The Milverton § Sun 18 PCBLISRI ERY pH oee MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main pieee suescrIPTION RATES year, $1; six months, 50 cents; three | months, 23 cents, in advance, Subseribers | fm arrears will beliable to pay $1.50 per sear, ~ CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES 8 Mos. Mos/ $25) 788} 5 id Bent cents Pez line for Grat insertion nad se face subsequent inser- four cents on will) ed for all transient adver- sem: TAdverticenicnts without specifie direetio verton, Ont.) + 3 GENERAL ogee | On abebant, ies tbe recent forest fares in the di: f Thunder Bay a hae iver, ae Previn neal Govern: | | ment has sold timb: | in order to re: tal ae Ane was 544 square miles. t of Witrton wr-ting able | to ila sieges -edyoeaieg die a | sate a the High ‘school. in. that ‘appears there are only. 45 in attendane 2 at Wiseiat es ind “‘Laborer”” hink it pay Bs keep a staff of fous panel Es Hor such a small school. | sdent RIVE CHILDREN LEFT. | | MOTHER DIED OF CONSU. AND ONE LITTLE GIRL ae NOW AT GRAVENHURST. A short time ago @ woman in vanced stages of tuberculosis died in her ownhome. By herdeath five little ones were left without the care of their mother. ‘There gh in the family to make e provision for the eare of the children, but. it was almost impossible to secure any- ‘one who wou! render thisserviee, soafraid i A ple of this.dread diseasa. was stot om! 4 took. A sequel is revealed in ‘BRIDE FOR BEAN POT oto SURVEYOR TELLS OF AN EX- PERIENCE WITH INDIANS. . Came to Admire His Kitchen Ap-| paratus, and Finally He Found Himsélf Minus @ Bean Kettle But | Richer by One Dusky Damsel—The Lady Seemed Please -@ until forbid and chat ws While going to school, the children nit | north one imaginary Resins 8 oe of inkerson, faceburg, | aa are ne Wiese ota suspecting survey parties, Or Ghanges for contract adverctsements must | aoe in Gravenhurst, and th RAG looses beniertogy pein the office by noon Mond: |found a plain-bottle on. the mnigtelee rete at the | ) eee. filled with pills They | Hospital for Cons: ght happen along on the plains. ARERR oui Mach Pres Hata foal teen ee Eie onsck “add ON eee ee secant ck sulferorgas these eC enitane, thos $Qlinher and Proprietor (taste the pills. Mr, Jinkerson drop-| that the Mi m. {ing in charge of a sm » Tans } i i | ning a‘trial line for the C-P.R. survey d the. bottle in a drat but later | sumptives has been built tax on the | ss th aris plains, says a writer unmaging caer it found the tes ae n is bony, and th Trastees | SCTONS pee Wonis oe ea |ipttle. and. forva lark, gave one pill have only been able to make the large ex- ronto | aps BusinessCards. to the cat To hes surprise Uhe ent [eensions of th rowing | delayed by a ig torn, almost Rut rimediately bécam nd died in | heavily from the appeal is now | Ticanes Sethe sense of some subtle eet jan hour. a a ae ae dos Wider there when I — _ Dip & LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic’ uae Saree eat oars Herald Roe See er eel aieaswih cod |tarned in, A thick mist in my tent aa Dental Busser and Member | boy, is back in harn INS | Possibilities of cu | was finally Atuibuable to 8 tall, of Royal ‘college of Den Sargeont of | purchased ihe: Advertiser at Petrolea Contsibutiohs may be sent to W. J. han savage 5 on his tario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- Ag Arthur has been spendin, Gage, Bsq., Chai Exeentive Com- hunkers, calmly waiting for me to Yersity._ Crown and. os work aSpec.