fodern Methods Dispose of the -Banse Instead of Treating the Symptoms. means simply the body may be affect a number of eee Ee neural- ROBBED IN SIMPLE WAYS BANK ‘ facies OFTEN SWINDLED. HOw ARE Bogus Moncey is Easily Detected, But Forger is the Most to be Feared. The affable gentleman who hands you out notes or gol old in exchange for your sess is the mark of sharks and swi of all deserip- ‘ions. The otbitities offered by a successful fraud upon him are great and the risks on the whole are less e | than have to be faced in many other 89 disposing of the cause of the trouble $ eee redueed by acute sick- r by severe asia! or ae eal zat enite or by s| completing each payment as o ally asked for, M@pndly ignoring any e factorily when it is weak or impure. Build up the blood aes the neural- will fuueruesr as the are | petty thieves, for ex: fields of Weekly. Dodges innumerable have been worked for his especial benefit, but he very dangers ee his calling make not easily "That iene device ample, called “yinging the ” which so often deceives the shopman or the publican, seldom succeeds with him. le has a disconcerting habit of rigin- crime, says “had? changes in reset See the end. hus makes i ee a | euisIies in teecie wad ioe ot en to confuse hin Bad’ money is seld at a bank, unless unidesignedly, Idom presented by e better nourished. Pink is are a tonic, and for t..! eason cure even the most ati ivery dose | ich | ance medi- abe ene- ee bing Dre Willia may ane see eured my dager of anaemia ae indigestion, at a time when we gin to dispair of her getting bet- ter. Tcan highly recommend these Pills to anyone suffering from these troubles.’ You can get Dr. Williams’ Pills from ae Healer in medi or they will yy mail at 50 ve ts a ce six ees for $2.50 y The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Ci Broce, Ont. FOOD PRICE “Steady a 16- Pink SIN N GERM ANY, Advance § Since 1907 ne egeer in September. ie Vos Zeitung, of Berlin, age a table of figures drawn official reports ‘relating to ices of food and other commodi- and le differences prevailed etween Angus and resel most important continued rice of hops, which Me wink a Taking the aver- #8100 during the decade in being in August, however: wh: PB, n to 147.9. Maize has risen to 166.9, butter from 63 to from 134 to 183, while beet | ; len some 15 per cent. which is the most consum- re metals, have fal- ——— BLE MEDIO by’s Own Tablet: - baby ht lets are absolute id. Tt contains no opiate y © poisonous stuff. e mother who = grantee of to her child has 2 1 ‘it’s sO ie Shick is wai which is | n that INE "AOE All ORLLDREN < those who have been themselves de- cei is extraordin: 2 on quickly a cashier can detect one bad |eoin among a number of good ones |The slightest differe size, or even we {su ficient to catch his attention. It t because pe has had so much |exporicnee of bad coins, but be- e he is so ieee el to good |1 that he is quick in noticing * Gold counterfeits hile silver ones have often a sus- iously greasy appearance and badly. = [SeTDAE va WORKED BY A LADY |worked for some time at a certain Is |bank where a thing for a halt- sovereign. tually the mys ealauredl a Mihatheani til: len. worked-6y the handsome lady-cashier of big bu firm. How far its success he money at the busiest time fliecdae and when possible in barsliane esis hard Cashiers have sometimes to face the risk of robbery by fellow-ofici- als, though these cases are extreme- ly rare. A few years ago, how- eee Rial edd lett ciidden ly for erica, under circumstances which detected in the act of Aahine, with a string and a bent pin, a bundle of notes out of a cashie ’s box during the Jatter’s absence . long term of ihuchoptient. @oula have been a fitting reward for this traitorous act, but it occurred paid a ees it advisable t ender go rather than face publi- see It is to be feared that banks which tempt their employes to crime often as might be wis! ANOTHER TRICK. Another ¢ase was where a cashier continually found himself short af- er balancing the day’s transac- tions. Usually the deficien fox small sums. Tt puzzled him for a long time; but eventually the mystery was solved by an accident. A clerk in the office was in the ha- bit of handing him a book to ini- tial each day. The book was laid on the desk, where usually there were a number of loose coins lying about, was duly marked, and lifted again. One day the Sa in ae 80 defiance of the laws of gravity, h grasped the book, and found on it @ small piece of wax, to which the coin was adhering and