Thursday, March 31, 19 THE MILVERTON SUN : : Linwoop. : MILLBANK. Mr. W. P. Daummeier had the m R Tee ream atl R. B. Hamilton's var- WOVEN EOPL' fortune to break his arm on Aatavtcy lor. Saturday. evening.’ April 2nd, E use ML Floorgiaze for the hulls | Special Easter services were held in FENCING Tast. ||, "Miss Chelienger is spending the Grace church last Sunday when the a of phage motor-boats, and are holidays at hen home in Mitchell, Rey O..W-1 Washbarn apskestodare : SI sat - ||). Messrs. John. Heimbuch. jr. and congregations at both services. Spee- A car of Peerless Woven sing salt ons here in sfied with the way it looks and lasts. | Cots Merrick spent Good Friday. in als capi ventibpell Bx -faeehais afow days; Made of all No. 9 Inigh grade, a : | ph, nm Monday evening an ae T_S0c- That proves M L Floorglaze is water-proof, | 2 Mrs. Heimple “spent Sunday at her x a eel eleet English ae ‘A good all-purpose finish, therefore a oer ares : 8 wires 47 inches high for 29c rod : d Miss Marie Dietrich and “brother are spending their Euatdere at Ber SELLING 82. aS guage Lo ae mler’s. : Se: Esi7. 40. i ogee tt too, and find it looks better and lasts Metin 6. Wri saes te I See FPN EOPLE use ML Floorglaze on vehicles, A, Hei | at le home ta longer than any kind of yarnish or paint. | Sonne eat temily are spend-| Lydia E, Pinkham’s Vegeta= |» : fe a week on more with friends im ble Compound Cured Her. fae ee ation 3 3 The eae Call and examine the tee Elmira. “Mr, Wes. Cathcart paid a flying] oronto, Canada,—‘‘I shall endeavor ded Wheat Co., in Ritter’s hall under No. 9 Coil Spring Wire $2.50 Per visit to Loe on. Saturda: ie auspices of the Epworth League Also Gates 54 ae ‘high, 13 feet long, $4.50 e Methodist ped SOLD W. F. FINKBEINER, *2%!2.,; That proves M L Floorglaze is fade-proof and weather-proof, _The perfect pro- tector for all woodwork, therefore. the holidays at her home in Gustphe Misses Rosie and Katie Ertel. of athe C YEOPLE find that ML Floorglaze helps _ | {icsveles sent Bester at {helt bons mental 2 Mrs a Misses Louise and Carrie, Suitter = Bolo ousewives keep floors dust-free because ; Louli HS Cae Les Ee the surface stays glass-hard and glossy. jon't forg< mee Horse Show ti Moncrieff ; ‘Violi Jos, Mi a Z April 13th. Good Peles wil a hose who spent ere we noticed;— M ams is ‘at present M_L Floorglaze doesn’t mind wet, sun, scuff of feet nor dragging of furniture across it. LL FLOORGLAZE is the best thing you mare. Pie ‘i Miss Marie Heberle is svending _ can get to help renovate the whole house. Pipa ig hs te Sn aaa ee Dech ntony Koebel, sr.. and Ww nt visited friends in Be nin ae indsor at his home son. of Atwood. and Reggie se ae tin h h iss i ween “and Florence Freebort n, of G ot Me We B. Fre ’s: Mr. D. Ro 5 S 2 Miss FW: ers Alli Buy your seeds now for next spring’s seeding, before the prices go up. av is at present S John again Fine for all woodwork, indoors and out. ring-a broad smile. It’s a sir): | untiloneday myhusl Bette am Tent ein. * Red lo r Government 4 Makes old furniture look new again. Goes Congratedations ‘ier sent Hadas jand._advertised, in the Paper He Bee a thety Cc vel Standard Ok Bushel Mr. e: ent ,Bauday id gel a bottle, and I am amilton, Bs SEE | farthest, too—gallon covers 500 square feet. at bis home her 4 fi fare ee ; 8 a i Brak MeCarate Se ee real tener: [Ine tet sonal fat i on 1h CAKE MEAL tr feeding 2.00 erevicor 100 pacewts tn Siew Tans at his home ; ‘ Milverton with fri Mr. n fee ‘Oc per bushel Choase among 17 