THE MILVERTON SUN SLOWLY DYING MILLBANK. mee Engeland & Gone baying 80'sis ___|a dozen for eggs. Thousands are slowly dying| Miss L, Fink has been sbehere as from catarrh, but don’t | [7k = ae. pitter's. ster : A few from here took in he excur- know their danger sion i ‘Goter = aaMonre ‘Mr. ookshanks, is visiting her ‘rate « Bridgenorth. A CASE, IN POINT |" Romi. at Mount Boreas, spent gonasy at his home here. i 7 i i fe ‘a ca ee ee 3 feed or coe beng This week will bea hummer in Clothing with us, Meter ona bee ved for yours dn siete eo forante: ot Manday Every suit has a cut price attached. Swec¢tsburg, Quebec, inherited Le Mr. and Mrs. John Ritter spent a ot ar pa |g th cl a $16. 00 SUITS FOR $12. 50 ae 15.00 11.50 isan ah saw ides, and wi Il espe. ‘est side in natural could not be started until the gas pipes were disconnected. To provide against sweating in the summer , of Waterioo, time, Sunshine Furnace: is equipped with a Kis, 0! eri spent ns 4 A the = week with his son, Mr. neck, child”, said Mr. Berau’t, 5 1 | Phou . s prone to an ulceration of the Qui {Ee a anive fon Here took 66 66 cou aloe of the gbroxt and nasal the !Orange salabration a¢ Brusse's oh 12.00 8.75 pose day. 66 “6 iron could possibly give, acts as protection “T grew pale and emaciated, tost al | “Ae are pleased to see Mrs, H. Stew- 10.00 7.50 for the bolts, rivets and rods from inroads of desire for a ind got into Aish aJart out again after a severe attack of 8 00 rt] 6“ 5 715 gas. When cast iron comes in contact with dreadful condition that my friends | tgnsilitis. i. i. ee aerate stéel it is coated with our special said that Catarrh was fairly eating | We are sorry to Near of the iliness Rust treatment, which prevents the uy f Mrs. W. Campbell and hope for a i slightest possibility "of rust ‘commencing “givery organ of my body asomed | Speedy xotovery. - Ae: op of Suits, broken sizes, were $6 to 4 90 anywhere in Sunshine Furnace. affected and the doctor said it was|” tise 1. Patterson accompanied by $' all one price ae . first stage of He her friend, Miss G. Strome, Linw: the ‘ood, 9. advised Satarrhosons, and I inhaled it few days at Mrs. Stew- y ’ a Cc EPR THO ra atte) menue eure Children’s Suits 20 per cent. off pay was Tew! arded in a few days by @| Miss Florence Nicholls who has ee , onderful. improvement. been engaged as clerk in Mr. Ritter’s 4 Boys’ Wash Suits in navy stripe, regu ; rSPatarrhozona ‘pleased em and the See ee ta er bene pe, regu c oh : “f oe r me ij ROTHAERMEL @ SON, - Milverton | doctor co well that I used it, contin- | Ferg ce Ge jae WAay Sl Sere Roa Coa aT Fee FER ; ually, and took Ferrozone Tablets af- avin ati ; ter each meal to build up my strength ae x ace ee “ot he bers are Job lot of Children's and Women's Hose, 10 liv about three weeks I was quite re- war (uesday vy C.P.R. it being the regular 15 to 25c, all one price. Cc tovered. and the doctor says no rem- most inect lin Nea Women hut: Catasrigaome could work ech 81° 3471. E, Doherty, district manager Grocery Specials—6 bars Canada's Best Soap mimele. “Every one in town knows 1 was }Qf, eth Rederal te, Assurance Ge Be 25¢, 4 plugs Similax Tobacco for 25c. Try our Roast+ To weak and ailing women, thor is teas ne | just about dead with Catarrb, and my| if) age Mt w odie Coffees at 15, 20 and 30c. eed” cobninal on ge, cone cure is'an evidence of what Catarrh-|¥¥°8 scbne, photographer, of a ips iaitamt ea oxen Ga pete Ser eette eo “| fhistow i was in the village on ‘Sat BUTTER 18 and 19c. EGGS 19c doz. The tormer—Dr. Shoop ecm, | a Se oS Berault.” | 4Pd8y ‘pho eee = nee jormer—Dr. BhOOp's reine ault. ae poslagy remedy, wat Baers te peral ancationin tid ee teem ot the Meme eae mucous mem! Shop's Restorative is wholly am internal trea ment. The a, ea ‘The “Nii sit Cure ea its. it 2 work while oust qo : sortaors heals focal weakmosses and 4 : abies led late 60 : ee i MY a moe 2 he con es MWe wish 9 congratulate our teach- a ae ert At the Head Headache, tired feeling aeross the| | a6. Geo, Smith, on his late success eyes, 2 , sooth all these well-known roper remedy for catarrhal and bron- < ; ehial troubles. ‘The medicated air goes vee LEE Ealing SS ade all through the air passages of the vein ee is maken the Fiiea head, throat and lungs. It kills the)" 7 esday. Pyar a a . ae Shipment ‘this year, the second going GTR. ail De S| | | | | | general tonle | Therman-at the’ head of affairs : ‘ rich: bis Entrance candidates, ong 0 "For positive loca help, use as well hahaa at the head cf ofaic ] | disagreeable symptoms are overcome theS6nie’ whose “attention you wish i s is a Estray Shoop’ S| | ete te should not be everook-| } CANADIAN PACIFIC BY. |) : Ser gos inthe et cl abe fa wily enrokan ana} | | Bicatoe trom. the greece ee VT i , ee red G read by the head of {CE ozive ali the poisanons' esefetion® | ro kmow he will continue with the pndersigned west 1-2, lot 2, con. 4, . l t py of eatarrh from the blood. One taken | We Know he wit uth riecteaemiled eel mien accede ure ed the Gfter each meal creates mew appetite | Sood work im sede » b lay, S d_byythe us tT gestion, strengthens the stom- |’, Foawing ts the report of the stand June 14th, five yearling cattle; 1 RELIABLE GROCERY THE RURRIE BRUSSORES ee : “ch Ssand invigorates the en-|ing of fhe, pum oe tae promot! | for Summer Trip to | |or vioin neicer, 4 gray bull, 1 sea AND BAKERY chool a i ed tire system i ;—Entrance, pass 390, Addie and arts ti iAny inf < — ion exams;- mtr .D , age ute steer, y information re- es atarrhorone, is avite Ree or | Lowrie 858, Marion Helm 526, Owen Pacific Coast garding ‘their whereabouts will. be as a cure for Catarrh y of | eurith 489, honors, Wm. Fink 442. fhink#ully ‘ragolved end a rewart wili = the system. It is highly recommen S50 Dathore, Wee Ea es a Eek pve I n Ss Wee cheeEe ded for Bronchitis and Asthma | ond | 99 Cee ee eertin 060 Return from MILVERTON, given to anyone caring for them. for coughs and colds has no a Eaeepie! Sheet ; - 3 $75 good going SAMUEL Engeland ‘& Bon ¢ are paying 20 ets. | fF, Comolete outfit spice for 7 Mary Muleaby 554, Edgar Rutherford May 20th te Sent, 50th Fe hie Oe. uw OE of : fozen fo ‘ie a6) jal | 551, s. Mason 550, Ma is eaee The surveying party in the interest | {j7, socts. Druggiscs or N xe Wol- | ton’ 687, Sadie Pender 517, Wm. Me-| ]| Return limit Oct. $1. Liberal stop- : x of the People’s Railway are at wark siz & Co., Kéagston, Ont. Lennan 518, Maud Mason 4 pe io | Bacon an chates os Cone yourowh Peas ve now in stock f Bade irl ee oe . 1V—Melviile Dunbar 58 satry-—the West, th MM pteye ne ei he Rawaeais™ clea aie a POOLE acerced? Taare MeFadai 587, fina Wine the Seattle Es Bxposivion COMMERCIAL a very complete line The ‘hay crop seems to be a fair 2 Norman Hoifmeyer 520, Geo. Rs Oe ancon ae Teen talon 4c o8 Corn or of the newest crop and the farmera are busy at it | fy, Howard Magwood, traveller for|ith 510, Nore: Diente see Honey TALK IT OVER WITH es Daring the past week they have had Hoke Wermicke Con 8 Reinwald 0 ‘Sr. I1l—Perey 5 fine weather nd a great deal of it whe nya ‘pending «short. vaea:| Hoftm yer ate ere) pe W. H. SANDERSON, Agent, bed ie Tomatoes ns