Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 28 Oct 1909, p. 3

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TANK ROBBERY IN QUEBEC Thieves Held Up Teller and Fired at His Wife, A despatch from Montreal says: ‘Another bank robbery has been b pee from Ste. Anne, a small yil- mee net St. Hyacinthe. Six mask- mn blew open the safe as the Seas Nationale at Ste. ne’s, on Wednesday night, and Santee about $2,000. Mr. Cadoret, the teller, was awakened at 1 a.m. ae cesoe trom he uaues fe a Ok but was fired at twice by the After blowing open the fetes ieak attend cat and wont ip the direction of St. Hyacinthe, e at their work and t fearless. guard at the bank was chloroformed and then the attack on the safe was made, It required shots to yj blow it open, but while some of the party worked the others kept guard. The poles are tying to effect their eaptu nis expressed at nee aice headiguarters that this gang is the same that has een 80 actively otinliont the Province diving the year HEALTH MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM. Many physicians think that the soreness and aching in the muscles nevertheless, to the indefinite group ‘ot diseases called rheumatic, for curs frequently in persons who aie that ac eg belltsed ts Brine on an aitack of rheumatism in the joints. Any of the muscles may be the seat of myalgia, but those most oe monly affected are the muscles of the aac of the shoulder and of the le life the aptien o are cab infrequently at- tacked, constituting what is known, has stitch in the as or pleurodynia y be so che ae to simulate pnein oa or plew The chief symptom of Aisieuibe rheusaatism is pain ii affected, not usually very when the parts are at rest, but sometimes excruciating on attempt- ed motion. A light touch may be painful, while deep and firm pres- “Bure gives relief. | The acu Re to usually begins ‘suddenly, 2 d the pain attains its full ea at ee beginuing, grow-}5 in the course of ing in the affected misclersworse in raw, damp weather. | The iaternat Seeks: t the same as for rheumatism of ek joints “>=«which is another argument in fa- vor of the belief that the two forms are essentially ihe same and due to the same cause ini may y be relieved by dry sayin the affected part snugly, — Youth's REST AFTER MEALS. Hurried eating of meals, followed “4mmediately after by some employ- ment that occupies the whole atten- ‘tion and takes all or nearly all -of the physical energies, is sure to result in dyspepsia in one form or Someti in excessive irritability, a sure i tion that nerve force has eee ex: hauste: ‘The double eaten in order to ‘digest the food a e * business, has bar more than na- orn 6 ee wae eaten lowly, wil ation of the one rate the Surthas allowed iS! this a imes. it shows suet I without being e nee. i at least half an hour’s chance to be- rned in another direction Beeiests aber ng from dyspepsia would be eompara- tively few FOR INVALIDS. Beef Juice.—Take lean sound steak, Heat it slightly in a pan o' re, then squeeze in a a lemon squeezer. tle salt. Serve in a colored claret glass, as invalids often object Baked Milk.—Put jar, covering the white paper, and bake in a moder- ate oven until thick as cream. May be taken by the most delicate sto- ac Glycerin and Lemon Juice.—Half and half on a piece of absorbent cotton is the best thing to moisten the lips and tongue of a fever parch ed patient. Onion Gruel.—Boil a few sliced onions. in a pint of fresh mill, stir- ring in a little oatmeal and a pinch EPA oateaiad tee tetas Vetonie tender and take at once. ——_*. POUR YEARS IN CANADA, ; Bedfort’s Brother-in-law Does Not Believe His Story. A despatch from London says: The rat name of Bedfort, the man who she mae Ethel Kin- rade oY ets Ont., i Gorr, in this country and had con- siderable money. ie did not look ike a man who had worked his pas- sage over. His brother-in-law does not believe Bedfort conte icd the erime, as he confesses to doing There is no insanity in the family. Bedfort would not tell his brother- in-law the name os the steamer he came over i fort - was four years in Canada, baichen writing ig his relatives in this country he always mes the same postoffice ax his addre TYPHOON IN CHINA, Many Casualties Caused on Coast Near Hong Kong. A despatch from Kong says: aay casualties attended a