THE MILVERTON. SUN Thursday, October.28, 1909... The Milverton Sun EVERY THU! oe MORNING: The-Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont. vipa eae wate \s c ee ADVER ics ighi ® fox. Beet Ansertion 0nd four cents pet line tor cook enbecquene these! Hion will be charged for all transient adver- ements without specifié directions erted until forbid and charged ac- Chad for contract ES tp nde must be in the office by noon Monday fa attention. MALCOLM MacBETH. Publisher and Proprietor. ae AN, Dentist, ‘Lic- ialty, Ho m 01 above the Sovereign Bank, Faitieckanie Medical. | mits y Walter By Business Cards|*: ‘EDITORIAL ine *ropontol jury ht tr Biythe from the gallows b The Saul's is Awakening. 4 mr premium, ripe aise to to! tis rald rier oh Montreal 1s oer a fesuty. ver iu the history’ of newspapers there ee such enthusiasm overa “Th the precedent that aman is! has ed, not responsible for Bid crimes Bes com- wibile he is eg nui the past week at the Toron- ‘Alsized Mrs. (Mabel: Turner -and he. were charged. with the [he former with adopted infant five days wife to death with a poker, a nei expressing ercase were Gee any extenuating cir- Sepang In the former case he was so conclusive that th Sieg catled no witnesses in ee tal. In the latter ease the guilt was ‘admitted but ‘tlie ee: ‘was made ‘that tls prisoner was drunk when he eom+ thitted tthe deed: In ae. s0- uty proof of guilt t dhanga ofthe judge and:the warning of the crawn. prosecutor the. jur: h casey reduced the verdict to 01 ft manslaughter. [Ve fear that the action of Taronto's soft-hwarted Bities jave-a° tendancy to bring administration of lay. inito, eon ntempt, Toronto. last ‘Two hod juries at rou ita ipa for <a rise ae the court, td. eg ter ee thei! in F, PARKER, M.D. Pi, TYE, MD. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, AuLvERTON Hours—-10 to.12 o'clock a.imi., and: 2 to o'clock p, m,,,and 7, to 8 o'clock’ p. m. Neterine W, BARR, Vet perinaag Milverton, or of Ontario. Veterin- Fano. Treatsall diseases of domesticated animals, Calls by tele- phone or. otherwise promptly attended to, Legal RPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Belteltors, Etc. Solicitors for the Bank ‘amilton, Money to loan, Milver- mn, it officeshave been een ogi member of the firm will be in Milverton every Thursday. H. B, MORPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, J.C. Makins W, J. HANLEY. MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Stratford, Societies. 2 oe ha en 478, ren svat gone EDERMAN, ER, Secy. nbs, %, Fe No. 98, Milverton, mocta y second and last Tuesday of every eh Surgeon, | 0 - |fe Ontario. It | thar, any such offer of Dreadnoy oe niueut to the judge for ihe abolition of trial by jury in capital cases, how little-men sometimes’ ap- preciate great privileges.. Trial by jury was the principal and against oppression which t yet devised. No wonder the judge w onished that men tions| should ‘make’ such a dation. It is only charitable to pose the’ resolution oe ati amd: jll- eee as oho haraly canceive: eve aides holding ae Reese) of the individual: so light- Naval . Bor at ae Niels ag noughts would have id a peninangnt. poli ter ‘he Dominian of Gana AWBHONG byt “axtien, tmited and. which, would serve a more pnactical, purpos Ya ughts esent axiministration will Bee. Visiting. thie sivayh uae come. V, We INS; W. K, Loth, F. Secy., 'T. Rou Sec; noe Public. Ww. D. B, Notary, Public, Aue; = ei fad eau th terloo, Conveyance Pat John and cigat see SHetion audatge vtabling GRARD: CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil gt-class accommodation for ns Mela travellers ad others, | Three large somple plings at brands brands of liquorejan cigars, Chas. Ritter, Proprietor, all over | eqntrol, namely, thatvout of our own Rothas es ardware’’ store. | mataricls, by oux-qwi labor, and by Visiting ecitln teas bert Bi the instructed skill af our own people, Tucker, C, R,, 8. H. Pugh, Rec-See; “ny necessary provision for our maval "I defanco should be made,.as far as ma; eos: te aS berapesypanly veesibie ta is aon {| nection, a | we not hope thet there shall be giv: en- cegient % pe shipbulding -ta- phone of Canada pics has id beent tacking. 'To- shoti!d Novaj Scotia's girth in that gard. (Provitenice has endowed that Provitieg With tha material, with th men, and wil maritime we int id | which are dssential not ® dex | veloping a gaheme of But a ence and protection; but also for the resus: sitation of that shipbuilding industry which once made, No a famous pecngiout ths warke’ Another Story of the late Dean yaar {, Daan sate wos death at Barrie is just re sa clever and gen- ja} Oicinte vith nals humo! ith brillianicy. One QUEEN'S HOTEL, “Milverton, Ont The best travellers and othe Oniy the « ‘choleestot Wines, Li- quors and Cigars at: the ood warm stables. Geor, mr Pauli, Proprietor. ROYAL HOTEL,’ Wellesley, ‘and _re- paged Prompt Choicest aactd and cigars P. BERDUx; or. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, i to Commercial Best liquors tes $1.50’ per di Division Court MILVERTON»... DIVISION COURT Meets ati] o'clock a.m. Sept. oth and Nov. t1th, 1909] «.; Tuos, Trow; | 4 F, W..GuantiER,,* . Clerk. Bailiff. rit, Prop sere ee for commercial | men hm (Kevox here,” the whila he glanced pron the room, ‘The Dean was equal to the accasion ‘be said with his tek g¢htfal HYber- f tis rogtie ; ‘Nid you! dan't'sbut you will see him where you are going to Reoccmmends Lash for Wifc ‘ Beaters 'be gran jney n ‘Presentment t court of sessions at Toronto last soak “digested attention ta the umber of men. wiha come before courts for, wife beating.and attacks on syomen and gir! mies hey, recommended the lash well bib Gazoaghiy = appisd in all cases of cow Tooling. fe judd ptated thee ai crimes | are orm n adian: as sa as ies iY for a z . P.R. TimejTable st Monkton, going west, ed .51-4.m. Going cast; m. Milverton, going west, 8. 6 Af Goin 1. a.m.; south, 8.) 8.88 p.m. m. 8.38 p.m. G, T. R. Time Table GOING SOUTH. a.m 11.06 11.12 ly P| sure to c' f+ | ton’s Pills. es of this natu: He ae the. sentiinens' ot: fie grand jury. are. you a Bysneptic? Ni es aulat ten Stifter from dyspepsia and don’t knaw it. ‘Half the eks, poor appetite and sleep- direct kidneys BS ir wonk. ing: hese orga oe . fast juts Re into HS ‘They fone up (familton's Pills. as Dr. bho me. digestive system, regulate and strengthen the stomach, absolute- e dy: Simple to take and fter try Dr. Getting a ihacon: on Dave — etown Dominion he editor “of the Aylmer. Express obureh twelve times in nine oertainly either re ned fat or is not feeling very well 45 Burnt Me Moe Badly But fpe will mever Negaliaes cheap foure containing acids. The only pate and paindess sure is {Putnam's Gorn Extractor. It never Paras, ak “Putnam's ways cures—buy | pHteations far insuranas wave aeeept~ 2. 