keen jouse t home, leaves for a él Henderson atter Raby MILVERTON, ONT. 3 Engagement Bis, tit Mile Mi Boles Buieo, ya ares: rr ce Bapert AE ctcoeaiee oils | enderan 62 597, Victor McLennan a w 3 80 9 80 fae our he saresks the post eae BS ear Manitoba flour, per cwt... , 30 3 30 beir son, Edgar. Peart. Cot , Milvercon, 1s 502, Mabel Lantz ’ 4 t and Mr, and Mrs. J. Quebl, of Tavistock, Osea Pe ehchaes teleuid pe curinger Shotts per ton. wisited friends here over Sunday and Oe Fre ays with be : Bs Geo. A. Smith, Prin, Strayed Wedding x phoma dal ae wre, Gep. Le Nieumester has com-| To Jr. 11]—Iréne Nuhn 550, Alex ne contract on the cwivert | Watt sis, Gordon He 5 loward the peccrteny, rat ths Hodamigaek mth. “at ariatoc, pleted a oitige. 5 Steven 492, Mabel ge. Somy years ago era s one ewe and ‘lamb. Owner may nets Rings, Etc. ee pats rae Ida Kube, who tile Mere sad. cba ow-) Griffi Ores. Pe (McLennan 485. oe iy “prpvinig propecty pet € 4 » great depth of lay and| Lizzi T 478, Christ E. 2.1 ing expenses. fie i e heavy rain felt during, tnt ing te they broke down and are now | Ma Hoffmeyer 469 Alex McKee |: Sito. HOPF, Milverton Also a nice line of sturday might accompanied by fierce | oe .a by. heavy corrugated iron pipe | 426, Willie Gordon 424, Harvey. Ceaw- shunger. Sai Ngee repreh we erust will stand ‘the stram. | ford Mb Werte Mex «420. Grahem Frcieceaia Wedding Presents ‘A ‘riendly game of baseball was!“ ii Maggie Mayberry is at preset | MeKeo 896, Willie Ert y wi 6 ‘ ; & Pare eats Rae op winoet0y ellek ate hey brothers and- sisters in ate Pete ener fe ae, SA d \¢ m from - me to rel e vita. biel resulted in aii easy vie ie aud around Poote. = Sibson hndersigned fabout June dst, ‘a small Mr. and Mrs. Mayberry Eve : Owner may have same b; tory” for the wistors "The seare at a cr and Miss Dunbar pede red heifer. if may dave aime by Bastendorff Pct: eM gloat hn ei seieipiele ngeland & San are paying 20 ots proving property and paying, cast, am tball team, or at least a part|a dozen for Ros s aeosastiea eee — ote soptte played the return game | My. and Mrs. Frank Schiel, of Fore H fe E o ‘ “ ‘tverton on Tuesday. evening, we|adale, spent Sunday at Mr. Chas eifer Ee eetay, a] at Mand, did fairly well consider- | Gohl's ihe four of the regilar team were un-| = Mr. amd Mrs. E. C.. Kmoblaueh spent Btneyea from. the premises of the VOTERS’ LIST 1909 wvoidably @! ¢. The score was 2-0) last Sunday at Mr. Sucboff’s in Eima. | yndersigned 4 Bolatein Mhelfer. ‘Any ’ Mtavor ot Milverton, This practica:-| | Master Joe Dantzer, of Dublin, is Infigynation aa, to ‘her wheresbote pea 3 ly winds up footbalj for the season ape Pere eee, Cee At awh oe thankfully received by Municipality of the Foe no} is unele, Fr. Dantzer. ; OXFORDS Provincial Loan of $3,500,000 HAWKEBVILLE: eve and we eo a ht JOHN BUCK, Rostock] Village of Milverton ‘HE Gov ERNMENT OF THE PRO- wie re ae} yb Gatschen in the arate: Perth. t Sunday at |ob Gatsel The Only Shoe for vINGE ONTARIO, under the au- Alvin Shelly spent fi MMissce Panel and: ‘the Strangway For Sale or Rent Notice is he: analy iva that I have Mm. thority of (Chapter 8, of the Statutes artes Sylvia Shelley, of Berlin, was spent the 12th at Brussels. Summer Comfort of Ontario, 1909, invites subscriptions achuaintances at Quite a Tiumber from here attended | P{OUSE AND STABLE AND TWO LOTS tramemitted or delivered to the per- from the public for a les of Se or tpatd me A the raising at Mr. Tony Moser’s at | 5 Mill St. Milverton. ‘The house Isa) sons meintioned in sections 8 and 9 ee 3 nda of the Province of