pretty colors in solid en Ro! AD Si ctx aud tally rae Bae! Sette ot Seed Grain for sale at any time. —seven Lacs to (2G alco spent Easte ey at Mr. John Heimbuch’s. | q, s Call in and inspect my stock before purchasing elsewhere, . pee for n ‘omes in little and 5 .. Kreutawe i = NT Always on Hand, Blk: Heni:- Easy. to pot it on Fake Aik al sted alee, Kreutzweiser’s pere D. ATKIN, cecrasr Milverton your dealer's or write ir for news of the hundred 5 Qa g TRALEE. ‘he following is the report of _ the te a examinations held at Easter in u. uses you could make of ML Floorglaze.. The Guelph en Imperial Varnish & Color Co., Limited, Toronto a i Merete ge gna end Ts c b | ‘The sueoess of Lydia 1 ‘ato wh 2 fe - a |, made from roots r Recommended and cold by aff reliable dealers including J. Rothzsrmel &Son a Sie Pe ts ie may be u ‘oseph Ame nt made Ce s who Hits from dis aa ae inflam- wel jsonburg ea Saturday, Spee: ion, ulceration, fibroid tamors, ir- regularities, periodic pains, backache, Hi regulae Seat olings fatuleneye nak: 88, Nov 10, Mocingtolt aid Mareece “ 1 > 2 | gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra- ae TV—Part I Total 360. Pass 216 FO! Chris y er Linseman 275, Thomas Mac- ; R traction, Apey elses Ly WELLESLEY. Pa as 1 650 Base Hi, Solver Lin Laura Lennahan bese ten Mr. 3. G. RB ii Mr. Geo. Co ehlin’s. Mr. os ye }. Thomas Mackey 479 Cha “4 day morning for Toronto w! he Mr. J: 7 einer is Ag ing a te A returned Monday after spending the le ies 412, Saal will spend a few weeks wit h nae Be noting thebern recite Ee Gahe 8 eks at his in Guelph an ie al ies Pass 540. Nettic fer there. cher left for his home in {Now is the time for Berlin to show its ie Pe ok the: Fatmare tp Mae Daleey Ea eS EN Barrie on Thursday morning. Sa ee a of Wellesley’s trade. An- = ere ed manager wh ho has fone Sr. TiI—Total 825. Pass 405. Evely: a Miss Docrty is at present visiting |Oter opportunity: yee 3. Spanr |O% a sounle of weeks’ holidays.— ‘The ee aggie Cummings 402, ad Ww. "R Begton 16 at SS dadeg pa Se je Mame, enn eae former of ee Jt, T1l—Total 750, Pass 450. Rosy spending.a few: dara with his cic snd, [Hanover and Wake: ee were interred in Knox church ceme-| Donegan 491. Leslie Wright 4 5, Joh: > Mr, L.:Al He See ier pees Atteman, ly. H. For ltery last Wedne say aft afternoon. Hanley 441. George Querin 30 A Little Light ‘ THAT FITS wile Hrs es he will spend Se eae investi-| 70 CURE 6 [FFLING COLDS Sr. 11—Total 600, Pass 361 Reiss rast . ated the St, Clements ant tite: < ae Hanley 392. Lloyd Ni 352. han any other bread will be the * ote Honky Lackner = semily. a ine last Friday. | The agade | eat act ha teeter ore le Ganniive: MB. Sécnel: Jeekeohss loaf baked from Jewel flour, And THAT KEEPS ITS SHAPE Sanday. we Masser fpr ee eee ae noe tty was and |<Gatarrhozone” which fills she 20 O'Grady 308. Morgan Welsh 3 qos itstays light and moist, too, 4 eeu Sr suvenate pepitae Rhianae Ne Cay and lungs with healing bal-| Res Rolls 288. Barer Rolls 280. Mary not for long, for the bread is so moo! appreciated by the visitors. No + Donegan 269. Ya Armstrong 210, tasty it is never allowed to get stale. _ THAT WEARS IN MEMORIAM donkt {he compliment will, De returi- John Donegan (bse) A Sack = oe ed on Bomo Tufure occasion. ffi Telief ice She 5 Pe Aintree Flee ack of Jewel Flour ck Getel Me Re error rept ae eee une congestion. and Fexitation ade baulenen AUIS means a saving as well as jbattée ‘ i farmily home. in the» Al dence teat wees te ~ SeaGethe rf baking. For