typhoon that played Res with the native shipping, and damaged other vessels at various pouite’ on the rene, sheng Wednesday night. At t the Standard Oil steam- er Tyadhieree fouled the Japanese steamer Hong Maru, and both were dang At Macao the Portuguese gun lifted from rge num- ‘foundered, Sealine many casual ties. nae ae LOSSES IN FOREST FIRES. Totaled Over $25,000,000 in Canada Last Year. A despatch from Ottawa says; The Census and Statisties Monthly shows that there fires in Canada 66,290,000 feet were damaged or destroy- ihe value of the timber and Toreat fires ware spar] way locomotives, bush an 3 by settlers, and carelessness elers and sportsmen. SOENE IN BRITISH HOUSE “x for South-west Har Sosks aie tas tired to = a. the Zi : be sent to heaven by Ute sicmics parcel post.’” “Those Who Warrant. an attenipt to move > of the Spanish wrding thes Mt r case, and that the proper pelicy. o! With the internal affairs o} gountry had been followed. Beaton yoo Leer ie sharae ;| Population Odver CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS BALPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Telegraphio Briefs From Our Owa aod Other Countries of Becent Events. CANADA. Mayor Golding of Besmnton died suddenly on Thursday awand Bros., Whsledale dry ports merchants of Montreal, have led. Levi Dell, on the railway at Welland, on Wed- nesda; Miss Rothwell of Port Stanley was found drowned beside the piers on Thursday. A Government inspector is inves- tigating reported Id fu pies township, Ontario. ressed a chishestst England, and the y Edward Institute at Montteat oi Thursday. nm Thursday, Sandy Monacelli was eolbancae. at Woodstock, N. B., to life imprisonment for manslaugh. ter of a companion named Lagani. The Southwestern Traction Line, running out o! ondon, has purchased by a syrioats of Lon- cas = Haute on and Toronto men, jury at Peterbo’ a a Thurs- day, awe the Jopling brothers of manslaughter in connection with Arthur death. The Soo eastbound express was ditched at North Bay by some boys who tampered with the switch. Two pie were hurt, but not very seri- ous! Tei is officially announced that the re insurance companies will pay the Province of Ontario $146,136 for ae ee in the Parliment build in, aeee excavating for a new building on St. Montreal, found ies old French outpost fda taie eiate of preservatiol Guelph City Council passed a re- ile in favor of allowing towns cf over 7,000 pent iehcs to appoint and do away with the The foreign trade of tho Domin- ion for the first six months of the current fiscal year amounted to those of the boom times of 1907. GREAT BRITAIN. The ae Trunk shereiders in London, Thurs- rch arles Rivers aur son, the retiring eaten, @ pen. sion of £1,500 a ye: Prof. Martin piksebare: a well- known Swedish Nae was charg ed in London npted mur- der in connection ao ae recent Swedish bomb outrages. UNITED STATES. Tuberculosis causes ten thousand deaths a year in New York. Mrs: Pankhurst, the suffragette leader, arriv in New York on Wednesday. _Ten men were killed in an explo- n in a mine at Hartshorne, Okla., ae sous lay. heodore Rizzo was found guilty t Utica, on ae cate of murder- ae two small childrei Henry W. Mack, conse el for Dr, = the, victim Pa jok, says ‘his client of a piderpread gaat obert 8. Lovett has cee elect- ed President of the Union Pacific Railroad in succession to the late [i rriman Elsie Bowman, a sixteen-year- ale girl from Southampton, Ontari was found on the point of are: tion at Otaonaats G law bile accident on Wednesda; Tv in Washington, trial for fraud at New York. GENERAL. Owing to hostile attacks she pad isk Government has resig Count de Lambert, ee erect aviator, flew over the Eiffel Lower in his aeropla A bloody battle followed an at- tempt of Haytien insurgents to am- bush a body of loyal The Ger: rican diamond have been robbed of large numbers of fine stones. CURE HAM as ELE ECRICLEY. New Device to. “Cheapen Product Told of at Convention. A despatch from Chicago says: Ham curing by sestrity is one o! the new wonders e age, as told of on Wednesday ab ‘the Sone, on cf the American Mea sociation, ‘The idea Sree . Lincoln, of Cleveland, three and a half years ham he cured by the electric process at that time, he declared, is as goo Ww as the day it got the electric bath. The ent is af ved in large vats fille le composed of sugar, “ sid rgalipetres and an electric current is passed through the vat. The new method will mean cheaper OTTAWA’S GROWTH. 