ye nae ae Sea ig a eS: nh eee Lane a Wage a at ee oe ee ee ee eee a ee Aah SCRANTON COAL A Little Light on a Dark Subject ST. MARYS LIME J Scranton (Standard on order, J. G. HAMILTON ~G. Hamilton, sole agent for the D.L. & W. Anthracite) Coal has moved his Coal business to his new sheds on the C.P.R. and has openedan office on Main street near C.P.R. station. Ghee coal starts May 1st. Coal always on hand. Also have Coarse Salt in sacks. 30 cars now C.P.R. Station: The Milverton Sun 18 PUBLISHE: EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Bak Printing Office Main Street, - SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, $1; six months, 50 ce ee He Peon ce, “Subecribers in ‘arrears will be able topay $1.00 per year, CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES 3 1 scat get He for iret Insertion and {sper lite for cach subsequent inser- sourten Hon will be charged for all transient ‘adver- 8 ‘Advertisements without specific directions ‘mill be inserted wnt forbid and charged ac- ingly. ‘Changes for contract advertisemnts must be in the office by noon Monday. Mail or telephone orders will Fecelveprompt attentio: MALCOLM MacBMTH, ‘ublisher and Proprietor. Business Cards): Dentistry. LEDERMAN, Dentist, te Medic: F. PARKER, M.D. PL, TYE, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : puke Aon, MILVERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a, m,, and 2 toe o’cleck p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p.m Milverton, Ont| t in sash vege is for Peace Some estaternenta’ar udted by Pi pinion of Lodon shows how Penne are the.stories which are eat dustriouaty circulated in Great Britain alleged aggressive designs of Germany. -_N. ames, a Labour member he Gy wentres pees aes German trade union leaders, are pretty ah ike” ph erie ieee of a int to tight flan "ghx: Bealsaeba, Shack to fight emmoany. Tbe ‘sam I feel nef th Sepa as well gs ‘toitho British peopl Dr, Burebard, the chief Burgomaster of Hambueg, is quoted as speaking as fol! lows to ad of English men ‘who ‘lately visited tha Germon sity; “Our fleet is 5 ized fer purposes of aggression. pursuing that a’ well with your country, bound togeth- as we are t financial and com Thus think the people of Germany. his Majesty the Emper: such cutie confined to for are the jnasses. rin receiv- ing the same deputation said he hop directed towards the preservati always find a support in me tne? heralds of God’s P ee Veter Veterinary of Ontari W. BAI Surgeoi milverto ‘on, Grade , LEDERMAN, wate; WJ. ZORGER, Secy. 99, Milverton, meets Rothaermel & Son Visiting brethren, alveys welcome. R. Tucker, C. R., 8. H. Pugh, Rec-Secy. “Silver Star | Chamberlai I, Fy e Lod; geo. 3 02, Milverton, | ari meets every Friday night at| i .30 p.m. ig | Te heir hall over Public Drug el 5 _Beey. 7 Robb, R, Secy, Notary Public. w. EIR, Notary Public, Auc- tioneer rey "ihe Gounty of Perth and Waterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills an Mortgages. drawn and Affidavits made. ‘ie focnaship cand ‘meighbo: i ‘ened “with, chron Coane of England are. like clergymen of other countries, partic- is ‘pede this side Sea a pea Pa and labori Bases heartily desires rrment, to live ese ctuley its brethren beyond the Channel. Chronic Diarrhoea Oured fathe; haa for years f ic diarrhgea, and tried every means possi re, without avail,” writes “My much wor Holt by all astieciate: © : By “Canadian in London” Ottice in the Weir block Sere path of Hanae : Hotels. “y escent ‘ EXCHANGE HOTEL, Bronner, Ont. | conve F is Joh Gropp, Proprietor: Best, lig nors| marked that if he and Sir W.ifri and ‘cigars at the flash ac-| Laurier had their way they would Sommedation and large stabling, settle every outstanding question of ~| dispute between the two countries, 50 GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil) that ali sources of irritation would be erton t-elres accommodation for | speedily and finglly removed. In the conumercial travellers and others. Bo oli daye Quine looked 9 Wasbington jomple x00 ‘ t ‘anda brands of liquors; and cigars, Leas ee Wraps phar Somat Chas. Ritter, Proprietor, ApEENS HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. commodation for commercial | t The travelers so ‘Two large Ay ‘helsesb of Rete Bad Cigacras the i tab 8. George F. THE ROYAL sete Ont,, hea throagout on the most corey Best commercial sere came ale oprietor Wellesley, aed Prout attention public, Choicest liquors an: cigars, P, BERDUX, THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, pays special at