ssuen oF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIA MILVERTON, - ONTARIO cn Shines For AL.” MARRIAGE Lic _ STRICTLY cowripenr MILVERTON, - Vol. XVIII—No. 49 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, June 16, 1910 we ae at ‘The Sun office and see |P°, ae . Engelanc = al at | . 4 . ey MEN w line of wedding stationery. , SAVINGS DEPART T Gare ane dine OE SE egal | Toronto, is at bones in town AT EVERY BRANCH m $2.00 ta $3.50 per cabinet One Dollar or more opens an account. L'This is true the world over w! here | Linwood Branch: Milverton Branch : duced. G. L. ZEIGLER, Manager. Manager. t it cures. Sold by all dealers. = = PPPTTS SATS SETAE ESTEE ETS HAVE WE GOT THEM? WELL I SHOULD SAY SO, Ranging in price from 50c to . We have all the popular Straw Hats on the market this season, Nothing will add to the neatness of your appearance more than a clean, stylish Straw Hat, and you can count cn getting it here. No better stock in town. NO LOWER PRICES ANY- ~ WHERE, Come and see them for yourself. a ei < It’s Two to One that you'll be pleased when you come nee to buy your Dry Goods, because you will find - yourself between two pleasing propositions—QUALITY and PRICE. So pleased that you v ill refuse to part with either. We've been building up a reputation for Dry Goods for years. That's why the initials of H. M.S. are so popular. Let us _petve your: wants ae edna WE Rise aeis sean kay : . ge ei sam sph 85 pe _ WHITEWEAR Ente and Insertion, very latest designs aid beste all prices which will ‘suit any woman’s purse. Ask to see them, so that we ai have the lage of neve you all, the diferent. “tines, 300 yards of fine Muslins in patterns of stripes, flowers and “spots. These are exceptionall good value at per seasasssasacscesesssestsnssssssessseeesstetanennnnesnnssnzsesssseeee 3 Es Seee 3 = = 5 . Je We Sol Lon een are | Miller, sent tage ig Wat line double seta of envelopes |; .; Interest Allowed from date of deposit, at highest current rates. he Ba Joint Accounts may be opened, if desired, so that either of two ie our ed me.” Loe: “iE caaved tne lie ey i f my child.” are expre: persons may withdraw funds. A great convenience for husband ET, SBI staal and wife. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ° ssois en rich on Priday night will a a o-| Sood many from Milverton and vioin- Y: : ; s has : C. G. WALKER, see enoh general approval. ‘The | Malesia Biasteth ‘on Saturday: ze \a fe | other for 400 ship. Two x . stesteste ; i evening. ‘One’ is ; Barats Then junior “foot FCONOMY QUALITY | tee oa on Wednesday evening at of “Geo. Re |peth left on Monday after oon as. Oe fe | egates from 1C.O.P. to ak fee coe fale af Mos L. cagiced oh the milliner: "| the rs ill push a that will pay well, ‘ | ashes mea Ont, ‘he ikke ae 5 hol 1a the home of Mr. R. H. Cou meee. = June 27th, progra: The Milverton football Fiat oe sea- = expended . The years finished the s small ‘balance to their credit. ° wn- Sosy with their friend Mis ship on. Eee ad f this mee i the auspices of sociation tatives and 145 clergy. cussion mmen-| robbing a fellow country woman i onto was sentenced to six years in , Mr. en at Brussels, Rev. A. MeKelvey Tow nadge, aah J. Hibbert ae Sambal vai Faery Tastitute excursion. to robs | ¢ muting of a & brent deal of the plea-| sure ‘anticipa (Tv ‘The Goderich on ainiee Jast jpeineinal of ‘them tata was er all the : Sees pees uA The low's ; it's Tf Grosoh and 31 teagaaeeeas 8 te Gh2k O02 38: ot 8 We Trinity ‘Chureh Elma intend holding (th heir a party on Friday evening June 2 ae Just ne ived a shipment of ren ‘awberries and Tomatoes at F. eben Ss eueee aS Excursion to Niag: =y ae on none ida; ay next, oe e $2.05. Trai W. Gaguidgton: den. of Stratford, were y fe mMoanflodr DEY on & goo roads ays\ m uter and baby. ‘Gaughter ae aan e busy ereoting the stone Agata ciate ator the large ware- house to be built at Pfeffer sei M The The vee band will supply the usic for the (Presbyterian garden party at Millbank on’ Monday even. ing ne i uline Berger has been in Acton for past few months arTived home last_w ee Mr, W. Honderich j e Bank of aulte staff here left for. a two weeks’ vacation in Sebringville, New Hamburg. and Goderich. The annual meeting of the North e & 3 2nes a ae Gordon Maybury, of Listowel. Bet left on ‘Wednes sday to spend and Bores i Mr. be rs. A. J. Cundick, 1 Picton. are at present spending part eir vacation at the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. ©. Has- e |enpflug. Messrs. E. Badan and Lew Gamble d|drove to Tavistock on Frid a evening qiere the tocaer played w! ‘avis- ‘ock in their football wine against Presbyterian Loa found guilty o: Denitent ia Ol Tablets will brace up the nerves ‘banish sick headache, -prevent des- da: se My [next June Zist. Special train leaves | fir 55 7 full attendance is desired A mumber from this vicinity