88,000-—Assess- | ment Fifty-three Million. A despatch from Ottawa says: Ottawa now has a population of 83,- The. increase duping the year amounts to 3,076. xable proper- ty is given a ANTES of 53,348,814, during the rot a trackman, was killed |! r}yello Bollard’s | 24 $304,390,088. The figures now equal | ‘he D0} the ‘he presence of a league among] the coun Cc. P.R. to which is an increase of $4,840,000 YOUNG FOLKS KITTEN STREET. The little kittens had sire one i Florence found them chduies oe “T'm afraid they’ = akon cold,’ she mourned. ‘‘But I couldn’t fad them anywhere last night.’’ the yard over,’” said ow Il have to Took out ae them hy cold nights,” said Aunt ‘or some morning you will ep them inside!” “T won’t let them Ji me ’t lose my dear she stroked and petted the Sie one and tne low one and the black one—she eau not have told which she loved est “Tt isn’t good for them t 70 be cooped up in the paie replied punt ladys. t know how you ¢ cried Blorence. go out at all! hilip did not say anything. He was thinking. Later he asked “Mother, may I have that long board in the cel llar—the oné across the coal-bin: “That nee of oak that was left from the dining- toom floor? What uu want of it “For the kittens,” said Philip, laughing. x Florence puckered her face in curiosity. What do you mean?” she begged. “Oh, you'll see some time! ei may 2 have it?? I don P Mo- ne: cabab you do with : it,”? Mes Maynard replied. “I don’t know of what use it could ever be put, to.”” at 5 do, ” and Philip pee “Oh, what?” coaxed Flo “You wait! The Rey ary not take to it m3 Florence followed her brother down-cellar, excitedly eager to find out what that board could possibly | la ave to do with her kittens. Phili, was the ground floor, ai he carried the hoard outdoors and set it up against ens |’? What are you going to do—make aon walk that board?’ “We'll eal Sheet to, if we can,” replied Philip. h, 1 see now!’ Florence. But at first the little cats did not think it was nice a y had to be coaxed with dainties ant play- ane for a good while before they learned to walk on Kitten Street, scamper up and down by day or night, and they | ¢; never had to stay out in the cold after tha “Tm glad T’ve got a brother who thinks of nice things!’ sighed Flo- rence, contentedly.--Youth’s. Com-| 3 panion pone BR) cer te C, N. R. WESTERN TERMINAL. To be Quatsino on the West Coast of Vancouver siete A despatch from Victor 8 Mr. D. Mann of he C Badian Neaose Railway in a con- ference with representatives of the Board of Trade, se that oe ie timate terminal poi R..on the Pacific Bee anis was Quatsino on the west coast of Van- Os Island. Mr. Mann urged le of the island to wnite sis the conrtrntion of a line of rail adcthe Wholeteusth at the land when onulation would pour into ntry. Having concluded his negotiations with the government, M ann returns to the east at mce. It is believed that these ne- gotiations tare been snecessful, and te guarantee the bonds tension Causdina Novthers from Edmonton to Vancouver, with a connection to Vancouver Island by ferr oe hh FOURTH MAN LINE. e Completed ba ae Saskatoon to We A despatch from ‘ier say! The new C ae a Wei Albe: ee is is celebrating the coi tion of the second in line through the prair giving Hiecce connec- tion between Sunes and Edmon- es the fourth main Ryo eta ee ‘ar | will eventually go |” Pacific coast. have comilated the si through the Pine Rive er Pas: ets in Northern bere and this will be a continuation of the! line from We: wi PARMANS GRE Le: Forty-seven Miles in an Hour and a A despatch from Blackpool, Eng-|~ ‘a aviation meet ed at the far the finest flight that has been eee ha | E-o.b. UAasten in this country. Frenchmen covered 47 miles and 1,184 yards in one hour 32 minutes | ue 4-5 seconds. In the first hour he le 80 miles and 1,577 yards, and thea seege te cried out in their en- thusiasm that he had established a e Bet act ted, $23, grain paiiies ue to mouille, ers, 1134 to 11540, and easterns at ll to Hl Ae 25 to 26¢ a dozen,” wh wandecds 41 to ge etihves heifers sold at 4% keen demand Prine picked LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Oct. 26-—Flour—Ontario wheat r to $4.25 in buyers’ sacks on tracl Toronto, and $4 to $4.10 outside in buyers’ first patents, $5.60 on track, pas sacks. Manitoba flour, ond patents, $5.10, and trong Bakara’ , $4.90 to $5 on track, To ‘oronto, Manitoba wheat—No. ts NOHO ae Stibside; e ae 3 extra at se outside. 