it yields more loaves. TRY ccna died stythe ‘family home ts f° f April in- alesred Puateuery Part’ 11—Aloysius Scott. to the sack than any other brand. , Sth. 1910. aged 25 years. is cured. oat tarrhozone ss 1-Winnie | Hanley. Robert Try it, 10 months and 14 days. after an ill- jeasant. such a safe remedy | Jackson. Vera Cummiies, s. Roy Que |nese of short duratiqn which was di; 3 ae you cane afford . Hazel Lennox, Tatham es ‘ e agnosed as septicemia. or blood pois- lo am a — Sold by a ke ee SA We Burnett, Teacher. oning. 25e, and $1.00, Get Catarrhozone to- ree I MILVERTON’S 3 OLD 3 RELIABLE 3 TAILOR. funeral, which waa eae of the HOW TO f0 REMOVE WARTS e o 4 seit It’s really a simple matter to re- opus move warts and callouses if, you ap- WANTED Gee ply Putnam’ rm and Wart Ex- Miss Edith Benen toaster | tractor. Cure is eertain—failure im- = Ee cousin Miss ja Weir al | jossible. ¢ “Putnam's” it sec eneoontatiee tac unileare °| Miss Bila MeLean spent the Bas: — ton, ter vacation at her home in Chesl ey This fa the time to sell Nur- : eae: ind Mr. and Mrs. J. Gilbert. of Mar E. KATZ ; sery 8 : Miss Gaseho rwel “ious | ton, spent afew days this week at me “}iberally and offer MANY CALL IT Ae Oak ae surgical operation lest, ‘Weainenday and the home of the atiers brother Mr. Z YESIGH steady employment. Our list A is auditorium of Sones fia gran ta Moa os Well AB SRY BECO SUES EG Fracbory McLeod teacher of $13 Seat eee caine = =~ 4 iu ander: the eiroumstane iss Augusta McLeod teacher and choice list of ready seller The Best Editorial Page In Canada ed to its utmost by sy ronan ee ts. Edgar Schaub. of EI-[8.8. No. 8. spent the, Raster vEnaLION SPECIALIST yap aes beth Bruit ana’ Oruamental Sed Sore eee es seta Gla; mira spent Sunday here w ith his |at her home in God * Stock. Seed Potatoes. Eto. dstevan. Frobisher. Alcheda. Glen | parents, Mrs. Henry Kelly's satan Faster at of Listowel, will be in Milverton es ie tale Toronto Daily Star publishes every day six columns of Ewen and Oxbow. After this impres:| “Miss Mary Faulhafer. of Stratford.) the home of er father Mr. Shris-|% regular, and, if your eyes need Write for terms and catalogue editorials and editorial features—and there’s not a dry line in the sive service the funeral slow round |i. spending a few. days at her home | ley. in aoe glasses, have them tested by him. -—— six columns. its way to the Oxbow: comet eres M ys: * Hammond, es ay Drop a post card to him < Lis- STONE & WELLINGTON John Lewle, suthor of «The Life oto Brown’” (Morang’ ihe ternetereee id at re The Misees Johanna and Susie ‘Muiul- | spent the’ Buster vacatio towel and he will call on Pa Wa Mon Re aAeEAR has few equals in Canada, He is by many considered to be Bed wad tlt force take: en and Miss Kichenmeister are spend- | howe Mores. pois, ir and, Jae oe 313 Established 1837 Mirae % ing afew days at their respective | _% h Li a % : past only to Goldwin Smith as a master of English. n life, “Perey f- La Tamond each had. be is week KATZ, Listowel $< Toronto. = == Ont. Rashes Eaioes tut aah! iwelien he was -edhor ihile yanng cen: who ted made mat getting out and hewing tiabee ‘ 4 mar3-3m 9 i if any, enemie trawsheds which they intend to OO « oo: of Saturday Night’, is known throughout Canada as a keen, clever icing vac thin tows with his S eeace Cia Satis SO Mee ab } é Sree ot Crosshill, has tbe fern mer ee contract and Mr. Conrad Engle. of POOLE. Poole, the latter, _ Mr, Gordon Egbert, of Toronto, Un- iversits spent aster holiays at the SLOWLY DYING hom bir. and Mrs. A. Lar inert Chalmers. of Mitchel: or ae Bene In a lighter vein are the ‘Chronicles of the Khan” — spent the holiday with her mother alee “dont know Nae Snape sees humorous-pathetic studies from real life, es rural driven Jong. distatices to show their | MAS tits Cha sme weerry. 