BOVRIL and tas’ Ht will and musole. ft will tone up the whole system, Bovril Cives Health and Strength Why not take a cup of VRIL pas “every morning through the fall and winter ? TS ALL BEEF: it sieht fe the nutriment of the beof in a concentrated sty fi ranew your blood and give you strength of nerve AN ADEPT IN CRIME. Most Notorious of Spanish Bandits Jose Tisaira, the boldest and most dangerous of Spanish bandits, has been seers at oh tory of th minal a ‘Twenty Sse ago he killed a p ilent at Palau and burned ‘the corpse. For this he was con- demned to death, but was pardon- ed while on his way to execution He was transported to the prison at Ceuta, but soon effected his es- time he lived but so numerous vas some e, though in so aba ane tes a seorely wounded. tep was to ingratiate bimeetl wath the MooeiMibanaie Ve: liente, but his desperate robberies rimes eclipsed those of tha blood-thirsty ruffian. Valiente be- came i of Tisaira, and si m to Tangier where the engaged Be to an agriculturist in a large i that the latter denounced him to the authorities, and he had to take refuge in isaita’s next scene of operations jalara, Re dae Be met a two quarreled, mesire killed his old friend with a couple of r volver shots, The police arrested i were conveying him Madrid by cer when he jumped from the carriage, and is AS jured himself i in the fall. Eoghan aged. however, to break his chains, and drag himself to Gerona. After egan a series of £3,000. he aaa fell t th men i oadiae aia d tothe Wind-| ocr 6: as iands af the police, He was taken | Hock authorities to locate the de-|e'19 st'ss cect ireathy mee : us, ut last Salle es a ie eee in ita rag eS aes an. {ors or by mail from The Dr. Wil- A ed engineer, says an- ‘ Beate 2 fourth escape, oes Ga at Besfiner, | as Medicine Co,, Brockville, (RON AS named George Heim, who in Octo. -, ber, 1903, was engaged asa dia GANANOQUE MAN the “Kolonial| ROBBERS HREW A pomp. Berghau chaft,”” and sent} OUT OF TROUBLE to ‘act as pros.{Tried to Wreck a Treasure ‘Train Restor and valuer of the company’s in India amon uring the eight] 4 jomb was. throw ie mAD RIEUMATISM, BUT mbtiths ‘tet le acted tor ihe com recently er aes DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Pany Heim, with the aid of accom-|+ain hetween the Chakda and CURED IT. plioes, is ‘alleged: to have smuggled | sinurali stations, on’ the Eastern mand s0.000 marks Paar rth of diamonds to| Bengal State Tk Raltbay, theatene ot is z rman, ixing tl i erohiet in soft | 4), a é Mus Abernethy on Tis Feet coment, Pree erect eicl fhe tring aes few miles away feslatCiice-1e Baby, Siinplc,. Nar from ore, in the neighbor- al bad F noque, Ont., Oct. manent, suffered fro’ m Rheu and stiffness of the Tatts; nethy states. “My muscles would I could not sles pa 14 Kk peti ill 1 “S ee put Sound Kidneys keep the blood free from {espurities , Neuralgia, and Kidneys strong and yall wi ik. ‘Dodd’ 8 Kidney Pills seed ‘ou can face the cold, wet days of fall without a fear of abeuindiion: 7 7 ’WARE THAT OAK! knows tha t, - when thunderstorm, it is stand under a lonely na matter what te as uk, for instance, a many ways, is no - ae in Tighintog % around. ive thou at you only avoid a pet we any ree towers above the the party worked diemond deposi t ri ‘a | that he-int an|May, and sold the stones at ENGINEER WAS ARRESTED SOLD DIAMONDS FROM GER- MAN AFRICA. Alleged to Haye Smuggled Large Quantities and to be Plan- ning Another Coup. The Lokalan Zeiger, of Ber Germany, r-ports the penne neil arrest of a German engineer and the confseation of oe bank books found in posses: his It is alleged that the engineer a Wa de time ago leased dl extensive lands them fa part of the lands it ae ‘ad ‘he dis- covered diamonds varying 2 ae Without iutesanie theaiiieritice weeks, and vee quitied a Ml removing all while the paar? ane sat Ps ope te sell the stones. old the greater part of oS ciagionds aa ate incipal European diamor en- tres, and finally pehobed: ee many to sell the Lal deere When the i e hea: aed a Se spe ad a de- posit o! ‘a Ger banks, the. ear ol “th he sale oft the stones, and about a thousand un- cut diamonds, worth 60,000 marks in his possession. ARRESTED IN BERLIN. After tracing ie engineer from e German police