now that employed. Another cashier recently er, sent to cash NV Goyernmen » said that he was waiting for 100 sovereigns, part of his cheque, which the eash- ier had not yet given him. ‘The lat- ter was under the impression that ki had-completed the payment. but the old soldier turned out hi Tt was pap there, and, as the ti aid him out an- other 100 Tad oe "gold At h s a good account, or even involve it in an action at to imagine transaction arise at times. fier t Pearson’s off of |° - | acciden in this manner are not exposed as | mosi ished. clerk is numbered amongst the un- stl Gwith an air Reader, a us it is easy some awkward But there are devices for meeting most of them. A forged cheque is usu- ally presented by an innocent ee party—a messenger. lew skilf nestions addressed to him will te ich a de- t law. that purely technical reason may be giv-| en for not paying the cheque, thus gaining time and allowing the draw- be communicated with. the cheque is presented by @ guiltg party any appearance of delay in payment, any semblance of keen aerating, renders him uneasy. He nakes some excuse about return- in saaes, ae hurries dreading lest the delay may be sent for the police; and cashier is left with a worthless sence of paper and a sense of danger es- ap ; PRODUCT. that. is elu. Sometimes the thought most labored for proves most sive. | Many are © surprised by. this discovery ios » concise, effec- |” advertisement, or| ech, or even a on | r, or tions which may often medals, and public monument , arere no doubt, chosen ught, and in de epee that failed to © The inhabitants of a iB rench | ats: fide e and satisfaction of se eee tablet that was finally put up reac 2 “This bridge was made here.’ . Sa WATER GAUGE BURST. . P. R. Fireman Badly Scalded. COB ER: fireman, Geo. H. Dust, who lives in Robe § William, while on his Sound a Westford happened with a nasty The water gauge of the and seals led the terribly ieeancts burst left side of his face and “Tt-se happened,” nid Duftus to our representative, ‘that T had a box of Zam-Buk in my pocket, which I used for a sore on my lip, and when I had recovered from the first shock of the accident, I produced the balm and had it applied freely to the scalded parts. At the tim I applied it I was suffering acute agony, but within a wonderful short time Zam-Buk gave me ease. I was tained continued the wonderfully days Hee the upon reaching pata cuts, aad ander S ak sa oe ce UAE. injuries which wor to; and in my opinio Bute should be Kept faite in feeary orker’s chou hueniroute; vaalig: braliened: zema, piles ulcers, ring-worms, itch, saltrheum, bad leg, festering sores, ancl lie Bau Suk Cb, Toronto, will mail a box, post free, i lp receipt of price, to any of our peere we is your aie pation?” Prisoner—‘T w aoe er of labor, ae eeeee istrate—‘‘Well, what do you aoe Bi son officials mee — Six months’ hard. ator has no equal for destroying worms in children and adults. See that you get the genuine when pur- chasing. 3 He (fiercely)—‘‘We don’t need that re ae more than a cat needs thing because it’s cheap?” of one who has got the better of the argument)—‘'But it] wasn’t cheap, my love; it cost $20.”” ‘Thos. Sabin of Eglington, says: “T have removed ten corns from my feet with Holloway’s Corn Cure.’ go thou and do. likewase. CONTINUED 1 LESSON. se am delighted at the vy boy is taking in his spends two hours a Vi ee Real, ly? ae jtanee | How did yon get him to do it?” Mamma-—“‘Oh, T told ie seewtils me out a list of everything he wants for his’ Disha and ee peill at ie Z vi, on lividual in the erowd had j anne EN ue amount while the a al 8s busy counti the we Ces CHEQUES. * Pe ES is the terror of the ‘bank gases) for it is difficult to detect | may relieve him of a large sum a“ one blow. It must be remember- afirera must either be ley “ ses ae for ie it able to continue my journey, and |g: such gentlemen as yourself and pri- | ° h Mother Graves’ Worm Extermin- |" ATTENDED BY. FV IVE DOCTORS BUT GOT NO RELIEF UN ae HE USE DODD’S KIDNE P : Aonaertul Cure of A. F. Richard, Ss Tortured iene a red Kent ae Talking, St. ace, Kent Co., N. Nov. eee —After tortured for four years with Hac ache, Rheumatism, Stiffness of the Joints and Pains in the, Loins, and getting no relief from five doctors giant hesealiod in, Mr. Antoine F. Richard, a well-known farmer liv- by Rheuma- Pains, Seis th due to the bank sithiorities havi ee ig neal well man, and that he owes his eure = Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Speal € his wonderful