0B cle Walt’s Corner” of clever poetry in prose — and Sp MRM EE Lites ee ne siden ford. spent the week-end with friends A CASE IN POINT an Stine of Everything”—that you can always sity eo mek pe her and witty writer. His cables and letters on the British elections eee ae from England, where he was sent by the Star, have attracted wide attention. Two things to be specially pated about all the Star’s editorials are-first that they are always fair—no bitterness or biased partizanship —and second that they are never skill BH ead Sau Digi ray oil the bien in which you and your neighbors are interested. Years ago. past he ho ae Beetour Frost Fence Not How Cheap, but How Good s 3 friends were beautiful, and should be | 7°re i pleasant ten minut a suggestion of solace to the bereav- | Mt: Geol Onpeke | Oh eat eane oa eee —— “8 ay A regular reading of the Star’s Editorial page will keep a man ed family: who have the unalterable oes eanily Large en chin ve Se crag cs ge gent] but a : : f - as live years ~ _ informed on every topic of live interest to Canadians, Why not tts In ee eS in Toronto attending the Ontario |gweetsbure. Quebec. inherited C: Teachers? Association. th from his mother. The disease (eg SESE subscribe now? Miss Mary Magwood spent Easter | spread through his system till he was holidays. in Strato rd at the home of | physical wreck. 3 $1 50 A Year her unele Sheri Magwood. Cereal Maida May Berdalht et made from wire drawn and galvanized expressly. for @ Pag pute. aR Reuse ere Eas was prone to an. nleesation of the’ mu- Canadian purposes. The Frost Wire Fence Company..] er visitors ei riends: cous lining of throat and nasal ‘This’ paper and the “Toronto Daily Star’” together. for See ee pate Limited, of Hamilton’ are the only exclusive makers'of! HE DIED OF KIL DISEASE. |} “T grew pale and eranclated. lost all fence wire in Canada. In buying’ direct from the desire for food. and got into suc How often we hear of these sad cas-| dreadful ¢ondition that my friends s, The back—pains. and headache | said that Catarrh was fairly eating one year, $2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. added to above subscription prices. Toronto Daily Star makers of the wire, I can give you better material” in’ your fence and save you money besides. I can also interest you in the cheaper grades. For example: oh : De Epells. frequent calls and languid con-|" “Byery organ in my, body. seemed dition appeared. but nothing 98 fone laffected and the doctor said first 171 chi re till the disease was” far / advanced. |stage of consumption. He advised Ca- children also lost one or more fit- 16.74 invariably results from Dr. Ham-Jtarrhozone and I inhaled it ten min- 10 wires, 49 in. high,. price 32c rod ity 50 ris “ “ce 30 “ 7 es . litton’s Pills. ‘They restore perfect | tes at a time every few hours. and 9 id ° * ° health. BY sae ees gues Bee remenict in a few days a a dil kidneys. bull 1p Ss Li mi + ity o iti Shooting Pains in [cee sseytorther outbreaks, Be-|"8Cytarrnosone. pleased me, and the 8 a7 27c Side Arms. Back ne Surely veretanls gay ote ae doctor so, well eo I sne Tablets a 7 “ 45 “« “c “ 24ic “ ji als, nO e Is ie 8 a BEAU o. 4 : Dr Hariltons