E GREASE| is thé turning-point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Every dealer everywhere. The Imperial Oil Co,,Ltd. JAPAN WILL FIGHT U.S. _ A BRITISH NAVAL EXPERT'S OPINION. : Growing Dislike for Americans, Writing in the Daily Graphic, rald Fiennes, naval exper siders that war between Japan and that no European power will take The British- sapenste alli. pce will not be renewed in 1915. SEES Wyse WITH JAPAN. he asserts, ‘‘in the | j, fight the United the aah He iste that if Japan to-day ordered Germany out of Kiao-chau, the Kaiser would have no alterna~ tive but to move out, adding, how- . ever, that in such an event the old fis islands of which they deprived Europe has a ‘Monroe doc- n; and it includes * the Fpl eget to leave the Unit- to stew in their own toss THE OPEN ees “The situation quite briefly delited, Balen | I a not pre- tend that the definition exhausts he elements. right to close their own door to him. Japan will ac- copt either Pe acy ss but not al at once. the present the United States shies for the ‘embodi- ment of the white man’s position, kere which bulk so big in the eyes of Americans, Canadians and Au- stralians, is out of ence with, er is at least lukewarm over, the pclicy of exclusion which her own children in the Pacific consider vi- tal to their nt ppc eee, and eco nomical develop “Therefore hard ete @ certain community of ideas between ie over sea nations of the Empire an. the United States, which t that common defence postulates common aims and common policy. “The Japanese alliance expires in 1916; it ot Redary impossible when i fleet pied: irae in 19 poh) auggested to the people of the friend, pe, a good number of ’ contributed not only oy Australia and ae: ealand, but alsc by Canada, South Africa’ and India, will once Che earn for it- self the blessing bestowed on th peacemakers. The Pacific pt will liv It will be ex- up to its name. pensive, but it will b: while. e well worth CAUSE FOR WAR. “The Americans live in a fool’s paradise in this matter ey appear to think that the for -hoving opened | their oyster, willy nilly. The Japan grateful in so far as caitadt with Sr5ed their hands Delian wegten? . Their main fiance is to use Ae Bie peewee acquired to cry is off!’ to the white man. tence by the Americans m their right to beade on equal “terms with ese in Man- churia and Co. as abe? ia of the subjects of the latter Power: on Pacific slope- sither of these causes of disappointment will pro- vide Japan with a ‘casus belli’ at tf mia moment ~The Japanese know how to apply tsu to-international “More Sissies still, Ks. Tepe anese are full of contempt for Am- erican brag and bounce—for lack of national spirit, or even of true nationality, which they discern in the Americans, They have a pro- fund disbelief int the war worthi- of the American navy, and an ation of the fact that the strategical situ: is over- Imingly in their favor, It is _Objected that the Japanese are too RB poor to fig will people “> recognize tl the fact begee va history Os eeptice that 18 $8 the Baneny) not those who have prea tich a: comfortable, ners fight? Tho fe Prussia of Frederick the Great, the - France o oor, It pes to gain something, the nation which is preoccupied pita stag it has gained, which 6 war. Japan is rich sete war because, di- Tho Conflict is Inevitable—Japan’s| t, con: | Byj the United States is inevitable, and| ¢q that to s jan-| of commonwealth that Codlin is their|anJ ne a4 te fish ate the Tien reetly or indirectly, she will make war pay for itself.” CANNOT PAY FIN Case of People Sent to Prison for Their Poverty. The frequent committals to pri- 80 cause of their poverty is disastrous alike to the individual and the State. The late Home Secretary sent out a Esecent DARE a eee Sa allowed for pa: when the senders, Saad settled Fea and o¢- curation: recommendation t | has, aoa proved and the association the Fini Secretary to