arrested him a ‘Henle a few di ago. Largi Sea os m vorrespondence with artn Was seized, from whl’ is tered ded po form a company The Govern- se to. exploit his fi lowed to harden, thereby saveitane the Customs, eim returned to Germany layt h good busi that he spatial for nite jis said to haye discover di mond fields in the. nee part of g South-west Africa, near Gol ony, which, how eaters with his poise at te t be worked until 's) fara < a lial oliee Purchase Wh complices money for more, which were also smuggled to Germany in cement. PLANNING ANOTHER COUP The Morgenpost are s at the cor- respondence seize s that Heim was planning another Bin doug? HS South-west. Af arres ia but the snthors a ei embar- rassed, as they do not know the lo- aeuot of these rich new diamond elds. correspondence re- veals not! regarding — their whereabouts, and the prisoner re- fuses to betray his secret. The co- lonial authorities are making every effort to trace the spot. oe eet The De! serry, Sir, but T cant ner “th pn this month. dit ‘Bu g | clue. * arene BOERS ARE FOR BRITAIN. South African Journzlist Makes trong Statement. Perhaps the most ture of the Imperial Press ae gates’ tour was the speech made Mr. Fichardt, one of the South ee striking fea- is editor Bloemfontein. Boers in the South African war, and was made a prisoner. Replying to the toast of “The Guests, yery late hour on Wedne: sday, he said: “England brought: to my coun- try war and deyastation. She con- Be the flag of the country, but he did not gpnauer is heart and aa of th er the war there was an aft oan of bitter- ness—the bitterness of a sullen and discontented people, who waited the opportunity ss rats anette r blow for that free they had given .a tee was a wonderf.1l day. thing happened. ‘or But that in eolie be etl cost, in spite of all the mil- ee of money that had peer ee: pended, and the precious blood that had been ahed, you came to us ki open. see and which you then fon the! frst tin hope for ever, ered the enue of Hie South Kecitan people (loud chee: “What of the future? We, in é SNe watched with a can vinnie a foreign foe ssa the Ei Pie in ae Africa it a be the u of the ea hice wie a? swer on the wild and he veldt,’ (Loud cheers). ADVICE FROM A MOTHER : 0 ALL OHER MOTHERS @ young mother—the inexperi- pia mother—is always glad to get the advice of the more diate ied in the care of her little equal to Baby Keeping little ones well, ng health if illness comes madden: The young mother can safely Pollow:the lea ad of these other: Mrs. Ont., say without Baby Tablets in the house Relere they saved my youngest child’s life. At the ths’ she cried all the n, Our doctor dideall he. couly for ier: but did act “ink to ele her. Then I got] ¢ wonder The 8 ea te tone tn rane h, mov ed) the bowels regularly ae hood a w ie Hikers prone cases ave been num- of bomb-throwing at rains ae Europeans were travelling by the ee train, but piceped un- burt, easure van atta! to the train was badly alateered The distric! e three rae es charge of the taste show. eat courage. They the consisiestion cord Bik Pehoed to leave t! rriage, which is said to ify beet almost rn to picees. extremely high explosive was Bite but ticks ily the bomb struck the van at share ane neat and thus the train wae ro! This is sbeie thirteenth bomb out- rage on the Bastern Bengal line. the ponte alueliiely sticue @ ‘The general impression is that this Pleat “attanipt is also the work cs extremists, who have stated on any occasions that they me ob- tain money for po pultton ave poses . A asi mill assistant, d Gowri ose fin Leeee wee ac at him at Howarth Phe explosions caused a panic, but the police state that ne tom was not of a danger- Used Seponaine to directions, Dr. ; g's Dysentery Cordial will afford raliehs in the most acute When. fie should b the Cordial. the Scena testines ne ‘alas the irr pain. A: trial of it ay convince any lions: S pcan TENSILE STRI SNGTH OF HAIR. A human hair of, average, thick: ee can eae a oe ot &% oun- ces and the number of hairs on the fiend is alqut 20, 00, A woman’s long hair has a total ten- or the same use city Avas Beseeed by A wonderful | °° 34 seacti be one of the Gath of these asser- 8a WHEN TO USE DR. WILLIAMS’ PINK PILLS}, Williams’ Pink Pills were ori- iinallen perscription used in the doctor's private practice and their benefit. to mankind has been in- reased many ous fold by their being n general sale througout Hie wankd witli the doe ’s own directions for use. They are entirely safe and contain no opiate or habit forming drugs ay: fete Pills are a remedy n the blood 1s thin as ee a tes or impure, as in rheumatism, or wl hen the n- are weak, as in neuralgia; or Hee less in paralysis; or when the body as a whole is it TEE Ods as in general debility. he blood. ae ngt! and cure the trou and growing girls, and many. forme of weakness, That thousands of people liave tried this treatment with good results is shown by the constantly increasing number of rted. Mr. Paul Charbonneau, a youn man well-known in the town of St. Jerome, Que., is one of the host who bear testimony to the yalue ee Dr, Williams’ ae cay He say fhen *be- a sokkeepér in an important earn due to the confine- me office. f e. and ncein Ee bloodless often seized with palpita- tins of we heart and violent head- | aches ried several remedies, do came pale the. sa boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. J liams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, t. fos ADCS EES, WORDS THAT WEIGH. Every evil to spony is a@ we do not —Emer- which benefactor. PG ue Sad life full of sweet. savour nob expect from it what Mt “cannot give—Renan. son, cus” Hee ey sible to secure distant or ee aca happiness but by the farbearance of some imu Heat 6 gra- tification.—Johnson. I believe that we cannot live be : er than in seeking to become more agreeably t dash a clear conscience- ter, nor Socra- Leb no man turn aside ever so the broad path of on the plausible pretence at he is iustiied | by the goodness s end. ee A BOON TE 10 “MOTHERS, Whea, Children are Iojured { a hi Chileon arealwayaou ing cuts, bruises, bumns, icy and not afruently contract mngworm, scalp: di and similar skin tgoublea at pebol, © cMoqheta- fll find Zam-Buk without equal for all these accidents and diseases, + Thera Nilen,_ 156, Walle Sirety s (Ont), says?—"¢My daughter Mildred, 4 years old, was severely burned by sadly. wie fase the pai, and in the mutta hes ted p aes on Abuut tie yard my son Beriram, verttolen las bette ich oat jut on the contrary’ in‘lammation set in, We obtained a supply, and’after a few app! tions the child seemed to rest beter, wd aM ompletely banished, m days from the Feist application: 0 ees from the Sarre bane end sores, fost id diseases. _Diaeains and i hans ee Here peck at box, or post free fk fron Zin Bak Cbs fare warned against es represented Lo 5. Yuu imitations. sm “just as good.” UN AU: oH A tramp ies ae the see of a gentleman, ands {‘Vve walked many ecause people very kind: miles to ise ve me to poor you, sir that you was » did :. ney a you going vate ie Phen, in that case, wi you be eee enough to aanrdiet this: ru- CURED OF LAME BACK WHEN 54. ‘Mr. Samuel Martin, of Strathroy, Ont., his life in misery, and. ago, seeing wee Pills Siete oe ed, Mtr. Martin purchased & pellet which Mr. Martin cxnereneed tie that at como 500, ff at all adeno ee rite National Drug sctoniiet co. “ek W, L.) Toronto, Ont, - [of similar acts of vio! dealers, |” WILD FARM LABORERS, Harvest Hands Do ng Endless Mis- chief in Germany, Like the farmers of the Canadian y The Deutsche ee the or- gan of the Agrarians, draws stten- pos to the fact het these foreign laborers constitute a menace to the security of the cua because the vey are guilty of all kinds of out- rages: and ae ot violence in coun- is district: At eae two houses were burned down, and no doubt exists in the neighborhood that the for- eign labor perpetrated arson. inekeeper in the acked by ep o workmen ae troutde dl. a young man a an ey dug cwaghded twa teh “whalohiced him by prodding them with a hay- fork ‘At Stavenhagen a young German was beaten to death by foreign lab- ° At another village close by a ae outrage was committed, and also ended fatally. At Moe- lina s attacked when Iy- ing in bed a foreign labors house. up in revolt ust their Sapleves) and, orming various acts of v he barns and ¥ ae on age perfc burned all the premises. All these acts of violence took lace within one week in Pomerania and Mecklenburg, and complaints ee are com- tural dis ticks ing ase other tri ni agric NO SUBSTITUTE FOR “The Menthol Pla Fecommended for stiffness, plurisy, etc. & Lawrence Co. & L." by, sveny: Made by Dav “Give me a ay of your ed Jimmy.”’ Small r! but you may ails ee mouth's sticky.”” Small Girl ed, Weal, Weary, Watery tires, | Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They y | are Seles hey are cheap. they Your "ean be ywhere, and their be “write Tor neficial action will prove their xe- ve Remedy C commendat y aro the medi- “And why were you discharged from your former place?” “Vor be- ing too im pee that’s the truth. “ ‘That’ eSnBe iat Reson dover weomanie the lar one day and dusted the old ie boitles.”” You ome Be happy ae you have cor: Then do not ¢ in getting a pottle of Hol low ae 3 Corn It removes Ww ees pain. a nds S Failure Sint Be is unknow _Headst all — That horse you re. cious- affection- Affection- ate? I should vies kk 0, W hy, when out of the stable he stood itil Seaa ane ied to. ent brace me After: making a most yaks study of the matter, U. ment scientists state ‘aetiniteiy | that the common house fly is the means of distributing typhoid fever, diphtheria and smallpox. Wilson’s Fly Pads kill the flies and the disease germs, too. 3 3 principa Jenkins—‘‘Well, sir, I gave it to that man straight, I can a you. e is twice as big as Tam, too, but T told ‘him canines thought of his rascally conduct right to his face, and Lealled ith allsthie james in the dictionary, and a others | as Studds— "And Ha t he oe to hie you, Jenkins?” cins—“No, sir, he didn’t: Cea he ried 2 answer te just hung up the felephone receiv = and walked away Tt is Known Everywhere, — There » not a city, town Sk dale es Canada where Dr. tric Oil is not know eps ia troduced it made a foothold for it~ self and maintained it. Some mer- plants on suggest some other rem- edy ually beneficial. — Such reconimentations should be ae on ec han iow ht. here elec hat is Pho. mas’. Take ‘nothing else. Kk A NIGHT WITH A SALMON, Liverpool Angler ight With amey Fish. A prominent member cf the Liver- pool (England) Vly Fishing Club went angling in fe River Wyre at Sarstang a ee ight ago. He did no ing, and his ane the terrible things apn might hs befalien him, and trembled Time on, at Hee ap: proached, but. still no sign of the angler. So his friend for med a search Parl and, armed with i the sae de. i ianatl thes came upon him— saad ou like grit cent aa mda» He had hooked fish early inthe évening, but. rod oe a light-one, he had heen unable to-land i arkness caine om; still the sal- eet struggled gallantly, and still the aegtec was ete niece Bet ea go home without it. down on the bank ard deel ay wait for the snpngs ee perhaps the oc yous But hefo: the n his friends ta Sound ieee Ce they help: mn in the refr a % Ae anticipated urs de- Tight experience,” he told his would-be r rs es he bore off his Saree eunene pep weioae to advertisers. e a ‘ vege mention the name a this THOROUGHLY SECURED INVESTMENTS Yielding 4 to 6 Per Oenk Dominion LIST SENT ON REQUEST ahs Nea NG ee offer are er by taxation or by firet with large equity. MONIGU-AT: BONDE: snares good cities, counties, towha, tind aehoot tetris RAILROAD AND PUBLIO BER- TICE BONDE” Benda? Nelhewink Canadian Stea: Electric Roads, lear. Light ant Pree Companies, INDUSTRIAL BONDS: Bonds of long-established industrica, SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED S0RoHTG | TORONTO (eh achs ‘Tumors, Lumps, rates jatacomal EDUCATIONAL and ‘external, euredl Telos in by our Dinewiaien CAE Sata" |, PODS SHORRIAND, eexooE, WANTED. ARM, WANTED.—Ontario farm wanted In xel mine {or "@4o nores Southorn Alberta fail whoat and." A hesgatn Yor someone. Powtros, 64 Dow Mtils ond, Toronto es fe St., Toronto, previ nographers in 30 days. by. the for an -LA-BIG niet at Positions se cured. Write for catalog etont. British - American [iy ollege terete WHITE ELEPHANTS. rtain town, wh chine wibaaiiates saves the wah are always planning scheme, a shocking thing happened. oFough, practical courses in all commercial subje Students may enter any ee we ite for catalogue. T. M. WATSON, Principal ACENTS WANTED, One of the popular society wome; announce “White Elephant arty.” Every gu As to bring Ray use top an: very depeeinia ould have been a igroat-supoess' but for the umloabed: for development which broke it up. ven the nineteen women seas fheis eist ene A Simple sand Cheap Medicine.