ade, Splendid samp) Best and liquors “served at the bar Rates $1.50 per, day. Ww. Witt, Prop i tention to Commercial it Mr. Root ought to be proud of |W ve ae60 ished. No fewer ies between Great Brit- pbassador at Washington ‘| ual diplomatic channels. _—— A Faithful Friend 1‘ bave used Chamberlain’s in 1872, and have never found on Gtamee where < cure was eat peeeally effected by its use, Legal ei a Cannan basuna: ORPHY & CARTHEW, Heetnem salto, Ete. Solicitors for the Bank ilton. lone; oa enh 2 tobe ‘Ont, Permanent office ranged for, A member of “ne firm vail in Milverton aay ‘Thursday. ORPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, akins @ Hanley Barristers & Solicitors atford Ontario |. C, Makins Ww. J. Hanley Ont. wenity-two years of solid ‘woth te hevesenost ‘we have thd mdse aucecaafal ee ee ming bor Ss vein Gunada ith no jor im well oegive a most ‘Soros ea taint Get our tree catalogue lio &MeLachan Praia Crary “ear plee x start out on a triy Ter. mer lee sed ava remedy tor Tunty-tive years be its value and is competent Yo speak ot ‘or sale by all drug oar Big Cement Merger is now Assured As « result of further arrangements effected within the pas’ days the pany, has been tew formalities remain to comiplet- ed. n sent preferved stock an There whe alse ot| thing in the old thus thinks the nelhstng thus thinks te the past Mea Sir Wilfrid Laurier ana} men o! hat rit eighteen is eve rithout ibis, une naar friend » says | STades Ae at ichols applied for, and only aloe bond issue of $50,000, 000,000, the bonds} beatiog. 5:ner,con cents <5: ER With the Teachers ‘-"X wish Thad the snap the teacher has!” exsaimed the farmer, toiling in ‘est field im the heat of the { I get tid of you for a Gouple of months like the teacher does!" sighs the overworked mother in her heated city kitehen. the farmer and the city mo- ther picture tho teacher as spending e weeks of blissful do- ing-nothfing, establis! mewhere in the enjoyable secmusion of for, untry or wateysi They are away out in their estimate of most of, our Ontario teachers. At presont six bundred of them are toil- ing. the lon; ig hot(hours through vant: f the summer lectures. On teacher whor have mot oe in years, spoke of 6 work. She is full of, nay overflowing with eusthisiann’ “wy NS tional of such a "s saidshe. “fj despot you your are te passed through Naz- mal school and settled down for life ‘ou were supposed to read a liftle. Well, most of us confined our read ing to the text books and ithe educa- tional journals. r each teachers’ enone we roused ourselves and turned over a veseposioal new leat, ax to what we ended to become before next con vention. (‘And nexteanvantion always found us with a new 0 “But everything is so different now Here am I wit degree partly earned. (What’s more with the excep tion of attending these summer !vo tures. a don’t bave to go near the Univer: “Yet so delightful bave things been as thou; Resale Hee Hoare. of attendance at lec. res. wapptten 1 aay to wonder in the od days how, the Univ versity. Under the thought of the University as sacred to the classes. “How enthusiastic we all are up is the ing thet Ay in the position us than they would be for nest fo their regular classes. They are con tinually ise increased ‘torts, and would willingly compase the whole year’ in our five weeks’ session if such a thing wera possible. Think of some of th» p: fessors being at work with the stu. dents at six o'clock in the morn‘ng: ten at night. Oh it is a perfect re- naissance, and I delighted to get part of it—Toronto News. Short Stories Retold {01 during ‘the argument in lawsuit in ‘which titiaiSlea He Pabiicot witch have witnessed a very painful speci- men in his argument to you in begins to ‘talk, his mental operations cease, I never len: of. bit ane titna which compared with my. fiend this particular. ‘That’ w Sangamon site It had a five-foot i -foot whistle and every time it whistled it stopped.” ber in one ¢ of the public schoo’ nc! Such progress with his studies, especially with English, that we rstetul f RON felt it’ incumbent im to call i. Dereon at ‘the schoo} building and “ugha was not oe oii intelli gible is at there was no doubt of sincers wr he concluded with the gener: "Missa Teacher, I have de barb’ shop oma de ner, You bringa me your hair ama day an’ I give Mae de ee poo, Costa you mota de cen Bozman Bulger, ae baseball expert ers lin, Texas, where one N ger ‘passed t igmore the PARERE gets GbalaLA desire*to make a. ple’ with on cxplosiy: f + and rail from “Milverton tot Méle: $10 3 