cure, Mr. Bithard ae — “J was a helpless. man in Tuly, 1907. For four years I had e torture pe aneck: ‘Bheumat m, Stiffness ok the Toints and Pains in the Lo oin I my ey poldvathed ands seke’ orl |I was attended by five doctors, but not ono of them could help me. 7 hs began to use e Dead! s Kid- n ney nd of Kid Dodd’s Kidney ‘ase-or kin se that Pills a not cure. Fe BATILE WON WITH FISTS. How Captain Wilson Filled the Breach at El The scene is the Soudan. A the village of El Teb, thousands of lack, yelling, fanatical. followers of the Mahdi have gathered to op- pose the further progress of the British foree marching to the relief of two besieged garrisons. latge hollow square, one side ‘ort {© ers press soreeit, jeer silencing the enemy’s gu: ich are mounted on po ae fitown up round the village denly, as the square sweeps down on the Arabs, the latter cease their rifle fire, leave their shelter, and pour down upon the square. pussies are e slanehiaret by tne machine gu 7 an incident. caperatsiedl in Ab Bh tory of warfare. mber of Arabs rushed through son, seeibee one of his men about to be speared, went to his assistance and ran nthe black thr ough: the body. Such was the force of the thrust, however, that the blade of his sword broke off near the hilt. Instantly the Arabs closed on the captain, and he seemed doomed. But with his fists he bowled over the enemy like ninepins. The blacks were amazed at the nature of the at- tack. Try as they would they could not break through those powerful arms or avoid the flashing fists, and ere they could: Breyer pans ‘their SepurS the; n by iers who yashed tke ap of the gallant captain His action undoubtedly saved many lives. ed the breach at a moment critic: a in the extreme, for had the an abs succeeded in en- larging the gap there would have een & different tale to tell of the Battle of El Teb, which ended in is now an Admiral, entitled to place many letters after his name, it. is doubtful if he’ is’ so proud of any of them as the ‘V.C.”’ won with bare firsts, ea UNCLE EZRA SAYS: ‘ithe man’ who sextters the seeds uy kindness don’t oO worr' about the cultivation 5 the crop rill take keer uv itself.”” or 2 Boon for the Bilious. — The 1 is a very sensative organ and ao deranged. When this oceurs there is undue secretion of bile and the aed liquid flows into the sto- mach and sours it. It is a distressing ailment, and mi prone to it. In this condition a. man finds: the best remedy var- taelee’s Vegetable Pills, alieh are disorder. cine in the entire list of pill pre- paratio: THE KIND. Wh BALL E HAVE. “Have you” any alarm clock: enquired the customer of a jewel- der, recentl, 8, 'Y re ead the man be- unter. es what i one 2 x T don’ if sow Le any. such alos that, id the man Y eat |men are not of regular habit. The BRITISH awentoan » WHICH HE PREFERRED. The youngest of the family was holding forth in her best style. The mother could do nothing, and so pater-familias, worn yet con- dent, hastened to the reseu I used to d our glee club at college may make a difference.”’ Whereupon he took the child, and. striding up and down the room, sang to her in his best manner. After the e sounded through the thin partition. “Tm feeling rather unwell,’? said the voice, ‘‘and I fou to get 3a sleep. If it’s all the same to yo would you oe enEIne: Seals: ad let the baby SELON A NEAR-RELATION. why do you Gane s Waccakaaat “Because he’s so close with his money Uncle POULTRY. We call the attention of our read- WE REPEAT: ee Wir: GUNN, LANGLOIS & CO., LIMITE OUR SPECIALTIES—EGGS, BUTTER, POULTRY. Sa He - Mr. Poultry Producer WE HAVE NOTHING TO ADD to our advice of last week, and WRITE US Be cae peat instructions covering Killing, Plucking, Packing, GET THE BENEFIT of our gs years experience for the asking. =x x &. A esd Mon TRE, Can ec prates Hole (ONEY. Exercise cause of tl the e: (THE SRA . DUNN, Agent care. Thos buy unknow: brands of ‘Condensed ‘Mike Ls the baby, te xperiment a costly 0} Sapeclally Gropared Tor want feeding 1 Borden’s Eagle Brand Condensed Milk NEVER ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE, IT CARNOT BE AS QOOD. BORDEN’S CONDENSED MILK (0., e saving he only Loaders of Quality. MONTREAL, ers to the © Langlois & Co., Montreal, appears ee in this paper: 1 you have any poultry to place the market aes the boliflay sea- son, ta eir advice and commu- nicate with them betas rus! goods to market. good pad to write to these peeplé ifs you have eggs, butter, poultry or honey to dispose of at any time, as they are known to be a ee reliable. house. FOR L oe Se “Oh, not thins wrong with the egg, Skimpem. I was just looking HO the wishbone, that’s a Ready Pill.