0000: robes Boe tex Ganliags | j tei s iu it Tiatteri ‘ne Ea amity ergymen of all ee nates pee sant 7, ‘Sanking the Pul hi giving. the peopte portunity “te. Doss BE ve writ hog) room in. a Danae shoufid ae apy of lis Soul's ‘Avaening,” ss ieving aibat it wall have a powe nt, infiuenea fin the iminds tions. Noone dhauld amiss it. Are Your soln Lame? a Dear mor ope f nfl er it/is in the neck, Limbs—the ure (is eo with Norglindiend oung strain, ‘avalip ness arid muscular pain, no mystery about this. Nicviiine Ta ibe anee pene rating liniment kmowm—consequent- e: -e the trouble really is. ug “Plasters are grea’ dealers, get easily out eongesti sure you get a aie substitutes san "t do the A Talk to Farm Boys Bewmanville ee ¢ Statasinan It may surprise ys om. farms for us te fel gaa onatdty ae schools in Leese teacher sectrin: ears vinleed co! us eacher is not Years of useful work after leaving ool. : Never Cry Quits , You may ae bi sleepless, “Ner- Vous,—digestion may be poor, but don’t despair, Never ay aie till you have use a ost wonderful may fue, es test nerve ‘and sys- tani tonic makes you eat, ee. it are 0 inoreased ‘nourishment. Day by dayl you graw; in “strength--weaktess, L.' Do Bonet AlL dete in "500. boxes. “Directors * Meeting . ‘Ths idinstati o of nf the Elma mers* (Mutu pany met on 1909, .. | il Dr Claims. we: Ha aay ne eae a damage to eee) ‘by a $4.00 damingi> to barn by ni ses all OL ‘Eine ontrel jt MW fevy. ‘thin on all premium not it day. df October, 1909, : 1: fusca in’ the, banks as formerly. {aip- oe he to adjourned itidt ‘Tuesday, 1909, to meet at es naltime and place. 3. R. Ham monid, Séeretary. «et Mr. Richard McCallum A well known citizen of Stirling, Ont., cured of Chronic Catarrh and irrit- able throat by Catarrhozone ‘Aremarkable case exciting gteat interest in Stirling, which if possible adds to the popularity of Catarrhozone as & cure for Catarrh, Bronchitis, and Throat Trouble. ee Catarrh is ome-of the most disagree- at the same ae jardest to q ‘been Mr. Mo- ma’ aes ne ‘writes,>» I have suffered uae ae tes hawked y. vhost was always in an inflamed ipvitable conditi cain taaeibinies ditaaet tiv ne Catarrh, and Ny recompbenid Catarnbozone as the most Muisfactory "Ceears h remedy on Every word said about it “Richard McCallu: m.” the dir passages, tom hae and purifies the breath. ts which are arsagists; trial siz3 50c. by mail fromi €. Polson & (0o., Kingston Buy Cheesahwsens to-day. They Kaisersof Germany has offered tobe god-fafher to the eianih anilt in'any German family. “asa result vicinity. FROM MAN TO MAN From Our Men’s Clothing Store A good dresser always has the advantage over. the other man, A good dresser keeps other people from under-rating him and doubting his capacity to “make good.” We've Clothes, Hats and Toggery which will please “the man who cares.” We'll mention no prices here, because sounding brass until you see the’ values that are hitched to the price. BP We are on the: battle- field with all our war paint ; ready for fray, and ready to a degree: which -assures satisfaction to all customers. prices are but’as repay you. li ing you to buy. We insist on our Dress. Cocas supremacy, For months we have been ‘studying ithe | Ayieee and the selection of mate: anything we have'ever shown. say that you will not find a more complete assort- ment of up-to-date Dress Goods anywhere in: the It would be utterly “impossible in this Space to describe the many fabrics of fashion and beauty in our Dress Goods department. We feel sure that a visit to our Dress Goods counter, whether black or colored fabrics, will We invite you to do'so; without. so- ond. Is,are, away. bey« We venture to the our unusually wide scope. NORTHWAY GARMENTS You'll-find the fall “and winter showing of “Northway Coats” brimful of