| mer in British Columbia bus be eould Gre ee ot Roading ereftce, br wake rhe bouquet came partly iaity. Hours 9 a. nb at ett 8 goed “opperunity Of Re National, Sanitarium Association, si King | from a-huge pipe of “‘kinn-i-ki-nick, seve the Bank of Hamilton, Milverton, |ting back in the cent belt. He sie that vile concoction made of, willow a day here last week shaking iene the Stostoks Free Hospital secopts pa —and ‘partly from the noble war- Medica. ith old friends and from now on we | xy part of th Dominion, and | rior behind the pipe, w indus- F. PARKER, M-D_, P.L. TYE, MD. } ical for some ta nts from the Pe- | a se ies jaboa has ever been refu: yusl: rent the sie bai ‘ 2 Walkerton Herald. | because of pove was wrapt in ghe slumber DRS. PARKER & TYE wusines ; less innocen ~ DFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON 10 to 12 o'clock a. m., and 2 ‘preiock pri and 7 10.8 o'clock p. Ri. \ manager of the Stratford Saaekd ; imonths of the | fed-at the rate of Rete $10,000, Legal PETAR Si asec. deren SE Ea UB ORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, 000,000 -a {month as compared with thet eorees | ‘ponding months of last year crease for October was ve “Dp. WEIR, Notary Public, ane - tade has inereas- | Ki 0,364. The imports and exports for the seven | iis ee | of rubbish;~or anything else of that | ind, that may make his place high- fly combustil ger and age to adjoining proper- y Surely this is only just and right cit keeping people pon itself the Tesponsi- [righ y jof “Rising Sun.” it didn’t take Jong to, sing out for ave the abort eles co) sisted of an Shara attooed chest ¢. Solicitors for the Bank 2 +e Se ase as Iver, months. totalled’ $433,297,000, an in-| houses where there are dis |Snd_a bandolier of Winchester cart- ton, Ont, Permanent offices have crease over last year of "$66,489,000. | ©#5es. and it is only equitable ‘that i eS eee has arranged for. A member of the piste Imports alone bles $200,680, 000, an es take the’ same ‘responsibility be in Milverton every Thursday. e £ EWE matter of fire. in- H. B, MORPHY, 3. M. CARTHEW. | amounted to $170,611 000, an increas that every structure of public oy abo elects ee 3.46 should be con- at fa eae. n ee oeenpaney should be eon-| #26 a. ARINC! HANLRY| 4 petition will soon be in cireula-| |sple ENS i : progeny, seeking what they pate de iene & HANLEY tien in ‘Elmyood a Tpcoruerate that | sesh ew oaetondd much #5 | your. aie he Legisla’ fir prooF, inary,” “‘dangerou ‘My camp wag in disorder after the Barristers & Solicitors 3 next ‘session ra it this,/even if carried out, could | 3) , tents pwn to smit ce eae Stratford, - - - Ontario grant: aoe prayer of the session (0 oat be a more or pte temporary mea-| porses stam ete. n the pom ion ee ween Ae che Se ee Gi edelk tal have Melmivrdod erected | SUte b were’ s0 peme d and | aid of a Sarcee interpreter’ he Ret Veterinary- into a separate muncipality and at-| actioned efficient that .ouly4ed me that my presen y tuched to the County of Bruce, ‘The | ™ what /are. called fireproot buildings | country) UN. BABR J Vetseitery Si ce0bit municips pinee, The could be erected, his, Majesty, but « be oe Saltese, raduate of On eta iil Wiseesen cane of its own municipal affairs | aE TG ee gonaukes 5 iv ofacmbetionted nuimalss Calls ty vele-] imsiead of sunstifut-ng part of the: Mee ES Gr! oie ee u 5 e ~ phone or to. ror Sp ng! and) Lord Btrathoons, who had already |eent him and his tribe fom 7 i = | #iven. $300,000 for the encouragement |an honest. living. 4 ean tedten om sana [of pliysical and military training in |to this child of nature that he really ee ue PRUs and hed nee tie pute sehols, ies i is total | belonged Paes th 3) ene ction”? to half a million. passing on ml cciee Gh bree. oe proshects of 26") His lordabip might e tual thing, and at He has secured opti gerahoh onan ateaen a for. ae ea on Hunan son, | the Tarms close an nid -papleeetlag i Ree s eporicteras Magners eS Fer ner welcome. THos. HUTCHE Bua parations early next oprinl much glorifie: eters ‘ion ae an Auch eae: Wied Wad: ZOBSBR, S60 vs understan that the ocet toot val je from. the Se Eee a ciode erence ed be made on the farm of fe ec valiaenye menage gees the tobacco a5 ce offering, and-told in the gast end. IL. goes wall Kim, through the interpreter, that 1 what future we have before ns: Eh. (the iitary cat be well overtaken |S Glosely / xelated >to “Great vhat?