—To. those bit medicine is of little but the great majority of a cares of business pre- it, and out of the irregulanty of life comes dyspepsia, indigestion, liver and kidney troubles as a pro- INVIGORATING TONIC FOR RUN-DOWN ges lood has become thin and ws erphisially weak es tue PSYCHINE. Yours truly, Mire Ju. Bertrand, V Kf you are weak PSYCHINE will make you For Sale by all Lp or 2) Dealers, 50c. ‘tn bi test. The run-down system de- mands a corrective and there is none better than Parmelee’s Vege table y are 3 ae in their co ontonChed. Con Teeeaeao she most dalisabely-cousunited. A woman seldom bas any time to be thankful for the things she has because of the many tee things she wants. firs. Robert € ssons by an ddvantans, a Public and | High | School ‘Steam Engine! Mechanical — , Journalism, “Agriculture, Stool. * and J00-other courses, Ask for dian Correspondence . K. Toronto, fie a Dra: ‘Cana Eaiiege. Limited, Dent, Shorthand ‘A. good position is guaranteed to person one i finish such a course short time. Write for particulars to british-American Business: Gollage Y.M.C.A. BUILDING, TORONT . WATSON, elactbals AGENTS WANTED. ANUPACTURING COMPANY WANTS to sell direct to farmers. Quick Dein Charles Adams, Sarnia, ALL THE hoards anne auld 30 scouring, Ne sunt alp the alive tina amount of tune si Gow iatisn ee to tom Brantford, Ontario® Haan wien ay Reliet the worst pains in “froin Pron ed Min i fle dhastrateg, wy fining, 800 om All Drugeiste Brown—(‘Let 1 us cross the street. I see Smith coming, and I don’t a: se a him. at SHES ‘here. cross the street: as soon as he sees us. owes me money. Often es poueke to'be the most trivial occurrences of life prove se be the ans rach: disposed to regard a cold as a Might thing, deserving of little consider- ation, and this neglect often results in most serious ailments entailing years of suffering. Drive out cold ‘and coughs with’ Bickle’s Anti- Consumptive Syrup, the recogniz- ed remedy oe ae affections of the throat and h QUARRELSOME. “But why did you leave your Jast place?” the lady asked of the wi oul be cool To tell the truth, mum,”? said arah, ‘I just couldn't t stand the way the master an’ the missus used to quarrel, mum.’ LH ! Do you mean to say that they actually dared to quarrel and before the servants?” “Why, ae mum, all the time. When it w me an’ him, mum, it was me an’ her.’? If a man never has any tse for a doctor he hasn’t much of a kick coming. ISSUE NO. 48—09. LACE curains ane amen to us Scaiaan x DYEING 09. Box, jontreal! Do you trap or buy Burd) Tam Canaan's highest pepments solicits pay mail and press charges; remit promptly. Also largest dealer in Beethides, sent free, “9 JOHN HALLAM TORONTO "| CHENILLE CURTAINS ; FAOTS IN THE CASE. Little Henry (at the z00)— ‘What are those animals in the heavy cage, paw?” Mr. Peck—‘‘A lion and his mate, my ‘Little. Henry—‘‘Is a man’ +8 called his mate, paw! Mr. Peck—‘‘Not wea son. For instance, your mother is the cap- tain and I’m the mate.’ THOUGHTFUL. sks as wife } The average man bam of generosity is STOCKS. ‘PO, INVESTORS — your. orp buy or sell personal attention, er, 4 Scott Si, Tore ERS Te Stacks will reveive BY Sat Mathews. Brok- DEFECTIVE HEARING auercone by the ot Asi Ei ‘oataloguee cas, 1a, vei CALVES tier Steelo, Briggs Seed Co,, Se piiaireninechtesitie nate NS Dressed Pouliry ANY QUANTITY. Market Prices Guaranteed REMITTANCES DAILY Ship by Express and Advise THE McLean Pr oduce Co. LIMITED, 74 to 76 Front St. East, Toronto Gash Ti Fea We buy Wing and Tail Turkey Feathers. Write for prices. | H. W. Nelson & Co., Toronto, Ont! ree times as large as it Pectually is Sion Headaches—— jot cansed by anything wrong re the head, but by eneeineies Diliousness and indiges! Head- rr cravticiwSlon tRoohe Bilin seb “eretable,, free. fron Bscamisl. dram, sete and Huy. Wh fect the headkehe coming take : vk aby. with tne Opal ‘ weil-fnianed, tie. pre a bi et vale on ripe erwith 0 prep * seictine Ringe meamre pies Dr. Morse’s indian Root Pills mane SALES couranr, Londen, Ont, ‘As this very remarkable See ‘ is now ule } ere the greatest Gonpeieutanet nown for. Mares, Colts, Biallions: Mau oka Sa also. Date % geet aha and Fae hts annem " e purest Poisonous tae tn composition, | Aq SPOHN'S for ney Trouble; etc A deri rij ten and it ia y Germs Tate hs wi hg 7. soa. Pits Epo oa eg oe ne deal he WY cen tit $11.00 the sens T2380 £100,633 SAAS sauce