On| ie ae op Ganrid, ar, and Master |Dorking on Saturday afternon i unstalry and | of the Ontario Voters’ List act the! "Mhe Cook’s Deli ht tario, or Sanh io Government Stock” |, Str- thas. eae bas Waterloo, | Mr. Dan Hanley, of Ob = If not be| Popies ‘required by said sections to & i ds. will be dated “at June, | Arthur Howie of last week at |iting at Mr. Jas. Kepnedy’s. ftrsapoly to be rented. For further particu-| be ko transmitted or delivered of the ok SEWEL t be eine beater on fest: ate Se ee rs (We were pleased to see Mr. Chess. JavoHs RICHARDSON, toetsoage tera ie ee of ne oe @ sack o} our will be ‘ , in denominations of $1,000 eac! a , fi it F bi verton, On’ pearing e last revis- : $ from here |Merrick, of Linwood, in, our burg on : 8 with coupons attached for interest at mbes cara fom Lem | Sunday afternoon and eveniny ed ftssessment. roll of ‘the said muni- | how much Detter, “things you get tout Ried SCO cele i Rael tag pana TER ET) ustoln. The rain | Mr. Dennis Hanley has erected sev- Ran 1 Away i mint the entitied :ta vote in t ayabie half-year'y on the 1st June | Powers xcept off untis she frame | eral porches which Fisl ag areas heaped eee mesh - dewe erreeetarraar ? ovina | ieee atthe apr and every tbing Spagsed off | (0 the appearance of bis residence T tpik Soy) “aasa:| woe ve Guneislpel mibealotiacene te ; smoothly in spite of the threatning = Sivaew about 46, ares. brown suit and cap| the said list’ was first posted up in | bakes. more godd loa) pati bed reg a Over. misty ive Years and ‘baying in his possession an over-| my office at Milverton on the 22nd | than any | ber Mareen Whilst engaged io pate Bolte: 1 1872 there wan’ gre a acai ot | 2 coat ren " way from my ‘Disge about day vf Sone, 1909, and remains ihere aye pers eta ot fs :s per mother la: re x 1 i ae une. yone harboring or inspect males Nelson ‘Snider, ynfortunate:y made a | diarrhoea, tlysenter: iota holera in: will be held responsible | Electors bre called upon to exainine }could not equal. - tere ga NR S Tt thi ime that i f tie Provincia] |‘misstep amd fell, breaking her a-m jum. Tb we “i to he soni If his whereabouts id. if} any bested! or tieadiay: tid santorscas Se eeyatle ae snc wrist. Dr. Weidenbammer | Chamberlain's Colic, ‘Obolera and Di- |i; known by ahyona [ would like to|any other ‘Goa seetong Sarares) ein Pfe ffer Bro s. 4 to A Ned to set the fracture amd ac-|arrhoea Remedy was first brought es e ea ed with at once. take immediate Semele Lt BA ee foie if ‘ering to 0 set thorte it is iprov-|into fuse. It proved more successful |” °° z Lage uaa anit urrewe comscoreaineoees Apis bevomalaniged tor “Ontario Gove (eng a than any other remedy or treatmen:, /f Neilson Galloway, Tralee, Ont- | ing to law. sores = emment Stock” at ang time. ast ednesday ‘Mr: Ben, HII boop | ad Met at pire re ere aes mt WEIR, are Pa “Ontario Government | Stock" will |catter for Mr. H, E Ratz, of St. Clem: | tain record, From a smal! be- Notice To Contractors Sevry Miaverton. reat oe the mistorn eto have his | ginning its sale and use has extended Dated we ativerton ‘this 22nd da: ee «| hua ug ne nie aE alte aby ae tee ee Snide) (wee ravine © ate ee tro, Asa and plonsngsirap ae Drei iy to ; foreign wi of , con. are very reasonable...... Ast day of J qutter pda vosreted part of Ce net | Grugelsts out of ten will recommend |14, Mornington, on Friday, July. 16th, : Ss ; ; member paces eatiammess “tice | It whem their opinion is asked, gl-|a¢’2 o'clock p.m. for tha purpose of is ERMANN hast ea avers though they, have other medicines | jotting the job of building