—Tavii Gazétte. >| White Mother” (Victorian era), neue Bees tal’ Governments had koe the, wont sed more red-coat tee ee a Te anc me rovosals 10 aren than his dog did fleas, and would no: as sheriff of Bruce Count hesitate to blow him off th if come, con, N.G.,_W. Loth, F. Seey., Paeees R. Sey. Notary Public. _ Ww. Hioncer for, the County Perth Wai weyancer, Deeds, Wille snd Mortesges pes ‘k.. Office i We ae Weir "lock a over rile Bank of Hamilt: Hotels. is she POE TOG ae LES EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. liquors -class ac- Jenn cu Proprietor. Best acai aa Targe atal tabla GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil accommodation for verton. _First-chs Yommereal Wa ‘and others. Three large soi od, ti as. Ritter, Proprietor. UEEN’S ge, Milverton, Unv. on fe eae d Cigars al eer and Ci eee F. Peal, Proprietor. pe ONTARIO HOUSE, Stratford. well Pete sips} and capably best. Splendid stabling tes $1.00 per ee THE SEE Ip ANS Sys Berun, te Commercial Res Division Court stabling, Tene ands of liquers and cigars el. Every- t | Gonulated inthe Seva the aimed that thi at Parke, Mie feeiWern gadieg toi Pactnenen ace onors. tion-has yet been taken by the Government towards filling the vacancy caused by. the death 0 Sheriff Broddy # ; The Clinton News-Record states that from 2% eres of sugar beets grown on the House of Refug 3 ererer Ore from. the farm this. y tasenow the’ difference in cost of running the municipal machinery a township in Ontario as comp: with one in this province, we mention for example the township. of| j| Gloucester, which pays its clerk (or of eae Ves ie] seeretaty) 5% per math ang ém- Ploys a tax gatherer at, $300 per an- In. Bristol cei nann ne 78 ofleer dasa the whole thing, at about one-quarter the ise And the Ontario ae are not supposed to be get: ting any an they earp. Sprenge!—shaweille Equity, surgeot if menting with hight Sei electric i | tion: hat by the applic God’ oF the eurreats the blood can: bas ee era~| MILVERTON DIVISION CO" Meets at 11 Oy es a.m. be Feb. i ie ron 7, June 9 5 Deo, 29. fed Psat THOMAS TROW. Clerk ‘ F. W. GUENTHER, Bailiff of toni is, fhe danger of efanilcg the blood the large veins, against whicl 4 slope must be taken. ir. John Keeso met with a nasty accident Saturday night which sulted i in a compound fracture of the Promptly turned off belo Gy was done- ETistawel ‘Ban usi student bor § gater any tiie. w far we are behind the conti- eta —Sao in protection against 3 by. the European muni: owner or tenant i lent and twice contested | 7s h | kets or r: Becausi the micro jharkeanehye. time isto be obtaine easting of the public school timetable, There is a further thought. THe a; t $2.9, ee this aceomp need to a cubblomented by a consid- erable sum from public ere - | Schooi peg are tated as a burd and im in many quarters now. Howe will Siig increment be regarded? WHY BUY AT HOME? Because—You “exan examine your nd -are pats ue sitietaction ie investing your money. ecauise—Your home merehant is always ready and willing to mak Hight any exror or any defective ar- Hele purchased | from him n you are sick oy for any reason it ie necessary for yu to ask for credit, you can go to the local merchant. ital order dhouser rchant is willing the benefit i your ¢ash tr: Becuuse—Your home merchant. ee loeal taxes and ex ery effort to build and better your market, thus increasing the value of both city and does, not lighten the tax or in way help the Value of sour property, cause— ail-order_merchant does nothing for pie Senay ot ike eal estate values. peed an opportunity to compete, pan ig your order to him in the uy ‘oul town, he will demonstrate. that, quality ‘con- sidered, he will fe your money: ISCUSSED. “At the convention of the Ontario ee ote eee of the Province are affected wit it was estimated