H.M.SCHAEFER issuer oF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIA MILVERTON, ONTARIO “Ot Shines For All” WILLIAM K, LOTH MARRIAGE LICENS! STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Vol. XVILI—No. 48 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, June 9, 1910 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher — Capital Paid up Joint Accoun’ and wife. Linwood Branch: G. L. ZEIGLER, Manager. The Metropolitan Bank Reserve Fund and Ut Undivided Profits SAVINGS DEPARTMENT AT EVERY BRANCH Interest Allowed from date of deposit, at highest current rates. nts may be opened, if desired, so that either of two persons may withdraw funds. A great convenience for husband One Dollar or more opens an account. Milverton Branch : 1,000,000.00 1,307,809.25 C. G. WALKER, Manager. June brides should insist upon hav. ing MES pee taken “a Hollefrund’s. A esh lime has just arriv- Gua miltom's sheds 0.P d ‘A very strong resolution was passe at the London oydermnin of the eihe wedding line doubl at from $2.00 ta $3. $50 per cabinet ceived such gen The secret of the success of Chamberlain's foils; Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy that it cures. Sold by all dealers. FINE TAILORED GARMENTS FOR MEN Give Me Clothes That Will Stay in Shape— About our new Corsets. should come in and see us. Parasols fancy handles, $1, special per yar WE ALSO HANDLE There is no better made. bows—Clothing that will wear. We are clearing a lot of BOY’S WASH SUITS at Ridiculously Low Prices A lot of Ladies’ New Parasols, regular price 15¢ HIS is the sensible de t Clothing. Fit, finish and style must certainly be mand of all good judges of assured, But there’s only one way to keep cloth- ing in shape—not by the help of hot irons, but by cor- rect drafting and cutting, so that every line and curve is accurately guaged, thus making it impossible for it to get out of shape. Our 20th Ce ntury Brand Clothing is just the one, made in the above workmanship they will keep their shape. TALLORED COME AND "=7 See Our Suits at $18 The same that tailors will a We also have one line of the same make we are clearing at $7 “Lion” Brand Clothing for Boys Remember, they have Double Seats, Knees and El- Just Whisper tow and sweet If you want to find out what really fine corsets are, you e believe we can show you more intrinsically good values than you will find anywhere else in town ; and when you find out what little prices we ask for such high grade goods, we will 'be sure of your trade. Ladies’ Long ‘“Directoire” Style Corset summer weight, regular 75 cents, spccial..........ssesccee:eecessnees Collars and Belts * Call in and inspect our new line of Wash Collars and Belts at each .... Two Special Lots of Ribbon One lot of Taffeta soit all col- ors. ae price 15¢, ce Anoth 10c ‘THE CELEBRATED colors, regular 25¢, yard Lam petty is almost invariably as completely burned away an GARMENTS dilinsd. Weeriemeea ties ot ie oortie: (the Drowed 1¢ child's body was in a crisp. Prac- and Fields qulaKly tower d eGecanelie|s THe Milverton branch of Women’s| tioally a) srhole body: was horned, cation mberlain's Liniment.| Institute held t mmer meetings gave attention. but This lingment ie ‘not only prompt and|on Saturday Mnrasa aoe evening death “resulted after three hours of effectual. but in mo way -ulsaeredi ble when the government delegates Mrs. ing. to use, Sold by all dea! Hunter, of Bram: and rs. The father is a prominent carriage The first eanatanaient it furniture| Breckom. -of Water: gave pe woodworker and well known in town, | has arrived at the Carnegie library| dresses. Mrs. Hunter proved t. a| —Toront Mrs. John Engeland. and willbe placed aa'soon os possibie| Very ‘pleasing apeaker and her affable| of. w par the. deceased aha ou ‘he opening will take place no do: die miece attended the funeral. the latter part of the present month x eae sk you $22.00 and $25.00 for or early in July. The management e has been a big increase in| t should bear in mind, however, that the the production of ealt in the United evening of July ist is generally re- ir |Btates in the last 10 years, “Close to garded as belonging ta Millbank. Walker occupied the eboir in the|#5.000,000 barrels were: produced in essrs. Kerr Bros. to state| eveni the United States last year which that their horses win their prizes at, ,.On Saturday er as Mr, Dick Thib-| was in exce: any such mexieaie ome and in Perth County of which|ideau assisted’ by Mr, Ered. Hofferd previous they are the cl th on] Were operating the si wo ago’ a t raIaiobe mired cy. r, Bradshaw: of the Milton Chief was abinnen from Tas | Gore eof Downie ‘on the farm af S00) the West for which $4 edy. near a cross studs sired by Prinee| broke precipitating all the machinery SUMMER Just try us. 54c 5c er lot of Taffeta Ribbon, all a Per 1 5c ge A ee A a Se eS a a ee ee ee ee ee ee ee eee ee Bc ih Wi hc i i ic i i i i i i a ie i an ne i