a new “ ; Hewesvilie, oe tet pay them a sea ‘profit. It} pridge of cement abutments and steel | : ‘ om Ge a bs CARTHAGE. cam elways a sepenast upon, even | superstructure and cement flooring. i 4 (slate in_ thy most severe, am eens Plans and specifications may, be seen : poor ake wages. ror ele yy all dru he with me on the above date. A. de- oven for bem, ee ee posit of $25 wil have to be made to ' > avery beavy thunder storm pasted : Briel tts aoe =or— fs over our ares urday 2 Ost, lee itu « |Sue zes Peers TF YOU ARE Ag] =|} __suiTs MADE TO ORDER June, 1909, will be 102 for 00. | done the was very much E' and after the 30th ay of June, 1909, |neede a = a tl : > the issue price will be 108 and inter: | 8 limber of our citizens atende est acerued from the 1st June, the camp meeting at Moore on PICTURE ~ ALL BON (ott Soedettoalt Gol toe INSkinnD a Sean purchased < One of the best opportunities ever offered THORIT ug, : A mere IRE PRE. om ee fine camber et out loyal citizens Gus taker, we want to re- (om P. R. Time Table - tomen of Linwood and vicinity. During July and August we will : seit al tous Spring Suitings and PROVINCIAL TAXES, GES | brated the Battle of the Bayne in fait you that we sell est Slankion, going weat, 854 atings following greatly $ | SUCCESSION. DUTY AND TMPOST- Brussels sg x. Jack and son, Ale¥. Paces aahlies GF all iis, bree Sim. Going! coat reduce nae TIONS {W! pea |e eee poids wwe DATE P oto Supp! 3.85 p.m. Milverton, Spee S40 Simei is vis caine Bie te eer Newton, Visited friends kinds and of the best Dm, Be Going east, 814 a.m Te CLEAR OUT our stock, 25 suits jing from 0 o “ ol weel 38. p.m. $24, now only vith the appleation. payable to the | Mr. and Mrs. A. Ament, of Stratford . ay always fresh. See es ee 82 tn. zs will be sold at a very big reduction from the regular price before we com- mence stock taking. We have Black Cheviots, Serges, Canadian and Scotch end here for your— order of the “Provincial Treasurer of |are visiting Mrs. Ament’s wother, Ee: % Laas 4 1k in the Goderteb: ex- loan ta raised upon the eee use ir and report a| Pic. Films, Papers, $15.50 to $18.50 $ ore. ay A AL the Gansouasted Revenis Fund ‘of | puistar All our $6 Panting for 4.50 Ontario, and is chargeable Shatenpon feligbtful wundortak Mounts and Chemicals. Te Cee end cee the ae aS bseribers should state whe! : ; ie 5 : A good selection to choose from. $ | they aaae bonds or “Ontario Govern- rake : a Vacation Special attention giv- 8.38 2 a. ph pier er a whether you inva aris or thee You Call in and see. these. goods ion Seer aie en to orders ears By mail. m., 88 will certainiy be surprised at the pees whether u <3 ‘A subscriber for $1,000 |, time to take a vacation Aon EY SE wil I have the option. ot taking x citer ae rv fs te the ‘woods, fields and G. T. R. Time Table’ at which we are offering them. . . ee ge ee beg of ay Bt aoe re eerioes ‘iber fe oauke 4 i a erie Ee a bottle KODAKS FROM How $1 to $25 BOING: BOUT: lone... Also cover any size of but- ‘ock.””" subscriber for wi do mot 4 : am. p.m. p.m. cond atanoduaticprice: be ie “Ontario Stock’ int fo tain’ Colic, Cholera, and Brunner som on 988 ts A _ GET FIRST CHOICE ON $83 bands are oniy in the a tiow | Di Remedy along, with you. It | ilverton : SATISFACTION — of $1,000. aod a gee we dete to be needéd and E. A. ROBERTSON <@ | Newton: : 4 nes camnot be obtained on railroad trains , hi hear It is ae gouch, of : Drug PRs fone (to leave home, on sales : tor Bay re ale re all Wellington St,, Next Roy pul tt Joumey without it “i |$ STRATFORD, ~~ ONT. YAWdvertise in The Sun.