tat yee Pe ‘was lost through the spread = ae 1 son in d for|c entire re-|4 b anything will : d- you ask it of a| pic to extend you credit. you ue igive e arty. noo! se—The mail-order merchant |, any | the Ree you will give your homie | o that 15 per ane 2 “the shaves babi Bales ‘kinned children, oon ieiahenit the whole bunch, “This speech, being ‘interpreted to gee Amount of half-breed embroidery, ‘antiave a sooth- effect, but atte think: care- fully over, the noble ‘warrior emitted a sullen grunt, an inter- me that he too came of camp, m the classic & features. BE the e aTKis being granted, that same after- ma loud finglivg of spars, mixed i mounced Talk one single garment, Capea sare tised by the partment “whitewear.” ally. After crue ee nn i MATTHEWS, | poecion fit borhood forge aes ig itt aad ras ligence in permit Ba Tous | his building or accumulation the eg rior had be 4 Veet aes taet- the ad- | The Women of jpane Sun's Household | | | | peels ee ae gory warrior, | sed from an- LEARN TO DO BY DOING. LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Sa pale _ Business College, have it. “T WILL,” CHRISTMAS ANNOUNCEMENT! Know all men by these presents that 1, Edwin G. Matthews, do here- by solemnly covenant and agree to deliver to any young person studying at Listowel a thorough and practical course in Business or Shorthand Education, for and in consideration of the regular tuition rates as here-in-after mentioned. ’ THREE MONTHS $25.00. AND FIVE DOLLARS PER MONTH FOR EACH ADDITIONAL MONTH. Witness my hand affixed this 28th day of November, ‘1910, 4 YOUNG MAN— You cannot afford to-do without a BUSINESS COLLEGE TRAINING, no matter what your calling may be in life. YOUNG WOMAN-—A course of study in-our Shorthand and Typewriting de- partment will equip you with a means: of making an independent income. It is pleasant and profitable. PARENTS — Give your boy or girl a Course in Listowe! Busir Christmas present and it will be one worth while. UNTIL DECEMBER 22nd 'n order to dovble our number of PER CENT. DISCOUNT off the regular rates of tuition to every one who will enroll before December 22nd, to enter College any time before January 15th, 1911. This is the orfly time this offer will appear, and it will be withdrawn on the date mentioned, so write or call to-day, for our catalogue and particulars before you put this paper away. as per agreement above, address, Edwin G. Matthews, Principal SIX MONTHS $42.00 You should Es s College as a is udents for the coming year, I will allow a TEN Do it now, | it might have been “quite true origin- : trai THE SCHOOLHOUSE. . Clerk, ae versatile edi- Mr. Cha: tor of one Gomilae ‘Herald, thus refers has eome over 1 Be! iy The idle red schoolhouse is ae nd cease But its place is taken by brick schoolhouse with expa 3. ‘ymnasium ae room, inthe basement, and means of ventilation Even in the school distriets. that begrudged the Senchier $300 a year y - Sommods ious sanitation. enjoy comforts that we did not in the old log frame house that ae for 'a sehiol, room. I the wi e the old box stove roared, and Fie sitting near were Toasting, while those sitting some distance The teacher is now gétting in the neighborhood of $500 and o cleanliness and regard The laren b as a powerful efféet upon ing mind of the child WHY GERMANY SUCCEEDS. ;_ Sir Francis Oppenheimer, the Brit- ish Consul-General at Frankfurt, says that German iy! organization carefully Now is the Time To secure early choice of these Superb Sui! ings and Overcoatings for Fall and Winter wear. ,Come here with all the confidence in if the world, that you are going to see the Yarg~h est range in town, the best qualities, the most perfectly fitting garments. You will have your clothes designed, cut and made by the most skilful tailor at moderate cost. , E. KNECHTEL, “Siti AND UP! We have just received’ a new line of Hedrons Si which we would like you to call and see.