2 Ontario white, new, vse outside. ew oat is; Bay ports. Peas at" = 86e outside. to. 72¢ outside. he wheat—55 to 56e outside. Jorn—No, 2 American ee ; to 70c on track, Toron B Bran—-$21 in bags, pe Spur: $23.50 in bags. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples—$1.25 to $2.75 per bar- rel, according to qu —$1.50 fe 81. on per bushel at sabnde poin $2. — Combis dozen, per im note $15.5 ee to $16 a ae on a track here, ai an 2 at $1 ae per bag on track for Ont: Poultry. to 13¢ per Ib.; fowl 9 to 100; tae keys, 17 to 18¢ per lb; ducks, Ib., 2 to 13c; geese, 10 to 12¢ per Ib. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter—Pound prints, 21 to 22c; tubs and large rolls, 19 to 20c; in- ferior, 17 to 18¢; 26c, and solids, 23 to 24¢ per Ib. creamery, 25 to ggs—Case lots, 25c_ per dozen for Bresks and 27 to 28¢ for new as se—12%e per lb. for large ea at 12%e for twins, HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon—Long clea: ry 15: ¢ | per Ib. in case lots; mess-pork, $234 01 $28. 5¢e ie ‘30; backs, 18%, to 19¢; breakfast bacon, sentra) 154; tubs, 154¢; 153 pails, BUSINESS ATO MONTREAL. 43c ; new crop oats, N Western, 413 to 420. 66 to 67¢; Manitoba tea barley, bal Kors ae straight rollers, $5.to traight rollers i in bags, $2.- 35; mixed $25 to Cheese—West- Beh crs inest cream- Eggs—Selected ; No. IPED STATES MARKETS. lo, Oct. 26.—-Wheat—Spring UN r 4 yellow, ahes No. 3 corn, $1.10; No. 2 Northern, $1. 06 to $1.- ie 2 Northern, $1.04 to $1.- te, 3814 to LIVE STOCK 1 MARKETS. HU ieeeh Oct. 26.—-Good ie d higher pri eo eee pound and from that down to ae per pound for pretty good sae Common and lean stoc ok sold fro e to 3/4e per pound. er pound. ae 5 ah en > de per Fane per pron id Jambs at © als, 5e to Blesp abont 2c to be USE pond to 8% ‘Good lots of fat hogs 8} per pound. Toronto vas hoe ners steers ad manic Hing up to 3D. — lo: 1a good to ¢ Butcher and feeder balls were a ‘shade easier, but prime steers and ry Malt. {he ieee were much wanted. gers were strong, ‘p [extra choice nae cows selling as as © | high f see, but 1 fe thes ie. expo id $ fed and watered. -* Russia may send troops into Fin- land to force the people to comply me us wishes Se whe. Russian Gov- ern The Ni icaraguan -| gaining’ such strength that it is not in sixty minutes at Rheims, believed the Tel: hold out longer than three weeks. aga Governmentican Cana- bo: ee 3 shal 4 in white 1 candled at e 2,} the made long or close fitti insurgents are | ary Railway Men bs Eston tho Briskest Time in Many Years, ‘A despatch from Pittsburg, Penn., says: That the revival of business and general confidence has taken a new grip on shippers and manufacturers is indicated here by orders that have been placed for ears and about dayt® by various ealzond com) ae CHR BAS igi tho peat palaiie of business that has Bere prea for manufacturers will ne. the Erie and Norfolk and Western railroads have arranged for a total of 310 new, locomotives. The New York Cony more and Ohio will place orders for 250 engines of various types among different locomotive works over the. country... ailroad men expect the heavioss freight trafiic in years, starting ie first of the year, ee orders for additional sent Fashion Hints. FADS AND FANCIES. Long sashes are being worn with coat suits. Paris is offering all sorts of hats except small ones, White cony will be a leader in fur coats for young girls. ol Gold braid will Baise prominent- ly a8 coiffure rman t and pins sa Hate and irregular in The scarab is a leader among de- corations for pins and dainty buckles. For fall wear many double veils of contrasting colors are being of- fered d is a brilliant exception to the rule that makes for dull hued col- 3 Sleeves in little girls’ dresses are fuller, long, and have often or two puffs. The with it renewed ings on dresses. The general "tendency is away from yivid age de ane few lus- oe surfaces are se e Dutch and OR collars a: erameees a renewed honulasite and welcome drap- “|tbrough the winter season. Amethyst