THE MILVERTON SUN ORGAN BARGAINS Ka . Karn “FOR THIS WEEK! Every instrument we guarantee to be in first-class condi- tion, and will allow the full price paid any time within three years on any piano in our warerooms. Thomas Organ, walnut case, five octave......--.,0ssl rgan, pipe top, 11 stops rgan, piano case, six octave, good ten eat ek Dominion Organ, five octave: beautiful high top, Bell Organ, five octave Sherlock-Manning Organ, cannot ‘be told from’ new, six octave oak case, beautifully figured, regular price $135.00 for. Karn Organ, 6 octave, used only a few mons excellent tone 75.00 This is a beautiful organ. TERMS ;,$ $10 Cash and $4 or $5 a month satance. These. and. will soon be picked up at these prices. We also catry the largest and most select stock of Pianos, Edison, Victor and Columbia Phonographs and Records west of Toronto. Write for catalogues and prices—IT WILL PAY YOU. CARTER’S PIANO & MUSIC HOUSE 110 Ontario St., STRATFORD, ONT. - 90.00 Write to-day. a testiphla ' | oping in edt Staite has’ once cen ‘plaice in one village, Mr. had, Attigy of New. Hanibu Spent the Thanksgiving holidays at his home ‘hes rs. Thos. Hutchison and Moen with iss Rebecca Stewart left on Friday | M Detroit Bish Niakting fozntome ith friends and relatives io is at present vis- ri she 's brother at eula, spent * Mrs, i s9er Were returning frou Linwood arse be esi pettans Bale peetting the bag; and (Mr: diteh. bruises Pint Mrs. Mogsser sustain- ed a, broken arm. Dr, McEachren was je" jin jinddl @ ‘epdedy‘rebove GRAVELRIDGE. Mr, (Wm, Gxoling is at present visi ing friends in. Lom in Le 7. Westar spent tiie holiday at raleee "yliss Ella Harrow of Unive ts Wisiting ‘triads ort this iti s Ella Meloy and vase “Lillian ase ‘were in stad ford lasi week attending 1 ‘ion. iagars. Ooaae Jacobs spent Sunday in Walle lesley. fipiversary services will be ‘held in Elma Methodist bvirsh an Sunday next. (Rey. F. W. Langford, of Monk- an will BN ‘at 10.30 a. ‘ma. ani 3 ‘Oaten and Sirs, Whaley, of Mil ‘spent Wodpesday’at Mr. Jno, ss ae (As. Westman enter- ¢ their friends on evening. ‘A ‘very plea- M. Sehlotz~ E, Parkimson’s P, Westman who spent the past two months in the West has aril gdand speaks in glowing tenms of its bless resources. He intends nik. there in a short t: isthe report a Bs, hie aiaattNSE 801 : Miss hue! Miller, is Spent ng a week Mr. Fy fofd on Monday rafter a’eouple .of weeks See a the home of Mr. Win, a MeLicod, of Goderich, » has teen the aguest of ee Jessie David- n for the jpast.v Mr. Toler Cuatipbe Mi Med’ thd miators Knneicta lore anexot (is: vglushle, pits last wee Mr. Wan, Riddell who went west’ o ona of the harvest excursions Petheae ed on Saturday. Mr. W. Davidson, of (Stratford, spent Mhankegiving at’ his ‘home parenta, od rs) ‘Aindy Preston, <t Brit: hay rece arachiiat Mie ANIA Gray's on Sunda: Mr. and Mrs, WW. J. Dowd, Miss Win- dio and Mr. Mervyn, of 4 Listoy seat Aine iplidaaye Gevere (hele Bitte) Olive Moore, of Stratford, is last ‘Thursday Southern States where she romain *thraughout the tdher } ret urned from a es hearers we two Both services were well at- ee teal are being held this week conducted ine Mr. ‘Arn mole: of Guelph. _W. D. eRe Le REGISTER. John ietor. aM tte a wy, Nov. 4th—Real Estate e—North Half Lot 7, Con. gton, 100 nerea, the estate e Ferdinand Dietrich. B Sin! for Job Work. toe a) Pollard returned to Brant- MILBANK. ~ Sr. O'Neil “of thd staff ‘has been transferred’ to trie MESEA TYE W. H. Hougii of the Tradces fae Cargill, was renewing acduain= i ge. if Mount ‘Fagest, Parmers bank the mto. dines ie seve inh friends her n Freeborn. a nee ther friend Miss Barton, of Galt, and"IMiss’ Oliv: Freeborn of ie oa the holi- ie at their home a Bester! ‘eyed ae oor junday morning x withstanding tbe panied cer 2M ae, of Atwood, ing her sister, Miss E, MoKee. mith, principal ot our aay Sees the Teachers’ Conven- tion at Stnttond- ease Ham ofternan vith feRinds in Dank Mr. R. %. Grieve was a sions vik! itor in Toronto last Mr, F. MeKay of the Exiting Bank Gpent the week-ond at his home in ig visit-. ah GniEt wotahametiok nics abies turn they will take up on rings street. Mr. W. inkller is visiting frends their feadeass f (Patkihill, and Mr. J. sel spent Sunday at .K. ‘Weir, ‘of Stratford, wont Sumiay with friends. here Mr. J. Kinicaite of