receive a depu- tation on the subject. Mr. Churchill at once granted an ‘tation. at which the deputation su, ted that nothing less than a las giving to slender weeks’ grace be- in they were shied itted i prison would be sient, Mr. Churchill had with him Mr. Masterman, Un- der- reed % 3 Sir Evelyn Ruggles- ., Chairman of t Sion Comision’ and Sir Ed- ward Troupe, head of the Statisti- cal Wehacmbat: The whole of these gentlemen heartily Rad ae of thé suggested reform, Sir E, Ruggles-Brise great- ly strengthening the case by pro- Ea gd Be Eapswenient 18 sessed settled abodes, and who declated that they coul. have paid their fi n prison recently said that x lean tee one-fourth of those daily un- de: his charge ought not to be in prison at al Mr. Churchill said the system was intolerable, and that he would give instant attention to the mat- ter, for it was evident that the sons were sent to prison that would grateful to the for bringing this matter before him. - aad GREEN IS UNLUCKY. This is the Pronouncement. of a Well-known Prophetess. nis an’ unlucky color, sc- conrad to the ment of Mme. de Thebes, the well- known “‘prophetess,” says a Lon- dor Daily Mail despatch from mien “they Bo back to color, Heaare f green,’’ the seer said, in her atari - furnished apa hung with hundreds of plaster casts “My reasoning is auite simple,’ she proceed piness oe success in lite depend on the quan- tity of the rays one emits. ap) ress nee oe vere and nee ness. That the ancients chcse white as a mourning ¢ or. Women ought to wear as much white as possible. “When the world was shaped the trees were given their green to shade men from the sun, so green tends for darkness and is ill-star- have gone deeply into all ibis absorbingly-interesting ques- tion of the influence at colors, 8, pre flow n human lees suc- nfluence of of ny cesses is to destroy the the pig ‘as a luck-bringe tnajean pig, but the sa phant is the real mascot, arate i clients numbers at in virgin-white my elephants in wood, china and silver everywhere a Minard's Linimont Cures Diphtheria. About all you have to do to make boy hate any particular kind of food is to tell him that it is health- ful a) , Mush disizess and sickness in Worm aetariniaaior aoe oat by removing the cause. Give it a trial and be convinced. AN ADDER. ‘There’s a girl at o1 mamma, they call “Post. Do you EDOR, why e ‘Tommy school, Because her name is Adeline Morey” Don’t experiment with unsatisfac- tory substitutes. Wilson’s Fly, Pad: are the best fly killers made and will kill many times more flies than any other article. “What did you oh chile of that girl at her eee -oub party? “Well, te be perfectly frank, a though’ she'd better go back-’ PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS have Painkiller vary useful. ‘Thore is nothing ual jn all cused of bowel troubles. Avold substitutes Js but ono..“Pain- Killer "Perry “Davis 250. -— in the jaw is apt to ineffectual, | tron “ had set-| a, turning England into is a number a 1c ™ found ENGLAND Losing BLOOD nER BEST PEOPLE LEAVIN ‘THE OLD LAND. Popylation is Crowding “Into Cities. chester Guardi: ob well when a ae japdet pouans of its sons across the sea. 1 ands entirely on the sort of fe it send: On the face of it, says the Man- ‘not gration is rather like blood- Emi ‘esha The letting of bad blood 7 | and of unwholesome humors oftimes here are quite a lot of people who could be anaes from England —our idlers, to wit, our wastrels, a detrimentals, moral and physi- a the last census, more than six hundred thousand adults wrote themselves down as of ‘‘no occupa- m the emigrant ships bear off lapatdy the aching ate’ Ont whole y is a plein inging prising 0: Gacens AND WORKERS. hose of our fellow-countrymen whom we are Toning just now are, if not the best, y rate, who can least happily be spared.” England wants workers ; n of evil some slight comfort may be derived from the reflection that it is