ntABEOF|“Dar sbe goes’ It means. dinner tin tm! warationd pai He td Exoursios | for some people—but it doan, mean troit om Sagurday, “fagost 4th tnothin’ but twelve o'clock 3e1" Iq will be the last best of ze ‘. sot bis dimme: “® you see, it ‘in The Bun ite so, oe Ss 8 gretifwation|? Ten More Days to get a Hand- some Biscuit J AL, You are Entitled to one, Every day more new customers get acquainted with our way of doing busi- ness and the range of goods we carry. The idea of choosing when there’s nothing but good quality to choose from, and back of every sale is a guarantee of your continued satisfaction, is telling in our favor right along. We wish everyone who comes here could realize how genuine is our desire to have everything thoroughly Satisfactory as to goods, service and value. Fall Opening Display of Dress Goods The Fall Festival at Engeland’s opens August 15th, ’09. vest of good goods. newest Cons. Our Showing for Fall... 30 Different and Distinct Styles at 25 Different and Distinct Styles at. 25 Different and Distinct Styles at, 15 Different and Distinct Styles at 10 Different and Distinct Styles at, = at Looe . cen and liberal education , per yard , per yard , per yard , per yard , per yard 1.50 to $2 a har- in It is 1.00 1.25 The largest variety ever shown in Milverton The above lines come in all the new shades of Birch, Lilac, Wistar Catawba Peacock Blue, Dull Greens, Taupe, Smoke Grey, Brown, Myrtle, Navy, Black. Just a Few Specials for This Week Ladies’ Black Cotton Hose gc per pair Table Napkins. 3 Ladies’ Handkerchiets fo: Tapioca per lb.. 4 Ibs. Select Raisins for..u.25 8 lbs. Rice for . ibs lemeapugar. fore. 5 6 for 20 cents 5 cents .5 cents cents cents cents 25 cover. In fact, a reg, Umbrella for. ccccscsse Extra Special Spring opener, steel rod, durable NOTICE--The biscuit manufacturers refuse to accept Empty Biscuit Tins after Sept. Ist, which means that we will have to refuse alk empty tins after Se 25th, Bring all your empty tins in at once and get credit for same. . | Here is ‘a story of . covenanting| times in Scotland, of w an o.d Jalsa ob Galioway noe the central fig- { Deaxbiog. ha ik Wea wugul: to ibe raided “by Clavertiouse, whose drag coming in search of him the oid laird effected his sate dis laird was at Well,” eaid the old cavenaster, was there when 1 was ther ent thei BE way and went this and lived to tell he truth another day. A small ohalotags popen et at the miling grocer € ‘Please, mister,” said the bey. “I can’t remember what ma set but Eins can give me permint candy, ‘cause she said 4 ean keep the change.” slay sighed the suburban man d just m,oved im, “at my place t had the prettiest little gonden that ever ‘bloomed Ne ma eighber's chickens plant OEE u id. you kick, St asked now wetyou thet ! 1 yot a big tomcat t Boon made mincemeat of bis oo 4 next I knew he had for my eae dai did iat sue Aun ee “Ob I borrow: a airaal realli to at the Spall saog." to the kmife eb? [What was Y yes one at that he|day m iB: Bs was about to wt age a ‘Ser to kill ‘well, then resp otber. ldn’t afford the} ti mever’ cares* about art ee but 1 ie tiges ae dio a that ’e"as'a clean shirt Batu epee: a as thal. tims ratly drinkini ‘Ragen, the. ne ‘Bench; tear | what ’s tigen tak “ake me via baat to fight ‘an One-osdasion owas edgaged for} 7, Ag oe ee boskemivecea tee aon of Hitteoe penta en ele e the eae CAS ong ly; but mo one paid him the slightest the conversation of rane guests " A. gentleman in ‘“Dubtin Speaking of nothing ever ‘atistied the Trials that m renee ete yet break a by ight Pieca of jolt Ake this ie a drink!” what quaint re is no tellix him, chanced to overhear two women rsing on the stairs. ‘One remarked that her busband a) potas: Sloan birt every Sun- “ian amusing, story is told of a ‘man Be had been attending a memory i grestea ‘wiih the are Peper ed pee memory Class, What beldo y ‘Creates marked bis friend 0} tell you it’s a splemdid thin short time that thing myself. name?” “Oh, bi What is "his eine ot no as I know my own meeiing a friend he was words. “I hear you — of it A antiga of the age,” re- bree hy, Why ihe te aetaember ited "t. T must look imto ¢ What's the teachers. name—vm—um—let me a ENGELAND @ SON nd Il find out and let aes ay ¥ © could remember nam ig isteach Mr. Hibatt Libby pint tot chia B Hey with Bos pay W. F. FINKBE % erent sizes, Call in and aE . Agent, Milverton » Fitted with or without ing oven evenly heated, large warming closet with drop door, when down can be used for dishes to rest on, Made in dif- get.our prices. eS ee