Pilis, for Taney sand eae ee puta op my ebreng® 9 “ BG “ Hog Fence “ 28c “* TIFUL SHOWING OF Liver oe it. Sold in 25c. boxes }th. In about three Sreckes tr was quite Prove the Seesnce eof Rheumatic ae by all deal eeovered. and the aS Says no 3 4 % x e e which is Cured Quickest by == | remedy bu ould. work Top and bottom wires are No. 9. intermediates ine—Rub it in. : such a miracle. Nl ee ]| very, one in tom knows 1 was | No, 11, stays No. 11, 16 to the rod. fast about dead with Oa E pak th, ns bd tate “they aie E ure isan. evidence; of ee Catarrh- No, 11 wire is not commonly used for fencing oe ENE ESM TOOL SELLER IE SALES SER 4 i eens can is a pleasure ‘oO Aways a hem great Teoommend Gatarrhozone.» : cause where imported the duty on it is 20%. A Hf EX : SEND ne Ulric Beratt.” Frost Company avoid duty by making their own wire. tarrhozone beyond. questio | é ee ae the proper remedy for caatrrhal and No, 11 bard makes as strong a fence as No, 9 soft g hi wire. Some strong claims are made for English wire, but the time for using soft wire in woven fencing is past. Besides such low priced material could not be The new things in Lacés, Nets and Muslins for Curtains are shown here. first and in abundance:of designs’ and colorings. "+ ~. b i able: i goes all through the air passages of WESTERN | iin eh gt tees the germs. heals the sore spots. allays i irritation and keeps the breath Wure. , = x ab erence Cc AN AD A Headache. tired feeling across. the expected to make good, serviceable fence, _ All my . i 3 fail because it is a true antidote for Sh eters Sac sweltow die stock is new and bright. Any fencing you order from ee i ish’ i a . * ss Pa eS Es stylish Curtain Nets and itv herent =i hangs LOW ROUND TRIF RATES || te mediated air of Catarrhoxone. me will prove just as I represent it to you, Eee in i _ thi ineuri errozone Tablets which are used : Eee urtains pat it down on Mualing — 18, 25, 3 | erviise: Remember that there, is como bates een a eh Gatarthonone Ti £ tai ales supply youn GH es 1 your list to do some shop- 30,40, 50, 54,60 not an ache of pain that Nervitine || Ape 5. 19 Jose 14,28 -Anf9, 25 ||haler drive all the arte piicisat yootor bewer shan odlers are aakine aut oe i ; ill not immediately. Nervilin : on Stop eh cobain fant. Peony tape bo. OA yale, & (ete pee Naser ai Wer tM eI Se Fe tae cach meal eentes hope ph see ; , hol I) SPECIAL TRAINS appetite and ste atiotie ‘strengthens 2 Refuse anything that may be offer~ roRONTO ‘TO WINNIPEG AND WEST the stomach revitalizes and invigor- : : MEE We Deliver Goods Anywhere in Ontario BEBE ed you instead of Nerviline. which is Leave: Toronto, ee 60 Pom. ates the entiré-system, us atarrhozone is quite unsurpassed OXON NERVILINE seat die neu- ‘Through Hint ae nen "Clie Coaches, || as a cure for Oatarrh in any part of s e R. WHITE & GO CURES ralgia, sciatica. || Clon 9 gt GP Ae a ac the system, Tt is highly, recommen: . = a REUMATISM jumbagos and all fo neares ent or write |! Ged for Bronchitis and Asthma. and ? 3 : Lassie eS ee for coughs and colds has no equal. Headquarters for all kinds of Fence Wire Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Seteae omplete outfit. sufficient for two Pe Soergasis Sirere STRATFORD Bae 5 Bbc! Katkiedior’five for e100. || ASH: FOR PAMPULET J} onths’ treatment. price $1.0 -: trial and Galvanized Gates. é = ‘ : at all dealers or The Catarrhozone size 50 cts, Druggists or N. 0. Pol- ‘ Company. Kingston, Ont. W. H, SANDERSON, Agt, Milverton. /son & Co,, Kingston, Ont.