not a new phenomenon, It is constant and ever recurring. For a goo EMIGRATION MADE E. ae ation, more is the son so large a pees of ‘the ae map is painted red. many of our kin go ta Conade now because so many r kin went to Canada ad MPIRE. “ emigration there would be no Canada for our kin would be only @ a strange, foreign speaking a strange, foreign ue. A writer in a ConfernIgrary, much alarmed by the contiaued e! gration, makes the statement that our pobtleetoe ne longer inc creases. The census figuri tween si hon. The next census will no doubt show a further increase of three and a helf millions in the past de- cade. PLENTY OF A KIND, So that we can spare a few hun- dred thousand emigrants, and still be strong in numbers. England is not, as the writer above referre: states, “‘being turned into a des- ert.” What. fact it, in point of we are a sed its eaualelice by 300,000, Manchester by 100,000, Sheffield by 90,000, and through the cities and towns in which men work, in which they make thin These eapless ‘are fed to a great anc to an ever-increasing oxtint by me juber of men who hi: one by who are emigration to-day. Speak- ing broadly, t 3 XP star <5 import especially if that laborer happens to be landed at a Canadian port. STRONG NAVY. So long as we continue to worry = fast in sufficient quantity n the corn ships, if only our ers and battleships see to it ae it Ash ae re. ot the supply of agri- aes: reuaica that needs greatly t» trouble our thoughts. It is the supply of agricultural men. If history teaches great lesson mere surely than another, it is that no sealliss ort can be ed, or can for long be sustained upon aught but ageloakune; and the reason is cultural pursuits can hold a ation against its foes from without. YEOMEN THE REAL THING. We should do well to remind our- selves from time to time that it w ousand agriculturists,, a few thousand factory hands, or ers’ clerks, 0: thereabouts kept a British) army at bay in Sonth A’ England is Hi het dariculinse: escape from it—to Canada and other places. This is thirsty weathe: the mercury is filling r. Even its glasses Minard’s Liniment Cures Carget in Cows, higher these days, ‘Ihe National Stamina Wanes, and| be| the lit are not the people sy | many of the nimal ; ioe wastrel is an Tapniee hai eus;| rat- |! ane their eile . as vant be fed by the labor of men WORDS OF CAUTION Youle Moraes Mothers must uard over the health of ‘isi ‘tittle ones dur- ing the summer mon’ Summer is an anxious time for all mothers, but more especially for ng mo. is the most fatal time of bewel troubles come almost without warning, and often before the mo- ther realizes there is i danger, itt'e one may ond aid. The mother must ska strict cau- tior to keep her little one’s stom- ach sweet and pure and his bowels moving regularly. No‘o edi- cine can this Rae as Bal aby 8 Ow Tablets The Tablets should always be kept cents a rom ams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE WAR AGAINST HAIL, Notwithstanding scientific demon- strations of its inutility, the prac- tise of bombarding | thunder-clouds th “hail cannon’’ continues in vine-growing regions of France and northern Italy. . The on the needful apparatus and many vire-growers have an enthusiastic confidence in it. A new effort convince the advocates of the sys- Paris “heada lemy It is based upon @ com- parison of records of losses in the pepe ene of the Rhone for 2 s shows that the increased instead since the war on hail was begu losses have slightly ee oe Rega: tent rded as one of the most po- compounds introduced complaints and inflammation of the bowels, Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysen- tery Cordial has won for itself a reputation that no ouby ass for the purpose ca to young or old juffering rronelele complaints it is the best medicine can be procured. ALL SILENT. Have you overheard anybody re- cently wishing for an old-fashioned summer! Ay