ne i in i i ie i ie i i ee a i ie ni ee i ir H. SCHAEFER Bh 8388394848082 2242222222222222222222222222 LOCAL NEWS OLOTOE FOtOT® Eggs 19c. per doz. Engeland & Son. Rev. Geo. Craw. of Thornton. wil! Bente the pulpit of Burns church un Clafaxiod the four-year-old son of Peter ones is precariously ill with appen Mrs. Ban Merklinger, of Haver ba cured me.” or “it saved ‘the life ne ne spending a few days i ; . Kalbfleisch attended the fun: hild.” are the expressions tral ofthe ete Conrad nelosinee of may obits aay. about Ohamberlain's ce Nentee wien Pah ane ‘Tien Mildmay last week, Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy | +, RURETE: All outstanding accounts o! ‘his is true the world over Mies ‘ late firm of Schmidt & Dahms must been intro- imvetpn. Hoe ot Linwood. has this valuable remedy, bee vin use for|been spending a week with her grand-|¢qptld £9 J. G. Sch Ve. r. rscht and son sof Didsbury, Alta... Bille Se Oe non ‘or particulars see Engeland congregational meeting of Burns church will be held on Friday. June ith at the close of the Preparatory servic. See in another column Reeve Kerr @ gravel contrac! Mornington, The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup- per will be dispensed in Burns Bee t on the county roaa Milverton, on Sunday. June 19th Rev. John . of Sarni: The Milverton and Listowel com. ear with the 20th eae oe Wate loo day "tee "Milverton eke Te he ak oy not’ 2 regarding the Tetting a a left on Tres. Be Eggs 19c. per doz. Engeland & Son. With the advent of warm weather watch things grow Don’t forget the Spot sah Exeur- sion to Goderich on June ing phot Shee Holle- freund’s excel in style and finish. This is the pienio an n party month, ai! oon ters done — at The Sun offi, ‘Qscer Miller. of SES been engaged as G. J, Schmidt & Co. eer Rothaermel is this week at- tending the June scssion of Perth so at Stratford. he best milk ie alnare dipped out ‘hii f the top of the jis you will aivare obtain at Gen oe’s dairy. t.f. Save your wood ashes or pile them up outside and the ashman will call and get them and give you soap them. Mr: ust, Schmidt, of Rostock who was operated upon by Drs. Park- er and Tye is rapidly pecans usual health. 90, per doz. Engeland & Son has bi don Methodist Confer ‘ohn Semple wilt leave next er lot of horses, He will be accompan- ied by his aunt Mrs. Murray. Friends of Mr. Conrad Hammer, jr, who was recently operated on for ap- péndiettis Park id. Tye Lbe pleased to see him around aii he firm of Messrs, Schmidt & ink bitsherk, Have diawared yar nership and the business will be con- inued under the firm nam G. John Mclean, a tramp. slept in the ently above the average = a pulpit or-| on. er is cured .a position in a bakery. armouth Heights school house. near son. will be greatly missed in footbali| St ‘Thomas, one night last week and Brim, the lash shape. The Turn yee ns IHlowed Fy ee oiteles —Tavistock Gaz burned up $30 os st school books in 1 p Brim is alllowed the great- Sere ae est tude. Sometimes the turn-up is directly in front, across the bone: las wade alter BE teuat throu h: Tsvee face; sometimes itis at the side, sometimes it is at the bac the county of WW, Sige eosddine blet: ay nerves: ‘urbans were neyer so pretty as they are this season, dr: aped softly. few cdaVa At seabh sats oth following ‘banish sick headache, ‘prevent des- with a notable absence of stiffness and ungtaciousness. This 1s a places: Lisbon, New Hamburg. Tav.|PONdency and invigorate the whole most wondert flower season. Aue Sort of real flower that grows fatock and Baden ystem, Sold by all dealers. in the garden may be found on the new ha lumes, you j oN Perth Farmers’ Instr Mr Frank Leslie, of the Niagara will see for ponteeltiog? every sort (ot feather is lavishly employed. tute excursion will take place over| Falls Review. formerly owmer of t es are important factors in the trimming of ¢] v Milliner; the C.P.R. and G.T.R. lines to Guelph | Lavistock Gazette has repurchased More than thie und aigecdl tay i w Millinery. on Friday, June 10th. ‘he posters |‘that pap id. is now in possession. Sakeehe i han we have room to tell in the paper with fall parteulars as to timetable | Mr- Leslie will mot at present. become out the new things can be learned a a visit to our reshow aia @ resident of Tavistock but v are always pleased to show goods. ays shat She presen €or MPG: ante charge. rf “a ae amnual excursion of co cueih 3 rth Farmers’ Institute to Guelp! < ps legion MRS. KATE SPROULE yoreouen Gain and Ts special trai rsionists G.T.R. route may return the f f{ing day by any regular train, see - seers children 45e, } Sy ae — ee —— UF you. arenot aatistied aften ssing COLDWATER CHILD BURNED 70) $ according stiong tWOthiras of DEAT - Mae i hofite of Obambevibiva Gtomach afd 4 Tivecsttableta sotean havecontie mon-| Coldwater, Junel=A very sad aeci SPORTS fey back,” "The tablets-cleanse and. in-|dent ocourred here