— A simple, cheap ae ahenie medi- cine is somethin: desired. There is no medi “eftective a regulator of the iets system as cine of the atk man and those who h ie escape doctors’ bills will do a gi them a trial. well i Englishman.—"“Pardon me, sir, but wh come from?” Padd ie ats hae Toni Gork.”” Englishman—‘‘Then_ ae accounts I e fro} cs Hishman “Coronas Prom ens Kdy—“‘Then that aeoounts do rae Tf allowed i roam over your house those few innocent-looking house flies may cause a real trag- edy any day, they are known to be the principal agents for the spread of those deadly diseases, typhoid fever, diphtheria and smallpox. No other fly killer com- pares with Wilson’s Fly Pads. Clerks Yau Aaeey roplait thee her Photograph don yal e he Phio tographer ‘She ought to be grate: fal plate! MOUBEKEEPER—must ofton not naa Patni for ail the Tittle iis ‘ag well a ‘ol complaints, Apia sao tiga is is bub Painkiller”? ity teats amily pets Ca oe is indisponsab ous E David 8 “T shall. bring you back Tee dark trousers to be aes Mr. Snip. You Ate 4 leal.”” Nr. Snip (tai os wAL eet: and if you'll ing bill I sent you six months ago, will be pleased to receipt that. al- so. You kuow I’ve stood a good deal.” Away With Depression and Mel- ancholy.—The: evils are the Roam Mbene ou gdieuttonSt att: mach and torpid liver and mean wretchedness to all whom they vis- speediest way 8 with Parmelee’ : cue Gaaltifal Antion 6h {he -steninth and bring relief, They have prove their ainetulieis in thousands of cases cent will continue to give te- lidf to the mut SOAE who are wise ae to use the One day, a lady was travelling by a train to er When the train stopped at a certain junction la ay Mooked oat andl aS +81 said the porter; i ing rain,’ (GE is rain- Paine of a EN AND WOMEN—DON'T BR ow 0. Merril ® PRESENTED ‘ueeriat ent to sell Pelbain’s ni * i Go. ANTED — LOCAL | AED EE et 4 econ Beis tae rs Sconttnental a ‘i apply by Bene coumpeny. Con pondence confidential. FOR SALE. ;OOK—150 FAVORITE sONGS, Se teeas, music; ‘Ten conte, Arthue Rice, Granby, Que. Gitverciot# will thoes sone WrEONS. and EN Eoeitie metals ike der of Se LE aah tite DeopReea ele Net pe aquick, clean, handy way. Price 25 cents, Send ‘Loronto, TN ee $15 to $65, Ae ma ded ode ise, Hepieees Typowrlter Company, Limited, 4 BAY STRRET, TORONTO, ‘The other day'a benevolent old gentleman was stopped by a tramp, who. asked for money to’ get a night’s lodging. ‘Well, look here, mgy man,” the old gentleman said “what would you say if T red Unlata yer lifes Sar came the reply, “I woulda’t mid a hit. I can take a joke same most people !”” Help 3 yous children to grow strong 6 by seh nee any~ and robu ig worms. ther Graves’ Worm Tixter mite, It never fails, Bea sae ia Bybee os this Raper in writing te_advertisece =. CARPET DYEING yeing Got jae = ee CAN BE QUICKLY TURNED INTO CASH H. W. Netson & Co., Toronto, Ont, Agents Wanted Good live rep ares, tosell our Remed' a should m ten to loll: eekly and not tet rd. DICAL co. Sonuleweuet onT. Press and Mantle Learn Cutting, Fitting, by mail in you spare time at nd Putting Togothor home, or if. too far years, aeeeut over By ae tnd guarantee to give anyone we cannot teach for free ps explaining h; webu kcnor tater Dee gyih Sanders’ Dress Cufting Schooi $1 Erie St, Stratford, eat) Canada, Ta New System of Treatment. Cures Rapidly and Permanently. Tobacco and Drug. Habits Recently Discovered Remedy that that makes our remedy ove of the wonders of Modern Medicine. _ Patients cured secretly at their own homes against their own wiiland knowledge, No suffering, no ee no loss of time, or detention from business, no bad after effects. Bo 4 es ees charge, our 64 nai ge book, which fully ex- All correspoudence ‘peerage ieecre TE" ES. W7e wend by mail. fren. ‘of Pilbey oun 1oaes eo of treatment, of hy au be rapidly overcome seat iu a alain senvelove, sealed from. what your’ lettcr contains. confidential. Airs, Ines. ~ GURED! Marvellous Results obtained ERne Re ow the Drink, Tobaens and cure ‘obser ration, al: DE SILVA