YOu GET THE REAL THING. Lawrenc RESIST EVIL. If a bribe is offered you, Fromelly spurn it; ft you write a thing untrue, urn Ti you ever Aa amis And in stealing peck foP bling Should you mmeraly steal a kiss, Best return The destruction of the house fly is a public duty. Almost all Boards of Health are now de against it. cutly issued by the Dominion oy: ernment states that no house fly is e from disease germs. Use Wil- son’s Ply Pads freely and persist- ently, and do your share towards exterminating this menace to the public health. TRIED HER BEST. “Thank you,’’ ally gave he ite “Vt's almost imposs ou feet.’ “That was because I kept pulling ‘em out of your way, ma’am,’’ he replied. & in ple to stand on The Bowels Must Act Healthily. —In most ailments the first care of ing their functions. getable Pills are so compounded that certain aberediente:| in them act on He pores solely and they are the edicine alate to pro- site healthy action of the bowels. Indeed, there is no other specific so serviceable in keeping the Bee organs in healthful action Smite a fly on one SEE and he returneth to the othe Minard's “Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. A SUM IN ADDITION. stor—T’ve made reople adhyisalig Lee qush wai tied three couples.” Griend "Bub that’s only six peo- a ae Pastor—“Well, how about myself ? Ts Sse beres.§ + Dia of diminishing b belt, running through the poxuahies of ‘Thetfui Coleraine, Roberts and Brovgh mn, al ut 100 datled from Montreal. While the history of the industry dates back to 1877, iv has only expanded to its present is now eayCrOeinE Be 200,000 worth a yea: ioSeci ae meson : When you bump up AE some- thing that you can’t afford to do and can’t afford not'todo, what do you do Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes. Relieved By Marine, eye, Bee Try Murine For Your souuies- Fey Witt Like Murine, a Sonu! Your Druggists. Write jas Bye Bool Free, Murine Sye Remedy Co., Toronto. THE ONE THING. ae are a million things I want And hope to get somehow; But just a glass of lemonade Is all I think of now. Ee! Holloway’s Corn Cure destroys all kinds of corns and warts, root and branch. dure them with such effectual remedy within reach? A DROUGHT. “They also adyertised shower. baths at the summer resort where e put in the summer.’ ‘Didn't they have them ?'” “Naw, there wasn’t a shower all summer.” Wire Wounds y mare, a very valuable one, was and a09 it Berek as ‘A base, cowardly egg,”’ explain- ed the statesman, “is one that hits yeu and then runs.’ An Easy Pill to Take.—Som. scns have Tepugnance to pills be- cause 0} nauseating taste. Parmelee’s Ve sgetable Pills are so make them agree- lo to the most fastidious. ‘he ace delicate can ie per- pills, the main reason is their high Lore cal quality as a medicine for ti stomach. AT A DISADVANTAGE. Two boys ¥ ther unruly in ed their teacher that she ordered them to remain after hours and write their names one thousand times. They plunged into the task. Some fifteen m later one of them grew uneasy, and fag watching his companion in disgrace. Suddenly the watcher burst out, with despair, pe ne ae and said os fair, mum; his name's s Bush, a mine Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. To serve—heat in oven, pour to taste. SE ec esreecet Builds Strong, Healthy, _ Sturdy Youngsters. ‘hot milk over it ston sit re ‘orki Blectric Motors and Rogino, wl W. Pot “THE FRNCE MAX," SELLS TRON re Fonces at Write for booklet. Addi B ENGINES, BOILERS, MPS. TRON ‘Wood-Working Machi ne aa once pci beh S end all beat Nor Ham ae HE ADVERTISED. —‘Be sure to advertise for 6 Fido in Es morning newspapers.’’| ©: Next day the wile read as follows jorthern Crown Bank, fammilton Cataract Co, omiuion Permanont, rat REVILLE &CO., a3 Soatt se, ToRoNTe tablished 1895. ‘ol, Main 218: ia the naWahape “Ty eye and no tail. 0 fat to walk. Anawars to the oe of Fito. If ost—A mangy dapog, sie one oan ho |ANCER, Tumors, Lumps, land external, cured without pain Ad e treatme’ ‘rite us before too De. ‘Bellmaa’ Medical Co. ‘bimiteds Coitingwood, Ont. returned stuffed, large reward.’’ It every housekeeper would use Is Your Hearing Good ? cake, but the biscuit this time?” by gi Wilson's Fly Pads freely during the EAR-O-P! i Zo8 a aran bee io summer months, the house fly peril gone ceiving Ste and uipwoes? most always tao cao In horse wounds. "| would soon be greatly. diminished. Boel Cae Tod. mantra WIL Teese Weymouth. ean WHE GRAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, ALSO THE) TIN. 334 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. gentleman who had married COWARDLY Rad: tie dncghted of «pith biseuil Bhs : voc” aia] "800d anid ween's Univers ty When I arose to speak,”” said Bo: yok thai aaa tee tizo marty 8 and ¢g KINGSTON allege “Yes, and the tin with it,” was ONTARIO, the weiiby: if ungallant, reply. “Man is Filled With Misery.’ EDUCATION wal is not true of all men. The well, sound of lung, clear of e % ae jert and buoyant with health, are| SCIENCE (Including Enginecsing) an miserable, whatever - may The course may be taken without their social condition. To be valle cateye Sepeureor poet to be happy, and wo ean all be well ecntion. ies a “37 oa Ro — Ris in a reatt hful 8 r. Thomas’ | 1999-10 Eclectric Oil will help all to do this.| "Fog Calendars, write ae “ A. You can’t keep a good thermome- GEO, Y. CHOWN, ma are jr down. ™: Kingston, Oni GOOD FISHING. “How's fishing around here?!’ “Great; this is one spot where tuere are no big ones to get away.”’ COOPER'S | :: FLY KNOCKER Positively pro- al Schluttermeyex aod horses be healthicr, If you uso FLY Mi all these insects which worry them most to death in the hot weather, Your cows will give & more milk, Will ‘work better, your sheep will NOCKER, Quickly, easily aad economically ap- plied with a sprayer. sllon will protect 25 cows for two weekfrat a cust $1.75 A GALLON 50c. A QUART WM. COOPER & NEPHEWS 8 TORONTO. 10 GRMEGA WATCHES FREE AND READ EVERY WORD A COUNT THE DOTS in the outside circle around the Omega Watch AND ootbitation beolutely. free, try it anyway, full particulars are printed below. GET A PRIZE ood srs, and a litede patience, The may rou # valuable wate! “Read Every Word.” Some prominent distntorested Porson in Toro will (2 the winnin, regard fo tit Oe 36m Watoh via tabi in costs, remain, youre es i scat aM STRUCTION: TO CONTESTANTS lespie, Cedarville, Ont. ints, write your name (stating whethor ize, Onsh vi ¢ allio $152 40, “Omega” V i ai aden pislaly on & piece of fit Sines tn er every Teapect, wey ete aiese ana ¥ ave a Contost) aud rac ea onl vial stone t later than Aug. loth, 1910, to ‘9 Prizes ELLIS HNOS,, 198 YONGE ST., TORONTO Tat Prize. “om Bye derr sted, works Attea igre rereiign” Gold Fil’ ed fas much fox oye they will as than they adve Te thor 4 ire intoraiation {8 pa trely? ET Sth Prizo—' Case. Cash v1 fitted into ‘th “omega” 16 Jowoled, works fitted into best “ ‘ale | LIST OF PRIZES ; hh Prize" Ome, 18 dowel. eh reer caer ese “shiver Oxtatzed Ba Pete £4, worke chiggal Steriin Ladies’ Prizes Ant Prize “Omega” oH Rom fied into works fitted. inte rere Gold Filled Case, Sah valuorst Sed Prine" —- 1s Jeweled wor! EVERY CONTESTANT WILL RECEIVE A PRIZE To those — are not fortanate to win a ine Wo willsond absolutely free of chargo, a we will 20 any time as yment on an Omega Watoh at the ostablished selling the ure o! paebigieas ‘We will still Seannoet to biaar ihe coupons: tw ich were distribute Dot Se of 1909, PARTIOULARS mon only. The winners of the five ladies’ w “The winners of the five men's watches wil be determined by ELLIS BROS. $1. a4 (Ono a atta] 13 ei eg to 1 prizes ae) drawing five answers Perot the correct ones received’ ae 108 Yonge St., ‘DIAMO D @ WATCH IMPORTERS TORONTO, Canada ae anrrien amenioan svemme C0., Bort68, Montreal COBALT STOCKS eto. Internal |