and wisteria, in spite of the’ Pie taaiionahte Beh y is prontag a great po- hade dubbed m oa Ran nie leaders. B are large and decorative, but should be used only where they look as if they are needed to fasten br something. Street loves for autumn are of white and natural col- or, pique sewn, and fastened with Rie or tne gene COG 1p neernepe dh dhe: latest otadan hairdressing, the use of filets and jeweled hair bands, has come to stay for a while at least. The most satisfactory stocks just embroidered strong, beautiful a laco which is so fashiona’ The low sash is a feature of frocks for children, just as for grownups, but is stylish on the uildheh: sintorand Ain Beckets, ‘big: oniamental tien ab: 3 sHfairs, are sects set low on the sides of breaking — the te, | straight, gon line or finishing a panel. Marabout flowers will take a con- siderable place among hat trim mings this season, in spite of the fact that hes tea about twice as ites as last vel hats nee Seay here and are oh the lightest possible make of Totts Houle: af Wem eraauien up sharply s ft, Side—the so-called “left si lt,” The oat adceuls thing about new blouses is the tiny puff in some of hs sleeves. Some are fuller at top, too, and ary any are ing. Late Paris fashions in wraps introducing some startling pictinn ts, de osigners drawing from all periods and all lands in ee shap- ing of SENSE an mantles ” apes over the hips|but he top. craze for shawls has brought | 2¢ ng yeas, a atill among as tin- | Raii ¢} ous murders recently comm This y year again hes isa Rees for the flufiy neck bows or illusion or maline, and these fluffy, ai bows, tucked pened the chin, are eee bee wl tie HES of lace or cue fabris which extends ~ flaps. which fasten Gah with ei gente or buttons and buttonho the latter feature is solely with! the taste of the wearer. SWEPT OVERBOARD. T. Sampson, of Brisbanc, Drowned at Sea, a despatch from Ae ne B.C. say! away by a great soa whieh washed the decks of ths Ca- liner Maracia, arrived here on Wednesday, Mrs. ha ds Nobiaeg ‘as swepb mye ‘the rail, Paignee to two iit- tle girls reseed by him, Anderson had both and fr broken deck fittings, but one only was lost. unfortunate woman been sighto! ter the vessel stopped as soon as tina ing cries were heard on tho Mrs. AES was a yous woman, 22 years of a) it INDIANS ARE UNRULY. Redskins in Rainy River Distrio’ Secure Whiskey, A despatch from Mine Ont., says: How to handle Indians is getting entre, drunken serious in the e ite are in apprehen- sion n of pelle attacked, Ba taal ans are securing whis| stantly drunk, and in fentle sd some one does not take steps to stop the sale of liquor to’ Indians, is is felt there will be a tragedy joie aera MURDERED AS TRATTOR? Russian Reyolutionist Disappears From St. Petersburg. A despatch from St. Petersburg, says: The police have received a spatch from Paris informing wes of the oieppeeranga from that city. of one of the principal agents of the Central Committee of Social Reyo- lutionists. The police here think that this disappearance may have some connection with two mysterl- mitted im this city. The theory of the police 1s that the victims were revolution- ists, whose good faith had been su uspected by their associates. ‘THIS BXPLOSIVE 1S SARE Can be Haniel Heated or Shocked by Detonator Without hout Exploding. A despatch — from Washingtr on : A new explosive, a British ie vention which. possesses — possibilt : | bilities, it is:said, of reVolntion ing the blasting work in ae with the pebstonalien of the ma al, n tested on ea Isthmus. of aie recently, and as a result the: Panama Canal Com- mission ordered twenty tons of it for trial The inventor's oA tests before the BOA of tl mian ‘ommission that it is abiolntely' Satibanbie to explode it oy ordinary means. — Tt I-with a sledge, shot nile: burned, and ordin- dete eid init both by, ty, but the ¢smp. inert, Not until a special detona- dynamite. t off by Raid a small platinum wire it inside the open end- by an clecy trie sige or fuse. It will not plode b; yy. concussion, It is claimed that the new explo- sive is 50 per cent, stronger than the 66 per cent. grade of dynamite, and that the cost of manufacturi bo more on the Jenlai with a penesiks of recn 6,000 and: 7,000 “to: oonua,

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