joined the Listowel volunteer corps on Mon- Ww {| several depressions in the walk lead~ ling to the O.P.R. which in justice | e & : & = 2 Ae B 5 = 5 & rn ip ad oe by the H fae Pan spuniemation Tsteandit. i ‘al wast sh ot Christ was yet wi se ich you paid so much jn order that you may receive a cer- cas rout rather the church of | ist ionary grit He en ing willbe held D,vV. wmecting, Will'be nee ae otis undays. lis tio eh ees which Cue as leadershi vie also. vith di sire ‘You are in- on ay with friends ie } ae: ear of fresh lime has just arriv- utter oe, per Ib. _ Baglin & So ea'at Min J. G. Hamiltan's sheds O.P 3 caitond: R, station. = 7 , . | ‘The best milk is always dipped out) @ Horseshoes” is the favorite pastime The Metr olitan Bank of the top of the writt| | hese evenings. e e op St att curae akcGeoe ‘oo a aairy.¢ t.f. | j Dr Cdulice, of Teleda se ot oseeye fide: $1,000,000.00 See in another column notice by) Rate with his brother Mr. RH. Capital Paid up - ‘Reeve Kerr regarding i: e' ; 20c, b, oul . Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits 1,307, 809.25 Beeve Jt contrast op the gounty ross | ter 200, per 1b, Eugeiand & Son. |" °Mfess eA: Head Office : at, highest a current rates. Joint a at sma‘ Deposits of $1, .00 and: wawerd ‘re: ceived peed pail or added counts ma; ay be opened, the money — payable to either or the survivor of yes part; Savings Department Farmers’ Sale Notes farmers and cattlemen at lowest a issued payabl : at par at any office in Can- Money Orders of a chartered bank (Yukon, excepted) | and at the principal banking Dolnts in the s. The sucexoallont method of sauittingr okt eneistat Ena eee wafer ang uanted and advances made to rent rate. United Sta Millbank Branch: J. R. ERNST, Manager mh bei ore attended ghe of Mioeail ate “at present visiting her Barth and Master Har- math or two with the former's par- Created by MISS MacINTOSH the new trimmer ees the large number of models on exposition in our parlors this springs it is easy to deduce these facts new styles. There are three characteristic shapes for this dean The ashes the Dhampsaon or Mushroo Brim, the lash shape. he Turned- est latitude. Sometimes the'turn-up is directly in front, across the — ; ; Hs face; sometimes it is at the si in the eeaed tae te found on the new hats. As for plumes. will see for yourself how every sort i Laces are important factors in the telospal of the new Millinery. veroom to tell in the paper - about the new things can bel Vebiee Mi i We are always pleased to show goods. Mote than this and more thai of feather is lavishly employed. digit a visit tay our showrooms, | MRS. KATE SPROULE Cr r rs There will be the administration of ‘he attendance at the Synod of Hur-|the Lord’s Supper the last Sunday of every month in Christ church. Mil-/o verton and the Ist Sunday in Trinity es-|church. Elma. presen-| Rev, George Atlas, a Macedonian 2 awa perielb's Stomach and Liver pondency and invigorate the whole ld by Parker will address the meeting, A BS =) aD 0 you to try. MR. JAMES DOW a lingering illness extending ‘er,some months the death took place at Stratford at an early hour Thurs- ear 1850 came to Canada. settling at Hamp stead, North E; » About forty in to congestion of-the lun _ | txiny Chamberlain's Cough Remedy’ is A special joint “meetin, nee and Mission Band. of the Fs Es ad ee ‘signed by the members of | Ay ae as Oaten. ded, It Bold by all deniers. ers, ther speak- |: The ee senvicos cof ho ‘ood, bits F SUMMER MILLINERY STYLES There is ree alate -trade which demands something new for a warm weather ha t, Our preparations in-- clude many attractive novelties for this par- ticular trade, Our popular priced - hats are leaders in style, workmanship and genuine selling. merit. Perhaps the latest no-- velty i in summer hats” ~ is the Lace and Tulle ‘Hats, they are trim- -med with small. flow- ers and roses, the shape droops SERS: _ fully over the and altogether pale d ‘the ground ina volt le open. = 'The speake: a sseoeelare and others will ene on the grounds. Bring your head. There will be telephon wenien fat and profitable two “i ie "study. ae for reaeraatte pa any further par! eens apply to tent if you ah or order one | rerton circu! Mr. Elma, eae in Strato last Mrs. am AYENE day Wei after ‘tending the Mr. end Mrs. Win. csr ‘the morning train on ay WwW the latter's un Quite a number eae our | Suest, ae ADDRESS TO MRS, OATEN / 9 of oe ce time has come when we mi \y with ai dear. are ne) ‘pleasant ‘memories n who will miss y it. MONKTON oe deputy- reove ton, of Chicago | Quite the Farm pasugeion is Guelph on Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Ritzel and of Berlin, are guests of the la | parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. a Horn and Mrs, Jus. mews | Be death of their bro y left on conferent ock to atte of: ae Str Ba pane aise aici ee