TAMENT TC TW | cONDENSED NEWS TENS see LEADING MARKETS AMBNT 1S NOW OPBN/lCOS* Tec A oe a Melbourne says: BREADSTUFFS. Flour —.On- The Imperial Federation League in honor of Colonel ch From the Throne at the Opening 2 of the Eleventh Parliament. Ottawa Telegraphic Bricls From Our Ow» and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. Cai, having Neat Ac any has been fon approved by the French vegalative mansfactare steel by elaateiety at | chambers, you will also be asked to | Welland confirm it. Port ‘Arthur Catholics have plans The construction of the Transcon- | prepared for a handsome cut-stone = en greater crowd LHe nie Railway has made substan- | cathedral. a citizens ‘ee aaueE gathered on | ti D. Hines, President of the -arliament Hill to witness the mili- Farmers’ Railway at Prince Albert, the arrival of 43 are pro-|iv the the naval proposals of the Confer- ence. John Forrest ae a would be unjust to allow the therland to bear the whole cost ft of the naval defence of the empire. SRST outside, in buye: Mi >| baba flour, inet. patents $5.60 on rack, Toronto; second patents, | $5. 10 to $5.20, and ata Hvakeus says: |French Begubiie. eee ihe to Jences. was the fundamental question at the ay hoped | 0 es es a wesult of the nice weather . jorming a navy line of defence on which they would be ‘e was glad | side. Oats—No. 2 Ontario white, new, 137% to me outside. New. Canada West oats, 3914 to 3934, and No. 3 at 38% to 39c, Bay ports. Peas—8¢ to 87¢ outside. Rye—No. 2, 74¢ outside. Se to 56¢ outside. Corn—No. 2 American Sane vel to Zag on track, Toront —$21 in bags, Tarbate. and eats at $23.50 in bags, Toronto. dri from W ips Post clatienta ofthe Britich maleke RAILROAD TO BLACKSOD BAY. the United States, Sn continental British Government Makes Grant of £135,000. A despatch from London Government has anoniea to | grant ‘£135,000 towards the Colloo- y & Blacksod Bay Railway. When this is constructed London will be only fourteen hours from Blacksod Halifax is ehatent m has been billed for for a} $3, “345, 50 ee Eats of the Bares ee The the militia in enmee ae with 1 recent ae ee reitiwood rammed e American S00 Canal, ne will probably be clos- der of the season. Opt ate | iis. deciat iS | PeROniDE Premier McBride for | Standard, : ables to probe them =igsinst rataliiped possible trouble with the Indians. | assured. yste Mr. Hugh Mackenzie, a witness | Canadian G “ig a bill will be submited to you in the coal conspiracy case at Hali- | the all-red route will be a signal for fpr the purnose!of enablin court that he had /the commencement of the railway.” under contract. The te eid surveys COUNTRY PRODUCE. Gre oe les—$2 to $3.50 per barrel, ernie to quality. $1.60 to $1.75 per bushel at euteiae points. Honey—Combs, flaven, ox extracted, 10%e p No. Gntbyy, a to $15.50 Pe No. 2 a $13.50 to $14 on track, placed before you at an ear Neen 'pranch of business there has been a| In order to improve the faniitics revival of activity which gives as- |already afforded the public by the surance of continued progress and |Government railways, and hance their value as part of the | of 88, 50 to $9.5 ies ne f my Paria enterncs | ‘pot bag om called by his Majesty's Government | ie the question of defence. plan ‘cage xa adopted, after cennltaion FIVE THOUSAND HOMELES the Admiralty, for the or ee 12c; geese 9 to 10c. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Bubter—Pound prints 22 to 227 tubs and large rolls, 20 to 21¢; in- ferior, 17 to 19¢; creamery, 26 to 27c, and solids, 24 to 25¢ per Ib. Eggs—Case lots, 28 to 0c per dozen for fresh, and 26 to 27¢ for Typhoon Noe s Great Damage in nd of Panay. ae from Manila says: Panay, of the Visayas group, was crossed by a typhoon last Sunday. + |The storm was especially’ severe in Capiz Province, where many homes Five thousand crops A large part of pese—12M% the island is flooded. with the Intercolonial Rai The papers will be im-| A measure will be panied to einely brought down and a bill|you for the purpose of rende ring ore effective the present legi to penitentiary, on Friday, tion, respecting combinations sehich |j iumped from a train running at unduly enhance prices. riy-five miles an hour near Glow- ae Junction, N. escap- ed. Smith has charge of committing the Ze Indian named Bernard, 6 new convention between his Majesty and the President of the E OF TRADE. NEW LINES ON THE PACIFIC. Canada Led the World With One 5 Exception. from Ottawa GREAT BRITAIN. Lieut. Shackleton, the antarctic explorer, has been Knig! Suffragettes jiads a raid on the Lord Mayor’s banquet at the Guild- | {hall, London. M British Columbia Contracts With and at 12%¢ for twin Canadian Northern. A despatch from Victoria, B. C., ys: The Provincial Government ae announced that a ac Ontenes a ke EES ADDITION TO THE ARCHIVES. HOG PRODUCTS. Se clear, case A despatch cea Be Bacon—Long . in | Britain oe Pe Cor- respondence friend of| A despatch from Ottawa says: Se Adware ed w! I A aliahle gift has been made to . | Canada by the British Government, |namely, the complete and original correspondence sent by the Gover-|17/% to nors-General to the British author- Tarde, 154; tubs, 1503 pails, d SHisins—Light % 16c; do., hea Th iijah™ Ci 14 to "ees shoulder, nee he Britis ommi bi 2 ee ; breakfast bacon, Dramatic Censorship has advised apse goatee that the censorship be syiaine’ and period during Lower Canada were separate proy- towns and populous counties jtain to purchase estates in the colonies on which to place their un- . |employed. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Nov. 16.— elm Bitar Barl i feed oe. 2 to 58¢; buckwheat, 58 to 58%e. Flour—Manitoba Spring meat at firsts, $5.70; do., seconds, $5. Winter wheat patents, $5. 50 ae i 60; Manitoba strong bakers’, $5; straight rollers, 516 to $5.25; do., in bags, $2.- et to $2.50. Feed—Ontario bran, $31 to $22; Ontario middlings $23.- he |50 to $24; Manitoba bran, $21; Manitoba sta $23 to $24; pure grain mouille, $32 to~$33; mixed mouille, $25 to $27. Cheese—114 to 11%c; easterns, 11% to 11%. Bi — GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC FLEET UNITED. STATES. There are sat to be 200, ,000 per- sons out of work in New York. ‘The Court of Appeals at Albany decided that oral betting was not illegal. 1 Nine men lost their lives in an |}* explosion in a colliery at Nanti- coke, iN ia Vessels Will Run Betwéen Prince Rupert and Seattle. A despatch aes pees says Te see ofa for the Grand ik Pacific i: Eve Pacific coast year. ace and line, eventually er, in his report, is stress on fact that’ thi a is and last port of call in the Ca- nadi: North-West. Ben oa will be made to the ernment for mail aabidien for all -|the new lines. r h less severely er HORE. THIRTY SHIPS The ate chewere —. o a remarkable boom in the eee trade the Homestead steel mills will a on double time. mi + Somerville, N. J., The man- Brinte Geo: asked in the ‘carly spring, and a placed the run betw Phinee inert and Seattle in April. Heirihans: oe Havoc on New- undland ee _ from Tobn’ 8 while in a x aatie trance. ri Near p Neepawa, charged with Maa Serious Ending. defaentions of O. L. Warri- Bptch sh from Neepawa, Mans surer the Big Four amount to Man., ix round lots, and at 26 to 26% in a jobbing way. Eggs—Selected stock, 27 to 28c¢; No. 1 candled, 25 “4 280 per dozen. i IN THEIR WAY. “Grandma, do ey 8’ pose hens can talk?’ asked Alice. “Old Speckle ‘ated ee ue ne other day," said grandm« mean ae ae le me aad rahi she w 00 | why, andma! How did she do it?” al ‘Alice’s eyes grew big and roun “Tt was when Mr. Gray was mak- dng the new fence. I heard a noise t the kitchen door, and when 1 ned it there was Speckle, brist- Sees pe MARKETS. teat — A wheat Se Se Tat carloads store, $1. ca ane easier. on —Firm ; N Dane tae! No. 2 white, ne No. 3 white, 42Y%0; No. 4 white, ams. abe Feed to melee ay 0 ‘A bandit who TeaaaET to rob a , Ind., killed trees, fishing houses and signal sta- before the blast, |to towns and ‘his stomach and liver, and three coal region of ste ee he is still alive and in the here, his life is despaired cLaughlin was a widower and heen quietly married a hence the celebration. 