interest, The styles set forth in “Northway Garments” for this séa- son are smart and..most ‘attractive, enjoyitig an They are adaptions from the newest and most popular’ models shown ‘in the world’s fashion centres, been carefully selected with’a view’ of to: present- ing the most harmonious effects, the tailoring is fully up to the. ‘Northway Garment” they are.all popular prieed, Can more be: said ? Your inspection of our liné is cordially invited, The materials have standard } ENGELAND @ SON ~ People’s Store - - MILVERTON, ONT. A Hot Sooop Next Week Ridgetowi Dom ext’ week’ The Damtinion will pub lis! a the ri of wide human Gatais cst entitled “The Prize List of the Great. Howard Fair,” by George Me-. Donald, Sec. H. A. 8. C. of H. ete. A Frightful Death ong from sutfocation and some- ttack o! f Asthma. Asthiad efter hope y ecauise Catarthozarie kills the Asthma gennt that it cues. Choking’ spells amd, ‘labored breathing: are reve, ond. Gatarrh. eo by all dealers in a and izes. Bl Catarrho- to-da) Mil pilot ‘one Man. Killed, othe: ax nemants, ‘Ost. "e2uiWalter Lea- ‘of. tl ihe Leaper ‘brothers, sal Bri Ariens, whose Ont., lost *his life here “this sauna af the Soe of the boiler at tho Ratz sawmill The engineer, Mr, arse) was een injured. Tha Sia tiers at 6.15. Li ye oS at work at 'tibe mill, what far mith baller, DVhen the explosion toa place. obs unfortunate man Avas instan led, without doub: body was hunted three hundred feet from the m tecinte the engineer, escaped th almost tiraulous raanber, "put was terribly burned am ere are ho} othenwise injured of his recovery, howevery the doctors state. } (be mill itself is a total awateo | © bt, for his} °% tre ‘were arried long distances te force of the explosion, and the boiler was reduced to tragunen ts noise was heard ‘not. only in ev- ery part of the iets but several miles out in tl G ‘ik Reouliae teat, of phe ee is boiler ad’ been ly tive minutes before: the accident eee and ‘had: been de- Opportunity. ‘We. present you this week ae patloe the newest and best things in séasonable, and fashionabie_jowelr; e range of choied is wide enous wid you will what t you refully selected, cand are the embodi- me of a at is good. prices fan be sold SEIZE Bee tee =)P. H. BASTENDORFF Tested FREE Milverton, Ont. Tie eas tow as By ial alaae feweey = this district piyies done some ‘work for tbs Bonlin (Water Contuteston. ‘The terrible death ‘of (Walter Leaver and the injury of Engi hexan= dor Cal detl of excitmeent hore, ‘end everyone in the ndigbbor- hood visited thajsceng of the disaster during. the da; the ruins. caught ‘tire. . ahd “doubt 1 uty: in neseuing the fenginesty, ba Fortunate iy Chis tras trot Tie so nalifelice aif the. alll Breer dys if only ty mot s ye 2 St. Olements’ 1s about “even miler fiom Linwao Horse’s Leg Swelled Anii there im sto ‘Sore’ sad Lame to Work ean Gured by Nerviling ie UML. thaver pad a. long gees ‘horses diets I Oy sto} . e opportunity. to | Wire They have beea [it is a arge 25e. ee oe ef eyy jee ee ae ‘$L00. AQT dea: or The ston, ‘Try Whe’ Sun for Job Work. WANTED NOW for Milverton ahd surrounding dis. trict, for fall and winter months: an fnenictio reliable agent to take orders Good Mein Os Weekly Outh molustve: ‘Territory 800 actes under cultivation, We guar: 2 it potabiisned o over 80 years.) en» teaeniown, Write Torento, Ont, Fe Leki PRESS co. is? ; rehozone Seok King: j : ‘Send all subseriptions direct to ~ THE SUN, MILYERTON. joo Advertiser ‘eekly Witness Sun and, Toronto (W, The Sun and geri Free ‘Press Globe.