yeaterday-ufternoon : | ¢ the. stomach. improve _the|when Gertrude Engeland, the four-| 2.9, Gon: jeligsetlon.eegulats Saeeeae oo Yeax-old daughter of Mr. Oscar Enge: FOr tion proceedings in Toron| Pri 1 atrial and get well. Sold land was burned so badly that death Hon: nroceeding in Toronto next Fri pane followed, within a few hours LISTOWEL 2—MILVERTON 2 Symington who occupied garden party will be held on the) The little girl with a poate com: pulpit of Burns church on Sunday last |!awn of the North Mornington church | panion. ‘aged three’ was ina pleybo made a very favorable impression on| the evening of Friday. Jane 17th,|in their own yard with a lighted lamp his hearers, He just recently graduat-| Addresses will be given by clergymen|when it upset and the child’s Api ed trove Knox College and measured! ftom Listowel. Millbank and Milver-| caught fire, The younger girl. wh rude Hart. elocution-; Was tintouched called her mother. put Ue | The Farmers Bank of Canada Head Office: - = TORONTO Savings Department Deposits of $1.00 and upward re, ved eg eee Re or added current ri SESS Joint , the money ete to either or the! survivor of either. nate and advances made to ted Farmers’ Sale Notes fame and eattlomen af lower Money Orders '§ chartered bank (Yukon excepted) and at tho piusipel banking ulna in the United States. They form an excl method of remitting small sums of money with earaey: and at smal ae payatle Hey a any office in Can- Millbank Branch: J. R. ERNST, Manager | The Leading Millinery Parlors | i Beeclustve Designs Created by MISS MacINTOSH the new trimmer ROM the large number of models on. exposition in our parlors this spring, it is easy to deduce these ae eae ip could be given. her cloth- Sar ile Mrs. Andrew Appe and two children were returning from tet dane a ee ot aoe to'go to work. az 5 wite of County Judge A. Barron, died very muadeny afternoon of last week. noes stooping to pick a flower fora r Walking with' her in ee gar- io was seized with a which! has been Ae ject. spell. to she d passed away shortly afterwards without regaining constiousness. Mrs. Barron was formerly Miss Duns-| sm: ford ae dere On urday. June iith. eoildrents excursion will bi oderich commencing at Linwood. Th is will be a splendid opportunity a schoo} company the excursi to the children sl ‘objesta as KB ee BB Bc BRR BAR DAR a ST TPS SS TS ST Gb Lie MG lou Se BASIN OIG aE CNR ARG Tc i i BGT EME NG Be ia ae i 6 J, BG Ne I I MB EH eS 2 Be hye s= ae a rs most = ort iy ol great di ‘or the ‘Hette will be wall Tooked after, een imported since to the ground, knocking down about heir sire came out and are now trav.|cight feet of the green walls. —Thib- cling in Canada. Those facts speak |ideau suffered very severe inj by ves, bei i ers of | was orus! resume Ww: machinery is a com- that ith universal regret always stood aloof . party strife ie this country but ex- pressed his reely on all qnes- tions before the people, regardless of England be was which has tablished —— in Briti vol foal economics. ith SASS him to the pepulehie the white lily of tainless life. 2 Sittin ing in the sone of the Grand mea: ‘runk ‘tra: all station on the Huron tittle Tnabela "Little. af Tiers: pas daughter of Thos. Little. a farmer) esiding. pat death ME ae ar pre erga I ote of Gonduetor Con- EE fiy between the rails cot sees to pleses betug instantly Killed. FOU A Gold eae with ee engrav- MILLINERY STYLES There is always alate trade which demands something new for a warm weather ha t, Our preparations in- clude many attractive novelties for this par- ticular trade. Mane; Half Backs. P. Spencer. ae Centre. Tanner; Left Wine ith, peers Right Wing, Me gure Walk CORNER KICKS ernbank can defeat Newton on Our popular priced Hates drei iesdera aint Eriday evening i will be tied with style, workmanship the Morning! is were Meteated in Listowel on ‘Friday evening last by Miltbank eae Newton by 2-0 oF Tuesday e’ and genuine selling merit. Perhaps the latest no- Milvécton ar Wellesley teams Will i probably pla: me ome games. — velty in’ summer hats Milverten ganiota will, ¢hokleswthe is the Lace and Tulle ‘Millbank youngsters im the near fut- Hats, they are trim- ture. ‘ A OHALLENGE ‘The South end willow Ae ay hots challenge t! friendly game of b: med with small flow- ers and roses, the shape droops grace- fully over the hair and altogether makes he Se eee hae . avidson— jewton.. on fs a very stunning sum- June 6th. to Mr. and Mrs, Alex : mer hat. Davidson a daughter. Kuepfer—In Mornington, on Tuesda June 7th, to so SS Kuepfer, a daughte 2 MeLellan—In_ Brunn: May 30th. to Mr. and McLellan. a Zoeger—In New Bs on Tuesday. Mes : 24th. toviMic,- and Mes“ Wai. apa ‘son. We have also receiv- ed another lot of new goods, etc., and invite you to call and see the display. IDA McDERMOTT ae on Monda> Mrs. Da‘ Rates) ecg Rost. i» OD another page. ed on it. may same by Tae for this: advt. Analy at Sun offic