Wal ensten ae ing. g atqiiain tances in the service of the week the isted by Revds. Wood, of avis: fea a let 5 Wast 1 vest Home services in s t Tha offertory. for, building hen * sles ees otherwise de- es tn lata comers ‘with ‘their sup Cooking tw: b ally. Set anid everybody was in the. “best of humor. After the Consult Your Dentist at once if your teeth need at- tention. Don’t wait until the tooth is hopelessly decayed. { Neither should you postpone day after day haying a thor- ough. examination of your eyes if they shows signs of weakness and strain. If con- tinually neglected there comes atime when you have to pay the price of neglect with com- Now is the member I ex- amine eyes FREE. E. A. ROBERTSON Wellington St., Next Royal Hotel STRATFORD, - - ONT. wiooks x Iton: spent Monday Sunda e] Mi y | beginning’ of t! cupen.s pied programe was ren- » Real, live, stinring / ‘pe thar dh e seme Nicklin “tego ia aut utitu 1 shoir entered rs G thee fathoms in while prosgeds, considering, the night, ‘w quite satisfactory as the ladies wil Slear $35.00. latency AUE dos aaa’ nccident with fatal 'te- sults happened last (Wednesday on the The burial took afternoon ~ and muob sympathy is felt for the bereay- ed parents at-ithe cata loss: of one of their brightest © ‘Another equally cients accident shotke, this community on Friday when Mr. Walter Essie lost his life of the + ier at mill at St. Clem- ts. Mr. Leaner had been in the em- ploy of Mr. driller, years and “was wherever he Sake were brougiht to the Deseret Pastkadrillecwibare che tiie: ial took place on Sunday Wat- oO Seite ville friends ‘on Sundas cheer Déstingany OF Waterlon, paler’ the beret Horekas ie Monda v. ttman spent-a few days ‘ends y Susie visited fri orah days fig the Mis at Gus ne during z. we. wel i Mrs, ny deat of firs, Levi ta ae rie Mr, Ber Beak Sellar did arta pts spe ste sie sgiving Dayal 2 former's Mrs. George: Hae rs. Bs tex and Mr. » Wal- utes in the vie bat Saturda; is at “i ts ri parents Sots sthiN seal’ Avent ‘of Inst Week ook place at the home of Mr. and Robert More on untgy: eben moved from ae a ma ciate infant and only daugh after a brief illmess of several cys a extend bur hoarttle aympathy to ths es be parents. mpkin pie social at the ‘Pres- re ‘boc lighted) with the soloist, Miss J @oronto, who did so much to make the evening a succes: CROSSH! LL. | lAtgonig. these who ent ae Mis Ratz’s saw mill boiler in St. Clem- ents. , { fOur mail carrier, (Jas. Hammond en neat at the »mill three minutes late: ‘Ravertise in The Sun. Son soseeees eoeeees: The weather man has given us a gentle reminder of what is coming. It is wise to be prepared. Wool Blankets We have a good ttobk ‘of these on hand, ranging in price from.........2:.25 up to $6 Per: pai Cotton Blankets Only 18 pair left of those 11-4 nice, fleecy | Colton Blankets. Going, while they last, at ......... $1.19 Underwear We carry.a full range of Penman’s Natural Wool ~ (Pen-Angle) in Men's and Women’s. ranging in price from.. $1.25 to 1 8 “Gravenette Coats Only 12 Men's Cravenette Coats left, rag. price. $8, to clear at..... * 2 Special for Saturday Only SRN a = cents 5 12 Water Glasses for 12 Shoe Laces...... 2 Lantern Globes. 3. ascsiveesoeeertvoosste nee eee em 100 bushel Large Onions Wanted, we will Pay 60c Per Bushel Bring us Your: Produce—We Pay Highest Prices_ W. K. LOTH Marriage Licenses Issued, ~ Milverton For the Next Ten Days in Brass and Iron Beds_ Our Undertaking Department webs Shee ken a course in the Arterial Method pm balm. — Supcw ice is thes viet ae process, Orders in this Hne will sree our prompt attention at all times. a Torrance & Successors to C..R. HONDERICH & SON Having purchased the Grocery business of Mr. H. C. Mohr, I desire to announce to the public of Milverton and surrounding vicinity that I will : he prepared to fill all orders-in Se * Wiese cocci and Patent io ee In addition to the large stock carried by Mr. Mohr, I have ae extensive purchases which will arrive this week. For values we will not be ‘ ‘Medicines ‘outdone by anyone and while paying the highest price for produce, will place our goods on the market at the lowest prices. _ WE WILL BE PLEASED TO WELCOME ALL OLD CUSTOMERS AND MANY NEW ONES REMEMBER, THAT WE ARE NOW OPEN. CALL IN AND INSPECT OUR GOODS FOR YOURSELF. ee Successor to H. C. Mohr.