8 lis water-side heart outfits. | Man; iar\ Bullock, ae parep et and ashore were at aachor. eae fuer ee 1G thers ‘and cackling away as pA Wee psn Pu ay at a great i: turned at . once and me Gd the house as a though she knew I would follow.” No. 1 Northern, $1. ar to pate interrupted Alice. |2 Northern, $1. oH to Rea L075 see $1.02 634 to ee No. ee ox re G4c; No. 8, 63%e; as 3 yel- low, 8 Ye. Onts—No. 2 white, 4134c; No. 3, 87%e; No. 3.w 38% to 41c; No. 4 white, 37 to sed) standard, 30% to ts =A —Wheat—Cash, ounled Ui imsel uel ny Morley, whore home shot | «pid you sad Reed morse” ise her grandmo- t as ae as her hen to the athens I found HALLEY’S COMET SIGHTED. hScen for First Time From Cana- va @ Number 2 Northern at} dian Observatory. ~ Fort Laird. e despatch from Ottawa says: ;|Halley’s comet was seen by Mr. beara ke Robert M. Motherwell, observer at] the Dominion Observatory on Wei d= roit by a woman who ised to marry her and ee otased: GENERAL. Franz Ferdinand of Austria. and | his wife - on a visit to the Kai- ser at Pots The Gsenstie ler ‘ey “at N. France, have peed al eotutia ae to pee in the = pane using inter- ficted school book: as CAUGHT ROPE: aS HE FELL, ~ into a post-hole had gone to his dune “Wasn't it nice that ee ae them?” said Alice, with a s satisfaction. I do bilieve hens ean talk, if they can make people | understand them so wel “There’s the rooster coming in- tc the yard,” said gr randmother. “tats “oe him and see Es he says Sere ; op cus LIVE STOCK OOK MARKET. view about 10 o’clock, and was still Montreal, Nov. 16.—Prime beeves sold at 4% to near 4%c per lb.; pretty good animals, 3% to 4%e; mmon stor per lb. ; lean canners about. Use per Ib. A super- milker others at $69 each; other cows and m $20 to $60 h. Feticle looked like it. The| Grass Oe Oe eek tae p. to the hens, |1b.; good veals, 5 to per Sheep 3% to 3%, aii lambs about ood lots of fat hogs a Canadian observatory, for its last appearance was 75 years ago. Tuan Will HELP) Vancouver Wonkmen nee Narrow Escape From Dea’ = despat ch aay Shae B. says: , Missouri, and om E. Russell, Yanchaves workmen mployed on the Dominion Trust ten-storey Moa corner of Hast- sand Abbott Seer fell from In a minute he turned roun went out into the lane, both hens following him. grandma,” said Alice, ‘“‘he did say something, I know he did! I’m going to see if L can find out what he told them.” “PH go, "too said grandmo-| $5.50. ‘ther, as she pu do wn the peas. an ahead. — Aaopi a Vigorous | shaft on rsday Srstriiey a both are still livin. Tait was nee, ment; and ask- He was re; Conference as applied to local con- Seals: a ‘All boys between the ages 5 th a Fag. of wloun nobex- of twelve and eighteen will undergo £2,050,000 at? 5% per cent. All POE fulfil of the Dread-|o : Ss “Ho: ogs quoted at ed and~ ees «|More Stringent Laws Are Needed ~Squelch Dishonest Packers. . “We have at present over 7,000,- 000 apple trees in Ontario, bearing in a good season one barrel of pack “ed apples to the tree. Moreover, |, this is a very moderate estimate.’ Thus Mr. E. D. Smith of Winona opened the annual convention of the Ontario Fruit-Grwers’ Associa- tion at Toronto on Wednesday. “Besides this great quantity of and as a result a strong industry has Ad ae “We cannot expect aaviited suce cess except through united action, we only in the townships, but da sole eyisvins can Bars, a strong recommendation foe better legislation which will se: jtamp out the most Cael some the inspectors themselv fitted for their work, and a Aas of apples which will pass one ine spector will not pass another. Thy e|should be a school of training toe sold to com large cities, to-day re so! sibeeelets to the ie throughout the om: aes packing laws ne goee not con- tl est ek ohales and British Columbia they langh at our laws; theirs are so much stricter, them. Mr. Smith thought the growing of Baldwins and ae should be mada a Shea indus anvanle with a rat desl goahaense to tl a of fruit-growin We have the natural conditions soil and climate to produce the b apples on the continent.’’ he cone HURRICANE Thousands of Acres A despatch from saneslon a Ja. Zo; | Without cessation for the last fi utter—Finest creamery, 25 to 253¢ | ¢ was sold for $75, and two | 24 days. The storm has been unpre- eedented in violence, and the dam- age to agriculture has been enor- ous. The highw stroyed e been de- and all railroad and tram- ¢ per ib. for large, pen led terrupted since Mondal evening. terrupted since Monday evening. It ‘tunnels y ping all railroad movements. IN of Fruit Trees Were TANNA Levklled by Force of Storm. and blocked, completely stop= i tiseeiad had been washed away a! jis believed that train service in he jnorthern Saga cone e ren |ed before two w Instances of the ae of life ara ported, see the property damage , is incalculable. from point to point on the coast is possible only by boat, Owing to ihe failure of the telegraph and tele- |b phone wi * es details o' interior the dam agre fie le land- sides ave occurred Ee eae the orth and that in the north-eastern Sestib of the island railtona Communication | rendere properly throyshont the island will 000,000. ‘Th in. the north nage | are not yet {i have been levelled, an trade is at a complete standstill, as it is impossible to get the bana- nas to the ports for shipment. YEAR FOR D LITERS. Sentence on Men Who Blew Up House Near Ottawa. A despatch from Ottawa says: For lowing up the home of Mr. Laporte with dynamite in June last, Victor Lacasse and George De! arte were sentenced a twelve months’ imprisonment e: Sir William Mulock in the Hee Court on Friday. The two men pleaded guilty to the charge of exploding explosives of a nature likely to en- danger life in an tae a do in- jury to Biprey. They d , how- ey had attempted to e pri Heake ey anninine by the explo- sion, — RICH HEAD WAITER. Dead Employe of New York Res- taurant Leaves $500,000. A despatch from New York says? James Thielman, ae the last ten Delmonico’s tae “alued at. $500,000. nown on Wednesday when ta sie applied for letters of ad- es te jn default of a will. ees LYNOHING IN ILLINOIS. Mob of 10,000 Rersons String ue ‘ caatden was eid itte JAIL WITH HARD LABOR. Sentence Imposed on Winther pase Suffragettes. from London ae h Ae. 48 and Amelia Brown, oy window-smashing suffragettes, ta Pankhurst organization. the banquet at Guild Hall in hone of the King’s birthday stones we) dining hall, the startling the company and inter: ech of Lo: two offenders were erent CLOSED YEAR WI WITH 1 SU RPLUS. Brockville’s Municipal Light Plant Made Good Showing. A despatch from Brockville sayst After paying all running expenses, debenture interest, $5,303, ou 87,5 debenture debt of ae ed the past year’s tea wit a net surplus of $664. ment had a revenue a $51,915 fro the sale of gas and electricity, and ~ nearly $4,000 was allowed for depre- ciation. e bad debts ee to only $26. ee ae PROSPEC TENG: @ PERMITS. Quebeo Government Will Issue Them for Certain Areas. tion to issue prospectil for areas of land not muoedne twa Jj hundred acres in extent. The ter- © permits “ wi will be issued will be dasternived he is the Minister of Col mLAR EON Mines and Fisheries. a ak oe DIKD 0 SAVE BROTHER ‘ Ethel and jae “Arnel Lost Their Lives | in Hotel Fire at Innisfail, Alta, A ecpeiah from Innisfail, Alber-' live ere lo: uayed the Re- vere Hotel here — ednesday night, and aril oth r persons: hi C ae the same horrible death. The. =e Ethel | a d_ Jol o) selves by jumping. One f th t | boarders named Munroe, he was also obliged to jump, had i oie Hbroken. Qther guests escay ed ee night-robe: e girl who